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The complex of AI solutions of the Telematics concern will provide comfort and traffic safety along the M-12 highway in the Urals

Customers: Single Operator (formerly Central Ring Road (TsKAD))

Moscow; Transport

Product: Video analytics (projects)

Project date: 2020/04  - 2022/12

2025: Plan to equip the "smart" transport infrastructure of the Vostok M-12 highway on the Dyurtyuli - Achit section

The "single operator" will equip the continuation of the largest high-speed highway M-12 "Vostok" on the Dyurtyuli-Achit section connecting Bashkiria and the Sverdlovsk region with modern systems of "smart" transport infrastructure. A whole range of developments based on artificial intelligence will be used on the highway. All these solutions together will provide effective traffic control, improve safety, help reduce accidents and increase average speed on the track. This was announced by the "Unified Operator" on March 18, 2025.

The M-12 Vostok highway is the longest highway in the world equipped with Free Stream technology. As of March 2025, the highway connects Moscow and Kazan. In 2025, it is planned to launch traffic on the Dyurtyuli - Achit section, which will be a continuation of the M-12 in the Urals. The length of the road will be 275 km, it will pass through Bashkortostan, Perm Territory, Sverdlovsk Region.

The "Unified Operator" will introduce a traffic control system with automatic incident recognition on the site, which in real time will inform drivers about obstacles, repair work or accidents and warn about the need to rebuild into another lane or change the speed limit using easily readable messages and variable information signs on information boards. Advanced charging systems will determine the numbers, types and class of cars, as well as allow you to pay for travel in various convenient ways.

We strive to make the track an example of a modern expressway built using the latest technology. Advanced "smart" systems that equip the highway will help improve security, save travel time and reduce logistics costs. We hope that the opening of the Dyurtyuli-Achit section will become a powerful incentive for the development and cooperation of two large economic centers - Bashkiria and the Urals, - commented Victoria Erkenova, Deputy Chairman of the Board for Intellectual Transport Systems and Digitalization of Avtodor Group of Companies.

The wide variability of the group's products allows us to be flexible and comprehensive in the implementation of projects, using the most suitable solutions or combinations of them for greater efficiency. Traffic control systems, charging, weight and size control - all these technological solutions designed for Durtyuli - Achit have already shown their effectiveness at the Central Ring Road and M-12, making the trips of millions of drivers more comfortable and safe, - commented the general director of the company "Unified Operator" Marcel Nigmetzyanov.

Traffic control and control on the road will be carried out with the help of more than 550 units of various equipment: transport detectors, video cameras, weather stations. Six automatic points of weight and dimensional control (APVGK) will also be installed on the "smart" road, which will help maintain the proper condition of the roadway.

The M-12 Vostok high-speed highway is part of the Europe-Western China international transport route, which will stretch across the country from Moscow to Vladivostok by 2030.


Test plan for a domestic neural network that recognizes dirty car numbers

The Unified Operator company (part of the Telematics concern) plans to connect domestic software with neural network elements to the recognition of dirty state registration plates (GRNZ) of cars in pilot mode . It was developed by SoftTelematics (also part of the Telematics concern) for the Free Stream barrier-free charging system. This was announced on December 22, 2022 at the Telematics concern.

Recognition is ready to be tested at the beginning of 2023 at the Central Ring Road and on open sections of the M-12 highway. The software solution based on machine vision will further recognize contaminated GRZs that could not be determined at the charging boundaries. In case of a positive test result, the "Unified Operator" will come up with an initiative to amend the regulatory legal framework in order to take into account the data when making administrative decisions.

"The existing technological and intellectual resources of the Telematics concern allow us to apply advanced solutions in our work. Software using a neural network will bring the number of poorly read and deformed numbers to zero. In the future, the technology, if necessary, can also be trained to identify deliberately hidden GNZs based on the distinctive features of machines, such as dimensions, scratches, plates, stickers, etc. To do this, the software will compare similar cars throughout the vehicle base that have ever passed along the paid highways of the State Company, "said Avtodor Marcel Nigmetzyanov, General Director of the Unified Operator company.

To travel on toll highways operating on the "Free Stream" principle, drivers do not need to stop in front of barriers and spend time at payment points. Cars pass without reducing speed under the road frames on which various cameras and sensors are located. The bill for travel is formed automatically by the actual distance traveled based on the classification of the car and recognized license plates. Since the opening of the first paid section for December 2022, more than 124.9 million transactions have been recorded through the framework of the Free Stream.

Road Accident Reduction

The Unified Operator company (part of the Telematics concern) analyzed the impact of driver awareness about weather conditions on road safety and found out that the highest effect from the use of weather stations within the framework of the automated traffic control system (ASUDD) is demonstrated in the winter months. It is during this period that the risk of road accidents increases due to difficult weather conditions. In general, according to the "Unified Operator," informing about weather conditions on the roads allows you to reduce the accident rate and severity of accidents from 10 to 20%. The Telematics Concern announced this on December 6, 2022.

data Statistical weather stations installed on were used for analysis. Central Ring Road Meteorological equipment, integrated intelligent transport system in the Central Ring Road, introduced by the company "" (Kazan Telematics part of the Telematics concern), helps to predict and notify drivers in advance of the need to reduce speed in adverse weather conditions, which contribute to increasing the level of road safety.

The Central Ring Road as the most technological and "smart" route in Russia is equipped with meteorological stations that track various meteorological parameters: air temperature, wind speed and direction, road surface temperature, visibility, intensity and amount of precipitation, relative humidity, atmospheric pressure.

Weather conditions have the greatest negative impact in winter, which is why the main share of the system's weather alerts - about 83% - falls on the winter period. Also, the most frequent notifications come when changing seasons, especially at temperatures bordering on 0 ° C.

According to statistics at the Central Ring Road, the meteorological station informs drivers about such unfavorable weather conditions as a slippery road in 51% of all weather messages of the system, the sidewind is 27%, insufficient visibility or fog - 19%, 3% of reports were recorded about snowfalls.

Based on data from weather stations located at the Central Ring Road, December is the most difficult in terms of weather conditions. This month, the most notifications are recorded. And the most favorable month is June - less than 1% of notifications of the total.

Weather conditions have a huge impact on road safety. The alerts that came from the weather stations at the Central Ring Road on the variable information board made it possible to warn drivers in advance about bad weather conditions and quickly influence their speed limit. After all, the largest number of accidents occurs due to the wrong choice of speed. Thanks to informing drivers about weather conditions, road accidents can decrease by up to 20%. And as a result of the comprehensive work of the automated traffic management system, which includes identifying incidents, informing drivers, monitoring traffic flows, it was possible to reduce the number of accidents by almost half, - said Marcel Nigmetzyanov, General Director of the Unified Operator company (part of the Telematics concern).

2020: Technology Platform Implementation

On November 11, 2020, the National Telematics Systems (NTS) company announced that Kazan-Telematics has developed and implemented a technological platform for the Central Ring Road (TsKAD). As of November 2020, this is the most technology-rich highway in Russia. This is a non-stop fare payment system, an intelligent traffic control system of the latest generation and a single charging system. In addition, as part of the launch of the Central Ring Road, the possibility of interaction of intelligent transport infrastructure with unmanned and connected vehicles was tested .

The Central Ring Road became the first road in the Russian Federation on which a barrier-free fare payment system was created. The software and hardware solution, working on the principle of "Free Flow," is adapted to difficult weather conditions. It allows you to pay for the actually traveled section of the toll track without reducing speed. The system automatically classifies cars and recognizes their license plates, issuing bills that can be paid through a mobile application, personal account on the site or using a transponder.

Together with the Free Stream system, a unified toll collection system (ESWP) was launched at the Central Ring Road in Russia, which was also developed by engineers of the NTS Concern (the Kazan-Telematics company is part of the NTS concern). The platform collects everything information about the use of paid road infrastructure (both free flow and barrier-type systems), processes it, bills it and conducts transactions. The USWP unites all toll highways of the country into a single system, which makes it possible to launch complex and combined tariffs and develop additional convenient services for users.

The latest generation automatic traffic control system implemented at the Central Ring Road collects and processes information on weather conditions, accidents, flow density transport education and congestion, on the appearance of foreign objects, pedestrians or animals on the road. Data come from sensors and. cameras

Based on the results of their processing, scenarios are launched that correspond to the situation on the road. If the incident poses a danger to road users, then the information is displayed on the information boards and signs of the Central Ring Road site. Drivers can also receive warnings through on-board devices of cars connected to the road infrastructure, and in the future - on personal smartphones through a mobile application.

The highway's intelligent road infrastructure can interact with self-driving vehicles. This option was demonstrated as part of the launch ceremony of the third section of the Central Ring Road, through which an unmanned truck drove. The road section is equipped with a connected infrastructure, combined into its own local high-speed wireless data transmission network. These are cameras with real-time video analysis systems, sensors, sensors and other devices, information from which is used to prevent emergencies, warn drivers and unmanned vehicles about the need to make a maneuver, slow down, change lanes, and so on.

Test launches have shown that a comprehensive solution for automatic traffic control at the Central Ring Road can become an important element of the ecosystem of safe unmanned cargo transportation. This will reduce the cost of robotic vehicles by an order of magnitude and speed up the process of digitalization of the transport and logistics industry.

The solutions of the Concern "National Telematic Systems," implemented at the Central Ring Road, have great export potential and will be supplied to international markets. First of all, in those where the group of companies is already present: in the CIS, the countries of South, Western and Southeast Asia, as well as Latin America.