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The government of the Penza region switched to the independent version of the EDMS CompanyMedia

Customers: Government of the Penza region

Penza; State and social structures

Contractors: Program-T, InterTrust
Product: CompanyMedia

Project date: 2012/04  - 2023/01
Number of licenses: 2500

2023: The transition to the CompanyMedia system based on free software and the implementation of the EDM format - 2.7.1.

On April 20, 2023, InterTrust announced that the Government of the Penza Region had completed a project to switch to an independent import-dependent Electronic Document Management and Workflow System (EDMS), implemented on the basis of the CompanyMedia system. The main goals of the project were import substitution - the transition to an updated version of the CompanyMedia system based on free software and the introduction of the MEDO format - 2.7.1. As of April 2023, more than 2,500 users work in this version of the EDD.

Goals and objectives of the transition to the updated CompanyMedia

Since 2006, the Government of the Penza Region has been working in the electronic document management and workflow system based on CompanyMedia, at that time POIBM Notes/Domino was used as a platform for the CompanyMedia system .

Since the initial introduction, all executive authorities of the Penza region and a number of subordinate institutions have been connected to the system. Also, the EDD was deployed in 30 local authorities (OMSU), in each of which a separate document flow circuit was implemented. At the same time, due to the peculiarities of the architecture of the IBM Notes/Domino platform, the implementation of this scheme required the installation of a dedicated Domino server for each OMSU.

By 2021, due to the state policy import substitution need to replace the IBM Notes/Domino platform with a domestic solution. In addition, the Government of the Penza Region has a need to expand the functionality of EDD, transfer users to use the web client and support the updated interdepartmental electronic document management (EDM) version 2.7.1 format.

Among the other goals of the transition were:

  • Increase the performance of EDMS taking into account a significant increase in the number of users and processed documents in electronic form;
  • Reducing the time required to perform operations with documents;
  • Improving the quality and speed of decision-making;
  • Centralization and simplification of system administration;

Project objectives

The main goals of the development of AIS DD:

  • Import substitution, transfer of AIS DD to the CompanyMedia system, which uses domestic or open source software as basic components.
  • Transition of the updated format of the interdepartmental electronic document management system - MEDO 2.7.1.

Project progress

The contract for updating the CompanyMedia EDDS in the Government of the Penza Region was signed on October 11, 2021. The main contractor under the contract was Program-T (Nizhny Novgorod), which is a partner of InterTrust, the developer of the CompanyMedia system. The areas of responsibility in the implementation project were distributed as follows: the deployment of the CompanyMedia system, the transfer of previously completed improvements and integrations to it, the creation of improvements, as well as the migration of data from the old version of the EDMS, were within the competence of the Program-T specialists. Software support and training of users were under the responsibility of InterTrust.

Due to the large number of users and organizations actively working in the EDD, the project was divided into several stages. At the first stage, it was planned to transfer the Government and executive authorities of the Penza region, including subordinate institutions, to the updated version of the system. As part of the second stage, the transfer of local governments is planned at the EDD.

Immediately after the conclusion of the contract, the specialists of the Program-T company began installing the software of this version of the EDDS on the servers of the Government and configuring the EDM version 2.7.1, which is supported in the updated version of CompanyMedia. In parallel with this process, work began on data migration.

Since the customer required continuous operation of the EDDS without any stops of the EDDS, all work on updating the system was carried out simultaneously using the old version of the system, so that users could continue to work in the EDDS.

In January 2022, at the end of the first stage of the project, users of the Government of the Penza Region and executive bodies of state power began work in CompanyMedia. At the same time, users of local governments continued to work with the old version of the system, since their transfer to another version was scheduled for the next stage. To implement this possibility, a special CompanyMedia gateway was installed, ensuring compatibility of the old and updated versions of the EDDS in terms of the exchange of electronic documents.

An important task of the second stage of work was to move away from the scheme, in which a separate server was used to ensure the internal document flow of each organization. In this version of CompanyMedia, it became possible to start an unlimited number of organizations in a single installation. Specialists of the company "Program-T" carried out work on the installation of such an installation with the help of consulting support of engineers of the company "InterTrust." For each local government body of the Penza region, its own independent document management circuit was configured within the framework of one CompanyMedia installation. At the same time, application administration in EDMS reduces to the administration of one instance of the system in a single web interface, which greatly simplifies the work of EDMS administrators in further system administration.

To organize a single space of electronic document management of local governments with the Government of the Penza Region, the CompanyMedia-Corporate Gateway module was configured, which, in addition to ensuring information interaction, made it possible to simplify a number of operations with electronic documents. For example, when sending an outgoing document from the Government of the Penza Region to the OMSU through this gateway:

  • Details and content of the outgoing document are automatically filled in in the card of the incoming document in the OMSU;
  • The fact of creating an incoming card is reflected as a delivery summary on the Government side;
  • The fact of registration of an incoming document in the OMSU is reflected as a summary of registration with the Government;
  • The creation of resolutions and reports on the implementation of the incoming document in the OMSU is reflected as reports on resolutions and reports on implementation in the Government.

By mid-July 2022, the 2nd stage of the project was completed, all local authorities of the Penza region were connected to the EDD. For each organization, documents and reference books were migrated from the old version of the system. An important issue throughout the project was training users to work in the web interface, since they previously worked in the Lotus Notes desktop client. The training was conducted by specialists from the InterTrust training center. At a specially installed test stand, real processes of the Government of the Penza Region were organized, on the example of which InterTrust teachers explained the differences in work between the old and updated versions of the EDD. Key users and clerks were trained in an in-depth face-to-face program, and webinars were held for ordinary users.

Project results. Development plans.

As of April 2023, more than 2,500 users work in the EDD.

Due to the transition to the current platform, a number of processes were significantly accelerated - coordination, consideration and signing of management documents, as well as search.

All EDMS servers, including the servers on which OMCS operate, are installed centrally, a single web-interface is used for subject administration of the entire system.

A transition to another format of information interaction was made using the interdepartmental electronic document management system version 2.7.1. All the goals facing the project have been fully achieved.