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"Elar" digitized the correspondence of his son and grandson Repin

Customers: Research Museum at the Russian Academy of Arts (NIM RAH)

St. Petersburg; Science and education

Product: IT outsourcing projects

Project date: 2020/01  - 2023/06

2023: Works on digitization of funds and archives of the museum-estate of I.E. Repin "Penaty"

In 2023, ELAR Corporation continued to digitize the memorial funds of I.E. Repin, P. P. Chistyakov, as well as the Drawing and Engraving funds at the Research Museum at the Russian Academy of Arts. This was announced on August 16, 2023 by representatives of ELAR.

The main works on the digitization of the museum funds were associated with the funds and archives of the museum-estate of I.E. Repin "Penaty." Of great historical value is the correspondence of the son and grandson of I.E. Repin: Yuri Ilyich (1877-1954) and Georgy Yuryevich (1906-1974) Repins.

"The letters also contain" Italian memories "of Yuri's trip to Italy with his father, I.E. Repin. They are full of live paintings, - said Maria Hartanovich, a specialist at the NIM RAH videographic data bank. - "In the water I saw in places live slices of lemon, they were squeezed, then straightened!? - These are jellyfish, - your grandfather explained" - one of the many sketches about the Repins' stay in Venice. Digitization materials will be used in the publication of the general catalog of the memorial fund. The archive will be put into scientific circulation through scientific, scientific and museum publications. Already, postcards with photographs from the life of I.E. Repin in Penaty are very popular, as well as other photographic materials on the history of the Russian art school - rare portraits of outstanding artists, architects. "

Since 2021, the Museum of the Academy of Arts, in cooperation with ELAR Corporation, has been carrying out comprehensive work on modern digital visualization and digital system research and museum processing of funds. Digitization is carried out on the domestic professional equipment ELAR, which provides careful and safe scanning for originals of various physical conditions and various formats. As of August 16, 2023, 64,630 museum items were published on the museum's website, research, publication and exhibition work were reflected, the Research Museum at the Russian Academy of Arts reported. In the public domain you can find digital copies of collections catalogs, collections of articles.

2022: Completion of the large-scale stage of digitization in NIM RAH

ELAR Corporation announced on July 28, 2022 the completion of a large-scale stage of digitization at the Research Museum at the Russian Academy of Arts - during the project, not only a scan of paper exhibits was carried out, but also the digitization of voluminous objects: sculptures, objects of decorative and applied art - only about thirty thousand objects.

With the help of professional  ELAR scanners, many different museum items from various collections were digitized. ELAR experts worked, among other things, in the memorial museum-estate of I.E. Repin "Penaty," digital copies of the exhibits of the artist's workshop, his personal belongings, as well as the works of the son of IE Repin - Yuri were created.

Digital copies were also created for the works of such large Russian, Soviet architects as A.V. Shchusev, I.A. Fomin, N.A. Trotsky, A.E. Belogruda, unique avant-garde works of the VKHUTEMAS era were digitized.

Digital copies are actively used in publications of a scientific, popular science, souvenir products. So, for the anniversary exhibition "Roads of Palestine": for the 140th anniversary of the Imperial Orthodox Palestinian Society, "an album was released reproducing engravings from the series" To travel with children in the holy land "(1849). To the exhibition "Young Lady in Pennes." Graphics A.P. Ostroumova-Lebedeva. For the 150th anniversary of the birth, "sets of postcards with graphic works of the famous Leningrad artist were released,
told the specialist of the videographic data bank NIM RAH Maria Valerievna Hartanovich.

Specialists of the Research Museum at the Russian Academy of Arts note that the digitization of museum collections performs several tasks - to ensure the availability of the collections of the museum fund of the Russian Federation stored in the museum for professionals and the widest audience; creating security copies that allow, without physically disturbing objects, to show them for research and museum and exhibition purposes, as well as popularizing the world architectural and cultural heritage.


Plan to digitize memorial meetings about the lives of prominent educators and painter

ELAR on December 17, 2021 announced that it would digitize memorial collections about the life of outstanding teachers and painters at the Research Museum at the Russian Academy of Arts in St. Petersburg.

In the summer of 2021, ELAR Corporation digitized one of the largest museum funds - "Architectural Drawings" and "Architectural Graphics." As of December 2021, work is underway to digitize documentation on the accounting and storage of museum values ​ ​ of the Russian Federation, which is actively used in the daily work of keepers and employees of the accounting department. The digital version allows you to get both prompt access and exclude physical contact with sometimes dilapidated paper sheets, - explained in MAX.

During the current project, work will continue with monuments of graphics, painting, sculpture. It is planned to create an electronic library of editions of the museum of previous years. As a result of the project, we will receive 238,877 symbols, - said the head of the video-graphic data bank Maria Valerievna Hartanovich. - Digitization will affect memorial meetings related to the life and activities of outstanding artists, teachers P.P. Chistyakov, I.E. Repin, A.I. Kuindzhi, I.I. Brodsky.

Digitization is carried out on professional scanning equipment designed for careful and safe scanning of archival, museum, library and other funds that include, among other things, valuable and dilapidated originals that require a special approach. The IAC is confident that high-quality digital copies of museum items will significantly expand the museum's audience, circle of communication with visitors and the professional community.

Both objects and scientific catalogs, collections of scientific articles are promptly published on the museum portal. Thanks to digital copies, we introduce the vast Internet audience not only to the museum collection, but also to the research understanding of collections through participation in thematic exhibitions, scientific publications, "said Maria Valerievna Hartanovich, head of the video-graphic data bank. - The Internet portal of the museum with digital copies of objects is considered by us as a platform for cooperation and communication, expansion of exhibition and research activities. Our joint work with ELAR on digitalization will allow us to adequately present the museum on the portal of the State Catalog of the Museum Fund of the Russian Federation. "

Digitization of more than 30 thousand architectural materials

The corporation "Elar" on June 9, 2021 announced the implementation of a project to digitize more than 30 thousand architectural materials from. Research Museum at the Russian Academy of Arts

In particular, in the process of digitization is one of the largest funds of the museum - "Architectural Drawings" and "Architectural Graphics."

The Research Museum at the Russian Academy of Arts is one of the oldest museums in Russia. The Imperial Academy of Arts in St. Petersburg was founded in 1757. Over the centuries of its existence, the museum has collected original design drawings, measurements, watercolors, drawings and models of both Russian and French and Italian masters.

"During the current project, electronic copies will be created for 30,472 museum items," said the head of the Videographic Data Bank department of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "Research Museum at the Russian Academy of Arts" Marina Valeryevna Hartanovich. "This number of exhibits accounts for twice as many digital files due to the need to digitize the reverse sides containing important litters, stamps, signatures."

With the help of professional ELAR scanners, museum items will be digitized, for example, the museum houses one of the largest collections of works by Carlo Rossi, Auguste Montferrand, Alexander Bryullov, collections and individual works by Ivan Fomin, Vladimir Shchuko, Alexander Shchusev, Noah Trotsky, Leonid Rudnev. Collectible works were used in the reconstruction of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior (Moscow), the Church of St. Vladimir in Chersonesos (Sevastopol), in the study of the history of architectural monuments of Crimea, central part of Russia.

According to the head of the Videographic Data Bank department, the digitization of museum collections performs at least three tasks: "This ensures the availability of the collections of the museum fund of the Russian Federation stored in our museum for professionals and the widest audience; creating security copies that allow, without physically disturbing objects, to show them for research and museum and exhibition purposes, as well as popularizing the world architectural and cultural heritage. "

Images of museum items will be presented on the official information portal of the museum

2020: Digitization of Museum Collection Books

The corporation "Elar" carried out work on the digitization of books of receipts of museum items Research Museum at the Russian Academy of Arts- electronic copies will be used to fill the automated museum system KAMIS and further transfer State to the catalog of the museum fund. Elar RUSSIAN FEDERATION announced this on August 5, 2020.

Book of receipts

The ELAR Corporation digitized the books of receipts, which contain a description of museum exhibits. The accounting of museum items is the most important area of ​ ​ activity of any museum, aimed at ensuring the physical and legal safety of funds, as well as important for the study and use of museum collections. Creating electronic copies of accounting documentation makes it possible to optimize the daily work of employees of various departments of the institution.

Digitization of accounting documentation allows you to increase the efficiency of working time use through prompt access to documentation. This applies not only to employees of the accounting department, but also to other museum services interested in obtaining a wide variety of information, - comments Maria Aleksandrovna Yanes, chief curator of the Research Museum at the Russian Academy of Arts. - Digitization has a qualitative long-term systemic effect on the work of museum units thanks to modern, mobile access to data.