Agriculture in Russia
Export and import of dairy products in Russia
Main article: Export and import of dairy products in Russia
Fermented milk products (Russian market)
Main article: Fermented milk products (Russian market)
Dairy production up 6% year-on-year to reach 12.4m tonnes
By the end of 2024, the volume of dairy production in Russia increased by 6% compared to 2023 and amounted to 12.4 million tons, analysts at BusinesStat calculated, whose data were published in February 2025.
According to experts, production growth continues the positive dynamics observed in the industry in recent years. For the period from 2020 to 2024, the production of dairy products in Russia increased by a total of 12% - from 11.1 to 12.4 million tons. An increase in volumes was observed almost annually, with the exception of 2022, when a slight decline of less than 1% was recorded.
Experts attribute the temporary decrease in production in 2022 to the difficulties encountered by manufacturers due to disruption of supply chains for imported equipment and spare parts, a shortage of packaging for perishable products, as well as interruptions in the supply of foreign starters. These factors led to a significant increase in the cost of production - by 23% compared to the level of 2021.
In 2023, the industry overcame most logistics problems, which allowed to increase production by 4% to 11.7 million tons. Positive dynamics remained in 2024.
BusinesStat experts note that in the dairy market there is a differentiation of consumer demand depending on the level of income of the population. Traditional products - drinking milk, sour cream, cottage cheese - maintain steady demand even with declining incomes of the population, while more expensive categories (yogurts, ice cream, cream, glazed cheeses) are more sensitive to the economic situation.
In 2023-2024, against the background of the growth of real disposable income of Russians, the popularity of modern and niche dairy products increased. Increased demand for almost all categories of dairy products contributed to an increase in production by 4-6% per year during this period.[1]
Yoghurt production in Russia for the year increased by 10.1% to 11.6 billion liters
Yoghurt production in Russia increased by 10.1% and reached 698 million liters in 2024. The share of this product in the total output of dairy products was 6%. Such data was presented by the Center for the Development of Advanced Technologies (CRPT) in February 2025.
According to TASS, the volume of dairy production in Russia in 2024 increased by 3% and reached 11.6 billion liters. Among key categories, the yogurt segment showed the greatest growth. The processed cheese market also showed significant dynamics - its production increased by 8.9% and reached 319 million kg.
The largest producers of yogurt in Russia:
- JSC Wimm-Bill-Dunn"."
- LLC "Danone Industry."
- PJSC "Dairy Plant" Voronezh. "
- LLC "Kampina."
- OOO "Ehrmann."
Yulia Kuzmina, head of the excise-free food department of the CRPT, noted that in the fourth quarter of 2024, the share of packaged yogurt in the structure of dairy sales increased from 6.5% to 6.9%.
The leader in the production of dairy products in 2024 was the Central Federal District with an indicator of 5.1 billion liters. In second place is the Volga Federal District - 2.6 billion liters, in third place is the Siberian Federal District - 961 million liters.
Production of other dairy products in 2024 also showed growth:
Cottage cheese and curd products - an increase of 8.6% to 620 million kg. Milk-containing products and desserts - an increase of 5.8% to 382 million kg/l. Ultra-pasteurized milk - an increase of 5.3% to 1.6 billion liters. Butter - an increase of 1.6% to 451 million kg.
Kefir production in 2024 decreased by 4% and amounted to 922 million liters, becoming the only category of dairy products with negative dynamics. The share of this segment in retail sales also decreased - from 8.6% to 8.3%.[2]
Increase in drinking milk production by 5% to 6.1 million tons
The production of drinking milk in Russia in 2024 increased by 5%, reaching 6.1 million tons. The volume of state support for the industry increased to ₽81 billion. This was reported in February 2025 at the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia. Industry experts attribute the growth to state support measures, subsidizing manufacturers and expanding the capacities of processing enterprises.
According to Prime, growth is observed in all main categories of dairy products:
- Cheeses - 841 thousand tons (growth 5.1%).
- Cottage cheese - 474.5 thousand tons (growth of 5%).
- Ice cream - 600 thousand tons (16.6% growth).
- Cream - 362 thousand tons (growth of 14.7%).
- Yogurt - 791 thousand tons (growth 6.6%).
- Fermented milk products - 2.7 million tons (growth of 3.2%).
Artem Belov, Director General of the National Union of Milk Producers (Soyuzmoloko), emphasizes that the demand for dairy products is growing significantly faster than the production of marketable milk.
According to the Ministry of Agriculture, the main driver of production growth was an increase in the raw material base. In 2024, 34.07 million tons of raw milk were produced in all categories of farms, which is 0.8% more than in 2023.
The increase in state support for the dairy industry from ₽62 billion in 2023 to ₽81 billion in 2024 contributed to the development of production and the expansion of the range of products.
The positive dynamics in the dairy industry indicates the effectiveness of state support measures and the growing demand for dairy products among the population. The increase in production volumes in all categories indicates the stable development of the sector.
Expanding the raw material base and increasing the production of finished products demonstrate the potential for further growth in the dairy industry. State support creates favorable conditions for investment in production and modernization of enterprises.[3]
Growth in milk consumption by 2% to 26.3 million tons
In 2024, the volume of milk consumption in Russia reached a record 250 kg per person. According to the press service of Rosselkhozbank on January 21, 2025, the total production of marketable milk increased to 26.3 million tons, which is 2% more than a year earlier in 2023. This indicator updated the previous highs noted in 2023, and demonstrates a steady growth in demand for dairy products.
According to Rossiyskaya Gazeta, the production of key dairy goods continues to grow. So, for the nine months of 2024 compared to the same period in 2023, the production of cream increased by 16%, ice cream by 15.9%, cottage cheese by 8.5%, and cheeses by 8%. Russia already ranks third in the world ranking of cheese producers after the European Union and the United States, and is also among the top ten leaders in butter production.
According to Denis Konstantinov, Deputy Chairman of the Board of Rosselkhozbank, cheese is one of the fastest growing categories of dairy products. Consumption of this category reached 10.5 kg per person per year. In addition, a long-term increase in demand for natural dairy fats is expected, which gradually replace vegetable analogues in consumer baskets of Russians.
The export of dairy products from Russia also demonstrates positive dynamics. By the end of 2024, its volume in physical terms is expected to exceed 1 million tons, which is 22% more than a year earlier. This growth strengthens the country's position in international markets and contributes to increasing the competitiveness of the domestic dairy sector.
Experts predict a long-term increase in demand for natural dairy fats, which gradually replace vegetable analogues in the diet of consumers. Against the background of stable domestic demand and increasing export volumes, the Russian dairy industry is strengthening its position in the global market.[4]
Growth in milk production in Russia by 0.6% to 34.02 million tons
In mid-January 2025, it became known that Ministry of Agriculture Russia it recorded an increase in the production of raw milk by 0.6% to 34.02 million tons in all categories of farms in 2024.
According to TASS, 21.5 thousand tons of milk were received in the corporate sector. Agricultural organizations increased production by 600 thousand tons due to increased productivity, despite the reduction in livestock. In farms, a decrease in production by 300 thousand tons was recorded.
According to the Institute for Agricultural Market Studies (ICAR), competition for milk fat has intensified in the second half of 2024 due to the limited supply of raw milk. This is due to summer heat in the main producing regions and a general decrease in livestock.
Demand from high-fat dairy producers, especially in the ice cream segment, had a significant impact on the market. Butter price indices from the beginning of 2024 to the middle were on average 29% higher than in 2023.
In July, a sharp increase in prices began, and by the end of September the butter price index with a fat content of 72.5% exceeded last year's figure by 1.7 times. The cost of one kilogram of oil reached ₽900.
Cheese prices remained relatively stable through September thanks to higher production and high inventories, beating 2023 figures by 4-8%. The subsequent increase was caused by a general increase in production costs.
According to the publication, since August 2024, there has been a monthly increase in prices for dry dairy products: dry skim milk rose in price by an average of 7.5%, dry whole milk - by 6.3%, dry whey - by 10%, while prices did not reach peak values in 2022.[5]
A dairy production plant was launched in Saratov for 1.6 billion rubles
In Saratov, in July 2024, a new dairy production plant was launched. Investments in the project amounted to ₽1,6 billion. The enterprise, built by Sokol Dairy Plant LLC, is located on the territory of the Stolypinsky Industrial Park. Read more here
Reduction in cottage cheese production by 4.4% to 440.7 thousand tons, butter - by 1% to 323.2 thousand tons
Russian dairy producers in 2023 reduced the output of key positions: cottage cheese production decreased by 4.4% to 440.7 thousand tons, and butter - by 1% to 323.2 thousand tons. Data on the dynamics of the industry was published in November 2024.
According to Rosstat, December indicators also showed a decrease: cottage cheese production amounted to 35.7 thousand tons, which is 1.2% less than in December 2022 and 4.8% lower than in November 2023.
In Russia, theAgainst the background of the general decline in the industry, significant growth was demonstrated by the production of cheeses - by 16.2% to 792.3 thousand tons per year. December output reached 73.5 thousand tons, exceeding December 2022 by 18%.
Sour cream production increased by 6.7%, amounting to 583.5 thousand tons. The output of whole milk decreased by 1.3% to 5.7 million tons, although the December indicators exceeded the level of December 2022 by 0.5%.
According to the information and analytical agency Milknews, more than a thousand enterprises operate in the dairy industry of Russia, including such large producers as Ecomilk, Pepsiko, Molvest, Dominant, Valuyskoye Milk and Uva-Milk. For most of them, the production of oil and cream is a concomitant direction in the release of whole milk products.
After the introduction of foreign trade restrictions, imports from non-CIS countries decreased from 33-37 thousand tons to 4 thousand tons. The main foreign supplier remains, Belarus providing 85% of dairy imports in the amount of 75-80 thousand tons per year.
In the second half of 2023, consumer demand for butter increased by 7% while demand for margarines and spreads decreased by 8%. The average price of oil producers in September 2023 was ₽479,3 per kilogram.[6]
Growth in milk powder production by 7.3% to 204.8 thousand tons
Milk powder production in Russia is showing steady growth, as evidenced by data for 2023, published on August 2, 2024. In 2023, production increased by 7.3% or 14 thousand tons, reaching 204.8 thousand tons.
According to Agroexport, the export of milk powder from Russia for the period from January to November 2023 increased 5.4 times compared to the same period of the previous year, exceeding 17 thousand tons. In value terms, the volume of exports increased 2.9 times.
The main share in the export structure is occupied by skimmed milk powder, the supply of which increased 5.9 times over 11 months, reaching 14.9 thousand tons. Shipments of whole milk powder also showed an increase of 3.3 times, amounting to 2.1 thousand tons.
The key importers of Russian milk powder in 2023 were neighboring countries. Exports to Kazakhstan increased 4.9 times to 10 thousand tons, to Armenia - 13 times to 1.9 thousand tons. 1.4 thousand tons of milk powder were sent to Georgia, despite the fact that in 2022 deliveries to this country were not carried out.
Among other large buyers, Azerbaijan (1.2 thousand tons, an increase of 118 times), Belarus (745 tons, an increase of 3.9 times) and China (656 tons, an increase of 29%) were noted.
Russian dairy products are becoming competitive both in the post-Soviet space and in the markets of non-CIS countries. Over the past few years, new support measures have been introduced to stimulate export supplies - Director General of the National Union of Milk Producers Artem Belov. |
In 2023, Russian milk powder producers began to develop new markets. In June 2023, deliveries to Saudi Arabia started, in October 2023 - to the Philippines, and in November 2023 - to Algeria. The latter is the second largest importer of dry dairy products after China.[7]
Named the largest milk producers in Russia
In July 2024, the 15 largest milk producers became known, each of which annually produces over 100 thousand tons of products. This information was presented in the joint rating of Soyuzmolok, Milknews and Streda Consulting.
According to Agroinvestor, the first place in the list by a significant margin is occupied by a company "EcoNiva" whose gross yield in 2023 amounted to 1.256 million tons. In second place is Agrocomplex named after N. I. Tkachev with an indicator of 328 thousand tons, and closes the top three, "Agroindustrial complex" producing 224 thousand tons of milk. The top five manufacturers also included agricultural holding ("Steppe" 179 thousand tons) and (Rusmolko 161 thousand tons).
According to the rating, the 30 largest companies account for 17% of the total milk production in the country. At the same time, the threshold for entering the top 30 increased to 65 thousand tons. Experts note that in the near future new players who are actively implementing investment projects, such as Rumelko, Vostok Agro and Kama Bacon, may be included in the rating.
The total production of marketable milk in Russia in 2023 increased by 5% and reached 25.8 million tons. For the first half of 2024, the increase in agricultural organizations amounted to 4%. Soyuzmolok CEO Artem Belov emphasizes the importance of expanding production capacities and increasing the production of marketable milk due to growing domestic demand and expanding export supplies.
Alexey Gruzdev, CEO of Streda Consulting, notes the tendency to enlarge dairy complexes. If earlier a complex of 1.2-1.8 thousand heads of dairy herd was considered typical, now it is 4.5-5 thousand heads or more. The main advantage of large farms is economies of scale and optimal logistics. However, there are also disadvantages: significant investments, the need for a large land bank and high requirements for personnel qualifications.[8]
Growth in dairy production by 2.6% to 11.57 million tons
In 2023, approximately 11.57 million tons of dairy products were produced in Russia. This is 2.6% more than in the previous year, when the output was estimated at 11.27 million tons. The corresponding indicators are given in the BusinesStat review, which was published in early February 2024.
The data covers food categories such as fermented milk products (varenets, yogurt, kefir, prostokvasha, ryazhka, sour cream), butter, milk and cream, milk powder, canned milk, ice cream, cheeses, cottage cheese and curd products. One of the key market players is named "Wimm-Bill-Dann," "Ah End En," Firm "Agrocomplex" named after N.I. Tkachev, "Milkom" and "Hochland Russland."
According to BusinesStat estimates, in 2019, dairy production in the Russian Federation amounted to 10.77 million tons. In 2020 and 2021, an increase of 2.8% and 2.2% followed, respectively - to 11.08 million and 11.32 million tons. It is said that output is most dependent on domestic demand for dairy products.
In 2022, due to the current geopolitical situation, production decreased by 0.4%, being at the level of 11.27 million tons. The industry has faced a number of difficulties, including failures in the supply of equipment, spare parts and starters. In addition, a rapid increase in prices for packaging dairy products was recorded. The fact is that European Commission it limited the supply Russia of paints (pigments), solvents, bases for the production of stickers and adhesives, which provoked significant difficulties in the release of the main types of packaging. Plus, firms Elopak Stora Enso Tetra Pak specializing in the production of packaging for perishable products announced their withdrawal from the Russian market. The situation began to stabilize after the business of these companies in the Russian Federation was transferred to the leadership of Russian divisions.[9]
Lactose production triples in 4 years
In 2023, approximately 1.86 thousand tons of lactose were produced in Russia. This is almost three times more than in 2019, when the volume of production of these products was estimated at 0.71 thousand tons. Such data are provided in the BusinesStat report, released on May 24, 2024.
Lactose, or milk sugar, was not produced in industrial volumes in Russia after the collapse of the USSR - it was imported mainly from Europe (from,, France,, and Germany Lithuania). Netherlands Italy Poland The fact is that Soviet enterprises producing lactose and lactose syrup remained on the territory and countries of the Belarus Ukraine Baltic states.
The question of the need for import substitution of these products arose in 2017, and two years later the production of lactose and lactose syrup was organized on the basis of the Stavropol dairy plant. The project was implemented with partial subsidies from the federal budget and lending to replenish working capital. The initial capacity of the production line was 5 tons of finished product per shift, and in 2021 the capacity doubled. As of 2023, in addition to the Stavropol dairy plant, the list of leading dairy sugar producers in the Russian Federation includes the Voronezh dairy plant, Uzlovsky dairy plant, Milk and Syrodel.
Since 2019, the volume of lactose production in Russia has been steadily growing. So, in 2020, production reached 1.18 thousand tons, rising on an annualized basis by 64.5%. In 2021, an increase was recorded at 40.1%, and the final result was 1.65 thousand tons. Then the growth rate decreased: in 2022, 1.73 thousand tons of products were produced, which is 5.1% more than in the previous year. In 2023, growth was at around 7.6%.[10]
The growth of imports of equipment for milk production doubled to 8.7 billion rubles
In 2023, the volume of imports of equipment for milk production to Russia reached approximately 8.7 billion rubles. This is more than twice the result for 2022, when the figure was 3.8 billion rubles. Such data in mid-March 2024 was published by the Association of Manufacturers of Specialized Equipment "Rosspetsmash."
It is noted that in 2023, supplies of equipment for the dairy industry in the Russian Federation from abroad returned to the level of 2020-2021. According to Rosspetsmash, the volume of production of machines and equipment for the production and processing of milk in Russia (milking equipment, milk processing systems, milk separators) amounted to about 3.7 billion rubles at the end of 2023. This is 5.5% less compared to 2022.
The report, published on March 14, 2024 by the analytical agency Milknews and the industry association Soyuzmoloko, said that the dairy industry in Russia had adapted to the current geopolitical situation and sanctions by early 2024. The supply of process equipment and spare parts through parallel imports has been established. At the same time, supply chain gaps and a multiple increase in delivery times, as well as currency jumps and difficulties with international payments have a serious impact on the industry.
Analysts point to a difficult situation with modernization projects and the construction of new facilities. This applies primarily to large industries, where the most high-tech solutions are used with high requirements for performance and quality of execution, reliability and maintainability. Previously, such sites were equipped with equipment from leading world suppliers. However, in 2022, a number of major manufacturers stopped direct supplies of equipment to the Russian Federation.
The collapse in the industry was avoided thanks to the prompt reaction of market players and equipment suppliers, which sharply increased stocks of original parts. This gave time to find analogues and new suppliers in friendly countries, primarily in China and Turkey, as well as adapt logistics and payment schemes as part of parallel imports, the study says.[11] |
Dairy consumption set an almost 30-year record of 249 kg per year per capita
In 2023, dairy consumption per capita in Russia reached 249 kg per year. This is 3% more compared to 2022, when the indicator was estimated at 241 kg per person per year. The recorded result was the highest in 28 years and almost corresponds to the level of 1995. Such data are given in a study by the National Union of Milk Producers (Soyuzmoloko), the results of which were published on February 19, 2024.
The report says that an increase in dairy consumption in the Russian Federation has been observed since 2019, when sales were approximately 234 kg per capita per year. In 2020, the value rose to 240 kg, and a year later increased to 241 kg. In addition, there is an increase in raw milk production: in 2023, it showed an increase of 2.5% on an annualized basis, reaching 33.8 million tons.
According to the Vedomosti newspaper, referring to Soyuzmolok's statistics, according to the results of 2023, Russia produces more than 85% of dairy products consumed itself, while imports account for less than 15%. At the same time, almost all imports (about 90%) are provided by Belarus.
The retail value of dairy products at the end of 2023 was only 0.5% higher compared to a year ago. The average retail price of pasteurized milk was 74 rubles per 1 kg, ultra-pasteurized milk - 79 rubles. Analysts note that on average during 2023, retail prices for dairy products were 2.6% higher than in 2022 and restrained food inflation. The cost of milk and dairy products among producers for the year increased by 1.67%. Relatively low producer prices are also associated with export difficulties: the growth of supply in the domestic market restrains prices.[12]
Decrease in production of equipment for milk production by 16% to 3.3 billion rubles
According to the Rosspetsmash association, published at the end of January 2024, at the end of 2023, the volume of production of machines and equipment for the production and processing of milk (milking equipment, equipment for processing and processing milk, milk separators, excluding packaging and marking equipment) in Russia amounted to 3.3 billion rubles, which is 16% less than a year earlier.
According to experts, high dependence on imports remains in the segment of milking equipment, as well as high-performance equipment. In general, the entire range of dairy equipment is produced in Russia, the weak point is the underdeveloped services for the engineering of production lines.
According to the materials of Rosspetsmash, in 2023 the volume of imports, after a sharp decline in 2022, returned to the level of 2020-2021. There is no significant change in the geography of supplies in 2023 compared to 2022. The main countries supplying their products to Russia are Poland, Italy, Spain, Germany, the Netherlands, France, Turkey and others. Turkey demonstrates a significant increase in the supply of equipment to Russia, the study notes.
The association stressed that domestic enterprises are ready to replace foreign equipment. The bulk of Russian manufacturers constantly invest in the development of production. A number of companies are implementing comprehensive projects related to the construction of new production sites.
Earlier in January 2024, Roman Salomatin, deputy director of Rosspetsmash for Food Engineering, cited data according to which in the segment of milk processing equipment, production in 2023 decreased by about 15%, imports - 11%. At the same time, the share of domestic equipment on the market is more than 40%.[13]
Growth in milk production to 33.5 million tons
Milk production in Russia in 2023 reached 33.5 million tons, which is about 0.5 million tons more than the previous year. Such figures were cited by the Minister of Agriculture of the Russian Federation Dmitry Patrushev on January 23, 2024 during the 25th Congress of the National Union of Milk Producers.
According to the head of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation, over the past five years, Russia has confidently maintained an increase in the production of raw milk. At one time, the annual increase was even 700-800 thousand tons, the minister said. Patrushev also cited data according to which the production of cream in Russia at the end of 2023 increased by 21%, raw - by 16%, ice cream - by 12%.
As noted in the Ministry of Agriculture, thanks to the improvement of genetics and the use of modern technologies in the industry, a trend has formed in recent years to increase dairy productivity. In the first six months, about 4062 kg of milk were fed up in agricultural organizations (except for micro-enterprises) per 1 cow. This is 6.6% higher than in the first half of 2022. The increase makes it possible to compensate for the reduction in the number of cattle in private farmsteads and to ensure a stable positive dynamics in the development of the industry.
The Ministry of Agriculture calls dairy cattle breeding one of the investment-intensive and promising areas of animal husbandry. To stimulate this sector, the department implements various state support measures, including reimbursement of part of the capital costs for the construction and modernization of dairy complexes, including specialized sites for raising young cattle, as well as preferential investment and short-term lending, compensating and stimulating subsidies. At the same time, the focus of attention is to support effective projects with high productivity of the dairy herd, the ministry added.[14]
2022: Russia's largest milk processors named
In July 2023, a new edition of the rating of the largest milk processors in Russia was published. The study was conducted by analysts from the National Union of Milk Producers (Soyuzmoloko), industry agency Milknews and Streda Consulting.
According to the results of the study, in 2022, Russian companies accelerated their growth rates to 15%, despite foreign sanctions and the rejection of marketing activity. Danone remained the leader in the rating (on July 16, 2023, Russian assets were transferred to the interim management of the Federal Property Management Agency), whose revenue amounted to 126.9 billion rubles, which is 3.4% more than a year by year.
PepsiCo was in second position in the ranking with revenue of 117.2 billion rubles. Molvest Group of Companies has the third place with revenue of 45.2 billion rubles. On the fourth line is the holding "Komos Group," which increased revenue by a quarter, to 39.9 billion rubles. Renna Group of Companies is in fifth place with revenue of 38.8 billion rubles and dynamics plus 7.2%.
Analysts noted that the companies included in the top three have very different revenue growth topics - 3.4, 8.7 and 17.4%, respectively. Danone has the lowest growth rates. The highest revenue growth rates of EkoNiva Group of Companies - by 74.9% to 11.9 billion rubles.
Soyuzmoloko CEO Artem Belov, whose words are quoted in the rating, noted that thanks to compensation for a sharp increase in production costs, some companies managed to achieve growth by more than 35-40%. The companies of the second and third tens with a traditional all-white assortment were especially successful.
As noted by Streda Consulting Alexei Gruzdev, in 2022 the share of the top 30 players in the market remained at the level of about 50%, and despite inflation of 19%, the total turnover of these players' companies grew by only 15%, since against the background of weak consumer demand, not all companies managed to grow together with the market and achieve comparable growth rates.[15]
2021: Rusagro got rid of the dairy business
Rusagro got rid of the dairy business, which the group announced on October 19, 2021. The company sold the last cow's milk farm - it is located in the Belgorod region. The buyer of this asset has not been named. Read more here.
Danone and Wimm-Bill-Dann give up positions in the Russian dairy market
The volume of the Russian dairy market at the end of 2020 reached 1.25 trillion rubles, an increase of 9.5% compared to 2019. This is stated in a study published in July 2021, which was jointly conducted by the consulting company Streda Consulting, Soyuzmoloko and the Milknews news agency.
As Vedomosti writes with reference to this report, Danon's share in the Russian dairy market in 2020 amounted to 9%, down 1.8 percentage points compared to 5 years ago. The share of Wimm-Bill-Dann (part of PepsiCo) in the same period fell by 2.3 percentage points, to 8%.
Sales of Danone dairy products on the Russian market at the end of 2020 increased by 1.7% to 122.6 billion rubles, Wimm-bill-danna - decreased by 1.3% to 99 billion rubles. The top three leaders included the Renna group (owner of the Korovka from Korenovka and Alekseevskoye brands). The top 5 was closed by the GC "" Molvest("Vkusnoteevo," "Fruate," revenue of 28.7 billion rubles) and "Komos Group - Milkom" ("Zelenoe Village," revenue of 26.9 billion rubles).
Market leaders continue to actively increase capacity, and the industry, despite the difficult situation in the economy in recent years, remains attractive for investors, - said the general director of Soyuzmolok Artem Belov. |
According to him, the dairy sector is becoming more and more interesting due to the opening export opportunities. International companies in recent years have given priority to the modern dairy category and more complex and high-margin products, while in traditional categories and cheeses the leading positions are gradually occupied by regional players and large federal companies, he added.
According to analysts, the rating participants consolidated 50% of the market - these are high indicators compared to the raw milk production sector, where the trend towards consolidation is only gaining momentum.[16]
Milk production growth by 2.7%, to 32.2 million tons - Rosstat
Milk production in Russia at the end of 2020 increased by 2.7% compared to 2019 and reached 32.2 million tons. This is evidenced by the data of the Federal State Statistics Service (Rosstat). According to the ministry, in December 2020, milk production in the Russian Federation increased even more - by 3.1%, to 2.4 million tons.
Minister of Agriculture Dmitry Patrushev, speaking at the XII Congress of the National Union of Milk Producers (Soyuzmoloko), noted that the indicators of 2020 in the industry turned out to be the best over the past 10 years.
According to Patrushev, milk production in the Russian Federation in 2020 increased by 855 thousand tons, and milk yield per cow, which exceeded 6 thousand kg (in agricultural organizations), also became a record.
It is noted that in the dairy industry in 2020, the production of ice cream, cheeses, cottage cheese, butter increased. The production of fermented milk products and milk powder remained at the level of 2019.
In 2020, an increase in the cost of production of Russian raw materials milk was recorded, which is mainly associated with an increase in the price of the feed base due to adverse weather factors, especially in the regions of Siberia (an increase in the cost of feed of about 45%), in the Center (+ 10%), Volga region (+ 7%). At the same time, the Russian dairy raw materials market continues to be influenced by relatively expensive imports.
The Minister of Agriculture also said that in 2020, foreign trade in dairy products exceeded $300 million, which is 12% more than a year earlier. For five years, export volumes in this category increased by a third. The supply of cheeses, cottage cheese, butter and whey is growing most actively. Sales markets for us are traditional - this, Kazakhstan,, Belarus, Azerbaijan Uzbekistan he added.[17][18][19][20]
2016: Reduced production and shortage of milk 7 million tons
Milk production in Russia decreased in 2016 by 0.2% to 30.7 million tons. Milk production in farms increased in 2016 by 6%, in agricultural enterprises - by 2%. According to Rosstat.
The Ministry of Agriculture estimates the shortage of milk at 7 million tons. The shortage of milk in Russia will continue in 2017 due to a reduction in production in personal subsidiary farms, said in March 2017 the head of the National Union of Milk Producers (Soyuzmoloko) Andrei Danilenko.
"Themilk shortage persists. Unfortunately, it is intensifying, because a very large share (milk - ed.) Is still produced in the private sector. The volume of production in the private sector will gradually decrease, at least by 5% annually, "Danilenko said, Interfax reports.
Processing enterprises are provided with milk by only 70% of the need. At the same time, domestic dairy products occupy about 90% of the assortment in stores.
"So we do not provide ourselves with raw materials for the production of the necessary volume of products. Because in dairy farming the situation is as follows: you invest today, and you get results in seven to ten years. Accordingly, approaches to state support and state strategy should be long-term, "Soyuzmoloko emphasized[21].
- ↑ In 2020-2024, dairy production in Russia increased by 12%: from 11.1 to 12.4 million tons.
- ↑ "Honest sign": yoghurt production in the Russian Federation in 2024 increased by 10.1%
- ↑ Drinking milk production has increased in Russia
- ↑ Russia in 2024 updated the record for milk consumption
- ↑ Ministry of Agriculture reported on production and crop records
- ↑ Industrial production dynamics in 2023
- ↑ In 2023, Russian exports of milk powder grew 5 times
- ↑ Soyuzmoloko: in Russia there are 15 companies producing more than 100 thousand tons of milk
- ↑ In 2023, dairy production in Russia increased by 2.6% and reached 11.57 million tons.
- ↑ In 2019-2023, the production of lactose and lactose syrup in Russia increased almost 3 times: from 0.7 to 1.9 thousand tons.
- ↑ The import of dairy equipment into Russia in 2023 increased to 8.7 billion rubles
- ↑ Dairy consumption in the Russian Federation set an almost 30-year record
- ↑ The volume of production of dairy equipment in Russia decreased by 16% in 2023
- ↑ Milk production in Russia increased by almost 500 thousand tons over the year
- ↑ Soyuzmoloko: in the ranking of milk processors, Russian companies have accelerated their growth rates
- ↑ Danone and Wimm-Bill-Dann reduced their share in the Russian dairy market
- ↑ Milk production in Russia in 2020 increased by 2.7%
- ↑ [ Milk
- ↑ production
- ↑ in Russia in 2020 exceeded 32 million tons]
- ↑ Danilenko: the milk deficit in Russia is increasing