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2023/01/20 14:02:25

TAdviser review: Digitalisation of banks 2022


Digitalization allows banks to simplify customer access to financial services, automates key tasks of employees and helps save operating costs by optimizing the number of offices and workplaces by financial institutions. Every year, banks invest millions and billions of rubles in the development and implementation of digital tools. 2022 was a special year. In the spring, bankers had to urgently carry out work on import substitution of foreign IT products and rebuild business processes, where necessary. In the second half of the year, emergency work was completed, and some banks began to develop digital services in the new conditions.

Results of 2021

For several years, digitalization has been a key trend in the development of the banking industry. In 2021, Russian banks spent[1] 514 billion rubles[2] for digitalization in general. This is partly due to restrictions associated with the Covid-19 pandemic, which prevents customers from personally visiting bank offices. Nevertheless, the level of bank costs for digital solutions and technologies increases by 12-14% annually. What trends are driving the digitalization of banking?

Analysts and experts distinguish the following areas:

  • Optimization of remote work of banking employees;
  • Growth of online transactions;
  • Simplification of access to bank services;
  • Development of remote sales channels;
  • Fighting scammers;
  • Expansion of the use of artificial intelligence technologies;
  • Go to data-based management, etc.

The digitalization of banks in 2021 was widespread. A large number of initiatives and programs aimed at providing digital services have been launched. Two years of the pandemic led to an explosive increase in demand for online services. Banks in response to this challenge were actively engaged in the development of IT solutions, - says Yuri Kolbasin, partner of the Digital Economy League, director of Big Data.

According to him, the volume of the digitalization market in banks in 2021 amounted to more than 500 billion rubles. Growth will continue and will be approximately 15%. At the same time, the main market share will be in the top 5 banks (VTB, Sberbank, Alfa-Bank, Rosselkhozbank, Post Bank).

Many banks in 2021 specifically accelerated the pace of digitalization. According to Julia Amiridi, Deputy General Director of Intersoft Lab, the second year of the pandemic has passed under the sign of "accelerated digital transformation." In addition to transferring products and customer service to digital format, banks have engaged in "internal" digitalization. It took urgently to modernize banking software and infrastructure in order to be able to quickly and connect improve client services, introduce new digital offers, etc. The achieved level of "digitization" of data, internal and external processes laid the foundation for a wider application of a data-oriented approach to business assessment and planning, preparation of personalized proposals for customers, formation of regulatory reporting and other documents.

Largest IT providers in banks

The company became the leader among IT suppliers to Russian banks in 2021. CFT Its revenue from relevant projects increased by 5% and reached 28.8 billion rubles. The top three also included companies Jet Infosystems and. Rubytech

The total revenue of all participants in the rating exceeded 144 billion rubles.

Largest IT suppliers in Russian banks

No. N/n Company Revenue from IT projects in banks in 2021, million rubles. including VAT Revenue from IT projects in banks in 2020, million rubles. Including VAT Dynamics 2021/2020,% Key customers
1 CFT28,82627,4435n/a
2 Jet Infosystems17,295,714,50519.2n/a
[[Rubytech (formerly IBS Consulting)Rubytech12 56012 2562,5н/д]]
4 * * * * (1)10 751.79 576.4n/a
5 I-Teco10 006.29 237.48.3n/a
6 IBS Group9,8887,71228,2Sberbank, VTB, Otkritie, Rosbank
7 Diasoft7,7006 80013.2n/a
8 Digital Economy League7 4095 78428.1VTB Bank, Sberbank, Alfa-Bank, Rosselkhozbank, Post Bank
9 FORS Group6 2673 45381.5VTB Bank, Sberbank, Tinkoff Bank, Alfa Bank, Gazprombank
10 Step Logic5 120n/an/an/a
[[NeoflexNeoflex4 080,12 609,256,4н/д]]
[[Tegrus - Merlion ProjectsTegrus2 8983 846-24,6н/д]]
13 SDTECH2,754.12,228.2n/a
14 BSS2 504.42 541.7-1.5GPB (Gazprombank), Novikom, VTB (Vneshtorgbank), Bank of ДОМ.РФ (formerly Russian Capital (Roskap), RSHB
15 Cinimex2,3361,96918.6Alfa-Bank, Gazprombank, Rosbank, VTB, Rosselkhozbank, Raiffeisen Bank, Otkritie Bank
16 Organizational & Technological Solution1 860.41 48725.1n/a
17 BPS Innovative Software Solutions1,7541,684Gazprombank, Sberbank, Rosselkhozbank, Alfa-Bank
18 Unitech1,5541,37413,1RSHB, Raiffeisen
19 Usetech98357571Alfa Bank, VTB, AaBars, MKB, SMP Bank
[[SimbirSoft (SimbirSoft)SimbirSoft930,256764,1н/д]]
[[Selecty (Selecti)Selekti IT]]800200300VTB, Sberbank, Gazprombank, Otkritie, PSB
22 Performance Lab6466204.2VTB, Sberbank, Otkritie, RSHB, Tinkoff
23 Corus Consulting Group61233881.1n/a
24 Borlas Group5705435n/a
25 Globus-IT534.5177.5201.2Sberbank PJSC, Alfa-Bank JSC, Tinkoff Bank JSC, ROSBANK PJSC, CREDIT BANK OF MOSCOW
26 Reksoft Group401.5n/an/aVTB, Otkritie, Otkritie Broker, OTP Bank
27 Digital Habits389.161.5532.7Sberbank, Ak Bars Bank, Tinkoff, Alfa Bank, VTB
[[Sapiens solutionsSapiens solutions36020773,9н/д]]
29 FlexSoft35331213.1Post Bank, FFIN Bank, KUB Bank, Databank, STROYLESBANK Design Bureau
30 DCLogic280.3418.1-33n/a
31 Umbrella IT22812779.5BCS, Icano Bank
32 AST20618113.8Alfa-Bank, Sberbank, Energobank, Akibank
33 OpenDev18010080VTB Bank, Otkritie FC Bank, Alfa-Bank
34 IW Group165.382.1101.3RNKB Bank (PJSC), GPB Bank (JSC), Commercial Bank Amra-Bank (LLC)
35 ADV163153[[Renaissance CreditSberbank, Renaissance Credit]], Promsvyazbank, Sovcombank, Alfa-Bank
36 Digital Design Group1541428.5n/a
37 Gazprombank ETP15010050n/a
38 e-legion85823.7Tinkoff, Alfa-Bank
39Electronic Office Systems () EOS83.343.193.3Central Bank of the Russian Federation Bank of Russia (), SINCO-BANK CB, SDM-Bank, VTB Leasing, Association of Russian Banks, Moskommertsbank CB, Interstate Bank, ДОМ.РФ Bank, Yermak Bank
40 Surf78.381-3.3Rosbank PJSC, Es-Bi-I Bank LLC, Bank Zenit PJSC, YuniKredit Bank JSC
41 Forsythn/an/aВЭБ.РФ, AK BARS BANK
42 MAI Group5369-23.2n/a
43 Vinvestor49.912.3304.5Bank Center-Invest, AKBARS CAPITAL MANAGEMENT, RSHB Asset Management, BSPB Capital MANAGEMENT, Stock Capital Investment Company
[[King Bird StudioKing Bird Studio302050н/д]]
45 DSS Lab26.218.244.2n/a
46 Business Acceleration18.54.1351.5n/a
47 Skölopendra17n/an/an/a
48 Abak2000 GC121020n/a
| 144 193.7
(1) - Company name is hidden due to information verification
TAdviser 2022
How the Russian banking digitalization market changed in 2022

At the end of winter and at the beginning of spring 2022, the Russian banking market experienced many shocks caused by all the well-known geopolitical events: SVO in Ukraine and the unprecedented anti-Russian sanctions that followed it. The departure from Russia of the world's leading IT companies, the disconnection of the largest domestic banks from SWIFT, the refusal of Visa and Mastercard payment systems to work in our country, a significantly increased number of cyber attacks on Russian banks and their clients, which forced a number of experts to talk about the cyber war unleashed against our country. And this despite the fact that foreign information security vendors also refused to support Russian customers, and information security services in banks had to solve the problem of accelerated import substitution of Western MSIs by Russian counterparts. All this could not but affect the banking digitalization market.

In 2022, the digitalization market has changed beyond recognition, "says Alexander Filippov, director of business development in the financial sector of CROC. - The priority of banking organizations is now not so much the development of new IT projects as the need to ensure the continuity of current business and customer services. In this regard, the focus has shifted to import substitution of products of Western vendors that have left the market, since disconnecting at least one component of the IT infrastructure can lead to adverse consequences. As we can see, all players cope with the task.

The fact that the main task of the first half of the year for banks was to ensure the stability and continuity of current business processes, says Anna Dmitrakova, director of the Center for Financial Solutions of the RDTECH.

The first half of 2022 presented Russian business with many difficult tasks, the banking sector was no exception. Sanctions, asset freezes and an outflow of private deposits have all caused serious losses to the industry. The main change was the need to direct work in the direction of ensuring sanctions sustainability and take into account the possible actions of international IT solution providers when further planning work in the long term. In the second half of the year, there is a systematic substitution, adjustment of strategies for future periods. The importance of Russian cloud services has sharply increased, most of the projects carried out are implemented on IT solutions that are not subject to threats from international IT corporations. Financial organizations pay great importance to the development of their internal IT divisions, there is an aggravated struggle for qualified personnel in the labor market, "she says.

Many experts agree that in 2022 the banking digitalization market has changed dramatically. Thus, Pavel Kondratyev-Sapunov, head of the Content AI key customer department, believes that the departure of the largest international vendors significantly influenced both the prospects for technological development and the existing operational processes in which Western software was used.

As part of the new paradigm, financial market participants are forced to revise long-term and short-term strategies. Currently, the main priority for banks is to preserve critical software by increasing their own expertise and creating internal competence centers that allow maintaining and developing the systems used without the participation of the vendor. This path is mainly followed by commercial banks. If we talk about financial organizations with a high share of state participation, then the option of preserving Western software does not suit them, therefore, in search of alternative solutions, they turn to the Russian market, the expert says.

According to him, the problem is that so far not all domestic developments that position themselves as analogues of well-known Western products have the appropriate functionality and meet the requirements of quality and safety.

In addition to import substitution of software, banks are faced with the problem of availability or even the presence of "hardware" of the usual quality on the market. Already, more and more companies in financial and other industries are faced with the need to expand the server fleet, update components for IT equipment, but due to sanctions restrictions, this task is becoming difficult and difficult to implement.

We admit that this restriction in the future can increase market demand for domestic cloud services, - explains Pavel Kondratyev-Sapunov.

Banking companies quickly began to make changes to IT strategies in order to update the stack of technologies and software products. Most of these projects received the first priority.

Plans to increase the level of digitalization did not slow down, the part, on the contrary, accelerated, - adds colleagues Vladislav Ignatenko, head of Finance and Banks at Norbit (LANIT Group of Companies). - We can say that banks are using the current situation to jump in terms of digitalization.

According to Eduard Dolgalev, Director of Business Development at Selekti IT, 2022 showed the advantages of the approach to attracting IT outsourcing instead of FIX price in software development. He notes that customers were able to carry out reductions unnoticed by the market due to a decrease in the number of attracted IT outsourcing specialists, and banks focused on completing the projects launched and are extremely conservatively launching new ones.

Interviews with experts
Current priorities of banks in the field of digitalization

The changed market situation dictates new priorities for banking digitalization. Thus, customers pay more attention to import substitution and replacement of products of departed foreign vendors with solutions from domestic manufacturers. Here it is necessary to rebuild many business processes, or adapt current ones to the functional features of Russian software.

First of all, banks continued to invest in those products and business areas that could potentially bring them maximum profit. On the contrary, a number of areas of digitalization have completely lost their relevance: for example, the development of work with Visa, Mastercard systems, the development of international business for those who had branches in Western countries. On the contrary, the solution of information security problems in connection with a large number of hacker attacks on banks sharply gained great relevance. Not only the development of products to replace the departed is relevant, but also the replacement of cloud services, the use of which has become impossible. In general, the priorities of many companies have changed significantly, - says Yuri Ovcharenko, President of IT One Group of Companies.

Yuri Kolbasin notes that the share of self-service is growing, fewer services require physical presence in departments. Identification by, biometrics as well as programs by cyber security , help you use services with a higher level of protection. Priorities are projects in the field of Big Data, to improve the quality of self-service, in the field of cybersecurity, as well as the creation of personalized offers.

Most experts name as priority tasks those that will allow banks to maintain their current positions and customer base, allowing them to continue to provide customers with the service at the proper level. For example, Yuri Terekhin, Director of Financial Institutions at Ai-FORCE (FORCE Group FORS GROUP), indicates the following areas of work:

  • Maintaining the operability of software and hardware systems, purchasing new or used equipment, solving problems with its logistics;
  • Finalization of the bank's systems to meet the changed conditions;
  • Import substitution of software and equipment, where possible;
  • The fight against hacker attacks, since their number has increased significantly since February 2022.

Julia Amiridi, in addition to the accelerated import substitution of the technological stack and reorientation to domestic software, also speaks of the strengthening of the role of the SPO.

The use of open source software in a "commercial shell" as an alternative to quasi-monopoly American IT solutions is an approach that Russia takes after European countries and China. Already, the developers offer OS and DBMS, the basis of which is open source software adapted for domestic users - a Russian-language interface, documentation, training, support, etc., she says.

The change in benchmarks is another important symbol of banking digitalization in Russia.

The first trend and largely determining the rest is a complete change of leaders in all areas of IT due to the departure of Western manufacturers, - says Alexander Filippov, - All solutions banking organizations now choose not according to Gartner's Quadrant, but based on experience and expertise (both their own and technological partner) and their requirements for the functionality of the solution. In addition, there is a feeling that customers, on the one hand, do not have the opportunity to make forecasts for the near future and solve problems based on the current situation, on the other hand, they are working on building longer-term strategies for organizing the IT landscape and infrastructure, building a reliable foundation based on domestic solutions for further development.

Another important factor, which several experts noted at once, is that after a period of turbulence and justified anxiety in March-May, now all decisions about choosing one or another IT decision are made quite carefully and for a long time. Thus, Stanislav Shilov the Director of Product Development of the Center for Digital Solutions for the Company's Business, BSS speaks of a change in the planning horizon.

In the context of dynamically changing external factors and general economic pressure, firstly, priority is given to projects that have a short and confident return horizon. Secondly, the speed of making changes to the digital landscape becomes extremely important - it is necessary to have time to respond to challenges before the situation changes and the previous steps become irrelevant, he notes.

Pavel Svarnik, director of the Center for Strategic Development of LANIT-Integration (LANIT Group of Companies), emphasizes the transition of the banking sector to domestic solutions as the main trend, and also speaks of additional trends that follow from it.

Firstly, this is a serious revision of the applied and infrastructure landscape of information technology. The fact is that the suspension of the activities of the largest vendors representing proven and well-scalable products will require changes in architectural approaches to reduce business continuity risks (primarily component failure risks), as well as maintaining the ability to scale and modernize IT. Now new Russian products will be integrated into the IT landscape on other architectural principles. The second trend is a native transition to the so-called lego design of banking players. It is possible that due to the transformation of the IT landscape, banks will activate the course to separate their business units with building self-sufficient information environments for them, which will be associated with the landscape components of other business units by means of service integration, the expert believes.

Denis Yagubtsov, director of digital financial technologies at Globus IT, speaks about several areas of digitalization at once. The first direction, according to him, is the digital ruble.

The creation of a prototype of the digital ruble platform was completed in December 2021, recalls Yagubtsov. - It is planned that it will become another form of money in addition to the cash and non-cash ruble. The issuer and operator of the digital ruble platform is the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, and customers open wallets and conduct transactions on them through financial organizations. Why does the state need it? Firstly, to increase the stability of the payment infrastructure, the transition to online settlements and the creation of new products, for example, a letter of credit between individuals, and secondly, control over the spending of funds. As long as there is cash in circulation, it remains almost invisible to the state - this creates a shadow economy, due to which the state does not receive taxes in the budget, and contributes to corruption.

The next area is digital financial assets (CFA). From the point of view of technical implementation, CFAs resemble cryptocurrencies: they are produced using blockchain technology using the principle of a distributed registry, which ensures high security, transparency and reliability of transactions. However, unlike most cryptocurrencies, CFAs are provided with real base assets.

Currently, there is a discussion about who will issue the CFA. As far as I understand, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation does not yet have a final opinion, they want to try several options and see how it will work, the expert continues.

The most promising area, according to Denis Yagubtsov, is blockchain and smart contracts. From a technical point of view, everything is ready for their introduction into the activities of credit institutions.

Now is the very moment when the creation of technology overtook product development. Smart contract technology can be used to reduce the cost of transactions in the purchase of goods, services and materials and increase the transparency of the process for supervisory authorities. But in order to prepare and change the legislative framework for the use of smart contract technology, it is necessary to assess the commercial component, which is now in question. In addition, the problem also lies in the mentality of people who work in organizations. For most of them, this is a very sharp jump, like from a disk phone immediately to a smartphone. They do not understand what smart contracts are and how to work with them, the expert concludes.

What IT-Innovations are most interesting for banks now and in the near future

Most banks managed to stabilize the situation, it's time to think about further technological development, because competitors also do not stand still. As for the innovations that bankers and their clients will use in the near future, their list is directly related to current digitalization trends. Thus, import substitution and migration to the domestic technology stack implies in the future the use of those solutions that can maintain this stack in a fault-tolerant state. The proliferation of cashless payment technologies, such as SBP, will of course increase the interest of banks in such solutions. Some of the experts are skeptical, though not without cautious optimism.

The R&D budgets of many banks were cut as a priority back in March 2022, so budgets for serious innovation are limited. Banks expect the lifting of restrictions on the circulation of cryptocurrencies and the introduction of a digital ruble, but so far this has not happened, "says Leonid Vasilenko, CEO of OpenDev.

In turn, Yuri Ovcharenko believes that the maximum interest of bankers is focused on creating a domestic hardware base: creating and maintaining data centers based on Russian-designed servers and DSS.

Steps are being taken in this direction, he says. "Banks are also interested in software and hardware complexes (PACS) on an import-substituting base that can withstand maximum loads in banking systems and at the same time meet all reliability and security requirements. In addition, the development of the Support Centers for the remaining foreign solutions in operation will continue: today banks are solving this problem together with system integrators.

Alexander Filippov believes that the vectors of innovation have not changed, but the current tools available in the Russian Federation do not cover all business needs. However, in his opinion, the market situation will soon change for the better.

In the coming years, apparently, we will see a sharp change in the landscape of domestic IT vendors and startups. At the moment, the situation is such that there are a huge number of experts on the market who have switched from Western IT companies to Russian ones and are able to strongly develop current products or create new ones from scratch. At the same time, "at the moment" many domestic solutions are not full-fledged analogues of Western, but allow you to assemble, as a designer, a custom solution for specific tasks of the customer, depending on the scale and maturity of the business. If we talk not about innovation, but about the real needs of the financial sector, then we see projects to replace analytical platforms BI and tools, including for working with big data, the need for changes in the means of communication with clients (contact centers, chat bot platforms, speech synthesis systems). The innovation is rather that projects can be made on the solutions of different market players, due to which it is more difficult to link several systems at once or make them more open for "customizations" and further improvements, which was more difficult to do with vendor products. But here the main thing is to take the burden possible and really assess the forces and resources, as well as choose a reliable technological partner, - he concludes.

Yuri Kolbasin believes that now the most in demand are innovations in the field of Big Data, which allow you to quickly launch new products. New methods of data processing help reduce costs and receive additional analytics by customer. He also highlights Data Science technologies, which have already been introduced in many of the largest banks and will actively develop in the near future.

Banking software development technologies themselves are also waiting for serious changes in the future. As a matter of fact, today we can observe them in many projects.

The trend of the transition to a micro-service architecture has remained, because this allows you to more economically dispose of equipment and reduce the requirement for servers without losing the performance of the application system. Import substitution spurs the process of replacing/dividing monolithic legacy systems into microservices/modules of Russian developers. At the same time, IT outsourcing allows banks to attract specialists with unique experience in import substitution in a short time, "summarizes Eduard Dolgalev.

Most Russian banks have successfully overcome business and technological obstacles associated with sanctions restrictions, and continue to work on the resiliency and security of the updated IT infrastructure, as well as are engaged in solving strategic tasks for mastering innovations and fulfilling instructions set by the business. It is hoped that 2023 will be less turbulent, but no less successful in terms of financial revenue.

The most popular classes of IT systems in the Russian financial sector

According to the TAdviser project database, as of December 2022, among the various classes of IT solutions in the companies of the Russian financial sector, electronic document management (EDMS/ECM), remote banking, as well as customer relations (CRM) systems are most in demand. These solutions account for the largest number of projects completed during the observation period since 2005. Data on other classes of systems are shown in the diagram below.

Vendors of IT systems, most frequently implemented in the financial sector

For each class of IT systems implemented in certain industries, the TAdviser database allows you to identify the most popular solutions and vendors of these products. See the chart below for which companies are developing the systems most commonly implemented in the financial sector.

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  1. Banks invest
  2. in information technologies