Since 1992
Central Federal District of the Russian Federation
17 Sorge Str., 125252, str.1
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Avtodom was founded on December 21, 1992. This is an automobile holding specializing in sales and maintenance of cars the Luxury and Premium segments. As of July 2019, the company's portfolio includes cars of eight premium and luxury brands:, BMW including the i and M series, BMW Motorrad,,,, MINI Lamborghini Mercedes-Benz smart,, and. Porsche Audi Volvo
The company also offers a full range of financial services, working with leasing and credit companies.
Information technologies in Avtodom Group of Companies
2022: Appointment of Director of Avtodom and AvtoSpecTsentr Unified IT Service
In April 2022, Maxim Krivoshey headed the management of the combined IT infrastructure of Avtodom Group of Companies and AvtoSpecCenter Group of Companies. Representatives of Avtodom Group of Companies reported this to TAdviser on May 13, 2022. Read more here.
Performance indicators
2024: Revenue growth 25.5% to ₽123,21 billion
The revenue of the Avtodom group of companies and the AvtoSpecCenter group of companies in 2024 increased by 25.5% compared to the previous 2023 and amounted to ₽123,21 billion. Such data were published by the press service of the car dealer on March 4, 2025. Car sales growth was 50.3%, resulting in 31,392 vehicles sold.
According to Avtostat, new cars accounted for 54.8% of all sales of the auto holding. The volume of their implementation increased by 67.8% compared to 2023 and amounted to 17,195 copies. The average cost of a new car in 2024 reached ₽4,32 million. Revenue from sales of new cars amounted to ₽61,85 billion, which is 52% higher than the previous year and corresponds to 50.2% in the structure of the company's total revenue.
Financial instruments continue to play an important role in the implementation of new cars. Thus, 53.8% of new cars were sold using credit programs, and 46.8% - using the trade-in program. At the same time, the share of trade-in penetration in the company increased by 10 percentage points over the past year.
Corporate sales remained at the level of 2023 and accounted for 15.6% of the total number of new cars sold. It is noteworthy that all cars for corporate customers were leased.
Sales of used cars also showed significant growth - by 33.4%, reaching 14,197 units, which is 45.2% of all cars sold by Avtodom Group of Companies and AvtoSpecCenter Group of Companies. The average cost of a used car was ₽2,49 million. Revenue from the sale of used vehicles reached ₽35,4 billion or 28.7% of the company's total revenue.
Leveraged car sales increased significantly - by 27.6 percentage points compared to 2023 and accounted for 16.8% of the total number of used cars sold.[1]
2023: Profit growth 8 times to 20 billion rubles
At the end of 2023, one of the largest car dealers in Russia, Avtodom, recorded revenues of 80.4 billion rubles, which is almost 70% more than a year earlier. The net profit of the group in comparison with the same segments of time increased 8 times - up to 20 billion rubles. Such data are provided in the reporting under IFRS, which the company disclosed in early May 2024.
According to Interfax, citing Avtodom materials, the company's revenues from the sale of cars and motorcycles increased by 85.8% (to 68.3 billion rubles), from the sale of spare parts and services - by 6% (to 8.6 billion rubles). Other revenues amounted to 3.5 billion rubles, an increase of 40% on an annualized basis. The total cost of sales of the holding increased by 82.4% to 75.5 billion rubles.
Opposite the column "other expenses" is a figure of 16.5 billion rubles. This includes 16 billion rubles of expenses from the purchase of the Russian business Mercedes. The purchased assets include MB Rus JSC (the official distributor of Mercedes in the Russian Federation), MB Rus Manufacturing LLC (Mercedes Automobile Plant near Moscow), MB Rus Capital LLC (factoring) and MB Rus Finance LLC (lease, leasing), as well as MB Rus Bank LLC. The dealer does not directly report the value of transactions with Mercedes assets, but notes that the total amount of "compensation transferred when acquiring" assets and liabilities of Mercedes subsidiaries amounted to a symbolic 7 thousand rubles.
As of December 31, 2023, Avtodom's total debt amounted to 102 billion rubles, an increase of 4.5 times compared to the previous year. Short-term liabilities rose to 73.3 billion rubles from 18.7 billion rubles a year earlier. The indicator of short-term loans and loans doubled and reached 31.3 billion rubles. The dealer's long-term liabilities increased 2.9 times to 28.5 billion rubles.[2]
2025: Purchase of an airbag factory in Togliatti
Avtodom Group acquired an airbag factory in Togliatti, formerly owned by Swedish Autoliv. The transaction was registered on February 27, 2025. This is evidenced by the data of the Unified State Register of Legal Entities. Read more here
Closing the acquisition of Russian Mercedes-Benz assets with the right to repurchase
The Avtodom dealer group in April 2023 closed the deal to acquire the Russian assets of the Mercedes-Benz automaker, including the Moscow Region automobile plant.
German automaker Mercedes-Benz has agreed to buy back its Russian assets if sanctions are lifted.
Distribution of Forland in Russia
In April 2023, Avtodom Group of Companies and Mercedes-Benz Rus JSC (Avtodom previously bought Mercedes-Benz assets in the Russian Federation) signed a distribution agreement for the supply of commercial Forland equipment to Russia. Thus, the companies received exclusive rights to import small and medium-tonnage chassis of the Forland brand and decided on plans to expand their joint business. Read more here.
Permission to buy a subsidiary bank Mercedes-Benz
Russian President Vladimir Putin allowed the Avtodom dealer to buy a subsidiary bank of the German automaker Mercedes-Benz in Russia - Mercedes-Benz Bank Rus. The corresponding order of the head of state was published on the official Internet portal of legal information, Interfax reported on February 6, 2023. Read more here.
2022: Purchase of Mercedes-Benz plant in the Moscow region
October 26, 2022 it was announced the sale of the Mercedes-Benz plant in the Moscow region to a car dealer Autohouse"." Financial the company did not disclose the terms of the transaction. here More.
2019: Appointment of Andrey Olkhovsky as CEO
On July 12, 2019, Avtodom Group of Companies announced the appointment of Andrei Olkhovsky as the general director of the automobile holding. He began his duties on March 12, 2019. Read more here.