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Lomonosov Moscow State University - Faculty of global processes





Faculty of global processes of MSU — dynamically developing and popular faculty of the Moscow university. In the second half of the 2010th the faculty wins first place in MSU on tender on the places financed by means of the federal budget.

The faculty carries out acceptance for training of bachelors, masters and graduate students in the field of the international political and economic relations, global and interregional processes in the International Relations direction.

In learning process at faculty of global processes of MSU students purchase skills which will help them to analyze professionally the international situation and global processes proceeding in planetary scale, to formulate strategy and to define tactics of foreign policy, to use information on the political and economic relations for the complex analysis of an external and internal situation in the country, the region and the world, to effectively use mechanisms of the international legal support of economic activity and safety of business in work, to come into contacts, to conduct negotiations and to make draft agreements in the Russian and foreign languages.

Education levels

Bachelor degree. Training term — 4 years. Preparation profiles:

  • "Global economy and management",
  • "Global political processes and diplomacy",
  • "International humanitarian cooperation",
  • "Global power and international business".

Magistracy. Training term — 2 years. Master programs:

  • "Global economy and management",
  • "Global political processes and diplomacy",
  • "International humanitarian cooperation",
  • "The international relations and global researches (in English)",
  • "Global power and international business",
  • "Management of social transformations" (it is accredited by UNESCO)",
  • "International educational cooperation in the conditions of globalization".

Postgraduate study. Training term — 3 years. Specialty "Political problems of the international relations, global and regional development".


Educational process is provided by the leading professors and teachers of Lomonosov Moscow State University, MGIMO the MFA of Russia and representatives of future employers: employees MFA of Russia, institutes of the Russian Academy of Sciences, public authorities, international organizations.

Educational process

Educational process is based on a combination of classical university education and the best international practices of training in the field of the international relations.

Lectures, seminars and practical lessons are complemented with the business games and round tables, conferences and situational seminars modeling future professional activity. Practical training in bodies is provided government, international organizations and multinational corporations.

Studying of English according to the program allowing to hand over the international qualification is obligatory examination. Students also study Arab, Spanish, Italian, Chinese, German, French, Japanese and other languages as the second foreign language.

The educational program "Global economy and management" allows to build a unique trajectory of training of specialists, having broad competence in the field of the international economic relations and global management. In the conditions of globalization and increase of economic instability especially relevant for Russia is a training of the professionals capable to carry out complex monitoring and to develop the innovation approaches to effective management of modern global processes, to analyze the processes happening on micro meso - and macrolevels in global economy, and as result, to build the optimal strategy of economic development — specialists with such competences are graduates of this program of faculty of global processes.

The educational program "Global political processes and diplomacy" is intended for training of politicians. The globalization processes proceeding in the modern world put the states before new calls of national security and require search of effective answers to them. Russia is faced by current problems of building of the long-term foreign policy strategy directed to strengthening of the positions on the international scene — need for experts and analysts in the field of the global political processes capable to prepare effective solutions in the field of foreign policy of the country is particularly acute. Graduates of the program are not only the specialists owning diplomacy bases capable to perform business communications in two and more languages, but also the experts having skills of management of political processes in the world.

The main educational program "International humanitarian cooperation" accredited by UNESCO allows train the specialists having unique competence in the field of the international humanitarian processes. Development of cooperation and cross-cultural communications is one of priority tasks in the globalized world. The ability is effective to analyze the processes happening in the humanitarian sphere, to come into the international contacts, to adjust and develop already existing international relations, to promote permission of the ethnocultural conflicts at the moment is demanded both at the state level, and at the level of separate corporations and the organizations. The specialists having such skills are graduates of this program.

The innovation educational program "Global power and the international business" is developed with participation PJSC Gazprom and ROSATOM State Corporation. The program is focused on training of highly qualified specialists who will be fluent in several foreign languages, to have skills of the expert and analytical analysis in the field of the international power relations and the international business, necessary knowledge in the field of the modern power legislation. Understanding of the importance of power as one of the most important spheres of national security, ability to regulate and develop power cooperation of Russia with other countries, capability to estimate cost efficiency of the international projects in the field of power — all these valuable professional skills will be received by students of this program.

Student's exchanges and foreign training

Since 2010 the faculty of global processes is a member of international association of Global Studies Consortium which includes the leading universities implementing educational and study programs on global studies and the international relations that provides ample opportunities for student's exchanges and foreign training. Students of faculty pass training in leading universities of Brazil, Britain, Austria, Germany, Spain, Italy, China, Mexico, the USA, Canada, Australia, France, Chile, Switzerland, Japan and other countries.

Training courses

The School of the young foreign affairs specialist and training courses operates on faculty of global processes. The school of the young foreign affairs specialist offers pupils of 9-10 classes:

  • get acquainted with the history of the Moscow university and learn about its traditions;
  • gain an impression about a profession of the specialist foreign affairs specialist;
  • visit lectures and master classes of main trainers of MSU and the employees the MFA of Russia;
  • join student's life of faculty of global processes;
  • apply the knowledge to the analysis of the international relations and global researches;
  • pass social and psychological trainings and receive recommendations about the choice of future profession and to personal growth.

Training courses suggest pupils of 11 classes to pass the special program aimed at successful receipt and the subsequent training at FGP. Classes are given by highly skilled teachers of MSU of objects of entrance tests on faculty of global processes. Educational groups form taking into account the level of knowledge of school students, tests and examinations in the USE format and additional examination of MSU are regularly carried out. According to the results of training the Certificate on the termination of training courses is granted.