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NexTouch NexTouch Nex-T


Number of employees

NexTouch (NexTouch) is a Russian manufacturer of interactive equipment, products, computer equipment, software, hardware and software systems, including for people with disabilities. The company is developing IT multi-touch projects.



Production of more than 22.6 thousand interactive panels of various diagonals (+ 30 %)

The manufacturer of touch displays and interactive equipment "Neks-T" in 2023 released more than 22.6 thousand interactive panels of various diagonals, which is 30% more than in 2022. This was announced on February 16, 2024 by the Minister of the Government of Moscow, head of the Department of Investment and Industrial Policy, which is part of the Complex of Economic Policy and Property and Land Relations of the capital, Vladislav Ovchinsky.

In 2017, the company was awarded the status of a resident of the Technopolice Moscow special economic zone (SEZ), which gives significant tax benefits. The company invests the funds saved thanks to this in the development, improvement of products and expansion of the range.

"The company is one of the leading domestic manufacturers of electronic devices. Its assortment includes 45 items of various goods, including touch displays, software and hardware complexes for the education system, in particular, for inclusive education. The company occupies at least a third of the domestic interactive equipment market. Up to four thousand products are produced here every month. So, according to the results of 2023, the resident of the capital's SEZ increased production by 30 percent compared to 2022, and produced more than 22.6 thousand units, "said Vladislav Ovchinsky.

The interactive panels of the company are included in the register of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation, comply with the methodological recommendations of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation and the National Project "Education."

"More than 80% of the products of the enterprise are created on the Russian a material and component basis, which largely ensures the independence of their production from foreign suppliers. Earlier, the company developed a universal, motherboard compatible with domestic "" processors and Elbrus, "Baikal" which will allow the production of interactive equipment with the maximum degree of localization, "- said the general director of the SEZ" Technopolice Moscow. " Gennady Degtev

High-tech products of the company are used in various industries, including it is in demand in the field of education. Capital-made equipment can become a modern alternative to classic school boards or office flipcharts. Among the advantages of the product are high image quality and quick response to touch, flexible options for placing the panel in height and tilt angles, simultaneous work of two or more people, wide functionality for presentations, intuitive software and much more.

"Production volumes and economic indicators indicate the demand for our products. In 2024, we plan to update the flagship direction with new interactive solutions, primarily for educational institutions, "said Vladimir Krikushenko, CEO of the company.

Mass production of motherboards on domestic processors launched in Moscow

Neks-T launched mass production in Moscow of motherboards developed by the company based on domestic processors. This was reported in the capital's mayor's office on December 11, 2023.

Matplate production is deployed in the SEZ Technopolice Moscow"." One of the devices is developed in 18 months, it is universal: it can be used in displays, touch panels, desktop all-in-ones and TVs. The product was immediately designed for domestic processors Elvis"" and Baikal"" with appropriate circuitry.

Neks-T launched mass production of motherboards in Moscow

Neks-T expects to manufacture about 30 thousand motherboards for its own needs in 2024. In addition, as the general director of the company Vladimir Krikushenko said, by mid-December 2023, about 20 thousand devices are in pre-order, several more projects with a volume of up to 50 thousand units per year are in the process of negotiations.

According to Gennady Degtev, general director of the Technopolice Moscow SEZ, first of all, Neks-T plans to close its own needs for finished products and new products planned for 2024. In 2023, on the territory of Pechatnikov, the company received an additional 1.4 thousand square meters. meters. The total production area of ​ ​ Neks-T by December 11, 2023 is 3.5 thousand square meters. meters.

Vladislav Ovchinsky, head of the Department of Investment and Industrial Policy, which is part of the Complex of Economic Policy and Property and Land Relations of the capital, noted that by December 2023, Neks-T produces more than 45 different types of devices with a volume of up to 4 thousand units per month.[1]

2022: Release of more than seven thousand interactive learning devices

A resident of the special economic zone "Technopolice Moscow" has released more than seven thousand interactive devices that are designed to make the learning process more effective. This was announced on August 25, 2022 by the head of the Department of Investment and Industrial Policy of Moscow, which is part of the Complex of Economic Policy and Property and Land Relations of the capital, Vladislav Ovchinsky.

One of the residents of the SEZ of Moscow - a Russian manufacturer of interactive equipment - by the beginning of the school year had sold more than 7,000 high-tech devices: software and hardware systems, digital children's desks, devices for antiviral control. With their help, children of different ages will be able to gain knowledge in the format of exciting games and quizzes, develop skills in working in a team and preparing various projects, - said Vladislav Ovchinsky.

We are talking about the company NexTouch, which is engaged in the development of special IT projects, innovative educational solutions, interactive complexes, including for inclusive education, on the territory of the capital SEZ.

Since 2017, NexTouch has been localized at the Pechatniki SEZ in the capital. Tax benefits, to which all residents are entitled, helped the company effectively redirect more than 220 million rubles to its production, where more than 70 specialists work. During its activities, the company has registered more than 10 patents in the field of nanotechnology and rehabilitation tools for people with disabilities, - said Gennady Degtev, General Director of the Moscow Technopolice SEZ.

2021: Placement of bonds on the Moscow Exchange for 300 million rubles

The resident of the SEZ "Technopolice Moscow" - the company NexTouch - placed bonds on the Moscow Exchange, the pilot issue amounted to 300 million rubles. In total, the company plans to attract up to 10 billion rubles within ten years. NexTouch will direct funds to finance its priority projects in the field of interactive technologies. Technopolice announced this on November 12, 2021 from the words of the head of the Department of Investment and Industrial Policy of Moscow Alexander Prokhorov.

In the cluster of microelectronics, optics, robotics and industrial automation in the SEZ of Moscow, as of November 2021, there are over 30 enterprises that have created more than 5,000 workplaces. Among them are the manufacturer of interactive equipment - NexTouch. The company entered the public debt market for the first time. The company will be able to use the funds raised to further develop its production: for the purchase of technological equipment, the creation of new export products, - said Alexander Prokhorov.

NexTouch specializes in the production of more than 30 different types of high-tech devices, among which the main product is interactive panels. The company received the status of a resident of the SEZ Technopolice Moscow in 2017, production was located on 1.6 thousand square meters at the Pechatniki site.

The infrastructure and comfortable logistics of the special economic zone help the company to occupy profitable positions in the Russian market of interactive technologies developed, including for inclusive education and national projects of the Russian Federation. The company's portfolio for November 2021 includes 12 registered patents for developments in the field of nanotechnology and hardware and software solutions for people with disabilities, - said Gennady Dogtev, General Director of the Moscow SEZ.

Registration of the securities issue was preceded by a large stage of preparation and verification of financial indicators. During the first day of trading on the Moscow Exchange, the company sold securities worth 210 million rubles.

Going public is an important stage for the company. Our development plans call for an IPO in the next 5 years. Therefore, it is important to gain experience with exchange instruments. The company is growing steadily, turnover for the nine months of 2021 significantly exceeded the indicators for the entire 2020. Revenue in the amount of 10 billion rubles will be an indicator of our readiness for a public offering of the company's shares, "said Vladimir Krikushenko, CEO of NexTouch.
