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Noona Healthcare




Noona Healthcare is the Finnish developer of the mobile cloud service intended for collecting of results of treatment of patients with malignant new growths. The company was founded in 2014. The headquarters of Noona Healthcare is located in Helsinki.


Varian purchased Noona Healthcare

At the end of August, 2018 the producer of the medical equipment Varian Medical Systems announced acquisition of Noona Healthcare company. The software of Noona allows doctors to obtain data on efficiency of treatment in real time and to communicate directly with patients. This acquisition expands a portfolio of therapeutic solutions for oncological patients of Varian and corresponds to the strategy of long-term growth and development of the company.

The intuitive user interface Noona attracts patients and encourages high commitment for a long time. Noona helps groups of researchers to estimate actively dynamics of symptoms and in time to adjust the arising deviations that eventually leads to improvement of clinical results and also reduction of hospitalization and calls of ambulance.

Interface of Noona service

Varian is going to integrate the platform 360 of Oncology SaaS with the user interface Noona to propose the reliable solution allowing patients to interact actively with clinical physicians for optimization of treatment, rehabilitation and leaving. Varian is ready to use the new platform for involvement of the pharmaceutical companies to cooperation as the user interface Noona allows to collect effectively data during clinical trials of new medicines and new schemes of treatment and also plans further expansion of a service portfolio, based on data retrieveds.

In turn Noona Healthcare notes that accession to larger company will allow them to make new technology more available.[1]
