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Rosatom Logistics (formerly RuSat Cargo)





+ Rosatom Logistics (formerly RuSat Cargo)
+ Rosatom Federal Atomic power Agency

Rosatom Logistics (formerly RuSat Cargo) is an enterprise of the state corporation Rosatom, created as part of the Logistics project. Rosatom Logistics is an industry logistics operator delivering large-sized cargo to nuclear power plants under construction abroad, as well as on the basis of which international transit sea cargo transportation is being organized and developed along the formed transport highway of the Northern Sea Transit Corridor (CMTC).

The stated mission: to create a convenient, safe and effective environment of integrated logistics services, combining existing and new routes of cargo flows.


2024: Renaming to Rosatom Logistics

Rosatom has agreed with the Government of the Russian Federation to rename 21 companies that are part of the state corporation's management loop in such a way as to include the words "Russian Federation," "Russia" or their derivatives in their names. The corresponding order of the Cabinet of Ministers (of 22.01.2024 No. 109-r) was published on the official portal of legal information on January 23, 2024. According to the list approved by the order, RuSat Cargo LLC received the name Rosatom Logistics LLC.

2023: Rosatom and one of the world's largest logistics companies DP World create a joint venture for container transportation

Rosatom and one of the world's largest logistics companies DP World have created a joint venture called International Container Logistics to develop container transportation. About this in the project in the Russian state corporation told on October 24, 2023. Read more here.