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Sibedge Seabage



Alexander Viktorovich Kalinin - 50%
Kudryavtseva Julia Nikolaevna - 50%
(effective August 17, 2021)
Number of employees


Sibedge is an international IT company specializing in software development for automation and digital business transformation. It was founded in 2006 in Russia.


2025: Small Technology Company Status

Sibedge has received the status of a small technology company (MTK). Registration in the MTK register Ministry of Economic Development Russia provides "simplified" access to preferential support measures and expands the directions of further development of the company. The company announced this on February 20, 2025.

The status of the MTK confirms the compliance of the scientific and technical level of Sibedge with the vector set by the Government of the Russian Federation, as well as the company's commitment to innovation and high technologies. Registration in the register provides Sibedge with a number of preferences that allow it to grow steadily in a competitive environment.

One of the most important aspects can be called state support for innovative projects. Grants and subsidies will be a significant help to reduce the financial burden on the company and direct the savings to the development of technology, improving products and services. As a result, customers will have access to innovative software solutions, thereby accelerating the introduction of the latest technologies into the IT architecture of companies.

It is worth noting that the status of MTK gives access to specially created networking sites. They provide simplified interaction with investors and partners, which increases the chances of successful cooperation and attracting the necessary resources. Networking through these activities can lead to new business opportunities for both service providers and customers.

The MTK register is a significant tool for supporting innovative development. With the help of this resource, Russian companies can optimize internal processes, thereby increasing the chances of successful development and scaling of the business. Thus, the register contributes not only to the creation of high-quality products, but also to the formation of a healthy competitive environment in the domestic market. - said Sibedge director Alexander Kalinin.

2021: Changes in the composition of the founders

In 2021, the composition of the founders of Sibage LLC changed. According to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, instead of Vyacheslav Shubin, Kudryavtseva Yulia Nikolaevna joined the founders in August 2021 with a share of 50%. The remaining 50% in the management company of Sibage LLC is still owned by the company's general director Alexander Kalinin.


Number of employees

In 2020, the number of employees of the company exceeded 150 people.


As of May 2020, the founders of Sibedge according to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities were:


Areas of activity

The main areas of the company's activities for June 2019:

  • Software development: enterprise systems, mobile and web applications, solutions based on blockchain platforms, reengineering and much more;
  • Testing and quality assurance: software quality support at the highest level both within the framework of custom projects and as a separate service.
  • Technical Support and DevOps: Optimizing software development and delivery processes. Provision of fault tolerance. Support for client services in 24/7 mode.
  • R&D: providing teams for conducting research, the results of which later find practical application in the development of software solutions.


Sibedge has high expertise in the following areas: Web-services, Cloud Computing, DevOps, IaaS, Big Data, Internet of Things, RPA, Blockchain, Virtual Assistant.

(data current as of June 2019)


The company's portfolio contains many solutions of different classes (as of June 2019):

  • ECM (Enterprise Content Management),
  • CRM (Customer Interaction Management)
  • ERP (Enterprise Resource Management),
  • PDM (Product Data Management)
  • EAM (Enterprise Fund Management),
  • GIS (Geoinformation Systems),
  • CAD (computer-aided design tools),
  • BI (Business Analysis).


As of June 2019, the company's offices were located in,, and To Moscow Tomsk ,. San Francisco Australia The company has experience in working with customers from,, oilgas financial telecommunication areas both in the Russian foreign market.

In 2019, the company opened a representative office in Australia.


Opening an office in Moscow

An office was opened in Moscow. The staff of the company exceeded 100 people.

Sibedge Services

As of June 2017, Sibedge (Siberian Easy Development Group Engineering) provides the following services:

  • Custom development (enterprise systems, mobile applications, SharePoint-based solutions);
  • Technology outsourcing (allocation of development, testing and administration teams) and IT consulting.
  • Systems of organization of document flow, processes and interaction. To organize the workflow at the enterprise, employee interaction and implement electronic document management, a set of design technologies and experience in building ECM, ACM, CMS systems is used. Projects are implemented both on ready-made platforms, such as MS SharePoint, and from scratch in ASP.NET MVC, Java EE and other languages.
  • Mobile development. Mobile applications for three main platforms: iOS, Android, Windows Phone, as well as for alternative ones.
  • Testing and Quality Management. Software testing is performed both as part of custom projects and as a separate service


  • 2016 Representation in the United States opened. The main area of ​ ​ work in the West is the development and support of high-load systems.
  • 2013 As part of the expansion of international influence, following the Irish market, the company enters the Dutch market.
  • 2012 The vector of development is changing. The company is moving from outsourcing to custom development of the full cycle.
  • 2011 The company becomes one of the Russian developers based on the Microsoft SharePoint platform.


  • 2010 Mobile practice was formed. The first applications for iOS and Android platforms have been released.
  • 2009 The company moved to a new spacious office and began work on several new projects for Russian companies.
  • 2008 The emergence of the name Sibedge is considered the official moment of birth of the company.
  • 2007 The company moved into its first office in the city of Tomsk.

2006: Founding of the Company

Year the company was founded. The first project was an enterprise intranet system developed on the.NET Framework platform. Launch of the project for one of the largest oil companies at that time, the Russia TNK-BP work on which was carried out for three years.