SnappyData is founded in 2016, having selected from Pivotal Software company. The startup develops the platform for data processing in RAM (in-memory) which is based on an open framework of Apache Spark. The solution includes the platform for management of the distributed data of GemFire applied in big, sensitive to delays, crucial transaction processing systems. GemFire is used in many trading services on Wall Street. The SnappyData platform first of all is intended for workloads in the field of Internet of Things and the similar directions.
2019: Tibco Software purchased SnappyData
On March 7, 2019 Tibco Software announced SnappyData acquisition. The cost and other terms of transaction of the company did not begin to open.
Thanks to SnappyData purchase the Tibco Software company receives the cluster which is based on Apache Spark for data processing in RAM which will add to tools of a business intelligence Tibco of an opportunity for work in real time. The transaction will allow the buyer to offer "live data analysis, being in the movement and rest", the cofounder and the president of Tibco Richard Lamb said.
Also in Tibco say that software integration of the companies will provide a 20-fold gain of performance in comparison with the normal Apache Spark projects.
Besides, this absorption will expand possibilities of the operating products Tibco, such as tools of the visual analysis, stream analytics and DataOps.
According to the operating officer of Tibco Matt Quinn, acquisition of SnappyData will make the Tibco Connected Intelligence platform "one of the best solutions for data analysis in real time, including during the diagnosing of failures and detection of anomalies".
As notes the Computer Business Reveiw edition, merge of Tibco and SnappyData became the next sign of consolidation of the market of technologies of data analysis against the background of the growing demand for effective instruments of intellectual information processing.[1]