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Inferit Cloud

The name of the base system (platform): OpenStack
Developers: Inferit
Date of the premiere of the system: 2024/02/21
Last Release Date: 2024/06/11
Technology: IaaS - Infrastructure as a Service


Main article: What is IaaS

Inferit Cloud is a Russian company cloudy provider specializing in the provision of infrastructure and IT services.


Availability of MSVSERVER operating system 9

Cloudy provider Inferitis"" added to "Inferit Cloud" the Russian OS "MSVSFERA" from "Inferit OS." Inferit Cloud customers can now deploy infrastructure and order virtual machines on the basis of OS "" MSVSphera Server 9. The development of the Inferit IT product ecosystem contributes to the implementation of the GC strategy to Softline create its own import-independent cloud and infrastructure solutions. Inferit announced this on June 24, 2024. Подробнее #.2A_.D0.94.D0.BE.D1.81.D1.82.D1.83.D0.BF.D0.BD.D0.BE.D1.81.D1.82.D1.8C_.C2.AB.D0.9C.D0.A1.D0.92.D0.A1.D1.84.D0.B5.D1.80.D0.B0_.D0.A1.D0.B5.D1.80.D0.B2.D0.B5.D1.80.C2.BB_9_.D0.B2_.C2.AB.D0.98.D0.BD.D1.84.D0.B5.D1.80.D0.B8.D1.82_.D0.9E.D0.B1.D0.BB.D0.B0.D0.BA.D0.B5.C2.BB здесь.

Launch of Partner Program

The Russian cloudy provider Inferit Cloud (part of the vendor ecosystem, Inferitis GC Softline) has launched an open partner program. Softline announced this on June 14, 2024. Collaboration options include flexible scenarios - from distributions cloud solutions to building a complete cloud business using the white label model.

The key task of the partner program is to exclude competition between IT companies and the cloud service provider, which is characteristic of the Russian market as of June 2024. Inferit Cloud is distinguished by its own production of server equipment, a transparent and affordable pricing policy and an ever-expanding product portfolio.

Inferit Cloud services cover key IT business needs:

Cooperation with the provider will allow partners to develop their business by offering their customers flexible and advanced options for cloud services. Inferit Cloud partners will be able to expand their product portfolio with current cloud solutions built on the basis OpenStack of the Inferit Technika cloud platform and equipment.

The infrastructure of the Inferit Cloud provider is deployed at two independent sites: in the provider's own data center in the Istok SEZ and in the partner Tier-3 of the data center.

The provider invites you to cooperate:

The program provides for three options for cooperation, which makes it possible to choose a scenario that meets the business goals of the partner. The set of advantages is transparent and depends on the volume of sales or commitments made.

1. Resellers. Partners can offer the full range of cloud services and provider products to their customers, earning on the discount provided by Inferit Cloud. Marginality varies from the chosen partnership plan and can exceed 45%. At the same time, distributors and partners get the opportunity to develop their own network of sub-partners.

2. Technology partners. Companies with their own software products can place them in the Inferit Cloud infrastructure and provide them to customers using the SaaS model. Such partners gain access to the Inferit Cloud marketplace, its sales channels and client base. Revenue is distributed according to the Revenue Sharing principle.

3. Service partners. Companies specializing in IT services can provide professional service related to the migration of customers to Inferit Cloud, their technical support and support (Managed Services). For example, partners can audit and design cloud infrastructure, transfer information systems and customer data to it, administer and optimize their cloud environment.

Inferit Cloud intends to actively develop the ecosystem of partners, so additional advantages are provided for them:

  • Transparent conditions and honest operating algorithms;
  • Exclusive promotions, incentive programs and participation in ratings;
  • Access to technical documentation, knowledge base and training materials;
  • Assistance in preparing commercial proposals, presale and calculating projects;
  • Product, Sales and Marketing Training System;
  • The ability to buy DSS, servers, computer equipment and peripheral devices "Inferit" at attractive prices and the first to learn about special promotions;
  • The ability to place and sell their products in the future marketplace of cloud services;
  • Co-marketing, promotion and PR;
  • Transfer of leads based on the results of Inferit Cloud marketing activities;
  • Access to a closed club of partners with exclusive content;
  • Lidogeneration, presale and sales assistance;
  • 24/7 support.

{{quote "We are building a partner sales model based on the principles of equal cooperation, support and collaboration," said Sergey Samoukin, Commercial Director of Inferit Cloud. - Thanks to a well-thought-out program, partners receive transparent conditions of cooperation, they have no artificial barriers to development. In this regard, our task is to create an expert community, the motivation of which will be to help Russian entrepreneurship in the development and use of cloud technologies for digital business transformation. }}

Astra Linux Special Edition Availability

Astra Group and Inferit on June 11, 2024 announced the signing of a partnership agreement to use protected OCAstra Linux in the cloud infrastructure.

Thus, users can create virtual machines and install distributions on them with payment according to the subscription model.

The development of cloud solutions is one of the most important strategic areas of our business. It includes not only the development of its own products and technologies, but also cooperation with cloud providers. We are pleased to join forces with the cloud service provider Inferit Cloud to provide Russian customers with access to the secure Astra Linux operating system. I am confident that our partnership will allow organizations to deploy and scale their IT resources based on this OS without worrying about security and compliance with legal requirements, "said Anton Rudevsky, Director of Relations with Partners and Neighboring Countries of Astra Group.

Inferit notes that interest in domestic operating systems is growing among businesses . Import substitution is stimulated by state regulation and the need for further use of Russian software solutions. From this point of view, the operating system is considered as the foundation for an import-independent strategy.

To Inferit Cloud customers, the Astra Linux operating system is available in two versions. The Eagle version is suitable for those customers who need a domestic OS to deploy development environments and third-party services that do not require special information security tools. The Voronezh version meets the needs of working with the most sensitive client data and ensuring the maximum level of UZ-1 protection.

The Inferit Cloud product line takes into account the expectations of Russian business, especially in terms of infrastructure and data protection. Astra Linux features built-in patented information protection tools and is fully consistent with our strategy. Also, the subscription payment model makes the implementation of OS import substitution more accessible, customers can more flexibly manage resources. We are confident that cooperation with Astra Group carries tangible advantages to customers and partners, - said Maxim Manturov, director of Inferit cloud products.

Implementing SimpleOne ITSM

Russian cloudy provider "Inferit Cloud," which is part of the ecosystem of the IT"Inferit" brand, has implemented SimpleOne ITSM system for automation business processes and work with customer requests. Thanks to this system, the interaction of customers with technical support and services of the company has become even easier, faster and more convenient. This was SimpleOne (Simpson 1) announced on May 24, 2024. Read more here.

Inclusion in the register of hosting providers of Russia

Roskomnadzor has included Inferit Cloud in the Register of Hosting Providers in Russia. This confirms the company's compliance with high standards of security and service. Inferit (Inferit) announced this on May 7, 2024.

"Inferit Cloud" successfully passed the examination of Roskomnadzor and is included in the unified register hostingproviders Russia-. According to the latest law, organizations that provide hosting services must provide information protection in their infrastructure and be taken into account in the relevant register. If the company is not included in the register, it cannot provide hosting services.

Inclusion in the register implies compliance with the requirements of. information security To do this, you need to interact state with the system of detection, prevention and elimination of consequences () computer attacks State system of detection, prevention and elimination of consequences of computer attacks and promptly respond to emerging threats. In particular, report computer incidents within 24 hours of their detection.

Inclusion in the registry confirms that Inferit Cloud meets high security standards. At the same time, the infrastructure is deployed in two independent sites: the Inferit vendor's own data center in Fryazino, the Istok SEZ and the partner data center, which allows customers to ensure high availability, fault tolerance and scaling.

The company recalled that the Federal Law regulating the activities of hosting providers entered into force on December 1, 2023. Since February 1, 2024, hosting providers that are not included in the register cannot provide hosting services to current and new customers in the Russian Federation.

The law establishes the following requirements for hosting providers:

  • The Company shall be registered in Russia;
  • Computing power shall be placed inside; countries
  • Providers use a national domain name system;
  • Hosting can provide services only to persons who have passed the authentication procedure in the manner established by the government;
  • The provider protects information and counters network threats.

Information security is a steady trend that concerns the entire IT landscape. Entrepreneurs are increasingly paying attention to the safety of information and are trying to protect their infrastructure from hacks and leaks. Therefore, information security in all aspects remains a priority for us. The inclusion of hosting providers in the register confirmed that Inferit Cloud meets security standards, - said Maxim Manturov, director of Inferit cloud products.

BI.Zone CESP availability

Russian cloudy provider offers customers a service BI.ZONE CESP that protects mail from spam. Thanks to cooperation with BI.ZONE, the Inferit provider Cloud has strengthened its line of solutions in the field. cyber security This was Inferit (Inferit) announced on March 22, 2024.

According to BI. ZONE CESP, 69% of corporate emails in 2023 were illegitimate. They are used for targeted attacks and for the spread of mass spam. To protect customers from cyber threats, the Russian cloud provider Inferit Cloud has agreed with BI.ZONE on cooperation.

Integration with BI. ZONE CESP will allow Inferit Cloud customers to secure mail traffic and protect against spam, phishing and malicious software. The service conducts linguistic analysis of content and filters unwanted emails even before they arrive at the mail server. BI. ZONE CESP check not only incoming, but also outgoing letters, which allows you to identify compromised devices in the infrastructure and prevent mailing.

The use of BI. ZONE CESP will significantly reduce the resource costs of Inferit Cloud customers and partners for maintaining security tools, reduce digital risks, and help improve the security of the entire infrastructure. Such interaction will significantly increase the channel of partner sales and expand the product's presence in the market, "said Konstantin Levin, Commercial Director of BI.ZONE.

Inferit Cloud regularly analyzes the market's cybersecurity needs. This allows us to form a line of the most popular solutions for protecting against cyber threats, and our partners - to improve security and ensure continuity of business processes. Thanks to cooperation with BI.ZONE, our portfolio has the first service specializing in corporate email protection - BI. ZONE CESP, - said Maxim Manturov, director of Inferit cloud products.

Launch Private Cloud as a Service

Inferit Cloud, part of the IT vendor ecosystem Inferitis"," has expanded its service portfolio Private cloud with the "as a service" (PCaaS) solution. This product is designed to help companies build a safe and controlled one. IT infrastructure The developer announced this on March 20, 2024.

The private cloud from Inferit Cloud is especially relevant for organizations working with data subject to strict legal requirements - this is personal data, bank secrecy and others. Posting such information in public clouds is often impossible due to regulatory restrictions. PCaaS allows you to get all the advantages of a cloud model (flexibility, deployment speed, resource efficiency) with full control over the infrastructure.

The solution involves allocating physical IT resources for the needs of the client. The comprehensive platform includes automation, dynamic scaling, and self-service. This approach ensures business application performance and data security.

PCaaS Inferit Cloud is based on open source software and Russian hardware, including servers and DSS from Inferit Technika. The network infrastructure is based on high-performance components and devices of global Class A vendors. Integration with the Inferit Cloud public cloud provides ease of IT asset management and cost optimization. Customers are offered the flexibility to choose configurations to adapt to specific business needs.

PCaaS capabilities "Inferit Cloud":

  • Utilization of server capacity with guaranteed infrastructure isolation at the physical level;
  • All loads inside the private cloud are allocated in a ratio of 1:1 without power loss due to parasitic loads;
  • Rapid capacity expansion and integration with IaaS services;
  • Simplified resource allocation through virtualization to adapt to changing project requirements;
  • Access to infrastructure health monitoring tools and support for cloud management;
  • Choice between different financial models: purchase, installment or rent.

As Sergey Andrievsky, CTO of Inferit Cloud, emphasized, the deployment of a private cloud is always an individual project that takes into account the specifics and requirements of a particular customer. The provider takes over the design and configuration of the infrastructure and provides administration services, eliminating the need for the client to look for rare and expensive specialists.

Private cloud will be the best option if the company works with data that is subject to certain requirements from Russian legislation. For example, this applies to banking information, personal data or corporate documents. Often hosting of this type of data cannot be placed in public clouds, - said Sergey Andrievsky, technical director of Inferit Cloud.

An additional advantage of PCaaS from Inferit Cloud is the presence in the stack of not only infrastructure (IaaS), but also platform (PaaS) services - from databases to development tools. This allows you to accelerate the creation and launch of cloud applications by using ready-made configured platform modules.

Integration with PT Application Firewall

Inferit Cloud expands its WAF (Web Application Firewall) product portfolio with a cloud-based solution - PT Application Firewall from Positive Technologies. Softline announced this on February 26, 2024. "Inferit Cloud" is built on the basis of open source software for creating cloud computing OpenStack.

PT Cloud Application Firewall is a cloud-based version of the firewall to protect web applications and APIs from cyber attacks. The solution prevents intruders from penetrating the infrastructure of organizations, protects against unauthorized access to user data, and prevents leaks of confidential information.

By integrating with PT Cloud Application Firewall, Inferit Cloud customers will gain an additional layer of protection for their web resources and critical business applications. The solution will be placed in the cloud infrastructure provider and provided to customers according to the model. SaaS

Launch Inferit Clouds

Inferitis"" February 21, 2024 announced the launch, Russian cloudy provider which specializes in providing infrastructure and IT services. "Inferit Cloud" is built on the basis of the latest stable version open source software for creating an infrastructure. cloud computing OpenStack

A hyperconverged platform based on Inferit Technika's own equipment provides high performance, security, reliability and flexibility in deploying cloud computing.

The Inferit Cloud infrastructure is deployed in two independent sites: the Inferit vendor's own data center in Fryazino, the Istok SEZ and the partner data center, which will provide customers with high availability, fault tolerance and unlimited scaling.

With the beginning of Inferit Cloud, customers get access to a large range of services - from public and private cloud infrastructure to complex security solutions and telecommunications services. The following services have been launched as of February 2024:

  • Public cloud infrastructure: IaaS, cloud servers, private servers, network services, backup and disaster recovery;
  • Telecommunication services: L2 channels, dedicated Internet access channels, public IP addresses, fiber optic network lease;
  • Security services: protection against, DDoS-attacks WAF, Anti-bot, colocation for MPS, (CESP protection); email
  • Tools to migrate your IT infrastructure to Inferit Cloud.

Inferit Cloud helps customers implement the strategy. import substitution IT infrastructures The client's infrastructure can be deployed in Inferit Cloud on the basis of the Russian zVirt virtualization platforms Orion Soft technology partner Inferit from the company.

"Inferit Cloud" focuses on the development of a partner sales model. Agreements have been reached on technological partnerships with major players in the IT market, which will allow developing services in demand on the market to create fault-tolerant customer infrastructures.

The 2024 roadmap provides for the launch of new services, including developer solutions, ML& AI services, storage S3 SaaS and solution marketplace. And also, the development of a convenient, intuitive personal account of the client and partner in order to automate cloud infrastructure management as much as possible visualize data , using dashboards, manage access and resources, and receive round-the-clock technical support.