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NGO ITS: Spider Traffic

The name of the base system (platform): Artificial intelligence (AI, Artificial intelligence, AI)
Developers: NPO Intelligent Technical Systems (NPO ITS)
Technology: Video surveillance system,  Video analytics systems


Main article: Video analytics (terms, applications, technologies)


Implementation of over 400 units in 5 regions of Russia

In 2024, NPO ITS produced and introduced over 400 pieces of traffic management equipment in 5 regions of Russia. As a result, capacity on busy sections of highways increased by an average of 20%. The work was carried out within the framework of the national project "Safe Quality Roads." The company announced this on December 28, 2024.

We are talking about video detectors "SPIDER Traffic." They are installed on the busiest sections of roads in, Arkhangelskaya,, and Volgograd Bryansk. Astrakhan regions Bashkortostan Large-scale projects were implemented Volgograd in Bashkortostan: the company installed 115 and 149 pieces of equipment here, respectively.

The video detector determines the number of cars, traffic density, average speed on the road and individual speed of the car, as well as the type of vehicle. It was developed by engineers of NPO ITS, is compatible with almost any model of video cameras, is resistant to weather conditions and can control movement even on multi-lane highways with a detection error of no more than 5%.

The video detector works on the basis, neuronets which allows you to adjust its functionality. The equipment is included in the register, and Ministry of Industry and Trade its - software in. register of Russian software Ministry of Digital Development

In 2020-2024 NPO ITS installed more than 4.3 thousand photo and video recording complexes, over 1 thousand detectors and other equipment (road controllers, weight controllers) in 11 regions of Russia.

Inclusion in the register of the radio-electronic industry

The SPIDER photo and video recording complex manufactured by the company NPO "ITS" is included in. register of radio-electronic industry Ministry of Industry and Trade RUSSIAN FEDERATION This was preceded by the receipt of a ST-1 certificate confirming the Russian the origin of the equipment. The developer announced this on December 13, 2024.

critical information infrastructure A process is underway at the facilities. Under import substitution software these conditions, the inclusion of software products in the register gives domestic developers competitive advantages when participating in procurement, "said Vyacheslav Smirnov, General Director of NPO ITS.

The SPIDER photo and video recording complex reveals facts of violation of the speed limit, travel to the prohibiting traffic light, rules for using seat belts and a phone while driving, crossing the stop line and other traffic violations.

The device also recognizes the types transport of means and their license plate. The photo and video recording complex integrated SAT with "," and Web can also work as a detector for transport transmitting information about traffic flows - traffic intensity, density, average speed, vehicle classification - to the Traffic Control Centers.

Obtaining a ST-1 certificate confirming the Russian origin of the video detector

The company "NPO" ITS "received a ST-1 certificate for its own technical solution - the video detector" SPIDER Traffic. " As representatives of NPO "ITS" clarified the TAdviser portal, the certificate was issued to the company by one of the branches of the Commercial and Industrial Tent of the Russian Federation. According to them, the presence of a certificate contributes to more active implementation of domestic equipment at critical information infrastructure facilities. The developer announced this on December 5, 2024.

The software for the video detector was developed by the engineers of NPO ITS. The ST-1 certificate confirms the Russian origin of the device and is necessary to include the technical solution in the register of the Ministry of Industry and Trade.

The presence of a domestic technical solution in the register of the Ministry of Industry and Trade is a competitive plus of a participant in procurement procedures. Therefore, certification contributes to more active use of Russian developments at critical information infrastructure facilities, which is provided for by the state policy of import substitution, - said Vyacheslav Smirnov, General Director of NPO ITS.

The video detector "SPIDER Traffic" counts the amount of transport, determines the intensity and density of traffic, the average speed on the road and the individual speed of the car, recognizes the type of vehicle and the lane. This is necessary for automated traffic control - changing the mode of operation of traffic lights.

2023: Testing in Volgograd

The Russian transport detector is being tested in Volgograd.

The video detector "SPIDER Traffic" was developed by the group of companies NPO "Intelligent Technical Systems." The software and hardware controlled complex operates on the basis of neural network technologies, providing high accuracy of detection and collection of transport flow statistics. The developer announced this on September 21, 2023.

Test tests of the SPIDER Traffic detector are held in Volgograd at a T-shaped intersection (Universitetskiy pr. - Kazakskaya St.) with a high load. There, the specialists of the NPO group of companies "ITS" installed a cabinet with a computer system on the support, determined the fixation zone and set up the equipment.

The developers check the detector during the day and night in various weather and temperature conditions. In addition, during the tests, they study the peculiarities of integrating the complex with different cameras. To do this, four types of cameras were connected to it.

Our detector is versatile. "SPIDER Traffic" can work with any cameras, even surveillance cameras. This means that you can, for example, use cameras already available to the customer. That is, we are talking about reducing costs and significant savings. At the same time, as the tests show, the accuracy of detection does not change and remains at the same high level, - said Vyacheslav Smirnov, General Director of the NGO Intelligent Technical Systems.

The SPIDER Traffic video detector allows you to determine the density and intensity of movement. Get information about how many cars, at what average speed and along which lane the controlled area passed. The complex determines the type of cars with an accuracy of more than 95%. Among other advantages: an expanded classification of vehicles and a wide detection zone - up to 8 lanes. The developers also provided the ability to monitor the state and control the operability of the equipment

At the same time, "SPIDER Traffic" is capable of processing four video streams. All collected information is stored in the detector database. Calculations are carried out at the facilities of the complex. The results of the work on request are transmitted to the Automated Traffic Control System (ADMS).

The sanctions had a certain impact on the sphere of intelligent transport systems. We began to actively engage in R&D, accelerated work on our own developments. Our goal is to produce equipment that will be in demand on the IT market. SPIDER Traffic is one of our first such projects. We have organized pilot production and mainly use domestic components. The motherboard of the complex and the remote control board are all assembled by our Russian specialists, "said Vyacheslav Smirnov, General Director of NPO Intelligent Technical Systems.

Testing of the video detector "SPIDER Traffic" in Volgograd will last until the end of 2023. By this time, a site for the launch of serial production of complexes will be determined and prepared.