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Developers: RELEX (GC Relational Expert Systems)
Date of the premiere of the system: 1990
Last Release Date: 2025/02/18
Technology: DBMS


Main article: Database Management System (DBMS)

LINTER - Russian DBMSatalia [1] No. 7/2002, RELEX implements [2] SQL:2003 standard and supports most operating systems, including the Windows family, Mac OS, various versions of UNIX, real-time OS (including QNX) and mobile platforms Android, iOS.



Red OS Compatibility

On March 18, 2025, Red Software and RELEX announced the completion of compatibility testing of the Red OS operating system with the LINTER BASTION and STANDARD database management systems (DMS).

Testing was carried out on the technological base and according to the RELEX methodology, which includes comprehensive checks of the functionality, performance and stability of the two systems in different use cases.

The use of LINTER and RED OS DBMS ensures high reliability and security of data processing and information protection.

We always strive to meet the market requirements in the field of information protection, offering our customers the most reliable solutions. Confirming the compatibility of RED OS and DBMS Linter is another step towards achieving a high level of information security. Our teams are working to improve the functionality and integration of our products in order to provide users with the most secure and effective tools for working with data, ― said Irina Myagkova, Deputy Director for Development of RELEX.

RED SOFTWARE is constantly expanding the catalog of domestic solutions compatible with the products of the company's ecosystem. DBMS Linter expands the list of available solutions for users of RED OS, becoming another option when choosing a secure database management system for building and maintaining the operability of an import-independent IT infrastructure. We thank the RELEX team for fruitful cooperation! ― commented Rustam Rustamov, Deputy General Director of RED SOFT.

Audit subsystem has been improved

An update of the certified FSTEC version of the Company's flagship software product has been released. RELEX The updated version received more than 50 changes that increased performance, functionality and security. data The company announced this on February 18, 2025.

Key Changes List:

  • Improvements in terms of security subsystem settings: the audit subsystem has been improved,
  • Improvements in the operation of the INL utility.
  • Improvements in Hot Spare System operation.
  • Supports.NET Core ADO.NET-провайдером, including Entity Framework 6.
  • NuGet packages are assembled ADO.NET-провайдера.NET Core, including Entity Framework 6.

"And other improvements.

Compliance is key to ensuring the security and reliability of our solutions. With ever-increasing cyber threats, data protection is a priority for any industry. Our update ensures that all customer data is under reliable protection that meets the most stringent standards, "said Irina Myagkova, Deputy General Director for Development of RELEX.

DBMS Linter Bastion complies with the requirements of FSTEC of Russia:

  • Security Classes 2 and 4 according to "Information Security Requirements for Database Management Systems"
  • Levels 2 and 4 of trust according to "Information Security Requirements Establishing Levels of Trust in Information Security Tools and Information Technology Security Tools"
  • 2 class of protection against unauthorized access to information

Also DBMS Linter Bastion is certified by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation:

  • 3 class of protection against unauthorized access to information
  • 2level for monitoring the absence of undeclared capabilities


Compatibility with MSVSERVER 9

On November 1, 2024, Inferit OS (part of Softline Group of Companies) announced the confirmation of the compatibility of MSVSFERA Server 9 with the line of domestic DBMS Linter from RELEX. The integration of products will provide customers with a complete stack of solutions for creating high-performance, scalable and secure information systems based on Russian technologies. This will optimize the financial costs of companies by 25% and increase the speed of development. Read more here.

Compatibility with SHP ZOSRV "Neutrino"

LLC AIRCRAFT SHD"" JSC NPP RELEX and announced the compatibility and correctness of LINTER DBMS BASTION with protected operating system real time (ZOSRV) "" Neutrino on platforms and. x86 Elbrus RELEX announced this on May 15, 2024. This partnership sets a new standard in, data protection providing organizations with an exceptional level of security for their critical ones. data

Tests carried out at the technological base of JSC NPP RELEX confirmed that DBMS Linter BASTION and ZOSRV Neutrino work together as a cohesive mechanism.

A joint solution will ensure enterprises have a high level of data security. Advantages of the partnership:

  • DBMS Linter BASTION easily integrates with Neutrino ZOSRV, providing trouble-free implementation and quick activation.
  • DBMS Linter BASTION operates at Neutrino ZOSRV stably and reliably, providing uninterrupted data access.
  • DBMS Linter BASTION provides tools and functionality for efficient data management.
  • Comprehensive protection: protection is provided in information systems with top secret information, as well as in significant objects of critical information infrastructure, in state information systems, in automated systems for managing production and technological processes, in personal data information systems, in public information systems.
  • Universal compatibility: Compatible on the x86 platform and on Elbrus, giving you the flexibility to choose hardware.

According to companies, a joint solution will provide enterprises with a high level of data security.

The compatibility of DBMS Linter BASTION and ZOSRV Neutrino is critical for data protection, performance and efficiency in vital, industries economies such as the public sector defense industry,, and power. transport mining

LINTER BASTION and ZOSRV Neutrino are critical elements of the architectures of modern control systems in various industries. industries Therefore, RELEX and SVD have been working together for many years to ensure the compatibility of their flagship products, understanding the importance of such integration for our common customers. I am convinced that the latest versions of our products, thanks to their high compatibility, will serve as a reliable foundation for the solutions of our customers, "said Andrey Fefilov, General Director of SVD VS.

SVD VS LLC and JSC NPP RELEX see great prospects in further joint work to improve their products, improve safety and productivity. Both companies maintain a high-level partnership, offering customers cutting-edge solutions that meet their most stringent requirements.

LINTER BASTION and ZOSRV Neutrino provide our customers in vital sectors of the economy with a critical basis for protecting their data, improving productivity and ensuring uninterrupted operation. We are ready for further fruitful cooperation and promise to provide even more innovative solutions, "said Mikhail Baklanov, Director of the RELEX DBMS Center.

Confirm compliance with "Information Security Requirements for Database Management Systems"

JSC NPP RELEX has received confirmation that DBMS LINTER BASTION complies with the Requirements for Information Security for Database Management Systems, approved by Order of the FSTEC of Russia dated April 14, 2023. The developer announced this on March 11, 2024.

The certificate certifies that DBMS Linter BASTION developed and manufactured by JSC NPP RELEX meets the following information security requirements:

  • "Computer tools. Protection against unauthorized access to information. Indicators of protection against unauthorized access to information "(State Technical Commission of Russia, 1992) - according to the 2nd class of protection,
  • "Information Security Requirements Establishing Levels of Trust in Information Security Tools and Information Technology Security Tools" (FSTEC of Russia, 2020) - in Levels 2 and 4 of trust, depending on implementation,
  • "Information security requirements for database management systems" (FSTEC of Russia, 2023) - in classes 2 and 4 of protection, depending on the implementation.

Thanks to this, Linter Bastion can be used:

  • In information systems where information containing top secret information and classified information is processed;
  • in significant objects of critical information infrastructure of the 1st category of significance,
  • in state information systems of the 1st class of security,
  • in automated control systems of production and technological processes of the 1st class of protection,
  • in personal data information systems, if it is necessary to ensure 1 level of personal data security,
  • In Class II public information systems.

DBMS LINTER BASTION protection model provides a fully functional tiered data protection scheme at all stages of data processing and storage in the system:

  • DBMS Linter works only with identified users;
  • all data stored in the database have an owner and identification marks;
  • all users of the database are assigned a list of access rights;
  • The user can perform the operation only if the operation is allowed by all levels of protection at the same time;
  • Administrators do not have direct access to other users' data. Their differences from the rest lie only in the ability to manage other users;
  • The database administrator does not have direct access to the data. Its functions in comparison with the rest of the subjects expand only towards the management of the security system as a whole;
  • all resources transferred under the control of the operating system do not carry the information contained in them during the operation of the Linter DBMS;
  • The database administrator can monitor the work of users in multi-user systems based on developed event logging tools;
  • Forced access control can be used for multi-user networking;
  • The user can obtain the access tags of the requested data in order to further monitor the further use of the information;
  • all actions on logical communication channels with the database are reliably connected with the user who opened this channel. Once the logical link is closed, you cannot use this link;
  • DBMS LINTER uses the principle of minimum privileges if privileges are not explicitly specified.

The certified version of DBMS LINTER BASTION is compatible with Russian OS - Astra Linux Special Edition, Alt 8 SP, Neutrino ZOSRV KPDA.

LINTER BASTION database management system is a completely Russian development, not based on open source products.

DBMS LINTER BASTION is registered in the Register of Russian Software - registry entry No. 105 of 18.03.2016.


Compatibility with Alt OS

On August 17, 2021, the Russian companies BASEALT and RELEX announced the successful testing of the LINTER BASTION database management system in the latest versions of the Alt family of operating systems. Read more here.

Red OS Compatibility

The companies "Red Soft" and "RELEX" conducted tests on the compatibility and correctness of the DBMS Linter BASTION with the operating systemRED OS. Red Soft announced this on April 23, 2021.

Inspections were carried out at the technological base of RELEX NPP CJSC according to the methodology developed by RELEX NPP CJSC and approved by RED SOFT. The operation of the DBMS in the environment of the RED OS operating system was tested. The results obtained make it possible to recognize software products as compatible. DBMS Linter BASTION provides the declared parameters of information processing and protection and stable operation in the RED OS operating system.

We are confident that our collaboration will open up additional opportunities for migration and development of applications that require a high level of data security, "summed up the work of the director of the DBMS Center Mikhail Baklanov.

RED SOFTWARE is constantly expanding the range of partners and products compatible with RED OS. This allows us to release reliable complex solutions on the market, which greatly facilitates the work of customers and simplifies the transition to domestic software, - commented Rustamov Rustam, Deputy General Director of RED SOFT.

Solutions based on the RED OS operating system certified by the FSTEC of Russia and DBMS Linter BASTION, certified by the FSTEC of Russia and the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, can be recommended for use as basic components of a protected Russian platform intended for use as part of software and hardware systems of various purposes.


Prototype of highly parallel DBMS of general purpose created

The team of the RELEX DBMS Development Center has created a prototype of a highly parallel general-purpose DBMS focused on use in modern multi-core equipment. RELEX announced this in October 2020.

According to the developers, the platform being developed combines the capabilities of classic disk DBMS and in-memory solutions and maximizes the use of hardware resources. computer As a result, the processing speed is multiplied in comparison with the analogues on the market. Such a DBMS architecture will allow the end user to reduce the cost of purchasing and updating hardware.

The characteristics of the presented DBMS are confirmed by TPC-C tests on the created prototype product. Development has been underway since 2017. In October 2020, the search for a co-investor is underway.

Re-registration for compliance with the latest FSTEC requirements

On September 7, 2020, RELEX announced the completion of the renewal of the certificate of the flagship product - DBMS LINTER BASTION - for compliance with the latest FSTEC requirements.

During the work, the protected domestic DBMS was tested in a specialized laboratory. Comprehensive checks confirmed that LINTER BASTION meets the second level of trust in accordance with the "Information Security Requirements for Information Security Tools and Information Security Tools" and the second class of protection against unauthorized access. Thus, DBMS Linter Bastion can be used in information systems designed to work with information constituting a state secret.

The FSTEC requirements for software certification were established in 2019. In the summer of 2020, the deadline set by the regulator for passing software certification for these requirements ended.

The requirements highlight six levels of trust in the software. The first three levels of trust correspond to software products that can be used to work with information constituting a state secret. The second three levels are solutions for working at objects of critical information structure, in ACS systems, etc.

DBMS Linter Bastion has been developed since 1990. By September 2020, the system is used in dozens of solutions for construction, mining, public sector, banking, defense industry products.

Linter Bastion and Linter Standard DBMS compatibility with Polycode platform

On July 13, 2020, the Polilog agency reported that together with JSC NPP RELEX, they conducted a joint check of the correct installation and operation of the POLYCODE software platform with LINTER BASTION DBMS and LINTER STANDARD DBMS.


DBMS LINTER BASTION and DBMS LINTER STANDARD were subjected to load and functional testing. The test results confirm that the POLYCODE software platform provides stable operation with DBMS LINTER BASTION and DBMS LINTER STANDARD. The checks did not reveal any product compatibility issues.

AlterOS compatibility

On April 1, 2020, NPP RELEX CJSC announced that together with ALMIS Partner LLC they conducted joint checks of the correct installation and functioning of Linter BASTION DBMS in AlterOS operating systems.

The test results confirm that DBMS LINTER BASTION provides the declared parameters of information processing and protection and stable operation in operating systems of the AlterOS family. The checks did not reveal any product compatibility issues.

Solutions based on operating system AlterOS and DBMS LINTER BASTION, certified FSTEC Russia and MO, RUSSIAN FEDERATION can be recommended for use as basic components of a protected Russian platform intended for use as part of software and hardware systems of the widest purpose.


Russian Defense Ministry updates DBMS Linter Bastion certificate

The declared levels of security and compatibility with common and specialized operating systems have been confirmed. The validity period of the certificate of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation for DBMS Linter Bastion has been extended until 2024.

DBMS Linter Bastion is certified by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation in the following versions:

  • Operating in 32-bit Linux operating systems
  • Operating in 64-bit Linux operating systems
  • for operation in the environment of QNX OS (including Neutrino ABSCM KPDA);
  • to run in a Windows environment.

DBMS Linter Bastion complies with the following requirements:

  • according to the 3rd class of information protection against unauthorized access;
  • 2 level of control over the absence of undeclared capabilities;
  • compliance with the real and declared functionality in the documentation.

The federal body for the certification of information protection means decided to extend the validity of the certificate of conformity No. 1489 of the Ministry of Defense for the Linter Bastion database management system until October 2, 2024.

DBMS Linter Bastion is the only database management system that is fully developed in Russia and does not depend on foreign software manufacturers.

DBMS Linter Bastion is recommended for use in projects of the Ministry of Defense, at enterprises of ROSATOM State Corporation, in state and municipal systems.

Security Vision Compatibility

On July 8, 2019, Intelligent Security announced that it had successfully completed compatibility testing of its own software products with RELEX Group of Companies. Read more here.

Support for Elbrus 801-RS processors, Elbrus-4.4 server, Neutrino-E OS (ZOSRV)

On June 4, 2019, RELEX announced joint work with SVD Embedded Systems LLC and MCST JSC as part of the import substitution project. Read more here.

Patent for a method of separating database objects

RELEX Group of Companies received patent No. 2676223 for a method of separating database objects based on privacy marks. The solution found by our engineers allows you to adapt the characteristics of the DBMS depending on the confidentiality of the data being processed. Implementation of the invention makes it possible to improve efficiency of data storage with limited access on memory devices, considerably simplifies algorithms ensuring safety of sensitive data.

Astra Linux Special Edition Compatibility

On January 21, 2019, RELEX announced that it had jointly tested software products under development with ASTRALINUX. The test results confirmed the correct operation of DBMS Linter Bastion in the environment of the ASTRALINUX Special Edition special-purpose operating system release "Smolensk" version 1.6.

In January 2019, our company sees the goal of creating a reliable data server database that allows us to develop automated systems in a secure version. Naturally, one of our key partners is ASTRALINUX, which offers the market a specialized operating system of the Linux family. We plan to continue to maintain LINTER BASTION and ASTRALINUX Special Edition compatibility and offer developers a domestic certified secure platform.

Vitaly Maksimov, Deputy General Director of RELEX

Specialists of partner companies note that against the background of the implementation of the import substitution program in Russia and the constantly imposed sanctions against Russia, interest in domestic software is constantly growing.

The joint use of the ASTRALINUX Special Edition 1.6 operating system and DBMS LINTER BASTION allows you to create a secure high-performance infrastructure for processing limited access information, including those containing state secrets of the "top secret" level, inclusive. We have prepared appropriate instructions for working with DBMS Linter Bastion, which are available for free download.

Roman Mylitsyn, ASTRALINUX Product Director

Compatible with operating systems STC IT ROSA

On January 14, 2019, RELEX announced that it has jointly with STC IT ROSA and completed testing of DBMS LINTER STANDARD and LINTER BASTION for compatibility with certified operating systems RELD, RELS, ROSA Cobalt, ROSA Virtualization. The test results confirm the full operability of LINTER database management systems in ROSA OS environments. The LINTER DBMS family was developed in Russia and as of January 2019 meets market requirements and legal requirements.

Compatibility of ROSA operating systems and Linter DBMS
In the context of the import substitution course, each compatibility agreement is a victory and a serious step towards fully providing the Russian software market with proprietary software. We are very pleased that RELEX Group has become our partner.

Vladislav Vasilyeva, General Director of the IT ROSA Research and Development Center noted

Partnerships with Russian manufacturers of domestic products and solutions in IT are always a priority for us. Joint work with STC IT ROSA among them. We value such cooperation in the interests of all our consumers.

Igor Boychenko, CEO of RELEX Group of Companies


Patent for a method of storing partially matching large objects

On July 13, 2018, the Relex Group of Companies announced the receipt of patent No. 2656721 for the method of storing partially matching large objects.

In a study of promising ways of storing, processing and mass modification of large objects (Large Objects/LOB), the company's specialists have developed a way to represent LOBs on disk and in memory. This method takes into account the periodic repeatability of the contents of large objects.

According to Relex representatives, the solution optimizes the storage of large objects on memory. In addition, the type of high-performance operations is introduced - group modification of partially matching large objects.

The developed technology will find application in the next generation DBMS, the company noted.

Compatibility with the Alt family of operating systems


On July 5, 2018, it became known that RELEX and BASEALT conducted joint tests of their own software products. The test results confirm that the Linter Bastion DBMS is compatible, correct and stable with the following Alt family operating systems:

DBMS Linter Bastion - the own, fully domestic development of RELEX - was created for use in information systems with high security requirements. data DBMS Linter Bastion is certified FSTEC Russia and. Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation


Unified Register of Russian Programs and Databases

The Russian database management system developed by RELEX LINTER STANDARD was entered into the Unified Register of Russian Programs and Databases. Information on the introduction is published in the order of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation dated 15.08.2017 No. 421, Appendix 1, No. clauses 111, register No. 3894.

Patent for a new way to organize the storage of records in databases

The RELEX group of companies received a N2621628 patent for a new way to organize the storage of records in databases. The technology can radically reduce the load on the disk subsystem for some classes of tasks. The invention effectively solves the problem of storing records that are often combined in SQL query results. The absence of overheads for storing such record groups radically distinguishes this way of processing records from similar solutions. The technology was developed by RELEX specialists in the framework of advanced research in the field of data processing and storage and can be used in new generation DBMS.

DBMS Linter upgraded


On January 30, 2017, RELEX Group announced the modernization of the Linter DBMS product line. DBMS is represented by two versions: LINTER BASTION and LINTER STANDARD. The company's pricing policy has not changed.

The company revised the product line of the Russian DBMS Linter. Since January 2017, DBMS Linter has been presented on the market with two versions:

All the features that the Linter Real Time version provided to users are saved in LINTER BASTION. Technical and warranty support for customers using Linter Real Time and Linter Multiversion versions - according to current contracts.


In Japan, 50 million "smart things" use Linter DBMS

In December, the Japanese company Brycen, a partner of the Voronezh company RELEX, told[3]various options for the embedded version of the Linter DBMS already use over 50 million smart things of varying degrees of intelligence. RELEX representatives explained that there are two main options for the operation of their DBMS in class M2M or Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) systems. In [4]

In the first of them, sensors located on relatively simple end devices (for example, video surveillance systems; devices for metering water, heat, gas or electricity) send their information to a node through wired or wireless protocols, where the DBMS reliably stores and quickly processes it and stores the processing results in the cloud.

If the "smart thing" (for example, a car, unmanned aerial vehicle or robot) is equipped not only with sensors, but also with actuators, then based on the data obtained as a result of the functioning of the Linter DBMS, these actuators can be controlled.

Of course, the built-in versions of the Linter DBMS do not work on their own, but under the control of any operating system (OS). The developers claim that their brainchild is currently compatible with more than two dozen different operating systems, including Rasbian OS (OS based on the Debian distribution) of the Raspberry Pi single-board microcomputer, which is often used in IoT projects. They say: "The advantages of LINTER are that this DBMS is not resource-intensive and allows you to practically not sacrifice functionality with very strict requirements for the amount of memory occupied."

Using the LINTER® M2M platform enables simple development of M2M systems without the need to develop communication control / operation management functionality in both the server side and device side applications. Installing the application DB on both the device side and server side improves the usability of the device, and improves the security of the data against situations such as power loss.

LINTER Bastion tested with EU2015-Terem

On February 18, 2016, I-Teco and RELEX announced the completion of the integration and testing of the LINTER Bastion database management system on the EC2015-Terem corporate virtualization software and hardware complex.

The purpose of testing is to create a platform for organizing corporate VDI/VPS systems based on the Russian technology stack. The companies began working in this direction in 2015. Specialists of partner companies conducted a set of compatibility tests of DBMS LINTER Bastion and PAC EC2015-Terem in the most popular operating environments: Linux (CentOS 7) and Windows (Windows Server 2008 R2 x86_64).

author = Vitaly Maksimov, Deputy General Director of RELEX
Dependence on foreign computer manufacturers and software developers inevitably leads to vulnerability of information systems of Russian enterprises. Our task is to offer users secure platforms that will ensure normal operation without looking at foreign vendors. The experience of cooperation with I-Teco is another step towards the creation of domestic software and hardware solutions, the presence of which is extremely important today to ensure the safety and technological independence of Russian consumers.

To assess the effectiveness of the complex as part of DBMS LINTER and EC2015-Terem, at the final stage of work, comparative testing of a virtual platform with similar physical servers was carried out. As part of this stage, OLTP, OLAP and mixed DBMS load profiles were tested. The obtained experimental data was demonstrated - the EU2015-Terem virtual infrastructure provides performance comparable to systems on physical servers of the corresponding configuration, and in some cases exceeds their results.

author = Nikolay Parfyonov, Head of Ai-Teko CJSC
As a result of successful tests, partner companies are ready to offer the IT market a high-performance PAC as a basis for building information systems using a domestic high-tech software product - DBMS LINTER. The goal of the project is to provide customers with the opportunity, relying on domestic developments, to build production and corporate IT systems, reducing dependence on foreign proprietary virtualization software, databases and hardware, reducing operating costs and building a strategic perspective for maintaining investments. Aiming at long-term mutually beneficial cooperation "I-Teco" and, RELEX we are already positioning the PAC "" - EC2015-Terem" DBMS LINTER Bastion" bundle as a component that ensures high reliability not only of the Russian, but also of the developing Eurasian software platform, complementing the joint product with new specifications and guarantees of compatibility with popular application systems. Recommending the enterprise virtualization platform "" and EC2015-Terem DBMS LINTER for joint use, we invite Russian enterprises to test this solution in application to their own production tasks.

DBMS "Linter Bastion" is recommended for use with OS "Rosa"

In the spring of 2016, Russian companies STC IT ROSA and Relex completed testing of Linter Bastion DBMS for compatibility with certified operating systems Rosa Nickel, Rosa Cobalt and Rosa Chrome. Manufacturing companies recommend their products for use in automated systems of commercial organizations, government bodies and defense industry enterprises as basic system software.

According to Relex representatives, the use of database management systems and operating systems developed in Russia will allow enterprises to create and apply solutions that meet the requirements of Russian law. This became most relevant after the entry into force of Federal Law No. 188-FZ of June 29, 2015 "On Amendments to the Federal Law 'On Information, Information Technologies and Information Protection'."

The Linter Bastion database management system is fully developed in Russia and certified by the FSTEC of Russia and the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. Thanks to the proper security, Linter Bastion allows you to build information systems of any level of security, including those designed to process and store classified information. All DBMS protection modules are implemented in accordance with the requirements of the main guidelines of the FSTEC of Russia and comply with the requirements of federal laws No. 149-FZ "On Information, Information Technologies and Information Protection," No. 152-FZ "On Personal Data" and the Information Security Doctrine of the Russian Federation (approved by the President of the Russian Federation 09.09.2000 No. Pr-1895).

The Rosa Cobalt family of operating systems is certified by the FSTEC of Russia to work with confidential information, including personal data. The Rosa Chrome family is certified by the FSTEC of Russia and is recommended for processing information constituting a state secret with a stamp no higher than "secret." Finally, Rosa Nickel OS is certified by the Eighth Department of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and is recommended for processing information constituting a state secret with a stamp no higher than "secret."

DBMS "Linter Bastion" on the domestic server Rikor EcoServer

In the spring of 2016, RELEX and Ricore completed testing of the Russian Linter database management system on the domestic Rikor EcoServer hardware platform.

The first phase of the work was the adaptation of DBMS Linter in the protected version of BASTION to work on servers Rikor EcoServer. As a result, RELEX specialists collected DBMS Linter distributions for the most common domestic operating systems based on the kernel, and Linux for OS Ubuntu 12.04.

The next step in testing was to check the correctness of the Linter BASTION DBMS on the Rikor EcoServer platform, which included functional and load tests.

In the final phase, the performance of the domestic platform was tested, which was carried out both on standard RELEX test kits and on the example of a test OLTP application that simulates the operation of an automated banking system.

DBMS Linter Bastion on Raspberry Pi microcomputer

RELEX specialists tested the Russian DBMS on the Raspbian OS traditional for Raspberry and are ready to offer a joint solution. Due to the fact that LINTER has a full set of functions of a universal DBMS, without requiring a lot of memory and disk space for work, its use in IoT platforms has many prospects: from smart home systems to a smart enterprise.

"The capabilities of DBMS Linter on the Raspberry Pi platform are very diverse, our product can be used in a variety of fields and classes of tasks: security video surveillance systems, data monitoring in medical institutions, monitoring and automation of processes in industrial production, self-driving vehicle control systems and much more. The advantage of LINTER DBMS is its full functionality and undemanding resources. As for one of the key advantages of LINTER - certified data protection - here, for example, to defense industry enterprises, we can offer several interesting options for implementing LINTER DBMS for embedded systems. This can be a DBMS for on-board combat robot complexes, or a database server for collecting, primary processing and transmitting video streams for drones "- comments Roman Barkalov, business development manager of the RELEX group of companies.

The release of the Russian DBMS Linter with full support for transaction mechanisms for single-board microcomputers opens up new prospects for companies operating in the rapidly developing IoT market.


The Federal Service for Technical and Export Control (FSTEC of Russia) has completed the inspection control of the new version of DBMS Linter BASTION developed by JSC NPP RELEX. Based on the test results, the FSTEC of Russia decided to extend the validity of the certificate of conformity No. 2601 to the new version of the system with the extension of the certificate until March 22, 2018. The new version of DBMS Linter Bastion has eliminated a number of potential vulnerabilities identified during laboratory testing and operation of the system. In addition, numerous optimizations and functional improvements were made, which significantly increased the performance of the Linter BASTION DBMS and increased its reliability.


In March 2011, it was announced the completion of certification of the Linter Bastion DBMS in the Eighth Directorate of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. The obtained certificate allows the use of DBMS Linter BASTION in automated defense systems to the 1B security class inclusive and significantly expands the scope of application of the domestic database server in projects of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. Various versions of the LINTER DBMS family are certified by the FSTEC of Russia and the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, which allows implementing automated systems of almost any level of security based on RELEX solutions.

Certificate of Conformity No. 1489 dated March 10, 2011 certifies that DBMS LINTER BASTION complies with the requirements of Order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation of 1996 No. 058:

  • according to the 3rd class of information protection against unauthorized access (NSD) according to the guidance document "Computer equipment. Protection against unauthorized access to information. Indicators of protection against unauthorized access to information (State Technical Commission of Russia, 1992);
  • according to level 2 of control over the absence of undeclared capabilities (EID) in accordance with the guidance document "Protection against unauthorized access to information. Part 1. Information security software. Classification by the level of control over the absence of undeclared opportunities (State Technical Commission of Russia, 1999);
  • compliance with the real and declared functionality in the documentation.

The certificate issued by the Ministry of Defense confirms that DBMS Linter Bastion, manufactured by JSC NPP RELEX, can be used to process information in automated systems containing information constituting a state secret and having a degree of secrecy "top secret." DBMS Linter BASTION is certified for use in Linux, Windows (x32), MSVS and QNX operating systems. The certificate was issued on the basis of the results of certification tests carried out by the testing laboratory of NPO Echelon CJSC.

In September 2011, the specialists of MCST CJSC and RELEX Group of Companies announced the successful completion of the integration of the mandatory protection tools of Elbrus OS and DBMS Linter. The integrated set of protective equipment of Elbrus OS and DBMS Linter provides the highest level of security of stored and processed information in comparison with other solutions offered both on the market of proprietary and free-distribution software, using only Russian license-pure developments.

LINTER DBMS is certified by the Russian FSTEC in class 2 of information protection against unauthorized access and in level 2 of control over the absence of undeclared capabilities. The specialized version of DBMS LINTER BASTION is certified by the Eighth Department of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. The resulting solution has a wide range of applications, both in the state sphere and in business. The tandem of two domestic software products fully complies with the ideas of the "National Software Platform," which cultivates the development and distribution of Russian software.

The next area of cooperation between RELEX Group and MCST CJSC is the development of joint solutions for critical applications of high-performance multiprocessor complexes of increased reliability and security.


In December 2010, the RELEX group of companies and NPO RusBITech OJSC completed testing of the Linter DBMS in the environment of the Astra Linux Common Edition general-purpose operating system. Work continues on debugging and testing the Linter DBMS in the environment of the Astra Linux Special Edition special-purpose operating system. Such a solution will be one of the high-tech and effective options for the integrated use of domestic information technologies and free software in secure automated systems that provide processing of limited access information.

1999: DBMS Linter for MSVS OS

In the late 90s, within the framework of the projects, the Ministry of Defense Russia of ZAO NPP "" RELEX developed a system. Linter-VS 6.0 The prototype of this system was the commercial version of the DBMS LINTER 5.7 of the 1999 model, also developed by the company "." RELEX Linter-VS 6.0 works only under control. operating system MSAF There is also a system "Linter-VS 6.0.1," developed in VNIINS based on. It is PostgreSQL 7.2 also intended for use with. MSAF

DBMS Linter-VS is a software product of the Russian company RELEX, designed to manage databases for distributed processing modes. The DBMS includes application development tools and a set of mandatory information protection tools . Linter-Sun was created by order of the All-Russian Research Institute of Control Automation in the Non-Industrial Sphere named after V.V. Solomatin (VNIINS) and was widely used by the structures of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. The prototype of this system was the commercial version of DBMS LINTER 5.7 of the 1999 model. Starting from version 6.0.1, Linter-VS is being processed by VNIINS and is based on PostgreSQL 7.2.

According to 2016 data, this product is no longer developed and distributed by the company.


In 1990, the research and production enterprise RELEX (Relational Expert Systems) was founded by the DBMS development team. It was then that the Linter DBMS itself appeared.

The main areas of application of DBMS Linter[5]government projects, real time system, embedded system, etc. For DBMS Linter, there are APIs for most popular development tools. DBMS LINTER is the only one in its class that has certificates[6] for compliance with the 2nd class of information protection against unauthorized access[7] and the 2nd level of control over the absence of undeclared capabilities[8] for SVT. DBMS LINTER is a multiple participant in various international software exhibitions (CeBIT[9][10] COMDEX and others).


Since 1985, the developers of the system adopted the concept of mobility, compatibility and openness, the result of the implementation of which was the creation of the [11]. This system covered a wide range of hardware and software platforms: from Electronics-85 computers and control modules based on Intel 8086 to computing complexes based on SM1702, Electronics 82, and their prototypes of the VAX family.


The history of DBMS Linter begins in 1980. The system had its own domestic predecessors, in the development of which the creators of the Linter DBMS were directly involved. By 1983, in the Voronezh SCTB "Systems Program," within the framework of the state order, the project of the relational DBMSs BARS under the control of the real-time operating system RAFOS (prototype RT-11) for machines of the SM computer family was developed and successfully completed .

Linter DBMS specifications

Name of the characteristic Magnitude
Database Size Up to 65535 tables each up to 12TB
Number of records in one table Up to 2^30 (~ 1 billion)
Number of records selected by one query Up to 2^29 (~ 500 million)
Record size (excluding BLOB fields) Before 64K
String value size (except BLOB and UNICODE) Up to 4000 characters (4000 bytes)
Value Size UNICODE Up to 2000 characters (4000 bytes)
BLOB Size Up to 2^31 (~ 2 billion bytes)
Number of fields in the record Up to 250
Minimum amount of memory occupied by the DBMS core 3MB (for specialized versions - from 800K)
Data Protection 2 класс защиты данных от несанкционированного доступа и 2 уровень контроля отсутствия недекларированных возможностей. Мандатный контроль доступа к данным на уровне таблиц, столбцов записей и отдельных полей записей. Управление доступом к рабочим станциям и устройствам хранения информации. Контроль доступа к СУБД по расписанию. Управление протоколированием операций над БД (аудит). Аутентификация пользователей через LDAP, Kerberos, operating system tools. Password hashing using the FIPS 180-2 SSA-224 algorithm.
Full-Text Indexing Formats TXT, XML, HTML, PDF, DOC, DOCX, XLS, XLSX, PPT, PPTX, Open Office, PS
Convert data from other DBMSs Conversion utilities running via ODBC and ADO.NET. Converter from DBF format. Data model converter (from ERwin to Linter). The ability to convert stored procedures from PL/SQL syntax.
APIs ODBC 3.x (including 3.8), JDBC (1,2,3, 4; support up to and including JDK 1.7), OLE DB, ADO.NET 1.x/2.x/3.x/4.x (including LINQ and Entity Framework support; support up to Visual Studio and including 2012/2013), dbExpress, (Perl including DBI), (PHP including PDO), (Python including Django; support up to and including Python 3.4 Ruby), (Ruby 2 support),,, (3.x, Tcl/Tk Qt 4.x. 5. x), Mono, OCI (compatibility interface with), Oracle Embedded SQL
Hot Standby The hot backup system operates in combination with DBMS Linter on computers with Unix operating systems, the same software and technical architecture and TCP/IP protocol, provides an increased degree of reliability of DBMS Linter in the event of a failure of computing equipment or software.
Administration Pseudographic and graphical utilities for Windows and UNIX - desktop, database archiver, database converter, database testing and recovery, database migration, stored procedure and trigger debugger
Archiving Full, selective, incremental, scheduled, scripted, tape archiving
Replication Asynchronous (including bidirectional, multi-node with conflict resolution), replication with other databases via ODBC is possible
Synchronization With various DBMSs over ODBC via TCP/IP protocols (including SSL), HTTP, HTTPS and offline transports - ActiveSync, ftp, e-mail, etc.
Development Tools Any development tools that support ODBC, JDBC, OLE DB, ADO.NET, dbExpress, Qt, etc.
Supported Platforms * Linux (various versions and hardware platforms, including Embedded Linux and 64-bit Linux versions),

Internationalization Tools Support Support for SQL CHARACTER SET and TRANSLATION objects. Support of the Cyrillic codings (CP866, CP1251, KOI8-R), European CP437, CP850, CP1252, CP8859-1 encodings... CP8859-15, multi-byte encodings (CP932, CP946, CP949, SR950, EUC_JP), UTF-8. UNICODE support (for all versions).
Data Types Char, Varchar, Nchar, Nchar Varying, Byte, Varbyte, Boolean, Smallint, Integer, Bigint, Real, Double, Numeric, Date, Blob, Extfile
Geometric Data Types


Geometric functions According to the OpenGIS specification:
  • functions for creating geometric type values ​ ​ using a text and binary representation (GeomFromText, GeomFromWKB and many others).
  • functions for analyzing the properties of geometric data (both general - Dimension, Envelope, Boundary, etc., and specialized for each of the geometric data types - Length, Area, Centroid, etc.);
  • Geometric operators (Union, Intersection, etc.)
  • functions describing the relationships between two geometric type values (Distance, Equals, Intersects, etc.);
  • support for Hibernate Spatial.

Supported Network Protocols TCP/IP (including SSL), SPX, NetBios, Named Pipes
Language Standard Support SQL SQL:2003 standard support except for non-scalar data types and object-oriented capabilities
Procedural SQL Language Extensions Native syntax of stored procedure and trigger language. Tools for debugging stored procedures and triggers. The ability to convert stored procedures from PL/SQL syntax.

