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VR Concept Virtual Prototyping Tool

The name of the base system (platform): VE VR Concept Engine
Developers: VR Concept
Last Release Date: 2024/10/11
Technology: CAD


Main article: CAD Computer-aided design systems

VR Concept is a Russian virtual prototyping tool that allows you to build a three-dimensional functional model of the product using data from CAD-, CA-, CAM-packages. This method helps to coordinate the layout of the product 1.5-2 times faster, reduce the cost of the product and reduce errors in the joint work of designers, engineers, managers, especially at the initial stages of the project.

VR Concept provides a wide range of tools for working with the virtual digital prototype of the future building, car, aircraft, vessel and any other complex product at all stages of its development - from visualizing a business idea to conducting virtual tests and making changes at the design stage.


Update of the physical engine and sound plugin with support for various audio and video formats

On October 11, 2024, VR Concept introduced another update [[Software 'software collateral]].

Software Update

According to the company, this update has implemented significant changes aimed at optimizing performance, multi-platform and expanding functionality.

The main changes affected the following:

Global Optimization and Multi-Platform Core

The code was globally optimized and the C++ 17 standard was switched, which brought changes in performance and security. As a result of refactoring, windows-dependent code was replaced, which provided complete multi-platform kernel. The product is compatible with Alt, Red OS and Astra Linux operating systems, and the corresponding compatibility certificates have been obtained.

Blueprint Visual Programming

Introduced a system of visual programming based on nodes, which allows you to create interactive scripts without knowledge of programming. Blueprint provides users with 23 functional blocks, including scripting, type conversion, random number generation, object management (move, rotate, scale), and animation playback:

  • Start - start the script;
  • Int/Float/String constant - sets integer, real or text values;
  • Var Int/Float/String - conversion of value types;
  • Print String - output of text data to the log;
  • Random Int - generation of a random number;
  • Summ Float - addition of two numbers;
  • Delay - pause between blocks;
  • Move/Rotate/Scale - movement, rotation and scaling of objects in a given time;
  • Set Position/Rotation/Scale - setting the position, orientation and scale of objects;
  • GetPosition/GetRotation/GetScale X/Y/Z - gets the current object parameters along the axes;
  • SetDiffuseColor - change the color of the object;
  • Timer - starting the block after a certain time interval;
  • Animation - Starts the animation of the object.

With Blueprint, users create complex scripts and simulations without having programming skills. This system optimizes the process of developing interactive projects, expanding the capabilities and flexibility for developers and users.

Updated physical simulation engine

As part of the release, a transition to a physics engine was made. Added support for solid physics with the ability to adjust gravity, friction and rebound coefficient, body types (static, dynamic, kinematic), simulation speed, density and mass of objects. As part of this update, support for solid physics has been added, which includes:

  • Setting Gravity: The ability to set different gravity parameters for objects, creating more realistic and diverse simulations.
  • Coefficient of friction and rebound: Setting these parameters allows you to accurately simulate the interaction of objects with each other and with the environment.
  • Body types: Support for static, dynamic, and kinematic bodies This gives developers flexibility in managing objects, allowing them to create both stationary and fully obeying the laws of physics.
  • Simulation speed: The ability to adjust the physical simulation speed to fine tune the behavior of objects.
  • Density and mass of objects: Fine-tuning these parameters allows you to create objects with realistic physics.

The perspectives that the physics engine opens up:

  • Advanced simulation capabilities: Realistic modeling of physical phenomena will open the horizon for the creation of complex and believable virtual worlds.
  • Optimized object interaction: Fine tuning of physics will allow developers to create interactive scenarios with optimal level of detail.
  • Additional types of applications and games: Thanks to optimized physics, developers will be able to create innovative products, including simulators, training programs and entertainment applications with realistic object behavior.

Software Update

Audio Plugin Update

The sound plugin was completely rewritten using ffmpeg. Previously, only.wav format was supported, now many formats are supported, including mp3. The fully rewritten sound plugin supports mp3, wav, flac, acc, ogg, mp4, mkv and webm formats, which optimizes integration and usage capabilities multimedia elements in projects.

Returning the screenshot feature to VR

Users can again take screenshots in VR mode, and they are automatically saved in the Images folder.

Implemented functionality "Following" in VR mode

This mode allows the user to lock their position relative to other objects in the scene, including moving objects. This is especially useful in simulators where a first-person view is required, such as in control simulators transport or. drones The user can automatically "follow" the object, gaining a realistic experience of being inside a moving scene.

Implemented "FRAME" functionality

The FRAME function allows the user to immerse himself in a virtual scene without using VR equipment. The user can be inside the scene, interacting with objects using the keyboard and mouse through the VRPN system. This enhances the ability to interact with VR space, allowing access to the virtual environment through conventional monitors.

Integration with TeamCenter

Integration with TeamCenter is implemented, which allows users to view and edit objects in A virtual environment that saves changes directly to the TeamCenter database.

Error correction:

  • Fixed a problem with VR Concept Launcher dropping when changing quantitative parameters.
  • Fixed GLTF transparency issue.
  • Fixed audio playback issue with SimulationManager plugin.
  • Eliminated the fall of VR Concept Launcher when creating a new project.
  • Fixed interface errors: translated into Russian fields that remained in English.
  • Fixed problems deleting log files in Linux.
  • Fixed editor crashes when working with the Mechanics Manager and SimulationManager plugins.
  • Eliminated crashes when changing the parameters of trackers, head position, object scale and working with the VrpnManager plugin.
  • Fixed errors when loading SAT, DXF and IFC models.
  • Fixed incorrect display of lights and disabling the client node.

Red OS Compatibility

Companies Red Soft"" VR Concept and completed testing and certification of VR Concept compatibility with, operating system Red OS opening up new opportunities for creating full-fledged VR laboratories and classes the Russian educational in institutions. Now schools, universities and SPO institutions can use domestic solutions to conduct lessons in, virtual reality which will be an important step in the implementation import substitution of education policy and. This was announced information technologyRed Soft by "" on August 27, 2024.

The companies have prepared compatible solutions for equipping classes with VR simulators based on the RED OS operating system, which was previously transferred to educational institutions included in the RED SOFT partner program. VR Concept has received a certificate confirming the safety and correctness of the software in the RED OS environment, which guarantees the stable and reliable operation of the company's products on the domestic platform.

It is important for us, by providing an infrastructure platform for education, to fill it with compatible solutions for effective education. The agreement with VR Concept paves the way for the full import substitution of VR laboratories and classes, already created on the basis of schools, universities and vocational schools within the framework of the national project "Education." Combining the competencies of the RED SOFTWARE team and VR Concept is an important step towards the digital sovereignty of our country,
said Ekaterina Tikhomirova, head of the education department of RED SOFT.

Using VR helmets and VR Concept software, teachers and students can immerse themselves in a single virtual space where students interact with 3D models at a 1:1 scale, which allows them to absorb material in an interactive and visual format. The use of VR technologies in the educational process has already demonstrated a significant improvement in the quality of knowledge learned. The pilot project conducted at SBEI ROC No. 76 recorded results that showed an increase in academic performance in chemistry from 67.7% to 83.3%, in biology - from 72% to 83.3%, and in physics - from 68% to 100%.

Obtaining a certificate of compatibility with RED OS is an important stage for our company and our customers. This integration will ensure a higher level of information security and ease of use of our software in the context of the Russian IT infrastructure. We are confident that joint work with RED SOFT will create a powerful platform for the digitalization of education and training for the digital economy,
noted Denis Zakharkin, CEO of VR Concept.

RED SOFT is actively implementing projects aimed at raising awareness about domestic developments and popularizing the IT industry among future young specialists. IT companies can also not only teach students how to work in their ecosystem, but also offer developments that make the learning process itself more interesting. The experience of implementing VR Concept solutions clearly demonstrates how the involvement of children increases and how this has a positive effect on academic performance,
told Rustam Rustamov, Deputy General Director of RED SOFT.

As of August 2024, more than 450 Russian educational institutions from 71 regions of the Russian Federation are cooperating with RED SOFT. More than 3000 classrooms have been transferred to the RED OS operating system, and more than 300 thousand licenses for software for organizing the educational process have been transferred. Now all participants in the partner program can integrate VR trainings from VR Concept into the educational process.

RED SOFTWARE and VR Concept continue to provide educational institutions with free access to the products of their ecosystems, actively developing cooperation and contributing to the formation of a sustainable platform for import substitution of VR laboratories and classes in Russia.

Astra Linux Special Edition Compatibility

Astra Group"" VR Concept and the company completed testing under the Ready for Astra technology partnership program. As a result of testing, the compatibility VR of the Concept 3D game engine with was confirmed, operating system Astra Linux Special Edition this is evidenced by official certificates No. 7994 and No. 7995. The software stack will help end customers from various industries industries more efficiently solve business problems related to VR technologies. VR Concept announced this on June 10, 2024.

The tests confirmed the good work of the VR Concept solution in the Astra Linux OS environment, including cross-platform creation, import and manipulation of 3D models, support for the physics module, animation, correct interface display and interaction with the VR environment.

We see great prospects in the development of the economy and industry of our country, helping businesses implement VR projects. The Russian virtual reality market already has a solution that works stably and correctly in the environment of our operating system - the HTC VIVE Pro VR helmet. Now, thanks to the cooperation of the Astra Group with VR Concept, a 3D engine has appeared on Astra Linux. With this technology stack, the business optimizes processes using all the capabilities of 3D modeling in project work. As for the virtual reality market, it is growing rapidly, so our cooperation with people developing VR technologies will certainly expand, "said Alexey Trubochev, director of the Astra Group support department.

The compatibility of Astra Linux OS and 3D engine opens up opportunities for users of this operating system, allowing them to fully use VR to work with 3D models, - Denis Zakharkin, CEO of VR Concept, is sure.


Inclusion in Microsoft's City of Innovation project

The solution of VR Concept, a resident of the Skolkovo Foundation's Advanced Production Technology Cluster, is located in Microsoft's City of Innovation project. The Skolkovo Foundation announced this on December 10, 2020. Its goal is to offer innovative solutions that make the daily life of industrial companies easier and more productive.

VR Concept offers companies from industries, and industries constructions in formations two minutes to organize a remote meeting VR digital twin with the project, being in different parts of the world.

The solution provides virtual prototyping, analysis, CAD model demonstration in VR, as well as discussion with colleagues, partners and customers. This accelerates project coordination between decision makers, project managers, executors, designers, partners, and customers. In addition, the ergonomic characteristics of the designed facility are increased, the number and cost of errors in the project are reduced, the efficiency of training employees in production is increased and the risks of emergencies are reduced. Also, the time to create content for VR classes is reduced and its cost is reduced.

We are excited to be part of the City of Innovation platform. The inclusion of our product in the Microsoft collection of partner solutions indicates an increasing interest in optimizing production activities using VR. The virtual reality market will continue to grow, and we are confident that we can close the needs of customers in this area. Partnership with Microsoft gives us the opportunity to develop sales of our product both in Russia and abroad. We appreciate Microsoft's cooperation and support.

VR Concept is a convenient tool for working with BIM models at the stage of coordinating design and ergonomics of projects. A distinctive feature of competing solutions is the large number of objects that can be displayed in a virtual room, as well as the ability to work with one model by a group of more than 20 people at the same time. This solution is relevant, including during the construction of industrial facilities with a large number of engineering communications. We are pleased that the company is now part of Microsoft's partner solutions collection. This makes this solution more accessible to a wide range of customers.

As part of the comprehensive CSoft and VR Concept solution

A developer software for teamwork with engineering data in virtual reality VR Concept and a company - CSoft a supplier and integrator of solutions for comprehensive automation of design activities, technical document management, engineering data management systems and information modeling, signed a cooperation agreement. CSoft announced this on July 15, 2020.

The companies agreed to include the VR Concept application in the line of products supplied by CSoft, and to integrate VR Concept into a comprehensive solution - as a means of collective discussion of projects in virtual reality. Users will now be able to work with 3D models of their developments not only in design systems.

The comprehensive VR Concept and Model Studio CS solution will allow you to assess the ergonomics of the future production facility in just a few minutes, work out an emergency plan, and also discuss with colleagues from different cities the digital twin of the project in VR - through secure communication channels and in compliance with all IT security requirements.

{{quote 'We are glad to cooperate with the Russian integrator. We really hope that the VR Concept application will help to appreciate the results of the creative efforts of each designer. After all, virtual reality technology allows, regardless of the location of the specialists participating in the discussion of the project, to gather in a single virtual space and pay attention to each detail, - comments Denis Zakharkin, CEO of VR Concept. }}

{{quote 'The VR Concept and CSoft partnership agreement is the beginning of cooperation between the two Russian companies aimed at solving problems in the field of design, construction and operation of industrial and civil facilities, says Igor Orellana Ursua, Executive and Technical Director of CSoft. }}

Adding Mechanical and Physical Properties to Virtual Projects

On June 8, 2020 Russian , the developer software for teamwork CAD BIM data virtual reality VR with and in Concept released an update that expands the ability to interact with virtual objects.

Now the interaction with virtual objects has become even more realistic: users can drop objects, put them on top of each other, roll on the surface and even hang them on hooks. To do this, the user just needs to select a property for specific objects. The added capabilities of interacting with virtual objects in VR Concept increase the effectiveness of testing the ergonomics of the future project, making this process more clear, which is important, for example, when testing the patency of objects through doorways in rooms or when evaluating a more optimal layout that facilitates installation and maintenance.

We implemented this functionality at the request of one of our clients - Deputy Development Director Artyom Rykov, AgroTechHolding. We are very grateful to our customers for the feedback - it contributes to the development of our product,
notes VR Concept CEO Denis Zakharkin.

In addition, other measurement options have appeared in the updated version of VR Concept. Now, in addition to the distance between the two points, you can quickly measure the diameter of the circle, as well as the width and height perpendicular.