Postgres Professional PPG Integration Postgres Professional
Since 2015
Central Federal District of the Russian Federation
117036, st. Dmitry Ulyanov, d. 7A
Anton Valerievich Sushkevich - 27,9%
Bartunov Oleg Sergeevich - 21,5%
Sigaev Fedor Gennadievich - 21,5%
Panchenko Ivan Evgenievich - 21,5%
Andrei Nikolaevich Fleyta - 7,6%
Postgres Professional offers business and government agencies a real alternative to commercial DBMS. Postgres Professional is a Russian PostgreSQL vendor that provides full-cycle support: IT audit, consulting, development, administration, support, training.
The company is part of the PostgreSQL international community and brings together Russian PostgreSQL experts: Russian developers, as well as architects and engineers with experience in creating applied solutions. The consortium led by Postgres Professional took first place in the competition of IT projects of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of Russia in the nomination "Database Management System (DMS UBD).
Performance indicators
2023: Postgres Professional summed up the preliminary results of the year. Revenue is projected to grow by 48%, to 5.5 billion rubles
Postgres Professional at the end of December summed up the preliminary results of 2023 and reported on the work done. According to estimates, the company's turnover for the reporting period will amount to about 5.5 billion rubles. As a result, the growth rate of revenue for the financial year may be lower than last year: 48% in 2023 against 148% in 2022.
According to our methodology for calculating the results of the financial year, we analyze the period from February 1 to January 31, - explained for TAdviser in the company. - Thus, revenue in 2022 amounted to about 3.7 billion rubles. In 2023, we predict about 5.5 billion rubles - 48% of growth. |
The company invested 1.7 billion rubles in the construction of the PostgreSQL DBMS development and distribution system, received from a strategic investor to create an industrial, reliable and high-performance DBMS for large businesses. As a result, Postgres Professional managed to reach self-sufficiency and bring income in 3 years.
The growth rate is slightly less than last year, but still quite significant, "explained Ivan Panchenko, Deputy General Director of Postgres Pro. - According to the research of the Center for Strategic Research, we were in the first place in the DBMS market - this is an independent third-party confirmation. |
At the same time, the company also increased the number of employees by 50%, reached an indicator of 250 people. Moreover, about 90 engineers are actually developing the software, of which half are working to improve the basis of the PostgreSQL version. Postgres Pro's contribution to open database development was also noted by EnterpriseDB, which is developing the main version of the PostgreSQL kernel. She put Postgres Professional in second place after herself in the ranking of participants in the development community of this open DBMS.
In addition to Postgres Professional, there are also other domestic companies in the ranking: Kontur and Arenadata.
It is very difficult for a high-tech team to grow by 50% because people need to be trained and brought into the course of business, - said Ivan Panchenko. - You can't just give a person a textbook and say: "read and get to the machine." People should do things that no one has done before, and there are no textbooks for this case. We learned how to make onbourding live in the team. And we are not as bad as others, things are with personnel hunger. Due to the fact that we have interesting tasks, they go to us willingly. The spirit of the technology startup in the company is still alive, although we already have 250 people, and they are coming to us, because we are interested and we solve interesting problems, and we have good relationships between people. |
Postgres Professional has built its own commercial version of PostgreSQL, which has at least 40 additional features and uses secure development technologies. The company's production pipeline is configured so that after the release of a new version of the basic PostgreSQL, which is called Standard in the Postgres Pro delivery, it takes several months before the commercial features of Postgres Pro Enterprise are updated. Thus, PostgreSQL 16, released in September, is now becoming the main version for the Postgres Pro Enterprise 16 version, the release of which the company announced at the end of December 2023.
In the new version of the commercial distribution, previously developed functions of the commercial version will be available, but several new ones will be added. In particular, in the Enterprise 16 version, a failover cluster management system will be available out of the box, which is called BiHA (Build-in High Availability).
To meet the FSTEC requirements for DBMS, the Postgres Professional team divided the DBMS superuser into two roles: an administrator without data access and a data protection administrator. In addition, the new version of the DBMS will use an adaptive query scheduler (AQO 2.0), which uses elements of artificial intelligence to optimize work.
To simplify the migration of applications from Oracle DBMS, Postgres Pro Enterprise 16 will also implement feature packages that are similar to those used in Oracle. Such packages allow you to automate the migration process, including stored procedures. In particular, in version 16, packets appear for networking UTL_SMTP, UTL_MAIL and UTL_HTTP, as well as for working with DBMS_APPLICATION_INFO and DBMS_LOB metadata.
In addition, Postgres Pro developers plan to launch features for working with external files up to 4 GBa, which will reduce labor costs when migrating from Oracle.
According to the company's experts, in 2024 the demand for DBMS solutions will grow, but slightly. The drivers include data growth, the introduction of automation systems, the transition to fast development methods and cloud solutions.
In general, according to the company's forecasts, in 2024-2025. the growth of the DBMS market should stabilize after falling in 2022 due to the departure of foreign manufacturers, and, as a result, should reach the indicators of 2021, but already on mainly domestic products.
2025: Opening a representative office in St. Petersburg
Postgres Professional expanded its presence in the regions and opened a representative office in St. Petersburg. The company announced this on January 27, 2025.
The company's offices for January 2025 are located in Moscow, Novosibirsk and Barnaul, and the team has more than 400 employees.
The opened space is located in the very heart of the city - the business center "Senator" on Millionnaya Street, 6. On an area of 450 m2, about 40 employees from St. Petersburg will immediately be accommodated, as well as newcomers - in the near future, to multiply the local staff.
{{quote 'author=said Ivan Panchenko, co-founder and deputy general director of Postgres Professional. | Opening an office in St. Petersburg is not just another business task, but also a symbolic event for each postgresist. At the intersection of business and IT interests, we see great potential for young people who need to be sent to systemic development. We cooperate with many universities in the region, students participate in our competitions, undergo internships and, as a result, become part of the Postgres Professional team, }}
The office will be managed by Konstantin Kondratsky, who has worked for Netracker Technology, Hyundai Motors supplier Donghee and others for more than 10 years.
Despite the difficulties with the real estate market, we managed to find a room that met all the criteria and begin preparation in a short time. An open, spacious location best conveys the spirit of postgres - I am sure that it will become a center of attraction for employees, partners and the entire community, - said Konstantin Kondratsky. |
For design, its own design project was developed, taking into account the trends and wishes of employees. The decoration used noise-absorbing materials, ergonomic furniture was installed, a place for food and leisure was organized - sports and tea ceremonies.
Participation in TAdviser SummIT
Postgres Professional, a leading Russian DBMS developer, will take part in the TAdviser SummIT 2024 conference. Alexander Popov, representative of the commercial department, will talk about the results of DBMSostgres Pro implementations in Russian companies. Read more here.
Postgres Professional invests ₽3 billion in Flant IT company
In October 2024, Postgres Professional announced a strategic partnership with Flant JSC, providing for an investment of ₽3 billion. The funds will be used to develop the Deckhouse ecosystem of solutions developed by Flant. Read more here.
TAdviser interview with CEO Oleg Bartunov
Oleg Bartunov, CEO of Postgres Professional in July 2024 in an interview with TAdviser named five differences between a real DBMS developer. Read more here.
TAdviser interview with co-founder Ivan Panchenko
The TAdviser DBMS PostgreSQL FSTEC Ivan Panchenko co-founder of the Postgres Professional DBMS developer answered questions about the problems and needs of the Russian market, the safety of forks based on, the product line, the company's release cycle, certification and plans for 2024. Read more here [1]
4th place in the TAdviser ranking "The largest suppliers of their own IT solutions from the register of domestic software"
Postgres Professional took 4th place in the ranking "The largest suppliers of its own IT solutions from the register of domestic software," prepared by TAdviser in October 2024 based on the revenue of companies from projects for the implementation/supply of such products in 2023. Read more here.
1st place in the TAdviser rating "The largest DBMS developers in Russia"
Postgres Professional ranked 1st in the ranking of the largest developers DBMS in, Russia prepared TAdviser in October 2024 based on the companies' revenue from the implementation/delivery of their own DBMS in 2023. More. here
Plan to invest at least half a billion rubles in AI drug development startup Ligand Pro
Russian developer DBMS Postgres Professional has supported financial a company Ligand Pro that specializes in the development of drugs with use. artificial intelligence For the year, Ligand Pro received 100 million rubles investments from Postgres Professional. In the next three years, the company plans to invest at least half a billion rubles in the project. Postgres Professional representatives announced this Zdrav.Expert on August 10, 2023. More. here
Opening an office in Siberia
Postgres Professional on July 4, 2023 announced the expansion of its presence in the Siberian Federal District.
Russian companies are experiencing a serious shortage of system developers. Meanwhile, they are the most important condition for the emergence of strong domestic software products, and therefore the technological independence of the country. Siberia has a powerful potential to solve this problem: not only is a strong community of accomplished specialists formed here, but a large number of promising students are also studying IT specialties, "said Ivan Panchenko, co-founder and deputy general director of Postgres Professional. |
The opened office has an area of about 140 square meters. m. The company's staff specialists and interns working in hybrid mode will be able to hold meetings and use the office as a coworking space. Professional certification for Postgres DBMS specialists will also take place here. The office will be located in the business center at 2/2 Akademika Lavrentiev Avenue and will include a working open space, talks, kitchen and shower for those who play sports or come to the office after a morning run.
In second place in the world ranking of PostgreSQL DBMS developers
Russian companies Three at once entered the world rating of developers DBMS with, open source PostgreSQL prepared and published at the end of March 2023 by the company. EDB TAdviser This was announced on April 27, 2023 by representatives of Postgres Professional.
Thus, the Russian company Postgres Professional managed to take second place in the ranking. According to Ivan Panchenko, Deputy CEO of Postgres Professional, the company's employees sent more than 100 patches to PostgreSQL in 2022.
"27 employees of the company received medals for them from the community. Most of the patches were initiated by the guys themselves, who are deeply involved in the process. We strive to continue to maintain our momentum, "said the top manager. |
The other two domestic developers - Kontur and Arenadata - are located in 17 and 33 places, respectively.
Russians - in second place in the world ranking of PostgreSQL developers
In total, 144 companies were included in the list. The top five also includes EDB, Fujitsu, Microsoft and Amazon (AWS).
The EDB ranking ranks companies by their contribution to the 15 version of PostgreSQL, released in September 2022. For analysis, EDB used release notes as well as a list of PostgreSQL committers. The analysis did not take into account independent and freelance developers.
"The rating of companies' contribution to open source is a Hamburg account that allows you to assess the real level of technical expertise of the team, without the husk of marketing and advertising," Ivan Panchenko said. |
In total, as of April 2023, the international community of active contributors PostgreSQL has more than 700 people around the world. Exchange of developments is a key principle in the development of open source. By joining forces, participants jointly eliminate bugs and vulnerabilities, find ways to solve problems, which is equally useful both for the community itself and for companies developing their own forks - solutions based on OSPO.
5th place in the TAdviser rating "The largest suppliers of their own IT solutions from the register of domestic software"
Postgres Professional is included in the#.D0.9A.D1.80.D1.83.D0.BF.D0.BD.D0.B5.D0.B9.D1.88.D0.B8.D0.B5_.D0.BF.D0.BE.D1.81.D1.82.D0.B0.D0.B2.D1.89.D0.B8.D0.BA.D0.B8_.D1.81.D0.BE.D0.B1.D1.81.D1.82.D0.B2.D0.B5.D0.BD.D0.BD.D1.8B.D1.85_.D0.98.D0.A2-.D1.80.D0.B5.D1.88.D0.B5.D0.BD.D0.B8.D0.B9_.D0.B8.D0.B7_.D1.80.D0.B5.D0.B5.D1.81.D1.82.D1.80.D0.B0_.D0.BE.D1.82.D0.B5.D1.87.D0.B5.D1.81.D1.82.D0.B2.D0.B5.D0.BD.D0.BD.D0.BE.D0.B3.D0.BE_.D0.9F.D0.9E rating "The largest suppliers of their own IT solutions from the register of domestic software," prepared by TAdviser in September 2023 based on the companies' revenue from the implementation of implementation projects and the supply of their own solutions from the register of domestic software for 2022.
TAdviser interview with CEO Oleg Bartunov
Free software (open source, open source) is an important part of domestic information technologies. Oleg Bartunov, CEO of Postgres Professional, told TAdviser in November 2022 about how the Russian open source industry is being created and about the "Russian trace" in the global community of SPO. Read more here.
Mark Rivkin moved to Postgres Professional with the team
On September 7, 2022, it became known about the transition of Mark Rivkin in. In Postgres Professional this company, an expert was DBMS Oracle appointed head of the technical consulting department. More. here
Alexander Korotkov sold his stake to other co-founders
12.5% share of Postgress Pro co-founder Alexander Korotkov in October 2020 was distributed among the other co-owners of the company. Korotkov himself left Postgress Pro.
New shareholder Andrei Fleyta
In September, Postgress Pro had a new shareholder - the company's commercial director Andrei Fleyta became the owner of its 6.6% stake.
The founders of Postgress Pro Oleg Bartunov, Ivan Panchenko, Fedor Sigaev shared 1.2% of their shares with Fleyta. About 3% was transferred to him by Soyuz 1, owned by Postgres Pro investor Anton Sushkevich.
The share of another co-founder of Postgres, Alexander Korotkov, remained unchanged.
Thus, the current ownership structure as of October 2020 looks like this:
- 24.4% Soyuz-1
- 18.8% Oleg Bartunov
- 18.8% Ivan Panchenko
- 18.8% Fedor Sigaev
- 12.5% Alexander Korotkov
- 6.6% Andrei Fleyta
The admission of Andrei Fleyta to the shareholders of Postgress Pro is a matter resolved a few years ago, Ivan Panchenko explained to TAdviser. The accession of Andrei Fleyta to shareholders will not affect the company's policy, but its development will be positively affected.
We are glad to see Andrei among the shareholders. He is one of the key managers and his contribution to the development of the company is very great. As a person who communicates directly with our customers, Andrei knows their needs very well. Increasing its weight in making decisions regarding product policy, prioritization of development directions will help the company to be more customer-oriented and improve its products, - said Ivan Panchenko |
2019: PostgreSQL DBMS Certification Program Launched
On May 21, 2019, Postgres Professional announced the launch of the PostgreSQL DBMS certification program. Read more here.
Dmitry Taraba's exit from the number of co-owners
In June 2018, Dmitry Taraba ceased to be a co-founder of Soyuz-1, and 100% of the company again became owned by Postgres Professional investor Anton Sushkevich.
Through Soyuz-1, Taraba and Sushkevich owned 20% of Postgres Professional.
Inclusion of Postgres Professional co-founder Alexander Korotkov in the list of PostgreSQL DBMS committers
In June 2018, the list of committers (developers who contribute to the development of the code) DBMS PostgreSQL was replenished with a third Russian. The list of the main committers of the PostgreSQL kernel included Alexander Korotkov, co-founder and head of development of the Russian company. Postgres Professional
Cooperation with NCPR
Postgres Professional and National Support and Development Center"" entered into a cooperation agreement in March, providing for the joint development of a protected software one and its promotion on the Russian market. FSTEC Russia DBMS Certified Postgres Pro will be able to be used under the control of a certified operating system MSVSF Server. Thus, customers from government agencies and commercial enterprises will receive a comprehensive secure software solution for information systems designed to process confidential information and need certification for information security requirements.
Why the largest companies in Russia and the world choose Postgres. Results of PgConf.Russia 2017
On March 15-17, 2017, the III International Technical Conference of Developers and Users PostgreSQL - PgConf.Russia 2017 was held in the Digital October conference hall. This event is one of the largest events in the world community of postgresists, it brought together more than 500 people from Russia, countries of near and far abroad. The conference was organized by Postgres Professional, a Russian vendor of this DBMS (more...)
Huawei tries to buy Postgres Professional
Huawei is in talks to acquire Postgres Professional, two sources with knowledge told TAdviser on October 13, 2016. Sources do not name the amount that Huawei offers, but one of them says that it exceeds the amount of state support claimed by a consortium led by Postgres in 2015.
Then, we recall, the developers of the DBMS became the winners of the selection of the Ministry of Communications for state support of import-substituting solutions with an application in the amount of more than 2 billion rubles. But state support as of autumn 2016 was not provided.
Expertise in the field of Postgres is needed by the Chinese company in connection with the launch of large-scale migration programs with Oracle in the Chinese market, says the source TAdviser.
As a result of the negotiations, Huawei was refused. "The prospect of development in Russia and Europe looks better," the source explains. But communication with Huawei continues, he adds. In 1-2 years, the estimate of the cost of Postgres Professional, according to the interlocutor of TAdviser, may increase by an order of magnitude.
Postgres Professional representatives declined to comment on information about negotiations with Huawei, the Chinese company did not respond to TAdviser's request at the time of publication of the material.
Co-owner of Postgres Professional became the founder of "Envizhn" Dmitry Taraba
Since June 2016, Dmitry Taraba has become a co-owner of Soyuz-1, which owns 20% of Postgres Professional. According to TAdviser Anton Sushkevich, the second co-owner of Soyuz-1 and investor Postgres Professional, Taraba gave him money secured by a share to finance the development of the DBMS developer (for more details, see the Soyuz-1 questionnaire).
Postgres Professional moves head office to Innopolis
The Republic of Tatarstan has made an offer to a number of large IT companies to open offices in Innopolis. Following colleagues opening development centers in the city of high technologies, Postgres Professional decided to move. Previously, the company was based in Moscow.
By the end of 2016, Postgres Professional plans to double the number of its developers. The need for growth is associated with a high demand for database management systems, which no information system can do without.
Results of the year of work
Almost 50 professionals were hired, projects were made for a number of large international and domestic companies, updates were developed, DBMS PostgreSQL 63 patches were announced in 9.6 PostgreSQL release, more than 700 posts were written in -hackers, a DBA1 course was prepared and read free of charge across the country, a DBA2 course To Moscow was developed, Hacking PostgreSQL is read, in the process of preparing an academic course for universities on database technologies. The release of the Postgres Pro distribution kit for many platforms has begun, including one Windows registered in the domestic register and ON submitted for certification. FSTEC
Cooperation with Docsvision
On March 23, 2016, the company Docsvision announced the start of cooperation with Postgres Professional, in which PostgreSQL support will appear in the electronic document management system. Docsvision
Creating a Company
At the end of January 2015, it was announced that a group of Russian free developers database management systems () DBMS PostgreSQL was creating a vendor company to provide services for the development, implementation, promotion of PostgreSQL Russia[1]
PostgreSQL, distributed under the BSD license, is one of the most current alternatives to closed commercial DBMS: Oracle database, MS SQL, IBM DB2, etc. By this time, it was known about the use of PostgreSQL in projects of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Health, Yandex, Rambler,, 2GIS,, etc.
Documents for registration of Postgres Professional were submitted on January 27, 2015. Its founders were leading PostgreSQL developers (Major Contributor) Oleg Bartunov, Alexander Korotkov and Fedor Sigaev living in Russia, as well as Ivan Panchenko and project investor Anton Sushkevich, founder and in the recent past general director of the integrator NVision Group.
About the difficulties at the start - in the article "Cemetery of programmers. Why don't all IT people want to work for corporations. "
Oleg Bartunov headed the company as general director.
Anton Sushkevich does not disclose the exact size of the investment in Postgres, although he says that they will amount to several (less than five) million dollars.
In December 2014, Oleg Bartunov told CNews that the work of the PostgreSQL competence center, according to his estimates, would require investments of up to $1.5 million a year in "long money."
Sushkevich assesses the potential sales of PostgreSQL implementation services in Russia cautiously, saying that since almost the entire commercial DBMS market is now occupied by Oracle, and partly Microsoft SQL Server, his company has ample opportunities to displace proprietary competitors.
One way or another, the investor expects Postgres to reach operating profitability at the beginning of its second year of operation, that is, at the beginning of 2016.
As the founders plan, Postgres will hire about 50 people, of which about half will specialize in development, and the second half in implementation.
The company's sellers will be required in small numbers, since the Postgres business model will be built on the sale of DBMS development and implementation services not to end customers, but to business system developers whose customers are interested in replacing Oracle.
Victory in the competition of the Ministry of Communications
In June, the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications identified developers - the main applicants for state financing when creating the main types of domestic software. In the DBMS category, the consortium headed by Postgres Professional took the first place[2].
Contract with Yandex
Under a contract with Yandex, Postgres Professional has developed the ability to profile a database for working in multi-core servers - "this is a thing that all owners of large systems need. Its presence will make Postgres even more suitable for large customers, "Oleg Bartunov told TAdviser.
A separate article is devoted to the migration of Yandex from Oracle to Postgres.