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Case (EOS)

Developers: ECM Systems EOS
Date of the premiere of the system: January 1996
Last Release Date: 2024/06/26
Technology: EDMS


Main article: EDMS (more)

EDMS "DELO" is a multi-user system developed by EOS, with a full set of tools for automating work with documents, tasks and processes. It allows you to optimize document flow, increase its efficiency, reduce the share of routine work when processing documents by using technologies and services with elements of artificial intelligence.



It has no restrictions on the field of activity and size of the organization. Designed for maximum loads both in terms of database size and number of users. Supports various DBMS and OS.

Convenience, reliability, fault tolerance

It is easily adaptable to the specifics of the processes that have developed in the organization. The interface is created taking into account the current needs of users, is constantly being improved and easy to learn.

Advanced functionality

"DELO" refers to the EDMS/ESM segment, but its functionality allows solving problems outside the framework of classical document management. The availability of additional options, specialized applications and services makes it possible to automate a wide range of business processes.

Custom User Interface

Personalization of the workspace is available for users - settings for the main page, filters, search queries and personal folders. Document cards and their attribute composition are also easy to adapt to the needs of users.

Integration Capabilities

The system has an open API, which allows you to implement interaction with other information systems.

Supports seamless interaction when working with documents between EDMS and office applications (MyOffice, Microsoft Office); Interaction with the mail client possibility of recording the document directly from the text editor and editing the document file from the EDMS interface are implemented.

Support for legally relevant electronic document management

The use of an electronic signature allows companies to switch to a legally significant electronic document flow. Integration with EDM operators is implemented.

Compliance with standards

Included in the Register of Domestic ON in accordance with Order Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media Russia of 20.02.2016 No. 63.


Document Management

Automates the management of documents and their projects. Supports the processing of both paper and electronic documents. Allows coordination of various documents (orders, memos, contracts, etc.) in electronic form.


Supports working with documents at all stages of the life cycle. Automates the registration, consideration, issuance of orders, work with draft resolutions, control over the execution of orders and monitoring the deadlines for execution, writing off documents in the case. It is possible to transfer documents to the archive storage system.

Contractual Document Management

It supports the full cycle of contractual work - document preparation, routing, coordination, joint editing, approval, execution control. It is possible to synchronize with accounting systems.

Reporting and Analytics

Provides visual and up-to-date information on the execution of tasks and documents with the necessary level of detail - from the execution of tasks to a summary of the performing discipline for a selected period of time.

Mobility and Remote Work

You can work in the system remotely through a fully functional web client with a personalized interface or EOSmobile enterprise mobile applications for iOS, Android, Windows platforms. Provision is made for ensuring legal significance when working with mobile devices.

Provision of public services

The subsystem of the provision of state and municipal services on the basis of the EDMS "DELO" allows you to ensure the provision of state and municipal services in electronic form at all levels - federal, regional and municipal. This is ensured by integration with various systems of the federal and regional levels.

The Automated Project Management System (APMS)

APMS is a solution for managing project activities. It contains a set of organizational and technological methods and tools that support project management in project offices and help improve their implementation. Allows you to quickly establish project management, programs in government agencies, automates the work of all project participants.

Options and Subsystems


Option "BUSINESS-WEB" - a solution for enterprises with a geographically distributed structure. Thanks to DELO-WEB, employees of the remote branch, who are not able to connect to the local network of the "main company," become equal participants in document management within the entire enterprise. The active use of remote access creates the prerequisites for increasing staff mobility. Managers and specialists outside the office (on business trips, business trips, etc.) have the opportunity to participate in decision-making on documents, their execution and control. The use of web technologies simplifies the architecture of the corporate document management system, since it does not require the installation of a main client application at the workplaces of users.

EDS and Encryption

An electronic digital signature (EDS) is a prerequisite for the full implementation of secure electronic document management. The possibilities of using EDS and data encryption are provided thanks to certified cryptographic information protection tools integrated into the DELO system . The system provides the ability to sign files stored in the database and sent by e-mail through the EDS. If necessary, the document can be signed by several employees, which can be used to automate the procedures for approving and approving documents.

Scanning and in-line scanning

The "Scan" option allows you to scan and recognize paper documents directly from the registration card interface and automatically attaches the received files to the PC. The "In-line scanning" option allows you to bulk enter paper documents into the "DELO" system and recognize their electronic images. It is used for organizations with a large document flow.

Protection against unauthorized access

The problem of ensuring the security of stored information is solved using the Secret Disk Server NG of Aladdin - a system for protecting corporate databases and confidential data on servers from unauthorized access, copying, damage, theft or illegal seizure. The system protects the data and hides the very fact of its presence on the server. To protect communication channels during web access, cryptographic protection of web access channels - SSL is used.

Notification and Notification Subsystem

The subsystem is designed to automatically send notifications and notifications to users' e-mail about various events of the DELO system.

Process Control Subsystem

The subsystem allows you to design and create arbitrary document-oriented applications Capabilities of the subsystem:

  • Synchronization of the process of processing documents by time and by events;
  • The possibility of a combination of elements of rigid and free routing of electronic documents;
  • Dynamically change the processing process depending on the conditions that arise during the processing process;
  • Create a library of information processing process templates in your organization.

Integration subsystem of EDMS "DELO" and 1C system

The solution allows you to streamline work with financial documents.

Password Wizard

Password Master is a hardware and software complex developed by Ruskard. Designed for user authorization in the DELO system, when logging into the corporate network and the Internet, as well as in almost any Windows applications using authorization. Logins and passwords are stored on a special smart card, access to which can be closed with a PIN code.

Document monitoring

Document monitoring is an application developed by Corporate Systems-Consulting. The product is intended to notify officials of the receipt of documents and resolutions, as well as proactive notification of the deadlines for execution, sighting and signing of documents.

Subsystem "Meeting Agenda"

The agenda of the meetings is an additional component of the DELO electronic document management system. Developed by Corporate Systems - Consulting (KS-Consulting)


Version 24.3 compatibility with Postgres Pro Standard, Postgres Pro Enterprise

Postgres Professional and EOS Group of Companies on October 10, 2024 announced the compatibility of their products. The certificate issued by Postgres Professional confirms the correct operation of EDMS "Delo" version 24.3 with Postgres Pro Standard, Postgres Pro Enterprise and their certified editions (versions 13, 14, 15, 16).

This is not the first year that we have continued to pay special attention to the work of our products on domestic system software. Actively developing our flagship product EDMS "DELO," we strive not only to expand the supported operating systems and DBMS, but also to ensure the high speed and reliability of our solutions in conditions of high load in tens of thousands of users. Long-term cooperation with Postgres Professional allows us to solve our tasks and ensure stable operation of our clients. We have already successfully implemented large projects for the migration of EDMS DELO to DBMS from the Postgres Pro family, and in the coming months we plan to implement several more similar projects, "said Ivan Skorodumov, General Director of EOS PV LLC.

For many years we have been fruitfully cooperating with EOS Group of Companies and regularly testing the compatibility of new versions of our products. Successful projects for import substitution and migration to Postgres Pro DBMS, carried out by the EOS team and its partners, are the best indicator of our interaction. The joint use of EDMS DELO and Postgres Pro gives customers even more opportunities to ensure the reliability, performance, resiliency and security of their IT infrastructure, - said Ivan Panchenko, co-founder and deputy general director of Postgres Professional.

EDMS "DELO" 24.2 with module "Print Layout Editor"

EOS has released an updated version of the DELO electronic document management system 24.2. This update completes the phased transfer of the EDMS "DELO" to a technological platform that provides the ability to work with a completely import-independent system software stack. The developer announced this on June 26, 2024.

This version implements a full set of functionality in the DELO-Web web application. Many tools and actions with documents, orders, files, records, previously available only in the thick client, are now transferred to the web version. For example, the ability to attach files to system objects with the usual drag and drop has been added, there are hotkeys for shortcut operations and other convenient functions. Since the web version provides many advantages, in version 24.2 a thick client is no longer supported.

Our product line development strategy takes into account the preferences of various users. One of the defining trends is the demand for work through a thin client. This is due to lower demands to hardware software on both end users, simplicity and ease of use of the system. As part of the transition to version 24.2, our customers will no longer be able to use the thick client that has been familiar and worked for many years, but will have the opportunity to perform their daily functions in a new, modern thin client, - said the General Director of EOS PV LLC,. Ivan Skorodumov

The update also introduces a more ergonomic interface design for working with draft documents. At the same time, the developers retained the ability to choose between the new and previous interface options in the user profile settings, but added a number of new, demanded functions.

EDMS "DELO" 24.2 supports various domestic operating systems, DBMS, office packages and applications for digitization and intelligent paper processing up to

In the updated version, the module "Print Layout Designer" has appeared, which allows you to create the necessary forms in the visual Low-code environment by the organization's specialists. Also, the block of modules responsible for the integration of the DELO system with other EDMS (SEV subsystem) and external information resources (POS and RRO FMS) was updated. Interaction of the DELO system with the POS via the SMEV channel was implemented, the Integration Module with the Global Address Directory (state automated system) was added.

Support for the GraphQL standard for APIs allows you to implement interaction with any arbitrary systems and solve the problem of building a single information loop of the organization.

In addition, EDMS "DELO" 24.2 offers users a number of other useful new products and improvements for more comfortable and efficient work with documents.


Using ContentReader Engine Technology

The company ECM Systems EOS Russian and the vendor Content AI agreed on the development of a technological partnership. The company EOS announced this on April 13, 2023.

Technologies ContentReader Engine are used in the streaming module data EDMS in DELO. More. here

EDMS "Delo" 22.2 with the possibilities of connecting to the EDMS for organizations that do not have their own EDMS gateway

The EOS company on February 16, 2023 announced the release of an updated version of the EDMS "DELO" 22.2. The list of innovations includes the possibility of connecting to the EDM for organizations that do not have their own EDM gateway, an integration module for external EDM services and updated functions in the web client.

In accordance with the Rules for the exchange of documents in electronic form when organizing information interaction (approved by by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 24.07.2021 No. 1264), other participants may join the exchange of data through the MPED channels who previously could not directly interact according to the MPED. Organizations that do not have their own gateway and address in the MED system can now interact via MED "through intermediaries," that is, through "other people's" gateways. An organization providing its gateway for the exchange of MEDs to other organizations is an MED operator for them.

In connection with these changes, the "Module for interfacing with MEDO" EDMS "DELO" is supplemented with the executable module "MEDO Manager," which provides routing of address document flows for several end exchange nodes via MEDO connected to one gateway.

The web client of the DELO system received a set of additional functions: working with external sending registers, notifications to visitors when working with the RKPD, filters of the main page and details in the lists of records. The functionality and the possibility of settings when exchanging via electronic communication channels has been expanded. Interaction has become even more convenient for both the sender and the recipient of electronic messages.

To maintain a legally significant electronic document flow with external organizations, version 22.2 includes the "Module for Integration with EDM," which ensures the integration of EDM "DELO" with EDM operators. Within the framework of the module, interaction with the Kontur.Diadok service is implemented. The module allows you to organize a full-fledged electronic document flow with counterparties and is designed to exchange documents signed with an enhanced qualified electronic signature.

The EDMS "DELO" 22.2 implements integration with the system "Archival business" 6.2, recently released by the EOS on the import-independent "EOS Platform." In particular, the transfer of electronic documents from EDMS "DELO" to "Archival business" is supported, which makes it possible to ensure work with electronic documents at all stages of the life cycle.


Integration module with anti-icing system

On August 23, 2022, EOS announced the development of a module for integrating the Feedback Platform (PIC) with the Delo EDMS.

The feedback platform (POS) with citizens is being created within the framework of the federal project "Digital Public Administration" of the national program "Digital Economy." As conceived by the state, the POS allows organizing work in four areas, in accordance with which the platform includes four modules. Firstly, this is work directly with citizens' appeals, and the possibility of prompt control over the resolution of issues should be provided. The second is to conduct online surveys on topics that are socially significant for the population, as well as public discussions on local issues. The third is the maintenance of state-owned authorities in social networks and instant messengers, and the last is the monitoring of incidents on social networks.

In fact, this means a single end-to-end feedback processing mechanism, which should speed up, simplify and make the work process itself more transparent and improve its quality. For citizens, this means a quick solution to their problems and, as a result, an increase in the quality of interaction with government agencies.

Taking into account the fact that the GIS POS is part of the FSIS EPGU and operates on the basis of the general protected infrastructure of the data center of the Electronic Government Infrastructure, and the EDMS for most state organizations is the foundation on which both electronic interaction with citizens and digitalization itself are built, then the integration of the EDMS with the POS is vital.

The EOS company, as a supplier of EDMS for domestic government agencies, has developed a special module for solving this problem. It provides two-way data exchange through integration with the organization's personal account (LKO). Moreover, this integration can be carried out with several LLOQs in the POS.

The module authenticates the Case-Web to the POS, transmits data on messages of citizens or legal entities from the LKO to the EDMS, automatically creates a RK of requests to the EDMS, transmits intermediate status of consideration of messages to the POS and sends responses on the results of consideration to the POS on the command of the POS user.

One of the components of the module is the Data Mart submodule. This is a tool for uploading data on requests from the EDMS to the POS data store for visualizing the work of the region with messages/requests - a heat map that shows statistics on requests in the regions depending on their number for specific categories of requests: expired, repeated or new.

In the process of integrating the POS with the EDMS, the developers faced a number of difficulties. Firstly, this is a difference in the names of the categories of the POS and STT classifiers, so the corresponding categories in both classifiers are not always obvious. In the EDMS, the rubbing of citizens' appeals in accordance with 59 FZ "On the procedure for considering appeals from citizens of the Russian Federation" is carried out according to the All-Russian Thematic Classifier for Citizens' Appeals. In order not to introduce double rubrication of cases, the Data Showcase submodule provided for the adjustment of the correspondence of the FTS and anti-icing system headings.

The second difficult aspect in the development of the module is the absence at that time of a full-fledged test medium in the anti-icing system, where there is no manual analysis of files uploaded to the anti-icing system and the ability to immediately assess errors in data transmission. But the platform does not stand still and is constantly being improved. The third point is associated with updates to the POS documentation on the EPGU portal, which the regulator supplements with new documents, trying to reflect the current improvements to the platform. Nevertheless, the EOS module has already been tested in several projects, including in Rostov-on-Don and in Yakutia (Republic of Sakha).

Since the Ministry of Digital Development of Russia is actively developing the POS project, the documentation for the EPGU is being updated and replenished with new types of integration. In this regard, one of the development directions of the EOS module is the refinement of the module with new types of integration with anti-icing system: interaction with anti-icing system through CMEV. As of August 2022, the publication of official regulatory documentation on the POS is expected.

Also, the POS developers are planning to release an updated POS classifier, where references to the relevant categories of the All-Russian Thematic Classifier for citizens' appeals will have to be present in an explicit form. After updating the classifier, modifications are possible in the operation of the "Integration Module with Anti-icing System."

Red OS Compatibility

Russian developers "EOS" and "RED SOFT" have confirmed the compatibility of the software products EDMS "DELO" and "KARMA" with the operating system RED OS. The finished import-independent solution is designed to ensure secure document flow and workflow. The Red Soft company announced this on June 30, 2022. Read more here.

Classes on the development of EDMS "Delo" at the South Russian Institute of Management of the RANEPA

The South Russian Institute of Management teaches future officials to work in the EDMS "DELO" of the EOS company, which was announced by the latter on March 21, 2022. Read more here.


Release of EDMS version "Delo" 20.2

On August 24, 2021, EOS announced the release of the next version of the DELO document management system. The current version traditionally implements the most popular user requests and ensures the implementation of an increasingly wide class of tasks outside the classical management document management. Interface convenience and personification, integration capabilities, cross-platform are the key areas of development that help users build a single digital space.

Interface Convenience and Visibility

The interface of the DELO system received additional features and settings. For example, it became possible to save settings for displaying various groups of documents. An indicator of the number of available records is displayed in the headings of the multiple identity tabs of the RK/RKPD. The options for printing lists and creating templates have been supplemented. There are more opportunities for collaboration and discussion in the preparation of draft documents. Now the interface has the ability to provide all information on one screen and the minimum number of clicks for typical operations.

The possibility of applying an electronic signature, for example, to certify the introduced resolution, has been expanded.

Integration Capabilities

DELO version 20.2 features integration capabilities and updates to existing solutions for interacting with other systems. Thus, the module interfacing with the MEDO provides support for the 2.7.1 format. An integration module with a feedback platform (POS) has been added, which provides two-way interaction with the POS-office of the organization to obtain data on citizens' appeals and send information on intermediate statuses and the results of processing appeals.

The possibilities of exchange between document management systems using the electronic interaction server (CMEA) have been expanded.


One of the current requirements for content management systems is support for different system environments and stable operation using different hardware and software stacks. Version 20.2 " EDMS DELO" supports the work with, and the DBMS PostgresPro MS SQL Oracle possibility of using PostgreSQL 11/12/13 is provided.

The set of additional capabilities allows existing and future users of the DELO system to provide a simple and reliable solution to the current tasks of digitalizing management and building a single interaction platform.

Template Builder, Route Designer, Schedule Calendar, Analytical Charts, and Meeting Management

On March 18, 2021, EOS announced the updated options for the DELO EDMS: visual "designers" and visual representations.

According to the company, 2020 made significant changes in the use of information systems in general and especially in terms of document management systems and corporate content.

According to customer feedback, it was often the document management system that became the central information resource that ensures the safe and reliable interaction of employees and departments. As a result, with the help of the EDMS "DELO," a large number of processes were automated, which increased the demand for the functional modules of the EDMS "DELO" for the quick design of objects, their visual representations and processing processes. EDMS "DELO" 19.6 modernized existing solutions and added solutions for quick implementation of changes and efficient work of users. As of March 2021, among the most popular functional modules are "Template Designer," "Route Designer," "Plan-Calendar," "Analytical Diagrams" and "Meeting Management."

To quickly automate business processes by means of EDMS "DELO," the system technologist needs to create and configure the corresponding objects in the system with the appropriate set of attributes, their visual display and processing processes.

Tools and interfaces for setting the set of attributes in the EDMS "DELO" are implemented starting from the first versions of the product, and continue to be updated in accordance with the requirements and technological capabilities. Thus, in the updated version of EDMS "DELO" 19.6, the possibilities of setting up directories, and, in particular, setting up the attributes of a document card using a web interface, have been expanded.

One of the increasingly demanded capabilities of document management systems is to prepare a file using a pre-configured template with substitution of the corresponding attributes from the document card. The option "Template Designer" implemented in EDMS "DELO" 19.6 allows the system technologist to independently create the necessary templates in the dialog mode, adding the appropriate elements to them for substituting attributes from the card.

Creating a New Template in Template Designer

Also, an increasingly popular functionality in preparing documents is automatic routing in accordance with predefined parameters. The relevant tools in the DELO system provide everything necessary to organize any necessary parallel and sequential stages of coordination of draft documents. In the updated version of EDMS "DELO" 19.6, the functionality of setting up coordination of draft documents is supplemented with the module "Route Designer," which provides for setting up routes in a visual graphic form, as well as the use of route templates and their individual elements.

Document Design Approval Route in Route Designer

The constantly increasing amount of information processed by the users of the EDMS "DELO" in turn requires updated interfaces and visual tools for presenting data to the user.

To provide the user with a visual picture of the terms of action with documents, draft documents and instructions in the EDMS "DELO" using the "Plan-calendar" module, it is provided by displaying information on the document flow in the form of a calendar with the display of the corresponding dates. A feature is the ability to enter arbitrary information from other sources into the calendar, as well as provide access to calendar items to other users. Thus, the Plan-Calendar module can be used as another tool for employee interaction and the formation of a work plan for employees and departments.

Displaying Information on Documents, Draft Documents, Meetings, and Other Weekly Tasks in the Calendar Module

You can also visualize key figures as a customizable set of dynamically updatable charts using Analytical Charts to visualize workflow information.

In addition to traditional tools for interaction between employees and departments, EDMS "DELO" 19.6 provides for an optional module providing automation of the processes for preparing and holding meetings and meetings. The Meeting Management module provides support for the preparation and conduct of various activities at all stages - from planning and inviting participants to the formation of a protocol and monitoring the implementation of decisions.


Release of EDMS version "Delo" 19.6

On June 25, 2020, the company EOS officially announced the release of DELO version EDMS 19.6. The DELO system provides everything necessary to automate work with documents, tasks and processes of their processing. In EDMS "DELO" 19.6, the functionality of working in web interfaces has been expanded, user customization capabilities have been added, additional tools for exchanging documents with external systems and application are provided. electronic signature

Specialized web interfaces

An increasing number of users are moving to work with the document management system using Internetbrowsers-. The need for massive remote user access has accelerated the process of such a transition. In the EDMS "DELO" for working through a web browser, a set of specialized interfaces is provided - "Manager," "Specialist," "Assistant Manager." Web interfaces "DELO" 19.6 have received opportunities for fast and efficient processing of documents: the capabilities of contextual substitution when filling attributes have been expanded, new types of group operations on records are provided, the interface of the "Search" function has been updated.

The functionality of web interfaces is complemented by a wider range of users. The possibilities of working with document items have been added, the possibilities of monitoring the execution of orders, viewing action reports have been added. It provides a visual representation of information about the transfer of the document, the course of familiarization, as well as write-off and destruction.

Also, in specialized web interfaces DELO 19.6, it is possible to register documents received in electronic form (e-mail, MPED channels).

Interaction with other systems

Interaction of document management systems and control over the passage of documents in subordinate organizations is another task that has become especially relevant in the current conditions. The CMEA module (Electronic Interaction Server) is used to exchange documents and information on their processing in the EDMS "DELO." In EDMS "DELO" 19.6, the module has been updated and finalized. It provides for the search of the organization by TIN when registering a document, added the ability to encrypt transmitted messages, implemented a mechanism for sending executor files with an electronic signature when sighting and signing draft documents.

Installation and configuration of the CMEA module became easier thanks to the use of the background tasks mechanism in the EDMS "DELO."


In "DELO" 19.6, the possibilities for settings by users and technologists of the system have been expanded and supplemented.

A mechanism for accessing personal lists has been implemented. Each user can share personal reference items with other employees. The possibility of saving the parameters of the draft document during manual submission for approval/signing (parallel or sequential approval, expected time) has been added, which can significantly save time in the preparation of documents.

In the settings available to the system technologists, you can populate the default attribute values for document groups. To simplify the work of technologists in connection with the massive transition to specialized web interfaces, when updating the system, the automatic assignment of the role "Manager" or "Specialist" to the relevant users is implemented.

The above innovations of EDMS "DELO" 19.6 make it possible to perform the usual tasks faster and more efficiently, which is especially important in the context of transferring an increasing number of business processes to the contour of the document management system.

Running the module for EDMS "Case" "Editing files" based on "MyOffice SDK"

On May 25, 2020, New Cloud Technologies and Electronic Office Systems announced the start of commercial operation of a joint product - the File Editing module, which was created by the EOS as part of a technological partnership with MyOffice using the MyOffice SDK developer tools complex. Read more here.

Launch of the action "Anti-virus offer"

On April 3, 2020, EOS announced a special action "Antivirus Offer" to support its existing and potential customers. The promotion allows you to receive:

  • Free licenses for BUSINESS workstations EDMS EOS for SharePoint and additional options (without third-party components). Validity period - until the situation stabilizes;
  • Free help from a specialist in remote express configuration of EDMS;
  • Training materials on installation, configuration and operation with EDMS;

Thus, the protesters get the opportunity to create or expand the document flow and remote work with documents in the organization as quickly as possible and without unscheduled financial costs.

EOS and partners of the company are ready to provide a full range of services for the implementation of EDMS as soon as possible.


Integration with MyOffice

On October 30, 2019, the company New cloud technologies"" announced that, together with the company, Electronic Office Systems"" announced the completion of technological integration solutions MyOffice electronic document management system EOS in Delo. More. here

JaCarta Key and Smart Card Compatibility

On October 16, 2019, the company "Aladdin R.D. announced that, together with EOS, they completed test tests for the compatibility of their products. Read more here.

Astra Linux Special Edition Compatibility

On July 31, 2019, the market Astra Linux developer group of companies Russian operating systems announced that, together with the company "," Electronic Office Systems a representative of the document automation systems market, they successfully tested the compatibility of their software products. During testing, the operability and correctness of "" electronic document management systems and DELO-Web cryptographic the application support system "" ON in KARMA operating system the special purpose environment Astra Linux Special Edition version 1.6 were confirmed. More. here

Lotus OS Compatibility

On July 10, 2019, EOS announced that its software products have been successfully tested for compatibility with NSTREAM products. Read more here.


Release of EDMS version "Delo" 18.1

On October 11, 2018, the company EOS announced the release EDMS of the DELO version 18.1. According to the company, working with documents and tasks has become easier, clearer and faster.

The most noticeable external changes are associated with optimizing user experience, reducing the number of actions when performing typical operations. The refined functionality of the "thin" client now ensures that documents are received/sent by e-mail. Thanks to this, the entry and processing of documents in the EDMS "DELO" becomes even easier and more visual, requiring a minimum number of user actions for each of the typical operations.

The functionality associated with automatic routing in document preparation has been expanded, and tools for monitoring processes and automatically performing user actions have been implemented.

Also, the EDMS version "DELO" implements the necessary innovations for effective interaction with MED, RRO FTS and other federal information systems.

Integration with InfoWatch Taigaphone

On September 13, 2018, the company InfoWatch announced the completion of joint tests with the company "" Electronic Office Systems() EOS of the next version () " electronic document management systems EDMS Delo" on a software and hardware complex (PAC) for InfoWatch Taigaphone safe work with corporate information on mobile devices. More. here

EDMS Release Version 17.2.4

In January 2018, EOS released the next version of the Delo electronic document management system - 17.2.4. In the updated EDMS, the developers, taking into account the requirements of Russian legislation and the needs of users, expanded the list of supported operating systems through Russian import-independent developments, as well as open source browsers. Added functionality for interaction with federal services and third-party applications. The changes also affected specialized web interfaces - their capabilities to work with documents now practically do not differ from those available in the "classic" desktop client, the company emphasized.

So, in the EDMS "Delo" version 17.2.4, a "thin client" appeared that supports work on the Alt Workstation 8.1 OS (developed by the Russian company "BASEALT") under the Chromium browser (open source) version 61. Support for these products will allow customers to have more options when choosing software platforms for EDMS "Delo" and reduce dependence on proprietary foreign software.

The most important addition in version 17.2.4 was the option "Interaction module with RRW FTS." The module provides the possibility of transmitting data on the progress and results of consideration of citizens' appeals received by the organization to the ССТУ.РФ information resource. The option "Interaction module with RRO SSTU" is not included in the standard distribution kit of EDMS "Delo" - it must be installed additionally.

Additional opportunities were received by the "Interaction Module with the Internet Reception," designed to exchange information on the progress of consideration of applications with the applicants' personal accounts. A requisite has appeared in the Republic of Kazakhstan, reflecting information on the state of sending the current notification. The list of status of consideration of the case has also been expanded.

At the same time, a mechanism is implemented for interacting with applications responsible for receiving and sending e-mail. The existing functionality is supplemented with a special module "E-mail buffer." It is designed to ensure the interaction of the Delo system with the mail server using SMTP, POP3 protocols. Now in the Delo system, along with the previous mechanism for receiving and sending e-mail messages through the user's personal mailbox, it has become possible to receive and send E-mail through mail folders created in the system database. Both of these methods are available to EDMS users at the same time. The module "Buffer of electronic messages" also provides loading of incoming MED messages into the database of the "Delo" system.

According to the developers, the development of specialized web interfaces of EOS products, including the Delo-Web subsystem, is moving towards unifying functionality with a desktop application. In version 17.2.4, features that were previously unavailable to users working through the web interface appeared. In particular, the "Delo-Web" subsystem has a function for registering incoming documents and letters of citizens, as well as the ability to work with additional details of the registration card headings. In addition, you can now print barcodes from the web application on document sheets and search by barcode.

EDMS version "Delo" 17.2.4 contains a number of other changes. They relate to the editing of directories of organizations and departments (the list of changes that are recorded has been expanded), the interface of directories, including in the web subsystem, work with the RK of projects, the Process Management subsystem, etc.


EDS interaction module with ССТУ.РФ portal

EOS has developed a module for interaction of EDMS with the ССТУ.РФ portal to monitor the consideration of citizens' appeals (Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated 17.04.2017 No. 171)

From July 1, 2017, additional measures are introduced at the federal level to control the results of consideration of appeals from citizens and organizations, as well as public initiatives. By the Decree of the President of Russia of April 17, 2017 No. 171, it was established that state bodies, local self-government bodies, state and municipal institutions must monthly report electronically to the Presidential Administration on the results of consideration of appeals and measures taken on them. To prepare such analytics based on the data contained in electronic document management systems, with subsequent sending to the federal information system, Electronic Office Systems developed special software.

See more Supervision

"The Case" 17.1

On May 16, 2017, EOS released a version of the DELO document management system - 17.1.

Version 17.1 implements the principle of forming the rights of system technologists. Now you can differentiate their rights by subdivisions and document groups - the technologist will be able to edit elements related only to the subdivision for which he is responsible. You can also restrict the access of "local" system technologists to reference books.

Screenshot of the software window, (2017)

To facilitate interaction in business processes, a personalization tool was added to DELO: it became possible to insert photos in the profiles of officials. They can be attached one at a time, through a mass upload - photos will automatically "find" the profiles of the necessary employees in the system.

Version 17.1 has modified the display of a number of visual elements, added filters for sorting entries in reference books and displaying files. Added the ability to customize the display of files - some files (for example, irrelevant) can be made hidden, and they will not be shown in the interface.

In working with printing forms, an addition has been implemented: the ability to print a draft document approval sheet directly from the document card (RK) created on the basis of the approved project, without returning to the RCPD.

The function of accepting and rejecting the reports of order executors has appeared in the web interface.

The development of the "DELO-Web" subsystem continues - it goes primarily towards the unification of functionality with a desktop application. In version 17.1, a number of features that were previously present only in the "thick" client appeared in the web interface. In particular, in the "DELO-Web" subsystem, you can open and view the summary log of document movement and the protocol for working with the Republic of Kazakhstan.

DELO 17.1 introduced a tool for working with an electronic signature (EP). The variety of types of electronic signatures established by Russian law has been fully taken into account.

This version of "BUSINESS" has expanded the options for setting the parameters for using the display during sighting and signing. The reference book "EP Categories" has appeared. Records of EP categories and data on root certificates of certification centers related to them are recorded here. User settings are supplemented with a new group of properties - "Public Key Certificate Profile," which allows you to configure the user to use several display elements of different categories at the same time.

In version 17.1, an attribute has been added that allows you to establish the mandatory signing of a draft EP document. Attached files have a sign - "Use display." Files with this default property are included in the list of the display to be signed during the sighting/signing process. Also, the ability to prohibit editing the contents of files certified by display is added to system-wide settings.

Version 17.1 is supplemented with several options. For organizations using the CMEA module ("Electronic Interaction Server"), the function of sending files and orders that are added to the card after its registration and sending via CMEA has become available. Also, through CMEA channels, information can now be sent about the accompanying document and about the planned date of sighting/signing the project. It became possible to send documents in a group.

The existing and promising needs of the public sector in organizing interdepartmental exchange of documents are taken into account. Notifications have been added to the interfacing module with MEDO (an interdepartmental electronic interaction system, of which state structures are participants) - on the delivery of the document to the addressee and on the publication of the document. Additional details have been created for groups of documents that are sent according to the EDM for publication - publication number, date, source.

The functionality of the "Integration Module with the Internet Reception" has been updated.

The list of office applications with which DELO is integrated is supplemented by the domestic MyOffice package.


Transfer of EDMS to Postgres DBMS

On November 29, 2016, Electronic Office Systems (EOS) announced the signing of a partnership agreement with Postgres Professional. Partners see their task in creating joint technological developments.

According to the press services, the nearest joint prospect is the launch of the Delo electronic document management system under the control of DBMSostgres Pro. EOS is preparing this version with the consulting support of Postgres Professional specialists.

Our company provides comprehensive EOS support to enable customers to switch to Postgres Pro easily and painlessly. Partnership with application software developers is very important for us, since it is with their help that our DBMSostgres Pro reaches the end consumer. Of course, we help partners to make sure that their development optimally uses the capabilities and advantages of Postgres, the main thing is maximum performance and reliability when working. The DELO system is very widespread in Russia, many EOS customers are considering switching to the version using Postgres Pro.

Ivan Panchenko, co-founder and deputy general director of Postgres Professional

The partnership with Postgres Professional meets the general strategy for the development of the product line and, in general, the EOS company. Expanding the list of supported DBMSs with an emphasis on technologically independent and multi-platform solutions is one of the most important priorities in EOS development. So customers get more alternatives when choosing solutions for automation, including technologically independent from proprietary Western software. For many Russian companies, this is becoming an urgent need today.

Elena Ivanova, EOS Marketing Director

Inclusion in the "Register of Domestic Software"

the DELO system was one of the first among the EDMS products included in the Register of Domestic Software (Order of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of Russia dated 20.02.2016 No. 63).

Integration with MyOffice

On October 18, 2016, the press services of Electronic Office Systems (EOS) and New Cloud Technologies reported on the integration of products and the beginning, on this basis, of a technological partnership.

According to the press service of the company, applications for working with documents MyOffice are integrated with. You electronic document management systems EOS can create and edit documents through a browser, mobile or desktop client.

The partners expressed their conviction that their agreement was in line with market trends and customer demand for integrated automation. The partnership EOS with the company "New Cloud Technologies" will help expand the list of import-substituting solutions. The development of a line of office applications for integration EDMSECM with/systems will make it possible to offer customers more flexible technological products to create a single computing environment in working with documents.

Electronic Office Systems has the status of a partner of companies: ABBYY, Aladdin, CryptoPro, Microsoft, Oracle, Hewlett-Packard and a number of others. EOS also has partnership agreements with leading system integrators - CROC, Ai-Teko, FSUE NII Voskhod, IBS, Open Technologies, Prime Group, Elar, Complink.

We strive to constantly expand the list of partners to give our customers the opportunity to choose the best solution from modern technologies and products on the market.

Elena Ivanova, EOS Marketing Director

"The Case" Release 15.7

On February 16, 2016, Electronic Office Systems announced the release of the DELO version 15.7.

The main changes are the refinement of specialized interfaces, optimization of typical user actions, further improvement of system performance.

Screenshot of the application window (2015)

The load on users EDMS is constantly increasing - there is more information, the circuit electronic document management expands, covering an increasing number of processes in the organization. All of the above imposes additional requirements EDMSECM for/-solution, and most of the innovations in "DELO" 15.7 are related to the resolution of these requirements.

The Delo release 15.7 provides for the ability to group search queries. Finding any objects of the system - documents, projects, orders, files has become easier, since search queries are unified. Added work environment personalization capabilities. For example, the display of selected search queries on the main page is implemented.

  • The customized interface of the EDMS "Delo" allows you to select the most relevant information blocks for operation and configure their presentation
  • For managers who receive daily documents for review, the ability to make a one-click mark about reading the request has been added. Employees will learn earlier about the review of the document, managers have more time for meaningful work.
  • It has become easier to report on the execution of orders - the possibility of a collective operation for entering a report on orders has been added.

The information about documents on the desktop provides:

  • visa control on draft documents without opening a document card,
  • additional filters
  • Easier to add document links to personal folders - easier for users to track actions on files of interest. Directly from the main page of the system, it is possible to monitor new events for the file/document of interest.

A noticeable difficulty when working with electronic originals of documents is the visualization of electronic signatures. EDMS "Delo" 15.7 provides for the possibility of automatic attachment of a file with visualized stamps of registration data and visualization of ED of officials.

MS SQL Server 2014 Certification

On March 14, 2016, Electronic Office Systems announced the certification of the DELO electronic document management system for Microsoft SQL Server 2014. The certification confirms that according to the results of testing conducted by Microsoft, the software complies with international standards and fully implements the functionality of DBMSicrosoft SQL Server 2014.


Out "Case" v.15.3

On October 22, 2015, the Electronic Office Systems company announced the release of the DELO version of the electronic circulation system.

Screenshot of the application window (2015)

  • In version "Delo" 15.3, an important change, according to the developers, is the web interface of the user's workplace.
  • In addition to design, the system has the ability to customize the desktop for itself, thereby increasing the functionality and convenience of working with the system.
  • The data access model has been redesigned and new principles for working with documents have been implemented.
  • The capabilities of the electronic interaction server (CMEA) have been expanded, which provides additional advantages when working in the system for companies with a complex branch structure.

The props of the draft resolution, Status, appeared in the Delo system. It indicates at what stage the draft resolution is being prepared and agreed upon. The status is changed by the officials working on the draft resolution in the process of its consistent preparation and approval.

Added the details of the draft resolution "Priority." It shows the importance of the draft resolution. This identity is used to sort the draft resolution entries in the cabinet folder.

The "DELO-Web" subsystem has undergone the greatest changes - together with the updated interface, it received additional tools for working with documents.

Volume of procurement of the DELO system in 2015 on the basis of the public procurement portal


EDMS "Delo" version 14.2

On October 6, 2014, the EOS company announced the release of a new version of the EDMS "DELO." Emphasis - on collective work tools, usability, integration modules.

The company Electronic Office Systems - EOS "Electronic Office Systems" has released a new version of the electronic circulation system "DELO" 14.2. It expanded the list of supported platforms, added additional tools for organizing teamwork, expanded capabilities when accessing EDMS through the web interface, added additional mechanisms for ensuring stable operation of integration modules. In addition, new functions for working with the Republic of Kazakhstan and the RCPD appeared in the offices (with resolutions and user folders), the interface for displaying visas and signatures changed, the list of logged actions in the EDMS expanded. EDMS inherited the traditional interface, all changes are aimed at improving the usability of the product.

The server part of the DELO system 14.2 now runs on the Windows Server 2012 platform, and the client part supports Windows 8.1. The new version of the EDMS has added support for DBMS SQL Server 2012, MS SQL Server 2014, Oracle 12c.

The collective work of users is also implemented through "Personal Folders." Previously, this tool was intended only for the formation of individual user lists of RK and RCPD according to any principle: topic, author of the document (correspondent), workflow, task, etc. In the new version, you can give access to these selections for other users, they will have the rights to view the contents of the folder (view the list of objects and edit notes to them), add and delete records, manage access rights, delete the folder.

In the User Folders window, "strangers" are now shown along with "their" folders, to which the user has access. Depending on the operation from which the window is called, other people's folders are shown, to which the current user has certain rights. EDMS DELO has an additional tool for information interaction in departments or temporary working groups.

It became possible to give the user the right to view the RCPD in the cabinet folder, even if he does not have rights to work with them. Previously, the user could not view the RCPD if he did not have work rights for at least one of the persons involved in the RCPD. In the new version, you can configure the rights so that such a user can see the records of all RCPDs located in the corresponding cabinet folders and have read access to them.

This release adds additional tools for dealing with resolutions and tracking due dates. Now in the "DELO" system and the "DELO-Web" subsystem, the operation of group entry of subordinate resolutions is available in the "Arrived" cabinet folder (previously it was available only in the "On execution" folder). Previously, in the DELO system and the DELO-Web subsystem, the action of the user parameters "First Performer from the Previous RKPD," "Resolution Date from the Previous Resolution," "Author of the Resolution from the Previous Resolution" extended only to the current user session with the system. Now these parameters can be configured so that they will be distributed to all sessions of this user's work in the EDMS, which saves the time of specialists in organizations with a large volume of document flow.

The changes included in version 14.2 affected working with reference books, interaction through CMEA, full-text search parameters, EP verification mechanisms, logging actions with additional details, working with attached files and case records. A complete list of changes and differences from the previous version is in the system documentation.

Integration with VideoMost

On April 14, 2014, the companies SPIRIT and the company Electronic Office Systems EOS () announced a successful integration for ON multi-point web video conferencing VideoMost with the DELO electronic document management system.

File:500px-ВидеоМост совместная работа-1.jpg


The result of the integration of software for video conferencings VideoMost EDMS with DELO is the ability to organize video broadcasts and video selectors, sessions video conference between users directly from electronic document management systems with the preservation of the video protocol and its inclusion in working documents.

Users of the EDMS "DELO" got access to multi-point video conferencing with the participation of up to 50 people simultaneously in each conference room, as well as voice and video calls to individual colleagues, text chat.

Target User Audience

The integrated solution is intended for commercial and government organizations, whose activities are accompanied by active interaction of employees, communications and document exchange. The use of EDMS "DELO" with integrated VideoMost software by such organizations will improve employee interaction and significantly speed up collective discussion and decision-making.

"Many large commercial and government agencies have already implemented electronic document management systems to manage business processes and corporate documents," said the Elena Ivanova head of the company's marketing department. Electronic Office Systems- However, traditional means of communication - telephone, e-mail - are already becoming insufficient to discuss and coordinate actions, and personal meetings are not always possible. This is why we need web videoconferences that VideoMost support integration EDMS with DELO and can be accessed from each workplace. "
"The company SPIRIT has repeatedly participated in successful projects for integration VideoMost into corporate customer systems," stressed the Yury Homyak sales director at. "The VideoMost Russia VideoMost integrated DELO EDMS will be used to organize effective collaboration, document coordination, reporting and monitoring. I am confident that our integrated product will quickly become an indispensable tool for tens of thousands of employees in the state and corporate sectors. "


EDMS "Delo" version 13.1

In October 2013, Electronic Office Systems announced the release of a new version of the DELO electronic document management system. The product, which for many years has held the first positions in the Russian EDMS market in terms of the number of projects implemented and the number of jobs implemented, in version 13.1 received new opportunities that make the work of all groups of users more comfortable.

The new version of the DELO system differs in a number of features:

  • version 13.1 is fully adapted to work with documents that exist only in electronic form;
  • expanded opportunities for working in a single document management system that unites several independent organizations;
  • added additional mechanisms for user interaction when working together with documents;
  • additional functions have appeared that make it easier to work with control documents and resolutions;
  • there are new opportunities for working with citizens' appeals;
  • updated the functionality of mobile solutions and the DELO-Web application for remote access to the system.
  • Electronic documents in EDMS "DELO" 13.1
  • Working with documents that exist only in electronic form and do not have paper versions has become more convenient. In the registration card (CC) of a document or draft document (RCPD), you can now indicate the characteristic "Original in electronic form."

This option is especially relevant for organizations that want to abandon internal "paper" document management and are gradually moving to the use of some types of documents only in electronic form. Having received such a RK, the user of the system will immediately know that the paper original does not exist.

Work of several organizations in a single document management system

On the basis of the EDMS "DELO" in many regions of Russia, unified EDMS have been created that unite authorities of different levels. When working in such systems, there was a need for additional functions that, in accordance with the wishes of our users, are implemented in a new version of the system.

So, when using the principle of single registration, all documents circulating in a single EDMS, when sent from one organization to another, retain the same date and number that they received during registration. The date of actual receipt of the original document in the EDMS may differ significantly from the date of its registration. In the new version of the system, the date of receipt of the document in the file cabinet of this department (organization) is fixed and visible to users. It became possible to set restrictions on the size and type of files that are attached to the PC. In unified document management systems, this option will help unify the formats of electronic versions of documents and reduce the load on the network.

Working with control documents and resolutions

When working with a large volume of documents, you often have to introduce resolutions of the same type for documents of similar content. In the new version in the DELO system and in the DELO-Web subsystem, users will be able to use standard order templates, as well as create new templates. Using templates, you can fill out orders of all types of RM.

In "DELO" 13.1, it became possible, using a special setting, to ensure the allocation of records in folders of cabinets with an expiring scheduled due date, which will allow users to plan the sequence of preparation and approval of documents. In Customizing, you specify the number of days before the date from which it will be considered expiring.

Collective work in "DELO"

In the process of working together on a document, EDMS users often need to view responses or drafts of electronic documents prepared for this document by other co-executors. Now in the system you can set the "Transparent bundle" parameter, and the user from the registration card available to him will be able to view all the document files associated with it, regardless of the availability of access rights to them. This option will significantly facilitate the work of performers working on one document, since they will be able to see the results of each other's work directly from the system without using third-party channels (mail, landfill, etc.) to exchange documents.

A new section "Discussion" will also help the work of users, which has been added to the RK screen. It is intended for "informal" discussion of documents in the system.

Citizens' appeals

The updated system has a new module "Publishing the progress of work with citizens' appeals," which allows sending notifications about the progress of work on the appeal of citizens received by the organization through the portal of State Services. This module allows you to track and inform citizens about the progress of work in the organization at their requests and send reports on the work performed to the Office of the President of the Russian Federation (UROG).

Mobile Solutions and Remote Work

Simultaneously with the DELO system version 13.1, new versions of the Manager's AWS mobile applications (Windows 7) and iEOS 2 (iPad) were released. The solution has added the ability to encrypt the connection to the system, which will allow users to reliably protect information during exchange. The use of an external (connected) electronic signature will not only enable each user to work in the system from several mobile devices, but also minimize the risk of unauthorized use of the display when losing a smartphone or tablet. All this allows you to organize a legally significant electronic document flow not only at stationary, but also at mobile workplaces.

In the "DELO-Web" subsystem, it became possible to introduce the same resolutions simultaneously for the RK group. This operation is implemented by analogy with the same operation in the DELO system.

The changes included in the CASE version 13.1 also affected search capabilities, editing and registration rights of the Republic of Kazakhstan, sending of the Republic of Kazakhstan and files by e-mail and some elements of the system interface.

EDMS "Delo" version 12.2.1

The Electronic Office Systems company updated the DELO version of the electronic document management system in early 2013. The changes partially affected the product interface. In the new version, information about the name of the system, its version, about the developer company (EOS) and the address of the technical support service is configured, which will especially please our customers who are served by regional partners: you can specify contacts of a local company or even a specific specialist.

The changes also affected the DELO-Web subsystem. An additional switch has appeared in the subsystem that allows you to track the transfer and location of a paper document either throughout the organization or within the same department. This option will be especially useful for organizations with a large number of employees and departments.

In this version, additional amenities have appeared for the work of several organizations in a common database. Many regions and large holdings on the basis of the DELO EDMS have created unified document management systems with access to the EDMS of various departments and remote divisions. For such clients, printing stamps of different organizations, as well as a full-fledged inter-corporate exchange of documents by e-mail, will become relevant.

Procedures have been finalized regarding the consideration of citizens' appeals to organizations (federal or regional authorities) from the Office of the President of the Russian Federation for working with citizens' and organizations' appeals (UROG). Such requests are received through the interdepartmental electronic document management (MEDO) system or through the channels of the VipNet secure postal system, and electronic data is exchanged in real time through the same channels on all issues related to the consideration of requests. In the new version of the DELO system, it is possible to automatically process both the requests of citizens themselves received via the MEDO system or VipNet channels, as well as requests for providing brief and complete information on them (including preparing responses to received requests for sending through the MEDO channels).

The possibilities of integrating EDMS "DELO" with "virtual receivers" have been expanded. Many clients have automated the registration process in the EDMS "DELO" of requests received through the websites of organizations ("Internet reception," "Virtual reception," etc.) The new version has wide possibilities for adapting the EDMS "DELO" for interaction with portal software: if official websites or corporate portals provide for work with personal accounts, then through such an office the user of the portal (site) can not only submit an appeal or application, but also track its further status.


EDMS "Delo" version 12

EOS announced in June 2012 the release of the twelfth version of the DELO electronic document management system. Maintaining its key advantages, such as high reliability, high performance and unlimited scalability, DELO 12.0 expands its capabilities in accordance with the current needs of current and potential users.

The new version significantly expands the possibilities for organizing electronic document management between organizations. With the help of the CMEA module ("Electronic Interaction Server"), it is possible to agree and sign documents with external organizations.

Users will be able to appreciate the new functionality and the updated web interface of the DELO-Web subsystem. In addition to modern and intuitive design, the DELO-Web subsystem now provides the ability to customize the appearance of lists, install various filters. The new version implements mechanisms for auto-search and automatic substitution of data when filling out form fields.

The set of additional system options has been expanded. Among the innovations is the Informer module, which provides information for users about received documents, orders and execution reports directly to the Windows control panel. Together with the new version of the EDMS "DELO," an updated solution "AWS Manager" is released, which provides a simple and visual interface for working with documents. The current version of the "Head's AWS" provides for working with documents in PDF format, issuing initiative instructions to employees, working with subordinate resolutions and a number of other new opportunities. As an additional option, a solution for working with EDMS "DELO" on the Android platform has become available. The templates of reporting forms supplied in the standard delivery set of EDMS "DELO" have been updated.

For new users and organizations that increase the number of workplaces of the EDMS "DELO," it is possible to buy competitive, that is, used alternately by several users, licenses for the "DELO-Web" subsystem.


EDMS "Delo" version 11.0

This version differs significantly from the previous ones in the scale of the implemented capabilities and tasks. With version 11.0, three new subsystems will be supplied optionally: "Mobile Office," "Manager's AWS" and "Electronic Interaction Server" (CMEA).

The Electronic Interaction Server (CMEA) subsystem is designed to automate the exchange of documents between organizations participating in electronic document management, as well as to ensure transparency of document processing in these organizations. CMEA will be used by organizations that exchange electronic documents in large volumes (in large numbers, with a large number of subscribers) and control their passage in subordinate, one-level or higher organizations.

On the basis of CMEA, various schemes of electronic interaction can be implemented, including, within the framework of e-government construction projects - interdepartmental electronic document management (MEDO) and a system of interdepartmental electronic interaction for the provision of public services (SMEV).

CMEA users are commercial organizations with a geographically distributed structure (for example, a management company, subsidiaries, branches, partners) and state bodies (for example, governments, ministries and departments of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local governments or federal state authorities, territorial departments subordinate to the FSU and other institutions). CMEA can be used to automate "one window" services when working with citizens.

Today the world is becoming mobile, managers are rarely at the workplace, and it is necessary to continue working with documents, to give orders. Remote work of employees has already become the norm: smartphones, communicators, laptops or tablets are used for this. Electronic document management systems were no exception in the overall mobility trend. The "Mobile Office" subsystem provides access to work in the "DELO" EDMS from any mobile device, including iPad, iPhone, communicators and smartphones. Using the "Mobile Office," an employee can receive notifications about new documents sent to him for consideration, sign and visit documents, issue instructions and enter reports on the execution of tasks. The use of the "Mobile Office" allows employees to continue working with documents and promptly respond to new tasks when working outside the office and without access to a computer.

The Manager's AWS solution is primarily aimed at senior managers and provides the user with an intuitive interface that combines all the advantages of working with paper documents (for example, applying handwritten resolutions) and the capabilities of an electronic document (data acquisition speed and interactivity). Developing the "Head's AWS," the company's specialists were guided by significant EOS experience in the implementation of projects on automation of document flow of various scales. The EOS expertise in the field of automation of management document management made it possible to distinguish from the whole variety of EDMS functionality only those elements that are really necessary for the manager to work with documents and make management decisions. The logic of the program allows the manager to familiarize himself with the document and accompanying analytical materials necessary for making a decision at the click of a button.

The "Manager's AWS" can work using any computer under the control of the OS Windows 7, but its most effective use in conjunction with tablet devices equipped with a touch screen. Operation in the system can be carried out both when connecting to the internal network, and when remotely accessing the EDMS via the Internet, and if there is no access to the Network (later, when connecting to the server, data synchronization occurs). The system implements all possible scenarios for working with documents, including approval, application of a resolution and approval. Moreover, the resolution can be introduced in the form of handwritten text or an audio message. Thus, the "Head's AWS" presents a convenient, universal and always available tool for operational work with documents. The solution is supplied as an additional option to the DELO system, but thanks to the support of standard integration mechanisms with other software products, it can be configured for use with other EDMS and information systems.

EDMS "Delo" version 11.0.5

The main improvements in the CASE 11.0.5 version affected the expansion of the capabilities of information protection, work with e-mail and electronic signatures. There are additional opportunities for processing citizens' appeals when transferring passport data and citizen's TIN.

In version "DELO" 11.0.5. the MEDO module was further developed, which is especially interesting for participants in the interdepartmental electronic document management system. It is important that the functionality used for interdepartmental interaction can also be used in the provision of public services.

The MED system is designed to organize the automated exchange of electronic documents between participants in interdepartmental document management, as well as inform the highest state authorities about the progress of the execution of orders. Information on the progress of execution takes place using special notifications. In the new version of "DELO" 11.0.5. additional notifications have appeared regarding the registration of documents coming through the EDM system.

We remind you that building an interdepartmental electronic document management (MEDO) system is one of the main tasks in the framework of work on the creation of electronic government. Under the auspices of the Federal Security Service, the MEDO project is being successfully implemented, in which the Electronic Office Systems (EOS) company takes an active part.

The MED system ensures the interaction of electronic document management systems of the Government Office (RF AP) and similar systems used in federal executive bodies. In addition, at present, the system of interdepartmental electronic document management provides for the interaction not only of information systems of federal executive bodies, but also of other state authorities. The EOS, in particular, takes part in the implementation of the development of interdepartmental electronic document management between the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation and the regional state authority (Kaliningrad region). Currently, the process of joining the system and other, including regional, authorities is underway.


The DELO system is installed in more than two thousand organizations that collectively use more than one hundred and fifty thousand workplaces[1]

According to an independent study by DSS Consulting, in 2008, 600 implementations of the DELO system were carried out in Russia alone, while the nearest competitor had 277.

The largest organizations that have implemented the Delo system:

  • Federation Council,
  • State Duma,
  • Rosaviakosmos,
  • BaltStroyService,
  • Rosgosstrakh,
  • Mosenergo and other state and commercial structures of various areas of the economy.

2006: Registration of the "Delo" system

Certificate of official registration of the DELO system


Quality Certificate of Gosstandard of Russia


Among the critics of the DELO system are:[2]

  • There are no graphical displays of document routes;
  • inconvenience of the graphic designer when creating registration cards of documents;
  • lack of graphical representation of the status and passage of documents;

Competing developments

