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2024/05/28 11:31:40

Russian DBMS market: achievements, drivers and prospects. TAdviser 2024 review

The history of import substitution of system software began in Russia long before the start of a special military operation. Since the mid-2010s, the state has consistently adopted documents obliging companies with state participation and credit and financial organizations to switch to domestic software, including system software.

The interim outcome of their implementation in May 2024 was summed up by the chairman of the cabinet of ministers Mikhail Mishustin. Speaking at a plenary meeting of the annual CIPR conference, he announced that Russia had achieved approximately 50% import substitution for major software products. In other words, the process is underway, in the Unified Register of Russian Software, ERRP, a little less than 60 operating systems (general purpose, real time, mobile) and 30 database management systems, DBMS.

Domestic developers of system software consider the state to be an engine of import substitution and ask it not to slow down. Read about the achievements of 2023, the problems that have yet to be overcome, and plans for the future of DBMS market participants in Russia in the new TAdviser review.

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