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X5 Group



+ Fridman Mikhail Maratovich
+ Khan German Borisovich


2024: Launch of alcomarkets network

In June 2024, it became known about the launch by the X5 group of an alcomarket chain based on the Shopping stores. Pilot stores have already begun work in the south of Russia, representing compact points with an area of ​ ​ 100-200 square meters. m and an emphasis on a wide range of alcoholic beverages.

According to Kommersant's sources in the retail market and the alcohol industry, X5 is considering expanding the alcomarkets format at other sites, using its experience with Bupupalko. In total, X5 received 298 stores in five southern regions of Russia. In 2024, some of these stores continue to operate in the same format, but it is planned to re-equip them for the sale of alcohol, fresh food and ready-made food.

X5 launched a network of alcohol markets

According to the publication, the new format of alcomarkets X5 will include not only a wide range of alcoholic beverages, but also goods of the category "fresh" - fresh vegetables and fruits, meat and pastries. This model has already shown its effectiveness and competitiveness against the background of the successful development of the Red & White and Bristol networks, said Mikhail Burmistrov, General Director of Infoline Analytics.

X5's interest in specialty stores with a high alcohol content in the assortment is supported by data on revenue growth of such chains. Analysts point out that specialty stores show higher efficiency compared to traditional food outlets, which explains the growing interest in this format.

Senior analyst at Gazprombank Marat Ibragimov believes that the growing popularity of alcohol markets is associated with their ability to attract buyers not only with alcoholic beverages, but also with everyday goods. According to Platforma, food accounts for 45% of the range of such stores, which increases their appeal to a wide audience.[1]
