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Telecommunications and Communications
Since 2024
Central Federal District of the Russian Federation
115191, int. ter. city municipal district Danilovsky, st. Bolshaya Tulskaya, d. 2, †. 5H



+ Fridman Mikhail Maratovich
+ The Mark Foundation for Cancer Research



Use of VimpelCom infrastructure

On October 29, 2024, Alfa-Bank announced the launch of its own virtual mobile operator. An MVNO project called Alfa-Mobile involves the use of the VimpelCom cellular infrastructure (beeline brand).

As the general director of Alfa-Mobile LLC Andrei Litvinov said, the creation of a virtual mobile operator is one of the stages in the implementation of the retail business strategy, focused on the development of Daily Banking ("daily banking"). The formation of its own operator is expected to allow Alfa-Bank not only to significantly expand the list of services for customers, but also to better protect finances from fraudulent activities. In addition, it is expected to expand the client base as a whole due to synergistic cooperation with Bilain.

Alfa-Bank launches virtual mobile operator on Beeline infrastructure

We are pleased to offer Alfa-Bank a partnership that will become a new stage in business development and great opportunities for both companies. The launch of an MVNO project based on the beeline network is a choice in favor of communication of the highest quality and reliability. We pay special attention to the quality of coverage and sustainability of work, which is especially important for projects of this scale, "says Sergei Bykov, Vice President for Operator Business, PJSC VimpelCom.

It is noted that the beeline has carried out a large-scale modernization of its network throughout the country. The use of this infrastructure will allow Alfa-Bank to offer subscribers a wide range of modern services, including high-speed mobile Internet access. "Unique mobile communications product offers" with high-quality coverage throughout Russia are being prepared. In addition, Alfa-Mobile promises favorable communication prices for foreign trips. The new virtual operator will begin providing services in the first quarter of 2025.[1]

Creating a Company

In February 2024, Alfa-Bank registered a new company called Alfa-Mobile. He will provide communication services.

According to Interfax with reference to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (USRUL), the authorized capital of Alfa-Mobile LLC is 100 million rubles. As the director of the retail business of Alfa-Bank Ivan Pyatkov clarified, we are talking about the creation of a virtual mobile operator. This project is one of the stages in the implementation of the bank's retail business strategy, says Pyatkov. According to him, the strategy is mainly aimed at expanding the range of non-financial services of Alfa-Bank and strengthening the value proposition of the everyday bank model and monetizing the growing client portfolio.

Alfa-Bank created the telecommunications operator Alfa-Mobile

Maxim Savvatin, an analyst at iKS-Consulting, believes that Alfa-Mobile will use the Tele2 infrastructure for work, which already serves virtual mobile operators of banks such as Tinkoff Mobile, SberMobile and VTB Mobile.

The author Telegram of the channel, Abloud62 Aleksei Boyko, suggested that Alfa-Mobile could choose as a partner, "VimpelCom since interaction has been established between the owners of Alfa Bank and current top managers.

Banks create MVNO in order to increase the degree of "attachment" of customers to their business: by offering a mobile service at more favorable tariffs, they increase customer loyalty to the bank, force their use of mobile banking, payment for services through a mobile application, Boyko added in a conversation with Vedomosti.

According to Ivan Pyatkov, by the end of February 2024, the top team of the Alfa-Mobile project was created and negotiations are underway with potential partners. The launch of the mobile operator is scheduled for the second half of 2024.[2]
