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2024/09/17 17:10:15

Satellite Internet in Russia


Satellite Communications (Russian Market)

Main article: Satellite communication (Russian market)


445 billion rubles were allocated for the creation of the satellite Internet "Bureau 1440"

The Russian space company Bureau 1440 plans to create a national satellite constellation to provide high-speed Internet, and this project will require ₽445 billion by 2030. This became known in September 2024. This amount was indicated in the project "Internet Access Infrastructure," which is being developed as part of the national program "Data Economics."

As RBC writes with reference to this document, by 2030 it is planned to deploy a constellation consisting of 292 satellites. In total, 383 satellites will be launched during this period, including devices designed to replace the failed ones. The implementation of this project will require 24 missile launches. Of the total amount, about ₽329 billion will be allocated by the company itself, and the remaining ₽116 billion will come from the federal budget in the form of preferential loans, subsidies for rocket launches and for launching satellites into orbit.

source = Bureau Telegram Channel 1440
It is planned to spend about 445 billion rubles on the creation of the satellite Internet "Bureau 1440"

The goal of the project is to provide broadband Internet access for 97% of households by 2030 and 99% by 2036. To achieve this goal, a low-orbit satellite constellation will be created, which will allow providing communication services throughout Russia and beyond.

A spokesman for Bureau 1440 declined to comment on the details of the project, but noted that the company plans to provide communication services through its own satellites.

We are at the stage of preparation for scaling the grouping and working out the technical and economic conditions for connecting to the future service, "he told the publication in mid-September 2024.

Within the framework of the project, as noted by the representative of the office of Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Grigorenko, the parameters for the implementation of satellite Internet by September 2024 are still being discussed and can be finalized before the project is finally approved. The Ministry of Digital Development of Russia also stressed the importance of developing satellite communications as one of the priority areas of the near future.[1]

According to experts interviewed by the publication, the conflict in Ukraine became the catalyst for the project, when, against the background of the use of Starlink for military purposes, the need for such a national system became obvious.

Russian President Vladimir Putin instructed to allocate 116 billion rubles for the development of satellite Internet

Russian President Vladimir Putin instructed to allocate 116 billion rubles for the development of satellite Internet in the country. This was reported in the list of instructions published at the end of March 2024, which the head of state gave following the message to the Federal Assembly.

To send in 2025-2030 budget allocations of the federal budget in the amount of at least 116 billion rubles for the creation of a satellite constellation for the development of high-speed access to the Internet information and telecommunication network, "the Kremlin website said.

Vladimir Putin instructed to allocate 116 billion rubles for the development of satellite Internet in the country

Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin has been appointed responsible for the implementation of this order. The head of state is waiting for the corresponding report until December 15, 2024, then - once a year.

At the end of February 2024, Vladimir Putin said that access to high-speed Internet should be provided almost throughout the country. Putin stressed that the state will solve the task with the help of a multiple increase in the domestic satellite constellation.

According to ComNews CEO Leonid Konik, Russia really needs new satellite constellations in non-geostationary orbits, in the world such constellations as Starlink and OneWeb are at the peak of popularity. The expert noted that by March 2024 in the Russian Federation there is not a single state project on low-orbital grouping for Internet services, but there is a private initiative called Rassvet from Bureau 1440, potentially interested in state support. According to Konik's estimates, the real full costs of Bureau 1440 should be at least $7 billion. The declared 116 billion rubles will be enough for 20% of the co-financing of the Rassvet project, the expert added in a conversation with Vedomosti.

The general director of the hosting provider RUVDSNikita Tsaplin believes that Russia may have enough from 100 to 600 spacecraft for the normal operation of the new satellite Internet.[2]


Private Russian company SR Space creates a satellite Internet system

In mid-November 2022, the company SR Space announced the creation of the SR NET satellite system, which, according to the developers, should become the first private Russian analogue. the American Starlink More. here

30.5 billion rubles are allocated from the budget for satellite Internet in Russia

On January 25, 2022, Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Chernyshenko announced that about 30.5 billion rubles were allocated from the National Welfare Fund (NWF) for a project to provide citizens and enterprises with satellite Internet.

We are talking about the federal project "Providing Internet access through the development of satellite communications" ("Internet Access"), which is planned to be included in the national program. " Digital economy As clarifies Interfax"" with reference to the passport of this project, by the end of 2024, a total of 63.86 billion rubles may be required for its implementation, including 33.38 billion rubles from the federal budget and 30.48 billion rubles from extrabudgetary sources.

30.5 billion rubles are allocated from the budget for satellite Internet in Russia

As a result, it is planned to provide coverage of the territories of the Arctic zone and the Far East with satellite communications by 2024, and to provide citizens with Internet access in hard-to-reach areas by 2030.

According to the project passport, it will be implemented by FSUE Cosmic Communications (GPKS). The project involves the creation by 2024 and the launch in 2025 of one communications and broadcasting satellite in the Express geostationary orbit and 4 communications and broadcasting satellites in the Express-RV highly elliptical orbits. In addition, it is planned to produce another 8 Express satellites. As follows from the document, GPKS is planned to provide a subsidy for Express-RV satellites.

The goal of the Internet Access initiative is to create satellite communications to provide citizens with broadband access to the Internet in remote and hard-to-reach settlements of the country, Dmitry Chernyshenko told the agency in the apparatus.

By January 2022, the passport of the federal project "Internet Access" was approved by the Presidium of the Legal Commission for Digital Development, chaired by Dmitry Chernyshenko.[3]

2021: Mishustin allocated 60.8 billion rubles for cheap satellite Internet in villages

On July 21, 2021, the head of the Government of the RFMikhail Mishustin approved the allocation of 60.8 billion rubles from the National Welfare Fund (NWF) for the implementation of the Internet Access program, which the Ministry of Digital Development of the Russian Federation is developing. It consists in creating a satellite constellation of four spacecraft that will provide cheap Internet in separated and inaccessible regions, including the northern regions, the Arctic coast and the Northern Sea Route.

It is reported by Kommersant"" with reference to a source Government of the Russian Federation in and a representative. The publication Ministry of Digital Development Ministry of Finance confirmed that additional funding will be allocated "to ensure a number of self-sustaining infrastructure projects, including Internet Access."

Mikhail Mishustin allocated 60.8 billion rubles for cheap satellite Internet in villages

The office of Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Chernyshenko clarified to the newspaper that it is planned to create a satellite constellation by 2028. The tariffs were not reported there, adding that the quality and accessibility of the Internet for citizens will be a priority.

Earlier it was reported that the implementation of the Internet Access project will cost 151 billion rubles. A Kommersant source in the telecommunications industry called this amount too low. As an example, the interlocutor cited the cost of launching the Starlink satellite constellation, which amounted to $3 billion (about 225 billion rubles). And this does not take into account the costs of production, configuration, earth stations and others. Experts and market participants interviewed by the publication believe that the new project is more focused on providing communication to state institutions, not the population.

According to Sergey Pekhterev, General Director of AltegroSky, Internet Access can work on Express-RV satellites (their design was started by FSUE Cosmic Communications back in 2010) or Skif[4]
