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2024/05/22 11:07:12

National Surveillance Platform


2024: The Ministry of Digital Development told about the creation of a single video surveillance platform in Russia

In May 2024, the Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation spoke about plans to create a unified video surveillance platform in the country. It is assumed that flows from all cameras connected to the regional and city systems "Safe City" will flock to it. According to experts interviewed by TAdviser, this initiative will help fight crime, but centralized data collection can increase the risks of their leakage.

According to the deputy head of the Ministry of Digital Development Dmitry Ugnivenko, the main task of a single video surveillance platform is to prevent various offenses. In addition, it will become an analytical tool that will prevent any emergency situations. And if they come, the system will help Russians quickly contact the necessary bodies - it will provide "a flexible approach in the interaction of the regions with citizens, the region with the federal center," added the Deputy Minister of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation.

Safe city. A single video surveillance platform, which will allow collecting video streams from regional platforms of safe cities and regions across all constituent entities of the Russian Federation, creating a single flexible contact center, which, in the event of, God forbid, emergencies, will allow transferring the voice load from one entity to another so that people can get through and receive the necessary consultations and the necessary support. This is the main thing where we will move, - said Ugnivenko (quoted by Interfax).

A single video surveillance platform is being created in Russia. Data from all cameras will flock to it

Dmitry Ugnivenko said that the creation of a single video surveillance platform in Russia is provided for by the national project "Data Economics and Digital Transformation of the State." By May 22, 2024, this national project in its final form has not yet been approved by the government, so the details of the initiative to develop an IT system for centralized control of city cameras have not been reported. At the time of the release of the material, the Ministry of Digital Development was unable to provide TAdviser with comments on the timing of the launch of the platform and the amount of planned costs for it.

Pyotr Ivanov, head of the analytical systems and reporting department of the IT integrator First Bit, said in a conversation with TAdviser that a single video surveillance platform would be useful if it, using data from video cameras, helps to search for people by certain parameters, as well as promptly notify law enforcement agencies of the crime.

The law enforcement agencies compared the speed of the crime and the speed of their reaction and decided to do something about it. This will have little effect on ordinary people, "Ivanov said.

Valery Stepanov, head of the T1 Integration competence center for information security, notes that thanks to a centralized management system, law enforcement agencies will be able to quickly access video archives from different cameras, conduct operational monitoring and quickly respond to incidents. Also, the collected data will make it possible to draw conclusions and take additional and new security measures, the expert added.

 Dmitry Romanenko, General Director of the Regional TeleSystems telecom operator, sees other advantages from creating a single platform that collects and processes video streams from cameras installed in the Safe City regional and city systems. In his opinion, such a system will reduce the cost of software used in the regions for processing video streams and detection. In addition, the platform will provide significant savings for local budgets for server capacity and rental of seats for them, he is sure.

Romanenko added that the Ministry of Digital Development initiative does not affect private cameras, of which there are significantly more state cameras in municipalities. In March 2024, the head of the Ministry of Digital Development Maksut Shadayev said that at that time in Russia there were about 1 million CCTV cameras installed as part of the Safe City project. Moreover, every third device, according to the minister, is connected to the facial recognition system.

A single video surveillance platform is implemented in Moscow - it is called GIS ECCD. In addition to investigating crimes, the capital's video surveillance and video analytics system is used to control the construction of socially significant facilities, the improvement and cleaning of courtyards, the work of utilities and social services, to regulate traffic flows, as well as promising planning for the development of city districts.

Earlier, experts from DeviceLock found ads on the network for the sale of allegedly access to data from cameras in the Moscow video surveillance system for 30 thousand rubles. Dmitry Romanenko believes that the all-Russian IT video surveillance system will become an attractive target for cybercriminals. However, according to the head of Regional TeleSystems, the Ministry of Digital Development will be able to develop comprehensive measures to ensure the security of the IT infrastructure of open and closed circuits, as well as strict access control procedures and monitoring user actions that will significantly reduce the risk of data leakage. Rostelecom is also confident in the safety of the future platform.

The question about data leakage is not relevant at all, this is impossible in principle. All information is now transmitted through secure closed data transmission channels, I am sure this scheme will continue when creating a centralized system, "Violetta Sheveleva, director of external communications for the North-West macro-region of Rostelecom PJSC, told TAdviser.

According to Valery Stepanov from T1 Integration, the authorities need to take a comprehensive approach to the protection of platform information in order to reduce cyber risks.

2021: Government plans to create GIS "National Video Surveillance Platform"

On June 16, 2021, it became known about the plans of the Government of the Russian Federation to create a state information system (GIS) "National Video Surveillance Platform," which will become a single contour for analyzing video from all city cameras in the country. The implementation of the project, including the installation of cameras, is estimated at 250 billion rubles.

According to Kommersant, citing its sources, a joint venture between Rostec and Rostelecom , National Technologies LLC, is being considered as a contractor for the development of the project. Rostec structures will deal with the hardware of the project, and Rostelecom - software.

Russia will create a single video surveillance platform for 250 billion rubles

The idea of ​ ​ developing such a GIS was discussed at a meeting of the interdepartmental commission for the implementation and development of the hardware and software complex () AGRARIAN AND INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX of the Safe City hardware in May, Kommersant the general designer of the system confirmed. "Safe City" Oksana Yakimyuk This commission includes,,, and. MINISTRY OF EMERGENCY SITUATIONS Ministry of Industry and Trade MINISTRY OF INTERNAL AFFAIRS FSB

The Lanit-Integration company, commenting on the plans of the authorities to create a "National Video Surveillance Platform," warned: a complete transition to the new technology may be economically unjustified. They noted that the "smart" camera is more expensive than the usual one two, or even six times. In addition, to analyze the events that have occurred, sometimes you need all the content for a certain period, and not just fragments.

In turn, the Association of Computer and Information Technology Enterprises indicated that when creating a single video surveillance system, possible data leaks will be especially painful. With a successful hack, a hacker will be able not only to observe the movement of a person around the city, but also literally track his every step.

It is possible to carry out an automated analysis of incidents directly on cameras only if it is not related to personal data, says the general director of the CRTDmitriy Dyrmovsky group.[1]

See also
