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EKF (Electrical Solutions)


Electrical and Microelectronics
Since 2001
Central Federal District of the Russian Federation
Central office: 127273, "Technopark Otradnoye," st. Otradnaya, 2B, building 9

Russian brand of electrical equipment.

Closed Joint Stock Company "Recamos Limited" - 100%
(effective July 20, 2023)


Revenue millions Ths. rub

Number of employees

The EKF brand of electrical engineering has existed since 2001. The first company under this brand was founded in Moscow by entrepreneur Dmitry Nazarov with partner Yevgeny Oistacher.

Companies associated with the EKF brand specialize in the development, production and sales of electrical equipment and solutions based on it. Main product areas: low-voltage electrical products, medium-voltage equipment, electrical board housings, products for electrical installation and electrical installations, measuring tools, cable-carrying systems, bus duct, smart home, lightning protection, professional lighting.

Since 2018, Elektroresheniya LLC has been using the EKF brand of electrical engineering, introduced on the market since 2001, and is the main legal entity representing this brand in Russia.

Performance indicators

2024: Revenue growth 31% to ₽21,7 billion

The revenue of one of the largest manufacturers of electrical equipment in Russia EKF in 2024 increased by 31% and reached ₽21,7 billion. In 2023, this figure was ₽16,6 billion. Such data "Electrical Solutions" (EKF) presented in March 2025.

EKF's revenue growth rate exceeds the industry's average, which indicates that the company's position in the electrical equipment market has strengthened. Gross profit growth for 2024 was 36%, which exceeds the growth rate of revenue and indicates an increase in operational efficiency of production.

One of the largest Russian manufacturers of electrical equipment, EKF, ended the year with an increase in revenue by 31%, reaching 21.7 billion rubles

The financial position of the company is characterized by stability. The debt burden of "Electric Solutions" at the end of 2024 remained at a comfortable level. Net debt amounted to ₽3,7 billion, an increase of 13.3% compared to 2023. At the same time, cash balances reached ₽2,2 billion, which provides the company with a significant margin of financial safety.

The financial indicators achieved reflect the successful implementation of EKF's strategy aimed at business growth and development in the context of a changed market situation. The company has demonstrated the ability to effectively manage costs and increase revenues even in difficult economic conditions, the group noted.

EKF is one of the leading Russian manufacturers of electrical products. The company specializes in the production of a wide range of equipment for power supply and automation. The range of products includes modular equipment, power equipment, cable-carrying systems, board equipment and other categories of goods for industrial and household applications.[1]

2022: Revenue growth of more than 50%

EKF's revenue, which specializes in the development, production and sale of electrical equipment, in 2022 amounted to 15.1 billion rubles, an increase of 52.5%. This was announced at the end of April 2023 by representatives of EKF. The given indicator includes export revenue, TAdviser was specified in EKF.

The revenue of the main legal entity representing the EKF brand in Russia, Electroresheniya LLC, increased by 57% to 12.1 billion rubles, and net profit amounted to about 938 million rubles.

EKF told TAdviser that in 2022 the greatest demand was observed for products for which a shortage was temporarily organized: automation equipment, power equipment, instrumentation (instrumentation).

Electrical Equipment Market in Russia (from EKF presentation, April 2023)

Among the drivers of its revenue in 2022, EKF names the presence of a full range of products in warehouses, a correct sales strategy, a long-term financial development model and an expert level of risk management.

As of the beginning of 2023, there are 17 thousand articles of products under the EKF brand in 36 product groups. Part is produced at its own production sites in Russia - EKF has two of them, with a total area of ​ ​ 35 thousand square meters. m They are located in the Vladimir region - in the city of Alexandrov and the village of Stavrovo.

The first site produces metal trays and profiles, plastic boxes and junction boxes, electrical installations and power connectors, lightning protection, automatic circuit breakers, etc. On the second - the production of metal electrical panels and shells, telecommunication cabinets and racks, accessories for boards and trays.

From the EKF presentation, April 2023. TG - abbr. "Commodity Groups"

In Alexandrov in 2022, production was expanded by 5 thousand square meters. m. To increase the production of existing products. And in Stavrovo, areas were rented in advance for the launch of localization and import substitution projects in terms of PG cable glands (glands), distribution boards, rubber and power connectors, sockets and switches of the Minsk series.

A new company, Els LLC, was also opened under the expansion of localization and import substitution projects in Stavrovo in 2022, the founders of which are EKF founders Yevgeny Oystacher and Dmitry Nazarov, as well as Electroresheniya LLC.

EKF also has seven logistics centers in Russia Kazakhstan,,,. Uzbekistan China The distribution network has about 600 authorized distributors in the CIS and 6 thousand sub-dealers. EKF employs about 1.5 thousand employees.

In 2022, as you know, many Russian software and equipment manufacturers raised prices for their products. In the case of the EKF, prices rose 12-15% on average.

In 2022, we, like many companies, faced difficulties: sanctions, breaking logistics ties, rising prices for raw materials. We had to adapt to the changing realities of the market. However, we always remember that we work for our customers, and through flexible pricing we managed to find a balance between the expectations of our customers and the need to raise prices, - said TAdviser in EKF.

One of the new areas that EKF is developing is digitalization solutions. In 2022, the Digital Electrical Solutions Company (CER) was created, co-founded by Electroresheniya LLC. As explained by TAdviser in EKF, CER develops software under the EKF brand and is also a franchise company 1C"" - develops and sells 1C products. In addition, the CER provides support services in the IT sphere.

The company believes that the perception of its brand in the market has changed over the years. From EKF presentation, April 2023

Among the largest projects in which EKF participated in 2022-2023 is the supply of equipment for Yandex data center and iLove residential complex, as well as for the Big Ring Metro Line (BCL), which is the world's largest metro construction project. At two BCL stations - Pechatniki and Maple Boulevard - automatic ventilation systems are assembled on the basis of EKF equipment. The boards have PRO-Logic Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs) and PRO-Screen Operator Panels. Programmable logic controllers perform tasks to automate ventilation installations, and the operator panel allows you to control the operation of the ventilation system and maintain an event log.

Among the current difficulties in working at EKF are access to equipment and equipment for production, technology transfer - many technologies have not been used in the Russian Federation for the past 30 years, a shortage of engineering personnel, the need for large investments, because the activity is associated with capital-intensive production. Mandatory certification confirming the origin of the products is also not easy: mandatory TRTS04 certificates, ROCS, PP-719 certification and industry certificates.

The company sees ways to overcome these difficulties, including the development of its own development and production, work with personnel. EKF has three own R&D centers in the Russian Federation and one international R&D center in China. There are now 35 employees in the R&D department, with plans to expand to 60 by the end of 2023.

EKF investments in R&D in 2021-2022. amounted to 288.5 million rubles, and 480 million rubles are planned to be invested in this area by the end of 2023.

EKF expects that by 2025 the total investment in its own production will amount to 4 billion rubles. In 2023, preferential financing was received from Sberbank and a preferential loan from the Industrial Development Fund to expand production.

And for the training of personnel, an agreement was signed with NRU MPEI and an internship program is being held for graduates of specialized universities (NRU MPEI, MADI, Bauman Moscow State Technical University) and graduates of the Skolkovo School of Management. Creating a comfortable working environment for employees is also important.



Transformation of Electric Solutions LLC into JSC

On August 21, 2024, Elektroresheniya, a company known on the Russian market under the EKF brand (products are used, among other things, in data centers), announced plans to transform from an LLC to a joint-stock company (JSC) with further going public from 2025 to 2027.

According to TASS, this stage is a natural direction of development, which will allow the company to attract additional funds to implement large-scale growth plans, including IT projects.

The manufacturer of electrical equipment for data centers "Electric Solutions" goes from LLC to JSC to go public

According to company representatives, Elektroresheniya LLC has a successful experience of presence on the Russian market: in 2023 it came out with a debut bond issue of ₽1 billion. In 2024, the rating agency ACRA confirmed the company's credit rating at BBB (RU) with a "stable" forecast, which is due to high profitability, business profile, corporate management and geographical diversification.

The intention to attract additional investors provides for the further implementation of the investment strategy of Elektroresheniya LLC to increase the localization of production in Russia as part of import substitution. In particular, in the next few years, the company's production site in the city of Aleksandrov, Vladimir Region, will increase by more than 16 thousand square meters. m, the company reported on August 21, 2024. The design capacity of expanded production will be more than 1.5 million pieces of electrical panels per year. Also, it is planned to launch a new direction for the production of telecommunication cabinets for data centers.

In addition, the company intends to significantly increase market share in the segments of sockets and switches, cable glands, distribution boards, rubber and power connectors. After the completion of the modernization of the production site in the village of Stavrovo, Vladimir Region, the share of localized products of Electroresheniya LLC will be more than half.[2]

Opening the direction of active industrial telecommunication equipment

EKF opens an additional area - active industrial telecommunication equipment, which will allow the company to offer comprehensive solutions in the field of industrial automation, in building management systems, infrastructure projects. Active EKF telecommunications equipment will simplify integration the system process and, IT ASU provide scalability, performance, flexibility and ease of management, increase the stability and efficiency of systems in general. EKF announced this on March 28, 2024.

The EKF line of active telecommunication equipment includes: industrial switches, including PoE support, media converters, interface converters, SFP transceivers. In 2024, it is planned to expand the range - the introduction of converters of industrial protocols, radio frequency systems, lines of specialized switches for power and transport.

Industrial EKF switches provide redundancy with fast recovery, have a high degree of protection against electromagnetic interference and voltage surges, support reliable communication in extreme operating conditions in the temperature range from -40 to 75 ° C. The combination of copper and optical ports gives the system the necessary flexibility and compliance with industry standards.

Industrial PoE switches allow you to connect up to 24 external devices with a power consumption of 36 W per channel, such as rotary video cameras, wireless devices and other field equipment.

For transmission data over distances up to 120 km, EKF offers to expand the capabilities of the standard RS-485/232 interface by using a serial RS-232/485 interface converter Ethernet and optical media converters. The EKF line of SFP transceivers allows engineers not to limit themselves in choosing the type of fiber.

In the process of active development and construction of new data centers, EKF does not stand aside. Active EKF telecommunication equipment can be used in the data center infrastructure in environmental monitoring systems and power management systems.

Obtaining ISO 9001:2015 and GOST R ISO 9001-2015 certificates

EKF received ISO 9001:2015 and GOST R ISO 9001-2015 certificates. The company announced this on February 8, 2024. The documents confirm the competent management of the enterprise and the high quality of the products produced. The standards provide for the creation of conditions for the operation of the company, which minimize errors in work and ensure the supply of quality goods or services. Obtaining these certificates is a guarantee of competitive advantages for the manufacturer and product quality for the consumer.

After preparatory work, five internal and one certification audits were completed. The certificate is issued for three years, and confirmation of compliance is carried out annually. The audit affected all divisions: production in the village of Stavrovo and the city of Aleksandrov, warehouses, as well as the central office of EKF. Among the basic principles affecting the issuance of certificates, the following are distinguished:

  • The company clearly distinguishes duties between employees, taking into account the specialty and qualifications;
  • All units cooperate flexibly to achieve a common goal;
  • Product quality, production discipline - under constant control;
  • Employees are regularly trained and trained;
  • Equipment obsolete mentally and physically is excluded from production chains. The priority is innovative technologies, including information;
  • The manufacturing company interacts with consumers. All complaints about quality, complaints, recommendations are considered. As a result, adjustments are made to the technical processes;
  • Control methods are being improved, work is carried out using automation tools.

EKF is an active member of the Fair Position Association and monitors the quality of electrical products. We want to ensure that electrical equipment is available to the consumer without counterfeiting, so that there is no unfair competition in the market, and therefore we invest forces and invest resources in the projects of the Association. Certification according to ISO 9001 and GOST R ISO 9001-2015 ‒ this is a proactive step of EKF in confirming the compliance of the brand quality management system with the provisions of Russian and international standards, which will help increase customer confidence, ‒ said EKF CEO Dmitry Kucherov.


As of 2022-2023 EKF products are produced Russia in and abroad and in addition to the Russian market is also supplied to Belarus Moldova Georgia Armenia Azerbaijan,,,,,,,,,,. Kazakhstan According Mongolia Uzbekistan Kyrgyzstan Tajikistan to UAE EKF, it has three own centers in the R&D Russian Federation and one international R&D center in. China

37% increase in storage facilities

EKF in 2023 expanded the area of ​ ​ warehouse complexes by 37%. Increased storage volumes, processing capacity, increased availability of electrical, IT products and complex solutions. The company announced this on March 20, 2024.

Expanding the brand's product lines and increasing demand became the main drivers of warehouse growth in Yekaterinburg Novosibirsk,,,. Noginsk Rostov-on-Don countries CIS Distribution centers To Alma-Ata in and remain key, Tashkent increasing their area by 33 and 44 percent, respectively.

The main distribution center EKF in Noginsk switched to round-the-clock operation, which made it possible to increase the volume of customer orders processed by 50%. It is the Noginsk distribution center that accounts for more than 70% of the brand's total turnover. The presence of marketplaces is open in all regional warehouses.

We continue to develop supply chains and infrastructure in order to ensure the delivery of products at the optimal time for partners. We confidently maintain a course towards increasing the brand's presence both in Russia and in the CIS countries, as well as in the North Africa and Middle East region. In 2023, our first warehouse complex was opened in Dubai, - said Dmitry Kucherov, CEO of EKF.

Since 2023, all EKF warehouses operate on the latest version of LEAD WMS, which meets the current automation requirements, maintaining high rates of development and client service.

The Logistics Coordination Council noted the high level of organization, principles and directions for the development of logistics complexes, which confirms the professionalism and effectiveness of work.

Opening an office in Dubai

On October 13, 2023, EKF, an electrical equipment manufacturer and developer of specialized software, announced the opening of its own office in Dubai, UAE. The Dubai division of the company will become the managing center for business development throughout the MEA region (Middle East and Africa).

The office has equipped a conference room for meetings with partners, training and seminars. The open office space includes a showroom where you can familiarize yourself with product samples and company solutions in the field of electricity management and distribution, as well as automation. EKF products meet various international quality certificates.

The state in the MEA region is a separate structure; by the end of 2023, it is planned to attract several more people to the team.

The company is growing, there is a focus on export development. We have identified the UAE as a region we also want to be present in. The MEA region is an actively developing, economy dynamically growing city and infrastructure. For EKF, the main task in the MEA region is to increase sales and increase global brand awareness. EKF has expertise to provide residential and commercial buildings and industrial facilities with everything they need. We can offer energy efficient and reliable solutions for power input, distribution and management. EKF is already supported by partners in the UAE,,, Qatar Egypt Oman,:, state Yemen distributors system integrators, representatives of project organizations, - said Artyom Sergeyev, director of the EKF New Businesses business unit.

Personnel changes in management

On October 3, 2023, EKF announced personnel changes in management: a change in CEO and an expansion of top management.

Since October 01, Dmitry Kucherov has been the CEO of the company.

{{quote 'During our time at EKF, our company grew to 2,000 employees. We have launched over 20 new businesses, including industrial automation, lightning protection, smart home and digital products. The business has grown almost 10 times. Among EKF's strategic plans are the development of industrial competencies and the expansion of Russian production, "said Dmitry Kucherov, CEO of EKF . }}

Anastasia Pinchurova headed the business unit Building. The business unit includes six business areas with a total market potential of over 400 billion rubles. One of the priorities is to launch new products on the market, including those developed and produced in Russia.

We are especially focused on the development of new directions and product markets with which the company works. The task of the Building business unit is to make comprehensive product and service offers for such important client segments as residential and commercial real estate developers, industrial and infrastructure enterprises, installers and homeowners. The global goal for the business unit and for the entire company is to actively increase its market share, - said Anastasia Pinchurova, director of the business unit Building.

The position of marketing director was taken by Andrey Ryabov.

{{quote 'In 2024, we set ourselves an ambitious goal - to significantly increase marketing activity. This is a difficult task, since our competitors do not stand still and have significantly strengthened their position in marketing. But EKF employs professionals, and by joint efforts, I am sure we will achieve both this goal and many others, "said Andrey Ryabov, EKF Marketing Director. }}

EKF will continue to strengthen the team: in 2024, the company plans to hire over 800 employees around the world. The company is actively developing its own production, points of presence around the world, as well as a product line, including in promising digital areas (IoT and IIoT).

TAdviser interview with leading technology specialist in logistics Mikhail Moroz

The consistent development of the warehouse logistics and the choice in favor Russian of the solution LEAD WMS allowed the electrical company EKF to support business growth and focus on scaling the company, eliminating the need. import substitution ON TAdviser Mikhail Moroz A leading technology specialist to logistics at EKF spoke about the experience of developing warehouse automation in September 2023. Read more here. [1]

Change of founder of Elektroresheniya LLC

According to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, from July 20, 2023, the Closed Joint Stock Company Rekamos Limited from Hong Kong became the founder of Elektroresheniya LLC with a 100% stake in the authorized capital of the company, replacing the Cypriot company Revana Alliance LTD.

Cooperation with MPEI on training of qualified personnel

In 2022, the EKF brand and MEI the National Research University signed an agreement on cooperation and EKF joining the Climate Transformation consortium, power industries which operates with the support of the Priority 2030 university development program. EKF announced this on June 8, 2023. More. here

Brand Update

On March 28, 2023, a brand change was announced on the official EKF website. The approach to choosing visuals has changed based on the fact that the center is not a product, but a person: "electrical solutions are needed for the stable operation of companies, for a comfortable life in homes, that is, for people,"[3].

In addition to the visual style, the logo has been updated. The updated logo (the last one shown in the image below) is enclosed in a square - "the figure is harmonious and stable." Next to it are the letters EKF, which in the new version have become larger, their style is straight, and their position is stable. The new logo broadcasts the image of the brand - ambition, energy, involvement in the work, according to the EKF website. The main color of the logo is red - "the color of the leader and development driver."

In 2023, an application was submitted for the registration of a trademark with the image of a new logo for the company "Electrical Solutions," a representative of EKF told TAdviser.

Concessional financing from Sberbank

EKF will receive preferential financing (loan) in the amount of 200 million rubles from Sberbank. rubles by decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 16, 2022 No. 1420. This was announced on March 22, 2023 on the official website of EKF. The funds received will be directed to the implementation of corrugated pipe production projects, as well as the organization of its own tooling shop for the production of tooling. The latter will allow obtaining quality control at each stage of tooling production, saving a significant amount of time and launching planned localization projects on time, according to[4].

Rent 7.5 thousand square meters. m in the warehouse complex of Yekaterinburg

On March 9, 2023, EKF announced that it had leased 7.5 thousand square meters for a period of 5 years. m in the Uralsky warehouse complex north of Yekaterinburg, owned by Status Consulting. IC "Uralsky" is located 2 km from the ring road of Yekaterinburg in the city of Verkhnyaya Pyshma. The project is a class "A" warehouse complex with a total area of ​ ​ 194 thousand square meters. m with office premises, has a full-fledged infrastructure, a developed logistics system and an excellent transport connection thanks to the railway line adjacent to the warehouse buildings.

The need to move to this room was dictated by an increase in the product range of EKF and sales volumes. The IC "Uralsky" chosen by us is half an hour away from our warehouse for March 2023, so moving to this room will be as comfortable as possible for us and will save staff.
said Dmitry Kucherov, director of EKF's business management department:.

Confirm Product Compliance with Safety Regulations

EKF on February 21, 2023 announced the passage of the process of confirming the compliance of products with safety standards established by world quality standards. This resulted in CE declarations of conformity for the following product groups:

  • modular automatic machines VA 47-63N, VA 47-100;
  • dif. automatic machines AD-32, AVDT-63;
  • RCD VD-100;
  • VA-45 air circuit breakers;
  • AV Power AVERES power machines, VA-99M;
  • small-size contactors KME.

Certification of all devices lasted 4 months. Certificates were issued by the international laboratory TSU.

EKF believes that they have once again confirmed to themselves and the market that the level of quality of their products is not lower than that of world leaders. "Our goal is to gain a foothold in the minds of people as an international company, and we are confidently going to it," said Dmitry Kucherov, director of the business management department.

Agreement with the FRP for obtaining a preferential loan to expand production in the village of Stavrovo

The EKF brand on February 8, 2023 announced the signing of an agreement with the Industrial Development Fund on obtaining a preferential loan. From which legal entity EKF is not specified.

With the help of a loan, EKF plans to expand import-substituting the production of electrical products at a plant in the village of Stavrovo. As part of the project, it is planned to produce heating, cables cable channels, corrugation clips, circuit breakers and switches in a cast case, QMS terminals, PIN buses, CBD units and double-wall LPH pipes. The average annual production should be 75 million units (per year). The launch of mass production in 9 different areas is scheduled for 2024. During the implementation of the project, it is planned to create 65 jobs.

The total project budget is 536.3 million rubles, of which 268 million rubles in the form of a preferential loan at 1% per annum will be provided by the FRP.

Import-substituting production of electrical products gives us a powerful opportunity to compete with foreign companies. Including thanks to the Industrial Development Fund, we will be able to significantly increase the volume of import substitution. By the end of the project in 2026, we predict that the group of companies will achieve revenues of more than 3 billion rubles for the sale of the aforementioned products, "said Dmitry Kucherov, director of the EKF business management department.


Established legal entities

As of 2022, according to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, Electroresheniya LLC was a co-founder of three legal entities:

  • "Electrical solutions-P" (Vladimir region, p. Stavrovo);
  • Digital Electrical Solutions LLC (Moscow);
  • LLC "Els" (Vladimir region, p. Stavrovo).

Expansion of production in Stavrovo

A new company, Els LLC, was opened for the expansion of localization and import substitution projects in Stavrovo in 2022, TAdviser was told in Elektroresheniya. According to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, the founders of Els are Dmitry Nazarov, Evgeny Oistacher and Electrocretions.

Production under sanctions

Since February 2022, Western countries and their allies have actively introduced various sanctions against Russia against the background of the geopolitical situation. EKF co-founder, senior partner Yevgeny Oistacher "Signals of Exact Time" spoke about how EKF feels against this background in the morning talk show "Radio Russia"[5]" on April 22, 2022[6].

He noted that EKF has a Russian part of production - two production in the Vladimir region, and a significant part is imported from different countries, mainly "friendly." All "unfriendly" countries have stopped or suspended exports to Russia. With "friendly" countries, in particular, China, Turkey, the situation is better.

We have suppliers from Taiwan, for example, and they refuse to supply semiconductor devices. They say in plain text: "if we supply you, then the American market will be closed to us," Yevgeny Oistacher shared on the radio. - We have already found alternative suppliers, ask for samples of boards, chips and see how all this will work.

But this is about semiconductors. And in the field of directly electrical equipment, everything is not so bad.

We have a fairly significant share of imported products in our portfolio, but we are quite successful in localizing them. Every quarter we localize 3-4 categories of products in Russia, "says Evgeny Oistacher.

From the words of the EKF co-founder, it follows that this is not about the most technologically complex products.


Investments in the creation of a production and logistics complex in the Vladimir region

A production and logistics center will be built in the Vladimir region for almost 2 billion rubles. According to Vladimir media reports, the corresponding agreement was signed in October 2020 by the Governor of the Vladimir Region Vladimir Sipyagin, the head of the Sobinsky District Administration Alexander Razov and the General Director of Electroresheniya-P LLC Maxim Krasilnikov[7].

The project is designed for 2021-2027. The total investment will approximately amount to 1.9 billion rubles, it is planned to create about 500 new jobs. The project will be implemented in two stages. In 2021-2024, an assembly and logistics complex will be built and, in parallel, in 2022-2027, a production complex of cable-carrying systems and low-voltage products.

Electroresheniya-P LLC was established in the same 2020. As of 2022, according to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, its founders are Dmitry Nazarov, Evgeny Oystacher and Electroresheniya LLC, which is the main legal entity representing the EKF brand in Russia.

EKF - anchor resident of the Otradnoe technopark

On September 15, 2020, the official website of the mayor of Moscow announced that EKF, represented by Electroresheniya LLC, received the status of anchor resident of the Otradnoye technopark and the right to tax benefits. The rate of income tax credited to the city budget for the company will be reduced to 12.5% instead of the standard rate of 17%. The corresponding order was signed by Mayor Sergei Sobyanin during a meeting of the Presidium of the Moscow Government[8].

2019: Founder of Electric Solutions LLC - Cyprus Revana Alliance LTD

Since 2019, according to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, Revana Alliance LTD, registered in Cyprus, has been the sole founder of Electroresheniya LLC. She is the copyright holder of a number of EKF trademarks, according to Rospatent.


Elektroresheniya LLC began to use the EKF brand

According to the Federal Intellectual Property Service (Rospatent), at different times various legal entities were associated with EKF trademarks as copyright holders and licensees. Some of them subsequently ceased their activities for one reason or another. Among these are Flavir Electrotechnical Company LLC/EKF LLC and Ekf Electrical Engineering LLC.

Since 2018, Electric Solutions LLC has become the EKF brand in the production of electrical and related products. According to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, this company was formed in 2015. Initially, its founders included Evgeny Oystacher and the Cypriot company Skywulf Holdings LTD, then the latter became the only member of Electroresheniya LLC. And in 2019, another Cypriot company, Revana Alliance LTD, replaced it as a founder. Revana Alliance LTD as of 2018 and later is the copyright holder of a number of EKF trademarks, according to the Rospatent database.

Soon after obtaining the right to use trademarks, Elektroresheniya LLC came to the fore as a legal entity operating under the EKF brand. Now it is the main legal entity representing the EKF electrical engineering brand in Russia. It is the largest in terms of revenue among all Russian legal entities associated with the EKF brand.

Presence in China

In 2018, Yegor Pereverzev, since 2012[9] the general director of the electrical engineering company EKF Group in China, told Forbes that the Chinese branch has offices in Shanghai and Wenzhou. 15 employees of the company work in offices, another 15 - in factories where they conduct entrepreneurial activities, while paying them suppliers[10] this[11].

2017: Credit from Russian Capital Bank

Logo in 2017

AKB "Russian Capital" opened in March a credit line of EKF in the amount of 200 million rubles for a period of 2 years for the development of production in Russia of tire and low-voltage energy-saving equipment for industry. On March 31, 2017, EKF announced this in a press release on its official website[12].

EKF, within the framework of the import substitution program, develops the domestic production of electrical board and power equipment, measuring instruments, electrical installation and electrical installation products. Using the credit line along with our own funds will allow us to make production sites in the Moscow region even more technological and offer customers Russian products at competitive prices, "says Dmitry Kucherov, Director of the Strategic Development Department of EKF.

2015: Formation of a legal entity LLC "Electric Solutions"

According to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, Electroresheniya LLC was established in 2015.

2012: EKF International Holding

In 2012, Alexander Tezyaev, at that time the general director of EKF, called EKF an international holding, uniting under his brand more than 40 production sites in Russia, Turkey and China, which has large logistics centers in the Moscow region, Kazan and Novosibirsk.

The company's assortment portfolio at that time totaled over 3.5 thousand products in 12 product groups - from modular switching equipment and power automation to cable-carrying systems, electrical switchboard equipment, household and power extensions, energy-saving lamps and much more[13].

At the end of the same year, Alexander Tezyaev, in an interview with the portal, spoke about plans to start producing part of the equipment on the territory of Belarus in 2013, namely automation and control devices, thanks to a new partner and supplier EKF in this country.[14].

Thus, Belarus became the fourth country where EKF products are produced. And why exactly there? Firstly - geographical location and, therefore, quick deliveries. Secondly, after the collapse of the USSR, the design base was not only preserved there, but also developed. This level allows you to compete not only in the Russian market, but also in Eastern Europe - which is promising for EKF, - said the CEO of EKF.

2010: Development of the direction of lighting engineering

Since 2010, EKF Electrotechnica (EKF Electrical Engineering LLC) has been developing the field of lighting engineering. It is planned to enter the new markets of electrical products at a voltage of 6-10 kV, alternative power and a number of other promising areas[15]

2001: Brand Emergence

The history of EKF began in 2001, when businessman Dmitry Nazarov and his partner Yevgeny Oistacher founded EKF Elecrtotechnica in Moscow. In an interview with the portal, Dmitry Nazarov later said that the company began as a collector of low-voltage complete devices[16].


EKF Customer Examples (EKF Site Information)

See also

Electrical and Microelectronics
