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Fplus F-Plus equipment and development previously F + tech


Electrical and Microelectronics
North-West Federal District of the Russian Federation
St. Petersburg
196084, int. Terr. Municipal District Moscow Outpost, Kievskaya st., 5, k.3, lit. Ah, I know. 230-231, as part of pom. 2H


Melnikov Alexey Sergeevich - 50%
by August 2024
Financial results
2022 year
Revenue: 215.252 millions Ths. rub
Number of employees
2022 year



+ Fplus (F-Plus equipment and development) previously F + tech

Fplus (F-Plus Equipment and Development LLC), formerly F + tech, is a Russian manufacturer of infrastructure equipment. Included in the Marvel Distribution Group. Implementing the strategy of import independence, the company produces products in several areas.

Performance indicators

2022: Revenue growth by 2.1% to RUB 215252 mln

At the end of 2022, the revenue of F + tech-Marvel Group of Companies increased by 2.1% - to 215252 million rubles. In the ranking "TAdviser100: The largest IT companies in Russia 2023," such an indicator allowed the company to take 2nd place.

According to data for 2022

Areas of activity

Enterprise server and network equipment includes server, storage, and switch lines. The equipment meets the needs of customers to build the IT infrastructure of companies of various levels - SMB, Enterprise and any scale - from the working group to the level of a large data center. F + tech solutions allow you to solve problems in many industries: public sector, industry, power, education, health care, commercial structures.

As part of the direction for the production of smartphones and tablets for the corporate sector, the company provides a high level of customization and adaptation of devices directly to the customer's requirements in terms of technical characteristics, operating system and pre-installed applications.

The range of printing equipment includes lines of printers and MFPs, which in their characteristics meet the most frequent requests of companies and organizations where the import substitution policy is implemented. Devices can be equipped with original cartridges with a resource of 6,000 to 25,000 pages to achieve the required TCO indicators. Printers and MFPs have their own firmware and are certified for compatibility with Russian operational systems. Office equipment can be retrofitted with a Wi-Fi module, staplers, additional trays, paper sorters, etc. The manufacturer's brand also sells lines of printing equipment and consumables, which were previously supplied by the Russian division of the printing equipment manufacturer Lexmark.

F + tech production is carried out at its own and contract sites in Russia, which allows you to obtain equipment and software and hardware complexes not only in a short time, but also in a configuration according to the customer's requirements.

(data current as of December 2022)



Fplus owners sold 50% of the holding to the Nuclon fund

In mid-August 2024, it became known that the co-owners of the head structure of the IT holding Fplus LLC F-Plus Equipment and Development Alexei Melnikov and Oleg Barabanov sold 50% of the company to the closed unit investment fund (ZPIF) "Nuclon." The amount of the transaction at the time of its execution is not officially disclosed.

According to the Kommersant newspaper, before the transaction, Barabanov owned 10% of the company - he completely withdrew from its capital. Melnikov, who previously owned 90%, retained a 50% stake. The IT holding said that the deal will not change its strategy and operating activities. Melnikov remains the managing partner, who emphasizes that attracting closed-end investment funds will allow the company to increase working capital. According to him, the next stage will be the development of "corporate governance bodies to increase transparency and prepare for entering the stock market and issuing bonds." An initial public offering (IPO) is not excluded.

Alexey Melnikov and Oleg Barabanov collectively sold 50% of the head structure of the Fplus holding to the closed unit fund "Nuclon"

The managing company of Nuklon is Baltinvest LLC, which is owned by Lev Nikitin (50.10%) and Alexander Vinnik (49.90%). It is noted that the ownership structure with the participation of closed-end mutual funds is widespread in the market and has a number of advantages: among them, Melnikov calls the possibility of attracting several investors for relatively small shares while maintaining their confidentiality.

According to the general director of the manufacturer electronic engineers Beshtau Oleg Osipov, taking into account the companies included in F-Plus Equipment and Development LLC, the cost of 50% of the holding may be 50 billion. rubles According to market participants, due to the increase in the credit rate, many electronics manufacturers in the Russian Federation began to experience financial difficulties. Thus, the deal with the closed-end investment fund could be made "to increase the price of shares in the stock market."[1]

The fund of the former vice-governor of St. Petersburg acquired a number of Fplus assets

On April 9, 2024, it became known that the Strigo Capital Foundation, co-founded by the founder of the MyOffice developer Dmitry Komissarov, the former vice-governor of St. Petersburg Eduard Batanov and the owner of Fplus Alexey Melnikov, acquired a number of Fplus assets. There is no information on the amount of the transaction as of the specified date. Read more here.

Participation in TAdviser conference "EDMS AND ECM DAY"

Yaroslav Fplus within the framework of the conference "EDMS AND ECM DAY" will reveal the topic "Document designer as Self-service to accelerate business. Doczilla & Fplus Case. " Read more here.

Launch of an assembly site in the Moscow region for 1 billion rubles

An assembly site of Fplus, a Russian manufacturer of infrastructure equipment (part of the IT holding of the same name), has been launched in Valishchevo near Moscow. This was announced on February 12, 2024 to TAdviser by representatives of Fplus. According to them, the total investment of the company in the launch of the plant exceeded a billion rubles. It is assumed that it will be able to produce up to 500 thousand devices per year.

The area of ​ ​ the enterprise is 25 thousand square meters. The site is equipped with modern assembly lines and A-brand quality control system. As of February 2024, laptops, servers and printers are assembled there - the company already produces up to 1000 devices a day. In the future, the nomenclature is planned to be expanded: tablets, storage systems, switches, all-in-ones, smartphones will be supplied for assembly.

According to Fplus, the company is designed to provide surface mounting of the boards developed by the company, as well as a full cycle of product assembly, firmware, testing of devices, packaging and picking orders. Over time, it is planned to localize plastic casting and metal stamping on the site.

"We see a great demand for domestic IT equipment from the corporate sector and government agencies, so it made sense to open our own assembly site. The launch of the plant created several hundred jobs for qualified specialists and made it possible to significantly increase our production capabilities, "commented Mikhail Volkov, Chief Executive Officer of Fplus.

As he added, now, taking into account its own and contract sites, Fplus can produce over 3 million products annually.

Settlement agreement with Sergei Girdin in the case for 2.16 billion rubles

On January 30, 2024, the Moscow Arbitration Court terminated the proceedings in the case in which F-Plus Equipment and Development LLC (the head structure of the Fplus IT holding) tried to recover 2.16 billion rubles from the founder of Marvel Distribution (part of Fplus). Read more here.


Interview with Timur Bigulov, Head of Software and Hardware Systems Projects

The technology partnership of leading the Russian IT companies is one of the tools to meet the growing demand of customers for modern productive and secure solutions. By combining efforts and competencies, BASEALT"" and Fplus offer the market hardware and software complexes (PAC).

The features and nuances of this business are discussed by Daria Markova, I. about. Marketing Director of BASEALT, Head of External and Corporate Communications, and Timur Bigulov, Project Manager of Software and Hardware Systems at Fplus. Read more here.

Investment company X2 and ex-general director of "Forest Fairy Tale" Vladimir Potanin bought shares in Fplus

On November 16, 2023, the investment company X2 and Alexander Sinyak, the former general director of Lesnoy Fairy Tale Vladimir Potanin, acquired shares in the Russian distributor and electronics manufacturer Fplus (formerly Marvel Distribution). There is no information on the terms of the agreement as of the specified date.

According to the RB.RU resource, referring to the statements of the managing partner of X2 Oleg Barabanov, the deal with Fplus was carried out as part of an investment strategy and the implementation of an importonic independence policy. Against the background of the current geopolitical situation, X2 is actively investing in the industrial sector, information technology and education - these areas are a priority for the company. Barabanov did not go into further details.

X2 and Alexander Sinyak acquired shares in Fplus

Since November 16, 2023, X 2 LLC has owned a 19 percent stake in F-Plus Equipment and Development LLC, while Alexander Sinyak received 6% in this company. Earlier, as already noted, Sinyak headed Lesnaya Skazka LLC, which specializes in real estate (the structure belongs to Vladimir Potanin's Interros). The remaining 75% in F-Plus Equipment and Development LLC belongs to Alexei Melnikov, who owned 100% of the enterprise before the transaction.

Investment company X2, which manages assets in the automotive and construction markets, in the field of sales of rolled metal and petroleum products, as well as mining, as of mid-November 2023, is 71% owned by Oleg Barabanov (is the founder and head of the organization). Alena Baendaeva owns a 25% stake, and the remaining 4% belongs to Andrei Ivoylov. Each participant's shares are pledged by Bank Saint Petersburg PJSC. X2 has the IT company ETL, a leading developer in the field of neural networks, data analytics, information storage, etc.[2]

Lawsuit against former top managers for 2.16 billion rubles

A large Russian distributor and electronics manufacturer Fplus is going to recover 2.16 billion rubles from former top managers of the group Sergei Girdin, Konstantin Shlyakhov and Alexei Simulin in court. A corresponding lawsuit demanding seizure of accounts, cars and real estate was filed at the end of October 2023.

The Kommersant newspaper drew attention to this case in the file cabinet of the arbitration court cases. The lawsuit will be considered in the Arbitration Court of the city of Moscow. The case was left motionless until November 24, 2023. During this period, the plaintiffs must eliminate the violations that were committed when collecting the documentation in the case. The next court session is scheduled for December 14, 2023.

Sergey Girdin

According to the publication, the lawsuit is related to a contract for the supply of equipment for the World Cup in 2018, concluded by the Asteros IT integrator and MKT (part of Fplus, engaged in the supply of computer equipment, server and network equipment, software). The bankruptcy trustee of Asteros, declared bankrupt in 2018, Alexei Belokopyt, in 2020 filed a petition with the arbitration court to invalidate the transaction to transfer 1.6 billion rubles to Asteros in favor of MKT, since the parties to the transaction, according to the manager, were affiliated.

It also follows from the publication of Kommersant that in April 2022 the court refused to satisfy the petition, but in November of the same year the appeal overturned this decision, declared the transaction invalid and decided to recover 1.6 billion rubles and interest from MKT for the use of funds to the bankrupt bankruptcy estate. As of November 2023, Fplus is trying to recover these funds and additional interest on them from former top managers, an interlocutor familiar with the case told the newspaper.[3]

Fplus CEO Alexei Melnikov became the 100% owner of the holding

Fplus co-founder Vladimir Kornev sold 50% of the IT holding to its CEO Alexei Melnikov, as a result of which the latter became the sole owner of the company. This is evidenced by the data of the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (USRUL), in which an entry on the change of ownership of Fplus appeared on October 16, 2023.

The publication drew attention to this. CNews It notes that Vladimir Kornev retained 5% of MKT LLC (legal entity of the Marvel Distribution"" brand, under which computer equipment, server and network equipment are supplied, as well as). ON Marvel Distribution is part of the Fplus holding, along with the manufacturer of hardware and software solutions Fplus (formerly F + tech and F + imaging), Fplus, Logistics a consumer manufacturer electronic engineers under its own brands Fplus (formerly F + and Accesstyle), a retail chain of device stores for "" smart home and Vsesmart other assets.

Alexey Melnikov, sole owner of Fplus
The global goal of IT holding Fplus includes the development of existing businesses, the creation of new strategic partnerships, the use of possible growth points in order to become one of the most prominent participants in the domestic IT market and make a significant contribution to the development of the country's technological sovereignty, the company said.

By October 18, 2023, the reasons for the sale of 50% of Fplus Vladimir Kornev to Alexei Melnikov were not disclosed. The representative of the holding did not answer questions from CNews, including those related to the value of the transaction.

In September 2023, Vladimir Kornev also transferred to Alexei Melnikov his post as general director of the Fplus holding (legal entity F-plus equipment and development LLC). He has held it since December 22, 2021. Kornev has worked at Marvell for more than 30 years, CNews notes in an October 18, 2023 article.[4]


The F + tech-Marvel group rebranded itself to combine all companies into an IT holding under the single name Fplus, to identify the scale and ambitions of the business. The company announced this on September 7, 2023.

IT holding includes a manufacturer of hardware and software solutions for corporate public sectors and Fplus (formerly F + tech and F + imaging), logistic operator "Fplus Logistics," consumer manufacturers electronic engineers under their own trade brands Fplus (formerly F + and Accesstyle), one of the largest to the country distributors IT equipment and "," ON Marvel Distribution retail network of smart home device stores "" and Vsesmart a number of other companies.

The brand's updated logo consists of a name and a four-beam symbol, in which two images are connected - the Polar Star and the compass. This star is a guiding celestial sign, unchanging and stable, always pointing north. A compass is a device that allows you to navigate space, determine the right direction and find a path. This correlates with the positioning of the IT holding, which, firstly, emphasizes its Russian origin, since Russia is considered a northern country, and secondly, it offers to use its knowledge and experience in creating an IT infrastructure to help partners and customers make the right choice.

The spelling of the brand in Latin letters is, on the one hand, a reflection of the industry standard, and on the other, it does not limit the ability to cooperate with partners in other countries due to the language barrier. In some cases, Russification is possible: "Fplus." The updated corporate identity and brand platform was developed by the Moscow agency ADWISE.

Our chosen slogan "Together we are in plus" expresses the idea that all parties win in collaboration with Fplus. All consumers can achieve more, improve the quality of life and develop using our high-tech and reliable products and services, "said Alexey Melnikov, Managing Partner of Fplus IT Holding.

The holding structures develop independently and in synergy with each other. Five years ago, there was an understanding that import substitution as a trend would sooner or later become one of the most relevant in Russia, so the Russian infrastructure equipment vendor F + tech was founded. As of September 2023, his portfolio has a large line of own devices, as well as solutions created with leading domestic developers of software platforms. In the near future, the range of Fplus registered products will be significantly expanded: by the end of 2023, the Register will include switches for data centers and corporate laptops with a diagonal of 14 and 15 inches, and at the beginning of the next - printing equipment.

The proprietary brands of consumer electronics F + and Accesstyle (now a single Fplus brand) continued to increase market share. Sales of F + Flaptop laptops exceeded 10,000 units and reached a share of 0.6% of the entire market, and i-series models entered the top 3 best-selling laptops in the country in August 2023. F + in the category "push-button phones" in the first half of 2023 took 15.3% in pieces and 11% in money. Accesstyle electric scooters during the same period increased their share to 4% in pieces.

The Vsesmart smart home chain already has more than 20 stores in Moscow and St. Petersburg; by the end of the year, it is planned to open about 70 outlets in million-plus cities. At the beginning of 2023, it was decided to leave the format with a standard layout of goods, and create an interactive trading space where you can immediately get an idea of ​ ​ how a particular item will fit into the life of a particular buyer, get advice on setting up equipment, find out how much time or resources it will save him. Thanks to a change in the campaign to popularize the smart home, the yield on the payback of new points has decreased several times, and revenue growth may increase two- and three-fold monthly.

The global goal of IT holding Fplus includes the development of existing businesses, the creation of new strategic partnerships, the use of possible growth points in order to become one of the most prominent participants in the domestic IT market and make a significant contribution to the development of the country's technological sovereignty.

F + tech has acquired two software developers

Russian electronics manufacturer F + tech acquired two software developers in April 2023. Read more here.

Adding to the DSS Register FPD-R-13-DS-4212B5

Storage system FPD-R-13-DS-4212B5 Russian the manufacturer IT infrastructures F+ tech is included in the Register industrial of products produced in the Russian Federation. Registered entry number: № 5392\1\2022. This was announced on March 20, 2023 by representatives of F + tech. More. here

TAdviser interview with Vasily Redkin, Head of Corporate Mobile Devices

Vasily Redkin, head of corporate mobile devices at F + tech, a Russian manufacturer of infrastructure equipment, spoke in an interview with TAdviser in February 2023 about why the demand for mobile devices on the Aurora operating system is growing from the state segment and business. Read more here.

Acquisition of 49% stake in Getmobit

F + tech (the parent company of F + tech Marvell) became a strategic partner and acquired a 49% stake in Getmobit, a Russian manufacturer of a secure digital platform for building and system management of workplace infrastructure in the corporate and public sectors. Representatives of Marvel Distribution reported this to TAdviser on February 7, 2023. Read more here.



Assets of F-Plus Equipment and Development LLC as of December 2022

Purchase of 49% SK-Storage

On December 1, 2022, it became known about the sale of 49% of SK-STORAGE LLC to F-Plus Equipment and Development (F + tech brand, head structure of the Marvel Distribution electronics distributor). 51% of the developer of software for servers and DSS under the Baum brand remained with the founder of the company, Alexander Lapushkin. Read more here.

Purchase of Lexmark's Russian office

On August 5, 2022, it became known that Russian the distributor's parent company electronic engineers Marvel Distribution , F-Plus Equipment and Development, bought out the Russian division of the American manufacturer. printers Lexmark The value of the transaction was not disclosed. More. here

Areas of activity

F-Plus Equipment and Development LLC is part of the Marvell Group of Companies.

As of August 2022, F-Plus Equipment and Development LLC operates in the following areas:

  • Business and Management Consulting
  • Market Research and Public Opinion Research
  • Consumer Electronics Manufacturing
  • Retail by mail or information and communication network Internet

Participation in TAdviser conference "Import substitution of IT in new conditions"

Logo in 2022

The Russian independent brand of infrastructure equipment F + Tech will take part in the conference "Import substitution of IT in the new conditions of 2022." It is organized by the industry publication TAdviser on May 18, 2022 in Moscow.

The manufacturer will present several lines of its products. The brand portfolio includes several models of F + imaging printing equipment already known to the market. The IT community will be offered to get acquainted with the range of servers of the standard F + data architecture. A large selection of models and configurations within the lineup allows you to select a server for an enterprise of any scale. A new line of network switches will also be presented - from small industrial solutions for IoT to high-performance switches at the core of the network.

All equipment of the F + Tech brand is produced in Russia, which significantly reduces the delivery time. The company's specialists will be happy to discuss current business needs and cooperation opportunities.


Revenue of MKT LLC - 210776 million rubles

At the end of 2021, the revenue of MKT LLC (which is part of the F + tech-Marvel Group of Companies) amounted to 210,776 million rubles.

F + Tech Products & Services

F + Tech - a developing project of Marvel Distribution to increase the portfolio of domestic solutions for building an efficient IT infrastructure in a context dictated by the digital economy.

Logo in 2021

F + Tech Products & Services for October 2021:

  • Servers
  • DSS for Large and Medium Enterprises
  • AWS
  • Peripheral equipment
  • Enterprise Mobility Tools

F + data will share real experience of inclusion in the Register at the Import Substitution 2021 conference

For a year and a half, the Russian brand F + data has been localizing the production of enterprise-level infrastructure equipment: servers, DSS, switches, etc. During this time, the company launched its own industrial site, gained significant experience in solving various issues related to the implementation of the import substitution program, for example, such as certification of solutions, demonstration of the advantages and competitiveness of manufactured equipment.

F + data offers Russian-made products on the basis of technological partnership with leading global manufacturers. So, within the framework of cooperation with Hitachi Vantara, a complete assembly cycle of data storage systems has been implemented in St. Petersburg, similar to what is being carried out at the vendor's European factories. Production does not exist on paper, but actually works, so customers and integrators can already "touch" F + data products, take them for testing or for delivery to projects.

The company is aware of the importance of creating a single information field for domestic manufacturers, because together solving acute issues can accelerate the adoption of Russian IT decisions by the market on an equal footing with foreign counterparts. Therefore, F + data, as an official partner, provides comprehensive support for the conference "Import Substitution 2021: Real Experience."

The conference will be addressed by Evgeny Krivosheev, Director of Production and Development of the F + data brand, who will raise one of the most pressing topics for any domestic manufacturer - inclusion in the Unified Register of the Ministry of Industry and Trade. As an example, a case will be disassembled with the participation of a technical partner F + data, which already owns registered products.

  • 2021 - sales of serial samples of servers, DSS, printers and MFPs
  • 2021 - cooperation with JSC MCST on the creation of a domestic platform based on the Elbrus processor.


  • 2020 - launch of the F + family of corporate products
  • 2019 - launch of Accesstyle sub-brand
  • 2018 - rebranding under the brand name F +
  • 2015 - successful growth of brand sales in the wake of sanctions
  • 2003 - the beginning of the production business in telephony
  • 1992 - start of business
