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Innovative Imaging Technologies




Innovative Imaging Technologiesthe Canadian developer of the Reacts IT platform intended for professional cooperation in medical community. The solution provides to workers of health sector access to interactive virtual tools, such as video conferences. Thanks to Reacts specialists can hold remote consultations, transfer the protected messages, perform telemedicine maintenance of diagnostic testings and remote control of procedures. By August, 2020 the platform is used in 80 countries of the world in practice of doctors and medical educational institutions.


2020: Philips купила Innovative Imaging Technologies

In August, 2020 Philips announced acquisition of Innovative Imaging Technologies at the price which it did not begin to call. According to the results of this transaction the headquarters of the purchased company in the Canadian Montreal will become for Philips Competence Center on collaboration in the field of digital health care.

By August, 2020 Philips and Reacts cooperate about five years. The Reacts platform was integrated about mobile by the ultrasonic Philips Lumify system that as the producer claims, allowed it to become the first-ever teleultrasonic solution.[1] 

Philips purchased the developer of the developer of the IT platform for remote medical consultations

Inclusion of Reacts in a portfolio of Philips will allow the company to integrate the platform and with other its solutions for diagnostics and treatment. In some medical institutions in Russia use the teleultrasonic Lumify system with the Reacts platform. For example, in "NMITs of V.A. Almazov" of the Russian Ministry of Health the solution was applied in intensive care unit and intensive therapy. With it resuscitators could conduct independently ultrasonography under the leadership of the profile ultrasonic diagnostics specialist who commented on the procedure far off, being at the workstation. Organization also estimated advantage of the device in the context of fight against COVID-19 pandemic. 
