Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2

Natixis Bank






Natixis Bank JSC is a subsidiary bank of the French company Natixis, specializing in the provision of financial services for the largest corporate clients, as well as conducting operations in the capital markets in the Russian Federation.


2025: Merlion owners buy out Natixis Bank

On January 15, 2025, the French group Natixis closed the deal to sell the Russian subsidiary Natixis Bank. Its new owner was the company "Bureaucrat," the owner of "Realist Bank."

The President Russia Vladimir Putin gave permission to Burokrat LLC to acquire a 100% stake in Natixis Bank JSC on December 20, 2024. Then it was said that this was done in the framework of special economic measures taken in the financial fuel and energy and spheres in connection with the unfriendly actions of some foreign states and international organizations.

Merlion owners bought Natixis Bank from the French

Natixis Bank JSC specializes in providing financial services for the largest corporate clients, as well as conducting operations in the capital markets in the Russian Federation. The authorized capital is about 1.116 billion rubles. The organization has a license to conduct banking operations with funds in rubles and foreign currency (without the right to attract funds from individuals) and a license to attract funds from individuals in rubles and foreign currency. As of November 1, 2024, Natixis Bank's capital amounted to 7.5 billion rubles, the capital adequacy ratio was 103.9% with a minimum value of 8%, and the instant liquidity ratio was 1249.3% with a minimum of 15%.

In turn, Byrokrat is the owner of a 100 percent stake in Realist Bank, which specializes in lending to non-financial companies that purchase special equipment and vehicles, leasing, financing gold mining companies, and operations to buy and sell gold. The shareholders of Bureaucrat include the structure of the distributor of household and IT equipment Merlion, as well as the owners of this company Alexei Abramov, Vladislav Mangutov and Oleg Karchev.[1]
