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Professional media


Prof-Media is a Russian media holding.

Gazprom-Media Holding - 100%
Revenue millions Ths. rub


In November 2013, it became known that Gazprom-Media agreed with Interros Vladimir Potanin to buy 100% of the Profmedia holding. Poster-Rambler, Cinema Park, as well as the minority stake in Profmedia in the Ivi service were not included in the deal with Gazprom-Media.


  • The holding was founded in 1997.

2005: Sale of Izvestia to Gazprom-Media

In June 2005, Gazprom-Media bought the Izvestia socio-political newspaper from Prof-Media.

According to the results of 2005, the company's turnover amounted to $240 million.

2006: Purchase of Playbill Publishing House

  • In January 2006, Prof-Media bought 100% of the shares of the Afisha Publishing House from the Sputnik group.

  • In October 2006, Prof-Media bought Rambler Teleset from Rambler Media Limited, then the TV3 film channel was bought out.

2007: Sale of publishing house "Komsomolskaya Pravda"

  • In March 2007, the Publishing House "Komsomolskaya Pravda" (newspapers "Komsomolskaya Pravda," "Express Newspaper," "Soviet Sport") was sold to the USN group of companies.

  • In June 2007, Prof-Media acquired a 100 % stake in Wayfarer Media Limited, the holding company of MTV Russia and VH1 Russia.

In June 2007, Prof-Media sold the publishing house Komsomolskaya Pravda (60 %) to the Media Partner holding.

2009: Delisting Rambler from the London Exchange

In November 2009, ProfMedia announced the results of a reverse auction to buy back the shares of Rambler Media Limited on the London Stock Exchange. During the reverse auction of ProfMedia through the holding company PM Invest Company acquired 3,149,754 shares at a price of $6 per share for a total of $18,898,524 million, increasing its stake in Rambler to almost 75%. ING Bank N.V. London bought back 2,006,522 shares at a price of $6 or 13.03% of Rambler's share capital for a total of $12,039,132 million.

ING and ProfMedia signed a TRS-type swap agreement under which ProfMedia does not have rights to Rambler shares that were bought by ING during the auction. However, after obtaining the necessary approvals of the relevant bodies, ProfMedia may make additional acquisitions, including the purchase of these shares. ING also acted as a broker and consultant for the purchase of Rambler shares.

The company's revenue in IFRS 2009 amounted to 16.1 billion rubles, EBITDA - 5.7 billion rubles. [1]

2010: Failed IPO of Profmedia

Vladimir Potanin is looking for options for a partial exit from the media business. Profmedia planned to hold an IPO in the spring of 2010, but abandoned it due to unfavorable market conditions. After that, the holding has repeatedly discussed with potential buyers the sale of its television, radio business or TsPSh.

2011: Akopov returned to the presidential chair instead of Solovyova

At the end of December 2011, it became known that the board of directors of ProfMedia accepted the resignation of Yulia Solovyova and appointed Rafael Akopov as president.

Larisa Zelkova, Deputy General Director of Interros, was elected Chairman of the Board of Directors of the holding.

2012: Revenue growth by 17.7% to RUB 20.2 billion

Profmedia's revenue in 2012 amounted to almost 20.2 billion rubles. - 17.7% more than a year earlier, follows from the materials of the holding that Vedomosti has at its disposal (unaudited results, the authenticity of the figures was confirmed by the representative of Profmedia). This is the most impressive revenue growth of Vladimir Potanin's media holding since 2008. EBITDA margin increased from 19 to 26% (excluding the Cinema Park cinema chain, launched into a separate business)[2].

Radio stations and television channels provided the holding with a successful year. These holding businesses grew much faster than the corresponding segments of the advertising market in Russia, says Olga Paskina, president of Profmedia (she declined other comments). This happened for the first time since 2009.

Profmedia has three TV channels - MTV, TV3 and 2×2, the holding does not disclose their indicators separately. Their total revenue in 2012 increased by 26% to 7.1 billion rubles, and EBITDA - almost doubled to 1.5 billion rubles. It turns out that the revenues of these channels grew almost three times faster than the market (according to AKAR, advertising revenues of all TV channels in 2012 increased by 9%). A source at Profmedia explains this by increasing the audience of TV3 and effective advertising sales. Among Russian television companies, only UTV (U and Disney channels) announced financial indicators last year, its revenue grew by 15% to 4.45 billion rubles. However, the profitability of UTV is noticeably higher - 34% for OIBDA.

Profmedia radio stations overtook the market not at times, but also significantly. The total income of the Profmedia Broadcasting Corporation (VKPM, Avtoradio, Energy, Humor FM and Romantika stations) increased by 26% to 2.3 billion rubles, and advertising revenue - by 37% (there is no absolute figure in the materials). The entire radio market grew by 23% in 2012. The representative of Profmedia previously explained the rapid growth in radio business revenues, including the transition to broadcasting in time zones, with the help of which the advertising capabilities of stations increased.

But the Central Partnership film company (TsPSh), the holding's most profitable business, again reduced revenue in 2012: if in 2011 major revenues decreased by 24%, then in 2012 - by 6% to 3.7 billion rubles. This is primarily due to the shift in several major projects of the company, explains a source in Profmedia: Channel One, later than planned, will show several high-budget series produced by TsPSh, and CTC will show DreamWorks Animation films acquired through the mediation of this company. At this, the Central School of Economics lost 600 million rubles. payments that should be received in 2013. And the rental business of TsPSh showed not the best results due to the transfer to 2013 of several large prime ministers of partners (primarily Paramount studio) and unsuccessful Russian projects - as a result, the collections of paintings rolled by TsPSh fell by more than a third in 2012.

Finally, Profmedia's Internet business also showed not the best results: its revenue grew by only 1% to almost 3 billion rubles, and EBITDA fell immediately by 52% to 153 million rubles. The income of this business was influenced by the poor results of Begun, the delayed restart of the Rambler homepage, as well as the redistribution of advertising budgets on the Internet in the fourth quarter in favor of the largest sites, primarily Yandex, says another source in Profmedia. He explains the sharp decline in profitability by the fact that the combined company Rambler/Afisha in 2012 invested a lot in launching new products, buying servers and hiring employees.

2013: Olga Paskina is the holding's president. Sale of Gazprom-Media assets

28 Feb 2013 - The board of directors of ProfMedia appointed Olga Paskina president of the holding.

In 2013, Vladimir Potanin actually made a delayed sale of Afisha-Rambler, which was also part of Profmedia. He merged this Internet company with Alexander Mamut's Soup Media, the partners received 50% of the combined company. Mamut fully took over the management of this business and pledged in three years to buy out Potanin's share if he wants to leave the business (for example, capitalization will not suit him).

In November 2013, it became known that Gazprom-Media agreed with Interros Vladimir Potanin to buy 100% of the Profmedia holding. Poster-Rambler, Cinema Park, as well as the minority stake in Profmedia in the Ivi service will not be included in the deal with Gazprom Media, Paskina said.


  1. Ksenia Boletskaya. Creditor to Profmedia//, Sheets 23.03.2010, 50 (2568)
  2. Profmedia overtook the market