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Quantum and Optimization Solutions (QRA)




+ Sirocco digital
+ Yulia Yurievna Mankos
+ Government of the Russian Federation


2024: Creation of the company

In April 2024, IT Holding T1 and the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (MIPT) created a company to develop AI solutions for business. The joint venture (JV) was named Quantum and Optimization Solutions LLC (KOR).

As Vedomosti writes with reference to the representative of the T1, the goals of the joint project with MIPT are to create technologies based on numerical optimization methods and innovative products that ensure the solution of practical and production problems. One of the main products of KOR will be the Optimizer system, which will allow building a strategy for solving complex multifactorial problems based on optimization mathematical algorithms.

T1 and MIPT created a company to develop AI solutions for business

 According to the representative of the T1, by mid-April 2024 there are industrial implementations of products in the financial industry and negotiations are underway to implement the project in the oil and gas industry.

Under the terms of the agreement, T1 will act in the project as a vendor interacting with government agencies and companies from various industries. Within the framework of the joint venture, the IT holding together with the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology will be engaged in R&D in the field of quantum algorithms for use in optimization algorithms. The volume of investments in this project by mid-April 2024 was not disclosed.

According to Aleksey Chernov, a senior researcher at the Physics and Mathematics School of Applied Mathematics and Informatics of the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, that the contribution of the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology to the joint venture will be primarily scientific, technical and production. The development team from the institute participated in the creation of the project,  and graduates of the institute will work in the enterprise itself, he recalled in a conversation with the publication.[1]
