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OSnova General Purpose Operating System, OS ON

Developers: NPPCT
Last Release Date: 2022/06/27
Branches: State and social structures
Technology: OS


Main Article: Operating Systems

OSnova is a general-purpose operating system (OS ON) that provides the construction of secure automated systems (AS DP) that process confidential information and personal data.

Included in. "Unified Register of Russian Programs for Electronic Computers and Databases" Registration number ON 5913.


Compatibility with InfoWatch Traffic Monitor and InfoWatch Device Monitor

InfoWatch Group and NPPKT JSC on October 10, 2024 announced the compatibility of the InfoWatch Traffic Monitor and InfoWatch Device Monitor DLP system with the OSnova operating system.

Within the framework of the partnership, InfoWatch Group of Companies and NPPKT JSC agree on plans to ensure the joint operation of company products in order to improve the protection of confidential information from copying to mobile devices, storing data, as well as preventing information leaks and eliminating threats. During the tests, the correctness of the current versions of the companies' products was confirmed, which was recorded by a signed bilateral certificate of compatibility.

One of the key goals of the agreement between the companies is to work together to improve data protection practices and improve the security of using domestic software in information systems of various scales.

We are aimed at creating a high level of security for the use of Russian software, which is why we strive to cooperate with leading companies in the field of information security in order to jointly achieve the best results, "commented Deputy General Director for Development Andrei Shor, NPPKT JSC.

Compatibility of information security products with domestic operating systems is an important element in building an effective system for protecting confidential data, taking into account import substitution. When choosing an operating system, customers take into account security issues, and joint product testing has shown that InfoWatch Traffic Monitor, InfoWatch Device Monitor with OSnova provide a high level of protection, allow you to detect potential data leakage channels and prevent incidents, - said Andrey Arefiev, Director of Innovations at InfoWatch Group of Companies.

AlterOffice Compatibility

JSC "" NPPCT ALMI Partner confirmed the compatibility and correctness of the joint operation of the office suite AlterOffice based on operating system OSNOV. Based on the test results, a product compatibility certificate has been issued. The company was informed about this on October 7, 2024. More. here

Compatibility with the Botsman platform

The companies SМАRT technologies SOFT and JSC "" NPPCT conducted joint technical tests and confirmed the technological compatibility of the platform "" containerization with Botsman operating system OSNOVA. The company was informed about this on October 4, 2024. More. here

Compatibility with Basis Dynamix and Basis Workplace

Basis's flagship products - the Basis Dynamix virtual environment management platform and the Basis Workplace desktop virtualization platform - were the first virtualization solutions compatible with the domestic OS workstation and server operating system. The partnership will ensure that OS users reduce the cost of integrating solutions, as well as significantly increase the efficiency and productivity of product sharing. Basis announced this on July 23, 2024.

The key advantages of "OS" are its versatility and usability. The operating system can run on various hardware platforms and supports server components of information systems and virtual environments, which allows you to optimize the load of hardware resources and increase flexibility in deploying applications and services. To make it easier to get used to the OS in the workplace, the creators of the product have developed two interface themes - Win-like and Mac-like, which will be intuitive to users of foreign operating systems.

The uninterrupted operation of the Basis Dynamix and Basis Workplace platforms on various devices with OSnova OS guarantees representatives of large businesses and government agencies the reliable operation of virtualized environments and the reduction of risks of information system failures. Along with this, software compatibility helps reduce the cost of integrating solutions and maintaining the IT infrastructure, which is designed to simplify the transition of companies from foreign counterparts to domestic software.

OSNOVA is used both in large corporate networks and in state information systems with increased information security requirements. Often we are already present in the IT infrastructure of this category of customers, so the partnership will give them the opportunity to increase the productivity of business processes and more efficiently manage virtual environments and workplaces using completely import-independent solutions, "said David Martirosov, CEO of Basis.

Partnerships with domestic vendors to guarantee the stable operation of applications running our OS is one of the team's priority tasks aimed at consolidating the Russian IT market. The importance of virtualization technologies in this sense can hardly be overestimated - this is the foundation of any large business. Cooperation with Basis is an important initiative for the entire industry that will save many companies both time and strength, since customers will receive an environment that is already configured and tested for compatibility, "said Artyom Korolenkov, Deputy General Director for Implementation at NPPKT JSC.

Pre-installation on Flaptop i5-16512 laptops

Fplus, a manufacturer and supplier of digital devices, on February 15, 2024 announced the release of another product - the Flaptop i5-16512 laptop, equipped with the domestic OSnova operating system. Read more here.


PIX RPA Compatibility

Russian companies JSC NPPCT"" and the developer IT of -products PIX Robotics signed a bilateral certificate on the compatibility of platform components PIX RPA operating system with OSNOVA. PIX Robotics was informed about this on December 28, 2023. More. here

As part of the domestic PAC for work in the office

Domestic developers, companies, Fplus, MyOffice"," Basis"," and Kaspersky Lab NPPCT Getmobit presented a joint comprehensive solution for equipping a stationary workplace -. PAC software and hardware complex (PAC) will help Russian companies and organizations switch from foreign digital infrastructure to domestic infrastructure faster and at lower costs. All components are designed in full, Russia are import-independent meet all safety standards and tested for interoperability. This was announced on September 11, 2023 by representatives of the Basis company.

As reported, server operating system the OSnova developed by JSC "" is also used as a user. NPPCT Operating system has already established itself among customers as a convenient environment for daily work of employees and a tool for ensuring the necessary level. information security It is also installed on the second loop of the GM-Box dual-circuit universal docking stations and, in the future, can be replaced with a one OS "Sagittarius" with a higher level of protection. More. here


Transition to the domestic version of the kernel

On June 27, 2022, it became known that three certified domestic countries operating systems began to use kernel Linux 5.10, supported by the Linux Kernel Security Research Technology Center, created in 2021 on the basis. Institute of System Programming of the Russian Academy of Sciences (ISP RAS) The statistics were shared by the head of the second department of the Federal Service for Technical and Export Control (), Russia FSTEC under whose auspices the center was created,. Dmitry Shevtsov

We analyzed the current state of affairs: how many certified operating systems we have, how many certified information protection tools, which operating systems are at what stage of development, and which cores are used - said Shevtsov. - We also found out if they switched to the kernel chosen as the main one. Not a bad trend: about three certified OSs run on the 5.10 core, chosen as the base.

So, they switched to the Alt 8 SP, Red OS and Osnova core. By the beginning of 2023, the kernel will be installed Astra Linux Special Edition, Rosa Cobalt, Synthesis M, Zircon 37k. By the end of 2023, the developers of the EMIAS OS and AlterOS operating systems plan to transfer their products to the Linux kernel recommended by FSTEC. The Aurora OS is ready to move, but the timing depends on the manufacturers of the hardware platforms.

As for network security tools, the situation is worse here - developers need time to switch to the Linux kernel, - said Shevtsov.

So, until the end of 2022-2023. the transition is planned by firewalls "Continent. Version 4, "Nama Edge," C-terra gateway, "Mirada network security system and 13 other solutions.

As Dmitry Shevtsov specified, migration to the Linux 5.10 kernel is carried out as part of a course to develop its own technologies, which can be relied on in a critical information infrastructure.

Traditionally, the information protection system was built on the principle of superimposed information protection tools, - recalled the representative of the FSTEC. - We took imported OSs, developed access control tools for this, that is, we actually covered the system with various layers of protection. However, untrusted system software was used inside the system. About 10 years ago, the course began to change. Now the trend is towards the use of certified trusted technologies, certified operating systems, virtualization and containerization tools, certified database management[1] systems[2].

Compatibility with InfoWatch ARMA Management Console 1.1.2

The companies InfoWatch ARMA (part of the GC) InfoWatch and JSC "" NPPCT signed an official statement on the compatibility of their products: the Unified Management Console InfoWatch ARMA 1.1.2 Operating system and the general purpose OSNOVA, respectively. InfoWatch announced this on June 22, 2022.

As a result of testing, it was found that these products are compatible, and the InfoWatch ARMA solution is installed and functions correctly under the OSnova OS. The test results are reflected in the test report of April 21, 2022, confirmed by the act of completion of work of April 21, 2022.

The signed document on the compatibility of products in the context of the active movement forward of the information security community of the country within the framework of the import substitution program in general, and solutions for the protection of CII facilities in particular, seems to us to be one of the important conditions for ensuring the stability of safety equipment at industrial facilities, "said Igor Soul, Technical Director of InfoWatch ARMA.

As of June 2022, we, together with InfoWatch ARMA, are forming a full-fledged information security ecosystem based on the OSnova operating system. For this reason, it is extremely important for us that users of modern InfoWatch ARMA information protection systems are confident in the stability and reliability of such products. The work done and the joint statement on the compatibility of our software products unequivocally guarantees such stability, - said Igor Morozov, Commercial Director of NPPKT JSC.


Russian FSTEC Certificate for Compliance with Information Security Requirements

In 2020, the FSTEC of Russia Certificate No. 4381 was obtained for compliance with the information security requirements established in the documents "Information Security Requirements Establishing Levels of Trust in Information Technical Security Tools and Information Technology Security Tools" (FSTEC of Russia, 2020) - according to level 4 of trust, "Information security requirements for operating systems" (FSTEC of Russia, 2016), "Protection Profile of Operating Systems of Type A of the Fourth Class of IT.OS.A4.PZ Protection" (FSTEC of Russia, 2017).

Compatibility with USB tokens and smart cards "Rutoken EDS" 

On May 18, 2020, it became known that Aktiv the companies "" and NPPCT"" conducted a series of tests that confirmed the compatibility of USB-tockens and smart cards Rutoken EDS operating systems from the general purpose "OSNOVA" and "."Strelets

In particular, Rutoken S, Rutoken EDS 2.0 (micro/Type-C), Rutoken EDS 2.0 2100 (micro/Type-C), Rutoken EDS 2.0 Flash/Touch, Rutoken EDS 2.0 3000 (micro/Type-C), Rutoken Lite, Rutoken EDS cards (micro/Type-C) were tested.

The use of USB tokens and Rutoken smart cards in OSnova and Sagittarius allows you to implement strict two-factor user authentication. Rutoken's products are recommended as key media in the OSnova and Sagittarius operating systems environment.

For the first time, compatibility certificates were signed in electronic form using an enhanced qualified electronic signature (UKEP). UKEP ensures the integrity and invariability of the electronic document after its signing and allows you to identify the author of the document. In accordance with the 63-FZ "On Electronic Signature," an electronic document signed by UKEP is recognized as an equivalent document on paper, signed with its own hand signature.

Compatibility certificates are published on the website of the company "Aktiv."

OSNOVA was developed in accordance with the requirements of the regulatory documents of the FSTEC of Russia "Information Security Requirements for Operating Systems," approved by Order of the FSTEC of Russia dated August 19, 2016 No. 119, for general-purpose operating systems (type "A") according to class 4 of protection (RD OS).

{{quote 'author = said Pavel Anfimov, Head of Product and Integration at Rutoken, Active. | The compatibility of Rutoken solutions with OSnova and Sagittarius is important for customers from the state segment. Both operating systems are certified by the FSTEC of Russia and are included in the unified software register, which indicates confirmation of a high level of trust. Rutoken products guarantee strict two-factor user authentication when logging into the OS and provide a high level of security when building information systems,}}

{{quote 'author = noted Konstantin Belyankin, head of the supply department, JSC "[3]".. | Rutoken solutions in the field of hardware authentication have become available to our customers when creating secure systems using OSnova and Sagittarius operating systems. We are constantly working to improve the quality of services for our customers, especially those who are aimed at implementing the import substitution program, }}

2018: Certificate of State Registration

On May 23, 2018, the OSnova OS issued a certificate of state registration of the computer program No. 2018616118.


  1. [ systems "tri otechestvennye os pereshli Three Russian Linux operating
  2. have switched to the domestic version of the kernel]
  3. NPPKT" Tokens and smart cards Rutoken are used in the line of operating systems "OSnova" and "Sagittarius