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Diasoft Digital Q.FinMarkets (ранее Diasoft FA# Treasury)

The name of the base system (platform): Diasoft FA
Developers: Diasoft
Last Release Date: 2024/09/16
Branches: Financial Services, Investments and Auditing
Technology: ABS - Automated Banking Systems


Diasoft Digital Q.FinMarkets business development platform (formerly Digital Q.FinancialMarkets, Diasoft FA# Treasury) helps clients perform the functions of: dealer, broker, trust management, depository.

The platform is suitable for credit and non-bank financial institutions that are engaged in investment activities: banks, investment and management companies, as well as depositories.


Automate the acquisition of trading information on financial instrument transactions

Diasoft automates the receipt trade information financial of transactions with instruments. The company announced this on September 16, 2024.

Every year the volume of trading on the Moscow Exchange increases, the number of private investors is also growing. Online loading and processing of large volumes of transactions with financial instruments in accounting systems requires solutions with appropriate performance indicators.

The product "Transaction Processing in Financial Markets" is designed to automate the processes of obtaining, processing and providing to mid-office and back-office accounting systems information on orders for transactions and transactions with various financial instruments concluded at organized and unorganized auctions.

Information is collected from various sources both online and based on the result of the auction. Trade information is enriched, standardized and provided for use by internal and external consumer systems in a single business format. This simplifies the business processes of accounting and internal accounting, bank reporting, and also saves time on collecting information about transactions from disparate sources and clearing it of duplicate data.

The product provides not only the loading of trade information, but also control over the execution of end-to-end business processes for transactions with securities, currency, derivatives and digital financial assets.

The high performance of the product is proven by load testing. 1 million transactions per hour are uploaded online, processing an exchange report on the result of trading with 1 million transactions takes no more than 15 minutes. Scale-out capabilities enable higher performance.

The product "Transaction Processing in Financial Markets" is part of the Digital Q.FinMarket development platform and is implemented in a microservice architecture on an import-independent technology stack.

Automation of maintenance of individual investment accounts of the third type

Diasoft supported operations to open and record IIS-3 accounts in the Brokerage Service product, which is part of the Digital Q.FinMarkets development platform. Diasoft announced this on August 5, 2024.

From January 1, 2024, individuals have access to the opening of individual investment accounts of the third type (IIS-3), which expand the capabilities of current investment accounts (IIS-1 and IIS-2). The corresponding amendments were made to Federal Law No. 39-FZ "On the Securities Market" and the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

Among the main differences of the IIS-3 are the ability to open up to three accounts at the same time, withdraw money in special life situations, receive a combined tax deduction, and receive securities income only to an investment account. IIS-3 has an extended investment period and has no restrictions in replenishing the account during the year.

Individual investment accounts of the "old" type can be converted into investment accounts of the third type, taking into account the opening date of the "old" account. From January 1, 2024, you can open new investment accounts of only the third type.

In the near future, the following operations will be automated in the Brokerage Service product:

  • Automatic calculation of investment dates, including when converting investment accounts of the "old" type into IIS-3.
  • Crediting funds to IIS-3 without controlling the crediting limit.
  • Withdrawal of funds from IIS-3 accounts in special life situations.
  • Repayment of debt.
  • Closing of contracts IIS-3 with calculation and withholding/return of personal income tax.

Together with our clients, we have gained experience in supporting individual investment accounts of a new type. Next, we have to automate the business processes for working with these accounts. Improvements will allow investors - customers of banks to take advantage of all the advantages, IIS-3 said Sergey Kruglov, head of the Brokerage Service product at Diasoft.

Acceleration of operating day closing processes in financial markets

Diasoft has accelerated the closing of the operating day in the financial markets by more than 5 times. The company announced this on May 15, 204.

The Russian securities market for May 2024 shows steady growth. The volume of operations is increasing, and high performance of the corresponding software products is important for their operational processing. In particular, in conditions of increased loads, it is necessary to comply with the established deadlines for closing the operating day.

Diasoft has implemented a number of improvements in the product "Own Operations with Issue Securities," designed to automate the accounting of dealer operations in organized and unorganized markets, as well as accounting for its own bonds. As a result of improvements, the productivity of key operations increased by 5-10 times.

The main processes optimized in the product "Own operations with issue securities":

  • processing in the urgent accounting area;
  • accrual of interest on repurchase transactions;
  • formation of an adjustment to the amortized cost of securities;
  • forming a position on its own portfolio (receipt of transactions) on 250 thousand lots on one paper;
  • formation of documents on the position (acknowledgement) of own securities portfolio;
  • calculation of the bonus;
  • formation of securities redemption transactions.

In addition, to increase the performance of the software product "Own operations with issue securities," Diasoft specialists suggest using the following options:

  • The aggregation of postings for transaction acknowledgement is designed to speed up the accounting of securities disposal transactions by reducing the total number of primary documents (postings) to be generated. Posting aggregation is used for regular sales and direct repurchase from your own portfolio.
  • Archive the financial result registers to speed up the handshake mechanism using the financial result registers. Acceleration is carried out by referring to a reduced amount of financial result values (part of the data is transferred to the archive).
  • Multithreaded operations with equity securities (purchased and issued) to ensure automatic execution of business process chains (STPs) in multithreaded mode.
  • Multithreaded acknowledgement of transactions with securities (acquired and issued) to speed up the execution of the operation of accounting acknowledgement of transactions with securities by dividing the general list of transactions into several parallel flows and their independent processing. The division of transactions into flows is carried out on the principle of "one flow - one security."

The Proprietary Operations with Issue Securities product is part of the Digital Q.FinancialMarkets development platform. It can be integrated into any IT landscape of a financial institution.

Add Customer Asset Portfolio Management product

Diasoft has developed the Client Asset Portfolio Management software product. The product is part of the Digital Q.FinancialMarkets platform and is designed to automate the management of investment portfolios of customer assets. Diasoft announced this on May 14, 2024.

Portfolio Management Automation "Client Asset Portfolio Management" automates the main tasks of portfolio management, including:

  • accounting for investment declarations,
  • maintenance of reference portfolios (investment strategies),
  • calculation of financial indicators for client portfolios,
  • Real-time revaluation of client portfolios
  • automatic balancing of portfolios and preparation of sales orders.

Management of portfolios consisting of various types of assets is supported: securities of all types (shares, bonds, shares) and foreign currency. In the future, deposits, precious metals and real estate will also be supported.

The product supports the ability to automatically balance the structure of client portfolios by reference portfolios. Reference portfolios are created for different asset management strategies according to investment declaration policies. Automatic portfolio balancing allows you to optimize the work of the portfolio manager and ensure effective asset management.

The product visualizes the composition of the customer portfolio in real time based on actual and planned asset movements for transactions and non-trading transactions. The manager has a holistic understanding of clients' portfolios and their financial performance, can monitor the dynamics of changes in key indicators and make informed decisions on changing the composition of portfolios.

"Client Asset Portfolio Management" allows you to model the composition of the client portfolio and calculate financial indicators for the client portfolio, as well as the commission for asset management and for the return received. By automating portfolio management, management companies improve operational efficiency, can attract and retain more customers and achieve higher financial results.

Automation of the report on trust agreements according to the 482-P

Diasoft automated the report on trust agreements according to the 482-P. The company announced this on April 5, 2024.

Reports on the trustee's activities are provided to clients on request within 10 working days, their content is regulated by Bank of Russia Regulation No. 482-P of August 3, 2015.

Diasoft has developed the Trustee Report, which is part of the Trust Management product and is seamlessly integrated with the software products of the Digital Q.FinancialMarkets platform. The report complies with the requirements of Bank of Russia Regulation No. 482-P, has a laconic and convenient form, is formed automatically, does not require editing and can be sent to the client immediately after its formation. This allows you to significantly save employees' working time in preparing reports and reduce the risks of delays in their provision.

The report contains the following information:

  • on balances of cash, securities and financial instruments at the beginning and end of the period;
  • on the main final indicators (value of net assets, debt, accrued and paid taxes, etc.);
  • on the method of RC remuneration calculation;
  • about depositories/registrars, as well as about foreign organizations that take into account the rights to client securities;
  • about credit institutions in which bank accounts for settlements are opened for the manager;
  • about brokers or other persons who perform management transactions on behalf of the manager;
  • voting at the general meeting of securities owners with indication of the voting option chosen by him on each agenda item;
  • securities transactions;
  • on cash flows;
  • on the movement of securities and financial instruments;
  • on securities payments;
  • about currency conversion transactions;
  • for all types of expenses accrued in the reporting period;
  • on the dynamics of return on the investment portfolio.

The product "Trust Management" is part of the Digital Q.FinancialMarkets platform, designed to automate individual trust management operations, developed taking into account the current requirements of the law.

Transfer Brokerage Product to Microservice Architecture

Diasoft has transferred the Brokerage Service product to a microservice architecture deployed on an import-independent technology stack. The product is part of the Digital Q.FinancialMarkets platform, automates the maintenance of brokerage contractual relations and the processing of orders to replenish the brokerage account and withdraw funds from it. Diasoft announced this on February 22, 2024.

The transfer of the product to the microservice architecture allows you to process the inputs and outputs of funds of brokerage clients with a change in limits in the QUIK system non-trading order module at any time during the availability period of the trading system. This allows brokerage organizations to provide a convenient service to their customers.

As a rule, cash I/O processes require building a complex structure of integration solutions. The Brokerage Service product provides for end-to-end processing of non-trading orders, from the request of the brokerage service client for cash input and output to the change of limits in the QUIK trading system.

Including when processing the entry of the client's funds, the Brokerage Service product controls the limit of credits to IIS contracts, forms accounting, and also sends information for further reflection in internal accounting.

When processing the withdrawal of funds, due to integration with the product "Tax agent for brokerage operations," online calculation and withholding of tax are carried out.

Optimization of solutions "OTC Physical Metal Purchase-Sale Transactions" and "Precious Metal Storage"

Diasoft has expanded the functionality of the software products OTC Physical Metal Purchase and Sale and Precious Metal Storage, which are part of the Digital Q.FinancialMarkets development platform. The company announced this on January 16, 2024.

In the product "OTC Physical Metal Purchase-Sale Transactions," the following processes are automated for sending ingots for remelting and moving ingots between bank repositories:

  • sending ingots for remelting:
    • sending ingots from the bank's storage to the refining plant;
    • fixing the date of ingot acceptance into the refinery storage facility;
    • sending ingots from the refining plant to the bank's storage facility;
    • fixing the date of acceptance of new ingots into the bank's storage facility;
    • accounting for technological losses from remelting;

  • moving ingots between bank vaults:

    • registration of the ingot movement operation;
    • accounting for disposal of ingots from the current storage facility;
    • reflection of ingots position in the target storage;
    • fixing the date of ingots acceptance into the target storage facility;
    • taking into account ingots acceptance into the target storage facility.

Also in the product "Over-the-counter transactions for the purchase and sale of physical metal" the functionality "Commission transactions for the sale of ingots" was added. The functionality automates the following business processes for commission transactions for the sale of precious metal ingots, in which the bank can act as a commission or committee:

  • Commission Bank:
    • sale of ingots to the customer;
    • acceptance of ingots from the client for safekeeping;
    • sale of ingots from responsible storage;
    • calculation and accounting of transaction fees;
    • settlement of the transaction;
    • formation of accounting;

  • bank - committee:

    • transfer of ingots to the commission officer;
    • calculation and accounting of transaction fees;
    • settlement of the transaction;
    • accounting formation.

The product "Storage of precious metals" supports the transfer of information on the operations of sending ingots for remelting and commission transactions to GIIS DM DK.

Diasoft is constantly developing software products of the Digital Q.FinancialMarkets platform, which provide support for key business processes and successful operations in the precious metals market. As of January 2024, our products allow credit institutions to automate most bullion transactions with such participants in the Russian precious metal market as the Bank of Russia, gold mining companies, refining plants, Goznak, Gokhran, banks, jewelry companies, electronic trading platforms, wholesale companies, individuals. The use of Diasoft's software products to automate bullion operations allows credit institutions to increase operational efficiency by reducing time spent on business processes and reducing human error.
said Alexey Kurochkin, head of the product department "Dealer operations in money, currency and derivatives markets."

Add the product "Interaction with trade repositories"

Diasoft will help automate interaction with NSD's retail repository. The company announced this on January 15, 2024.

Financial market participants must provide information on OTC transactions to trading repositories. This is enshrined in Federal Law No. 39-FZ "On the Securities Market" and Bank of Russia Ordinance No. 4104-U of 16.08.2016.

The National Settlement Depository (NSD) has developed the NSD Integration Gateway to automate information interaction with market participants. Support and update of the current NSD File Gateway will be discontinued in 2024.

To automatically register information about OTC transactions concluded on the basis of master agreements and outside their framework with NSD's trading repository, Diasoft offers the software product Interaction with Trading Repositories.

The product supports various options for integration with NSD and allows us to automate the collection and timely registration by credit institutions of information about transactions with derivative financial instruments and repo agreements concluded at unorganized tenders.

The main functions of the product are:

  • Automatic generation and sending of messages to NSD's trade repository for:
    • master agreements;
    • contracts/transactions with securities, indices, currency, interest rate and commodity derivatives;
    • obligations under contracts/transactions;
    • margin amounts paid under the master agreement;
    • fair (estimated) value under contracts/transactions.

  • Processing of incoming response messages from NSD: response to successful registration or refusal to register data.
  • Status tracking of all messages generated and sent to the NSD Trade Repository in a specialized user interface.

The product "Interaction with trade repositories" is developed in the microservice architecture and is part of the Digital Q.FinancialMarkets development platform. It can be built into any IT landscape of the organization and works both with back-office solutions "Diasoft" and with products of other vendors.

Increase the ability to process the trading results of financial instruments

Diasoft is developing the functionality of the Market Data Management product. The product is designed to load, prioritize, enrich, quality check and provide market data on financial instruments. Data are aggregated from all significant sources of information (exchanges, depositories, news agencies, banks, brokers, management companies, news sites). The product is part of the Digital Q.FinancialMarkets development platform. The company announced this on January 10, 2024.

Product Capabilities:

  • It became possible to determine the activity of the securities market
    . Now the product is able to determine how intense trading in securities is and whether the market is active. The calculation is made on the basis of information on the results of trading (volume of trading, number of transactions and trading days), additional indicators and user conditions.
  • Enhanced the ability to set algorithms up the calculation of the value of securities
    The product has significantly expanded the ability to determine market prices for financial instruments for brokerage services and accounting for dealerships. Now the user can independently add and configure the calculation of the values ​ ​ that he needs to solve business problems, and then - start the calculation and receive the result in a convenient interface. The calculation can be carried out in the cross-section of the security and value type from the value guide. The product allows you to customize different settlement algorithms for securities groups depending on their parameters.
  • Automatic unloading of credit ratings on securities and issuers from RuData has been implemented
    . The product has become available to obtain ratings of national and international agencies for securities and issuers. This allows the product to provide more complete information about the financial instrument, as well as the financial stability and reliability of the securities companies.
  • Expanded stored trading information for securities by trading platforms
    The new directory "Trading parameters of FI" provides data on the density, price step, listing level by the trading code of the security.

The "Market Data Management" product is implemented in a microservice architecture and can be easily integrated into any IT landscape of the organization.


Accounting of dealerships with CFA

Diasoft will provide accounting for dealer operations with the CFA. The company announced this on December 26, 2023.

The digital financial assets (CFA) market in Russia continues to develop, interest in it from financial institutions is growing. In 2023, legislative acts regulating the accounting of CFA by market participants entered into force.

Diasoft is developing the functionality of software products to automate all stages of work with CFA. To automate back-office business processes for dealerships with issued and acquired CFA, Diasoft developed the product Back-office accounting of its own operations with CFA.

The product allows you to reflect transactions with issued and purchased CFAs, as well as keep them registered in accordance with the requirements of the law and the existing features of the new financial instrument.

The main features of the product:

  • registration in the CFA system of any kind separately from other assets;
  • registration of own transactions with CFA;
  • separate accounting of transactions with purchased and issued CFA;
  • accounting of CFA in accordance with IFRS;
  • Maintain your own position on the DSC, calculate the financial result
  • accounting for payments and interest income under the CFA, as well as other corporate actions;
  • calculation and recording of CFA reserves in accordance with RAS and IFRS;
  • CFA tax accounting (income tax).

In addition to automating back-office accounting of dealer operations with CFA, Diasoft offers products for automating the release and accounting of any type of CFA (including with hybrid digital rights) and back-office accounting of brokerage operations with CFA - "Issue and management of CFA" and "Back-office accounting of brokerage operations with CFA." All software products for working with CFA are part of the Digital Q.FinancialMarkets development platform.

Robotization of PRZ processes in the "Corporate Actions" product

On December 22, 2023, Diasoft announced that it had expanded the capabilities of the Corporate Actions software product, which is part of the Digital Q.FinancialMarkets development platform. The product is designed to comprehensively process corporate actions (CD) of issuers: from informing depositors to distributing funds and securities.

The product has robotic processes in terms of conducting KD for income payment, global operations, processing or formation of disclosure requests. Now all the necessary steps of these processes take place completely automatically and do not require the participation of users. Thanks to monitoring functions, the user can control the progress of processes by receiving notifications about the execution of their steps.

Information on the DD is sent to clients on the day of receipt of relevant data from higher depositories.

"Thanks to the robotization of CD processes, it was possible to eliminate manual labor costs for processing operations and significantly reduce the time for their execution. The Corporate Actions product can process more than 100 thousand payments per day. Dividends are paid within a day from the date of receipt of funds: the term of the operation depends on the amount of payments and averages 4 hours. The product ensures the fulfillment of the regulator's requirements regarding the timing of informing customers about KD and transferring income (39-FZ, 542-P), its new capabilities are already being successfully used in a number of large financial organizations, "said Mikhail Obolentsev, head of the Corporate Actions product.

Robotization of the process of KD for income payment

In the product "Corporate Actions" the following types of income payments are robotic: payment of dividends, payment of coupon income, full and partial repayment of bonds, payment of other income on securities.

After receiving a notification on the upcoming CD, the processing process takes place automatically: registration of the CD in the system, calculation of the list of owners and the register of payments, notification of customers about the upcoming CD. After receiving the funds, reconciliation takes place, their distribution among the participants of the corporate event, calculation of amounts and payment dates. The data is transferred for tax calculation for each of the customers, after tax calculation, the funds are transferred to the customer accounts.

All process steps are recorded in the depository journals, with the creation of accompanying documents or depository transactions. Also, the data is transferred for reporting (mandatory reporting, 6-NDFL).

Robotization of KD for Global Operations

In the product "Corporate Actions" the following types of global operations are robotic: conversion, crushing, consolidation, distribution of additional securities. Prior to a global transaction, securities are pre-blocked, if necessary.

Robotization of the process of informing by PRZ

As part of the corporate action, all incoming information is broadcast to customers, as required by law. Informing about the upcoming CDs can be integrated into digital channels of interaction with the client: notifications in your personal account, e-mail mailing, forming and publishing news on the site, mailing push notifications.

The Enterprise Actions product is implemented on an import-independent technology stack and can be easily integrated into any IT landscape.

The Digital Q.FinancialMarkets development platform, which includes the product, is included in the Unified Register of Software for Computers and Databases (registry entry No. 16800 of 01.03.2023).

Custom code translation service from MS SQL to Digital Q.DataBase

Diasoft on December 13, 2023 released a service for translating the custom code of the IT system from MS SQL to Digital Q.DataBase.

Diasoft offers a service for translating custom code in software products included in the development platforms Digital Q.FinancialMarkets, Digital Q.Consumer, Digital Q.Corporate and Digital Q.Payments (formerly products of the Diasoft FA# line), with MS SQL DBMS on Digital Q.DataBase. The service has been tested and tested in real projects. Read more here.

Automation of OTC Interest Rate Options Business Processes

Diasoft will help automate business processes for OTC interest rate options. The company announced this on October 18, 2023.

According to the report Bank of Russia financial "Over-the-Counter Derivatives Market - 2023," the most actively developing area of ​ ​ the interest rate derivatives market is interest rate options. They are developed by promoting Russian banks crediting companies at floating rates and do not require non-residents.

The use of interest rate options allows financial market participants to flexibly hedge interest rate risks. With interest caps (IRCap), you can limit the maximum amount of interest payments, but still benefit from an interest rate cut. With the help of interest rates (IRFloor) - to limit the minimum rate of income, but at the same time benefit from an increase in the interest rate. With the help of interest collars (IRCollar) - to fix the corridor of interest rate values ​ ​ by fixing the maximum and minimum amount of interest payments, - said Alexey Kurochkin, head of the product department "Dealer operations in the money, currency and derivatives markets" of Diasoft.

Diasoft will help automate business processes for OTC interest rate options using "Accounting for Interest Rate Caps, Flora, Collars" in the product "Accounting for Transactions with Interest Rate and Currency Interest Rate Swaps." The product is part of the Digital Q.FinancialMarkets development platform.

The product supports the following types of transactions of the type interest cap, flora, collar: with periodic payment of interest payments, depreciation of nominal value and calculation of the rate by the arithmetic mean method.

The product functionality automates the following business processes for back-office transaction support:

  • registration and verification of transactions;
  • confirmation of transactions;
  • correction and cancellation of transactions;
  • settlement of transactions;
  • formation of accounting;
  • preparation of data for regulatory and analytical reporting.

Support of the Mosbirzhi instrument - repo transactions with an open date

Diasoft supported the instrument of the Moscow Exchange - repo transactions with an open date. Diasoft announced this on October 9, 2023.

At the end of August, the Moscow Exchange launched a mechanism for concluding repo transactions with an open date. This financial instrument allows you to more effectively manage liquidity and provides additional flexibility in building strategies.

Diasoft supported a new type of transactions in software products included in the Digital Q.FinancialMarkets development platform.

The following functionality is implemented in the Stock Markets product:

  • Loading open-date repurchase transactions concluded on the Moscow Exchange from exchange reports, execution of such transactions, as well as loading of daily transaction commission.
  • Correction of repurchase transactions with an open date when updating exchange parameters, including when approving the settlement date for the second part of the repurchase transaction.
  • Accounting of open-date repurchase transactions.

The import data of repurchase transactions with an open date can be carried out using xml-reports of the Moscow Exchange. Information REPO transactions with an open date are loaded immediately with the second part, the planned date of which is calculated based on the maximum permissible period of 360 days and corresponds to the planned date of settlements from exchange data.

When loading and processing the "Open Date Repo Fee Report," an additional fee is recorded for each transaction on a daily basis. In the future, it is used in the formation of accounting.

If an order is submitted to close the transaction, it is possible to reflect the date of fixing the REPO transaction on the form of entering the REPO transaction and updating the transaction parameters.

Accounting of open-date repurchase exchange transactions is carried out using the functionality of the product "Accounting for transactions in the exchange securities market." It provides for the possibility of transferring accounting for a repo transaction with an open date from demand accounts to term accounts, the day before the announced date of execution of the second part of the repo transaction.

In addition to the accounting documents, which are formed in the same way as repurchase transactions with a fixed settlement date, a document on the reflection of an additional commission is added. Open date repurchase under IFRS is accounted for only by the linear method.

Expansion of the functionality of software products for automation of operations with precious metals

Diasoft has significantly expanded the functionality of the software products Metal Purchase Transactions from Subsoil Users and OTC Physical Metal Purchase and Sale Transactions, which are part of the Digital Q.FinancialMarkets development platform. The company announced this on October 6, 2023.

The precious metals market remains attractive to its participants. The volume of trading in precious metals both on the exchange and over-the-counter markets is increasing. Diasoft responds to all changes in the market in a timely manner and offers its customers products that support key business processes and successful activities in the precious metals market, - said Alexey Kurochkin, head of the product department "Dealer operations in the money, currency and derivatives markets" of Diasoft.

In the product "Transactions for the purchase of metal from subsoil users," business processes for the shipment of precious metal to storage and payment of a batch of ingots shipped to storage are automated. At the same time, the shipment of ingots can be registered both with crediting to an impersonal metal account and without it.

The Over-the-counter Physical Metal Purchase-Sale Transactions product enhances the scope of the Precious Metal Sale Framework Agreement and adds the Additional Precious Metal Purchase-Sale Agreements component.

The following business processes are automated in the Precious Metal Sales Framework:

  • Registration of partial delivery transactions of a metal batch with a fixed price in the settlement currency
  • fixing the price of metal for a batch of metal on any day of the transaction period;
  • fixing the payment price in rubles for part of the metal batch on any day of the transaction period;
  • payment of a part of a batch of metal at a fixed price in rubles;
  • Accounting of partial metal supply transactions.

The Additional Precious Metal Purchase/Sale Agreements component is designed to change the terms of bullion purchase and sale transactions by executing additional transaction agreements. With the help of the component, the transaction price and the weight of the precious metal in the transaction can be changed.

Load testing on the Digital Q.DataBase DBMS

Diasoft specialists conducted the first stage of load testing of versions of products that are part of the development platforms Digital Q.FinancialMarkets, Digital Q.Consumer, Digital Q.Corporate and Digital Q.Payments (formerly Diasoft FA#) and support the work on the import-dependent DBMSigital Q.DataBase. software requirements for optimizing their performance. Diasoft announced this on October 4, 2023. Read more here.

Obtaining data from the markets of the Moscow Exchange through the information and statistical server of the Moscow Exchange

Diasoft has expanded the capabilities of the Market Data Management product. The developer announced this on September 11, 2023.

The product "Market Data Management" is part of the Digital Q.FinancialMarkets development platform. The product is designed to download, prioritize, enrich, verify quality and provide market data on financial instruments. Data are aggregated from all significant sources of information (exchanges, depositories, news agencies, banks, brokers, management companies, news sites) and can be used both in business processes within the organization and to provide customers and partners.

The product has a number of possibilities for quickly obtaining the most detailed data. Obtaining data from the markets of the Moscow Exchange through the Information and Statistical Server of the Moscow Exchange (ISS/ISS)

The functionality is designed to obtain statistical data, historical data and quotations on financial instruments from the ISS. It is possible to receive data both on a schedule and on request from the user.

For the current date, securities for which there are no calculated values, but they are on previous dates, as well as securities for which there are no loaded quotes, are checked. This functionality helps track problems in loading quotes and calculating paper values, as well as generate notifications.

The adapter for connecting to the services of the National Settlement Depository (NSD) supports all downloadable security attributes and issuer data that were used in the old NSD adapter for the data exchange buffer (WebSecBuffer). Now the replacement of the adapter service is completely invisible, and the client gets additional features:

  • The use of additional sources of information about financial instruments and the formation of a golden version, which is information collected from several sources, according to the declared priority. If there is no information in any source, then it is supplemented with the missing data from the second.
  • Download the extended issuer information in addition to the data that is generated in the Financial Instrument Book buffer.
  • Automatically load new tools.

The "Market Data Management" product is implemented in a microservice architecture and can be easily integrated into any IT landscape of the organization.

Possibility of accounting for margin loan agreements of the Central Bank

Diasoft continues to develop the functionality of the Securities Loan Agreements, which is designed to take into account securities loan agreements (CB) for client and own operations. "Securities loan agreements" are part of the product "Accounting for transactions in the over-the-counter securities market" of the Digital Q.FinancialMarkets development platform. The company announced this on July 27, 2023.

Improvements in the "Securities Loan Agreements" made it possible to improve the accounting of client loan agreements of the Central Bank:

  • It became possible to take into account the margin loan agreements of the Central Bank. You can calculate the online customer position for margin lending in the product Marginal Customer Lending from Diasoft. The position of the client is provided in case of a shortage of the Central Bank at the end of the day. The loan agreement of the Central Bank is concluded for one day in accordance with the terms of margin lending to the client without submitting separate orders from the client. As a donor, the broker or his other clients may act directly if there is an appropriate agreement with him. When concluding margin loan agreements of the Central Bank and transferring to the Central Bank, counter-cash flow does not occur as for margin repo transactions.
  • The possibilities of accounting for classic over-the-counter loan agreements of the Central Bank have been expanded. The client takes the Central Bank from a broker or external counterparties usually for a long time and submits an order for each concluded contract. Automatic linking of orders and loan agreements of the Central Bank was ensured, control over user actions when processing loan agreements of the Central Bank was finalized.

Improvements were also made in accounting for the Central Bank's own loan agreements: interest was accrued under the Central Bank's loan agreement based on a fixed amount of interest, and the reservation of the Central Bank transferred under the loan agreement was supported according to RAS (regulatory reserve) and IFRS (estimated reserve).

The "Securities Loan Agreements" support various types of business processes, depending on the purpose of concluding loan agreements:

  • Processing of classic OTC loan agreements of the Central Bank by analogy with other OTC transactions (purchase-sale transactions, repo transactions) - each transaction is processed individually by back office employees and depository employees. If necessary, the loan agreements of the Central Bank are corrected.
  • Processing of margin loan agreements of the Central Bank - mass formation of execution is carried out, mass processing of loan agreements in terms of processing contracts in the depository (in the context of loan agreements of the Central Bank, without settlement by client), formation of accounting documents for interest using accrual.

Integration with the Brokerage Service product allows you to set up separate tariffs for client loan agreements of the Central Bank. Integration with the products "Management Accounting," "Tax Accounting for Transactions of Individuals," "Mandatory Reporting" - to form internal accounting and reports, mandatory and tax reporting.

Presentation of the product "Accounting for transactions in the market of standardized PFIs of the Moscow Exchange"

On July 17, 2023, Diasoft introduced the software product "Accounting for transactions in the market of standardized PFIs of the Moscow Exchange," which is part of the Digital Q.FinancialMarkets development platform. The product supports the processing of all OTC and exchange instruments with a central counterparty, including an interest rate swap (IRS), currency interest rate swap (XCCY), capitalization interest rate swap (OIS), currency swap (FX Swap), currency option (FX Option), currency forward (FWD).

The product "Accounting for operations in the market of standardized PFIs of the Moscow Exchange" provides automation of the following business processes for processing operations in the market of standardized PFIs:

  • import and registration of transactions;
  • import of exchange data (variation/deposit margin, clearing fee, fair value);
  • Import interest payment data
  • accounting for derivatives financial ;
  • accounting of exchange data (variation/deposit margin, clearing fee, fair value);
  • accounting of requirements and obligations in the "D" area;
  • accounting for performance of obligations;
  • accounting for interest income;
  • completion of transactions.

The key advantages of the standardized PFI market are the accrual of interest on guarantee collateral and deposit margin, a large range of instruments for concluding transactions for any volume and term, as well as a single clearing and security with other markets of the Moscow Exchange. The market of standardized PFIs of the Moscow Exchange provides an opportunity to work with 70 bidders without signing ISDA/RISDA master agreements - transactions are concluded with the National Clearing Center, which acts as a central counterparty. Market instruments allow bidders to manage currency, interest rate risks and liquidity, - said Alexey Kurochkin, head of the product department "Money Markets and Derivatives" of Diasoft.

"Digital Market Profile"

On June 27, 2023, Diasoft introduced the Digital Market Profile product as part of the Digital Q.FinancialMarkets development platform.

Digital market profile. Illustration:

According to the company, the Digital Market Profile product is designed to cache financial market data from many sources and further provide it to consumer systems in a single format. This allows you to avoid performing the same type and time-consuming task - duplication of cached data and multiple access to master systems. Access to current market data optimizes the implementation of investment banking services and reduces the cost of launching business initiatives.

The Digital Market Profile product provides:

  • A single entry point for obtaining any market data is automatic caching of market information from many sources in a single place and reducing the load on master systems.
  • Market data cache relevance - It is possible to adjust the frequency of cache updates depending on the object (securities, derivatives, quotes, interest rates, indices, ratings and others). If the data is not in the cache, then the source of information is automatically accessed, the data is received and cached.
  • Data is provided in synchronous mode through the REST API and in asynchronous mode through a message broker, for example, the Digital Q.Kafka infrastructure platform.
  • Optimal data availability - access to market information in real time and a single format for all consumers is ensured by pre-warming the cache and its storage system (the approach of storing ready-made responses in the context of key attributes of the object is used).

The product "Digital Market Profile" processes such information as a list of financial instruments and their characteristics, information about issuers of these instruments, information about corporate events, payment calendars, ratings of instruments and issuers, as well as dynamically changing exchange rates and precious metals, quotes of instruments on organized and unorganized markets, calculated fair value.

The "Digital Market Profile" is a product that performs the task of caching data and keeping it up to date. This optimizes solution development. For example, in Diasoft, we ourselves actively use this product when implementing solutions for our customers, where current market information is required.

noted Konstantin Kokurin, head of the product "Market data and trading operations" of Diasoft

Aggregating Transactions on Securities Transactions

On June 19, 2023, Diasoft announced that it would help credit institutions speed up the closing of the day by aggregating transactions on securities transactions.

The number of transactions with packages of securities divided into small lots is increasing in the market. As a result, the volume of documents processed by credit institutions is growing, since a set of primary accounting documents is formed for each formed pair of purchase-sale transactions. This leads to a delay in the process of closing the day.

Diasoft specialists added the possibility of aggregating transactions for accepting transactions in the products "Accounting for own transactions on the stock exchange securities market" and "Accounting for own transactions on the OTC securities market," which are part of the Digital Q.FinancialMarkets development platform. This allows you to reduce the number of the same type of primary documents (documents related to the same accounting accounts of acquired securities: principal, coupon, discount, revaluation, adjustments and others) upon disposal of securities and their transfer to direct repurchase. By reducing the total number of generated documents, the processing time of the disposal operation and the time of unloading documents to external systems are reduced. Thus, the closing of the day is faster.

Integration with PostgreDB

Diasoft On April 17, 2023, the company "" announced the start of the release of versions of products included in the development platforms Digital Q.FinancialMarkets,, and Digital Q.Consumer Digital Q.Corporate (Digital Q.Payments previously - products of the Diasoft FA# line), with support for work on the import-independent DBMS Digital Q.DataBase. Now products for integrated automation banksare integrated with the PostgreDB component of the import-independent DBMS infrastructure platform. Digital Q.DataBase More. here

Release of CFA Release and Management Product

On March 24, 2023, Diasoft announced that it had developed the CFA Release and Management product for information system operators in which the CFA is being released. The product allows you to automate operations with any type of CFA in the primary market.

The development of the CFA market is in the focus of the Bank of Russia, which plans to make significant changes in regulation to stimulate market development. As a form of investment products, CFAs expand the circle of issuers by reducing the time and material costs of issuing a digital asset, and provide access to new liquidity markets for small and medium-sized businesses. For investors, the CFA market provides additional opportunities for cash investments thanks to advantages such as low transaction fees and access to less liquid but potentially more profitable financial instruments,
said Kirill Zolotykh, member of the board, director of the Financial Markets department, Diasoft company.

The CFA Release and Management software product automates the following business processes:

  • maintenance of service contracts for issuers and investors in the information system;
  • approval and registration of CFA issues;
  • acquisition of CFA at initial placement;
  • repayment of the CFA on time and ahead of schedule;
  • calculation and payment of commission fees for operations with CFA;
  • accounting for the transfer of rights to the CFA free of charge;
  • maintaining a register of all CFA movements;
  • maintaining a register of CFA owners.

CFA Release and Management is part of the Digital Q.FinancialMarkets development platform and uses the capabilities of the Digital Q.BlockChain technology platform in its work.

Development of the product "Storage of precious metals"

On March 2, 2023, Diasoft announced that it had developed a product to automate the provision of data on transactions with precious metals at GIIS DMDK.

From March 1, 2023, banks are required to transfer information on operations with precious metal ingots to the state integrated information system in the field of control over the turnover of precious metals, precious stones and products made of them at all stages of this turnover (GIIS DMDK). It is required to report information on the purchase and sale of ingots in the interbank and retail markets. This obligation is enshrined in the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 270.

To automate interaction with GIIS DMDK, Diasoft specialists have developed the Precious Metals Storage software product. The product is part of the Digital Q.FinancialMarkets development platform and allows the bank to automatically provide data on transactions with precious metal ingots to GIIS DMDK.

Having received data on transactions from the bank's product and accounting systems, the Precious Metals Storage product generates messages using an impersonal digital signature and uploads them to GIIS DMDK. Next, the product processes the incoming message from the GIS DMDC about the result of data registration and provides the status to the bank's product and accounting systems.

The product "Storage of precious metals" allows you to reduce manual labor to provide data on operations with precious metals ingots in GIIS DMDK and reduces the likelihood of errors due to the human factor. It is important that impersonal EP is also superimposed in automatic mode - without its presence, the GIIS DMDK system cannot accept data. The status of all generated and sent messages can be tracked in a convenient user interface,
said Alexey Kurochkin, head of the product area "Money Markets and Derivatives," the company "Diasoft."

The Precious Metals Storage product can be integrated into any IT landscape.


Development of the solution "Processing transactions in financial markets"

The company Diasoft"" on November 8, 2022 announced the development of the product "Processing transactions in financial the markets" to automate the receipt trade information of transactions with various financial instruments.

The product allows you to receive trading information about the bank's own and client transactions on the exchange and over-the-counter markets from various sources (QUIK, front and middle office systems, in the future - connecting to the Moscow and St. Petersburg Exchange) in real time. Trade information is enriched, standardized and provided for use by internal and external consumer systems in a single business format. This simplifies the business processes of accounting and internal accounting, bank reporting, and also saves time on collecting information about transactions from disparate sources and clearing it of duplicate data.

The high performance of the product meets the requirements of leading market players: according to the results of load testing, information on 1 million transactions was successfully processed in 1 hour. Scale-out capabilities allow you to achieve better performance.

The Financial Markets Transaction Processing product is a tool for centrally obtaining up-to-date trading information that can be used to solve a wide range of business problems. In particular, it is used in solutions for online calculation of personal income tax and customer position. The capabilities of the product are actively developing, in our immediate plans - the implementation of the process of reconciliation of the received data with exchange reports,
said Yulia Osipova, business architect of the Financial Markets Transaction Processing software product, Diasoft.

The product is part of the Digital Q.FinancialMarkets development platform and is developed in a microservice architecture on an import-independent technology stack. It can be used both with Diasoft solutions and in combination with the products of other vendors.

Use for interaction of banks with the Federal Tax Service for IIS

Diasoft will help banks automate interaction with the Federal Tax Service for IIS. The company announced this on November 2, 2022.

On January 1, 2022, Order of the Federal Tax Service (FTS) No. YeD-7-11-895 came into force. It enshrines the regulations for the interaction of banks with the department, in particular, the form of a message about the opening or closing of an individual investment account (IIS), the procedure for filling out and the format for submitting a message in electronic form. Automation of informing the Federal Tax Service about IIS allows you to significantly reduce labor costs and minimize the risks of violation of the regulations due to the human factor.

For this task, Diasoft proposes to use a solution that automates interaction with the Federal Tax Service in terms of opening, changing or closing IIS, as well as receiving response files from the department and performing an acknowledgement.

The solution combines the Brokerage Service product (part of the Digital Q.FinancialMarkets development platform) and the Interaction with the Federal Tax Service product. Informing about IIS "(part of the Digital Q.Omnichannel development platform).

The necessary information about the IIS is automatically transferred to the product "Interaction with the Federal Tax Service. Informing about IIS, "the tasks of which include:

  • generation of messages in the required formats;
  • delivery of messages to the Federal Tax Service day after day;
  • receiving a response receipt;
  • acknowledgement and completion of information processing;
  • sending the status to the back-office brokerage system.

The solution provides workstations for the operator and administrator. The operator has the ability to add information manually, if necessary, the administrator monitors the execution of operations.

Tracking the delivery of information to the Federal Tax Service is critical for the bank, since the violation of the regulations carries the imposition of sanctions by the department. In the decision from Diasoft, transportation and tracking of information delivery to the Federal Tax Service are full-fledged business processes that are made into a separate product implemented in a microservice architecture. The automatic end-to-end mode of operation of the solution allows you not to waste time constantly tracking operations of sending information to the Federal Tax Service, and the ability to configure notifications by e-mail allows administrators to control interaction with the department only at the right moments in case of errors or risks associated with message processing regulations.
said Alexey Efimov, head of State the "services" product at Diasoft.

Automation of settlement of transactions with bona fide clearing participants on the Moscow and St. Petersburg exchanges

On September 7, 2022, Diasoft announced that it would help automate settlement transactions with bona fide clearing participants on the Moscow and St. Petersburg exchanges.

Settlements formed on the exchange with bona fide clearing participants are initiated by a broker who can distribute transactions among brokerage clients according to a certain algorithm. For employees of the bank's back office, this is a laborious task, since you need to find certain clients among a large number of clients in brokerage services and manually add settlement transactions for them.

Diasoft specialists have developed functionality that expands the capabilities of automation of exchange technical repo transactions in the product "Accounting for transactions in the exchange securities market" (part of the Digital Q.FinancialMarkets development platform). The added functionality is designed to automate the process of adding client settlement transactions concluded on the Moscow and St. Petersburg exchanges to fulfill the obligations of the central counterparty to supply securities under the net requirements of bona fide clearing participants. It allows you to download a general repo transaction and automatically distribute it to brokerage clients according to a given algorithm.

The given functionality in the product "Accounting for transactions in the exchange securities market" provides:

  • loading from exchange reports of technical repurchase transactions or sale/purchase transactions concluded on the Moscow Exchange, and execution of such transactions. In particular:
    • uploading information on completed stock market transactions (SEM03);
    • Download the extract from the register of transactions accepted for clearing (EQM06)

  • loading settlement transactions concluded on the St. Petersburg Stock Exchange from stock exchange reports and execution of such transactions. In particular:

    • uploading information on contracts concluded by the bidder during the trading day (SPB03);
    • Upload the Clearing Commitment Report (MFB06)

  • automatic separation of settlement transactions into client transactions based on the amount of net requirements for customer securities on brokerage services. Further accounting of the formed client settlement transactions is carried out according to the standard process of processing client transactions.

The automated process of adding repo transactions and distributing them among brokerage clients reduces the burden on bank personnel and allows you to redistribute employees' working hours to more important, specialized tasks and increase the operational efficiency of the business.

Support for the urgent section of the Moscow Exchange

The Moscow Exchange issued special types of financial instruments - "eternal" futures and stock options. On July 11, 2022, Diasoft announced operational support for MICEX's offer in the software product Accounting for Futures and Options, which is part of the Digital Q.FinancialMarkets development platform.

The emerging functionality provides automation of the processes of back-office support of trade transactions and accounting for operations with new derivatives of the urgent section of the Moscow Exchange. Additional options of the Diasoft software product, supporting the trading of "eternal" futures and stock options, will allow the company's clients to use additional opportunities to invest and hedge risks in the exchange market.

The launch of the presented tools was carried out in a short time - in three weeks. Together with the experts of the Moscow Exchange, we carefully worked out the support of trading in "eternal" futures and stock options and automated their support in the back office. In particular, they automated the accounting of stock options, the upload information of bonuses from clearing reports and the transfer of information about bonuses to internal accounting. We worked on the accounting methodology in close cooperation with several large banks
said Sergei Zhilko, head of the product department "Exchange derivatives" of the department "Financial markets" of the company "Diasoft."

2021: Inclusion of the "Market Data Management" solution

Diasoft has developed a Market Data Management solution to collect, verify quality, prioritize and provide market information about financial instruments online. The company announced this on November 30, 2021.

The solution is part of the Digital Q.FinancialMarkets development platform. It allows you to collect all information about financial instruments (securities, derivatives, interest rates, currencies, etc.), quotes and ratings, information about issuers and their corporate events. Data sources are exchanges, depositories, news agencies, banks, brokers, management companies, news sites.

The Market Data Management solution enables you to create and configure rules that prioritize data sources for different types of financial instruments, and checks the quality and correctness of data. The immediate plans are to use artificial intelligence for this purpose.

Шаблон:Quote 'author = said Konstantin Kokurin, Head of the Product Area "Market Data and Trading Operations" of Diasoft.

The Market Data Management solution is built in a microservice architecture on a technology stack. It can be used both with Diasoft solutions and in combination with the products of other vendors.

2020: Name change

Until March 2020, the Digital Q.FinancialMarkets platform was called Diasoft FA# Treasury.


Diasoft The FA# Treasury solution developed specifically for management companies has exactly the set of characteristics that meet the requirements of the leading financial market players in the field of trust management and fully comply with the requirements of the law.

Product for business automation of SPFI market participants

Diasoft announced on August 14 the creation of a product in the direction of Diasoft FA# Treasury to ensure the success of companies in the field of standardized derivatives (SPFI).

"Diasoft" participates in the automation of the SPFI market - the project of the Moscow Exchange. The goals of the project are to increase the speed and convenience of concluding transactions, eliminate the likelihood of default and expand the limits on counterparties. According to the Moscow Exchange, in just a year, SPFI trading volumes increased by 140% and now amount to 36 billion rubles. Its representatives associate such positive dynamics with a large selection of available tools and a constant increase in the number of market participants.

The Diasoft product, developed in the direction of Diasoft FA# Treasury, allows you to automate the key business processes of market companies and quickly connect instruments: currency, interest rate, currency interest rate swaps, interest rate swaps with interest capitalization, currency futures agreement and currency option.

Automation of activities is the most important component of the success of the SPFI market participant. We have created an optimal solution for customers, which has already been implemented in one of the private banks in Russia, - said Ruslan Mukhetdinov, head of the product department "Financial Markets Diasoft FA#" of Diasoft. - Practical design experience made it possible to optimize the functionality of our product. We see increased interest in our development as clearing over-the-counter interest rate derivatives through the central counterparty becomes mandatory from next year.

Diasoft plans to expand the list of tools supported in the product functionality as standardized PFIs are added to the market.

Product for internal accounting according to the requirements of the Regulation of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation No. 577-P

Diasoft on July 25, 2017 announced the creation of an internal accounting product based on the Diasoft FA# Treasury solution. The prerequisites for product development were the innovations defined by Bank of Russia Regulation No. 577-P, which will enter into force on October 1, 2017.

Bank of Russia Regulation No. 577-P assumes large-scale changes in the area of internal accounting for financial institutions. According to the Regulation, the list of internal accounting objects will be significantly expanded, account requirements will be specified, the procedure for accounting for a number of operations, rules for making, changing and maintaining registers, etc. will be changed.

The software solution created by "Diasoft" allows you to customize the process taking into account the requirements of the regulator.

Product development is carried out in close cooperation with market participants. This time we used a comprehensive approach to automation, moving from a solution on "sub-contract postings" to internal product accounting ledgers. Due to this, not only the speed of accounting itself will increase, but also the speed of obtaining reports, since all data is stored in registers in ready form, - said Andrei Aleksankin, head of the product department "Financial Markets Diasoft FA#" of Diasoft

With Diasoft's decision, financial institutions will be able to carry out reconciliations, form acts of discrepancy, maintain operating days of internal accounting and report to the client. Product performance allows you to process 1.5 million transactions within two hours.

A pilot version of the product is available for installation in the test loop.