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Diasoft Digital Q.Consumer (ранее Diasoft FA Beans)

The name of the base system (platform): Diasoft Digital Q Digital Omnichannel Platform
Developers: Diasoft
Last Release Date: 2024/12/23
Technology: ABS - Automated Banking Systems


Digital Q.Consumer (until March 2020 - Diasoft FA# Beans line) is a platform for rapid launch and development of retail products.


Addition of the product "Processing of payment registers of Rosreestr format

Diasoft has developed the product "Processing of payment registers of the Rosreestr format." Being part of the ABS, it automates interaction with the settlement system for the formation of payment documents and crediting to recipient accounts. "Processing of payment registers of the Rosreestr format" allows you to download and process lists for payment for Rosreestr services, formed automatically by an external system or manually by employees of a credit institution. The company announced this on December 23, 2024.

The product allows:

  • Perform format-logical control of downloaded files.
  • Check the details of payment recipients before generating payment documents.
  • Automate interaction with GIS GMP on reconciliation (receipt) of payment details for payment by UIN.
  • Automatically generate documents for payment for services based on the loaded register.
  • Monitor the processing status of the loaded payment register, registry entries and crediting payment documents.
  • Generate notifications with the result of processing the received payment register.

The product reduces the risk of errors, optimizes the processing of register payments and reduces labor costs.

Rosreestr Payment Register Processing is part of the Digital Q.Consumer development platform. Thanks to the implementation of the microservice architecture, the product has high performance, flexible scaling and easy to integrate into any IT landscape of the organization.

Calculation of the commission for Me2Me translations taking into account the requirements of 482-FZ

Diasoft will help banks calculate the commission on Me2Me transfers, taking into account the requirements of the 482-FZ. The company announced this on April 23, 2024.

On May 1, 2024, Federal Law No. 482-FZ comes into force. He introduces an additional restriction: the bank cannot charge a commission for transactions to transfer the client's funds to itself, if in total they amounted to less than 30,000,000 rubles. This limit does not apply to transactions carried out with the personal presence of the bank's client or his representative.

The company "Diasoft" supported the requirements of Federal Law No. 482-FZ and implemented the functionality "Calculation of commission within the framework of Me2Me transfers" to control the limit of free transfers to itself. This functionality controls limits on transfers by deposits, transfers through the Fast Payment System (FPS), transfers by payment cards, long-term orders.

For the correct operation of the functionality, improvements will be required in the external systems using it (the system RBS and external coordinators that ensure the interaction of systems within the framework of NWS translations). These improvements are carried out credit by organizations independently, together with the providers of these solutions.

This functionality expands the capabilities of the product "SBP Transfers" as part of the solution "Interaction with SBP" (Digital Q.Consumer platform), which helps to create a processing ecosystem for connecting to the Fast Payment System (SBP).

Presentation of the product "Exchange with salary organizations"

Diasoft has developed the product "Exchange with salary organizations" for processing by banks registers for opening cards and replenishing them, received from corporate clients as part of salary projects. The developer announced this on February 20, 2024. The product is implemented in a microservice architecture, which allows you to quickly connect new salary organizations by simply adapting interaction formats.

Product Functionality:

  • Accounting of contracts with organizations within the framework of salary projects and terms of contracts (validity period, accounts, refund conditions).
  • Processing of registers for payroll, bonuses, vacation, travel expenses and other payments.
  • Automatically check the correctness of client data and accounts for crediting specified in the registry.
  • Search for centralized payments (consolidated payment documents on the crediting of funds within the register) and their acknowledgement with the registers being processed.
  • Creation of payment documents on the crediting of funds generated on the basis of records of processed registers.
  • Generate chargebacks based on registry entries and generate related payment documents.
  • Notify users of registry processing results by email.
  • Support for different formats of interaction.

The processing of registers received from corporate clients as part of salary projects creates a burden on the bank's employees. Especially it multiples in the days of payment of wages plans. Automation of processing registries for enrollment will help speed up this business process, minimize errors due to the human factor and increase the number of salary projects, "said Alexander Bakulin, head of the Deposits product at Diasoft.

The product "Exchange with salary organizations" is part of the Digital Q.Consumer platform.


Custom code translation service from MS SQL to Digital Q.DataBase

Diasoft on December 13, 2023 released a service for translating the custom code of the IT system from MS SQL to Digital Q.DataBase.

Diasoft offers a service for translating custom code in software products included in the development platforms Digital Q.FinancialMarkets, Digital Q.Consumer, Digital Q.Corporate and Digital Q.Payments (formerly products of the Diasoft FA# line), with MS SQL DBMS on Digital Q.DataBase. The service has been tested and tested in real projects. Read more here.

Development of the product "Processing of NEO register payments"

Diasoft has developed a software product "Processing register payments of NEOs," which automates the electronic exchange of documents with social protection bodies (NEOs) and the crediting of social payments to recipient accounts. This was announced on October 24, 2023 by representatives of Diasoft.

The product "Processing of NEO payment registers" allows:

  • upload and process lists for crediting social benefits to recipient accounts,
  • check and prepare payment documents for formation;
  • acknowledge the enrollment list with a centralized payment received from the NEO;
  • monitor the processing status of the payment register and payment documents for enrollment and return;
  • notify the social protection authorities about the payments made and the reasons for non-registration;
  • make automatic returns of unapproved amounts to the NEOs.

The product is part of the Digital Q.Consumer development platform. According to the developers, microservice architecture the product provides its high performance, flexible scalability integration and with a calculated system from bank any vendor.

Add FIU Payment Register Processing product

The company Diasoft"" has developed the software product "Processing of payment registers" RPF as part of the Digital Q.Consumer development platform. The product automates the electronic exchange of documents with the territorial divisions of the FIU, crediting pensions and other social payments to the accounts of recipients. The company announced this on October 11, 2023.

The main functions of the product "Processing of payment registers of the FIU":

  • Loading and processing lists for crediting pensions and other social benefits to recipient accounts.
  • Acknowledgement of the enrollment list with the payment document received from the FIU.
  • Loading and processing of incoming messages: notifications of the FIU on the discrepancy between the amounts of settlement documents and electronic registers during recall, confirmations about reading the reporting documents on the delivery of pensions, notifications at enrollment, notifications about the discrepancy between the amounts of settlement documents and electronic registers at enrollment.
  • Formation of outgoing notifications: confirmations of reading arrays with crediting lists, notifications of the bank about the discrepancy in the amounts of settlement documents and electronic registers.
  • Control and monitoring of the processing status of uploaded payment registers, registry records and payment documents for enrollment and return.

Thanks to the implementation in the microservice architecture, the software product "Processing payment registers of the FIU" has high performance and is flexible to scale. It is easily integrated into the IT landscape of the organization, integrates with the settlement systems of any vendors to form payment documents and crediting to recipient accounts according to FIU messages.

Load testing on the Digital Q.DataBase DBMS

Diasoft specialists conducted the first stage of load testing of versions of products that are part of the development platforms Digital Q.FinancialMarkets, Digital Q.Consumer, Digital Q.Corporate and Digital Q.Payments (formerly Diasoft FA#) and support the work on the import-dependent DBMSigital Q.DataBase. software requirements for optimizing their performance. Diasoft announced this on October 4, 2023. Read more here.

Development of the product "Management of payment registers"

Diasoft has developed the Management of Payment Registers product, which allows you to process registers, registry records and centralized payments, create payment documents based on registry entries and upload them to the settlement system. The product can be used to solve a wide range of business problems in which automation of work with payment registers of any type is required. The company announced this on September 13, 2023.

Management of payment registers "can be used, for example, for the implementation of salary projects, the exchange of data with the Pension Fund, the Social Insurance Fund, the Russian Collection Association and any other tasks that require processing of registers. It is a generic product available as a separate library. It can be used as part of the solutions of both Diasoft and other vendors, including the own developments of financial organizations,
said Alexander Bakulin, head of the product "Deposits" of the company "Diasoft."

"Management of payment registers" ensures the following business processes:

  • loading payment registers of various types;
  • registration of centralized payments received from the settlement system (payment orders for the transfer of funds to the total amount of the register);
  • acknowledgement of registers and centralized payments;
  • processing of registers: generation of crediting documents to accounts from registers, generation of funds returns to the sender in case of processing errors.

The Payment Register Management product is part of the Digital Q.Consumer development platform. It is created in a microservice architecture and easily integrates into any IT landscape.

Finalize G/L to meet 438-FZ requirements

On May 31, 2023, Diasoft announced the revision of the General Ledger product to fulfill the requirements of the 438-FZ.

From May 18, 2023, in accordance with Federal Law No. 438-FZ tax , the authorities are obliged to send information to credit institutions on the deregistration of deceased individuals, accounts (deposits) of which were opened within the bank term of submission of information - up to two working days from the date of removal of an individual from the register in. FTS On the basis of the received information banks must stop the execution of orders for the transfer and issuance of funds from the account (deposit) of the former client, with the exception of probate and some other orders.

Diasoft has finalized the functionality of the General Ledger software product, which is part of the Digital Q.Consumer and Digital Q.Corporate development platforms and is designed to automate accounting processes. The product ensures storage and processing of customer questionnaires of the credit institution in accordance with the requirements of the Bank of Russia. Now "General Ledger" automatically receives information from the SMEV about the death of bank customers through the decision "Interaction with the Federal Tax Service. Information on deregistration based on death information "(part of the Digital Q.UP and Digital Q.Payments development platforms) and blocks account movements, in particular, debiting passive accounts. This allows you to avoid illegal actions with lifetime savings of the client and violation of the law (438-FZ). Previously, data on the death of a client was entered manually on the basis of a certificate of right to inheritance (as a rule, the deadline for issuing a certificate is six months).

{{quote 'In the future, if a match is found with the client and an DPO (legal relations document - ed.) Is formed for registering death in the General Ledger product, then related components will receive information about this event. For example, to generate notifications for the FIU for those clients whose accounts were previously credited with payments; to search for DPOs initiated on behalf of the deceased, change the status of legal relations and form a protocol of actions; to block the securities of the deceased depositor and adjust the bank details in the planned payments of income on securities, - said Konstantin Ionov, head of the product "General Ledger," the company "Diasoft." }}

Integration with PostgreDB

Diasoft On April 17, 2023, the company "" announced the start of the release of versions of products included in the development platforms, Digital Q.FinancialMarkets Digital Q.Consumer, Digital Q.Corporate and (Digital Q.Payments previously - products of the Diasoft FA# line), with support for work on the import-independent DBMS Digital Q.DataBase. Now products for complex automation banksare integrated with the PostgreDB component of the import-independent DBMS infrastructure platform. Digital Q.DataBase More. here


Announcement of the release of the product "Exchange with salary organizations"

On October 31, 2022, Diasoft announced that it would release the Exchange with Salary Organizations product to automate salary enrollment services. The product will become part of the Digital Q.Consumer development platform. The functionality of the product will allow you to automatically read registers sent by employers, carry out transactions to transfer funds to employees' bank accounts and create accounting documents according to the template.

This product will allow you to process registers for opening accounts and issuing cards for salary projects, as well as continuously process registers and control the enrollment of not only wages, but also travel expenses, hospitality expenses, bonuses and other payments.

The product "Exchange with salary organizations" is developed in a microservice architecture on an import-independent technological stack, which will achieve high performance indicators in processing registry records and easily adapt this process to the requirements of the bank. The product can be installed in any bank IT landshatft, regardless of the main IT system used.

Expanding the capabilities of the product "Accounting for the movement of values"

On October 4, 2022, Diasoft announced the expansion of the capabilities of the Value Movement Accounting product, which is part of the Digital Q.Consumer development platform.

The product is intended for analytical accounting of various types of bank values. It provides centralized control over the movement of values both within and outside the bank and its business units. The list of types of values ​ ​ that are available for accounting is constantly supplemented.

Basic functions of "Value Movement Accounting"

  • Register and edit operations for capitalizing values ​ ​ in storage, moving between storage facilities, issuing values ​ ​ from storage to reporting.
  • Step-by-step transfer of valuables from one authorized employee to another.
  • Print Surplus/Shortfall Act and Lists on Transferred Valuables.
  • Confirmation of acceptance of valuables by authorized persons.
  • Automatically generate an operation with values ​ ​ for surplus/shortage detected when accepting values.
  • Maintain and update the directory of storages and places of storage of valuables.
  • Setting up and maintaining a directory of types of values ​ ​ in the context of branches, storage places, responsible persons, types of values, series and value numbers with which the bank works.
  • Automatic updating of the bank's value register when posting payment documents, making transactions with cash currency and checks.

The specific place of storage and the material responsible person for the storage of valuables are determined by the internal administrative document of the credit institution. If the workpieces are stored outside the valuables store under the responsibility of the authorized employee, the receipt and issue records are kept in the free form log. At the same time, various specialists are responsible for the process of movement of values. Processes are not centralized, there is no system that would help to find out the current location of the value and who exactly is responsible for storing it. This, for example, can lead to various errors and increase the delivery time of payment cards to recipients. The product "Accounting for the movement of values" will help solve these problems,
said Anton Shebalkin, architect of the Digital Q.Consumer development platform of the Diasoft Operations Department.

The use of the product from Diasoft makes it possible to increase the efficiency of managing the processes of movement of values ​ ​ and registration of relevant operations through their automation. With the help of the product, you can online control the remnants of values ​ ​ by place of storage and responsible persons, by type, number and series of values.

The Value Movement Accounting product is built on a microservice architecture, providing high performance and linear scalability to meet business needs, as well as continuity without process windows. Business process execution tools enable continuous performance monitoring. "Accounting for the movement of values" can be integrated with products from Diasoft and solutions of other vendors.

Robotization of reporting for the Bank of Russia

Diasoft"" On August 25, 2022, he announced that he would help to banks to robotize business processes prepare reporting for. Bank of Russia

The preparation of mandatory reporting, including the calculation of bank ratios, involves a number of standard, recurring operations that require regular launch of reporting forms and control over their implementation. Banks are required to calculate capital adequacy ratios on a monthly basis and send well-verified data to the regulator, for which, as a rule, the user needs to restart the process and verify the information.

Diasoft offers a service for setting up robotic business process chains (software robots), which will help fully automate the construction of reporting forms in software products that are part of the Digital Q.Consumer and Digital Q.Corport development platforms. These platforms have built-in mechanisms for accounting for general ledger objects (accounts, documents, customers, transactions) and a typical set of mandatory reporting forms for submission to the regulator.

The functionality of robotizing business processes for calculating standards and preparing reports is already being exploited in a number of financial organizations. As practice shows, the implementation of a project to configure software robots takes, on average, two weeks.

Software robots seamlessly, quickly and accurately solve the problems of automating typical reporting operations. As a result of the robotization of business processes, you can free up employees' working time to solve more important, specialized tasks and significantly increase the operational efficiency of the business.

Development of a software product for the organization of centralized accounting of material assets in the bank

On April 11, 2022, Diasoft announced the development of a software product for organizing centralized accounting of material values ​ ​ in the bank - "Accounting and Movement of Values" (part of the Digital Q.Consumer development platform). The product is created in a microservice architecture - it provides high performance and fault tolerance, flexible scalability, availability 24/7.

"Accounting and movement of values" allows you to automate all business processes related to the processing of material values: procurement of cards, personalized cards and checkbooks. The list of material values ​ ​ can be expanded if necessary.

The main functionality of the product:

  • maintaining a complete accounting cycle, starting from the purchase of material assets and ending with their disposal;
  • accounting of material values in the context of their types, executors, places of accounting;
  • Accounting of dropped check forms with different number of sheets
  • Tracking the current status and location of the value
  • generation of product events for creation of off-balance sheet documents in the accounting system, necessary reports when accepting or transferring value by a division, performing operations on values;
  • maintaining material accounting of values ​ ​ intended for issuance in branches of the bank or in sponsored banks.

The product "Value Accounting and Movement" allows you to customize the content and sequence of business processes, the required number of documents in the context of various values ​ ​ and performers. Business users do not need to independently track and initiate new transactions to account for the movement of values. All processes are automated, and if any actions are required on the part of the user, the system will send him a notification with a description of the task and recommendations.

Business processes in the product "Accounting and Value Movement" are designed on the Digital Q.BPM technological low-code platform, which is part of the Diasoft digital transformation ecosystem. The capabilities of the platform make it possible to add additional business objects (tangible values) as soon as possible, without creating a new code, expand the functionality of the product "Accounting and Movement of Values," adapt business processes in accordance with the individual needs of each client.

2021: Platform for rapid launch and development of retail banking products

On September 6, 2021, Diasoft presented to the financial market the Digital Q.Consumer development platform (until March 2020 - the Diasoft FA# Beans line), designed to quickly launch the bank's services, develop existing products, as well as improve the quality of providing services to customers - individuals.

In 2020, Diasoft distributed all software products to development platforms in accordance with the subject area of ​ ​ automation. One of these platforms was Digital Q.Consumer. It combined software products to perform back-office business processes across all major categories of retail financial services - from contract management to the preparation of operational and mandatory reporting.

According to the principles of the BIAN association, which determines the global technological trends in the banking sector, the success and stability of the development of any company is associated with the presence of a high-quality business architecture. Combining products in one direction under a single platform is a big step towards creating a high-quality industry business architecture of the bank according to the BIAN model. The availability of a single technology stack for deploying IT solutions in a microservice architecture will allow banks to avoid disparate systems and easily take the retail business to the next stage of development.
said Anton Shebalkin, architect of the development platforms of the "Operations" department of Diasoft.

According to Diasoft experts, the platform will be the optimal solution for supporting the work of a multifilial geographically distributed bank in different time zones. The removal of high-load retail operations of the bank to the microservice layer, in turn, will significantly increase the performance of solutions within the Digital Q.Consumer platform.


NSD Service Availability - NSD API

On September 30, 2019, Diasoft announced that, together with the National Settlement Depository (NSD), they offer financial organizations the opportunity to integrate the service of automated loading of data on the stock market and the integrated automation system Diasoft FA# Beans. This decision is especially relevant as part of NSD's transition from October 1, 2019 from supporting the software product "Securities Data Base in the SIR-NSD and SIR-NSD Light format" to an improved service - API NSD.

Diasoft customers interested in obtaining up-to-date information about securities, organizations and corporate actions directly from the Central Depository database should connect the blocks "Loading data on financial instruments within the framework of a basic subscription," "Calendar of corporate events" and "Obtaining information from the NSD database (API NSD)" in the Diasoft FA# Beans solution.

It will be much easier to use NSD information services - additional resources are not required to configure data upload.

Customers can quickly, automatically, upload reference information on securities, timely update data on the coupon schedule, partial repayment schedule, calculate planned payment flows, record changes in the attributes of securities in the journal of operations of depository accounting and, if necessary, automatically load securities at the time of loading the transaction. It became possible to configure options for synchronizing the directory of organizations: full synchronization, only adding an organization (data is not automatically updated), only searching for an organization (data is not automatically added and updated).

When connecting to the product, the user will receive a full schedule of corporate actions of issuers, the ability to track the results of the implementation of final decisions made by the meeting of owners, additional information to determine the tax rate on income on foreign securities, signs of preferential taxation on dividends, "subject to FATCA," etc.

Submission of protective equipment Diasoft FA# Beans for certification in FSTEC of Russia

On September 10, 2019, Diasoft"" announced the launch of the certification process for its Diasoft FA# Beans products Flextera and vo FSTEC Russia to meet CENTRAL BANK RUSSIAN FEDERATION 2020 requirements.

Based on the results of the certification procedure, Diasoft will be able to offer to banks a full list of products that are subject to the latest legal requirements. Thus, the company will ensure the fulfillment of banks CENTRAL BANK OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION certification requirements, software which will come into force from 2020 and 2021.

The market is actively preparing for changes related to the requirements of the Bank of Russia 382-P (see paragraph 1.2. on the website of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation), 683-P and GOST R 57580.1-2017. According to the instructions of the regulator, from January 1, 2020, banks must use application software certified in the FSTEC of Russia, or analyze vulnerabilities according to the requirements for the estimated level of trust not lower than OUD 4. At the same time, it is required to formulate a safety task on the basis of an approved protection profile developed by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

Diasoft, as an expert in the field of financial law, takes an active position in the process of preparing customers for the latest requirements. The company has already entered into an agreement with the laboratory of FSTEC of Russia and has implemented a number of stages in the process of certification of information protection tools for its digital platforms.

We would like to draw the attention of the banking community that in order to successfully pass the certification procedure at the request of the FSTEC of Russia in accordance with the Regulation on the Certification System for Information Protection Tools approved by Order of the FSTEC of Russia dated 03.04.2018 No. 55, it is necessary to first develop a means of protecting information with built-in protection mechanisms. Only then can the application software be included in the test object and checked for vulnerabilities in the code. We need to go through many difficult stages of certification, but after 10 months, our products will be fully ready for implementation in banks,

Certified information protection tools for Diasoft digital platforms and application software will be supplied and supported separately, in the form of a certified line.

Automatic tax calculation for individual investment account contracts

On March 25, 2019, Diasoft announced the expansion of the Diasoft FA# Beans system functionality. Thus, in the decision to record personal income tax on operations with issue securities within the framework of Diasoft FA# Beans, an automatic tax calculation was implemented under contracts of individual investment accounts (IIS).

The proposed functionality in the Diasoft solution allows you to analyze the client's income and expenses on operations with issue securities, calculate the tax base taking into account the peculiarities of the IIS, calculate and apply a loss and investment deduction when closing the contract. The product provides support for the calculation of tax on operations of the term market in the presence of a license for FISS (financial instruments of urgent transactions), allows you to prepare reports on IIS contracts, in particular, on 2-NDFL with unloading to the Taxpayer, as well as 6-NDFL.

As of March 25, the presented solution Diasoft FA# Beans has already been put into commercial operation and is used in a Russian bank from among the top 50.

Approval of the strategy for the development of the solution for automation of brokerage services based on Diasoft FA# Beans

On February 14, 2019, Diasoft announced that it had approved a three-year strategy for developing a brokerage automation solution based on the Diasoft FA# Beans platform.

According to the company, in 2018, the Diasoft team already implemented part of the functionality in the Diasoft FA# Beans solution, Brokerage Service. In particular, users can now lead wide to the analyst data by customer. A builder of brokerage service tariff plans has appeared, which allows you to configure up to 40 different client tariffs. The products Financial of the "markets" direction were prepared for work with a single brokerage account. Also, support for online calculation has been added to the functionality of the solution PERSONAL INCOME TAX and the ability to work in banks all markets of interest to them is provided.

In 2019, it is planned to develop the solution in terms of supporting easier and faster reception of clients for service - client onboarding. In addition, in designing processes, Diasoft offers banks to use Straight-Through processing (STP) technology, which will reduce the cost of maintaining the system by completely automating data processing.

Diasoft's strategy for developing a solution for automating brokerage services based on Diasoft FA# Beans involves focusing the system on providing the bank with flexible mechanisms. With their help, the bank will be able to choose an individual or typical approach to service depending on the category of the client.

Banks will be able to quickly implement initiatives aimed at business development, one of these initiatives is the financial marketplace of the Bank of Russia.


Diasoft FA# Beans and Financial Assets and Liabilities aligned with IFRS 9

On October 23, 2018, Diasoft announced the completion of a set of technical work to prepare for the requirements of IFRS 9, which will enter into force on January 1, 2019. The company brought the Diasoft FA# Beans product line in line with the introduced standard, and also released an industrial version of the specialized solution "Financial Assets and Liabilities," which allows banks with various methodologies with practically no modifications, only settings, to solve business problems on algorithmization of the calculation of indicators according to IFRS 9.

In accordance with regulation 579-P, Diasoft supported accounting under IFRS 9 in all products of the Diasoft FA# Beans line. Thus, corresponding changes have been made to the product "Money Markets" in terms of transactions on interbank loans. In the product "Stock Markets," serious refinement required the functionality of operations with issue and securities on the exchange and over-the-counter market, including investments in securities and repo transactions, a component of bill accounting and issues of own bonds. IFRS 9 is also supported in Loans, Deposits, Guarantees, Letters of Credit and Reserves.

According to Diasoft experts, the accounting process has become much more complicated in the context of the entry into force of the requirements of IFRS 9. The product of the Diasoft FA# Beans line - "Financial Assets and Liabilities," which takes into account complex algorithms that use not only data that is stored in the system, but also information from external statistical models, ratings and other external data necessary for calculation, will help to perform these time-consuming calculations. The product allows you to flexibly set up models to classify and value different assets and liabilities.

author '= Victor Rusaleev, Executive Director of Diasoft FA# Financial Markets, Diasoft
"For accounting purposes, from January 1, 2019, you will need to calculate the amounts of corrective postings, which is a function that is not previously characteristic of ABS. Accordingly, for this we implemented the product "Financial Assets and Liabilities" - a kind of constructor that is flexible to any methodology chosen by the bank. Thus, we can offer both a universal solution and a flexible one based on the needs of a particular customer.

The industrial version of the product is available for Diasoft customers from October 9, 2018.

Diasoft FA# Beans, Financial Assets and Liabilities

On July 5, 2018, it became known that at the end of June, Diasoft"" presented to a wide audience the functionality of the Diasoft FA# Beans solution, Financial Assets and Liabilities for preparing credit institutions for the transition to the Financial Instruments Accounting Standard IFRS (IFRS) 9, which will be held on January 1, 2019. The platform for the presentation was the next meeting of the Diasoft Technology Committee with the participation of representatives of financial organizations - Russia chief accountants and their deputies, heads of IT departments, as well as specialists responsible for IFRS reporting.

Diasoft began working on the topic of supporting the IFRS 9 financial instrument accounting standard at the end of 2017. Then a working group was organized with the participation of customers interested in the topic of discussion. During regular meetings, Diasoft experts talked about the upcoming large-scale changes and how they will affect the IT architecture of credit institutions. For several months of fruitful collaboration with customers, Diasoft has formed a list of criteria for the functionality of the solution and took them into account during development.

At the next meeting, Diasoft specialists demonstrated test examples of the work of the presented solution Diasoft FA# Beans, Financial Assets and Liabilities. The solution is designed to automate business processes related to the classification, valuation and impairment of financial assets and liabilities, including control over the availability and quality of input data.

Unlike legislative changes in reporting in recent years, in the case of IFRS 9, we do not promise customers a standard solution. We are developing a tool that will provide flexibility in accounting and provide banks with a certain designer for setting up various types of settlements. At the same time, it is important to take into account that most of the preparatory work lies in the area of ​ ​ responsibility of the bank itself - the accounting policy should be spelled out even before the start of implementation! That is, the first stage of the transition should be audit, in parallel - the preparation of a methodology in order to choose the appropriate accounting model. At the GAP-analysis stage, we compare the bank methodology with the functionality of our solution and evaluate the need for any improvements in the system. Based on the discussions of the product with some customers, we conclude that the solution meets the needs of the market, so in September 2018 we plan to release its industrial version.

According to the developer, the Diasoft product interacts with application solutions of the Diasoft FA# Beans line, the functionality of which also affects changes under IFRS 9 in terms of accounting and reporting. Adjustments are calculated in the application solutions, product and accounting for adjustments are formed in accordance with IFRS 9, according to the ready-made indicators of classification, assessment and impairment of assets and liabilities.

Diasoft FA# Beans, Customer Payment Control

On June 21, 2018, Diasoft presented the Diasoft FA# Beans solution, Control of Customer Payments, which automates the process of controlling financial transactions to comply with the requirements of federal law No. 115-FZ on AML/CFT. In addition, the use of the product allows you to reduce labor costs for RKO when optimizing control.

The process of checking payments, assignments and counterparties is usually carried out in banks manually or using specialized solutions. These solutions track suspicious payments, and all other transactions are sent for processing to bank specialists. With a large volume of transactions, the process organized in this way becomes extremely labor-intensive.

Diasoft's solution in the Diasoft FA# Beans line - Control of customer payments - automates the process of processing typical payments, that is, the most massive block of information. Suspicious payments that do not meet certain parameters are automatically sent for careful verification for "manual" control to bank employees. Thus, in addition to accurate compliance with the requirements of the law, the bank is able to reduce the burden on back-office employees, Diasoft emphasized.

Diasoft FA# Beans solution, Customer Payment Control is fully ready for industrial operation and is already being implemented in a number of banks, the company added.

Diasoft FA# Beans, Personal Data

In May 2018, Diasoft released a new product, Diasoft FA# Beans, Personal Data to automate the process of control, correct destruction and depersonalization of personal data of an individual upon revocation of customer consent or in the event of an expiration of the data processing period. Avoiding manual labor will minimize the risk of incomplete or erroneous destruction of customer data, thereby eliminating the possibility of violation of the law. As a result, the risk of paying fines will be minimized, which have increased tenfold since the summer of 2017.

Solutions for automatic uploading and uploading of data when exchanging with NSD services

On May 22, 2018, Diasoft announced the commissioning of solutions for automatic download and upload of data when exchanging with services of the National Settlement Depository.

The company has expanded its product portfolio with a tool for interacting the Diasoft FA# Beans IT system with NSDirekt, a corporate action web office (NSD EDMS user workstation). The solution fully automates the upload of data on securities owners on corporate actions from the banking system and supports the formats necessary for their subsequent upload to NSDirekt. The data is visualized in a convenient interface, which allows you to control their correctness, and the flexible settings system provides the user with the ability to control the amount of information uploaded. Thanks to this, the exchange of data between the Diasoft FA# Beans product, Depositary Accounting and NSDirekt is carried out in a timely manner and does not require additional manual work, the company noted.

Another product, which is the loading interface of the securities guide, allows users of the Diasoft FA# Beans IT system to automatically process the information flow from the NSD system. The functionality of the solution allows you to upload data to the buffer of the Diasoft FA# Beans product, the Core of Financial Instruments for their further full or selective transfer to the corresponding system directories. The decision provides for the possibility of downloading file information about financial instruments, in particular securities, and organizations that are associated with them (issuers, registrars, mutual funds, management companies, etc.).

Both solutions have been tested and are ready to be put into commercial operation.

2017: Additional Authentication Feature

On August 10, Diasoft announced the expansion of the functionality of the Diasoft FA# Beans product - the added features allow you to use multifactorial enhanced identification when authorizing in the banking system. Such authentication is especially relevant in the work of employees with the right to enter and confirm financial documents. The company implemented this functionality as part of the program to ensure the safe operation of the Diasoft FA# Beans product line.

As you know, any information system, including banking, is most vulnerable from the inside. According to statistics, 80% of all attacks are carried out by spying, intercepting or guessing passwords, and about 70% of them occur with the participation of bank employees. This is also possible due to the insufficient reliability of the existing user authentication mechanisms, the most common of which is still the "login and password" pair, indicated in Diasoft.

The functionality of the Diasoft FA# Beans product now includes an additional authentication stage in the process of accessing the bank system, which will not allow performing actions on behalf of another user, even if he knows his login information. There may be many options for additional authentication, both hardware and firmware.

As a starting proposal, the Diasoft developers have implemented a temporary password authentication (TOTP) algorithm that lasts only one minute. Passwords are generated by a mobile application that does not use network exchange for its operation, which provides a proper level of protection against interception of information from outside. The advantage of this method, as indicated in the company, is centralized management. If the device is lost or the application is out of sync, the administrator resets the user binding settings on the system. To restore access to the employee, just download the application by QR code, and then activate it. This approach will save the bank from the financial and time costs of connecting new users and restoring the second access factor for existing employees.

According to Diasoft, additional authentication is especially useful when using the previously released Domain Authentication option: an additional factor levels the risk of an attacker being admitted to the ABS instead of an absent employee.

Multivariate authentication by the TOTP algorithm has been tested and is ready to work. We are also working on the use of other devices and unique features: special tokens with unrecoverable keys, EMV bank cards, RSA tokens and other devices. Rather interesting results promise biometric methods of confirmation and verification. Our own staff of programmers and a network of partners give us the opportunity to implement almost any option required by the bank, - said Igor Legezin, director of the Information Security department of Diasoft.

The presented functionality does not require additional implementation. To install it, it is enough to purchase a license and reconfigure the authorization method, which can be performed without the participation of the developer.

2016: Diasoft FA features# Beans

Diasoft FA# Beans is an automated banking system based on the Diasoft FA# platform. As of October 2016, the system includes 57 modules.


  • professional development based on CMMI 3, Agile (SCRUM);
  • continuous quality control according to ISO 9000 and recommendations of GOST R ISO/IEC 27034;
  • availability of modular Bank API and documentation for it;
  • support for common WSDL, SOAP, HTTP, REST, JSON, etc.
  • Flexibility in hardware and system software selection (scalability)
  • high pace of improvements and support for legislative changes;
  • Support for SAT components: OS (Ubuntu, Mint), MQ (Diasoft MQ), Application Server (Diasoft Application Server)
  • support for alternative DBMS (PostgreSQL) and equipment (partnership with Huawei in September 2016).[1]
