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Developers: RT MIS (RT Medical Information Systems), Active software (rutoken)
Last Release Date: 2020/11/03
Branches: Pharmaceuticals, Medicine, Healthcare
Technology: Laboratory Information Systems


Main article: Laboratory Information Systems (LIS, LIS)

2024: Compatible with Postgres Pro Standard 15

Postgres Professional and RT MIS on May 6, 2024 announced the compatibility of their products.

The correctness of the joint operation of DBMSostgres Pro Standard 15 and its certified version with the products "ECP.MIS" and "ECP.LIS" is confirmed by the relevant certificates. Solutions are included in the Register of Domestic Software, which also allows businesses to deploy a completely import-independent IT infrastructure.

{{quote "Compatibility of RT MIS products with Postgres Pro DBMS provides customers with high performance and stable software operation, allows you to maintain key indicators of scalability and fault tolerance. It is important for the company to offer customers comprehensive import-independent solutions, so joint integration is another step to expand the technological capabilities of the business, - commented Artem Loginov, Deputy General Director for Commercial Affairs of RT MIS. }}

2022: Release of six releases in the second quarter

In the second quarter of 2022, six releases of the ECP.LIS laboratory information system of RT MIS were released, within the framework of which various services were adjusted, which significantly improved the provision of medical services. This was announced on July 15, 2022 by RT MIS. ECP.LIS provides a full range of laboratory diagnostic services - from prescribing to attaching the result to the patient's electronic medical record (EMR).

Now you can tie several biomaterial sampling points to one laboratory in one click. This service is available through the "Communication between services" form in all automated workplaces of the ECP.LIS: laboratory assistant, laboratory registration service, employee of the biomaterial collection point, bacteriologist.

If the doctor has ordered several studies, the system will form a single form with all appointments to print and issue to the patient. There is also a seal of referral for hospitalization, examination or consultation according to form No. 057/u-04.

It also became possible to print certificates on the results of chemical toxicological studies. To implement this functionality, among other things, access rights and role-based access control models of laboratory employees have been improved.

ECP.LIS provides communication between the clinic, the hospital, the fence point and the laboratory, carrying out a full-fledged business process for the provision of the service. Thus, the doctor, when prescribing the study, immediately records the patient at the fence point, which is attached to a specific laboratory. As a result of the study, the result will automatically be displayed in the patient's electronic medical record and will immediately become available to the attending physician, "said Anvar Akhunov, head of the RT MIS department.

Modules and services of the ECP.LIS form the electronic document flow of laboratories and ensure the digitalization of business processes at all stages: taking biomaterial, marking a sample, and performing research. As of July 2022, the system was introduced in 982 medical organizations in 18 regions of Russia.

2021: Compatibility with Red OS

and RP MIS RED SOFT confirmed the correctness of the work, medical information system ECP.MIS laboratory information system ECP.LIS and. operating system RED OS Red Soft announced this on November 17, 2021. More. here

2020: Compatibility with Rutoken authentication and electronic signature solutions

On November 3, 2020, it became known that the compatibility of medical systems ECP.MIS and EDS was confirmed.LYS with solutions for authentications and. electronic signature Rutoken The test results showed that the systems work correctly with Rutoken EDS 2.0 (including 2.0 Rutoken EDS 2100), Rutoken S and Rutoken Lite.

RT MIS medical systems are compatible with Rutoken solutions

As explained, for November 2020 in medicine, the distribution of electronic signature is gaining momentum. The traditional medical record is a thing of the past. Doctors began to use an electronic medical record, records in which are confirmed using an enhanced qualified electronic signature. Medical histories began to be stored electronically. Since the summer of 2020, departments have been allowed to issue certificates and medical reports in electronic form.

A comprehensive solution from Aktiv and RT MIS allows you to certify documents with an electronic signature and use strict two-factor authentication in the system, and it can be used by Russian medical institutions. Medical and laboratory information systems of the EDS. MIS and EDS. LIS are part of a single digital platform. This is a comprehensive solution for the digitalization of medical organizations as part of the creation of a single digital circuit in healthcare. The platform provides seamless integration between the industry products that are part of it.

During the tests, the experts checked the correctness software of the ECP.MIS and ECP.MIS with electronic Rutoken identifiers and tested the functionality of the product, including signing documents with an electronic signature. The following devices were used in testing: Rutoken EDS 2.0 (including Rutoken EDS 2.0 2100), Rutoken S, Rutoken Lite. Rutoken S and Rutoken Lite work in conjunction with. CryptoPro CSP The results of the tests confirmed that ECP.MIS and ECP.LIS work correctly in the environment, and with OS Windows some versions of the OS family:,,. Linux Alt Linux Astra Linux RED OS The electronic signature is used for signing documents authentications in the system.