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Developers: RT MIS (RT Medical Information Systems)
Last Release Date: 2022/12/01
Branches: Pharmaceuticals, Medicine, Healthcare
Technology: Medical Information System


ECP.MIS is a universal solution for automating the activities of medical organizations. The system covers all sections of medical care and forms a single information space in the region's healthcare. ECP.MIS automates the processes of collecting, processing and storing medical, economic and statistical information, provides interdepartmental interaction. The decision for June 2020 includes more than 100 subsystems and modules aimed at achieving the targets of the federal project "Creating a single digital health care circuit based on Uniform State Health Information System."

2024: Compatible with Postgres Pro Standard 15

Postgres Professional and RT MIS on May 6, 2024 announced the compatibility of their products.

The correctness of the joint operation of DBMSostgres Pro Standard 15 and its certified version with the products "ECP.MIS" and "ECP.LIS" is confirmed by the relevant certificates. Solutions are included in the Register of Domestic Software, which also allows businesses to deploy a completely import-independent IT infrastructure. Read more here.


Transfer of Yekaterinburg institutions to ECP.MIS

Medical institutions in Yekaterinburg are switching to a single digital medical system "ECP.MIS," which will allow you to get away from paper medical records, extracts and certificates, as well as provide specialists with access to information about patients. The technical operator of the system is Rostelecom.

As the general director of RT MIS, the developer of ECP.MIS, Alexander Martynenko, said, by the end of the third quarter of 2023, all medical institutions in the region will operate in a single system. In total, about ten thousand health workers will undergo training by this time, he said.

Medical institutions of Yekaterinburg are switching to a single digital medical system "ECP.MIS"

During a consultation with ECP.MIS, a doctor can view an electronic medical record and familiarize himself with a digital medical history, including visits to any other hospitals in the Sverdlovsk region. With the help of a new digital platform, all medical institutions in the region will switch to electronic document management, the burden on medical staff will decrease.

"ECP.MIS" allows you to competently build processes at all levels of a medical organization. Thanks to a single system, the path to obtaining a medical service becomes faster and more convenient. For example, when it is necessary to pass tests, the patient online makes an appointment with a doctor, and a specialist in the system records for further research. At the appointed time, the patient takes tests, and the results are automatically loaded into his electronic medical record, - said Anna Sokolova, chief physician of Children's Hospital No. 11.

According to the training plan, by mid-July 2023, about 600 employees of Children's Hospital No. 11 will be instructed, including inpatient doctors, outpatient services, instrumental, functional and laboratory diagnostics, nurses, system administrators, personnel and registrars of polyclinics.

Transfer of medical institutions of the Moscow region to the delivery of account registers through ECP.MIS

Since the beginning of 2023, about 80% of healthcare institutions in the Moscow Region (117 medical organizations) have passed unified account registers through ECP.MIS. This has become possible thanks to the organization of interaction between information systems of hospitals and clinics. Earlier, medical institutions formed registers by in-line commissioning in the system of the Compulsory Health Insurance Fund (MHIF). This was announced on March 2, 2023 by the company RT MIS (RT Medical Information Systems).

The software "ECP.MIS" (developed by the company "RT MIS") was introduced in the stationary link of medical institutions of the Moscow region. With the support of the Ministry of Health of the Moscow Region and the Moscow Regional Medical Information and Analytical Center (MIAC), interaction between information systems of hospitals and polyclinics was organized in terms of transferring data on account registers. The information was accumulated in ECP.MIS and successfully sent to TFCMI for payment.

In October-December 2022, in two pilot medical organizations, we established the process of forming registers, worked out massive errors. We conducted additional training on filling out an electronic medical record and correctly entering information to form accounts. After that, the practice was scaled to other medical organizations. During the delivery of the first registries, they organized round-the-clock support for employees of medical organizations to work in the system, - said Anastasia Ilyina, director of the project management department of RT MIS.

Centralized reporting allows you to generate unified statistics on the volume of services provided, analyze industry indicators and make forecasts. When forming accounts in ECP.MIS, users enter complete data on the clinical picture of the patient, indicate the treatment regimen, which also helps to plan the volume of purchases of drugs.


Participation of 108 thousand medical specialists in educational projects

RT MIS, the developer of the ECP.MIS medical information system, calculated how many users of the system underwent training events in different formats: open mass webinars, face-to-face briefings with visits to medical organizations, distance briefings on individual applications for regional specialists, courses on the portal of continuing medical education of the Ministry of Health of Russia. In total, 108 thousand medical employees, IT specialists in the field of health care, representatives of health care authorities took part in educational projects in 2022. The company announced this on December 27, 2022.

A series of open mass webinars was implemented within the framework of the project "ECP.Practika." This format is considered comfortable for training by 87% of the surveyed participants. In total, 39 webinars took place in 2022, the number of views online and in the record exceeded 58 thousand. Records are published in the company's official accounts on YouTube, RuTube and Zen.

Briefings are conducted at the request of regional health authorities. RT MIS specialists train system users directly at workplaces, online or in full immersion mode in small groups based on classrooms. In 2022, 1,477 briefings were held, which covered about 49 thousand users of ECP.MIS.

In 2022, RT MIS launched two new educational products that were integrated into the system of continuing medical education (NMO): a course implemented jointly with the Academy of Medical Education and the Volga Research Medical University, and interactive educational modules posted on the portal of the NMFO Ministry of Health of Russia. The project is being implemented jointly with the team of the Center for the Development of Continuing Medical and Pharmaceutical Education at the Russian National Research Medical University named after N.I. Pirogov. The company's educational products allow doctors to master digital services and get a ZET for listening to courses. About 300 medical specialists became participants in the projects.

Knowledge of the functionality of the system is one of the basic indicators of the successful implementation of information systems and the guarantee that technologies will be used in practice. Therefore, educational projects are of particular importance for us and we will definitely strengthen the high pace of development of this area set in 2022 in 2023, "said Alexander Martynenko, General Director of RT MIS.

Modernization of the Polyclinic subsystem

The company RP MIS"" on December 1, 2022 announced that it had modernized the Polyclinic subsystem. The main changes affected the interface of the automated workplaces of the doctor, policlinics stomatologist the registrar, the administrator medical of the organization, as well as the logic of some. business processes

According to statistics, about 80% of all patients receive outpatient care. Preventive measures, as well as service population by a local doctor, are important areas of activity of outpatient and polyclinic institutions. Coverage of the attached population with medical examination is one of the indicators of the effectiveness of the clinic. The updated subsystem "Polyclinic" allows you to digitize this business process in the hospital, build a route through the offices, taking into account the schedule of doctors. This approach reduces time the passage of medical examination, makes the service more accessible and understandable for the population.

The main load in the polyclinic unit falls on the local therapist, therefore, for the convenience of working with the attached population, the section "Medical signal information" has been added to the subsystem. With the help of filters, the therapist can quickly get acquainted with the events at his site and see ambulance calls, data of patients discharged from the hospital, open sick leave, information about those who have undergone medical examination, and other important information. Such settings allow the doctor to control and competently organize work with the population.

The updated version of Polyclinic also has additional functionality in the Package Destinations service. The option of selecting the time and recording for the service in one click has become available. That is, you can send the patient for several studies from the batch assignment form, where the schedule of services is automatically tightened to record for all types of diagnostics.

The updated clinic is already working in the republics, Adygea,, Buryatia, Dagestan Mari El as well as,,, and Perm Territory Vladimirskaya Kaluzhskaya Kirov regions other regions of the implementation of the "EDS." In MIES the future, all regions of RT MIS will be transferred to the modernized subsystem.


Red OS Compatibility

RT MIS and RED SOFT confirmed the correctness of the operation of the medical information system ECP.MIS, the laboratory information system ECP.LIS and the operating system EDP OS. Red Soft announced this on November 17, 2021. Tests were carried out in the client part of the IE. The tested software products are registered in the Register of Domestic Software, which confirms their compliance with the import substitution policy and ensures compliance with part of the requirements of the federal law "On the Security of the Critical Information Infrastructure of the Russian Federation" for CII facilities.

Earlier, the companies confirmed the correctness of the ECP.MIS software product and the RED OS operating system with the pre-configured configuration "Workstation" in the server part.

The development of the RED OS ecosystem for its use at CII facilities, in particular in healthcare institutions, is one of the strategic areas of RED SOFT work. As of November 2021, our operating system is installed in medical organizations in 46 regions of the country, and this figure continues to grow. This is primarily due to a qualitative and quantitative increase in the list of specialized software compatible with RED OS, - commented Rustamov Rustam, Deputy General Director of RED SOFT.

Integration with the Webiomed Predictive Analytics and Risk Management Platform

RT Medical Information Systems (RT MIS, part of the Rostelecom group of companies) and a resident of the Skolkovo Foundation, K-Sky, signed an agreement on cooperation in the field of artificial intelligence. Rostelecom announced this on April 19, 2021.

The parties agreed on a technological partnership and carried out seamless integration of a single digital platform (EDS. MIS) from RT MIS and the Webiomed forecasting analytics and risk management platform from K-Sky. The interaction of the two software products is based on automated secure analysis of impersonal medical data that accumulates in ECP.MIS, using algorithms and machine learning models built into the Webiomed platform.

{{quote 'For April 2021, we launched the first pilot joint project in the Republic of Karelia with the support of the government and the Ministry of Health of the region. A special project group has begun work, assembled from representatives of the medical professional community, leaders in the healthcare sector and experts from development companies, - said Sergey Metelev, General Director of RT MIS. }}

For April 2021, preparations are underway for the creation in Petrozavodsk of a center for monitoring the health of citizens with cardiovascular diseases, based on artificial intelligence technologies and the interaction of digital platforms. If successful, a similar solution will become available to other partners of RT MIS, and this is 2 thousand medical organizations in 35 constituent entities of the Russian Federation as of April 2021.

Integration allows you to identify risk factors and suspicions of diseases at an early stage, carry out a comprehensive assessment of human health, as well as predict possible complications and form personal recommendations for patients and specialists. Thanks to this, we plan to reduce medical errors and the time spent by employees on analyzing medical data, - said Roman Novitsky, General Director of the Webiomed project.

The technological partnership makes it possible to form a centralized system of impersonal digital patient health passports to create regional centers for managing data on the state of health of citizens at risk, population forecasting of the development of morbidity and supporting management decisions. This will ensure the high efficiency of the organization of medical care and will reduce morbidity, mortality and the burden on medical organizations.


Compatibility with Rutoken authentication and electronic signature solutions

On November 3, 2020, it became known that the compatibility medical of EDS systems was confirmed.MIES ECP.LIS and with solutions for and. authentications electronic signature Rutoken The test results showed that the systems work correctly with Rutoken 2.0 EDS (including 2.0 Rutoken EDS 2100), Rutoken S and Rutoken Lite. More. here

Red OS compatibility with pre-configured Workstation configuration

The companies RT MIS and RED SOFT, within the framework of a technological partnership, tested for compatibility of their products. The developers confirmed the correctness of the EDS software product. Medical information system (ECP.MIS), manufactured by RT MIS, with the operating system RED OS with the pre-configured configuration "Workstation" (manufactured by RED SOFT). The test results are reflected in a two-sided certificate of compatibility. This was announced on June 25, 2020 by the Red Soft company.

Users of the medical information system are doctors and representatives of regional health management bodies. Ensuring the correct functioning of their automated workplaces is our direct responsibility. Therefore, we are constantly expanding the network of partner software products compatible with our MIS. A certificate confirming the compatibility of software with RED OS is a kind of guarantor of the uninterrupted and stable operation of the medical system based on the operating system of RED SOFT, says Artem Loginov, General Director of RT MIS.

Confirming the compatibility of the RED OS operating system with products intended for use in medical institutions is an important area of ​ ​ our company. Cooperation with PT MIS is aimed at providing the market with comprehensive Russian solutions that fully meet modern requirements, including the law on the protection of critical information infrastructure, - comments Rustamov Rustam, Deputy General Director of RED SOFT.