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Баннер в шапке 2

Stratos (Business Center)




+ Stroyexprom


2024: Technopolice Moscow bought the Stratos business center

Technopolice Moscow bought the Stratos business center from Safmar with a total area of ​ ​ 78.7 thousand square meters. m in Skolkovo for billions of rubles. This deal became known in May 2024.

The fact that JSC SEZ Technopolice Moscow is the owner of the Stratos business center is evidenced by the data of the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (USRUL).

Technopolice Moscow bought the Stratos business center from Safmar with a total area of ​ ​ 78.7 thousand square meters. m

According to "" in To the businessman Department of Investment and Industrial Policy of Moscow (managed by "SEZ" Technopolice Moscow ")," Stratos "will become" a place for the development of production companies, technological startups Financial. " and its participants did not disclose other parameters of the deal.

Denis Platov, director of the Nikoliers capital markets department, estimated the market value of Stratos at 7-9 billion rubles. According to Dmitry Antonov, director of the sales and acquisitions department at Ricci|Offices, we are talking about 13.5-15 billion rubles.

Safmar, having sold the facility at Skolkovo, records profits and reduces the total debt burden, says managing partner Daniil Orlov. According to Dmitry Klapsha, partner of Remain, by May 2024, the Stratos business centers and the Orbion located nearby (also owned by Safmar) are empty. Therefore, the transaction "could not pass on market conditions," he believes.

According to consultants interviewed by the newspaper, the purchase of a business center in Skolkovo can be a help to fill empty office space in the cluster from city structures, since the federal government intends to transfer part of the functions of managing the innovation center to Moscow.

According to market participants interviewed by the publication (the article was published on May 21, 2024), the deal between Safmar and the Moscow government has become the largest in the office market Moscow over the past eight years.[1]
