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2024/09/25 11:29:34

Road construction in Russia



From Yekaterinburg to Krasnodar will lay a new highway for 1.7 trillion rubles

In September 2024, it became known that the construction of a new highway connecting Yekaterinburg with Krasnodar would require ₽1,7 trillion. The South-West Chord (South-West Chord) project will reduce travel time between these cities from 36 to 24 hours, providing more efficient transport links through key regions of the country. Construction will begin in the coming years, and the final cost of the project was calculated based on the prices of 2026-2030. Read more here.

A new high-speed highway worth 48 billion rubles was opened in Crimea

In the Republic of Crimea, the construction of a new high-speed highway Simferopol - Evpatoria - Mirny has been completed. The final section of the road, worth more than ₽48 billion, was officially commissioned ahead of schedule in August 2024. The opening of the road allows you to significantly reduce travel time and improve transport links between the cities of the peninsula. Read more here


Expenses for the construction and repair of roads in Russia for the year decreased by 32%, to ₽1,67 trillion

Expenses in 2023 for the construction and repair of highways in Russia decreased by 32% compared to 2022 and amounted to ₽1,67 trillion. This indicator was calculated on the basis of data on purchases carried out by state customers under Federal Law No. 44-FZ,

According to Vasily Danilchik, an expert at Kontur. Torgov, in 2023 the number of purchases for the construction and repair of roads also decreased to 38.1 thousand, which is 6% less than in 2022, when 40.9 thousand procedures were carried out. In 2021, this figure was 43.3 thousand. At the same time, despite the decrease in the number of purchases, the most noticeable decrease was in the amount allocated for these purposes. In 2022, state customers spent ₽2,49 trillion, which is associated with an increase in the need to update road infrastructure.

The volume of financing for road construction and repair in Russia for the year decreased by 32%

According to "," SKB Kontur the largest contracts of 2023 concerned the construction and reconstruction of roads in the European part of Russia. One of these purchases was the construction of the Kholmogory M-8 road, connecting Moscow Arkhangelsk with through Yaroslavl Vologda. A contract for ₽13 billion was signed for this project. To Moscow In signed a contract for the construction of a multi-level interchange on the Solntsevo-Butovo-Varshavskoye highway in the amount of ₽19 billion. Under the terms of the contract, the contractor must complete the work within three years.

The largest project of 2023 was the construction and reconstruction of the Ye-105 highway, which connects the border territories with Crimea. The contract in the amount of ₽22 billion was concluded with JSC "Wad," and the completion of the work is scheduled for December 30, 2026.

According to analysts, the reduction in road construction costs is associated with the redistribution of funds and a change in priorities in the state order. However, the leading regions in terms of procurement are showing significant results. So, in the Sverdlovsk region in 2023, ₽48 billion were allocated for the construction and repair of roads, ₽26 billion in Chelyabinsk, and ₽21 billion in the Tyumen region. In 2022, these indicators amounted to ₽154 billion, ₽37 billion and ₽62 billion, respectively.[1]

The record for the volume of road construction is set - more than 650 km of highways

In early February 2024, Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin said that in 2023 a new record for road construction was set in Russia - more than 650 km of federal and regional highways were commissioned.

According to the chairman, Governments of the Russian Federation this figure was three times higher than the result of 2022. Speaking at a meeting of the intergovernmental council, EEU Mishustin stressed the importance of further developing a unified transport system in the Eurasian space, creating a new logistics infrastructure and establishing safe international routes.

2023, a new record for road construction was set in Russia

Mishustin recalled the instructions of Russian President Vladimir Putin - by the end of 2024, the road construction industry should reach a new line - to bring 85% of roads in the largest cities to a normative state.

Speaking about the main road construction project in Russia in 2023, the prime minister noted that the section of the Kavkaz R-217 highway in the Republic of Dagestan has been expanded, car bypasses of Aksai and Krasnodar have been launched on the Don M-4 highway, bridges across the Yenisei in the Krasnoyarsk Territory and across the Svir River in the Leningrad Region have been commissioned, today they launched traffic between the republics of Chuvashia and Tatarstan.

At the end of December 2023, Vladimir Putin at the opening ceremony of the Vostok M-12 highway to Kazan announced that during 2023 more than 31 thousand km had been built, reconstructed and brought into a regulatory state. federal, regional and local roads. In addition, as the head of state noted, more than 188 million square meters have been laid in the regions, including Donbass and Novorossiya. Meters of asphalt concrete.

These are record volumes and a significant contribution to the development of the road network of our country, to improving the quality of life of people, the president is sure.[2]

In Russia, launched the production of unique additives that make asphalt eternal. 68.4 million rubles were invested in it

In October 2023, Russia launched the production of unique additives that make asphalt eternal. 68.4 million rubles were invested in it. Read more here.

The government increased 5-year spending on road construction from 13.2 trillion to 15 trillion rubles

Government increased 5-year road construction spending from 13.2 trillion to 15 trillion. rubles Maxim Stepanov, head of the construction department of the government apparatus of the Russian Federation, spoke about this in the middle during the sectoral conference Avtodor"."

Changes in the budget are associated with inflation and rising prices. There will be few new facilities, but the country's leadership is going to almost double the length of high-speed highways until 2030. Most of them (about 7 thousand km) will become paid.

The government increased spending on road construction to 15 trillion

As Kommersant writes with reference to Stepanov's presentation, according to the plan, every year about 30 thousand km of roads will be brought to a standard state, and until 2028 it is planned to build 6.1 thousand km of highways. This will be done, among other things, by expanding the routes already existing by 2023. Of this number, more than 1.9 thousand km will be built within the framework of the Rossiya international transport corridor, which includes, among other things, the M-11, TsKAD, M-12, bypasses of Omsk, Novosibirsk and Kamsk. Approximately 500 km will be built within the North-South corridor, which includes, among other things, bypasses of Derbent, Makhachkala and Astrakhan.

In the longer term, until 2030, it is planned to almost double the length of high-speed highways in the Russian Federation. About 7 thousand km of them will be paid. By mid-November 2023, the length of high-speed highways in Russia is only 6 thousand km, of which 2.8 thousand are paid.

Increasing the length of toll roads will be "extremely difficult" in the current economic conditions, Maxim Stepanov admitted. Rates are high, there is inflation, projects are becoming more expensive, said Konstantin Pesotsky, senior managing director of the lending department for key clients of Sberbank PJSC, in a conversation with the publication. Large banks are ready to give 1-2 trillion rubles to finance road projects, but for this the state must subsidize the credit rate, he added.[3]
