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2024/06/20 10:14:30

Rostov region


Main article: Subjects of the Russian Federation

Rostov Region - a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, located in the south of the European part of the country, is part of the Southern Federal District. As an administrative unit, the region was formed on the basis of a resolution of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR of September 13, 1937.

Federal authorities

Territorial branches of federal authorities:


Main article: Government of Rostov region



Ministry of Transport of the Rostov Region


Public transport

Electric buses began to run in Taganrog

On December 14, 2023, KamAZ announced the supply of the first batch of electric buses to Taganrog. It included 10 KamAZ-6282 vehicles. Read more here.


Ministry of Digital Development, Information Technologies and Communications of the Rostov Region

2024:567 million rubles allocated in the Rostov region for digitalization in 2024

In the Rostov region, 567 million rubles were allocated for digitalization projects in 2024. This was announced in mid-June 2024 by the Minister of Digital Development, Information Technologies and Communications of the region Yevgeny Poluyanov. The funds will be aimed at eliminating digital inequality and expanding broadband Internet access for residents of the region.

As Yevgeny Poluyanov noted, within the framework of the project to eliminate digital inequality in 2024, it is planned to build over 300 base stations of cellular communications, of which 55 will be built in sparsely populated areas. This is 50% more than in 2023. The Minister of Digital Development, Information Technology and Communications stressed that special attention is paid to ensuring high-quality communication between settlements with a population of up to 500 people.

Rostov-on-Don, Russia

According to Yevgeny Poluyanov, the share of subscribers with broadband Internet access should reach 91% by the end of 2024. To do this, it is necessary to provide fiber-optic lines to about 50 settlements in the region. In 2023, telecom operators conducted trunk fiber-optic lines in 36 rural settlements and upgraded distribution networks in more than 130 settlements.

In addition, within the framework of digitalization, the regional authorities pay attention to information security measures. According to Yevgeny Poluyanov, in the first quarter of 2024, almost 500 attacks were recorded with 5 million suspicious requests. To counter these threats, a center for monitoring network attacks has been created, which is integrated with federal systems and monitors information security in the regional government, municipalities and social institutions.[1]


IT companies of the Rostov region doubled their total revenue for the year

At the end of 2023, IT companies in the Rostov region received total revenue of 15.47 billion rubles. This is almost twice the figure for the previous year, when the result of 8.79 billion rubles was recorded. Such data are given in the review of the business publication "Expert South," published on June 26, 2024. Read more here.

The Governor of the Rostov Region told how the digitalization of the region is taking place

In December 2023, the Governor of the Rostovskaya Region Vasily Golubev and the Vice-President of the Rostov branch of Rostelecom Sergey Mordasov held a working meeting, during which they discussed the results and plans for the digital transformation of the region.

During the meeting, it was noted that 230 regional and more than 10 thousand municipal services in the Rostov region were connected to the State Public services portal. Among the social projects is the digital infrastructure for more than 100 schools in Rostov-on-Don, Bataysk and Shakhts.

Governor Vasily Golubev

It is also reported that the Rostov region became the first region in Russia where school cameras installed within the framework of the federal project "Digital Educational Environment" were integrated with the hardware and software complex "Safe City." It is planned to install and connect cameras to a single video surveillance system in all 1,085 schools in the regions.

By the end of 2023, all feldsher-midwife stations were connected to the protected network in the Rostov region, more than 400 of them at the expense of their own investments. In 12 cities of the region, including Rostov-on-Don, smart and economical lighting systems were installed.

Another element of digitalization of the Rostov region was the launch of the first Cyberpoligon in southern Russia, on the basis of which exercises are being conducted to repel cyber attacks for all specialized specialists of state authorities. This is a joint project of Rostelecom and the Don State Technical University.

The President is constantly returning to the topic of accelerating the digitalization of the country. The Rostov region has great potential to make our region the most active in terms of digitalization. This is possible only in close cooperation with Rostelecom, - said Vasily Golubev.[2]

3 billion for digitalization of the region

The Rostov region allocates 3 billion rubles for the digital transformation of the region in 2023. This was announced in June 2023 by the Minister of Digital Development, IT and Communications of the region Yevgeny Poluyanov.

The direction of work in the field of introducing information technologies in the industry of economics and public administration is determined by the digital transformation strategy approved in the Rostov region. The document includes 18 industries that reflect the specifics of the development of the region, and until 2024 we have 82 projects in the field of digital transformation, "he said (quoted by TASS).

Minister of Digital Development, IT and Communications of the region Yevgeny Poluyanov

According to Poluyanov, in January-June 2023, the Rostov region exceeded the plan for digital maturity, according to which the readiness of the regions for digital transformation is assessed - it was planned to reach 62.4%, then 69.3%, and as a result it turned out to be 81.2%.

In addition, the Minister of Digital Development, IT and Communications of the Rostov Region noted that by June 2023, the region is successfully implementing projects in the field of digitalization of education, the introduction of digital infrastructure for managing engineering networks and improving the quality of the urban environment. The region is introducing "Feedback Platforms," which involve processing appeals from residents of the region, conducting polls and voting. About 5 thousand organizations are connected to this system (by June 2023), in which more than 10 thousand specialists are involved in processing requests. Since the beginning of 2023, more than 34 thousand calls have been received through Feedback Platforms, Yevgeny Poluyanov said.

According to him, Poluyanov, by June 2023, more than 470 IT companies work in the Rostov region, in them - a total of 6.5 thousand specialists. In 2022, these companies were able to earn about 17 billion rubles.[3]

2022: Results of digitalization

In February 2023, the Minister of Digital Development, Information Technologies and Communications of the Rostovskaya Region, Yevgeny Poluyanov, spoke about some of the results of the digitalization of the region in 2022. According to him, the Rostov region has reached and exceeded the established indicator of "digital maturity," assessing the results of the digital transformation of five sectors of the economy. According to the results of 2022, the value of the indicator was 80.7% with a target value of 62.4%.

The strategy approved by the region in the field of digital transformation of sectors of the economy, social sphere and public administration includes more than 80 federal and regional projects in 18 sectors of the economy, planned for implementation until 2024. The amount of financing for the strategy exceeds 3 billion rubles.

Evgeny Poluyanov, Minister of Digital Development, Information Technologies and Communications of the Rostov Region

Evgeny Poluyanov cited data according to which in 2022 the digital infrastructure was formed in 126 schools in the Rostov region, including 79 schools in Rostov-on-Don, 45 schools in Shakhty and 12 schools in Bataysk. As part of the implementation of the federal project "Digital Educational Environment" (DSP), a total of about two thousand Wi-Fi wireless access points were installed in 136 educational buildings, 536 video surveillance cameras were connected at the entrances and in the lobbies of educational institutions.

The minister also spoke about the development of communication infrastructure. In 2022, telecom operators built 370 km of fiber-optic communication lines (VOLS) in more than 40 settlements in the Rostov region. The total length of the fiber-optic line in the region is about 17 thousand kilometers.

Distribution networks were built and modernized in more than 170 villages and farms. The proportion of households with broadband Internet access was 88% (target achieved). In 2023, we need to achieve a new target of 89%.

In 2022, 145 base stations were built in the region and 173 base stations were modernized, including 58 in rural settlements and 63 base stations were modernized.[4]


2024: Rostov SEZ will be created in Novocherkassk for 8.6 billion rubles

On March 9, 2024, the Russian government approved a decree on the creation of three new and expansion of two existing special economic zones (SEZs). In particular, the Rostov SEZ was formed in Novocherkassk, in which eight companies intend to work with a total investment of about 8.6 billion rubles. Read more here.


Ministry of Industry and Energy of Rostov Region


Ministry of Culture of the Rostov Region


Ministry of General and Vocational Education of Rostov Region

Universities of the Rostov region


Colleges and organizations of DPO

Health care

Ministry of Health of the Rostov Region


Organizations of the Rostov region


2021: Map of Rostov Region

Map of the Rostov region in 2021

1996: Boris Yeltsin's famous speech at an election rally

Russian President Boris Yeltsin at an election rally, Rostov-on-Don, June 10, 1996.
Dances by B.N. Yeltsin during an election speech, Rostov-On-Don, 1996.

1924: Dismantling of the monument to Alexander II in Rostov-on-Don

Demolition by the Bolsheviks of the monument to Alexander II in Rostov-on-Don, 1924. After the advent of Soviet power, the monument was closed with a red-painted plywood box with a five-pointed star on top. During the subbotnik on March 27, 1924, the monument was knocked over from the pedestal using a tractor.

300 BC: Kingdom of Bosporus

530 BC: The Sarmatians

640 BC: Scythians
