Domestic Software Association of ARPP Software Products Developers
2024: Re-election of the composition of the board
During the annual meeting of the Association of Software Product Developers "Domestic Software," the composition of the organization's board was re-elected. It includes representatives of large players in the domestic IT industry, representatives of the SKB Kontur company said on April 18, 2024.
Natalya Kasperskaya (InfoWatch Group of Companies), Kirill Sinitsyn (director of the Moscow macro-regional center SKB Kontur), Dmitry Komissarov (founder of MyOffice and Avroid), Rustam Rustamov (Red Soft), Alexey Smirnov (BASEALT), Alexander Golikov (ASCON), Anna Kulashova (Kaspersky Lab) and Oleg Kravchuk (security code) were re-elected members of the board.
New board members were Elena Bocharova (Cyberprotect), Dmitry Odintsov (Trukonf) and Ivan Panchenko (Postgres Professional).
Three years ago we had 220 companies. As of April 2024, we already have 283 companies. We have created a catalog for import substitution. The catalog of analogues of foreign software was a breakthrough step, because there was confusion in the market. Many corporations were used to using exclusively foreign ones and believed that naturally, there was nothing. Our catalog became such a first swallow. It is already large, voluminous, it includes several thousand software products, - said Natalya Kasperskaya, Chairman of the Board of ARPP "Domestic Software." |
Agreement with the Ministry of Education and Science in order to introduce Russian software in universities of the country
The Association of Software Developers "Domestic Software" and the Ministry of Science and Higher Education signed an agreement on joint work to solve the problem of introducing Russian software in educational institutions of the country. This was announced on December 14, 2023 by the press service of Anton Nemkin. Read more here.
Joining a Trusted Environment
On June 23, 2023, the Trusted Wednesday company announced that it had joined the Domestic Software Association of Software Developers (ARPP). Read more here.
Introduction "Lanit Omni"
On May 31, 2022, LANIT Omni (part of the LANIT group) announced that it had joined the Domestic Software Association of Software Developers (ARPP ). Participation in the industry association will allow the company to share expertise with the IT community in the development of business applications, offer the market Russian IT solutions and promote the popularization of domestic software in general. Read more here.
Establishment of Industrial Software and Standardization Committee
The head of the Industrial Software and Standardization Committee at the ARPP has been appointed executive director of SiSoft Development, which was announced by the latter on May 11, 2022.
During the annual meeting of the members of the Association of Software Developers (ARPP) "Domestic Software," which is a community of Russian software manufacturers, it was decided to create a committee on industrial software and standardization under the Association of Software Developers (ARPP). The activities of the newly formed committee should ensure the updating and development of a number of standards in the field of digitalization of industry, the design and operation of production facilities, industrial and civil construction in cooperation with the technical committees of Rosstandart.
The purpose of the creation of the Industrial Software and Standardization Committee is to unite efforts for the further development of theoretical foundations and the preparation of practical recommendations in the field of quality management in the context of mass digitalization. The creation of new software products, their introduction into production, including in the construction industry, entail the need to develop new standards, require an operational response from the expert community, - said Mikhail Bocharov. - Given the great social significance of the problem, standardization is a necessary element of the system of regulatory and technical regulation, management of regulatory and technical documentation in the context of the transition to the digital economy. |
According to Bocharov, the active digitalization of the design and construction industry requires significant changes in legislation and regulatory and technical regulation. The professional community, understanding the complexity of the task, patiently delves into regulatory innovations affecting the introduction of information modeling technologies (TIM). Industry specialists, legislators, representatives of federal and regional authorities, investors and scientists are increasingly involved in the discussion of current TIM problems, and exchange experience. The purpose of the information modeling system is to combine the capabilities of many classes of software for the formation of TIM based on the information model.
So far, TIMs are fully implemented only at general civil facilities, but the main effect can be achieved in industry. In order to resolve the most pressing issues, a profile committee was created at the ARPP.
Inclusion of GR activities in the Russian IT market in the TAdviser review
In April 2022, TAdviser released a detailed review of Government Relations (GR) practices in the Russian IT industry. It contains information on how GR functions are organized in IT companies, who have the strongest GRs in the market, examples of the most successful lobbying stories and much more. Based on a survey of GR specialists of ARPP "Domestic Software" in the review, it became one of the most significant industry associations when it comes to representing the interests of the industry in authorities. Read more here.
2020: Release of the "Russian Software Compatibility Catalog"
On March 12, 2020, ARPP Fatherland Software announced that it had prepared and released the Compatibility Catalog of Russian software. Its main goal is to search for complexes of solutions for specific needs of consumers. The catalog is implemented according to the principle of "Web 2.0" and will allow software customers to quickly and efficiently find the necessary products, make up completely domestic complex solutions that are ready for implementation. Read more here.
The ARPP did not support the position of the President of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs on the admission of foreign companies to the register of Russian software
On June 25, 2019, it became known that the Association of Software Developers (ARPP) "Domestic Software" sent a letter to the President of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs Alexander Shokhin in connection with his position regarding the inclusion of localized foreign software in the Unified Register of Domestic Software.
In particular, in his interview with CNews, the President of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs stated that "it is necessary to conduct business to include localized foreign software in the Russian software register."
ARPP "Domestic Software" believes that the expansion of the Unified Software Register and the inclusion of software products of foreign origin in it threatens the sovereignty and security of the country, contradicts the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 16, 2015 No. 1236, which establishes a ban on the admission of software, originating from foreign states, goes against the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 7, 2018 No. 204 "On National Goals and Strategic Objectives of the Development of the Russian Federation for the Period until 2024," which implies the creation of a global competitive infrastructure for the transmission, processing and storage of data, ensuring information security, as well as end-to-end digital technologies, mainly on the basis of domestic developments[1].
Collaboration with National Medical Knowledge Base Association on Digital Health Development
On April 30, 2019, the Association of Developers of Software Products "Domestic Software" announced that, together with the Association of Developers and Users of Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, the "National Base of Medical Knowledge" signed a cooperation agreement on April 29 in Moscow. Read more here.
Russian software developers have come up with a way to revive import substitution
In September 2018, ARPP "Domestic Software" announced plans to create ready-made stacks of integrated domestic IT products and a catalog in which customers can familiarize themselves and choose them. To solve these problems, the ARPP created the Committee for the Integration of Domestic Software, the chairman of which was appointed Deputy General Director of Postgres Professional Ivan Panchenko.
The online catalog, which is tentatively planned to be launched in the first half of 2019, is considered in the ARPP as an "addition to the register of the Ministry of Communications." It will include characteristics of various domestic software and data on its suitability for specific tasks of customers and specific industries, as well as information on already collected integrated stacks.
Chairman of the Board of ARPP Natalya Kasperskaya explained the need for the initiative by the fact that, despite the presence of an extensive register of domestic software of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications, customers are in no hurry to introduce Russian software. One of the reasons for this, she believes, is the platforms on which the application software runs, mainly imported ones. To ensure its compatibility with domestic platforms, integration is required, and this is fraught with difficulties - you need to carry out additional work with platform suppliers. The presence of ready-made software packages, including both basic and applied, will give customers an understanding of what is working with and will simplify their import substitution task, according to the APR.
Panchenko notes that often import substitution is considered only the replacement of application software, but it is only the tip of the iceberg. For full import substitution, customers need integrated compatible solutions, including software for, virtualizations, DSS development tools and, INFORMATION SECURITY operating systems,. DBMS Despite the fact that there are more than 150 companies in ARPP, among them there is no one who could provide the customer with a full stack of software such as, for example, or. Microsoft In order for Oracle ready-made packages of Russian software to appear, you need to organize the joint work of developers, Panchenko notes.
According to Ivan Panchenko, the catalog will contain all the same software as in the registry, where, unlike the catalog, you cannot see information about product compatibility. ARPP expects that at the initial stage the catalog will be replenished by the software manufacturers themselves and experts who will check various domestic software for compatibility.
Panchenko said that in the catalog the software will be divided into 4 compatibility levels. They will be based on compatibility data provided by the product developer himself, on confirmation of other software manufacturers on the stack, independent examination, and the presence of successful implementation cases.
The ARPP expects that without legal status, customers and suppliers will initially use the catalog on their own initiative. Ilya Massukh, director of the Center for Import Substitution Competencies in ICT, says that within a year it is planned to recruit a sufficient number of packages of compatible products, and then legalize the catalog at the state level in order to push customers to use it.
The deputy general director of Postgres Professional added that the creation of the catalog could become a joint project of the ARPP with other organizations. For example, with the Ministry of Industry and Trade, which showed interest in the project.
The issue of financing the creation of the catalog as of September has not yet been resolved. Natalya Kasperskaya announced that its creation will need about 2-3 million rubles. It is possible that the project will be able to be carried out through the Digital Economy program, according to the ARPP.
In addition to the developers themselves, ARPP expects to involve integrators in cooperation. Renat Lashin, executive director of the ARPP, clarified that, if necessary, testing and integration of products will be paid from the ARPP budget, formed from membership fees, as well as from private contributions.
The Committee on Integration of Domestic Software has been created
The Association of Software Developers "Domestic Software" has created a committee for the integration of domestic software, which includes representatives of 18 companies.
The committee included representatives of companies (in alphabetical order), ABBYYBASEALT",," BFT"," Video conference"," GalacticaGarda Technology"," Docsvision"," Security code"," "," New cloud technologies"," "," Odant Postgres Professional"," Rosplatforma"," Red Soft SHS"," "," "," "," "." "Swemel SDI SolutionsForsytheElectronic Office Systems
Participation in the creation of the Competence Center for Information Security under the state program "Digital Economy." ARPP "Domestic Software" will head the working group on information security.
2016: Participation in the creation of the competence center for import substitution in the field of ICT
On September 19, 2016, executive director Association "Domestic Software" Evgenia Vasilenko told TAdviser that documents had been submitted for registration of the Center for Import Substitution Competencies in ICT, which is being created on behalf of President Vladimir Putin. More about the Center - by. to the reference
2009: Education of the organization
The birth of "Domestic Software" was preceded by a meeting of the leaders of IT companies with Deputy Prime Minister Sergei Ivanov and Minister of Communications and Mass Media Igor Shchegolev on October 17, 2008. According to Alexander Golikov, chairman of the board of directors of ASCON, Russian developers felt that high-ranking officials had learned to distinguish them from offshore outsourcers and development centers of foreign firms. In response, it was decided to engage in a kind of self-determination of the industry - to create a public organization and collect under its banners all Russian developers, regardless of the size, of both exporters and players in the local market[2].
In August 2009, legal registration of the association of software developers "Domestic Software" took place. The founders explain that the membership of foreign companies, distributors and integrators prevents them from fighting for the rights of developers in previous industry associations.
Members of the association
As of June 2017, there are 140 companies in the ARPP "Domestic Software"# ttop.
Principles of operation
The Association interacts with federal executive bodies, the relevant ministry, Russian business associations representing the interests of various sectors of the economy, and the media; actively participates in the activities of specialized expert working groups (Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, State Duma of the Russian Federation).
Main directions of APC operation
- Stimulating demand for Russian software in the domestic market;
- Support for export of Russian software products;
- Popularization of domestic software;
- Interaction with universities. Russia
The problems of exporters are traditionally dealt with by the association of Russian developers software Russoft"," of which, for example, is a member. ABBYY But, as its CEO Sergei Andreev explained, a new body was needed that defended the interests of non-export companies. More significantly, it would be strange to discuss issues of protectionism within the framework of Russoft, since Microsoft Hewlett-Packard other Western companies are members of the association.
And the question of protectionism worries the members of the "domestic" in software the first place. A number of proposals to the government have already been prepared, the economic effect of which was calculated by the Russian Institute of Taxes and Tax Policy. It is argued that if a number of measures are taken, including abolishing VAT for exporters ON and setting a single social tax rate of 14%, the number of jobs in the IT industry will increase by 29% over the year, and in five years the country will double. GDP The association "," Russoft which threatens that otherwise software developers will massively transfer production abroad, is fighting for the tax credit in connection with the upcoming abolition of the ESN.
The founders of "Domestic Software" and the Association of Computer and () Enterprises seemed inappropriate in format for solving the above issues information technology AP KIT , because in addition to Russian developers, it includes foreign companies, distributors and integrators. But, according to 1C Pavel Gudkov, deputy director of "," AP KIT will be useful if Domestic Software becomes part of it as an industry committee following the example of Russoft.
Domestic Software will certainly have some duplication of activities with other associations. For example, AP KIT played a key role in the development of professional standards. But, as Gudkov explained, AP KIT is more widely engaged in education and is interested, in particular, in standards for system administrators and sellers of high-tech equipment. "Domestic software" will rather pay attention to the training of developers and the use of domestic software in Russian education.