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+ Herman Vladimirovich Kaplun

Postoplan — the automated platform of marketing started in 2019 in social networks and messengers using which it is possible to create, plan placement and to advance content. The company works according to the SaaS model and helps business to work with accounts and clients.

By February, 2021 the paid version of Postoplan costs from $5.99 in 15 days (about 450 rubles), the subscription for a month will cost $9.99 (750 rubles), and year — $59.99 (4.5 thousand rubles).


2021: Attraction of $550 thousand, including from TMT Investments

In February, 2021 it became known of involvement of Postoplan of investments in the amount of $550 thousand. TMT Investments venture fund, top managers of the Estonian Bolt taxi service and also Insta Ventures and Wise Guys Ventures funds invested in a startup. Investments of each participant of the transaction separately are not concretized. The estimated value of Postoplan also does not reveal.

As the founder of Postoplan Alexey Bozhin told TAdviser, the company will direct the received investments to creation of new instruments of automation, improvement of client experience and entry into the new markets. In particular, expansion of business in Europe is planned, he added.

Service of publications in social networks and messengers of Postoplan with the Russian roots attracted $550 thousand investments

By February, 2021 Postoplan use more than 30 thousand specialists and the companies from 147 countries of the world. In a startup 16 people from nine countries which are united in a dispersed team work. In 2021 the company is going to open the first offline - office in one of the countries of Europe.

We want to save the person from geographical restrictions and to give the chance to develop the business worldwide. More than a half of our users – Internet specialists in the different industries and small business. These are ordinary people who render online services or advance the business to earn and cover the basic expenses — Alexey Bozhin noted.

According to him, 2020 was difficult, but became disruptive for Postoplan: the company entered new foreign markets, significantly strengthened a product and this round of investments the necessary tool for further expansion.