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1C: Mobile cash desk

The name of the base system (platform): 1C:Enterprise 8.3
Developers: 1C Joint Stock Company
Last Release Date: 2025/02/25
Branches: Trade
Technology: Trade Automation Systems


Main article: Mobile applications

Mobile application "1C: Mobile cash desk" is a solution for couriers, agents, field trade and other non-stationary retail outlets. Starting from version 2.11, 1C: Mobile Cash Desk supports the requirements of the 54-FZ law:

  • Generate checks according to fiscal document format version 1.0.
  • Using compact devices for printing checks and accepting payment on a payment card:
  • * mobile online cash desk "ATOL. 11F Mobile ";
  • * acquiring terminal for payment by bank cards - software and hardware complex "Reader P17 NFC" and integration application "2Can: Payment acceptance service" version 1.4.
  • Send a check to the buyer via SMS or e-mail when providing a phone number or e-mail address.

"1C: Mobile cash desk" allows you to organize the accounting of sold goods and payment received both in cash and from a bank card. Check printing is supported on mobile check printers and fiscal registrars. A complete list of supported plug-in equipment models is provided in the attachment to this information letter.

"1C: Mobile cash desk" can be used both autonomously and in conjunction with programs or cloud applications "1C:Enterprise 8."

Application "1C: Mobile cash desk" is available for mobile devices on OS Android.

2025: "1C: Mobile cash desk" 3.25 with the ability to cancel saved checks

1C On February 25, 2025, the company "" announced the release of the updated release mobile application of "1C: Mobile Cash Desk" 3.25.

In this release:

  • Offline inspections of marked goods.
  • Updating drivers and system libraries.
  • Correcting errors.
  • Offline inspections of marked goods

From March 1, 2025, according to Decree No. 1944 of 23.11.2023, when selling labeled goods, if the online check was not successful, sellers are obliged to offline check the marking code in the "local module" (LM) installed on their PC or local network before adding the goods to the check. This requirement was supported in "1C: Mobile cash desk."

In the event that the Honest Sign blocks too many marking codes, there may not be enough capacity on smart terminals with drive 8Gb. "Honest Sign" promises to implement a special mode of operation for such devices in March-April 2025. Therefore, for users of smart terminals with an 8 Gb drive, we recommend refraining from initializing the "local module" for now and trading only using online checks.

Other new features and capabilities

  • It is possible to cancel the saved checks, even if they were paid. However, if the check has been punched (with the fiscal characteristic assigned), the cancellation is not available as it was before. The ability to search for checks by status and payment has also been added - this will allow you to find saved checks and cancel them. In the cashier's workplace, information about the status of payment by check appeared in the list of deferred checks.
  • Added labeling type - veterinary drugs. However, please note that only over-the-counter veterinary drugs can be sold in 1C: Mobile Cash Desk.
  • When configuring synchronization, you can now specify an arbitrary server port.
  • Added additional reasons for changing the parameters of the fiscal drive during re-registration (in the version for MSPOS).
  • Work with electronic certificates on FZ-491 according to the version 2 protocol is supported. Users must upgrade to this version of the protocol before 01.03.2025.
  • They added support for the transfer of information about the cider sold from "1C: Accounting" (alcohol product codes 2606, 2607, 2608).

Update drivers and system libraries

  • Exchange is supported using the latest version of the EnterpriseData 1.19 format.
  • Updated the plug-in library to version 3.2.532. The driver "SHTRIKH-M: CCT with data transfer to the PDD (PDD 1.2) NG" has been renamed to "Poscenter: CCT with data transfer to the PDD (PDD 1.2) NG MSN VAT" and has been updated to version

Correcting errors

  • MK-560. Fixed the error of uploading to "1C: Accounting Department" various references to ORP, if within the framework of one change, checks made their way through two CHOs.
  • MK-825. Fixed email address error when No Paper Check is enabled.
  • MK-903. Fixed VAT calculation error when using rounding.
  • MK-1066. Fixed an issue with uploading items marked for removal from the older program. Now such items are not displayed in 1C: Mobile cash desk.
  • MK-1077. When transferring from "1C: Mobile cash desk" to "1C: Cash desk," new draft beer cards are now loaded with the correct sign of excisable goods.
  • MK-1080. Fixed a synchronization error that occurred when restoring 1C: Mobile Cash Desk from a backup.
  • MK-1086. Fixed the error of the platform fall during authorization on Yandex.Disk on MSPOS P2-SE terminals (we expect terminal firmware updates in the coming days).
  • MK-1087. Fixed an issue with the 1212 tag when selling draft beer.
  • MK-1100. Fixed an issue with the button on the "Break slip check" form on devices with a large screen.
  • MK-1102. Fixed an error in the payment method characteristic when the prepayment is returned.
  • MK-1113. Fixed an issue with the loyalty server discount form.
  • MK-1129. You cannot now accept an order down payment if there is no item or service in the order.
  • MK-1151. Fixed the error in calculating the VAT amount in the advance check when using the Stroke CCT.
  • MK-1152. Fixed error scanning loyalty card number.
  • MK-1161. Fixed an error opening the Change PV Settings form.
  • MK-1162. There was an error in printing the reconciliation of totals and slip-check when using acquiring and remote fiscalization (without using CCP).


"1C: Mobile cash desk" 3.17. Display of remaining goods, beer container opening function

On December 16, 2022, 1C announced the release of the next release of the 1C: Mobile Cash Desk mobile application 3.17.

In the updated release

  • Reference balances of goods - in "1C: Mobile cash desk";
  • Opening of beer containers;
  • Mode when "everything is possible";
  • Other refinements.

Reference balances of goods - in "1C: Mobile cash desk"

In "1C: Mobile cash desk" 3.17 you can see the reference balances of goods that are unloaded from the sales configuration "1C: Cash desk," "1C: Retail" 3.0 or from "1S:UNF" 3.0.

At each synchronization, "1C: Mobile cash desk" receives information about the balances of goods at its outlet and, until the next exchange data , adjusts it with its documents - checks for sale and return. The current balance can be viewed in the list of items.

You can also set up a ban on the sale of items with zero or negative balances so that the cashier's error does not lead to a change of order.

Opening of beer containers

For those who sell low-alcohol drinks on the spill, the function of opening beer keg in "1C: Mobile cash desk" 3.17 will come in handy. The autopsy data will be transferred to the 1C: Kassa cloud program starting from version 4.0.4. The classifier of alcoholic beverages has also been updated.

Mode when "everything is possible"

"It happens that you need to punch some cunning check with a combination of details that are not provided for by typical scenarios for using the program. Especially for such a case, we have added the service operation "Universal Check," which allows the administrator to break through any check with any combinations of the characteristics of calculation, correction, and items of calculation supported for December 2022 that your online cash desk can accept. No protective mechanisms are provided here, so use this mode with caution. If you do not have enough details, write, try to add, "- comments the company" 1C. "

Other improvements

  • Added option to upload data - retail sales reports and checks, retail sales reports only or checks only.
  • "1C: Mobile cash desk" can make sounds confirming typical operations.
  • Voice acting has been added for the convenience of the cashier, it can be disabled in the settings.
  • It became possible to sell labeled weight dairy products, including the one in which the unique weight is indicated in the marking code.
  • When accepting an advance, you can specify the VAT rate.
  • When exchanged with other configurations, the cashier's name is passed to the retail sales report.
  • The cashier has the right to edit the price in the check, if he is granted such a right.
  • It became possible to return marked goods without specifying a marking code. After all, it also happens that the marking was applied to the packaging, which has been lost.
  • For an already punched check, it became possible to print a copy of it.
  • If the device runs out of free memory, in the settings you can enable the option (by default it is disabled) to automatically delete sales data over 3 months.
  • Added to the service information when contacting support: the number of checks, goods and the amount of free memory of the device.

"1C: Mobile ticket office" 3.16 with tiled menu of "quick goods" and buying mode

The company 1C"" announced on September 29, 2022 the release of an updated release mobile application of ": 1CMobile box office" 3.16.

In the updated release

  • New "Quick Items" tiled menu.
  • Buying mode, rounding, creating goods and other improvements.
  • Fixing errors, updating libraries and drivers.

Updated Quick Items Tile Menu

For those who work with a small assortment, the "quick goods" menu that appeared in version 3.16 is suitable. You can add up to 12 folders to it. Each of them can have up to 12 products. In total, up to 144 products that can be added to the check literally in one or two clicks.

It became possible to select a color and adjust the order of tiles with goods. One item can be present in several folders at the same time, if it is more convenient.

Each tile displays an editable short name, price, and the number of items already added to the check.

Buying mode, rounding, creating goods and other improvements

  • The "buying" mode has been implemented - for example, for points of acceptance of recyclable materials.
  • It became possible to round off the check amount to 1 ruble when paying in cash.
  • It became available to create new goods and orders even with configured synchronization with the cloud "1C: Cash desk." The cashier may be granted such a right.
  • You can remotely fiscal courier checks not only through the 1C: Kassa cloud program and the Atol Online service, but also through the Rarus Cloud Online Checkout service.
  • To the list banks through which the board can Express Checkout Systems be added. Promsvyazbank
  • There is a setting of the cashier's right to view statistics and edit the price in the item card (if offline).
  • Added the ability to check the external scanner for the correctness of its work with the labeled product.
  • Added a service transaction for uploading cash documents and items to a file (EnterpriseData format).
  • Transfer data by to checks paid through SBP to 1C: Cash desk has been implemented. Supported in 1C: Cash desk since version
  • Lists of couriers and cashiers can be downloaded from cloud 1C: Cash desks.
  • Automatic filling of KKP is implemented when the company TIN is entered.

Fixing errors, updating libraries and drivers

  • EnterpriseData exchange format 1.10 is supported.
  • Once the shift is closed, two retail sales reports will be submitted using two different tax systems.
  • Updated instructions for configuring synchronization with "1C: Cash desk" and "1S:UNF."
  • MK-460. Tap on phone error about insufficient funds.
  • MK-465. Error installing acquiring driver 2can.
  • MK-479. Error loading units.
  • MK-512. Puncture error of PDD correction pin 1.2.

"1C: Mobile cash desk" in the possibility of free access to Google Play

Retail business in Russia is going through a difficult period. To help entrepreneurs, 1C decided to make the fully functional version of the android application for cashiers and couriers 1C: Mobile Cash Desk completely free when installing it from Google Play. This was announced on March 11, 2022 by the 1C company.

The program "1C: Mobile cash desk" can perform three main functions:

  • For a very small business, the program allows you to start goods and prices directly into your mobile device. It is enough to connect a compatible online cashier and you can start trading.
  • For cashiers to work in stores, it is more recommended to set up a free exchange data between "1C: Mobile cash desk" and the "1C" accounting application - this can be 1C: Cash Desk"," 1C: Retail"," 1S:UNF"," "" and 1S:UT even 1C: Accounting"." Moreover, the exchange is supported not only cloudy by professional, but also by fairly cheap basic versions of programs.
  • For couriers to work, it is enough to install the 1C: Mobile Ticket Office application on their smartphones. Orders will be transferred from the connected 1C account program. The system of fast payments and accepting payment with contactless bank cards directly on a smartphone with NFC, as well as remote printing of checks on a cash register in a store through the 1C: Cash desk cloud application, is supported.

The application has sufficient functionality to work in retail trade: the sale of labeled goods and alcohol (UTM is required on the local network), work with a weight product, deferred checks, manual, cumulative and personal discounts (when exchanged with 1C: Cash desk) and much more.

1C wants to help Russian entrepreneurs survive a difficult period with the least losses and hopes that the functional and now free 1C: Mobile cash desk application will help them do this.

"1C: Mobile cash desk" 3.14 and PC application and cloud application "1C: Cash desk" 3.10

On February 25, 2022, 1C announced the release of the next releases of the 1C: Mobile Cash Desk mobile application 3.14 and the 1C: Cash Desk PC and Cloud Application 3.10.

The current release "1C: Mobile Ticket Office" 3.14 contains many improvements:

  • When selling a weighted marked product, the marking code is not requested. This is important for those who sell a weighted labeled product for weight. It is necessary to write off the marking codes of such goods in the GIS MT in the sales system in advance or within three days after the sale.
  • When setting up automatic exchange with other configurations, the frequency of automatic exchange can be set arbitrarily.
  • Weight Item Codes (SKUs) for the sale of a pre-weighted item can be loaded not only from 1C: Cash Desk, but also from 1C: Retail.
  • When adding a weight item to a check, the weight is automatically substituted if the weight balance is used.
  • Optionally, you can enable auto-collection when the z-report automatically shows the withdrawal of all cash revenue when the shift is complete.
  • When printing an acquiring slip check, you can optionally set a pause so that the cashier can manually tear off the slip check.
  • If "1C: Mobile cash desk" is used without connection with commodity accounting systems, you can delete not only individual goods, but also groups in their entirety along with all their contents.

Improvements in the functionality of working with orders in "1C: Mobile cash desk" 3.14:

  • The search for the order by amount appeared.
  • If information about the customer was not transferred in the order, but the counterparty was indicated, then the counterparty's contact information will be inserted into the order.
  • The delivery address of the item can optionally be displayed in the order list (configured in the list menu, disabled by default).
  • Fixed the MK-420 error with incorrect indication of the VAT rate of the goods in the order.
  • Extra orders can be deleted directly in "1C: Mobile cash desk." At the same time, of course, they will remain in the commodity accounting system.

Current equipment and driver updates in "1C: Mobile cash desk" 3.14:

  • Support for the connection of the "Atol" MARTA scales.
  • Support for connecting a money box to CCP (tested only for MSPOS-T devices).
  • Updated MobileUtils component
  • SmartSkyPos acquiring driver updated.
  • Updated the 1C: Electronic Balance driver
  • Addressed issue MK-425 printing to a check printer.

Withdrawal from circulation of marked products in "1C: Cash" 3.0.10

In 1C: Kassa, it is possible to withdraw marked products from circulation in the GIS MT "Honest Sign." A special section has appeared in the "Goods" menu, where you can create a corresponding document by scanning the marking codes and specifying the reason for the withdrawal of goods from circulation. After signing the document with a digital electronic signature, it will be sent to the MT GIS. The status of the document can be monitored in the 1C: Cash Desk interface.

This function is especially in demand when selling labeled dairy products for weight. The products received from the supplier are withdrawn from circulation in the "Fair Sign" indicating the reason "for the company's own needs," and then sold in the cashier's workplace as a regular weight product without the need to read the marking code.

Error correction and other modifications in "1C: Cash register" 3.0.10:

  • KASSA-785. Updated the all-Russian classifier of units of measurement.
  • KASSA-782. Fixed correction check generation error.
  • KASSA-810. Fixed the error of incorrect VAT calculation when selling marked goods on the OSN.


"1C: Mobile cash desk" 3.12 with support for fiscal data format 1.2

1C On October 26, 2021, the company "" announced the release of the updated release mobile application of "1C: Mobile Cash Desk" 3.12.

In release:

  • Support fiscal data format 1.2.
  • Other improvements and driver updates.

The format of fiscal data version 1.2 is supported. The delay in the release of the release was due to a large number of errors in Android drivers of CCT manufacturers. Without errors in the FFD 1.2 format with 1C: The mobile cash desk operates online Atol cash desks, as well as MSPOS smart cash desks. Now, if you put the PN-M fiscal drive, update the firmware of the cash register and make sure that the latest drivers are installed, you can check the status of the marking code in the MT GIS right at the checkout at the time of adding the position to the check, if the MT GIS supports this possibility in relation to this type of marked goods.

Improvements and Updates

  • Added exchange instruction 1C: Mobile cash desk with 1C: Accounting (version 3.0.99 and higher). Now the exchange can be carried out even with the Basic version 1C: Accounting through file exchange, including using Yandex.Disc.
  • The "Support" section has added instructions for downloading the catalog of goods from the file.
  • CCT business transactions are supported - cash mapping and quick adjustment.
  • Synchronization of Teller Shift Status with CCP at Shift Open/Close for MSPOS Terminals
  • Backup zipped
  • Updated driver "1C: Barcode scanner"
  • Updated KKT 1C:Multisoft MSPOS driver - with support for PDF 1.2
  • Added CCT Atol driver - with support for PDF 1. 2
  • Fixed MK-292 errors, MK-329. Check amount does not match payment amount
  • Fixed MK-338 issue. Error printing barcode on MSPOS "

"1C: Mobile cash" 3.10 with cumulative and fixed discounts of regular buyers

1C On May 25, 2021, the company "" announced the release mobile application of "1C: Mobile Cash Desk" 3.10.

In this release "1C: Mobile cash desk" you can work with cumulative and fixed discounts of regular buyers, information about which is contained in "1C: Cash desk." During synchronization, information about accumulated discounts is stored in "1C: Mobile cash desk" and in the future you can work even offline until the next synchronization session.

In addition, "1C: Mobile cash desk" supports the minimum prices for a product or service that appeared recently in "1C: Cash desk." No discounts, manual or funded, will allow you to sell goods cheaper than this price, and the owner of the store will never trade at a loss if he does not want to.

Starting with this release, it became possible to configure automatic data exchange not only with the cloud, as before, but also with the local 1C: Cash Desk application. Remote fiscalization with a local application, of course, will not work, but simple file synchronization can be configured, including using the Yandex.Disk service.

In parallel with the general or simplified taxation regime, a patent can be used. If goods on different taxation systems come across in one sale, then "1C: Mobile cash desk" will print two separate checks. The function is available only for simple sales and will not work when using advances or prepayments, as well as in remote fiscalization mode.

Updated useful functionality

  • Supported work with the buyer's display at the "smart cash desks" MSPOS-T.
  • A function has appeared to display the number of checks queued to be sent to the PDU.
  • The administrator password in "1C: Mobile cash desk" can be reset from "1C: Cash desk."
  • Added instructions for connecting the Smart Sky Pos acquiring system on MSPOS devices.
  • Recording of PV number at pin puncture.
  • Added transfer of check fields "PD" and "PN" to "1C: Cash desk."

Hardware Driver Update and Other Add-ons

  • MSPOS 1C:Multisoft driver update.
  • Acquiring driver update 1C:SmartSkyPos
  • Add Driver 1C:Multisoft Customer Display
  • Updated MobileHelperUI component
  • Updated MobileUtils component

Correcting errors

  • Error while registering through the "Try 1C: Cash" button.
  • Departure "1C: Mobile platform." MobileHelperUI component.
  • Exchange errors between 1C: Mobile cash desk and 1C:ERP Enterprise Management.
  • Smart Sky Pos terminal. Invalid amount format.
  • An error occurred while punching the check to the MSPOS CCP. The check amount does not match the payment amount.
  • Starting AutoExchange.
  • No hardware drivers are recovered when the data is cleaned.
  • Incorrect sale of weight on MSPOS devices.
  • Auto-exchange work.

"1C: Mobile cash desk" 3.9 with the ability to connect electronic scales via USB

The company 1February 26, 2021 announced the release of the next release of the mobile application "1C: Mobile cash desk" 3.9.

You can now connect USB electronic scales that support the -M protocol POS2(for example, Bar-Slim) to a device with the 1C: Mobile Cash Desk application installed.

In addition, the load of the weight article characteristic during synchronization is supported (according to the Enterprise Data and 1C protocols: Offline equipment).

When using the MSPOS smart cash desk (smart terminal), it is now possible to register the CCT and the fiscal drive, change the parameters and close the archive of the fiscal drive directly from the 1C: Mobile cash desk interface.

The development of the 1C: Sberbank Acquiring Terminals driver for February 2021 is still ongoing, but we receive many requests for connecting this equipment. Therefore, we decided to include the very first version of the driver in the release.

Hardware drivers updated:

  • 1CScanner barcode":" version;
  • "Shtrikh-M: CCT with data transfer to the OPD (54-FZ)" version 1.18.2;
  • "Azur: CCP with data transfer to the OPD (54-FZ)" version;
  • CCP "1C:Multisoft MSPOS" version;
  • Acquiring "1C:Smart sky" version


"1C: Mobile Cash" 3.8 in MSPOS Smart Terminals

The company 1C"" December 23, 2020 on the release of the next release mobile application "1C: Mobile cash" 3.8.

Very soon, the MSPOS series terminals with the preinstalled 1C: Mobile Ticket Office program will appear on sale:

The full version of the application with a "perpetual license" is installed.

Versions of smart terminals with and without built-in acquiring will be available, as well as, a little later, a version with a large display, a wide tape printer with auto-cutting and a large number of ports for connecting peripherals.

Unlike most similar solutions on the market, there will be no mandatory monthly payments here - neither for updates, nor for the sale of labeled goods or alcohol, nor for the ability to exchange data with 1C applications.

Support has been implemented for the Tap2Go company application 2Can for receiving contactless payments on. Android smartphone The updated driver "2Can: Payment Acceptance Service" 2.43 is used.

Other improvements

  • Set up the number of slip checks when paying for acquiring.
  • Optimizing the interface for the 9 "Atol" Strike screen.
  • Update the 1C:Tap on Phone driver (version
  • Correcting errors.
  • Additional information

"1C: Mobile Ticket Office" 3.7: Updated Numeric Keyboard

On October 22, 2020, 1C announced the release of the updated release of the 1C: Mobile Cash Desk mobile application 3.7. This release includes a digital keyboard more familiar to Android users, updated groups of labeled products, support for Enterprise Data version 1.8 and a number of other improvements.

"1C" released the release of the mobile application "1C: Mobile cash" 3.7

According to the company, many users of the 1C: Mobile Cash Desk application complained about the initially unusual digital keyboard-calculator, which was standard for the 1C: Enterprise mobile platform. The transition to the updated version of the mobile platform (8.3.17) made it possible to implement in "1C: Mobile cash desk" a simple numeric keyboard typical for October 2020 for most Android applications.

The following marked item groups are supported:

  • Light industry goods and clothing;
  • Milk and dairy products;
  • Tires and tires;
  • Cameras and flash lamps;
  • Perfume and toilet water;
  • Bicycles;
  • Wheelchairs.

"1C: Mobile cash desk" has switched to the updated data exchange format Enterprise Data version 1.8, which supports information about the type of labeling of goods. When exchanging according to the ED 1.8 format, the exchange of order status with other "1C" configurations is implemented.

The processing of goods and orders is implemented, which the user deletes in another configuration "1C," to which "1C: Mobile cash desk" is connected. Fixed error unloading shift number. Automatic exchange according to the format "1C: Offline equipment" is implemented (optional).

"1C: Mobile cash desk" 3.6: the ability to indicate the name and TIN of the buyer in the check

On August 12, 2020, 1C announced the release of the next release of the 1C: Mobile Cash Desk mobile application 3.6.

Among users there are quite a few who conduct small wholesale trade. Especially for them, in "1C: Mobile cash desk" added the ability to indicate the name and TIN of the buyer in the check.

When creating a check, it became possible to choose the type of payment by bank transfer to the current account.

Other improvements

  • Work with barcodes weight templates is supported. Now you can sell goods preweighed on the scales with the labels printed.
  • It became possible to enter an arbitrary text comment on the check. The comment will be forwarded to 1C: Cashier.
  • Filling of tag 1162 for personal protective equipment (see Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 521 of April 16, 2020)
  • Support for 1C: Offline Equipment 3.2 and 3.3 formats.
  • Update of the driver "1C:Tap on Phone" to accept payment with bank cards directly to your smartphone.
  • 2Can: Payment Acceptance Service driver update 2.40.
  • Added instructions for exchange with "1C: Retail."

"1C: Mobile cash desk" 3.5: Support for working with the characteristics of goods

1C On June 19, 2020, the company "" announced the release of the next release mobile application of "1C: Mobile Cash Desk" 3.5.

Product Feature Support

Enterprise Data Communication Improved

  • Now with "1C: Mobile cash desk" you can sell goods with characteristics (loading characteristics of goods and characteristics of item types).
  • The automatic exchange function is implemented: data can be synchronized every 5 minutes, as well as when launching the application and when closing the cash shift.
  • For checks to go to 1C: Cash Desk, now you don't need to specifically close the cash desk.
  • We inform the user about the receipt of the order.

Easy to set up

Correcting errors

  • Fixed error loading type of item marking according to the format "1C: Offline equipment."

As part of the anti-crisis package of solutions "1C-Simply" for small retail enterprises

On March 31, 2020, 1C offered entrepreneurs until June 1 to use the 1C-Simply package of solutions for free, which will allow you to quickly launch an online store, organize courier delivery, additional cashier jobs and sales accounting in retail outlets. The package of anti-crisis solutions for small retail businesses "1C-Simply" included, among other things, a mobile application for couriers "1C: Mobile cash desk." Read more here.

Release 1C: Mobile cash v3.2.7

On March 11, 2020, 1C announced the release of 1C: Mobile cash desk v3.2.7. Now a mobile device on android with the installed application "1C: Mobile cash desk" of the latest version, which works in remote fiscal mode (remote printing of checks), can print a paper copy of the check on a check printer. To do this, it is enough that the printing device is connected to the mobile device via a wired or wireless interface. You can print a copy of the just punched check or a check from the archive.

A copy of the check is printed by simply clicking on the corresponding inscription on the screen with a message about the successful printing of the check at a remotely located online cash desk.

1C: Mobile cash desk v3.2.7

The function is designed to improve the quality of services in small retail, namely, to provide a paper copy of an electronic check at the request of the client during courier delivery.

It should be noted that with the release of "1C: Cash desk" version 2.0.4, with the remote printing of checks, it became possible to work in parallel with the built-in cashier's workplace in "1C: Cash desk." In the release "1C: Cash" the cash core is allocated in a separate process. All checks (from the cashier's built-in workplace, from mobile devices with "1C: Mobile cash desk," from 1S-UMI) go to a single check printing queue. This allows a small store to simultaneously use the cashier's built-in workplace, print checks from couriers and from online stores - all at the only online checkout (fiscal registrar) connected. It also allows you to easily and without additional expenses organize additional cashier jobs on the basis of "1C: Mobile cash desk."

Features of the use of remote fiscalization:

The law requires the buyer to agree to hand him an e-check and provide his mobile number or email address to send it.

Receipts coming from 1C: Mobile cash desk can only be printed on an online cash desk directly connected to the computer on which the 1C: Cash Desk application or thin client is deployed. Remote printing of such checks at remotely connected Evotor cash desks is impossible. Printing on Atol 91-92F newgers and Barch MPEI-F devices is possible only after they are transferred to the fiscal registrar mode.

Updating to the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation

When working with labeled products in 1C: Mobile Cash Desk, starting from version 3.2.7, the 1162 tag is filled out in accordance with the revision of the order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated 21.03.2017 N MMV-7-20/229 @.

"1C: Mobile cash desk" 3.1 "with the possibility of remote fiscalization

January 16, 2020 1C Company presented an updated version applications ": 1C Mobile cash desk" 3.1, "which implements the possibility of remote fiscalization. No need to buy online cash desks for couriers. It is enough to install android smartphone the "1C: Mobile cash desk" application on the courier and set up remote printing of checks through Internet service "" 1C: Cash Desk or "1C: Cash desk application for" in a few clicks PERSONAL COMPUTER(in the second case, you will need to expand and configure the web service). Checks will be printed directly in the store or in the office, electronic checks will be sent to the buyer:

1C: Mobile cash desk "3.1
1C: Mobile cash desk "3.1

Features of the presented solution, noted by the developer:

  • The updated functionality is an analogue of the cloud checkout service provided by many Russian companies for couriers and online stores, but unlike it is designed to work in the small business segment and does not require any additional payment.
  • To work, you will need the android application "1C: Mobile cash desk" in the extended version (99 rubles/month on Google Play or 1800 rubles an unlimited license when buying from partners of the company "1C," as of January 2020), as well as the Internet service "1C: Cash desk" with the Standard/Advanced tariff or the program "1C: Cash desk application for PC" with a deployed web service.
  • The law requires the buyer to agree to hand him an e-check and provide his mobile number or email address to send it.
  • Receipts coming from 1C: Mobile cash desk can only be printed on an online cash desk directly connected to the computer on which the 1C: Cash Desk application or thin client is deployed. Remote printing of such checks at remotely connected cash desks (Evotor, Atol 91-92F newgers, Shtrich MPEI-F devices) is impossible.
  • As of January 2020, the printing of a paper copy of an electronic check from "1C: Mobile cash desk" on a mobile printer connected to a smartphone has not yet been implemented. This feature will be available in future releases.
  • To print checks remotely, a thin client or 1C: Checkout application must be put into the appropriate mode. At the same time, parallel work with the built-in cashier's workplace on this computer is not yet possible. The possibility of simultaneous operation of the cashier's built-in workplace, as well as printing checks from online stores and from 1C: Mobile cash desk will be implemented in the next 1C: Cash desk release by February 25, 2020.

2019: Release of the mobile application "1C: Mobile cash desk v3 "

On October 23, 2019, 1C announced the release of the 1C: Mobile Cash Desk v3 mobile application, developed on the 1C:Enterprise 8.3 platform.

With the minimum necessary functionality, "1C: Mobile cash desk v3" can be used as the only means of automating sales in micro and small retail, and can also work in conjunction with other products.

Mobile application "1C: Mobile cash desk v3"

Mobile application "1C: Mobile cash desk v3" is included in the open system of solutions for small business "1C-Simply." In this regard, the main attention in the next edition of the 1C: Mobile Cash Desk application is paid to the simplicity and convenience of using the product by an unprepared user, as well as to facilitate the integration of the application with other components of the 1C-Simple system.

Mobile application "1C: Mobile cash desk" is intended for registration of retail sales in smartphones and tablets. operating systems Android

The main changes of the next edition:

  • All main user interfaces have been significantly redesigned - it has become easier and more convenient to work with the program;
  • updated exchange format data with other applications - Enterprise Data, expanding the range of application usage. The old protocol ": 1C Offline equipment" also continues to be available;
  • added the possibility of using manual discounts (the maximum allowed size is set by the user);
  • added sales of goods at free price.

"1C: Mobile Ticket Office" can be used in the following cases:

1C: Mobile Cash Desk supports the following operations:

  • registration of sales and returns;
  • sale of marked goods;
  • the sale of alcohol;
  • sale of goods at a free price;
  • Use manual discounts with a set limit
  • Return Sales Control
  • cash/cashless payment;
  • closing the shift, generating reports;
  • Scanning product barcodes with a built-in mobile phone camera or external scanner
  • establishment and editing of commodity items, prices, properties of goods;
  • printing of price tags and labels;
  • Working with orders received from external systems (online stores)
  • backing up the information base;
  • Send reports to e-mail
  • Exchange of data with product accounting programs using the Enterprise Data and 1C: Offline Equipment protocols (KKM-Offline).

"1C: Mobile cash desk" can be used in conjunction with bank terminals, along with mobile check printers, and supporting ESC/POS protocol, and online cash desks connected via Bluetooth, Wi-Fi or USB. The mobile application has been tested with the following hardware models:

  • CCP with data transmission,
  • Citizen CMP Series Check Printers,
  • Zebra EM-series check printers.

1C: Mobile cash desk also supports data exchange with typical configurations on the 1C: Enterprise platform:

How to purchase the application "1C: Mobile cash desk v3"

The 1C: Mobile Ticket Office application comes in two versions - basic and expanded.

The basic version of the 1C: Mobile Ticket Office application is distributed free of charge and is available on Google Play. The basic version has a limit on the number of items used (no more than 200), and also does not support working with alcohol, Internet orders, and data exchange is possible only with the 1C: Cash desk Internet service. The extended version has no restrictions on the basic version and can be purchased by the user independently by including a paid subscription to Google Play, as well as through 1C franchisee partners.

The sale of the 1C: Mobile Cash 3.0 application, an expanded version, electronic delivery is carried out at the request of partners. The application contains information about the user, including the name of the organization, TIN and checkpoint, postal and email addresses.

After payment of the software product to the partner in his personal account on the portal of information and technological support "1C: Enterprises" the set of electronic delivery will be transferred. Please note: the link to download the distribution kit will be valid within 30 days from the date of shipment of the product to the partner. It is necessary to have time to download the distribution kit of the software product during this period.

To install the program on your computer, you need to unpack the archive and install a file with the.apk extension on your mobile device. After that, the mobile application will be ready for use. The accompanying documentation contains a description of the functionality, the procedure for setting up and working with the application.


Current registered users of the paid application "1C: Mobile cash desk" are entitled to a free upgrade to the expanded version "1C: Mobile cash desk v3." To obtain an upgrade, you should contact the franchisee partner from whom the paid application was purchased.

Terms of use of the application "1C: Mobile cash desk"

1C allows one instance of 1C: Mobile Cash Desk to be used on one device. If you need to use this application on multiple devices, you should purchase a separate instance of the mobile application for each device.

Support for users of the 1C: Mobile cash desk application

The right to receive support is granted only to registered users of the 1C: Mobile Cash Desk program. We remind you that registration of electronic supply with 1C is carried out automatically when selling a product, after which the buyer receives the status of an official user.

1C reserves the right to transfer the service and maintenance of the user who bought the application to any of the 1C partners of his choice.

2018: "1S-ATOL MK 11F Mobile BT 2G"

In January 2018, ATOL and 1C released a joint solution for automation of mobile and field trade enterprises, as well as delivery services.

The kit is called "1S-ATOL MK 11F Mobile BT 2G" and includes a 1C ALONG8321 tablet with a pre-installed 1C: Mobile cash desk application and an ATOL 11F Mobile online cash desk with a fiscal drive. The development ensures cash settlements with buyers in full accordance with the 54-FZ ("On the use of cash registers...").

The joint decision of ATOL and 1C takes into account the specifics of non-stationary retail trade. It will be optimal, for example, for couriers, insurance agents, taxi drivers, train conductors, sellers in exit trade pavilions, the developers believe. It is important that the kit is suitable, among other things, for companies on UTII and Patent, which should start using cash desks in less than six months - July 1, 2018. These are enterprises with employees and conducting trading activities or providing catering services.

To start working with the solution, it is enough to connect the tablet and online cash desk included in it via Bluetooth. Both devices are controlled using the 1C: Mobile Cash Desk application, the interface of which will be understandable even to an inexperienced user. It allows you to draw up sales and returns, cash/non-cash payments, deposit operations, withdrawal of funds, form fiscal reports, print checks and other reporting documents and much more. Sales information can be transmitted to the fiscal data operator both from cash registers via a 2G modem and from a tablet via Wi-Fi and GSM, which allows a specialist to be more mobile.

The set "1S-ATOL MK 11F Mobile BT 2G" is also convenient to carry: the devices included in it are compact and easy (the total weight with batteries is about 0.8 kg). They can be placed in one bag or distributed in different pockets, as well as placed in a small space. A powerful battery built into cash registers (CCT) retains a charge of up to 15 hours, which allows the user to work outside the office all day. And a special case for the cash register makes it optional to extract it for issuing checks and charging the battery, told ATOL and "1C."

Developing a cash complex with 1C, we aimed to help those for whom both mobility in retail sales and the cost of the solution are a priority. The ATOL 11F Mobile box office included in the package meets both criteria. It is convenient to operate and does not require expensive paper for printing checks and spare parts in case of repair, - said Yulia Rusinova, director of business development for fiscal solutions at ATOL.

The 1C: Mobile Cash Desk solution is built on the 1C:Enterprise 8 mobile platform. It can be quickly and easily integrated with 1C accounting and ERP solutions already used in hundreds of thousands of trading organizations, and 1C partners will help adapt 1C programs to the needs of any business, - said Alexey Kharitonov, head of the department for promoting economic programs of 1C.

The set "1S-ATOL MK 11F Mobile BT 2G" is sold through the partner channel "1C" throughout Russia. As of January 29, its retail price is 29,950 rubles. with a fiscal accumulator for 13 months and 32,950 rubles. - with a fiscal accumulator for 36 months.

2017: 1C Opportunities: Mobile Cash Desk

According to the information for June 2017, 1C": Mobile cash desk" is intended for mobile devices on OS Android. The application allows you to organize simple commodity accounting smartphone on/and tablet ensure the printing of checks for retail sales carried out both for cash and with payment by bank cards. smartphone The camera/tablet can also be used to scan barcodes. The equipment models connected to 1C: Mobile cash desk (online cash desk, check printers, barcode scanner, acquiring terminal) are listed below.

1C: Mobile cash desk can be used autonomously or in data exchange mode with programs or cloud applications on 1C:Enterprise 8 platform. When used together, 1C: Mobile Cash Desk transfers information about goods and retail prices, and after the shift is closed, sales information is downloaded from it.

"1C: Mobile cash desk" complete with the necessary equipment is recommended for the following categories of users:

  • Entrepreneurs and organizations obliged to use online cash desks since 01. 07.2017 and with 01.07.2018 who have not previously used any systems to automate trading activities.
  • Organizations that have couriers, taxi drivers, agents, attorneys, exit sellers and mobile employees of other categories accepting payment on the road.
  • Entrepreneurs and organizations that are not obliged to use online cash desks, but want to organize convenient commodity accounting and simplify the extract of documents required by law confirming the facts of settlements with buyers. Instead of online cash registers for such tasks, you can use inexpensive check printers.

"1C: Mobile cash desk" complies with the requirements of the 54-FZ law on the format of fiscal data version 1.0. When you place a sale, you can specify the buyer's email address or phone number to send your eCheck information.