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AMT Group: InfoDiode

Developers: AMT Group
Date of the premiere of the system: February 2015
Last Release Date: 2025/02/03
Branches: Information security
Technology: IS - Firewalls


Main article: Firewall

InfoDiode is a unidirectional data transfer hardware and software complex designed to ensure data protection in local area networks by isolating critical network segments while maintaining the possibility of interworking.

The target industries of InfoDiode application are state-owned enterprises and organizations, industry, fuel and energy complex, corporate sector and financial industry.

In general, when creating InfoDiode, the following principles were observed: import substitution - a completely Russian software implementation (AMT Group), a Russian certified operating system, a Russian hardware platform; FSTEC certification; performance - from 1 to 10 Gb/s; functionality - support for basic data transfer protocols (UDP/TCP: FTP, SMTP, CIFS; IPSec), prioritization of data transmission, a number of other functionality; ease of use and ease of use - convenient, modern control interface; possibility of clustering, data transmission using noise-immunity coding.

The principle of InfoDiode is to use three components: a hardware network device that guarantees unidirectional data transmission (due to the lack of a reverse transmission channel and galvanic isolation), and two proxy servers that terminate services for unidirectional transmission.

Guaranteed unidirectional transmission provides a high level of data protection, preventing the implementation of most information security threats, according to AMT Group. So, in a number of scenarios for using InfoDiode, confidentiality is guaranteed, in a number of scenarios - the integrity of the transmitted data.

Unidirectional data transfer: how it is done

What is unidirectional data transfer? The principle of operation of InfoDiode can be described as unidirectional traffic transport. Unidirectional transmission provides a high level of data protection, preventing the implementation of most information security threats. In a number of scenarios of its application, one can focus on ensuring the confidentiality of information transmitted and processed, in a number of other scenarios - on the integrity of data.

Image:Принцип работы InfoDiode.jpg

The principle of InfoDiode is to use three components: a hardware network device that guarantees unidirectional data transmission (due to the lack of a reverse transmission channel and galvanic isolation), and two proxy servers that terminate services for unidirectional transmission.

Very simple? And yes, and no. The fact is that not all types of traffic by nature interact unidirectionally. When it comes to UDP traffic, it initially functions unidirectionally and is "simple" enough to transmit UDP traffic (a little below we will talk about what is not quite so obvious here) to route traffic. Some manufacturers, including domestic ones, followed this path and, in principle, stopped at it. As a result, the range of application of the device turns out to be quite narrow: the output is simple unidirectional routers with a very narrow range of capabilities and a limited number of application scenarios.

But if we are talking about TCP traffic, which involves guaranteed delivery with a connection connection? In this case, it is necessary to emulate a connection in a section with a hardware network device (diode), which allows replacing bidirectional interaction with unidirectional communication on a part of the information flow route.

Another fundamental task is to ensure reliability. In some cases, UDP assumes confirmation of successful receipt of blocks of information, and for TCP, guaranteed delivery is the norm. Obviously, in the case of using a unidirectional data transmission system, we get a section that reduces the reliability of the entire information flow, and this must be compensated. Some manufacturers, although, of course, not all, use encapsulation with noise-resistant redundancy (coding) at the hardware diode site.

InfoDiode Use Cases: Speed, Security, and Functionality

It is believed that one-way data transmission systems are mainly applicable for APCS protection. However, foreign experience shows that the range of tasks solved with their help is much wider, and the potential for using such systems has not yet been disclosed. Russian companies implementing such systems still have to deal with prejudices. Indeed, one-way data transmission imposes some limitations in real application. First of all, as mentioned above, the unidirectional nature of information interaction at the application level is necessary. On the other hand, there are many flexible scenarios where you can get all the advantages of using unidirectional data transmission systems, leaving the functionality of interaction between network segments at a high level. There are more scenarios for using one-way transmission technology than meets the eye. Below are some of them.

Scenario 1-2. Importing and Exporting Data

Scope: state-owned enterprises, enterprises of the military-industrial complex, critical facilities, commercial organizations using closed networks.

Scenarios 1 and 2 ensure the confidentiality and integrity of the data being protected.

Image:Сценарий 1–2. Импорт и экспорт данных.png

Scenario 3. Upload and load data simultaneously

Scope: Any organization that uses closed network segments.

This scenario allows you to provide the functionality of two-way information exchange, providing a high level of perimeter protection. Given the impossibility of establishing connections (excluding feedback for an attacker for most protocols), this scenario is significantly (according to the company's estimates by about 10 times) superior in terms of security to traditional schemes with a firewall on the perimeter.

Image:Сценарий 3. Одновременная выгрузка и загрузка данных.png

Scenario 4. Secure remote interaction of critical network segments (Site-to-Site IPSec VPN)

Scope: Any organization that uses geographically dispersed closed network segments.

This scenario provides full two-way secure communication of remote nodes located in geographically separated closed LAN segments via IPsec VPN through public networks. At the same time, " design is implemented, using unidirectional data transfer technology in the IPsec VPN network scheme.

The scenario provides a high level of protection against external threats (by analogy with Scenario 3, the level of protection against external threats increases by about 10 times) and significant isolation of critical network segments.

Image:Сценарий 4. Защищенное удаленное взаимодействие критичных сетевых сегментов (Site-to-Site IPSec VPN).png

Scenario 5. Secure Remote Access VPN and the creation of an isolated DMZ

Scope: Any organization that needs secure remote access.

In some cases, it is necessary to provide secure remote access to the company's internal resources, both internal users and partners and contractors. This scenario involves the creation of an isolated demilitarized zone, where only data that is allowed for remote users and contractors/partners is uploaded. This ensures the preservation of confidentiality and integrity of critical data within the information system: the possibility of remote users accessing internal resources through VPN connections is excluded.

Image:Сценарий 5. Защищенный удаленный доступ Remote Access VPN и создание изолированной демилитаризованной зоны.png


Integration with Viaduct Complex

and LANIT AMT GROUP on March 11, 2025, the completion of the comprehensive compatibility tests software VIADUCT and the unidirectional InfoDiode transmission complex data was reported. These findings highlight the commitment of both companies to ensuring high standards cyber security and data reliability. More. here

Compatibility with the "Rascada" complex

LLC, Rakurs-engineering specialists in the field of development, production and implementation of highly reliable and effective automation systems for objects, and power engineering specialists, AMT GROUP the developer of solutions in the field, information security tested the InfoDiode unidirectional transmission complex data and the ""software complex. Peal When products are shared, customers will receive a set of tools to control and monitor objects that APCS prevent unauthorized exposure of a third-party attacker to the control loop. AMT GROUP announced this on February 20, 2025.

The architecture of the complex solution involves the placement of InfoDiode between the sets of programs for the "Raskada" computer installed in the closed (technological) segment and the less trusted (open) segment of the network. This configuration allows you to isolate the trusted network segment and increase its security. At the same time, it remains possible to transfer a wide range of industrial protocols to specialized dispatch and situation centers.

The physical isolation of the trusted segment is able to prevent complex targeted attacks, but it also limits the transfer of technological data necessary to monitor, track and prevent emergencies of APCS facilities to related information systems, "said Boris Molchanov, technical director of AMT GROUP. - The use of the InfoDiode unidirectional data transmission complex in conjunction with the Raskada software complex guarantees physical isolation of the APCS object, which excludes the implementation of a remote vector of attack on the technological circuit. At the same time, it remains possible to transfer a wide range of industrial protocols from the technological segment to external networks, which ensures the functioning of significant work and business processes.

The "Raskada" software complex combines a set of separate applications entered into the Register of Russian software and provides users with the tools necessary for monitoring, controlling and collecting industrial automation data of APCS facilities. The solution, based on the joint use of the Raskad PC and the InfoDiode unidirectional data transfer complex, will ensure regular monitoring and the ability to respond to emergencies of APCS facilities in a mode close to real time, satisfying modern business needs and meeting all cybersecurity requirements, - said Leonid Chernigov, General Director of Rakurs-Engineering LLC.

Comprehensive cross-domain solution based on InfoDiode Pro agro-industrial complex

AMT GROUP on February 3, 2025 announced the launch of a comprehensive cross-domain solution based on the InfoDiode line of unidirectional gateways. The solution allows you to enforce your organization's data transfer policies between network segments (domains) with different levels of trust and security, both within and outside your organization.

The solution based on the InfoDiode product will ensure control and timely suspension of data transfer in case of violation of the specified exchange policies, record the facts of violations in data transfer, promptly inform information security specialists about the facts of such violations, prevent data leakage from the protected segment or prevent penetration (receipt) of malicious software in the protected segment.

The solution is intended for organizations of various sectors of the economy, including industry, energy complex, financial sector, transport companies, medical organizations for which the task of ensuring control over transmitted data is relevant. The cross-domain solution will allow you to control data flows both within the organization, between segments of different levels of trust, and to external counterparties. These flows can be either outbound - directed from a more trusted segment to a less trusted one to avoid data leakage - or inbound - directed from a less trusted segment to a more trusted one to avoid it being compromised and/or infected by malware. These tasks are relevant regardless of the superimposed protective equipment used in the organization and become only more relevant with the growth of the volume of processed data, digitalization and automation of the main processes of activity.

The cross-domain solution is implemented on the basis of the InfoDiode PRO agro-industrial complex, which is designed to transfer significant file streams, software distributions, replicas of databases and virtual machines, e-mail, etc. Using a cross-domain solution based on the InfoDiode PRO agro-industrial complex will increase the number of neutralized threats, related to all kinds of data leaks, penetration of malicious code into the infrastructure of the organization, compromise of distributions and software updates, transfer of prohibited commands to industrial systems and other threats of a similar class.

The implementation of additional cross-domain solution capabilities related to the integration of the InfoDiode PRO AGC with third-party IPS was planned. Such IPS can be anti-virus tools, data leakage prevention tools (DLP systems) and other solutions already available at enterprises and organizations. Integration will allow you to check files before they are received, transferred, as well as check the electronic signature of transferred files in order to control their integrity and authorship.


Compatibility with Relematics MD software

Relematica and AMT GROUP have signed an official statement on the compatibility of the InfoDiode unidirectional data transfer complex and the software Relematica MD - a solution designed to work in the automation systems of a power facility to ensure data collection, processing and transmission. AMT GROUP announced this on December 17, 2024.

The architecture of the sharing of the InfoDiode unidirectional data transmission complex and the Rematics MD software in the power facility data transmission networks involves InfoDiode placement between COMPUTER the Rematics MD software packages installed in the closed (process) segment and the less trusted (open) network segment. This scenario allows you to isolate the trusted network segment, while maintaining the ability to transfer industrial traffic to centralized control rooms and, situational centers ensuring the uninterrupted operation of power facilities, as well as other facilities and. CUES APCS

Control over the stability of power systems and energy facilities, among other things, depends on the timely transfer of industrial traffic generated by the systems of the technological segment to centralized dispatch and situation centers, "said Boris Molchanov, technical director of AMT GROUP. - As a rule, monitoring and response centers are located outside the technological segment, and therefore it becomes necessary to exchange data between segments with different levels of trust. The use of the InfoDiode unidirectional data transfer complex together with the Rematics software guarantees the isolation of the protected object from unauthorized access at the physical level while maintaining the possibility of interaction of significant objects with adjacent information systems.

The collection, processing and transfer of data from technical facilities to monitoring and response centers implemented by the Software of Relematics of the DD will ensure the safe and continuous operation of power facilities, as well as other facilities of CII and APCS. The joint use of InfoDiode and Relematics MD solutions will allow customers to safely organize the centralized collection and transfer of a wide range of industrial protocols from technological segments to less trusted corporate or third-party networks, "said Ilya Vorobyov, Technical Director of Relematics.

RedCheck Compatibility

AltexSoft AMT GROUP On December 9, 2024, the companies announced the completion of testing data of the InfoDiode unidirectional transmission complex and the security analysis system (EPS) RedCheck in data transmission networks with access distinction with compliance with all requirements. cyber security

The integration and sharing of these solutions allows you to transfer information about the security status of the IT and technological infrastructure of the controlled segment to SOC centers in the context of guaranteed isolation of such a segment.

In this scenario, it is assumed to use the InfoDiode complex between the RedCheck system, deployed within a trusted segment, and security monitoring centers (SOC) located in separate, less trusted, network segments. EPS RedCheck scans (manually or on a schedule) the parameters of the organization's IT infrastructure that affect the security of informatization objects and, based on the data received, generates information security reports sent further to SOC centers. Building such an architecture ensures timely analysis of the security of a more trusted network segment by SOC specialists, prompt response to emerging threats and timely reassessment of risks arising in an isolated segment due to the emergence of new threats and vulnerabilities.

The security of the subject of the critical information infrastructure largely depends on tools that can ensure timely monitoring of the security status of the entire internal IT infrastructure of the organization, "said Boris Molchanov, Technical Director of AMT GROUP. - Information security reports generated as a result of scanning the IT infrastructure, sent further to SOC centers external to the controlled segment through InfoDiode, will provide information about the security status of informatization objects to information security specialists.

One of the basic cybersecurity measures is the use of security analysis systems (security scanners) by information security specialists. The developers of RedCheck, together with the InfoDiode complex, offer users a solution that can Internet detect vulnerabilities in a timely manner in closed segments of networks (without direct access to) and take adequate measures to eliminate emerging risks, "said ALTEXSOFT CEO Serdyuk Vladimir.

Compatibility with Cyber Backup

The companies Cyberprotect"" and AMT GROUP"" tested the InfoDiode unidirectional transfer complex data and the data copy and recovery system. Cyber Backup This was announced AMT GROUP on November 26, 2024. Product sharing will enable the market to offer an isolated backup storage solution that is highly scalable, capable of providing a reliable level of cyber protection information , and significantly improving the resiliency of the organization's information systems.

The integrated solution involves the use of the InfoDiode complex between the Cyber Backup backup system and its agents located on workstations, servers, data storage, DBMS and virtual environments in the corporate segment and a backup storage node, the so-called "black day" storage in a closed loop. This architecture ensures regular (scheduled) transfer of backups to secure storage and preserves the ability to use an existing backup system that performs backup and replication functions.

In the event of a compromise of the corporate information security network and IT, specialists physically gain access to the backup storage node and, using trusted communication channels or additional storage media, restore the infrastructure of the corporate segment.

The information stored and processed by the company is often its most valuable asset, the safety of which must be ensured "at any cost," said Boris Molchanov, technical director of AMT GROUP. - The threat of unauthorized access can lead to the irreversible loss of these assets, causing damage to both the organization itself and its customers. Backup systems and specialized storage nodes are an effective method of protecting information that can withstand this type of threat. The use of the InfoDiode complex when transferring backups from an enterprise segment to a backup storage in a closed loop will protect the storage node from the threat of unauthorized access by organizing a unidirectional data transmission channel between segments with different levels of trust, thereby making attacks inherent in a bidirectional connection physically impossible.

Backing up meaningful information is a reliable way to protect yourself from a number of problems that can be caused by its loss. A separate task that requires a thoughtful approach is to ensure the security of the storage and the backup data located in it, the means of protection of which can potentially bypass a highly qualified attacker. Using our solution in conjunction with the InfoDiode complex significantly increases the level of security of the storage node and the information contained in it from the destructive actions of an external attacker, "said Andrey Kryuchkov, director of technology partnership development at Cyberprotect.

Compatibility with Kaspersky Machine Learning for Anomaly Detection

Kaspersky Lab and AMT GROUP have signed a statement of compatibility between the InfoDiode unidirectional data transfer complex and the Kaspersky Machine Learning for Anomaly Detection (Kaspersky MLAD) software. The joint use of these products provides the opportunity to use artificial intelligence technologies to monitor the operation of industrial installations, including at especially important facilities, while providing reliable and appropriate protection that meets all information security requirements.

To ensure secure transmission of telemetry data, the InfoDiode appliance is located between the closed network of the technology segment, which is the data source, and the Kaspersky MLAD analytics server located in the less trusted corporate network segment. This architecture ensures the transfer of process data flow in real time from the closed segment to the Kaspersky MLAD server and ensures (at the physical level) that any impact through the same communication channel on process equipment or APCS located in the protected segment is avoided.

Unplanned downtime, whether due to equipment failures or cyber incidents, is costly for industrial enterprises. In the current situation of active import substitution, the problems of monitoring the functioning of industrial facilities during the transition period are especially acute. Therefore, the possibility of building systems for integrated protection of the network perimeter of such objects combined with forecasting and monitoring systems is an extremely urgent task, "said Vyacheslav Polovinko, head of the AMT GROUP 's own products.

Predictive analytics of industrial installations, that is, the ability to proactively analyze their technical condition and identify anomalies that may be harbingers of equipment failure, is becoming more and more in demand. Artificial intelligence technologies underlying the Kaspersky MLAD product are opening up new horizons in this area. Using our solution together with the InfoDiode unidirectional data transfer complex makes it possible to quickly and safely implement predictive analytics at industrial enterprises, while ensuring the highest level of facility protection, "said Andrey Lavrentiev, Head of Technology Development at Kaspersky Lab.

Compatibility with Kaspersky Industrial CyberSecurity

AMT GROUP and Kaspersky Lab completed test tests, during which the compatibility of the unidirectional InfoDiode SMART APC gateway and the Kaspersky Industrial CyberSecurity platform was confirmed. AMT GROUP announced this on July 30, 2024.

Kaspersky Industrial CyberSecurity is a specialized XDR platform that combines both monitoring and detecting intrusions in an industrial network (the KICS for Networks component is responsible for this) and protecting industrial workplaces with integrated EDR technology (the KICS for Nodes component).

KICS for Nodes ON is to protect workstations and, servers ASU operating on and. OS Windows Linux KICS for Nodes provides protection against both internal and external intruders for workstations servers and in the process network. KICS APCS for Nodes monitors plug-in devices, application launches, and network connections, Wi-Fi monitors file and folder integrity, analyzes system log events, checks PLC projects for integrity, and acts as an advanced telemetry provider.

KICS for Nodes transmits information about detected violations to KICS for Networks, a solution for monitoring the security of an industrial network that analyzes traffic and detects deviations in the values ​ ​ of technological parameters, detects signs of network attacks, monitors the operation and current state of devices in the network, using the information transmitted by KICS for Nodes to enrich and improve the context.

During tests, telemetry (data on nodes, security events, sessions) generated by KICS for Nodes from nodes of a secure network segment was transmitted through the InfoDiode SMART CIC to KICS for Networks.

As a result of the tests, the correct operation of the KICS for Nodes and KICS for Networks components, located in different segments of the network and connected through the InfoDiode SMART APC, was confirmed.

The protection of the critical infrastructure of the enterprise begins with a small one - with ensuring the safety of working machines, "said Boris Molchanov, technical director of the AMT GROUP. - The joint use of KICS for Nodes and InfoDiode SMART APC will provide customers with a comprehensive solution that provides security for both industrial nodes and a transmission channel that provides communication between these nodes and information security monitoring centers of the industrial network.

To ensure security, companies are implementing specialized cyber defense solutions. Kaspersky Lab is actively engaged in the development, testing, implementation of such technologies, and we actively cooperate with other companies offering information security products, in particular, with colleagues from AMT GROUP. In the course of joint tests, our complex of KICS and InfoDiode solutions has proven its reliability and efficiency, and most importantly, the ability to ensure the ability to integrate solutions and build an integrated protection system in conditions of physical isolation of the facility, "said Andrey Strelkov, Head of Kaspersky Product Development for Industrial Safety.

Compatible with Digital Q.UP

Experts Diasoft"" and AMT GROUP"" have confirmed the compatibility of the Single Digital Platform Digital Q.UP and the unidirectional InfoDiode gateway. This was announced Diasoft by "" on July 22, 2024. The Digital Q.UP platform implements a software component that is responsible for interacting with the InfoDiode gateway via protocols UDP when transferring from data an external unprotected segment to the internal contour of the organization and vice versa.

By implementing solutions on the Digital Q.UP Unified Digital Platform, organizations can safely provide services to their counterparties (customers, partners, agency network, suppliers) in the external circuit without worrying about the risks of sensitive data leakage. The use of the InfoDiode unidirectional data transfer system ensures a high level of isolation of critical information systems and ensures the elimination of external connections.

The unified digital platform Digital Q.UP provides information exchange between departments and organizations in terms of automation of end-to-end business processes, provision of digital services by organizations for partners, related departments and individuals. Digital Q.UP includes tools for creating digital channels of all types (from remote to corporate digital accounts of employees), technologies for designing and configuring business processes, creating a single digital space.

The use of InfoDiode in solutions based on the Digital Q.UP digital platform allows you to protect the internal segment of the organization's network containing personal and sensitive data, prevent data leakage, corruption or compromise through information exchange channels. At the same time, it remains possible to provide information at the request of the counterparty, "said Vyacheslav Polovinko, head of AMT GROUP own products.

We implemented a mechanism for working with the InfoDiode hardware and software complex when interacting between open and closed network segments of organizations. A separate component in the Digital Q.UP platform is responsible for this, which now comes in a "box." The effectiveness of the Digital Q.UP platform component with the InfoDiode gateway has been proven in practice in a real project, "said Nikita Markelov, architect of the Diasoft digital platform.

Platform Compatibility SK-11

Monitor Electric and AMT GROUPS have signed an official statement on the compatibility of the InfoDiode and SK-11 unidirectional data transmission complex - an open platform with a variable set of applications for creating automated dispatch, technological, situational, commercial management of electric power facilities in generating and power grid companies, large industrial electricity consumers, system operators of electric power systems and micro-grid operators. AMT GROUP announced this on June 10, 2024.

When using two products together, customers will be able to organize the safe transfer of operational technological information outside the perimeter. This, among other things, will make it possible to fulfill the requirements for the means of collecting various data (data AIIS KUE, APCS, oscillograms, etc.) from power facilities.

The SK-11 platform includes tools for managing the general information model of the electric network, has tools for creating a single information system, as well as tools for creating an infrastructure that can operate in various modes of server and client applications. A distributed SK-11-based control system allows you to ensure not only maximum autonomy and survivability of each node of the system, but also maintaining a synchronous state of the information model in all nodes, as well as online exchange of events and real-time data.

As of June 2024, solving the problem of integrating information systems and industrial automation systems in the power sector requires a special, integrated approach, "said Boris Molchanov, technical director of the AMT GROUP. In a situation of comprehensive sanctions pressure, our strategy is the development of cooperation and the creation of food ecosystems with other domestic producers. One such example is the joint use of the InfoDiode unidirectional data transfer system and the CK-11 platform to ensure reliable, meeting all information security requirements, protection of APCS facilities when transferring information outside the perimeter.

We are focused on a comprehensive solution to improve the efficiency of our customers' production processes, and one of these proposals will be the joint use of the SK-11 platform and the InfoDiode complex. As a result of cooperation between our companies, a comprehensive solution to the tasks of APCS, SSPI, ASDU will appear, ensuring the required level of information security based on Russian products, - said Andrey Konev, General Director of Monitor Electric JSC.

Alpha Platform Compatibility

Atomik Soft and AMT GROUP on June 5, 2024 announced the completion of tests to verify the joint operation of the InfoDiode unidirectional data transmission complex and the Alpha Platform software product, designed to build automation systems for the production and operation of engineering facilities of any scale, from local APCS to geographically distributed systems of operational dispatch management of the enterprise.

The main purpose of testing InfoDiode and Alpha platform was to check the possibility of their sharing in data networks with access distinction, as well as the effectiveness of their work, taking into account the fulfillment of all requirements. cyber security The InfoDiode complex, when shared ON with Alpha, supports data transfer between network segments with different levels of security. Obtained in the industrial segment data can be transferred to consumers using the following industrial protocols: OPC UA, OPC DA, IEC 104, etc.

Both products are domestic development and are included in the register of the Ministry of Digital Development, which allows them to be used taking into account the current requirements of legislation in the field of import substitution. In turn, InfoDiode solutions are certified by the FSTEC in terms of confidence level 4, and are also included in the register of the Ministry of Industry and Trade.

The use of the InfoDiode complex as part of production automation systems and operational dispatch control will make it possible to implement physical isolation of APCS components, which will ensure full compliance with the requirements for information security of industrial automation systems, "said Boris Molchanov, Technical Director of AMT GROUP. - The joint use of InfoDiode agro-industrial complex and Alpha platform software will help build a comprehensive and reliably functioning production automation system, while ensuring its complete network isolation from untrusted networks and their inherent threats.

The use of the InfoDiode agro-industrial complex together with the Alpha platform will ensure the reliability and continuity of technological processes of enterprises and critical facilities. At the same time, InfoDiode guarantees that the collection and transmission of data in the automation system implemented on the basis of the Alpha platform will be protected through the safe transit of protected segments abroad, "said Kirill Silkin, Technical Director of Atomic Soft.

InfoDiode 10G Bandwidth AC

AMT GROUP has completed the development of an updated version of the InfoDiode unidirectional data transmission hardware complex with 10G bandwidth. InfoDiode models with increased performance will be available for order in mid-June 2024 and will become the main high-performance InfoDiode lines. The developer announced this on May 13, 2024.

The InfoDiode hardware complex with 10G bandwidth guarantees protection against a large range of cyber threats, provides a high level of isolation of information systems, and, at the same time, allows you to significantly increase the amount of transmitted traffic per unit time.

AK InfoDiode 10G allows you to implement various scenarios with the transmission of large amounts of traffic.

High throughput is especially relevant when:

  • organization of volumetric backups; databases
  • Creating digital twins
  • transfer of distributions, backups, video streams from surveillance cameras;
  • Network Traffic Monitoring (SOC/NOC) organization
  • when interacting with government agencies (for example, SORM).

The solution can be used to ensure data security in government organizations, including law enforcement agencies, industry, the fuel and energy complex, as well as commercial enterprises of any industries using closed networks.

In the near future, it is planned to certify the new InfoDiode 10G hardware complex in FSTEC according to the 4th level of trust.

The amount of information transmitted between segments with different levels of trust is constantly growing. In this regard, the information security tools installed to protect the network perimeter must meet not only high reliability requirements, but also have high throughput, and their implementation should not form bottlenecks in the information flows of enterprises and organizations. The InfoDiode solution with increased 10G performance reveals the potential of using unidirectional data transfer systems in a new way, which significantly increases the number of tasks and possible application scenarios solved with their help, "said Alexander Goltsov, CEO of AMT GROUP.

HoneyCorn Compatibility

AMT GROUP HoneyCorn On March 20, 2024, the companies announced the completion of the compatibility testing process for their products as part of the construction of an architecture for the transmission of data security incidents from closed network segments from traps to server HoneyCorn via InfoDiode.

The proven architecture will allow industrial and financial enterprises to build systems of protection against targeted attacks in closed segments that do not affect the fault tolerance and operability of critical systems, while maintaining the level of isolation of a critical object.

The InfoDiode complex is a unidirectional data transfer system that provides a high level of isolation of critical information systems. At the same time, the required level of their functionality for interaction with adjacent information systems is preserved.

HoneyCorn is a specialized system of the HoneyPot and Deception class, which allows you to identify an attacker both in the early and late stages of penetration into the network, as much as possible preventing the development of an attack. When an attack is detected, it allows you to study the actions of an attacker to collect data necessary for making an administrative decision, or use ready-made decision templates to protect against cyber attacks. This product class allows you to monitor and respond to an attacker's actions in closed networks without affecting industrial processes.

We and our customers have long wanted to get this technology to solve narrow-profile but important information security problems in closed network segments. Therefore, despite the need to introduce new network transports and exchange protocols, we went to work out this task. As a result, we also got a secure, encrypted data transmission channel and the ability to transmit traffic from traps unidirectionally, including using intermediate hubs, "commented Alexey Kaa, a specialist in HoneyCorn product development.

Deception solutions are only gaining popularity in the Russian market for information protection tools. It is all the more interesting to get and offer our customers joint solutions of this class in the context of segment isolation with InfoDiode products. Such complex systems make it possible not only to improve the quality of monitoring closed (trusted) network segments, but also to significantly complicate the life of an internal intruder and malware that may end up in such networks, "said Vyacheslav Polovinko, head of AMT GROUP 's own products.

Obtaining an FSTEC certificate

On February 12, 2024, AMT GROUP announced that it had received the FSTEC certificate for trust level 4 for the InfoDiode SMART APC unidirectional data transfer device. Certification work was successfully completed at the end of 2023.

The obtained certificate allows the use of the InfoDiode SMART agro-industrial complex to protect confidential information, critical information infrastructure (CII) and hazardous production facilities (HMO) at enterprises of various industries - in government agencies, authorities, industry, the fuel and energy complex, the military-industrial complex, the financial industry and other organizations of the corporate sector. In particular, the InfoDiode SMART APC can be used to protect automated systems up to class 1 G, personal data protection systems up to level 1 of security, state information systems up to class 1, as well as APCS systems up to class 1 inclusive. Such devices can be effectively used for comprehensive protection of CII, hazardous facilities, meeting the requirements of the Federal Law of 26.07.2017 No. 187-FZ "On the Security of the Critical Information Infrastructure of the Russian Federation."

The InfoDiode SMART uni-directional data transfer complex is the own development of the AMT GROUP as part of the InfoDiode product line. The solution is designed to provide data protection in local area networks by isolating critical network segments while maintaining the possibility of interworking. The complex is a 1U rack mount device with InfoDiode software installed. The key function of the InfoDiode SMART APC is the ability to transmit industrial protocols - OPC UA/DA, Modbus, IEC-104, MQTT, FTP, etc. Data transmission is also provided within the framework of integration with domestic SCADA systems common on the Russian market. Among the functions of the complex, the fundamental ability to broadcast the file stream and UDP traffic is also preserved.

Given the growing number of threats to the critical infrastructure of our country, the emergence of certified solutions of this class allows organizations and enterprises to replenish their portfolio of effective means of protection and achieve comprehensive physical isolation of information systems and CII facilities, while maintaining the receipt of the necessary information from them. The use of the InfoDiode SMART agro-industrial complex will allow KII and hazardous facilities to build on its basis a comprehensive information exchange infrastructure in conditions of guaranteed physical isolation of hazardous production facilities, APCS systems, critical IT infrastructure, - said Alexander Goltsov, General Director of AMT GROUP.

Compatibility with TL.Solutions

Terralink Technologies and AMT GROUP conducted testing and signed an official statement on the compatibility of their developments - software products of the TL.Solutions ecosystem and the AMT InfoDiode complex. AMT Group announced this on February 6, 2024. Read more here. Read more here.


As part of a comprehensive solution for improving the security of IP telephony systems

AMT GROUP on November 22, 2023 announced the creation of a comprehensive solution to improve the security of IP telephony systems using InfoDiode products. Thus, the company continues to implement a strategy aimed at creating ecosystems using solutions in the field of information protection. Read more here.

Compatibility with SCADA "KRUG-2000"

and Research and Production Company "KRUG" the company AMT GROUP successfully carried out testing data the InfoDiode unidirectional transmission complex and modular integrated SCADA system - KRUG-2000 tools for building, automated control systems telemechanics systems, solving energy metering and dispatching problems for various, industries including,,, construction to the power engineering specialist gas oil chemical food industry, industry,, heating networks, HOUSING AND PUBLIC UTILITIES water utilities, etc. This was announced on October 31, 2023 by the KRUG company.

The joint use of InfoDiode and SCADA KRUG-2000 allows you to solve the following problems:

  • Protection and monitoring of critical information infrastructure (CII). Physical isolation of the observation object from the observer's network is ensured while maintaining the ability to receive data
  • Highly reliable fail-safe data exchange between SCADA and controllers in the APCS segment, as well as unidirectional data transfer outside the perimeter for monitoring, processing and analysis
  • Unidirectional data transfer to centralized control and situation centers. The centers are provided with real online data, in conditions of guaranteed isolation of observation objects.

The safety issues of industrial facilities and CII are becoming more and more relevant every day. One of the key security aspects is import substitution, said Boris Molchanov, technical director of the AMT GROUP. - The combined use of domestic InfoDiode products and SCADA- KRUG-2000 systems make it possible to ensure the safe functioning of the APCS segment, as well as to solve the problem of transferring process data to less trusted segments of the enterprise information network for monitoring technological processes, network state, emergency prevention, data aggregation from distributed facilities and integration of industrial automation systems with external systems.

To ensure the scalability of the system and aggregation of data from geographically distributed APCS, it is necessary to provide a reliable and secure connection to the corporate network. The joint use of SCADA KRUG-2000 and InfoDiode guarantees the safe transfer of technological protocols abroad of the APCS segment, - said Alexander Ugrevatov, technical director of NPF KRUG . - Among the protocols that can be transmitted via InfoDiode via SCADA KRUG-2000: OPC UA, Modbus TCP/RTU, MEK-104 and others.

Compatibility with SDKU "Focus"

SVD VS and AMT GROUP signed an official statement on the compatibility of the InfoDiode unidirectional data transmission complex and the Focus SDKU software, which is an information system for collecting, processing, analyzing, visualizing and storing process data in real time, as well as preventing emergencies at automation facilities. AMT Group announced this on August 1, 2023. Read more here.

Compatibility with ASOKU system

The research and implementation company Sensors, Modules, Systems and the AMT G ROUP company conducted comprehensive testing and signed an official statement on the compatibility of the InfoDiode agro-industrial complex and the ASOKU information system. This was announced on July 25, 2023 by "AMT Group." Read more here.

Compatible with Naumen Contact Center platform

  Specialists AMT GROUP and companies Naumen have tested the testing compatibility of the unidirectional InfoDiode gateway and the platform for the organization. contact center Naumen Contact Center This was announced on March 21, 2023 by AMT GROUP. The use of InfoDiode in conjunction with Naumen Contact Center will allow the to protect internal segment of the organization's network and preserve the ability to receive requests from customers online, process them and provide them in response. information

InfoDiode is a product built on the principles of unidirectional data transfer. InfoDiode provides effective protection for the trusted segment and significantly reduces the risk of an attacker exploiting a bidirectional channel to organize an attack. In a joint solution, InfoDiode acts as a unidirectional data transfer system that provides data exchange with instant messengers, web chat for organizing customer service in text channels.

Naumen Contact Center is a comprehensive solution for organizing a corporate or outsourcing contact center. It includes, among other things, a communication platform with an Omni-Channel component that provides telephony, as well as receiving and processing calls through other channels: e-mail, SMS, instant messengers, social networks, calls from the site, etc.

The use of a unidirectional InfoDiode gateway within the Naumen Contact Center solution allows you to:

  • protect the perimeter containing information the systems and databases storages personal sensitive data by providing separate hardware unidirectional communication channels; messages
  • guaranteed to exclude external connections, making it impossible to leak, damage, compromise data through information exchange channels.

The sharing architecture of Naumen Contact Center and InfoDiode involves the use of InfoDiode complexes between the Naumen Contact Center-chat component operating in the open segment of the CC and the Naumen Contact Center component located in the closed segment of the CC. Communication between the Naumen Contact Cente-chat components and the Naumen Contact Center is carried out using the nccmbp protocol through the UDP protocol supported by the InfoDiode solution. Thus, it is possible to provide directional transmission of calls inside the organization's network, eliminating data leakage, as well as directional transmission of responses from contact center specialists to an external segment, excluding the impact on the organization's business processes and the spread of malware in the protected network.

The proposed architecture provides:

  • "transparency" of data transfer between Naumen Contact Center components operating in an open and closed segment as part of the script execution;
  • possibility of full interaction automation;
  • No impact of protocol features on the success of data transmission
  • Flexible connection management
  • the maximum possible data rate compared to other protocols.

Contact center specialists interact with customers by phone and have access to sensitive, including personal data. The sharing of Naumen Contact Center and InfoDiode allows contact center operators to provide services to customers with access to such data and minimize the possibility of access to a trusted segment by an attacker.
said Vyacheslav Polovinko, head of AMT-GROUP's own products.

Operators and specialists of the contact center who regularly identify contacted the client's company, view the history of his requests and additional data, taking into account this, provide the necessary services through any convenient channel. At the same time, the exchange of information with clients is forced to interface trusted networks of the company, where it is stored significant information and personal data, and untrusted segments - for example,. Internet That is why it was important to offer customers a solution that will preserve the necessary level of quality of the services provided, while saving in all safety data,
commented Sergey Popov, Director of the Department of Contact Centers and Robotic Systems of Naumen.


Completion of certification in FSTEC of the entire line of hardware solutions

AMT GROUP announced on August 15, 2022 the completion of the procedure certifications in FSTEC the entire line of hardware solutions (AC) InfoDiode as a means of technical protection information and means of ensuring safety information technology 4 levels of trust and technical conditions. This allows you to use this means of protection on objects critical information infrastructure up to the first category of significance.

The main purpose of the InfoDiode AC is to protect critical segments (for example,, GIS), APCS upload/load data while preserving galvanic isolation and organize secure interaction of remote objects. The entire line of products that are available in various form factors has passed certification: AK InfoDiode RACK single, AK InfoDiode RACK double for mounting in a 19 'rack and AK InfoDiode MINI in a compact configuration: in desktop or for mounting on a DIN rail. The solutions are fully compatible with market IPS IDS/company-based solutions, and Positive Technologies Kaspersky CyberLympha are in fact typical for building physical network isolation systems when implementing this class of systems.

As of August 2022, regulators are tightening requirements for information security tools, especially with regard to I&C CII, successful attacks on which can lead not only to losses, but also to man-made disasters. In particular, these requirements imply the use of domestic certified solutions. It is for such requirements that the AMT Group developed and certified the InfoDiode AK line, built on the principles of unidirectional data transfer. InfoDiode brand products are implemented and successfully operate in large domestic enterprises of various industries. At the end of 2021, the demand for these solutions increased by about 60%.

Protection information of the perimeter of state information systems CII facilities financial , industry organizations, critical facilities, CII and APCS facilities in,,, and power oil and gas transport HOUSING AND PUBLIC UTILITIES other industries is the most important factor in countering external ones. to cyber threats Physical unidirectional data transfer technologies used at the perimeter boundary provide efficient and secure data transfer from a closed loop to external networks. At the same time, it is guaranteed, at the physical level, the possibility of affecting the protected segment on the same channel through which data from this segment is transmitted is excluded.

The company's solutions are based on many years of experience and experience of AMT GROUP in the use of various unidirectional data transfer systems. The company is confident that the launch of an updated class of certified solutions on the market will significantly increase the security of the perimeter of enterprises and organizations, as well as allow building more effective security systems for the network perimeter,
commented Alexander Goltsov, CEO of AMT Group.

MasterSCADA Compatibility

On May 30, 2022, MPS Soft and AMT GROUP"" announced the signing of an official statement on the compatibility of the InfoDiode unidirectional transmission complex data and, software MasterSCADA which is a fully functional universal platform for the development of automation and dispatching systems and allows you to receive and process a large number of industrial protocols, as well as a software communication gateway. MasterOPC

The results of the comprehensive testing confirmed the joint application of InfoDiode and MasterSCADA/MasterOPC products to ensure a high level of protection of critical network segments when transferring industrial protocols beyond the perimeter APCS at enterprises,, and power oil and gas transport others. industries Among the protocols that can be transmitted via InfoDiode via SCADA Master/MasterOPC: OPC DA, OPC UA, IEC60870-5-104, IEC61850 MMS, etc.

The joint use of InfoDiode and MasterSCADA/MasterOPC allows you to solve the following problems:

  • Protection and monitoring. CUES Physical isolation of observation object from observer network is provided with simultaneous preservation of possibility to observe state of object in online mode.
  • Create a foundation for organizing digital twins. Replicas of critical information resources (OPC servers, SCADA systems of main vendors) are transferred outside the perimeter of APCS and CII for further processing and analysis.
  • Data aggregation from SCADA systems to ERP, MES and cloud solutions. Data is transferred from several SCADA systems to ERP, MES systems, to cloud solutions. Any inverse influence on the part of these systems is excluded.
  • Data transfer to centralized control and situation centers. The centers are provided with real online data, including videofiksatsiyey̆ in conditions of guaranteed isolation of observation objects.

As of May 2022, most enterprises require comprehensive integration of information systems and industrial automation systems, data transfer from the industrial segment to other segments and networks, "said Alexander Goltsov, CEO of AMT GROUP. - Technology data is increasingly used in the organization of digital twins, aggregation of data from SCADA systems into ERP, MES and cloud solutions, to create centralized dispatch and situation centers. That is why they should be available throughout the control hierarchy without distortion, in a mode close to real time. As a rule, such data are concentrated within the boundaries of the critical perimeter of the APCS, access to them is limited both due to the complexity of obtaining and due to strict information security requirements. To isolate the industrial segment as much as possible and preserve the ability to transfer information from it, you can use InfoDiode solutions based on the principles of physical isolation of one network segment from another, and the solutions of MPS Software LLC, which provide data transfer to InfoDiode using various industrial protocols.

{{quote "Sharing InfoDiode and MasterSCADA/MasterOPC solutions allows you to safely implement centralized collection of industrial traffic from technological network segments. MasterSCADA and MasterOPC, as information aggregators in an integrated solution, provide support for the reception and transmission of a large range of industrial protocols, including: OPC DA/HDA, OPC UA, Modbus TCP, IEC 61850 MMS, IEC 60870-5-104, Profinet, Omron FINS, Mitsubishi SLMP, DLMS, etc., and InfoDiode guarantees the safe transit of these protocols abroad of protected segments, "said Andrei Podlesny, Deputy General Director for Commercial Affairs of MPS Software. }}


Compatibility with InfoWatch ARMA

On November 10, 2021 InfoWatch ARMA (part of the GC) InfoWatch and the company "" AMT GROUP signed an official statement on the compatibility of the unidirectional transmission hardware and software complex " data AMT InfoDiode" and products - InfoWatch ARMA software InfoWatch ARMA Industrial (Firewall certified industrial firewall with the intrusion detection system) and InfoWatch ARMA Management Console (unified incident management center INFORMATION SECURITY and protection system InfoWatch ARMA). More. here

InfoDiode Smart View

On September 22, 2021, the company AMT GROUP announced the launch of a diode-class device for comprehensive protection - CUES "InfoDiode SMART." The name of the device reflects a fundamentally different approach to organizing the protection of the network perimeter using unidirectional gateways. The key function of InfoDiode SMART is the ability to transmit industrial protocols - OPC UA, Modbus, MQTT, etc. At the same time, the fundamental ability to broadcast file a stream and UDP traffic through InfoDiode SMART has been preserved. All functions are implemented with the preservation of the physical principle of unidirectionality, that is, the complete guaranteed isolation of the protected object. The present device is a step in both the development of InfoDiode AMT products and the diode class MSI presented in. Russian market

InfoDiode SMART is a 1U rack mount device that is a full-fledged hardware and software package. Such devices can be effectively used for integrated protection of CII, meeting the requirements of 187 FZ.

The main tasks for which InfoDiode SMART has been developed:

  • comprehensive protection and monitoring of CII in case of exclusion of any impact on it;
  • secure remote interaction of critical segments of individual enterprises and organizations through untrusted networks with the transfer of data outside the trusted perimeter of the network via OPC UA, Modbus, MQTT, FTP (S), CIFS, SFTP, UDP, etc.;
  • providing network connectivity for the organization of digital twins;
  • transfer of replicas of critical information resources (OPC servers, SCADA systems of main vendors) outside the perimeter of APCS and CII for further processing and analysis;
  • providing centralized dispatch and situation centers with real online data, including video recording data, in conditions of guaranteed isolation of observation objects;
  • aggregation of data from SCADA systems to ERP, MES systems and clouds.

The distinctive features of the AMT GROUP solution are simplified integration into a heterogeneous infrastructure due to the provision of a universal API (a variety of systems and solutions can now interact with the device, including those independently developed by consumers), the presence of additional connectors from the manufacturer that allow you to integrate the device with the different source and receiver systems themselves.

As of September 2021, the device is preparing for certification by FSTEC UD (4). In the future, it is planned to expand the list of industrial protocols supported by the device.

{{quote 'Every year the number of cyber attacks on critical information infrastructure is only increasing, and security issues are becoming more relevant, "said Vladimir Leonov, Technical Director of AMT GROUP. - We see a clear request from the market, the need for new highly effective hardware protection of the network perimeter. And we continue to work on the creation of devices that will allow our customers to create comprehensive and effective protection systems for CII facilities in accordance with the requirements of the law. }}

AMT InfoDiode Compatibility

On May 13, 2021, CyberLymph, together with AMT GROUP, announces the completion of tests confirming the compatibility of the AMT InfoDiode unidirectional data transfer hardware complex and the CyberLympha DATAPK (CL DATAPK) online monitoring and security monitoring software. Compatibility tests were conducted in April 2021 at the CyberLymph Research Center.

Tests were carried out to practically check the compatibility of products in the scenarios of joint use as part of the subsystems for ensuring constant monitoring of the security status of APCS complexes. The test criterion is the full performance of CL DATAPK functions in unidirectional data transfer conditions.

The test program included bench tests of CL DATAPK, connected to the test infrastructure using InfoDiode, in two modes:

  • analyzing a copy of network traffic
  • unidirectional reception of events

As a result of the tests, CL DATAPK coped with both network traffic processing and event processing, thanks to which the companies confirm the full technical compatibility of the solutions.

The use of the InfoDiode AMT complex as part of the monitoring system makes it possible to implement physical isolation of the APCS components and ensure that the information security monitoring subsystem does not influence the APCS functions, ensuring full compliance with the requirements for providing information security of industrial automation systems.

The use of CL DATAPK together with the AMT InfoDiode hardware system will allow our customers to increase the level of protection of automated control systems and provide additional measures to protect the APCS from external influences. We are pleased with our partnership with AMT GROUP and hope for fruitful cooperation, - comments Alexey Komarov, Development Director of SaiberLimfa.

Network traffic is the most accessible information to determine the current state of the automated system. The joint use of InfoDiode solutions and proprietary traffic analysis methods from CL DATAPK will allow our customers to build a comprehensive and reliably functioning system for monitoring traffic in the industrial segment, while ensuring complete physical isolation of the network APCS from untrusted networks and their inherent threats, says Vladimir Leonov, Technical Director of AMT GROUP.

Compatibility with CIPF "Kvazar"

On March 22, 2021, the AMT GROUP, together with the Practical Security Systems company, announced the completion of testing of the joint use of hardware models (InfoDiode rack module AK) and InfoDiode hardware and software systems (InfoDiode APK) with Kvazar encryption modules (Kvazar MS). The sharing of complexes provides users with additional opportunities to increase the level of technological security and confidentiality of the network perimeter or individual network segments and allows transferring confidential information outside the organization's network through uncontrolled communication channels without fear of its loss, change or compromise.

Testing shows the possibility of creating a comprehensive solution based on InfoDiode and CIPF "Kvazar" products, which can be used at industrial facilities, in financial structures, corporations, telecommunications companies, where it is necessary to ensure stable performance of services and data transfer environments in conditions of high infrastructure utilization in 24x7 mode, including services such as data/file transfer, video surveillance and others.

The time when the only solution could close all information security issues is long gone, "says Vladimir Leonov, technical director of the AMT GROUP. - Therefore, our company is actively working to establish partnerships and release joint solutions with developers of information security systems. Testing the InfoDiode and MSS Kvazar complexes is another step in this direction. The resulting solution allows you to protect the network perimeter from attacks and ensure a high level of confidentiality of the information transmitted.

{{quote 'The use of means of cryptographic protection of information "Kvazar" together with InfoDiode provides reliable protection of high-speed communication channels of CII objects from most threats, as well as increases the efficiency of investments in infrastructure and services due to the optimal use of equipment and the minimum time for commissioning communication channel protection means, - commented Kirill Markevich, Head of High-Performance CIPF Company "Practical Security Systems." }}

Compatible with System 1 Evolution v20.2

On March 1, 2021, AMT GROUP and Bently Nevada (part of Baker Hughes) announced the completion of testing of the joint use of the InfoDiode AMT unidirectional data transmission system (InfoDiode rack module AK InfoDiode Mini) with the System 1 Evolution v20.2 product in industrial data transmission networks. The test results demonstrated a significant increase in the level of technological safety and efficiency of using enterprise systems when integrating these products.

Bently Nevada's System 1 software platform is an important asset management, equipment monitoring tool for oil and gas, power and industrial enterprises, with over 10,000 active users worldwide. System 1 is used for interactive real-time monitoring and diagnostics of gas, hydraulic and steam turbines, compressors, generators, motors, transformers, boilers, industrial heaters, pumps and various auxiliary equipment.

As cybersecurity standards tighten, industrial enterprises are increasingly using the principle of network segmentation when building a network architecture. However, the deployment of monitoring systems in completely isolated technology segments of networks can significantly limit their functionality, availability and, as a result, reduce the efficiency of the enterprise as a whole. The use of the InfoDiode AMT unidirectional data transfer system makes it possible to solve the problem of ensuring the level of isolation of critical information systems, while maintaining the possibility of their interaction with adjacent information systems. Thus, processes of continuous monitoring of equipment operation in the technological network from other segments can be built, including processes of incident response from internal and external services, and, if necessary, equipment manufacturers.

In these conditions, the task of ensuring the safety of industrial facilities is becoming more and more urgent, "says Vladimir Leonov, Technical Director of AMT GROUP. - Therefore, when developing solutions in the field of information security, we pay great attention to their integration with key information systems of industrial enterprises. Through close cooperation with Bently Nevada partners, we can offer industrial companies a joint System 1 plus InfoDiode solution that allows for interactive health control and diagnostics of industrial equipment, while significantly reducing risks arising from unauthorized impact on technological processes flowing in the OT network.

{{quote 'Our customers are paying more and more attention to cybersecurity issues. By confirming the compatibility of System 1 Benlty Nevada and InfoDiode, we can offer our customers not only a good solution in the field of monitoring and diagnostics of industrial equipment, but also a reliable tool to improve the security level of the technological segment of the network. This will allow enterprises to accelerate digital transformation and fully use all the functionality of System 1 in full compliance with IT security requirements, "said Mikhail Dagaev, Regional Director of Bently Nevada Russia, Turkey, Caspian. }}


Compatibility of InfoDiode rack module/Mini with Kaspersky Industrial CyberSecurity for Networks

On December 28, 2020, the companies AMT GROUP and "" Kaspersky Lab announced the completion of comprehensive testing of the joint use of InfoDiode hardware models (AK InfoDiode rack module, AK InfoDiode Mini) with a product (Kaspersky Industrial CyberSecurity for Networks KICS for Networks) data industrial in enterprise transmission networks. Working in conjunction, the products complement each other's functionality. More. here

Release of АК AMT InfoDiode Mini

On July 8, 2020, AMT GROUP announced the expansion of the product line of InfoDiode AMT unidirectional data transfer devices. A hardware complex in a form factor is now available for order - AK AMT InfoDiode Mini in a compact configuration. The device in this form factor retains all the main characteristics of the standard AA AMT InfoDiode.

The use of the InfoDiode Mini AMT AC guarantees protection from external influences in order to violate the integrity and availability of information and ensures a high level of isolation of information systems. At the same time, the possibilities of information exchange and the functioning of business processes are preserved. Security is provided at the hardware level, excluding any possibility of implementing attacking information actions at the software level .

Due to the ever-increasing number of cyber threats, more and more organizations and enterprises are using unidirectional data transfer technologies to prevent attacks through critical infrastructure management systems. At the same time, a significant part of such tasks requires the use of small-sized devices to solve them instead of the classic ones for mounting in a rack. Enterprises of various industries - energy, oil and gas, transport, housing and communal services, etc. - use devices for mounting on a DIN-rack, as well as desktop options.

The main areas of application of the InfoDiode Mini AMT AC are:

· Unidirectional information exchange for networks of various levels of criticality through public networks; · Secure transfer of data from critical systems for further analysis on specialized information security systems and monitoring systems; · Secure recording from sensors and surveillance cameras to servers located in a secure segment of the network; · Secure broadcast of audio-video content, transmission of messages and notification signals from mobile devices, including wireless communication channels; · Unloading of event logs for subsequent correlation in SOC and State system of detection, prevention and elimination of consequences of computer attacks systems.

AMT GROUP developed the InfoDiode AMT device in 2015. At the beginning of July 2020, InfoDiode AMT hardware and hardware and software complexes are used in the implementation of projects to protect APCS systems, CII facilities, KVO, closed segments of networks of state and commercial enterprises.

In addition, AMT GROUP is developing a partner network to promote the product to the market.


Integration with InfoWatch ASAP to protect APCS process networks

The system integrator and developer of IT solutions AMT Group"" and the group of companies InfoWatch in March 2018 announced the completion of testing of the joint use of PAC (InfoWatch Automation System Advanced Protector InfoWatch ASAP) and AK InfoDiode products to protect technology networks. APCS

The sharing of these products allows the analysis of information flows in the industrial network to identify unauthorized connections and activities, as well as [[[cyberattacks|cyber attacks]]|[cyber attacks], while ensuring protection against malicious impact on the protected segment of the APCS.

Taking into account the close attention of the legislative bodies and regulators of the Russian Federation to the topic of protecting critical information infrastructure (CII), which, among other things, includes the majority of APCS, a joint integration solution of the system of guaranteed protection against external network threats (InfoDiode) and a specialized system for analyzing information flows in order to identify threats within the protected segment (InfoWatch ASAP) will achieve a high level of CII security, according to AMT Group and InfoWatch.

InfoWatch ASAP is performed based on the traffic received from the SPAN port of the switch to analyze information flows and inform about activities (both allowed and unauthorized) in the protected network. In turn, InfoDiode, installed in the gap between the switch and InfoWatch ASAP, provides guaranteed unidirectional data upload. In this way, the critical segment is isolated while maintaining the ability to unload the information necessary for analysis.

InfoDiode is designed to organize unidirectional data transfer at the physical level between information segments of various levels of criticality, ensuring the impossibility of any information impact from outside. Due to the lack of programmable components in InfoDiode, it is impossible to make changes to the device configuration or affect to change security functions, unlike traditional network segmentation tools (firewalls).

In turn, InfoWatch ASAP is a specialized software and hardware complex designed to register and analyze current traffic in the APCS technological network, register information security events and respond to abnormal activity. Allows you to provide firewall and intrusion prevention at the link, network, transport and application levels, detect attacks on industrial automation tools.

Release of joint solution with Group-IB

The company specializing Group-IB in prevention, cyber attacks together with a AMT Group system integrator and developer, in January 2018 announced the launch of a joint solution to ensure information security and protect against cyber threats within isolated segments of networks of large corporations, industrial enterprises, fuel and energy complex facilities and financial organizations.

The use of a multi-layered network architecture built on the principle of Defense-in-Depth is, in a way, a security standard for industrial giants, public and private corporations around the world, "said Nikita Kislitsyn, head of solutions for protecting against targeted attacks Group-IB. - Obviously, the most sensitive information cannot be processed, transmitted and "placed" on the same network as other, less critical data. The first step is to isolate her. The second is to provide protection. Indeed, within a "closed" network, a mail service is often used, it may have unaccounted for or legitimate vulnerabilities. The human factor cannot be ruled out.

To protect critical infrastructure, Group-IB and AMT Group experts have created a technology solution that allows you to separate network segments, analyze internal information flows, check any suspicious activity on the fly, identify and stop attempts to penetrate isolated network segments or compromise data at an early stage. The verdict on the hazard level of the object is made on the basis of the classifier generated by the machine analysis system. This ensures constant monitoring of the real situation, which is a prerequisite for the construction of a controlled security system for critical infrastructure facilities.

As part of the technology collaboration, the partners integrated the Group-IB Threat Detection System (TDS) and InfoDiode products from AMT Group. Based on the results of multi-stage load testing - both in the Group-IB laboratory and in the "combat" mode - on the allocated sections of the company network - the quality of the joint solution and ensuring all the declared performance and integration indicators were confirmed.

Group-IB and AMT Group joint solution to protect "closed" network segments in the organization's information infrastructure

The merger of the flagship technologies of Group-IB and AMT Group is expected to ensure a high level of information security of separate network segments without any interference with the existing infrastructure and its processes. InfoDiode is "responsible" for unidirectional data transfer between information segments of various levels of criticality, excluding any information impact from outside. "Receiving" traffic from InfoDiode, Group-IB TDS detects infected nodes, detects suspicious network activity and any anomalies based on signatures, heuristics and its own knowledge base consolidated in the Threat Intelligence system.

According to partners, the release of such solutions meets not only the needs of the market, but also the requirements of the regulator: on January 1, 2018, Federal Law N 187-FZ "On the Security of the Critical Information Infrastructure of the Russian Federation" entered into force.

The isolation of critical network segments in industry, banking, government agencies, the fuel and energy sector segment and large corporations is increasingly a necessity not only due to tightening regulatory requirements, but also as the only possible way to guarantee protection against external threats, "said Alexey Malnev, Deputy Director of the Information Security. " - At the same time, complete isolation imposes significant restrictions on countering internal threats. The joint solution of AMT Group and Group-IB allows you to solve monitoring problems while maintaining the proper level of isolation of critical infrastructures.


At Solar Dozor and AMT InfoDiode announced a PAC to control employee communications

In November, the companies Solar Security AMT GROUP announced the creation of a software and hardware complex to monitor employee communications and identify early signs of corporate fraud in companies with isolated secure environments. The solution is implemented on the basis of Solar Dozor products and. InfoDiode AMT

The development is focused primarily on the public sector, including power structures, industry, the fuel and energy complex, as well as commercial enterprises of any industry using isolated network infrastructure circuits. The use of DLP systems in such organizations imposes certain restrictions on the storage and processing of analyzed data. Even if the collection is carried out in an unprotected circuit, the analysis and storage of information must be carried out in a closed perimeter inaccessible from the outside. This makes it possible to ensure reliable control of employee communications and guaranteed confidentiality of corporate information.

Read more: Solar Dozor (formerly Watch-Jet)

PT ISIM and AMT Group: InfoDiode Integrated

In April 2016, Positive Technologies and AMT GROUP announced the successful testing of a joint solution to protect critical infrastructures and industrial enterprises, created on the basis of Positive Technologies Industrial Security Incident Manager and AMT Groups: InfoDiode.

The solution provides the ability to protect the APCS segment without affecting its functional safety. In particular, PT ISIM allows you to detect cyber attacks or illegal actions of personnel, vulnerabilities of APCS components and conduct incident investigations. And integration with InfoDiode AMT is guaranteed to exclude the possibility of negative impact on the APCS segment due to the isolation of PT ISIM and unidirectional data transmission.

The principle of operation of PT ISIM is to collect and analyze a copy of the traffic of the technological network. The intelligent event processing mechanism used by PT ISIM allows you to link individual security events in an attacker's action chain and identify time-distributed attacks (even over long periods) by notifying employees on the ground or in the situation center of an incident. And thanks to the visualization function, the system presents the incident in a visual, user-friendly form: with reference to the network topology and the scheme of industrial equipment. A saved copy of the traffic makes it possible to conduct a retrospective analysis and investigation of the incident at any time.

In the joint scheme, the protection of the perimeter of the APCS segment, the information of which is transmitted for analysis, is implemented on the basis of the AMT InfoDiode solution. This ensures the isolation of the process network segment and eliminates the impact of the protection means on functional safety.


Certification of InfoDiode hardware and software complex in FSTEC of Russia

AMT GROUP announced in September 2015 the completion of the certification of the InfoDiode hardware and software complex at the FSTEC of Russia. A certificate has been obtained for compliance with the requirements of the technical specifications and the guiding document "Protection against unauthorized access to information. Part 1. Information security software. Classification according to the level of control of undeclared capabilities "(State Technical Commission of Russia, 1999) according to the 4th level of control.

The obtained certificate allows you to use InfoDiode to protect confidential information (automated systems up to class 1 G, personal data protection systems up to level 1 of security, state information systems up to class 1, as well as APCS systems up to and including class 1).

The company's future plans include obtaining certificates from the FSB, the Ministry of Defense and industry certification systems.


The company "AMT Group" announced in February 2015 the launch on the market of a solution of its own design - the hardware and software complex of unidirectional data transfer InfoDiode. The solution is designed to provide data protection in local area networks by isolating critical network segments while maintaining the possibility of interworking. The target industries of InfoDiode application are state-owned enterprises and organizations, industry, fuel and energy complex, corporate sector and financial industry.

According to the developers, InfoDiode has a number of features that new reveal the potential for using unidirectional data transfer systems, which increases the number of tasks and possible application scenarios solved with their help.

In the process of developing a new solution, AMT Group specialists used their own long-term experience in introducing unidirectional data transfer systems, and also took into account the requirements and specifics of domestic customers, Russian legislation and the market as a whole.

The technology, known as Data diode, has been used for several years to protect data in various industries. The use of unidirectional data transmission systems in the Russian Federation is regulated by orders 17, 21 and 31 of the FSTEC, indicated in AMT Group.

"Given the current political situation, the use of Western solutions for unidirectional data transfer today is not always possible due to the specifics of the equipment itself (usually devices of this class belong to dual-use systems) and sanctions restrictions. That is why it is extremely important to have a completely domestic product, - said Vasily Nosakov, director of the information security department of AMT Group. - In our country, it was believed that unidirectional data transmission systems are mainly applicable for APCS protection . However, foreign experience and 'AMT Group' experience show that the range of tasks solved with their help is much wider, and the potential for using these systems has not yet been significantly disclosed. "