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Otokar Drive Electro Electrobus

Developers: Drive Electro (NIIKEU)
Branches: Transport

The low-floor city bus of a big class from lities-titanatnym the accumulator is developed by the Russian company Drive Electro especially for the Turkish car maker Otokar. As of August 31, 2017 the electrobus is already given to the customer.

Drive Electro developed the electrobus for the Turkish car maker

Contract with Otokar

Self-produced storage batteries the engineering company Drive Electro concluded the development contract and creation of the electrobus about lithium-titanatnym (LTO) with the Turkish enterprise Otokar in December, 2016, and in August, 2017 the first sample of the electrobus went from Moscow to Turkey.

In plans of the customer — to carry out factory tests of the electrobus then the sample will be transferred for trial operation to municipality of Istanbul.

It is important for us that the large Turkish car maker entrusted us development of the first in the line electrobus — Sergei Ivanov, the CEO of Drive Electro company, the Dr.Sci.Tech., professor said. — In the world market of developers of the electrical and hybrid systems for commercial transport today enough strong players. Therefore it is especially pleasant that after the careful analysis of offers our Turkish partners gave preference to us — the Russian engineers.

Bus model

The electrobus represents 100% the low-floor city bus of a big class 12 m long. An electrobus course stock with the LTO accumulator — 40-50 km. Recharge is carried out at final stops of routes a current of 6-10 minutes that is 20 times less, than the average time of gymnastics of the previous generation of batteries.

The electrobus created by request of Otokar

According to Drive Electro, electrobuss and also trolleybuses on the basis of lities-titanatnykh of accumulators reckon with the autonomous course as the modern types of public transport having a number of advantages: lack of harmful exhausts, comparative reliability and durability of the engine at long operation, significant savings on expenses, high coefficient of efficiency, the smaller number of noise.

Electric transport in Russia

According to Sergei Ivanov, the market of electric city transport in Russia only begins to form. For last 3 years about 20-30 trolleybuses and electrobuss from lities-titanatnymi were released by accumulators in operation. In the nearest future significant growth in this segment is expected, and to provide requirements of the market, capacities of the company are ready to fivefold expansion. In addition to Russia and Turkey, active negotiations on cooperation with customers in Germany, Latin America and Thailand are conducted.

Electric vehicles