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2024/05/06 16:01:46

BIM technologies (Russian market) Information modeling of buildings and structures

Information modeling technology, or BIM, is an approach to the construction, equipment, operation and repair of a building, involving the collection and comprehensive processing during the design of all architectural, design, technological, economic and other information about the building, when the building and everything related to it is considered as a single object. BIM technologies allow you to take a big step forward when developing the object - from making a conceptual decision during design to decommissioning the object. The introduction of this technology will significantly improve the quality of design and at the same time simplify work at all stages of the life cycle of the facility, which will allow you to move to a new stage in the development of the entire industry.


IT in Real Estate and Construction

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Main article: BIM - Information modeling of buildings and structures

BIM in Russia


An open register of design organizations using BIM technologies has been launched in Russia. It will be easier for developers to look for them

On May 3, 2024, Дом.рф"" announced the creation of a single register of project organizations using information modeling technologies (TIM) in housing. construction Thanks to the new initiative, construction companies will be able to quickly find contractors using developments in the field. BIM More. here

Approved national standard on information modeling technologies for residential buildings

In January 2024, a preliminary national standard for residential buildings "Requirements for digital information models" was approved, the Ministry of Construction said . The document developed by the Institute for Development in the Housing Sector "Дом.РФ" in 2023 passed the examination of the trade community in TK 505 "Information Modeling" under the leadership of the Ministry of Construction.

TK 505 was formed by order of Rosstandart of March 29, 2022, its chairman - Deputy Head of the Ministry of Construction of Russia Konstantin Mikhailik. The secretariat of the committee is organized on the basis of "Дом.РФ." The committee was established to ensure a consistent policy of the ministry to form regulatory and technical documentation and other tools to stimulate the introduction of information modeling in construction (TIM).

National Standard PNST 909-2024 "Requirement for Digital Information Models of Non-Production Facilities. Part 1. Residential Buildings "comes into force on February 1, 2024 and will be valid for three years.

National standard approved for digital models of residential buildings

As of January 18, the document has not yet been published on the Rosstandart website. But on the site "Дом.РФ" there is a final version of the draft of the new national standard. The standard describes, among other things, the scenarios for the use of TIM, requirements for the results of modeling, the composition of the digital information model and requirements for its structure, requirements for ensuring interoperability, for the spatial structure of the building, etc.

The national standard is the methodological foundation for the digitalization of the entire housing construction industry, it sets clear clear rules of the game for all market participants in the application of information modeling technologies. In the long term, the widespread use of information modeling will have a significant economic effect for the entire construction complex of Russia by increasing efficiency, reducing costs and accelerating the implementation of projects, "said Konstantin Mikhailik, Deputy Minister of Construction and Housing and Public Utilities of the Russian Federation, Chairman of TK 505.

The Ministry of Construction expects that the standard will systematize and standardize the requirements for digital information models of residential buildings. Automating the processing of data from the created models will allow you to comply with the requirements of the law and solve application tasks: faster preparation of design and working documentation, fill out bills of materials, work with other typical scenarios for TIM use.

The release of the preliminary national pre-standard is a landmark event for civil engineering, taking into account the upcoming transition to TIM. Taking into account the best Russian and international practices, the position of experts and business creates a unique methodological base. With its help, all participants in the construction market can develop their own information models, introduce them into their processes and achieve maximum benefits from the digitalization of the construction cycle, from design to operation of already built buildings, "said Nikolai Kozak, Managing Director for IT and Digital Transformation of Дом.РФ.

From July 1, 2024, all new projects in housing construction will be required to be implemented with TIM, and from January 1, 2025, the same requirement applies to all development projects in the field of shared construction. According to the expert assessment, "Дом.РФ," the introduction of TIM allows you to reduce paper document circulation by up to 85%, reduce the processing time of documents by 50%, reduce the number of design errors by 80% and increase the accuracy of calculating the volume of work by 45%.

According to the head of Rosstandart Anton Shalaev, the development of uniform rules and requirements for the results of the formation and maintenance of digital information models of residential buildings, including apartment buildings, individual residential buildings within the territory of a low-rise residential complex and residential buildings of blocked buildings, will allow the process participants to ensure a systematic transition to information modeling technologies (TIM).

During the period of PNST 909-2024, from February 1, 2024 to February 1, 2027, the proposed approaches to the formation of digital information models will be tested depending on the scenarios being implemented, as well as practical experience in the implementation of modeling will be collected and analyzed.

2023: Russia approved the first GOST for a unified information modeling system in the field of urban planning

In May 2023, Rosstandart approved the national standard GOST R "Unified Information Modeling System. Main provisions "in the field of the Unified Information Modeling System (EMS). This was announced on June 7, 2023 by CSoft. Read more here.


The volume of the Russian market for BIM and PLM systems is estimated at 100 billion rubles

At the end of 2022, the volume of the Russian market for product lifecycle management (PLM) systems, as well as information modeling tools for buildings and structures (BIM) amounted to approximately 100 billion rubles. Moreover, against the background of the current geopolitical situation, interest in domestic products has significantly increased. This is stated in the materials of JSC "SiSoft Development" (CSoft Development), published in early May 2024.

The study "SiSoft Development" was attended by representatives of enterprises in the construction sector, the energy sector, heavy industry, including mining and manufacturing, design and engineering spheres, information technology and education segments. Every fourth respondent (82 out of 332 respondents) reported that his company does not use Russian TIM software (information modeling technologies). More than a third of the survey participants (34.1%) said that the choice in favor of foreign products was made because imported software closes the enterprise's tasks. A significant part of the respondents (23%) pointed out the insufficient functionality of domestic solutions for them. Some of the respondents reported that "there is an opportunity to use unlicensed software," while others "partners abroad do not perceive Russian software."

The volume of the Russian BIM and PLM market amounted to approximately 100 billion rubles

At the same time, Igor Orelyana Ursua, executive and technical director of SiSoft Development, told the Kommersant newspaper that, in general, domestic BIM and PLM solutions cover the needs of companies in almost all segments, including in the field of modeling in civil construction, various industrial sectors, and so on. But at the same time, difficulties are observed in a number of narrow areas, for example, in the chemical industry.

I am sure that at the end of the process of replacing foreign software, Russian solutions can occupy up to 98% of the market, - notes Orellana Ursua. [1]]

BIM Technology Market Growth by 14.4%

The volume of the Russian BIM technology market in 2022 reached 10.1 billion rubles, an increase of 14.4% compared to 2021. This is evidenced by the data of the market research agency "GuideMarket," which were released in August 2023.

According to the report, for the period 2018-2022. the market volume doubled, which, according to experts, was due to obligations on the part of the state to switch to the use of BIM technologies. This indicates a desire to optimize and improve processes in the construction industry, as well as improve the quality and safety of construction. In general, the trend towards digitalization of the industry has a significant impact on the dynamics of the BIM technology market, analysts say.

According to them, in 2022, several main trends have emerged in the field of BIM technologies that determine the development of this area:

  • increasing attention is being paid to the use of artificial intelligence. Artificial intelligence automates and optimizes design and construction processes, and provides new opportunities for data analysis and decision-making;
  • the application of digital twins has become increasingly popular. Digital twins are virtual models of real objects that allow specialists to collaborate on a project, pre-test and optimize it, as well as track changes and updates in real time. This reduces design and construction time and costs, and improves coordination and communication between project participants;
  • extended application of BIM technologies at different stages of the object life cycle. If earlier BIM technologies were used mainly at the design and construction stage, now their use is expanding to the operation and management of the facility. This makes it possible to effectively manage resources, carry out maintenance and repairs, as well as improve the energy efficiency and stability of the facility;
  • the fourth trend is the development of cloud technologies in the BIM industry. Cloud technologies allow you to store and share project data in a convenient and secure way, and provide access to it from anywhere and on your device. This helps the team work more efficiently, improves collaboration and information sharing, and provides more secure and convenient data storage.

For the period 2018-2022. Market volume doubled

Analysts summarize that the growth in the volume of the BIM technology market and the main trends of 2022 indicate the constant development and improvement of this area. The use of artificial intelligence, digital twins, the expansion of application to various stages of the life cycle of the object and the development of cloud technologies all this allows to increase the efficiency and quality of work in the construction industry.[2]

According to experts, the full-scale introduction of BIM technology will be implemented when the state that initiated it will be able to provide a specific investment model and tools, a service that will be understandable to developers at different levels so that they understand all their benefits and risks from participation in BIM projects.

All market participants have a different goal to use BIM technology: developers and banks have different goals: to justify financial costs and assess all risks at once, the state has not only the transparency of all construction processes, as well as control of important tasks on environmental friendliness, safety and other criteria. For developers, the goal is to optimize processes as much as possible in order to reduce costs and increase the profitability of the project.

State competence centers on information modeling technologies are being created in Russia

On September 21, 2022, the Ministry of Digital Development of the Russian Federation announced the creation of new state industrial centers of competence (ICC). Among them is a project on information modeling technologies (BIM). Read more here.

ASCON announced the release of the BIM standard

On August 4, 2022, the ASCON Russian engineering company software announced the release of BIM a standard that will help optimize the implementation of information modeling technology for customers from industrial and civil. constructions The document forms the basis of the BIM implementation methodology, which, in addition to the standard, includes the BIM process model for the entire life cycle of the capital construction facility, as well as instructions and templates for using the software. More. here

A national standard for digital counterparts of residential buildings is being created in Russia

On July 25, 2022, the ДОМ.РФ Unified Institute for Housing Development announced the development of a national standard containing requirements for information models of residential buildings. The work of the state-owned company in this area was supported by the participants of the second meeting of the technical committee "Information Modeling" (TK 505), previously created on the basis of the development institute.

During the meeting held in July 2022, the Center for Competencies of Information Modeling Technologies (TIM) in Civil Engineering "ДОМ.РФ" presented the first scenarios for using technology to create "digital twins" in civil engineering. When developing them, the best Russian and international practices, the opinions of the expert community are taken into account.

A national standard for digital counterparts of residential buildings is being developed in Russia
The introduction of information modeling technologies will not only increase the transparency of the implementation of projects, but also reduce transaction costs at all stages of the life cycle, as well as mitigate risks in the implementation of the line of credit products. In order to introduce TIM, the Ministry of Construction of Russia organized interaction with all key participants, the expert community to work out the most important issues in this direction, "said Konstantin Mikhailik, Deputy Minister of Construction and Housing and Public Utilities of the Russian Federation.

As the director of the Unified Housing Information System Alexander Lukyanov noted at the meeting, the presented "ДОМ.РФ" developments and proposals on the national standard will be harmonized with the existing requirements in the field of TIM. According to him, by the end of July 2022, the development of the necessary documentation according to the preliminary national standard is underway. Its creation is one of the tools to ensure a full-scale transition of the construction industry to the use of TIM. The advantages of this technology are the prevention of errors in documentation and, as a result, the safe operation of buildings, including residential buildings, savings in budgets of different levels and businesses, as well as acceleration of construction processes, he added.[3]


The government approved a "roadmap" for the use of information modeling technologies in construction

On December 27, 2021, it became known that the Government of the Russian Federation approved a "roadmap" for the use of information modeling technologies in construction.

It is expected that the use of BIM technologies will contribute to improving the quality of construction and reducing the timing of investment and construction projects. The government continues to create conditions for the introduction of information modeling technologies in design and construction, as well as for the use of energy-efficient and environmentally friendly materials. On December 20, 2021, Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin signed Decree No. 3719-r, the website of the Cabinet of Ministers said.

An information model is a set of information, documents and materials that are formed at all stages of the life cycle of a capital construction object. Their collection is carried out by the developer, the technical customer of the facility or the one who is responsible for its operation.

The Road Map provides for:

  • development of technologies of additive construction production;
  • introduction of augmented and virtual reality at the stages of installation and commissioning;
  • introduction of aerial monitoring using drones;
  • use of energy-efficient and environmentally friendly materials;
  • support for manufacturers and developers who use energy-efficient and environmentally friendly building materials.[4]

The construction market of Russia was not ready for the transition to BIM technologies

By the beginning of December 2021, 85% of participants in the construction market in Russia had just begun to introduce information modeling technologies, including Building Information Modeling (BIM), and therefore were not ready to completely switch to them. At the same time, according to the decree of the Government of the Russian Federation, from January 1, 2022, the use of BIM technologies will be mandatory in the construction of facilities within the framework of state contracts.

The fact that the construction industry is not ready for digital modeling, writes Kommersant with reference to the results of a survey of the inter-industry association of self-regulators in the field of construction and design "Synergy." It follows from it that only 7% of market participants have fully completed the implementation of BIM, and 8% of respondents rated the level of transition to such modeling as average.

The construction market of Russia was not ready for the transition to BIM technologies

As follows from the data Rosstat and, Accounts Chamber the share of construction public procurement in the volume of relevant work for 2020 amounted to 66%. Thus, if the authorities turn out to be consistent in their decision, most of the companies in the industry will lose access to two-thirds of the market.

According to market participants, the upcoming BIM reform will lead to the enlargement of contractor companies in the field of construction government orders. Since small industry participants simply do not have enough funds for the full implementation of information modeling, Mikhail Tsarev, technical director of Olimproekt Group of Companies, noted in a commentary to the publication.

Due to the small number of players who managed to implement BIM, competition in the government order market will decrease, which will cause the opposite effect - the increase in cost will increase, predicts the general director of Smart Engineering Hussein Pliev.

The head of InfraOne Research, Alexandra Galaktionova, says that it is impossible to switch to BIM at once - it took almost two years for those who have already migrated.[5]

Published a "roadmap" for the transition to BIM in the field of state order

A "roadmap" for the transition to BIM in the field of state order has been published. In 2021, the Ministry of Construction should develop an information model structure. Then - to approve the regulations for the interaction of participants in the construction cycle using BIM. This became known on November 30, 2021.

The structure should reflect the stages of creating a BIM model and working with it at the stages of the life cycle of the CS, namely design, research, construction and operation. As well as those responsible for its maintenance by the performers.

By the end of December, the Ministry of Construction will approve the composition of the data in the ACS information model at all stages of the life cycle of the latter. In the same time frame, it is necessary to prepare a regulatory legal act approving the regulations for the interaction of all participants in the management of this BIM model[6].

Information Modeling Technology Transition Plan

From January 1, 2022, the construction industry begins the transition to information modeling technologies, but the professional community does not finally have an opinion on the very mechanism of such a transition. This became known on November 24, 2021. The head of the Glavgosexpertiza of Russia, Igor Manylov, said that at this stage the digital twin should be a prototype of an information model, where the most important data on the object are collected in a structured form.

A full-fledged digital model will not be able to replace all construction processes tomorrow. This is only the beginning of a long journey towards the transition to TIM, when it is necessary to analyze all the main business processes, create an interaction infrastructure, start working in the same format and with a common set of data, and in parallel, and not according to an archaic sequential system for the implementation of a capital construction facility - said Igor Manylov. - We are actively working on this issue with the Ministry of Construction of Russia and all interested parties and propose to follow the path of evolutionary development,

In matters of transition to TIM, you first of all need to decide on transformation approaches from the inside: learn how to use the data available to all participants about the object, implement an XML format, make 3D requirements optional, change the attitude towards the classifier of construction information, giving it the opportunity to also develop gradually. And, of course, it is necessary to develop the competencies of employees in terms of working with digital technologies, - said Igor Manylov.

{{quote 'Expertise in digital reality is already acting as a construction assistant with extensive competencies and information services. We participate in the digital transformation of design and planning processes, and since we are primarily engaged in intellectual work - we form a knowledge management system, - the head of the Glavgosexpertiza of Russia is sure. }}

At the same time, according to the speaker, for many participants in the construction and investment process, the incentive for their own digitalization was the launch of a single digital expertise platform (ECPE). Igor Manylov said that as of November 2021, 60 regional expert organizations have already moved to work in the ECPE, and about 25 are testing the system in pilot mode. The development of this digital product is one of the areas of integration of processes and interaction of all participants in the investment and construction process[7] of [8].

Creation of an IT platform for infrastructure construction for 1 billion rubles

In November 2021, the creation of the Preon IT platform for infrastructure construction was announced in Russia. The project, in which more than 1 billion rubles are invested, was carried out by the Avtoban group, Roads and Bridges JSC and the developer of BIM technologies Aibim. Read more here.

BIM technologies become the basis of civil and industrial construction

BIM-technologies become the basis of civil and. industrial constructions This was announced on October 1, 2021 by the company. CSoft

Starting from January 1, 2022, the construction of schools, hospitals kindergartens and other facilities funded by the account states will have to be carried out using BIM models. Companies are actively involved in the development of BIM technologies the Russian.

According to experts, the total volume of the BIM technology market will reach $15.5 billion by 2027 (for comparison: in 2019, its volume was $5.2 billion).

Russian software developers offer competitive tools for BIM design, which are able to completely "close" the topic of import substitution in this area. One of these solutions is Model Studio CS. Construction solutions are a building design and modeling system.

The course on the development of urban planning approaches RUSSIAN FEDERATION in was taken after the release of the corresponding order of the President. In Russia Vladimir Putin this assignment, he identified a number of tasks in the field of modernizing the construction industry and improving the quality of construction, among them - the introduction of information modeling (BIM) technologies, which allow you to manage the life cycle of construction objects from conceptual design to commissioning.

The President of the Russian Federation focused on stimulating the use of domestic software. The development of BIM modeling in the country is actively supported by grants. In particular, RFRIT (Russian Fund for the Development of Information Technologies).

BIM technologies are actively used by specialists in both civil and industrial construction. High-tech modeling allows you to more efficiently plan, design, build and operate infrastructure facilities. In addition, the use of the BIM system significantly reduces the construction time and labor costs, helps to minimize errors in the design documentation.

According to Decree No. 331 of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 5, 2021, from 2022, the use of BIM modeling technologies will become mandatory at state order facilities financed from the budget of the Russian Federation - from federal to municipal facilities, regardless of their cost. Thus, all contracts concluded after January 1, 2022 for the construction of schools, hospitals, kindergartens and other facilities financed at the state expense must have provisions on the formation and use of the BIM model. The widespread introduction of modeling technologies will significantly speed up informatization and qualitatively increase the automation of the domestic construction industry.

Glavgosexpertiza of the Russian Federation for the first time approved the costs of BIM

For the first time, the Glavgosexpertiza of Russia reviewed and approved the design solutions and the summary estimate for the construction of the facility using information modeling technologies (BIM-technologies) in accordance with the methodology for determining the estimated cost of the Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation. The documentation was developed by experts of the Sodis Lab group of companies as part of the implementation of a federal construction project. This was reported by Sodis Lab to TAdviser on September 9, 2021.

Glavgosexpertiza of the Russian Federation for the first time approved the costs of BIM
Photo source:

The design assignment by the state customer provided for the requirements for the use of BIM technologies during the construction of the facility. The General Designer organized work on the development of design documentation taking into account the requirements for the use of BIM technologies.

By order of the general designer, Sodis Lab Group of Companies has developed design estimates for information support for construction, including design solutions for automated construction management, monitoring and operation systems based on digital twins.

The design solutions provide for the creation and maintenance of construction and operational information models in accordance with the requirements established in the design documentation, the organization of processes for information interaction between construction participants, as well as the implementation of automated control over the progress of construction work with the calculation of the volume and cost of work performed throughout the construction. The implementation of BIM will allow the customer to ensure timely control and prevent failure to meet the deadlines and exceeding the construction cost.

The estimate documentation justifying the costs of implementing these design solutions was developed on the basis of federal prices in force for September 2021.

In accordance with paragraph 2.21 of Appendix No. 9 to the "Methodology for Determining the Estimated Cost of Construction, Reconstruction, Capital Repairs, Demolition of Capital Construction Facilities," approved by the order of the Ministry of Construction of Russia of August 4, 2020, the use of information modeling technologies during construction is included in the cost of the consolidated estimated cost of construction.

For representatives of Glavgosexpertiza, the approval of the estimated cost of construction according to the method of the Ministry of Construction, taking into account the costs of introducing BIM technologies, was new, the department did this for the first time, in connection with which some difficulties arose. The main questions of the experts were caused by the peculiarities of the distribution of costs for equipment and the implementation of the information system, since in the case of the introduction of BIM technologies, the main costs go to the use of specialized software and work on its adjustment, and not to equipment. The equipment here is computer equipment, the cost of which is much lower than anything else,
said Sodis Lab CEO Andrei Shahramanian.

In Russia, the number of developers using BIM technologies increased from 7 to 12%

On August 17, 2021, it became known that the number of developers using BIM technologies increased from 7 to 12% in Russia.

PlanRadar has prepared a report on the implementation of information modeling technology in construction. According to the results of the study, in the Russian construction industry there is a low percentage of the introduction of BIM technology. Analysts noted that of all the countries considered during the analysis in Russia, the most active actions are being taken at the state level to scale the technology, the ICS Media website reports.

Experts studied the pace of implementation of information modeling in the construction sector of 7 countries: Great Britain, France, Germany, Austria, Poland, Croatia and Russia. The assessment took place according to several criteria: how actively BIM is used by developers, state initiatives in the field of digitalization of the construction industry, the availability of standards, as well as technology levels.

The authors of the report divide the BIM implementation level into several levels, from 0 to 3, which describe the complexity of the system used - from simple drawings in CAD to integrated systems that include all levels of the project.

As of to data March 2021, in Russia, about 12% of developers use BIM for design. In 2020, the share of such companies was 7%. Our country is dominated by level 1 BIM, but the number of level 2 projects is increasing. For large sports facilities and single complex commercial facilities, level 3 BIM is used.

Russia among the countries indicated in the rating can be called the leader in the activity of government measures that contribute to the promotion and implementation of this technology in capital construction. In addition, state authorities are actively working on the regulatory framework, which also contributes to the implementation of BIM.

The timing of the mandatory use of technology at capital construction facilities in Russia has been changed several times. Government Decree No. 331 of March 5, 2021 provides for the mandatory use of BIM from 2022 for facilities whose construction is financed from the budget of any level - municipal, regional or federal[9]

In 12% of Russian developers, BIM has become the standard in design

On March 29, 2021, information appeared that 12% of Russian BIM developers became the standard in design. Such data are provided in the final report on the results of the survey conducted by Business Russia. However, only 4% of developers use predictive infrastructure maintenance, another 8% of respondents said that they monitor work carried out at construction sites using digital technologies, Izvestia reported.

46% of survey participants reported that digital transformation has become a priority for the enterprise, another 46% partly agreed that it is necessary to introduce modern technologies into business processes. But only 18% of respondents identified quantitative goals that they want to achieve by implementing digital transformation projects.

At the same time, the results of the survey demonstrate a low level of digitalization in general among domestic development companies. Only 20% of the surveyed construction companies still have a high level of elaboration of the digital transformation strategy. The level of organizational development for the implementation of digital transformation programs is in 15% of respondents. More than 30% of enterprises have already implemented digital solutions in the implementation of their activities.

Experts believe that only 4% of respondents can assign a high level of digitalization of the production process and so far 4% of companies widely use digital solutions in various corporate functions.[10]

"The strongest challenge and impetus for the development of the IT market": Developers were obliged to create digital models of construction facilities

Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin signed a decree obliging to form and maintain information models (BIM-models) of capital construction facilities designed and reconstructed with the involvement of budget funds. The document was published on the official Internet portal of legal information on March 10[11] the[12].

The order applies to all capital construction facilities under contracts concluded after January 1, 2022, with the exception of projects in the interests of defense and state security.

The obligation to maintain BIM models of capital construction facilities is assigned to developers, technical customers of construction, the person providing or preparing the justification of investments, and (or) the person responsible for the operation of the capital construction facility is indicated in the order.

The order applies to capital construction facilities under contracts concluded after January 1, 2022 "(photo -"

Earlier, the Ministry of Economic Development held public consultations on the draft of this regulatory act, based on the results, feedback and comments were received from regional departments and organizations related to construction. Among the risks and negative consequences of its adoption for the constituent entities of the Russian Federation were, for example, a limited number of specialists in the field of BIM, an increase in the cost and time of design due to the need to train specialists, purchase specialized software and hardware.

Thus, according to the preliminary assessment of Krasnodarkraigosexpertiza, the cost of equipment and specialized software of one workplace with the training of one expert on BIM technologies will be approximately 2 million rubles. At the same time, the organization refers mainly to foreign software products. And taking into account the transfer of many software systems to Russian software by 2023, it is completely difficult to predict the cost of engineering support for the workplace, the costs of vocational training, retraining specialists, and it was said in the response of Krasnodarkraigosexpertiza to the draft resolution.

And in September 2020, a government decree was signed approving the rules for the formation and maintenance of an information model, and the composition of the information included in it.

Marina Shishkina, product manager at Pilot-BIM, ASCON, notes that the decree adopted in March 2021 significantly expands the use of information modeling technology, making it really massive. At the same time, she notes, in the draft document, which was submitted for public discussion, BIM was required only for objects of state order worth over 500 million rubles. In the final version, this minimum threshold is absent.

From the elite technology of large developers, BIM is becoming a generally accepted practice, says an Ascon representative. According to Marina Shishkina, the decree issued is a strong challenge and at the same time an impetus for the development of both the construction market and the vocational education system and the IT market.

To fulfill the requirement of the resolution, all participants in construction projects - and these are not only design organizations, but also regional capital construction departments, technical customers, state expertise, developers, operating organizations - will have to make serious changes in processes, introduce BIM design tools and a common data environment, train existing employees and hire new ones, - added Marina Shishkina.

The need for BIM specialists is enormous. The Ministry of Construction estimates it at 30 thousand people in design and survey organizations working at state order facilities. And another 18 thousand - in organizations acting as a state customer for construction, the data was provided by the product manager Pilot-BIM "ASCON."

Russian developers are already offering solutions that support information modeling technology, and in parallel, large developers are developing inhouse development of BIM applications. ASCON predicts that the IT segment for construction will show bright positive dynamics, and new products and new players in this market will appear.


Experts agree to create a set of standards for information modeling

Experts agreed to create a set of standards for information modeling. This was announced on October 28, 2020 by the FAA FCS.

The development of a set of standards "Unified Information Modeling System" has started. The decision on the need to create such a set of standards was made by experts of the profile subcommittee of PC 5 "Life Cycle Management of Capital Construction Facilities" of the technical committee TK 465 "Construction."

This was told by the head of PC 5 "Management of the life cycle of capital construction facilities," director for the development of digital design of JSC Atomenergoproekt"." Sergey Ergopulo

The analysis of documents on standardization of information modeling technologies indicated the need to strengthen, build clear relationships of Gradkodex and standards to eliminate gaps in the requirements for information modeling in construction. This will help solve the situation when the design documentation in BIM needs to be developed on a case-by-case basis according to the individual requirements of each customer, each examination, for builders. You must also link to related standards, including industry standards at all stages of the object's life cycle. A set of standards "Unified Information Modeling System" should become a logical bridge between the interests of all industries in construction, between all participants in the construction process, - said Sergey Ergopulo.

The unified information modeling system involves the creation of GOST groups under serial number 10: fundamental standards; classification and identification of elements of information models and objects; requirements for information modeling of objects; requirements for information modeling of territories; requirements for a single information space; requirements for assessing the quality of information models; requirements for the use of information models to ensure the safety of facilities.

The set of standards should fix a unified understanding of the goals and objectives of information modeling at the stages of the life cycle, - added the head of the subcommittee.

At the end of October 2020, a draft GOST R 10.00.0000.ESIM was prepared for consideration in the profile subcommittee of PC 5. Main provisions. The study contains two more documents - a standard that sets the main requirements for the information model and information modeling, as well as a standard for terms and definitions of information modeling.

As of October 28, 2020, there are 15 GOSTs and 8 codes of practice for information modeling. Work is carried out to update standardization documents. We are talking about the fundamental SP 333, which establishes the rules for the formation of an information model of objects at various stages of the life cycle, "and SP 328, which establishes the rules for describing the components of the information model. Both documents have undergone major changes.

The Ministry of Construction of Russia creates a legal framework for the introduction of information modeling technologies

The Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation creates a legal framework for the introduction of information modeling technologies. This was announced on October 22, 2020 by the FAA FCS.

The fundamental step to introduce information modeling technologies was taken on July 1, 2019 - the 151st Federal Law was adopted. For the first time, the concept of information modeling was enshrined in the urban planning code and this opened up additional opportunities for the construction industry.

In September 2020 Government of the Russian Federation , it approved a number of documents for the transformation of the industry - the rules for the formation and maintenance of the information model, the rules for the formation and maintenance of the classifier, construction information the rules for maintaining the GISOGD. RUSSIAN FEDERATION Already in October 2020, having taken several steps in the field of legal regulation, we hear comments from the professional community that many issues and even disagreements within the community have been resolved and resolved, - said Sergei Goncharov.

One of the next legislative steps is to determine the list of objects, during the construction of which for budget money, the use of the information model will become mandatory.

Mishustin signed a decree on the use of BIM technologies in construction

On September 17, 2020, information was published on the website of the Government of the Russian Federation that Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin signed a decree on information modeling in construction. This document introduces a new urban planning approach using Building Information Model (BIM) technologies, which is one of the elements of digitalization of the construction industry.

In particular, Mishustin approved the rules for the formation and maintenance of an information model, as well as the composition of the information included in it. For example, at the construction stage, these are, among other things, the details of the issued permit. At the operation stage - documents required for obtaining permission to enter the facility. At the demolition stage - the results of the inspection of the object.

Mikhail Mishustin signed a decree on the use of BIM technologies in construction

It is assumed that the use of BIM technology will allow you to track the state of the object throughout the life cycle. This should also improve the quality of construction and reduce the risks of errors and losses in the implementation of large-scale projects.

The document indicates the concept of "formation of an information model of a capital construction facility." This term, as explained in the resolution, means the collection, processing, systematization, accounting, inclusion in the information model and electronic storage of interconnected information, documents and materials about the capital construction object, provided for by the composition of information, documents and materials included in the information model of the capital construction object and submitted in the form of electronic documents,

The report on the first experience in the design and state examination of a construction project in BIM was presented on September 11, 2020 in St. Petersburg during a working meeting with the participation of the Minister of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the RFVladimir Yakushev and his deputies, Vice-Governor of St. Petersburg Nikolai Linchenko and representatives of the construction industry.

In mid-September, in St. Petersburg, for the first time, a permit was issued for the construction of an object with a BIM model - a kindergarten on Blucher Avenue. It is planned to build the institution by the end of November 2021.[13]

New GOSTs for BIM have been developed instead of canceled ones

NIC "Construction" has developed projects of two fundamental state standards in the field of BIM. This was stated in a message on the official website of the Ministry of Construction in July.

The projects GOST R "Organization of information on construction works. Information management in construction using information modeling technology. Part 1. Concepts and principles "(revision of GOST R 58439.1-2019) and GOST R" Organization of information on construction works. Information management in construction using information modeling technology. Part 2. Capital construction stage "(GOST R 58439.2-2019).

Drafts of both documents are published for public discussion in a special section on the official website of Rosstandart[14]. The procedure will last until August 27 of this year. "Each remark and proposal will be carefully analyzed," assured Andrei Basov, director of the FAA FCS Ministry of Construction.

It is assumed that the published projects will replace two GOSTs in the field of BIM, unexpectedly canceled by Rosstandart in February of this year. The first reaction of experts to the documents turned out to be, to put it mildly, not positive. In particular, Alexander Popov, a member of the information modeling PK5 of the Construction TK465 and director of digital technologies at Severin Development, published his opinion on the personal Telegram channel "Just About BIM."

"Yesterday we discussed the draft GOST according to BIM in SPDS. I did everything I could. My help is "not accepted."

The designer will fill in all information for construction and operation, including the classifier (which will still be shown).

Kazakhs write GOST for CIS without dividing models into PD and RD. Well, whose they, they do not have PD, immediately go to the examination with the RD.

You will transfer models between stages only in IFC format (the original formats cannot be added, there will be a lot of space, you need to save).

The BIM association struggled with containers (a set of files in a folder, archive), data sets. As a result, in Gradkodex and this GOST, the information model is what they are. And the trade community is now discussing how to name the file itself (IFC, RVT).

Frankenstein from international ISOs and fantasies of theorists from the BIM Association were blinded. Welcome to the new brave BIM, "Popov wrote.

BIM models during construction in the field of state order will become mandatory in Russia

On June 17, 2020, it became known that information modeling of the building (BIM-models) during construction when fulfilling state orders will become mandatory in Russia. This is reported by the portal "National Projects -  The Future of Russia" (project TASS Information Agency of Russia) with reference to the press service of the Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Marat Khusnullin.

We plan to complete the formation of a regulatory framework for the use of information modeling technologies in the near future in order to begin the mandatory use of digital models of objects in the field of government orders no later than 2021, "Khusnullin said in a release following the results of the government commission on regional development.

BIM models during construction in the field of state order will become mandatory from 2021

According to the Deputy Prime Minister, the support measures prescribed in the national economic recovery plan will optimize the investment cycle. He called the basic task of the government to reduce the investment cycle for a year. Moreover, for some projects, the reduction will be two- or three-fold, Marat Khusnullin emphasized.

The publication of the portal says that the introduction of digital construction technologies, such as building information modeling (BIM-technologies, Building Information Model), is one of the tasks of the national project "Digital Economy." When using such technologies construction , the object is designed as a whole. Changing one of the parameters automatically changes the parameters and objects associated with it, including drawings, schedules, and the planning board.[15]

The Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation has repeatedly stated that the introduction of BIM technologies is one of the priority areas of the department's activities, and the requirement to use information modeling of objects will be included in state contracts.

Fundamental standards in the field of BIM technologies have been canceled

The Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology, by Order No. 30-st of February 5, 2020 (available for the sake of the House of PRO), canceled two main[16]:

  • GOST R 58439.1-2019 "Organization of Information on Construction Works. Information management in construction using information modeling technology. Part 1. Concepts and Principles ";

  • GOST R 58439.2-2019 "Organization of Information on Construction Works. Information management in construction using information modeling technology. Part 2. Capital Construction Stage. "

The order came into force on February 6. Thus, the Russian BIM standards did not "last" even six months (both GOSTs entered into force on September 1, 2019).

According to the minutes of the meeting of the Appeals Commission under Rosstandart, the basis for the abolition of BIM standards was the contradictions between GOSTs and FZ-151 from 27.06.2019, which enshrined the concept of "information model of a capital construction facility" in Gradkodex. In addition, during the development, approval and examination of BIM standards, the profile TK 465 allegedly committed "significant violations of the established rules and procedures."

"Those market participants who use BIM in practice, using their own corporate standards and regulations, probably did not notice or lose anything," said King Marina, CEO of Concurator, in a comment to the House PRO. - It's just that their obligations to work in the market under the new general rules of digital construction have been postponed indefinitely. At the same time, our industry-wide development has lost the vector. At the moment when state policy is aimed at accelerating digitalization - that's the new deputy minister appointed - it turns out that the car accelerates, and the navigator failed. "

The very procedure for canceling GOSTs also raised questions. For example, there are no results of legal expertise that would confirm the fact that BIM standards contradict the provisions of the FZ-151. Moreover, according to Art. 13 FZ-162 "On Standardization in the Russian Federation," the Appeals Commission under Rosstandart did not have the authority to consider the abolition of existing standards.

The abolition of GOSTs will not create a regulatory "vacuum" in the field of digital construction, emphasizes the king. A number of provisions of the canceled standards are embodied in the previously adopted and so far existing codes of practice for information modeling No. 333, 328, 404. At the same time, the decision of Rosstandart dealt a blow to the work of the Ministry of Construction and its subordinate FAA FCS, which are conducting systematic work on BIM standardization.

"This event has more strategic than tactical significance. As a country - the Russian Federation - we have now suffered significant image losses. Moreover, the lack of these standards due to insufficient maturity would look better than their abolition. By doing so, we have demonstrated our "digital underdevelopment" as far as future construction is concerned. This is a very sad fact, "the expert complains.

15% of the budget for urban development projects is spent on correcting design errors

15% of the budget for urban development projects is spent on correcting design errors, Interfax reports.

Also, more than 50% of project changes are associated with their insufficiently thorough development in the initial stages. To eliminate financial losses, in many European cities, a large amount of time is devoted to the study of territories intended for integrated development.

The main task of pre-design studies is to form a developed terms of reference for the development of the project itself. This approach increases the profitability and predictability of project implementation.

The result confirms that the project is necessary and feasible, taking into account the available budgetary resources. This is especially important when financing from budget funds.

Russian software has proven its competitiveness in information modeling

The pilot project for the passage of state expertise in the information model proved the competitiveness of Russian software. This was announced on February 10, 2020 by the director of the FAA FCS Andrei Basov.

"The pilot project made it possible to see the process of working with the information model from the inside, both from the business and from the government. One of the key conclusions is that Russian software meets the modern requirements for software products for the formation and maintenance of information models of buildings and structures. All participants of the "pilot" noted that the project has become an important dialogue platform for software developers, specialists of state expertise and, of course, specialists in the field of rationing and standardization in construction. Joint work on the pilot project will make it possible to make better documents for the development of 151-FZ, prepare amendments to Government Decree No. 87 and No. 145, and the corresponding changes in engineering surveys, "

noted' Andrey Basov, director of FAA "FCS" '

The school under construction on Champions Street in the Chkalovsky District in Yekaterinburg was taken as a "tested" object for state examination in the information model.

The pilot project was attended by the Glavgosexpertiza of Russia, the Moscow State Expertise, St. Petersburg State Institution "Center for State Expertise," GAU SO "Department of State Expertise." Participants from development groups are specialists from NEOLANT, Renga Software (Renga Softwea), SiSoft Development.

"The exchange of views and discussions between the project participants were constructive and fruitful, each of us was able to clarify our plans in the field of information modeling for the near future. We believe that it makes sense to carry out such projects in the future. Summing up, it should be said that in order to be able to submit an information model for examination in regulatory documents or any generally recognized methodological materials, it is necessary to clearly and unambiguously determine the composition of the information model submitted for examination of the results of engineering surveys and design documentation, and ensure mutual correspondence of various parts of this information model with each other. It is also necessary to determine the composition of information models for the previous stages of the life cycle of construction objects - in particular, urban planning documentation, urban planning plans of land plots, "

noted' Natalia Seregina, head of the GAU SO "Department of State Expertise" '

"Only under the condition of standardization, it is possible to successfully use information modeling technologies and the digital information model itself throughout all stages of the life cycle, including at the stage of expertise. In this regard, it is advisable to carry out additional pilot projects using a construction information classifier, which will allow identifying and standardizing elements of the digital information model, speed up the exchange of data between different information systems, simplify the translation of the requirements of technical regulations into a machine-readable form, "

noted' Irina Kosova, head of St. Petersburg State Institution "Center for State Expertise" '

SiSoft specialists recreated in their software all sections of the school project in the city of Yekaterinburg in the form of an information model, finalized the tools for visualizing and analyzing projects, ensuring the possibility of geographically remote access to models and taking into account the peculiarities of the work of state examinations.

"As a result of the pilot project, positive experience was gained, including clarifying and confirming the requirements for regulatory documents and IT projects developed with the participation of FAA FCS, where the interests of Russian citizens and the capabilities of modern design automation systems and information modeling should be taken into account . In addition, interaction with government experts made it possible to formulate critical requirements for information models, as well as for tools for checking the model for compliance with current standards and rules of design and construction, "

The Renga Software development team created a digital information model in their company's product. On the basis of the design and working documentation submitted by FAA FCS for the School facility in Yekaterinburg, models were created in 7 sections. External networks and the general plan were prepared by specialists from the Credo-dialog c ompany. As a result, models were created in the original Renga - RNP format and exported the same models in IFC format. It was the IFC models that participated in the further part of the experiment.

"Our company aimed to investigate a possible process of interaction with state expertise through an information model and develop proposals for changing guidance documents. We closely interacted with different departments of the state examination and summarized their requirements for consideration when implementing new functionality. In particular, we are preparing IFC4 support and a mechanism for costomizing data in IFC to take into account the requirements for structure, filling with attributes. Many subtleties that require attention, so we will continue to consult with colleagues, "

NEOLANT specialists have developed a prototype of an "expert workplace" for employees of state expertise bodies.

The "prototype" of the expert's workplace "was created on a completely domestic complex of technologies, both in terms of CAD and in terms of SUID, developed by us and our partners. Also, the area of ​ ​ responsibility of our specialists included the formation of an information model of the school, setting up the rules for automatic model checks, and training a working group of experts. From our point of view, the project was extremely interesting. Direct communication with the working group of experts helped to much better understand the nuances and pitfalls of this process, as well as get feedback from experts, which will make it possible to formulate sufficient requirements for the target platform and, possibly, further translate the process of passing the examination into domestic software products. "

noted' Pavel Kononov, Head of Corporate Projects Implementation Division of Engineering Models of JSC "NEOLANT"

Andrei Basov called the introduction of the Construction Information Classifier (CSI) and the development of the State Information System for Urban Planning Support () the most important stages on the way to introducing information modeling in 2020. GISOGD RUSSIAN FEDERATION

"In December 2020, the KSI system will be launched, which will allow all market participants to speak the same language. In turn, the GISOGD of the Russian Federation will combine all urban planning information of our country on a single platform, "

noted' Andrey Basov, director of FAA "FCS" '

In detail:

  • the phased launch of a "seamless" urban planning process on the basis of the State Information System for Ensuring Urban Planning Activities (GISOGD of the Russian Federation) starts, the work will be completed in 2024. Thanks to this system, it will be possible to accumulate, store, analyze and exchange data on structures at all stages of their life cycle.
  • until December 1, 2020, the Construction Information Classifier (CSI) will be formed and implemented. It is created in accordance with the principles laid down in ISO 12006-2 and ISO 81346 standards and will contain 21 classification tables. Thanks to KSI, industry participants will be able to communicate in "one language," regardless of the software they use when creating and maintaining information models.
  • in 2020, a list of objects of social importance (schools, kindergartens, cultural and sports institutions, etc.) will be legally determined, during the construction of which, for budget money, the use of an information model will become mandatory. This will optimize construction processes, prevent errors in the early stages of design, reduce construction time and reduce operating costs.
  • 8 research works will be carried out on the formation of a classifier of construction information for the creation and maintenance of information models of capital construction facilities.
  • changes will be developed to the 2nd Code of Practice for the design and construction of buildings and structures using digital modeling.

The direction of activity on the introduction of information modeling at all stages of the life cycle of buildings and structures in the Ministry of Construction of Russia for February 2020 is supervised by its subordinate institution - FAA FCS.


The Ministry of Construction has decided on plans for the development of BIM for 2020

In 2020, the Ministry of Construction will continue to work on the regulatory, technical and legislative framework for information modeling in construction, the head of the department Vladimir Yakushev told reporters.

The ministry's plans for next year are to determine and officially fix the list of state order objects, during the construction of which the use of BIM models will become mandatory. We are talking primarily about social facilities: schools, kindergartens, clinics, cultural and sports institutions, Yakushev specified.

Another important task is the formation and implementation of the Construction Information Classifier, which will allow all industry participants to effectively interact regardless of the software they use. The classifier of 21 tables will be based on the principles of ISO 12006-2 and ISO 81346. It is expected to work by December 1, 2020.

2020 marks the first stage of launching a "seamless" urban planning process on the basis of the State Information System for Ensuring Urban Planning Activities. According to the information on the website of the Ministry of Construction, the main task of this system will be the accumulation, storage, analysis and exchange of data on objects throughout their life cycle.

Finally, in 2020, it is planned to develop two national and interstate standards, update the code of rules for the formation of an information model, as well as a number of research works.

PwC: the volume of the Russian BIM technology market amounted to $67-77 million

The volume of the Russian BIM- tekh­no­logy market in 2019 reached $67-77 million or about 1.5% relative to world significance, according to the consulting company PwC. Experts call these solutions an attractive automation tool among developers to reduce time and financial costs .

The volume of the Russian BIM- tekh­no­logy market in 2019 reached $67-77 million, or about 1.5% relative to world importance
Today, the interest of developers and developers in the implementation of BIM is motivated not only by systemic changes and initiative on the part of the state. The possibilities of such technologies are becoming wider: from the usual use in design, BIM is moving towards a complex tool that is useful at all stages of the life cycle of the object - both for internal business purposes and when interacting with the end consumer, - said Oleg Malyshev, partner and head of consulting services for real estate companies PwC in Russia.

According to him, in the future this functionality will become even more in demand. In addition, during a period of uncertainty, companies that began the digitalization process earlier are in favor: they can not only transfer sales and customer service online, but also thanks to BIM technologies to minimize the presence of a team of designers and managers at the construction site, and also have valuable experience in managing remote teams.[17]

Anna Danchenok, head of strategic consulting practice in the PwC real estate sector in Russia, notes that, despite the low average spread of PropTech across the country, BIM modeling is one of the most popular tools. According to her, the economic effect of BIM is not completely clear, since the costs at the initial stage are significant. According to the results of the PwC survey, if the project is large-scale, atypical and potential error in it can subsequently lead to significant losses at the construction or operation stage, then it is worth using BIM.

By 2023, experts predict an increase of more than 50%. At the same time, the annual increase may be 14%. This is one of the results of the study "PropTech in Russia: An overview of the practice of using BIM technologies and innovative solutions in the field of design," conducted by PWC experts in Russia.

5-7% of companies in Russia, according to the Ministry of Construction, use BIM: for the most part in large cities and for the implementation of megaprojects.

From 2021, it is planned that the use of BIM technologies will be mandatory in the construction of facilities within the framework of the state order. To regulate relations between the state and subjects of urban planning relations, it is planned to create BIM centers in the regions that would combine relevant regional structures.

According to Oleg Malyshev, partner, head of consulting services for real estate companies, PwC in Russia, the interest of developers and developers in the implementation of BIM today is motivated not only by systemic changes and initiative from the state. The capabilities of BIM are becoming wider - from the usual application in design, the technology moves towards a comprehensive tool and a source of valuable information that can be used at all stages of the object's life cycle, both for internal business purposes and when interacting with the end consumer. And in the future, this functionality will become even more in demand. In addition, in the face of uncertainty, companies that began the digitalization process earlier are winning: they can not only transfer sales and customer service online, but also thanks to BIM technologies to minimize the presence of a team of designers and managers at the construction site, and also have valuable experience managing remote teams. "

  • According to the study, the volume of the global BIM technology market in 2019 amounted to $4.9-5.2 billion, by 2027 the figure could grow to $15.1-15.6 billion.
  • 70% was the level of BIM implementation in the UK in 2019 - in one of the most advanced countries in this indicator. According to the 2019 National BIM "UK National BIM Report," the value was around 10% in 2011.

Construction will switch to BIM in 2020

The Ministry of Construction may oblige developers to use information modeling (BIM) in their projects as early as July 2020. This was announced by the head of the department Vladimir Yakushev at the final press conference, Interfax reports in December 2019.

"Without a digital twin, without BIM technologies, today we will not have any movement forward in construction. Finally, we have registered this technology in 151-FZ, now we are working on the preparation of all the necessary by-laws. By the end of the first half of 2020, that is, in July, this array of by-laws should be released, "the media quoted the minister as saying.

"With the adoption of the law, developed on behalf of the president, on the introduction of information modeling at all stages of the life cycle of capital construction facilities, we opened up the opportunity for the market to introduce this technology for facilities, including those that are being built for budget money. This is an important step towards the digitalization of construction in our country, "commented Dmitry Volkov, deputy head of the Ministry of Construction, on the innovation.

The construction complex of St. Petersburg is switching to the use of BIM technologies

Vice-Governor of St. Petersburg Nikolai Linchenko spoke about the transition of the construction complex of the northern capital to the use of BIM technologies. In particular, in St. Petersburg, as of November 19, 2019, 23 state contracts were concluded for the development of information models of capital construction facilities (ACS). This is stated in a message on the official website of the regional administration. Such agreements were concluded in order to build residential buildings, schools, kindergartens, fitness centers, as well as the restoration of three cultural heritage sites. Read more here.

Ministry of Construction will offer regions to create competence centers in BIM

On October 29, 2019, it became known that the Ministry of Construction intends to involve regional authorities in the development of information modeling technologies in Russia. The ministry recommends that the constituent entities of the Russian Federation create competence centers in BIM, said deputy head Dmitry Volkov. As conceived by the Ministry of Construction, the first such centers should appear in 2020.

{{quote 'author = said Volkov' We will strongly recommend that the subjects of the federation create the so-called BIM centers. After a while, I think this will be fixed methodologically, namely in the first quarter of 2020. Over time, such an organizational structure could appear in each subject of the Russian Federation, }}

According to him, BIM centers should combine the relevant competencies in the field of expertise, construction supervision, as well as in the activities of regional customers of construction work. Such structures need to actively interact with educational institutions and business, the deputy head of the Ministry of Construction believes.

A number of Russian regions have already actively advanced in the field of introducing information modeling, Volkov added. Among them, he named Yekaterinburg.

I would like Yekaterinburg to become the BIM capital, everything is here for this. Yekaterinburg has advanced very far. One BIM school has already been built, the other is being built. A beautiful museum was built here using BIM,
noted the deputy head of the Ministry of Construction

Earlier, the creation of the Competence Center for the Implementation of Information Modeling Technologies in Construction was announced by Russian Railways. The representative of the state monopoly announced this on October 9, 2019. The purpose of creating the structure is called "improving the efficiency of infrastructure construction" The Ministry of[1].

Minstroy unites the forces of the professional community to introduce BIM technologies in construction

The Technical Committee for Standardization TK 465 "Construction" and the Design Technical Committee for Standardization CAS 705 "Information Modeling Technologies at All Stages of the Life Cycle of Capital Construction and Real Estate Facilities" join forces to introduce BIM technologies into the construction industry.

By Order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology (Rosstandart) dated July 12, 2019 No. 1660 "On Amending the Order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology dated June 20, 2017 No. 1382" On Organizing the Activities of the Technical Committee for Standardization "Construction," the merger of technical committees was implemented by integrating CAS 705 into the structure of TK 465. The corresponding order is published on the Rosstandart website.

The consolidation of the forces of the professional community at the TK 465 site will create a single competence center necessary for effective work on the implementation of BIM technologies in construction, stressed Dmitry Volkov, Deputy Minister of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation.

"The changes made to the composition and structure of TK 465 are aimed at improving and developing standardization work in the field of construction, in particular in the field of BIM technologies. It is assumed that full members of the disbanded CAS will be included in the profile subcommittee TK 465 - PK 5 "Life Cycle Management of Capital Construction Facilities." Consolidation of the forces of the professional community on one site will definitely increase the effectiveness of work on the implementation of BIM technologies in the construction industry, "said Dmitry Volkov

According to the deputy minister, the unification of the forces of the professional community of the industry is an important step in the implementation of comprehensive work on the introduction of information modeling in construction.

The concept of information modeling is fixed in Gradkodex

The Urban Planning Code officially enshrines the concept of information modeling. The corresponding law was signed in June 2019 by President Vladimir Putin.

According to the document, the information model of the capital construction object is "a set of interconnected information, documents and materials about the capital construction object, formed in electronic form at the stages of engineering surveys, architectural and construction design, construction, reconstruction, capital repairs, operation and (or) demolition of the capital construction object."

"The absence of the concept of an information model in the legal field was the main barrier to the transition of the industry to information modeling in design and construction, - noted the deputy head of the Ministry of Construction Dmitry Volkov - With the adoption of the law, developed on behalf of the president, on the introduction of information modeling at all stages of the life cycle of capital construction facilities, we opened the opportunity for the market to introduce this technology for facilities, including those that are being built for budget money. "

According to the information on the agency's website, work is underway to create a unified state digital platform, which will be integrated with state information systems for ensuring urban planning activities of the country's subjects and state information systems. A single information space will ensure "seamless" not only the technological process of creating a building, but also the regulation of the industry.

Recall that earlier in the Ministry of Construction allowed the possibility of creating information models exclusively on domestic software. To do this, it is planned to allocate a third of all funds allocated for updating the regulatory and technical framework in construction to research in the field of BIM technologies.

FAA FCS announced a large-scale discussion of regulatory acts in the field of BIM

On June 6, 2019, it became known that FAA FCS Minstroy will organize a discussion with the professional community of projects of about 30 by-laws in the field of BIM technology implementation. This was stated by the deputy director of the institution Karina Telyants. Read more here.

Russia does not need a 100% transition to BIM - President of RAASN

A complete transition to information modeling technologies in design and construction in Russia is not needed. This assessment was expressed by the President of the Russian Academy of Architecture and Building Sciences and the former chief architect of Moscow, Alexander Kuzmin. His words are quoted in May 2019 by Rossiyskaya Gazeta.

"Even in developed countries, BIM takes 20-30 percent, because it is simply not needed everywhere. It is natural when 3D technologies are applied to nuclear power plants. But, when we talk about a residential building, new technologies are appropriate where they are really needed. This should not only turn into beautiful pictures for the customer, "Kuzmin said.

According to him, with the help of traditional design technologies, many beautiful buildings have been created in the capital. Preparing architectural projects "in 2D" and with the help of the usual drawings is not so bad, summed up the president of RAASN.

Schneider Electric will take part in the development of national BIM technology standards in Russia

On April 18, 2019, it became known that Schneider Electric, an international leader in energy management and automation, signed a memorandum of cooperation with the Project Technical Committee for BIM Technologies (PTK705).

Construction is one of the priority areas of the economy, plans for the digitalization of which are noted in the program "Digital Economy of Russia." The memorandum of cooperation will be an important stage in this strategy - together with the efforts of Schneider Electric and the Project Technical Committee on BIM-technologies, it is planned to form uniform standards for BIM-modeling of power supply systems and other engineering systems of buildings and industrial facilities.

As part of the agreement, Schneider Electric will be involved in the development of methodologies and principles for constructing attribute dictionaries to determine the properties of objects in the digital twin, principles and structures of data templates for the digital twin of construction facilities. The work will be carried out with the active participation of the Russian expert community and taking into account the best Russian and international experience in the implementation of BIM technologies.

According to the UN, by 2050, 66% of people on the planet will live in large cities, and it is buildings that consume the most energy in megacities. The key to solving these problems is precisely effective buildings. The practice of BIM modeling in Russia is only being formed, so it is important to consolidate the experience of market leaders and form a single standard that will take into account the needs of tomorrow. Schneider Electric has international experience, and we are ready to take an active part in developing standards for the Russian market. We urge our respected partners to also join this process.
'Johan Vanderplaetse, President of Schneider Electric in Russia and CIS '

Minstroy developed amendments to the Urban Planning Code on BIM technologies

On February 4, 2019, it became known about the start of an important stage of BIM implementation in Russia. The Ministry of Construction has developed and published amendments to the Urban Planning Code on information modeling technologies. In particular, the concept of "information model of a capital construction object" is introduced into the document.

BIM model
"The draft law provides the legal basis for the introduction of a unified information management system for capital construction projects by applying information modeling throughout the life cycle, taking into account all business processes, functions of public administration and public services in the field of construction.

The procedure for public discussion of the amendments will last until March 1.

Amendments are introduced into Gradkodex concept "Construction information classifier." According to the document, this classifier will be designed "to provide information support for tasks related to the classification and coding of construction information in order to automate the processes of performing engineering surveys, justifying investments, design, construction, reconstruction, overhaul, operation and demolition of capital construction facilities." It is assumed that the rules for the formation and procedure for maintaining this classifier will be established by the Ministry of Construction. And the operator of the system will be the ministry itself or its subordinate institution.

As stated in the explanatory note to the bill, the introduction of a classifier of construction information will allow extracting a whole range of analytical data. Including:

  • number of planned, under construction, operated capital construction facilities,
  • the number of square meters of housing commissioned,
  • quantity of construction materials used,
  • The number of employees employed in the industry, broken down by administrative-territorial units, functional purpose, time intervals and specialties, and in combination with a classifier of construction resources, by cost, the Ministry of[2].


Digital transformation in construction by 2024

On September 18, 2018, it became known that the digital transformation construction of the industry, which involves the adoption and updating of regulatory and technical documents on the BIM necessary changes in legislation and the creation of an industry digital platform, should take place within 5 years. The director To Ministry of Construction Russia FAA "Federal Center for Standardization, Standardization and Technical Assessment of Conformity in Construction" of the subordinate Dmitry Mikheev spoke about the mechanisms for solving this problem.

The set of measures provided for by the Federal Project "Digital Construction," the development of which was announced by the head of the Ministry of Construction of Russia Vladimir Yakushev, should ensure the digital transformation of the industry by 2024. When switching to digital construction, it is expected to reduce the cost and time for the construction of facilities built at the expense of the budgets of the Russian Federation of all levels of order to 20% in 5 years. And the reduction in time from making a decision on construction to commissioning is up to 30%.

Digitalization of construction involves the automation of all stages and procedures throughout the life cycle of the facility.

We will have to translate the fund of regulatory and technical documentation in the field of construction into digital format, form the basis for the transition to automated verification of the information model of the capital construction object, introduce a unified system of classification of construction information in order to harmonize regulatory and technical documentation with international and Russian legislation.

By 2020, it is planned to complete work on the all-Russian classifier of construction information and develop a standard for a digital regulatory and technical document in construction, from 2021 the translation of regulatory and technical documentation in construction into a digital (machine-readable) format will begin, which will make it possible to form and maintain a fund of digital regulatory and technical documents in construction[3].

Putin instructed the Cabinet to ensure the transition to BIM from July 2019

In July 2018, Vladimir Putin instructed the Government of the Russian Federation to create conditions for the transition of the construction industry to BIM technologies. The corresponding order[1] The president's[4] is published on the official website of the Committee on Technical Regulation of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs. The purpose of the introduction of BIM in it is called "modernization of the construction industry" and "improving the quality of construction."

The Russian government should ensure the development of BIM technologies in the construction industry

The document contains a list of seven items. Among them:

  • transition to a system for managing the life cycle of capital construction facilities (hereinafter referred to as the management system) by introducing information modeling technologies;
  • use of standard models of the control system (design, construction, operational and utilization), as a matter of priority in the social sphere;
  • approval of management system performance indicators;
  • adoption of information modeling standards, as well as harmonization of previously adopted regulatory and technical documents with international and Russian legislation;
  • creation of libraries of standard design documentation for information modeling;
  • training of specialists in the field of information modeling in construction;
  • stimulating the development and use of domestic software for information modeling.

Instructions were given on July 19 this year. The deadline for their execution is July 1, 2019.

Digital models of buildings under construction will be banned from being stored abroad

In the first quarter of 2019, it is planned to approve domestic standards for the use of BIM technologies. By the end of the year, the changes necessary for the use of BIM technologies will be developed and approved[5]

Methods of calculation using digital technologies of marginal expenses for performance of works and provision of services required for design, construction of facilities and operation of buildings and structures, verification of reliability of specified expenses as part of audit of investment justification will also be developed and approved.

In particular, standards for the construction of modern and efficient housing and modern real estate will be developed. In the second quarter of 2020, information on digital models of buildings and structures created as a result of the use of information modeling technologies will be classified as technological data. At the same time, the requirement for the storage of such information in Russia will be normatively enshrined.

BIM technologies will become mandatory for government agencies

Also, requirements will be developed and approved for the means of calculation methods used in the interests of state bodies and state corporations, taking into account the requirements for import substitution and the availability of information for inspection bodies.

In the second quarter of 2021, a legislative obligation will be introduced for government agencies and the state corporation to independently design buildings and structures, as well as purchase appropriate work and services for the creation of construction facilities only on the basis of BIM technologies. Including in the procurement documentation it will be necessary to include the need for appropriate digital models.

Until the end of 2022, all government agencies will carry out the construction of buildings and structures using digital modeling technologies. Based on the experience of introducing construction projects with the participation of funds from the state and municipal budgets of all levels, measures will be developed and implemented to stimulate developers to design, build and operate buildings and structures, as well as purchase appropriate work and services for creating construction facilities based on the use of BIM technologies.

Thanks to the proposed measures, by the end of 2024, the share of projected real estate objects undergoing inspections for compliance with requirements and standards without human participation will amount to 9% of the total number of projected objects. And the share of real estate objects built using information modeling technologies will be 80% of the total number of real estate objects under construction.

Remote inspection of construction personnel

Another area of ​ ​ the document is to increase the efficiency of construction and operation of buildings and structures. To this end, at the beginning of 2019, an analysis of the possibilities of introducing systems for remote pre-shift inspection and remote monitoring of the health of personnel during the construction of buildings and structures, as well as during the operation of elements of internal infrastructure will be carried out.

An analysis of the capabilities and effects of the introduction of digital systems for monitoring, analyzing and predicting breakdowns of internal infrastructure will also be carried out. By the end of 2019, a requirement will be established for the mandatory introduction of systems for remote pre-shift inspection and remote monitoring of the state of health of personnel during the construction of building structures, as well as during the operation of hazardous elements of internal infrastructure.

Mandatory integration of facilities under construction with Sistema-112 and KSEON

At the beginning of 2020, all developers will be obliged to provide for the integration of the existing regional and/or municipal decisions of System 112 and the Integrated System of Emergency Warning of the Population about the Threat of Occurrence or Emergency Situations (ESIA) when designing the planned capital construction facilities.

By the end of 2020, 10 cities will introduce systems for economic monitoring, analysis and forecasting of internal infrastructure breakdowns (elevators, pipelines, etc.) for buildings built using information modeling technologies. This will ensure the integration of these systems with digital platforms for managing urban resources.

By the end of 2021, all built real estate objects that are accepted state by the commission and transferred to the balance sheet states will be integrated with regional or municipal solutions "" and Systems-112 KSEON.

Thanks to the proposed measures, by the end of 2024, injuries at construction sites will be reduced by 15% compared to 2018. All housing construction facilities built using information modeling technologies will be equipped with monitoring, analysis and forecasting systems for internal infrastructure breakdowns. And the share of operated real estate and housing and communal services with a digital twin model will be 60% of the total number of operated objects.

Registration of real estate transactions in electronic form

The third direction of the document is to increase the transparency of the construction, rental and sale of real estate. To this end, at the beginning of 2019, an analysis of the "best world practices" will be carried out in terms of obtaining permission to build and making real estate transactions using digital technologies. The regulatory possibility of checking the integrity of participants in a real estate transaction in electronic form using information from state information systems will also be established.

Based on the results of the above analysis, "pilot" projects for obtaining a building permit using digital technologies will be launched in five cities. In the second quarter, a completely remote registration of temporary registration at the place of stay in electronic form will be provided.

A simplified taxation regime will also be introduced for citizens who rent out one real estate object (apartment) using electronic forms of interaction.

It is expected that by the end of 2020, by using digital technologies, the duration of permission procedures will be reduced to the level of "world best practices" and the possibility of obtaining and using all the necessary documents and information for a real estate transaction in electronic form will be ensured. And at the end of 2024, the number of real estate lease and sale transactions concluded in electronic form will be half of the total number of transactions.

New BIM JVs came into force

In Russia, new codes of practice for information modeling in construction came into force. A message about this was published on the official website of NOPRIZ. In particular, on March 19, two regulatory documents came into force at once: SP 331.1325800.2017 and SP 333.1325800.2017[6].

Name of the first: "Rules of exchange between information models of objects and models used in software complexes." The document describes the basic requirements for the creation and operation of information systems that interact with each other throughout the life cycle of a building or structure.

The second joint venture was called "Rules for the formation of an information model of objects at various stages of the life cycle." Basically, these rules are aimed at improving the validity and quality of design solutions, as well as the level of safety during the construction and operation of buildings and structures.

Another set of rules will come into force on June 16, the NOPRIZ recalled. This is SP 328.1325800.2017 "Information modeling in construction. Information Model Component Description Rules. The document contains requirements for components of information models of buildings and structures, but does not apply to digital libraries of these components.

Earlier, the Ministry of Construction reported that the system of regulatory and technical documents on BIM in total will include 15 national standards (GOST R) and 10 codes of practice. Of these, 13 GOST R and 4 SPs will concern the fundamental (basic) directions, the rest - individual stages of the life cycle. Currently, 7 GOSTs and 6 JVs are already operating in the field of information modeling.

2017: Government approves BIM roadmap

Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Kozak signed in April 2017 a "roadmap" for the introduction of information modeling technologies (BIM) at all stages of the life cycle of buildings. This was announced at the final meeting of the Public Council under the Ministry of Construction of Russia by the head of the department, Mikhail Men.

According to the press service of the construction department, the approved document provides for the development of national BIM standards at the stages of design, construction, operation and demolition of buildings, as well as bringing the regulatory and technical documents and estimated standards used in construction in line with the classifier of construction resources. The plan also involves expanding the functional purpose of the federal state information system for pricing in construction in the direction of operation and demolition of capital construction facilities.

"The application of BIM technologies is a new era in the construction and operation of buildings. And this is not only 3D modeling, it is also a calculation of the complete life cycle of the structure up to its disposal. In the BIM model of the future building, you can "sew" not only the characteristics of materials and processes, but also information on procurement, supplies and the timing of future repairs, "commented Mikhail Men, adding that only at the stages of design and construction, the use of BIM technologies allows you to reduce costs by 20[7]

Initially, the "roadmap" for BIM technologies was planned to be approved by September 1, 2016. At the same time, its last edition, discussed in February 2017 at a meeting of the Government Expert Council, became the subject of acute criticism from the expert community. "A feature of this version of the roadmap was that a significant place in it was paid to pricing in operation (9 points out of 14) outside of reference to the topic of information modeling," said King Marina, General Director of Concurator, following the discussion.

The Ministry of Construction plans to make BIM mandatory in the design of facilities funded by the state budget from 2019.

2015: Launch of the BIM Technology Implementation Plan for Industrial and Civil Engineering

At the end of December 2014, the Ministry of Construction approved a plan for the phased introduction of information modeling technologies in the field of industrial and civil engineering in design, designed for three years.

In March 2015 , the Ministry of Construction announced that as part of the implementation of the plan for the phased introduction of information modeling technologies in the field of industrial and civil construction, criteria for the selection of pilot projects prepared using BIM technologies were formulated.

These included:

  • organization experience in the implementation of projects using BIM technologies;
  • presence of specialists in working with BIM technologies on its staff;
  • documents developed by the organization regulating the procedure for conducting information modeling;
  • the use by the organization's specialists in the implementation of the project of a unified information model of the main sections of the project (architecture, design solutions, estimates, etc.);
  • an organization has a managed 3D environment with nested data and consistent data merging.

The formation and selection of pilot projects is the first stage of the plan of the Ministry of Construction for the implementation of BIM technologies in Russian construction

The next step should be the selection of pilot projects that meet these criteria and their subsequent examination. The responsible performers of the examination were appointed "Glavgosexpertiza of Russia," GAU of the city of Moscow "Moscow State Examination" and the Ministry of Construction itself.

According to the ministry, according to the results of the analysis of the expertise of the selected projects prepared using information modeling technologies in the field of industrial and civil construction, a list of regulatory legal and regulatory technical acts, educational standards to be changed or developed should be determined.


Plan approval

At the end of December 2014 , the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Public Utilities of the Russian Federation (Minstroy) approved a plan for the introduction of technologies for information modeling of buildings (BIM - Building Information Modeling) in the field of industrial and civil construction. The document was developed jointly with Rosstandart, the Expert Council under the Government of the Russian Federation and other institutions for the modernization of the economy and innovative development.

In accordance with the plan, by March 2015, the expert council under the government of the Russian Federation should complete the selection of "pilot" projects, the design of which was carried out using BIM technologies, and by November 2015 - to conduct their examination in order to establish the requirements necessary for the use of BIM technologies.

Based on the results of the analysis, at the end of 2015, the Ministry of Construction plans to prepare and submit for approval to the government a list of regulatory legal, regulatory and technical acts, educational standards to be changed and developed. It is assumed that the department, together with ANO ASI, FAA Glavgosexpertiza of Russia and the National Association of Prospectors and Designers (NOPRIZ), will complete the work on making these changes by the end of 2016.

Based on the results of pilot projects and their expertise, the use of BIM technologies in industrial and civil construction will be reflected in regulatory legal acts and educational standards

A year later, by December 2017, it is planned to train specialists in the use of information modeling technologies in the field of industrial and civil construction, as well as experts from expert review bodies.

The Russian developer CAD "Ascon" about the plan of the Ministry of Construction noted that the very attention of the government and the department to modern design technologies is pleasing, but they considered that the document presented by the Ministry of Construction looks quite optimistic: "After all, the introduction of BIM within the framework of a separate design institute sometimes lasts more than a year and does not always end successfully. This requires very serious funding and dedicated teams to support design tools, create reference books, etc. "

In addition, speaking of BIM, now they usually imply foreign software, which is expensive, the company notes. In this regard, the question also arises who will finance the massive transition of designers to these systems. According to company representatives, it is possible to develop a mechanism designed to "increase the competitiveness of the Russian construction complex in the world market" only when technologies become available to the masses.

Expected effect

The Ministry of Construction expects that the implementation of the measures of the plan for the phased introduction of BIM technologies will increase the competitiveness of the Russian construction complex on the world market, improve the quality of surveys, design and construction of facilities, reduce the cost at the stage of design and examination of design documentation, and will also ensure a reduction in the risks of emergencies.

The department notes that at present, the practice is increasingly being used when a computer model of a new building is created in the process of architectural and construction design, which carries all the information about the future object. CAD|Computer Aided Design System]] using BIM technology allows you to visualize any elements and systems of a building in 3D format, calculate various options for their layout, as well as bring them in line with current norms and standards, analyze the operational characteristics of future buildings, simplifying the choice of the optimal solution, the Ministry of Construction emphasizes.

Information modeling technologies in Moscow

See also Moscow Smart city Information technologies in Moscow


Moscow will switch to BIM in the design of state order facilities

The city authorities will switch to the use of BIM in the design of state order facilities in three stages by the end of 2019. Mikhail Kosarev, head of the department for introducing information modeling technologies of the Moscow Construction Department, spoke about this in December 2019. [8].

According to Kosarev, already now Moscow requires the use of BIM technologies in the design of apartment buildings, social infrastructure (kindergartens, schools, clinics) and administrative and business complexes. However, so far there are a number of restrictions. In particular, the ACS created in BIM should not include more than two buildings with a total area of ​ ​ no more than 50 thousand square meters. m. There are also restrictions on the area of ​ ​ built-in parking (if any) - no more than 15 thousand square meters. m.

The second stage of the transition to BIM is scheduled for July 1, 2020. From this date, the city will begin to require the use of information modeling in the design of fire stations, police stations. Also, the BIM-objects will include the area office of the engineering infrastructure. These are pump and compressor stations, local treatment facilities, gas control points, heat points, transformer and distribution points.

The third stage is scheduled for September 1, 2020. The city authorities will also include in their requirements BIM-design of road network facilities and all engineering networks. Finally, from January 1, 2021, linear metro facilities and transport hubs will also be added to this list.

The design of "kennels" will be transferred to BIM in three years

Houses for immigrants as part of the renovation of the housing stock of Moscow ("Sobyaninki") will be designed according to BIM technologies in the very near future. This was stated by the head of the capital's construction complex Marat Khusnullin, Interfax writes. "Such technologies will begin to be used as part of the renovation program in the near future. And within two to three years, the entire volume of new housing will be created according to information modeling standards, "the deputy mayor said.

"We set the task to develop BIM technologies and widely apply them in our work. The renovation program can push designers to wider implementation, "Khusnullin added. The head of the construction complex has already announced plans to introduce information modeling technologies in the design of "coworkers" in mid-May. According to him, the use of BIM will reduce the time and cost of such work

An additional 15 thousand designers will be involved in the implementation of the renovation program for the housing stock of Moscow, Khusnullin previously reported. The construction complex of the city plans to find such specialists in the capital itself, the deputy mayor said at the end of May in an interview with the Dozhd TV channel. Marat Khusnullin did not disclose the requirements for their qualifications (including regarding design at BIM) then.

Moscow has decided on the timing of the launch of pilot projects in BIM

Pilot projects using BIM technologies are planned to be launched in Moscow in the next three years. About this in an interview [9] the magazine "Russian Construction Complex" said the chairman of Moskomexpertiza Valery Leonov[10].

"If we talk about the short term, a number of regulations and requirements will be developed that take into account the specifics of the capital, which will make it possible to take the first steps to introduce new technology. For 2017-2019, it is planned to launch "pilot" projects - capital construction facilities - in order to develop the use of technology for capital construction facilities, "the official said

Now the efforts of the department are concentrated on the development of a standard for the use of BIM technologies at Moscow construction sites. In the near future, according to Leonov, a number of regulations and requirements will be developed that take into account the specifics of the capital's construction complex. After the newly-made standard is tested at real facilities, it can be recommended for use in the regions, which, in turn, will create a single state standard for BIM in Russia, the head of Moskomexpertiza concluded.

In his opinion, only by completely transferring the state order to BIM, it will be possible to create conditions for the full and effective use of this technology by all industry participants. "The practice of working together with designers and developers shows that the most advanced of them have already invested in the introduction of this technology, with the prospect of increasing their competitiveness in the market. But they cannot fully (with all the advantages) use the technology, since the state customer works slightly differently, "Leonov explained.


BIM technologies will begin to be taught at colleges in Moscow

Future modern designers and architects no longer have enough ordinary kulman and paper drawings. In the last decade, all designers have switched to using computer programs. They allow you to translate into reality any wishes of the customer, apply new directions in building design, interior decoration, landscape design.

BIM technologies, virtual reality helmets and 3D printers will appear at the Moscow College of Architecture and Urban Planning in the academic year 2018-2019. This was announced in May 2018 by the supplier portal, operated by the Moscow City Department for Competition Policy.

{{quote 'The innovative approach will provide students with engineering and technical directions to develop project thinking, said Alexander Arionchik, director of GBPEI MKAG - Moscow College of Architecture and Urban Planning.

"The presence of a 3D modeling and prototyping laboratory in a modern Moscow college allows you to achieve results at each stage of training. The involvement of students in the process makes it possible to effectively master new technologies and software products (specialized CAD programs) for modeling, design and design, carry out individual and group projects, conduct effective preparations for technical olympiads and competitions, and easily integrate into innovative approaches to training, "the college director said.}}


Moscow will transfer construction expertise to BIM from 2019

Moscow has been transferring city structures of construction expertise to information modeling technologies since the beginning of 2019. This was stated in November 2017 by Deputy Mayor Marat Khusnullin, the portal of the capital's construction complex reported. "We have decided that from 2019 we will move on to expertise on BIM technologies. Money has already been allocated for this, "he said. The head of the capital's construction complex added that the transition will be an experiment for the city. All necessary funding is provided for in the budget of Moscow.

In mid-October, it was reported that the city authorities approved a "roadmap" for the introduction of BIM technologies in the construction complex. The document detailed the stages of "full-format preparation for the use of BIM" until the beginning of 2019. Moskomexpertiza has been appointed the coordinator of the plan implementation.

"The plan creates a detailed algorithm for working in this direction. We tried to provide for all the necessary measures: from the creation of a project office in the structure of the construction complex to the development of classifiers of information modeling and requirements at the design and examination stages, "commented the head of the department Valery Leonov

BIM technology implementation plan approved in Moscow

In October 2017 To Moscow , the Plan for the implementation BIM technologies of the Moscow Construction Complex was approved. The plan, which involves full-format preparation for the use Moscow of information modeling technology by the Construction Complex (TIM, or the English-language analogue -) BIM by 2019, was approved by the Deputy Mayor of Moscow in the Government of Moscow on urban planning policy and construction M.Sh. Khusnullin. This was told by the chairman Moscow Committee for Pricing Policy in Construction and State Project Inspection Valery Leonov, whose department was appointed coordinator of the implementation of the Plan.

"Moscow's exceptional role in BIM implementation has already made the capital a" pilot "implementation region, and the approved Plan creates a detailed algorithm for work in this area. We tried to provide for all the necessary measures - from the creation of a Project Office in the structure of the Construction Complex to the development of classifiers of information modeling and requirements at the design and examination stages, "Valery Leonov said

The plan distributes and supplements the provisions of the "road map" of the Ministry of Construction of Russia, approved to work out the implementation of BIM technology at the federal level. The document for Moscow covers the period of work until December 2018, and during this time its implementation will create a regulatory framework for the use of technology at the main stages of the implementation of civil construction projects, train existing personnel to work with new technology and related software, as well as check the functioning of BIM on "pilot" projects of the capital region.

See also
