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2025/03/24 16:40:36

Krasnodar Territory


Main article: Subjects of the Russian Federation

Krasnodar Territory is a constituent entity of the Russian Federation located in the south-west of the country.


It is part of the Southern Federal District.

The area is larger than that of Azerbaijan or Ireland

The area is 75.485 thousand km ². For comparison, the area of ​ ​ Azerbaijan is 75.1 thousand km ², Ireland - 70.273 thousand km ².

Great Caucasian Range

Main article: Main Caucasian Range

Navagir Range

The Navagir Range (Navagir Range) is a small low-mountain range near the northwestern tip of the Caucasus Mountains, one of the two (along with the Kuznya Range) main mountain systems of the Abrau Peninsula.

The Indo-European version of the name "Navagir" is confirmed by the fact that the word has an accurate translation from Sanskrit, which has a clear toponymic meaning. "Nava" नव - young, new, recent, "gir" गिर् (or "giri" गिरि) - mountain. "Navagir" is a new, young mountain (mountains). The version of the Turkic origin of the toponym Navagir has no confirmation.

The Navagir ridge differs from other mountains of the Caucasus in that it was formed as a result of a strong compression of the earth's crust. The length of the ridge on the Abrau Peninsula reaches about 5 km, along the valley of the Sukko River. The peaks of the Navagir Range are the Sugar Head Mountains (540 m) and the Sorcerer (440 m). Mount Sorcerer is a remnant of a coastal ridge, part of which went under water as a result of earthquakes and formed the entrance to Tsemes Bay. An extension of this ridge on the other side of the bay is Mount Doob (452 m).

Most of the streams are temporary in nature and are associated with snowmelt, spring thunderstorms and winter drizzle. The slopes of the Navagir ridge between Anapa and Sukko are covered with juniper gorelnik, in the spring many poppies also bloom here.

Markoth and Tuaphat Ranges

The Markoth Range is a mountain range in the northwestern part of the Greater Caucasus, running parallel and south of the Main Caucasus Range. The average height of Markoth is 350-500 meters, and individual peaks rise above 600 meters.

On the site between Novorossiysk and Gelendzhik in the Kabardinka region passes the low Tuaphat ridge. In a depression between the two ridges, the Kabardinka-Gelendzhik highway was laid.

Seismic activity

Map of earthquakes in the Krasnodar Territory in 2012-2022

Federal authorities

Territorial branches of federal authorities:


Main article: Administration of the Krasnodar Territory



Ministry of Transport and Roads of the Krasnodar Territory



2025: Number of road cameras - 2,810


2024: 6th place in terms of IT mortgage issuance


2025: Electronic Krasnodar project for ₽1 billion launched The money will go to the digitalization of state institutions of the city

More than ₽1 billion from the city and regional budgets will be allocated for the digitalization of state institutions in Krasnodar in 2025-2027. This is evidenced by the updated edition of the municipal program "Electronic Krasnodar," published by the city administration in February 2025. Read more here.


Transfer to electronic format of 105 mass socially important services

Krasnodar Territory presented the digital results of 2024. The region successfully coped with the achievement of key indicators of digitalization of the provision of public services. In addition, work continued to eliminate digital inequality and ensure the security of regional InformSystems.

In 2024, the Department of Informatization and Communications continued to actively introduce digital technologies aimed at improving the quality of the provision of electronic public services for citizens of the region, Stanislav Zavalny, head of the Department of Informatization and Communications of the Krasnodar Territory, chairman of the Public Council of the Digital Russia party project, told Digital Russia. This was announced on February 17, 2025 by the press service of Anton Nemkin, a member of the State Duma Committee on Information Policy, Information Technology and Communications. In 2024, the region's digital agency focused on digitalizing social policy, eliminating digital inequality, ensuring information security and supporting local IT companies.

105 MSZUs (mass socially significant services) were transferred to electronic format, which fully corresponds to the established plan for the transfer of 100% of state and municipal services to digital format. At the end of the year, the number of Krasnodar residents with a confirmed account on a single portal of public services reached 4 million. The launch of services and services on the regional portal also continued. As of February 2025, it presents 189 state and 9 thousand municipal services.

As Zavalny noted, in 2024 the implementation of the federal project "Eliminating digital inequality" continued, aimed at ensuring the availability of mobile communications and the Internet for sparsely populated areas with the number of inhabitants from 100 to 1000 people. In 2024, the project installed base stations for cellular communications in 13 sparsely populated areas of the region, four more stations are in preparation for commissioning.

One of the key areas of the Department's work is ensuring the security of the regional information infrastructure.

In order to timely detect and prevent computer attacks on state information resources, the department has created an Information Security Monitoring Center. The monitoring center operates on the basis of the State Unitary Enterprise CC "CIT" and has the status of the State system of detection, prevention and elimination of consequences of computer attacks Center for authorities on the basis of an agreement with the NKCKI, - said Zavalny.

To ensure the maximum effectiveness of responding to cyber incidents, round-the-clock duty of the Monitoring Center employees has been organized, he said.

Over the past five years, the annual revenue of IT companies has increased more than 3 times and today amounts to almost 76 billion rubles. Every year, the IT sector of the region only strengthens its position, gradually occupying a significant importance in the region's economy, the deputy emphasized.

In addition to federal benefits, the region also has regional support measures, including a tax benefit for companies operating under a simplified taxation system. The implementation of such measures not only creates more comfortable conditions for the IT IT-Business, but also allows companies to "stay" in the regions. Ultimately, this approach ensures the decentralized development of the IT industry in Russia, therefore, of course, it should be actively adopted by other regions of our country, the deputy emphasized.

United Russia launched the Digital Russia party project in 2022 to promote the digitalization of the country. In particular, the project is aimed at supporting representatives of the IT sphere, ensuring the security of Internet users, developing digital currency and supporting Russian digital services.

Investments in Kuban IT companies grew by 15% over the year and reached ₽19 billion

At the end of 2024, the volume of investments in IT companies in the Krasnodar Territory increased by 15%, amounting to ₽19 billion. Such data in early January 2025 were provided by the press service of the Kuban administration.

The report notes that the development of the information technology sector has become possible thanks to federal and regional support measures. In 2024, tax incentives for IT companies operating under a simplified taxation system continued to operate in the Kuban. The term of these benefits has been extended until December 31, 2027, which, according to administration representatives, contributes to attracting new market participants, preserving jobs and stimulating further growth of the industry.

Investments in Kuban IT companies grew by 15% over the year

According to Stanislav Zavalny, head of the information and communications department of the Krasnodar Territory, state support for the IT industry plays a key role in the development of the region's economy. In 2024, more than 2.5 thousand companies functioned in the IT sphere of the Krasnodar Territory, which is three times more than five years ago.

According to a study by the Higher School of Economics conducted at the end of 2024, the Kuban IT industry is showing some of the highest growth rates among key sectors of the country's economy. The increase in investment was accompanied by an increase in tax revenues, which over the past five years increased by 60%. In 2024, they amounted to ₽8,5 billion.

The growth of the industry is also reflected in revenue indicators. In 2024, the revenue of Kuban IT companies increased to ₽76 billion, having more than tripled compared to 2020. These results indicate the large-scale development of the information technology sector in the region and its importance for the regional economy.

The regional authorities say they will continue to support the development of IT infrastructure, creating favorable conditions for attracting investment and increasing the share of high-tech products in the economy of the Krasnodar Territory.[1]

20% growth in the number of IT companies

The number of IT companies in the Krasnodar Territory has increased by 20% since 2022. This was announced by the Governor of the Krasnodar Territory Veniamin Kondratyev on August 7, 2024 during a meeting with representatives of the Kuban IT community. The head of the region noted that the number of companies in the IT sector of the region reached 2.7 thousand, which indicates a significant growth in the industry.

According to the Kuban 24 TV channel, measures to support IT companies and specialists were discussed at the meeting. In particular, it was about preferences aimed at ensuring the technological sovereignty of the region. According to Kondratyev, the development of IT companies should be actively introduced into all sectors of the economy, for which comfortable conditions are created in the region for specialists in this area.

The number of IT companies in the Krasnodar Territory since 2022 increased by 20%

Vice-Governor of the region Alexander Ruppel spoke about regional benefits for IT companies. These are, for example, an increase to 70% of the tax deduction, preferential lending at a rate of 0.1%, as well as a tax rate reduced to 1% and 5% under the simplified taxation system (USN) on income depending on the subject of taxation. About 1.4 thousand IT enterprises took advantage of these support measures. By decision of the head of the region, the period of validity of these benefits has been extended until the end of 2027.

In addition, from January 1, 2024, a new targeted measure to support IT companies to provide subsidies to compensate for part of the labor costs of attracted employees in the amount of 50% of personal income tax will begin to operate. This measure is aimed at attracting specialists both from other regions of Russia and from abroad. According to Vadim Prisyazhnyuk, head of the scientific and engineering center "Technologies," the outflow of specialists from the region has stopped, and on the contrary, the region began to attract highly qualified specialists from various territories, from the Urals to Siberia.[2]

2023: Total revenue growth of Kuban IT companies by 10% to RUB 100 billion

In 2023, the total revenue of IT companies in the Krasnodar Territory amounted to more than 100 billion rubles, which is 10% more than a year earlier. Such data in October 2024 was cited by Anton Nemkin, a member of the State Duma Committee on Information Policy, Information Technology and Communications.

According to him, technology parks are being actively built in the Krasnodar Territory and initiatives to support IT-Business are being introduced, so this region can be set as an example in terms of an integrated approach to the development of the digital industry.

2022: How the digitalization of the Krasnodar Territory goes

In May 2023, the head of the department of informatization and communications of the Krasnodar Territory Stanislav Zavalny spoke about the results of the ICT development of the region for 2022. In particular, he pointed to the achievement of the 95% import substitution rate during procurement procedures by the executive authorities of domestic software. In terms of the implementation of the digitalization program for small and medium-sized businesses, the region entered the top 5 regions in terms of the number of licenses sold for domestic software.

According to Zavalny, in 2022, 94 schools in the Krasnodar Territory carried out measures to form an IT infrastructure in accordance with the approved standard for ensuring safe access to information systems and the Internet in premises. 106 mass socially significant services were transferred to the unified portal of State Public services, of which 68 were state and 38 were municipal. In 331 state institutions of the region in 2022, electronic document management was introduced. In large municipalities of the region, the MPSC has 18 Cryptobiokabina software and hardware systems.

How is the digitalization of the Krasnodar Territory

Stanislav Zavalny also said that in 2022 measures were taken to support IT companies and the telecom industry - tax rates were reduced for companies using a simplified tax system.

As part of the development of the regional geo-information system of the Krasnodar Territory, a strategic module has been created for the purpose of digitalization and ensuring urban planning, access to which is provided to all municipalities. Five executive authorities were connected to the regional geo-information system of the Krasnodar Territory.

In addition, in 2022, the construction of an IT park in Krasnodar continued. The basement and first floors of the complex were erected.[3]

2021: The strategy of digital transformation of the Krasnodar Territory has been approved

In August 2021, the Governor of the Krasnodar Territory Veniamin Kondratyev approved the Strategy in the field of digital transformation of sectors of the economy, social sphere and public administration of the Krasnodar Territory for 2022-2024. You can familiarize yourself with the document by following the link.


2023: Investment growth of 2.4% to ₽860,6 billion

The volume of investments in the economy of the Krasnodar Territory reached a record ₽860,6 billion in 2023, an increase of 2.4% compared to 2022. Such an increase in investment activity was noted in the report of the Department of the Federal State Statistics Service for the Kuban and Adygea. This became known in October 2024.

According to RBC, large and medium-sized organizations in the region effectively used ₽631,3 billion investments for the development of the economy and social sphere, which is 7.8% more than in the previous period. A significant part of the funds was used to modernize existing production facilities and launch new projects.

City of Sochi

The main funds were allocated for the construction of buildings and structures for industrial and commercial purposes - ₽389,2 billion, which is 45.2% of the total investment. ₽332,6 billion or 38.6% of the total was allocated for the large-scale purchase of machinery, production equipment and vehicles. Housing construction, including comprehensive development of territories, received funding in the amount of ₽108,4 billion, which is 12.6% of investments.

The key source of funding was the organizations' own funds and attracted private investments. State support through budget funds of all levels amounted to 21.9% of the total, of which 11% came from the federal budget, 8.2% from the regional, and 2.7% from the local budget for infrastructure development.

Deputy Governor of the Krasnodar Territory Alexander Ruppel noted that the region has significantly exceeded its targets, initially planning to attract more than ₽700 billion investments in 2023.

In the first nine months of 2023, the volume of investments in the regional economy confidently reached ₽494,9 billion, showing a steady growth of 7%. This impressive result was the highest in the last ten years, significantly exceeding the indicators of investment activity since 2013.[4]


Real estate


For three years, real estate in Sochi has risen in price by 187.9% to 445 thousand rubles

For three years, real estate in Sochi has risen in price by 187.9%, follows from the data of the Nedvex Group agency. The average price per square meter in new buildings in April 2023 reached 445 thousand rubles. In 2020, this figure was equal to only 154 thousand rubles.

Sochi overtook London, New York and Dubai at the price of luxury housing

In 2023, Sochi overtook New York and London in terms of the cost of luxury housing. Luxury apartments in Sochi turned out to be more expensive than in New York, London and Dubai, analysts at NF Group calculated. The price of 1 sq. m of a few elite residential complexes in the resort city exceeds 1.4 million rubles.

National debt

2024: 112.3 billion rubles

According to experts from the RIA Rating Center for Economic Research for January-October 2024, the volume of public debt in the Krasnodar Territory amounted to 112.3 billion rubles. Read more here.


Ministry of Culture of the Krasnodar Territory


Ministry of Education, Science and Youth Policy of Krasnodar Kra Ministry of Education, Science and Youth Policy of Krasnodar Territory]]

Korenovsky district]]

Educational centers

Universities of the Krasnodar Territory

Colleges and organizations of DPO


Turyev Khutor (resort)

Main article: Turyev Khutor (resort)

Caucasian Reserve

Map of tourist routes for 2023. Click to increase

Rays (resort complex)

Main article: Rays (resort complex)

New Anapa (resort complex)

Main article: New Anapa (resort complex)

Mantera Supreme

Main article: Mantera Supreme


Growth of tourist flow to Anapa by 10% to 5.5 million people

The tourist flow to Anapa amounted to 5.5 million tourists at the end of 2024, which is 10% more compared to 2023. This was announced in March 2025 by the press service of the resort administration. Large and medium-sized organizations of the tourism industry increased the volume of services by 33% in 2024 compared to 2023 (up to 20 billion rubles). The city opened 6 new accommodation facilities. Additional 2.6 thousand beds appeared in hotels. In 2024, the number of facilities operating on the "All Inclusive" and "Ultra All Inclusive" system increased to 68.[5]

Growth of tourist flow of foreigners by 50% to 150 thousand people

In 2024, approximately 154 thousand foreign tourists visited the Krasnodar Territory. This is 50% more compared to 2023, when 100.1 thousand foreign guests arrived in the region. Such data in mid-February 2025 was published by Rosstat.

The study says that the Krasnodar Territory is the leader in the number of foreign tourists in the Southern Federal District (Southern Federal District). In second place is with Crimea 20.5 thousand foreign guests, in third - Volgograd region with 12.8 thousand. Next come Astrakhan region from 10.7 thousand visitors Rostov region and from 7.2 thousand foreign tourists. In general, 209.2 thousand foreign guests arrived in the Southern Federal District in 2024.


The Ministry of Resorts, Tourism and Olympic Heritage of the Krasnodar Territory reports that in 2024 the total tourist flow to the region reached 20.1 million people, which is a new record. This is 8% more compared to 2023, when 18.6 million people rested at the resorts of the Krasnodar Territory. The number of day tourists in 2024 rose by 9%, exceeding 8 million people.

Tourist flow to the resorts of the Krasnodar Territory is growing due to the expansion of the range of offers, the promotion of the tourist potential of the region at international congress and exhibition events and the development of year-round recreation destinations. In 2024, almost half of the guests arrived in the region during the non-flying period: 10.5 million tourists visited resorts in June-August, and the remaining 9.6 million in autumn, winter and spring. In 2024, 37 new hotels and hotels with a total capacity of 1.8 thousand rooms were launched in the Krasnodar Territory. Traditionally, the most popular destinations for tourists are the Sochi mountain cluster and the Black Sea coast. In total, more than 730 points of attraction are available to tourists, most of which operate all year round.[6]


Hotel revenues in Krasnodar for the year increased by 62%, to ₽4,7 billion

Hotel revenues in Krasnodar for 2023 increased by 62%, amounting to ₽4,7 billion. According to Krasnodar, published in September 2024, the number of guests who used the services of accommodation facilities in the Kuban capital, during this time increased by 10.7%, reaching 772 thousand people. The increase in income and tourist numbers is due to both the availability of accommodation prices and the growing popularity of the city's cultural and tourist sites.

According to Kommersant, in 2023, 207 hotels worked in Krasnodar. Experts note that compared to other megacities of Russia, the cost of accommodation in local hotels remains at an acceptable level. For example, in winter, a room in a five-star hotel with breakfast can be booked for ₽6 - ₽7 thousand. As the creator of the network of pottery schools Natalia Popova notes, Krasnodar is favorably located on the way to the Black Sea resorts, to Crimea and Abkhazia, which makes the city a popular place for short-term stops.


According to Popova, a large number of tourists visit the cultural sites of the city, including the famous Krasnodar Park, also known as Galitsky Park. In recent years, this facility has become one of the main attractions of the city, attracting both local residents and guests from all over Russia.

Nevertheless, despite a significant increase in the number of visitors and growing interest in the city, the tourism infrastructure in Krasnodar remains limited. Natalia Popova believes that Krasnodar lacks a variety of tourist offers. She notes that compared to cities such as Kazan, St. Petersburg or Kaliningrad, Krasnodar has a powerful potential, but its content in terms of tourist attractiveness is still modest.

Popova points to several possible growth points to increase the tourist attractiveness of Krasnodar. Among them are the development and popularization of ancient crafts, the theme of the Cossacks, the creation of unique events and the promotion of branded products. Original ideas such as the wine tram in Yekaterinburg could also help attract more tourists.[7]

Revenues of sanatoriums of the Krasnodar Territory for the year increased by 22.4% and reached 52.6 billion rubles

The revenues of sanatoriums of the Krasnodar Territory for 2023 reached ₽52,6 billion, which is 22.4% more compared to 2022. This became known in early September 2024. Read more here

Decrease in income from resort collection to 742.19 million rubles

In the Krasnodar Territory, at the end of 2023, revenues from the resort tax decreased - to 742.19 million rubles against 747.03 million rubles a year earlier. This is evidenced by the data of the regional Ministry of Resorts, Tourism and Olympic Heritage, released at the end of February 2024.

As RBC writes with reference to the materials of the department, the reduction in the resort failure in the Krasnodar Territory occurred for technical reasons - due to the withdrawal of the Sirius city district from the list of territories of the experiment on the collection of resort tax. Against this background, the number of tourists who paid the resort fee in 2023 decreased by 0.5 million people - to 3.1 million.

Sanatorium named after Ordzhonikidze, Krasnodar Territory

At the same time, the decrease in the volume of resort fees in the region occurred against the background of a record flow of tourists recorded in Kuban resorts in 2023. According to Vice Governor Alexander Ruppel, more than 17.5 million people rested in the region in 2023, which is almost a million more than in 2022.

According to RBC, about half of tourists paid tourist tax in hotels in the Krasnodar Territory that charge a resort fee in 2023. The publication notes that tourists renting private houses, apartments and rooms do not pay the resort fee - it is provided only for hotel and hotel guests.

As of the end of December 2023, resort fees in the Krasnodar Territory were charged in 17 municipalities, including in the resort cities of Sochi, Anapa, Gelendzhik, in the cities of Goryachiy Klyuch, Tuapse, Yeisk, Novorossiysk, on the federal territory of Sirius, as well as in rural settlements of the Tuapse region (seaside settlements Shepsi, Nebug, Dzhubga, etc.) and Mostovsky district (mountain resort territories). In Sochi, tourists are charged 50 rubles per day, on the rest of the territory - 30 rubles per day.[8]

2022: Income from the resort fee increased 4.5 times to 747 million rubles

In 2022, the budget of the Krasnodar Territory received 4.5 times more funds from the resort fee than in 2021 - 747 million against 165 million rubles, respectively. This is evidenced by the data of the Ministry of Resorts, Tourism and Olympic Heritage of the region, which were released on March 13, 2023.

The high growth of the indicator in the department was explained by an increase in the collection rate. In Sochi, the size of the resort tax was increased from 10 to 50 rubles, at other resorts - up to 30 rubles.

In Sochi, the resort tax increased fivefold

According to published statistics, in 2022, 3.6 million people paid a resort fee in the Krasnodar Territory, a year earlier - 3.1 million tourists. At the same time, only every fifth tourist paid for the resort fee. A significant share of hotel guests are preferential categories of citizens exempted from paying resort fees. In addition, the fee is not charged to tourists in guest houses and in the private sector.

However, according to the governor, 17.4 Veniamin Kondratyeva million tourists rested in the region in 2022. Based on this assessment, the number of those who paid the resort fee could be almost five times less than the number of all vacationers, the publication calculated. RBC

According to the reports of 12 municipalities included in the experiment on resort collection, a total of about 6.5 million tourists stopped in the accommodation facilities located on their territory for the year (22% more than in 2021). Based on the assessment of the Ministry of Resorts, Tourism and Olympic Heritage of the Krasnodar Territory on the number of holiday tax payers, 55% of tourists paid the tax.

Against the background of restriction of trips of Russians abroad in 2022 because of the sanctions which affected aircraft and the banking sector, internal tourist flow across Russia grew, the founder of Hot Consulting management company Roman Sabirzhanov says. The closure of the airports of part of the southern resorts in 2022 affected the travel time to the resort rather than the[9] of[10]fifth tourist


2024: Exports of Kuban wine rose 14% over the year. 15 importing countries

The Ministry of Agriculture and Processing Industry of the Krasnodar Territory reported an increase in the export of wine products produced in the region by 14.2% to 173 thousand decaliters in 2024. This became known in early February 2025. Read more here.

Health care

Ministry of Health of the Krasnodar Territory


Organizations of the Krasnodar Territory


Main article: History of Russia

2021: Map of Krasnodar Territory

Map of Krasnodar Territory in 2021

1907: Opening of the monument to Catherine II

Monument to Catherine II in Krasnodar. It was discovered in 1907, destroyed by the Bolsheviks in 1920, restored in 2006.


Chernomorskaya street, Kuban region of the Russian Empire, Yeisk district (department), Yeisk, early 1900s.

1828: The beginning of the construction of Russian fortifications on the coast of the West Caucasus

964: Black Bulgarians and Skins

30 BC: Meotae, Zihi

129 BC.

200 BC: Kingdom of Bosporus

300 BC: Kingdom of Bosporus

640 BC: Scythians

III thousand BC: Dolmen culture

Place of dolmenny culture on chronological scheme of cultures of Stavropol, Kuban and North Caucasus, V.A. Trifonov, 2001

In the Middle Bronze era of the XX-XIV centuries BC. The territory of the Sochi region is included in the cultural center covering Prikuban and Georgia. This stage here is represented by dolmenny cultural monuments.

The Volkon dolmen is the only surviving full-size dolmen of the monolithic type in the world. It is located on the bottom of the Godlik River valley in the village of Volkonka, Lazarevsky District, near the Novorossiysk-Sochi highway.
Dolmen trough-shaped in the Kuapse river basin in the Lazarevsky district.

IV thousand years BC.

1.6 million hp: Taman faunal complex: elephants, rhinos, hyenas and leopards on the Taman Peninsula and the Lower Don

Main article: Faunistic complexes of quaternary mammals

1.6-0.8 million years ago - Taman (Absheron) faunal complex. As a result of a number of factors, the death and burial of skeletons of large, mainly thick-skinned animals - elephants and rhinos - took place in the caldera of one of the large mud volcanoes (Blue Balka/Bogatyri). Animals died in this place, bogged down in a furnace of mud, unable to get out of the basin with steep banks, became easy prey for predators or died from poisonous gases periodically emitted by the volcano. The accumulation of carcasses did not occur simultaneously, but over a relatively long time. Read more here.

2.05 million hp: The first tools of human labor

Main article: Paleolithic in Russia

175 mln hp: Formation of the Big Caucasus basin

The split of South America and Africa (with Arabia) led to an increase in the oceanic lithosphere between them and, which is very important for the Caucasus, to a reduction in the distance between Africa and Eurasia. The Tethys Ocean began to shrink in size.

Where the oceanic crust of the Tethys Ocean pushed hard under the edge of the Scythian Plate, this edge weakened. This is due to the fact that the ocean plate, going down, melts, and the excess of molten matter tries to break up.

Rifting began to occur on the weakened edge of the plate - the formation of rifts with the extension of the split fragments of the previous base. The new crust was expanding toward the ocean. The crust was generally continental, granite, but broken by outpourings of basalts. So (at the end of the Lower and beginning of the Middle Jurassic, something about 175 million hp) the so-called Big Caucasus basin was formed. It was a marginal sea. It was separated from the main ocean of Tethys by an island volcanic arc, the existence of which is also explained by the weakening of the lithosphere in the subduction zone, the sub-wave, and the breakthrough of magma to the surface with the formation of volcanoes. The Big Caucasus Basin was extended 1700-1800 km long and 300 km wide.

270 million hp: Collapse of the mountains and the formation of the Scythian platform

Main article: The history of the Earth before the appearance of hominids

In the Permian period (its time interval from 299 to 250 million hp), the orogen (mountain structure) began to experience collapse, the rapid disappearance of mountains. The reasons for the collapse are the following. Since this orogen was not sandwiched between the mainland massifs, but arose due to the departure of the ocean plate under the continent, with the weakening of pressure and immersion of the ocean plate, the forces raising mountains weakened. The blocks forming the mountains began to slide down. The crumpled, compressed, compressed folds were then permeated with granite intrusions (incursions). These intrusions, as it were, reinforced and fixed the folds. Pressure and temperatures turned sedimentary and volcanic rocks into chlorite and sericite shales, which mainly form the Scythian Plate[11].

So along the northern edge of the Tethys Ocean, on the site of today's plains of the Ciscaucasia, a young (compared to the ancient Russian platform) Scythian platform was formed from a movable belt. Its latitudinally extending folds and slightly still mobile heterogeneous blocks hold memories of the processes of compression and life of the mountain structure. Despite the fact that we practically cannot see them.

As a result, the main result of the events of that time, the end of the Paleozoic, was the formation of the Scythian platform, soldered to the Russian platform along its current southern edge.

335 million hp: The rapprochement of Laurasia and Gondwana leads to subduction and volcanic activity

In the second half of the Paleozoic, there is a rapprochement between Laurasia (North America plus Europe) and Gondwana (Africa plus South America).

In the process of rapprochement in the south of the Russian platform, where the Ciscaucasia is spread today, an area of ​ ​ folding is formed, a movable belt associated with the existence of a subduction zone, when the oceanic crust is absorbed under the mainland, weakening its edge and ensuring volcanic activity and mobility of the crust of the entire region.

Globally, the approach at the end of the Paleozoic ended with the collision of Laurasia and Gondwana and the formation of the supermateric or supercontinent Pangaea.

Locally, in the process of rapprochement, the mentioned mobile belt experienced its evolution, lived its history. His story is a local episode of the global picture of the convergence of lithospheric plates.

Compression deformations in the movable belt, which created a folded structure, began in the middle of the Visean age of the early Carboniferous period, Carboniferous (about 335 million hp). The cause of the deformations was the pressure of the oceanic crust on the belt during the approach of the mainland blocks. They turned the movable belt, the future Scythian platform, into an orogen, a mining structure.
