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Voxys, formerly Info Content



CapMan Russia
MKAO "Voksis" - 92% Maxim Borisovich Popov - 8%
(with 29.10.2024)
Revenue millions Ths. rub

Number of employees



+ Voxys, formerly Info Content

Voxys was formed as a result of a large-scale merger of Russian contact centers: Beeper, Comfortel, Telecom-Express and LogiCall.

Performance indicators

2021: Revenue growth to RUB 5 billion

At the end of 2021, VOXYS announced that the company's consolidated revenue exceeded 5 billion rubles. and became a record, EBITDA exceeded 1 billion rubles. In 2021, the company invested 0.5 billion rubles. in the opening of innovative communication centers, promising startups, the development of its own IT products. VOXYS contact centers were opened in Kursk, Kaliningrad and Orenburg.

In 2022, VOXYS intends to increase the pace of investment development. The company's financial plan for 2022 provides for revenue growth by 35% while maintaining the level of margin, which is significantly higher than industry forecasts for the ACC market. It is planned to open contact centers in Ulyanovsk, Ivanovo and Naberezhnye Chelny. To develop the current format of remote employment and increase the personnel reserve, VOXYS this year will create a network of digital competence centers for client service in 12 regions of Russia not covered by the company.

The long-term development strategy of VOXYS for the next five years provides for the opening of new sites in Russia and abroad, strengthening its position in the Russian customer service market, developing its own IT development, expanding and achieving advanced positions in the customer service markets in Eastern Europe.

previously Alexey Mosunov CEO of VOXYS, in January 2022 he headed the VOXYS Board of Directors and will focus on the strategic development of the company, providing for access to markets related to the industry of contact centers, investments in IT startups and transactions. M&A

In January 2022, the position of VOXYS CEO was taken by Yulia Molchanova, who has been working at the company since 2016 and previously held the position of operating director. Julia oversaw the implementation of the M&A deal, which united four players in the Russian contact center market under the VOXYS brand.

We positively assess the results of the five-year development of the company and see in this result the important role of expertise, experience and competencies of the VOXYS management team. Heads of key areas continue to work on the implementation of the company's development strategy until 2026, adopted in the summer of 2021. The opening of a number of new directions also implies the constant replenishment of the team and the arrival of new talents from different sectors of the economy, - said Yulia Molchanova.

Partner Program

2023: Launch of the "Call Accepted" program

VOXYS Communications Center on June 5, 2023 announced the launch of a program for the development of business projects in the field of remote client service.

The Challenge Accepted program is aimed at developing individual entrepreneurship in the field of contact center management, creating new jobs, and developing the VOXYS partner network in the regions of Russia.

The amount of targeted funding for the opening of a new contact center under the Call Accepted program is 1 million rubles. Become participants in the program: specialists with management experience in any contact center, regardless of scale and profile; individual entrepreneurs wishing to launch and develop a new customer service business; individual entrepreneurs working in the client service sector who want to scale their business.

VOXYS will provide consulting support to program participants at all stages of opening a new contact center. The organizer guarantees a stable flow of clients to the program participant, provides a complete package of licensed software for organizing the work of operators in voice and text channels, as well as access to remote skill training for operators on the VOXYS online academy platform. After the opening of the contact center for partners, business support from the VOXYS partner network development department will be available.

One of the conditions for participating in the program is the development of a business plan for opening a contact center. The VOXYS Partner Network Development Department has developed and provides potential program participants with a version of a ready-made financial model of a contact center for 20 jobs with an estimated opening date of 60 days, access to net profit and monthly revenue from the third month of operation from 1 million rubles.

The program participant is entrusted with the task of finding and equipping a room for placing a contact center in at least 20 control rooms, searching and training personnel, as well as investing at least 500 thousand rubles in equipping a contact center according to the VOXYS corporate standard.

The Challenge Accepted program is valid in all regions of Russia until the end of 2023.



One-Day Bond Debut Issue Offering

Voxis hosted the debut release in bonds one day. The company announced this on December 26, 2024.

The placement of the debut issue of 4-year bonds of the 001R-01 series in the amount of 100 million rubles took place on December 25, 2024. Despite the unfavorable situation in the capital market, the placement took place one day, the volume of applications submitted exceeded the volume of issue.

Issue parameters: coupon rate KS + 7%, depreciation at 8.33% on the dates of payment of 37-48 coupons, monthly coupon, the possibility of early repayment of the placed bonds at the issuer's discretion on the date of the end of the 24th coupon period is provided.

The placement was organized by the Dialot Investment Company.

In August 2024, the Expert RA rating agency assigned Voxis LLC a ruBBB + credit rating with an evolving forecast, reflecting the company's strong market positions and sustainable corporate financial policy. The credit rating of Voksis LLC was assigned in accordance with the methodology for assessing external influence based on the consolidated statements under IFRS of Voksis MKAO.

This is our debut issue on the public debt market, and we thank everyone involved in the offering for trusting us. The funds raised will be used to implement the company's strategic initiatives and implement new IT solutions,
said General Director of Voxis LLC Alexey Stetsyuk.

The entire issue was placed in virtually 3 hours, which indicates both the interest of investors in the issuer and the fact that the organizer and I have prepared well and have chosen a suitable date for placement. We are grateful to investors for participating in the placement and hope that we have somewhat "revived" the financial market with this issue, - said Igor Duke, financial director of Voxis LLC.

Voxis plans to further issue bonds within the framework of a registered program for 2 billion rubles. As part of the development strategy, VOXYS plans to launch an IPO in 2027.

Digital Customer Service Transformation - Contact Center to IT Company

In the context of global changes in the customer service market caused by personnel shortages and the departure of foreign vendors, Russian contact centers are forced to adapt and transform.

About this, as well as how VOXYS, a long-term leader in the Russian market of outsourcing contact centers, is actively introducing innovative IT solutions to improve the efficiency and quality of customer service, said in the article prepared for the TAdviser article, Alexey Stetsyuk Deputy Director of the VOXYS Communications Center. Read more in the article.

How Voice AI Improves Contact Center Efficiency: VOXYS Experience in Implementing Boofler Bots

A significant part of the time of contact center operators is taken by the search for information necessary for customers. To optimize the communication process, VOXYS specialists have developed a bot-souffler that helps you instantly find and clearly present the data you need to operators. [1]Learn more here.

Hear the client, listen to the operator: how voice analytics improves the efficiency of communication with clients

Khristina Zubritskaya, Head of the Client Service Department of the VOXYS Communications Center, spoke about how the introduction of automated voice analytics systems affects the increase in productivity and improvement of key indicators of the effectiveness of contact centers. [2]Learn more here.

2023: Change of founder

According to Voxys representatives, from September 1, 2023, as a result of the completed redomilation to a special administrative district of the Kaliningrad region, the sole owner of Voxis LLC, lard of Voxis MKAO.


Increase in the number of employees to more than 10 thousand people

In December 2021, the total number of VOXYS communications center team exceeded 10,000 people (total - 10,132 employees). Growth since the beginning of the year was 12%, Voxys representatives said on December 10, 2021.

In the near future, VOXYS plans to open new branches in Ivanovo, Naberezhnye Chelny and Ulyanovsk, the company's team will increase by another 1,000 people.

As of December, 36 contact centers of the company operate in 34 cities Russia located in four time zones. In 2021, VOXYS sites were opened in,, and Kaliningrad. Kursk Orenburg

VOXYS development strategy implies active expansion and scaling of the business, including through the creation of a network of partner contact centers operating under the VOXYS franchise.

It is assumed that by 2024 the number of VOXYS employees will increase by 40% and exceed 14,000 people, a significant part of which will work in the form of permanent remote employment in different regions of Russia.

Launch Contact Center Franchise

VOXYS is a market representative, at the outsourcing contact centers Russia end of 2021 it enters the client service franchise market. The company announced this on November 30, 2021.

In the context of a personnel shortage in the Russian labor market, the VOXYS communications center is interested in finding reliable partners to further scale the business according to the corporate service franchise model. Communication projects will be implemented by franchisee partners on the basis of a sublicense agreement, which implies constant audit control and coordination with the customer of all stages: from the choice of a franchisee partner and building an architecture to the launch of the project.

The costs of franchisees to launch the VOXYS communications center franchise will be about 3 million rubles. To comply with the service standard, all partner actions will be strictly regulated by VOXYS, which undertakes to provide full support at the moment of launch and during further operational activities, including the supply of software and hardware equipment for the contact center, the provision of methodology for organizing work and services, personnel policy, recruitment technologies, face-to-face and distance training of personnel.

Customer service requires strict adherence to the standards of the services provided, which makes the franchise model of doing business promising.

The launch of the franchise will allow VOXYS to increase the speed of business scaling against the backdrop of a continuing labor market shortage, as well as significantly faster to form distributed teams to launch large-scale communication projects at the federal level, while guaranteeing total quality control.

For our franchisee partners, the franchise will open access to the developed business model, the competencies of VOXYS experts, ready-made IT solutions in the field of automation of client communications, technologies for training personnel with key skills, the opportunity to take part in the implementation of communication projects in the interests of the largest Russian and international companies. The combination of these factors guarantees a short payback period for the franchise, - said the executive director of VOXYS Yulia Molchanova.

Opening of a training center in Rostov-on-Don

VOXYS, which occupies a large share of the Russian market for outsourcing contact centers, announced on August 10, 2021 that it had opened a training center in Rostov-on-Don. This site became the first training center in the company's structure, investments in the opening amounted to 14.5 million rubles.

The task of the training center is to develop, methodical and didactic support, test and conduct corporate educational programs, trainings and master classes, personnel development programs necessary for outsourcing high-level business processes (BPO) in the field of client service, recruiting, personnel management and marketing. The design capacity of the training center is 300 students.

Another area of ​ ​ work of the training center is the development of corporate e-learning programs. In particular, piloting and implementation of automated training systems using its own IT developments and products of external vendors: platforms for rapid formation of key skills, training in the IT environment; based on chat bots solutions for adapting employees and cross-functional interactions; voice analytics-based training programs.

The training center will become the main training area for two VOXYS contact centers already operating in Rostov-on-Don and distance training of employees of the company's contact centers in other regions.

Change of legal entity name

From July 1, 2021, the name of the organization was changed from Info-Content LLC to Voxis LLC.

Investing 120 million rubles in the platform with voice and chat bots Twin

In July 2021, it became known about investing 120 million rubles in Twin. The voice and chatbot platform has raised funds from the Voxys network of outsourced contact centers. The latter, as part of the transaction, received a 14.4 percent stake in a startup, which was estimated at more than 833 million rubles. Read more here.

Raising €4 million of investments from the CapMan Russia fund

On April 26, 2021, Voxys, which occupies a large Russian market share, outsourcing contact centers announced the closure of a deal to attract 4 million euros of investments from the Scandinavian investment fund CapMan Russia Fund II. For the Russian IT company, this is the third round of financing.

According to Voxys, since 2018, the CapMan Russia fund has invested a total of about 15 million euros in consolidating the outsourcing contact center market. The result of this work was an M&A deal between four companies - BEEPER, TELECOMEXPRESS, Comfortel and LogiCall, which ended in 2020 with the creation of a combined company under the Voxys brand. As of April 2021, the company has the largest market share - 18.4% according to a study by iKS-Consulting. Voxys brand is represented in 30 large cities of the Russian Federation; The company operates 33 contact centers, where over 8,000 operators operate.

Scandinavian fund invested 4 million euros in a Russian provider of outsourcing services for contact centers

Voxys director Alexei Mosunov said that the funds raised are planned to be used to expand the core business, "which will ensure further revenue growth of the company by 15-20% in 2021 and by 25-30% in 2022." The company also plans to invest in "the development of new products using artificial intelligence and machine learning, such as voice robots and speech analytics." In addition, it is planned to open 8 new sites

We develop new products both on our own and by investing in startups specializing in this direction... Thanks to CapMan Russia Fund II investments attracted during two investment rounds, our business has grown 5 times since 2017... We develop products both on our own and by investing in startups specializing in this direction, "Mosunov added.

As noted by Maxim Popov, partner of CapMan Russia Fund II, the fund highly appreciates the results of the use of funds raised by VOXYS during the first two investment rounds.

We consider investments in Voxys extremely promising. The company closed all stages of the M&A deal successfully. Since the start of the investment in 2018, its revenue has shown annual growth consistently exceeding 50%; at the end of 2021, EBITDA will exceed three years ago by 7 times. We are confident that these investments will allow Voxys not only to grow 1.5 - 2 times in traditional contact center services, but also to demonstrate more significant growth rates of digital services, "he said.

2020: Revenue growth by 9.8% to RUB 4.2 billion

A participant in the Russian market for outsourcing contact centers, Voxys on February 16, 2021 announced to TAdviser the first results of its work under this brand.

Created the largest player in the Russian market of outsourcing contact centers
Photo source:

The Voxys brand emerged in an M&A deal that lasted two years and ended in winter 2020. This event was preceded by two years of integration processes between four companies - Beeper, Telecom-Express, Comfortel and LogiCall. In 2018, Beeper and Comfortel were consolidated, in 2019 Telecom Express joined, and in 2020 - Logicall.

As a result of the merger of assets, a company was formed that began operating under the Voxys brand. As of February 2021, it owns the largest share of the Russian market for outsourcing contact centers - 18.4%, the geography for February 2021 covers 30 cities of Russia, and the number of jobs of operators processing from 1 million incoming calls daily exceeds 5,000. The total number of Voxys staff at the same time is more than 8,000 people.

The strategy of combining and opening additional contact centers ensured the growth of the main financial indicators. Total revenue of Voxys in 2020 increased by 9.8% and amounts to 4,221 million rubles. compared to the total revenue of the combined companies in 2019 - 3,843 million rubles. The significant contribution to revenue growth is due to the attraction of 15 customers and the scaling of projects of existing partners. Voxys' combined revenue since 2017 shows an average annual growth rate of more than 50%.

The company's portfolio for February 2021 includes over 200 projects. The tie-up made Voxys the nation's universal communications hub. In other words, the company has the most diversified client portfolio and expertise in all business sectors (financial sector, transport, tourism, retail, FMCG, medicine, etc.).

According to Voxys director Alexei Mosunov, another key competitive quality of the company is a hybrid technology platform. The company simultaneously uses the software and hardware complex of foreign manufacturers Cisco Systems and Genesis, the Russian vendor Oktell, as well as proprietary technical solutions.

The Voxys team does not plan to stop there. The five-year strategy involves reaching, IPO expanding the geography of presence outside the Russian market (of interest to Voxys are,, and Kazakhstan Uzbekistan- Lithuania Hungary they are attractive primarily by the labor market, a good flow of candidates is expected), and dynamic development of IT the direction. In addition, the company will continue to increase market share not only through asset consolidation, but also through organic growth: in 5 years, Voxys plans to grow 2 times due to an increase in its client portfolio.

Шаблон:Quote 'author=added Alexey Mosunov.

2018: Founder - "Tachyon Comm LTD"

According to the Chekko portal, in April 2018, Tachyon Comm LTD became the founder of Voxis.