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Axiom JDK Java Development and Execution Environment

Developers: Axiom JDK (BellSoft) formerly Bellsoft
Last Release Date: 2024/10/11
Branches: Information Technology
Technology: Application Development Tools


Axiom JDK is a supported development and launch environment Java that is fully compliant import substitution.


Axiom JDK Free Release

On October 11, 2024, Axiom JDK announced the release of a free version of the Russian Java Axiom JDK platform for development and demo purposes.

Axiom JDK released a free version of the Russian Java platform for developers

According to the company, this decision was a response to the results of a study of Java status in Russia, completed in the 3rd quarter of 2024. The survey showed that the majority of developers still use foreign Java distributions, while the domestic Axiom JDK became the growth leader, which gained a share of 11% in just a year and a half since its release. Thanks to the free version, Russian developers will be able to work in the usual environment with domestic tools.

A free version of Axiom JDK for development and demo purposes is provided for all LTS versions of Java (8, 11, 17, 21), as well as the current one (as of October 2024 JDK 23). The proposal includes Windows, macOS and Linux platforms, access to regular updates according to the roadmap, as well as comprehensive documentation. You can access the product in the developer's personal account on the supplier's website

Axiom JDK Pro, a secure Java development and execution environment, is included in the Russian software registry and supports the optimal set of operating systems, DBMS and hardware systems, including domestic ones. The product complies with the Java SE standard, which allows seamless migration from other Java distributions. It is a solution for cloud, server, desktop systems and Docker containers. The product is developed in accordance with the industrial secure development process, which makes it easier to monitor the operational reliability of the software at all stages of use. The timely release of security updates as part of technical support meets the information security requirements for high-criticality systems.

Axiom JDK Pro 23 with 2548 changes

Axiom JDK has released an updated release of the Java Axiom JDK Pro 23 domestic development and execution environment. This is an important contribution to the security and functional reliability of domestic Java applications and services. The product includes significant improvements and promising opportunities in twelve areas and offers increased performance, improved security and simplified development. In total, 2548 changes were made to the release and 12 JEPs with improvements were proposed. The developer announced this on September 19, 2024.

Key improvements include enhanced Pattern Matching features that speed program writing and reduce the likelihood of errors by working securely with data types. With Markdown formatting, automatic documentation generation, an important part of the software lifecycle, has become easier. And removing almost all Unsafe API methods will improve security and performance, but will require library updates, which will help a trusted Java library repository from Axiom JDK engineers.

Customers can be sure of the uninterrupted operation of systems on the domestic Java platform and compliance with regulatory requirements. Axiom JDK is developed in accordance with the industrial process of secure development, which makes it easier for IT teams to control the operational reliability of software at all stages of use. Each assembly undergoes rigorous QA/QC testing, including regression tests, fuzzing, and structural, dynamic, and static analysis. Additional security features of Axiom JDK include improved garbage collectors, an FSTEC-certified version, verified source codes of the most popular Java libraries, emergency security patches, etc.

The security of enterprise IT systems, most of which run on Java, is critical to supporting business continuity and protecting it from external threats. Exploitable vulnerabilities that companies have been able to ignore for years are a serious risk, and there is no guarantee that they will not be exploited by attackers tomorrow. Therefore, STO and information security directors should pay special attention to updating the Java platform, which runs critical systems, while solving the problems of import substitution and optimal distribution of their IT resources, "said Sergey Lunegov, Product Director of Axiom JDK. - We are pleased to provide a progressive Java platform with updates 6 times a year and round-the-clock support for a team whose engineers have been concerned about Java security since 1997 to ensure uninterrupted operation of CII and government services.

The Axiom JDK Pro 23 release is available in three versions: Full, Standard and Lite, which allows you to optimize and save computing resources. The Lite version is designed for high-density deployment of containerized applications and efficient use of cloud resources. The Standard version is suitable for most desktop and server applications. The Full version includes a full set and additional packages such as OpenJFX, MinimalVM, Device Input-Output API.

In total, 2548 changes and 12 JEPs with new or improved features have been made to JDK 23. The most significant of these include: Simplifying the development process:

  • JEP 455: Primitive types in pattern matching, instanceof and switch templates allow you to speed up code writing and reduce the likelihood of errors by working securely with data types (preview)
  • JEP 466: Class-File API will evolve along with the class file format and allow it to be used instead of third-party libraries (second preview)
  • JEP 467: Markdown support in JavaDoc comments will further simplify automatic documentation generation
  • JEP 473: Stream Gatherers will improve Stream API with support for user intermediate operators (second preview)
  • JEP 476: Importing modules will allow you to import the module itself instead of explicitly importing its individual packages (preview)
  • JEP 477: Implicit Class Instance Classes and Main Methods Help Write Concise Applications Without Components for Large Systems (Third Preview)
  • JEP 482: Flexible constructor will be able to initialize fields in the same class before explicitly calling constructor (second preview)
  • Improved safety:
  • JEP 471: Preparing to remove memory access methods in sun.misc.Unsafe will improve security and performance, but will require library updates
  • JEP 481: Scoped Values allow you to share unchangeable data within one stream and between streams (third preview).
  • Improve performance and reliability:
  • JEP 469: Vector API uses SIMD instructions (Single Instruction, Multiple Data), parallelizing vector calculations (eighth incubator)
  • JEP 474: ZGC Default Garbage Collector - Generational - Helps Reduce Support Costs for Two ZGC Garbage Collectors: Non-Generational and Generational
  • JEP 480: Structured Parallelism treats groups of related tasks performed in different threads as a single unit (third preview)

RBS support on the Digital2Go

On August 27, 2024, BSS and Axiom JDK announced the implementation of support for the Axiom JDK Java stack in BSS remote banking (RBS) systems for the financial sector. The main goal of cooperation is to provide banks with software solutions of 100% of the Russian assembly. This support is a necessary part of the import substitution project in banks in accordance with the instructions of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. It is important that the BSS and Axiom JDK products are included in the register of domestic software and provide a solution to the problems of technological sovereignty.

As part of the technology partnership, BSS has ensured the joint sustainable operation of its RBS systems for the banking sector on the Axiom JDK domestic Java stack. Support is based on the flagship Digital2Go platform in online banks for legal entities and individuals from BSS. Digital2Go provides banks with a ready-made toolkit for creating a digital environment using microservices that is safe and meets all the conditions of the regulator.

Axiom JDK's comprehensive offering includes a complete stack of progressive software products for developing and executing Java applications. All Axiom JDK technologies support a wide range of system configurations, including Russian OS, DBMS and equipment. To ensure safe and reliable functioning, it is recommended to operate banking systems on the domestic Java stack, and if necessary, comply with the requirements of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation - on a certified version of the FSTEC. To ensure import independence in pursuance of Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 166 of 30.03.2022, migration of CII must be carried out by January 1, 2025.

Axiom JDK is the Russian Java SE platform that is used in systems that require a high level of security, critical information infrastructures (CII), in complex IT landscapes of banking systems that require high bandwidth Java applications. Secure application server Libercat implements Java EE/Jakarta EE specifications and replaces Oracle WebLogic, IBM WebSphere, RedHat JBoss and WildFly products. Like Axiom JDK, it is certified by FSTEC for 4UD for use at critical infrastructure, GIS, data systems and APCS facilities up to 1 level of security.

The support of these solutions creates favorable conditions for the effective implementation of import substitution projects and the elimination of risks of non-compliance with regulatory requirements. The comprehensive BSS and Axiom JDK offer will allow banks to get a number of advantages, such as guaranteed product support, high-quality integration, regular security and functionality updates, online vulnerability fixes and other benefits.

We are excited to expand our technology partnership with BSS. The support of the domestic Java platform by all system providers for the banking sector is important for the development of the market and the achievement of technological independence. After all, 90% of fintech solutions are built on Java. Thanks to our joint efforts, an increasing number of banks will be able to avoid cybersecurity risks, continue uninterrupted service and fulfill the requirements of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. Both Java application developers and their users can be sure: Axiom JDK engineers with world-class expertise are guarding the security and functional reliability of Java in Russia, "commented Aleksei Kuznetsov, director of partner relations at Axiom JDK.

We are confident that our partnership with Axiom JDK has great prospects. The team has over 25 years of Java and OpenJDK development experience, and clients include fintech systems with 100 million end users. Together we have already taken important practical steps - we have transferred our flagship RBS platform to the domestic Java platform. The operation of a fully import-independent technology stack, all products of which are included in the register of Russian software and compatible, will allow banks, our existing and potential customers, to successfully adapt to new requirements and ensure the high quality and reliability of the services provided, "said Pavel Sheludchenko, Deputy Sales Director for BSS Partners.

Compatibility with ACS "Ambulance"

Axiom JDK and the ICL group of companies announced on August 13, 2024 that ambulance institutions can now switch from foreign system software to a domestic Java stack. The companies have confirmed the compatibility of the Ambulance ACS with the Java Axiom JDK runtime and the Java Libercat application server. Read more here.

FXL Platform Compatibility

FlexSoft and Axiom JDK expand interaction in terms of introducing solutions based on an import-independent Java stack into software for the financial sector. The companies entered into a cooperation agreement. Axiom JDK announced this on August 5, 2024. Based on the results of the tests, certificates were obtained confirming the compatibility of the FXL Platform with the Java SE Axiom JDK runtime and the Libercat Java application server. More here.

Axiom JDK security release released as part of quarterly Java update cycle

On July 19, 2024, the company Axiom JDK announced the release of an updated release of the domestic platform Java as part of a cycle of critical security updates. This is the third quarterly release of Axiom JDK in 2024. It is released to provide safety and performance applications running on Axiom JDK. This release includes 48 Critical Patch Update (CPU) security patches and 6 vulnerabilities Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVEs) identified in a few months. In OpenJDK general, the July release of Axiom JDK contains 1280 changes and fixes for incorrect operation of the open one. source code

Axiom JDK security release released as part of quarterly Java update cycle

According to the company, the CPU release cycle allows you to timely implement security patches and fix bugs, thereby minimizing the risk of attacks on applications. All recent versions of Axiom JDK distributions go through the source code research process according to different world and domestic secure development practices. In total, since the beginning of 2024, as part of the quarterly Axiom JDK updates, over 3,000 fixes, more than 100 security patches have been implemented, and 26 vulnerabilities have been fixed.

Quarterly releases are available for all versions of the Axiom JDK with long-term support: JDK 8, 11, 17 and 21, as well as the current JDK 22, and can be provided for earlier versions. The CPU security release minimizes the number of changes to the JDK to restore stable operation in the event of an unpredictable failure. This is critical if minor patches unexpectedly break the behavior of frameworks or applications in the process of changing information systems. The CPU release allows you to quickly update the runtime to a secure and functionally stable version so that attackers cannot exploit open vulnerabilities.

Axiom JDK engineers follow the JDK release cycle to ensure the security of the Russian Java platform and implement various features. During the year, 6 Axiom JDK releases are released - 4 quarterly security updates and 2 functional releases focused on optimizing performance and reliability, as well as development tools. In addition to this, emergency patches and unscheduled security updates are issued for Russian customers. All Axiom JDK products are developed in accordance with the industrial process of safe software development.

In recent years, the IT infrastructure of Russian companies has become one of the most attacked in the world, and domestic IT teams are the most experienced in repelling cyber attacks. With the release of the updated release of the platform, the entire Axiom JDK stack is updated, including the Libercat application server, FSTEC certified versions and the Axiom Runtime Container lightweight Java container.

noted Sergey Lunegov, Axiom JDK Product Director

The Axiom JDK platform comes in three versions: Full, Standard and Lite, and is also offered in the JRE version only and in the Axiom JDK Express version with optimized performance. This allows you to apply the optimal set of components and save computing resources. The Full version includes a full set and additional packages such as OpenJFX, MinimalVM, Device Input-Output API on some platforms. The Standard version is suitable for most desktop and server applications. The Lite version is the most compact. It is designed for high-density deployment of containerized applications and allows you to use the resources of cloud services.

Deckhouse Kubernetes Platform Compatibility

Flant"," the supplier of the industrial platform Kubernetes in, and Russia, Axiom JDK the supplier of the Russian platform, Java confirmed the correct joint operation of their products. Successful tests allow you to recommend the use Deckhouse Kubernetes Platform of Axiom JDK Java technologies as a comprehensive solution for containerized loads. This was announced Flant by "" on April 2, 2024. More. here

Java Axiom JDK Pro 22

On March 26, 2024, the Axiom JDK announced the release of the next release of the domestic Java Axiom JDK Pro 22 development and execution environment. The update offers significant changes in twelve areas.

Java Axiom JDK Pro 22

As reported, Axiom JDK Pro 22 continues to implement the fundamental changes included in Axiom JDK Pro 21, a LTS release with long-term support until 2032. The update includes additional APIs for working with memory and multithreading, optimizing garbage collection, tools for novice Java developers, as well as optimizing Java code. These changes make JDK 22 a more powerful and flexible platform for developing modern applications. And Axiom JDK optimization for cloud and microservice environments optimizes the development and launch of Java services.

The Axiom JDK Pro 22 platform comes in three versions: Full, Standard and Lite, which allows you to use the optimal set of components and save computing resources. The Full version includes a full set and additional packages such as OpenJFX, MinimalVM, Device Input-Output API on some platforms. The Standard version is suitable for most desktop and server applications. The Lite version is the most compact. It is designed for high-density deployment of containerized applications and allows you to most efficiently use the valuable resources of cloud services.

In addition, Axiom JDK engineers provide developers with tools that optimize the security of domestic Java applications. So Axiom JDK Pro includes ready-made configurations of TLS certificates of the Ministry of Digital Development, thanks to which Java applications are automatically connected to sites with TLS connections. And a trusted repository of Java libraries, the most popular in the domestic IT industry, helps to avoid accidental malicious code by using secure libraries. Source codes in them verified using Svace code static analysis tools from ISP RAS and secure development practices.

Modern challenges require service stations, information security directors and their teams to find tools that optimize development and provide easy migration to domestic software while maintaining business continuity and achieving IT security goals. They need to perform import substitution KPIs and use engineering resources wisely, while ensuring the security, reliability and performance of critical information infrastructures, most of which are built on Java. - We are pleased to provide Java platform and engineering expertise for round-the-clock support of domestic companies and government services.

noted Roman Karpov, Director of Strategy and Technology Development at Axiom JDK

In total, 313 changes and 12 JEPs with optimized functions were made to JDK 22. The most significant of these include:

  • Blocking memory areas for G1 helps reduce response time during garbage collection when critical Java Native Interface (JNI) areas are present.
  • Vector API optimizes the performance of vector calculations that are compiled into machine statements at runtime.
  • Structural multithreading optimizes multithreaded code management and monitoring (second preview).
  • Expressions before calling super (...) in the constructor allow you to reduce the code if you need to call additional methods before calling the constructor of the parent class (preview).
  • Unnamed patterns and variables optimize code readability by replacing names of unused variables with a underscore character.
  • The Class-File API implements a standard API for processing class files (previews).
  • Running applications consisting of many source code files allows you to run Java applications as a set of such files.
  • String patterns provide a secure implementation of dynamically calculated expressions from a fixed set of letters (second preview) into Java strings.
  • Stream Gatherers allows you to create custom intermediate operations with the Stream API (preview).
  • Implicitly declared classes and main methods of the class instance allow novice Java developers to write simple programs (second preview).
  • Scoped Values allows you to share unchangeable data within one stream and between streams (second preview).
  • The Foreign Function & Memory API allows Java applications to communicate securely with code outside of JVM (third preview).

As part of a standardized platform for Java development

Astra Group"" and the team Axiom JDK on February 29, 2024 announced plans to consolidate engineering and jointly invest resources in creating a fully functional standardized platform for - Java development that can comprehensively replace foreign counterparts. Vendors will present to the market a holistic offer combining a OS Astra Linux solution for working with, source code GitFlic a stack of Axiom JDK technologies and for Libercat the development and execution of Java applications, as well as a number of other components. It is expected that with this comprehensive solution it will be possible to create new critical systems and transfer existing ones to an import-independent platform.

The association R&D of the experts of the Astra Group and the Axiom JDK team will make a significant contribution to the achievement of technological sovereignty.

With the advent of a domestic development platform, it will become easier for Russian organizations to choose tools suitable for their requests for digital transformation and import substitution. Customers will receive a software environment with all the technologies required to write advanced infrastructure software for Astra Linux in Java. Using a standardized platform will help protect the software development process from technological risks and make it safe and effective.

Companies will coordinate the development of products, ensure their compatibility, increase performance at the junction of the OS and the execution environment. In particular, it is planned to implement integrated security functions within a closed-loop software environment for Java applications.

Joint work will develop in several areas at once. Astra Group is expanding its software stack with progressive domestic components for software written in Java, Kotlin, Scala and other languages ​ ​ using the Axiom JDK runtime. The vendor's products will also support this Java environment, and as a result, existing customers will receive the advantages of seamless integration by migrating their critical Java applications to the domestic line of Axiom JDK and Libercat, and new customers will be able to immediately take advantage of the integrated offer to develop their systems and simplify import substitution thanks to the cross-platform Axiom JDK. The use of Axiom JDK Certified and Libercat Certified products certified by the FSTEC of Russia will speed up the passage of GIS and CII certification procedures.

In the corporate segment, more than 70% of the software is written in Java, and in fintech - all 90%. Joint engineering with Astra Group allows us to offer specialists a verified and consolidated strategy and an import-independent portfolio that can compete with eminent foreign ones. We invest in building a standardized development platform while remaining independent companies. The stack of domestic Java technologies Axiom JDK and Libercat is its fundamental component and complements the product offer of Astra Group, - said Roman Karpov, Director of Strategy and Technology Development at Axiom JDK.

It will be a complete environment with a set of tools for managing source code, testing, automation, documentation, framework and development templates. The IT industry needs unified approaches, and in order to develop them, it is necessary to provide the market with tools and services. Astra Group is building full support for the entire Java development infrastructure, "said Anton Shmakov, technical director of Astra Group.


As a platform for Kaspersky Lab solutions

Kaspersky Lab will use Axiom JDK Certified, a Russian certified Java platform, as part of its solutions. The company chose it as a trusted product environment. This will allow you to create security solutions based on domestic Java technologies, as well as use them to design industrial software in accordance with the concept of developing safe software (RBPO) and the requirements of the Federal Service for Technical and Export Control (FSTEC) of Russia. Kaspersky Lab announced this on November 27, 2023.

The certified Java platform is planned to be used in comprehensive protection of the native XDR class against complex threats and targeted attacks, consisting of Kaspersky Anti Targeted Attack and Kaspersky EDR Expert solutions. This will increase their safety and significantly speed up the FSTEC certification process, where, together with the solution, verification of the environment code is required.

Axiom JDK Certified already has a certificate of FSTEC of Russia in 4 levels of trust. According to the developer, this is the only environment for developing and launching Java applications allowed by the regulator for use in systems with increased information security requirements - state information systems, critical information infrastructure facilities, personal data information systems, APCS, etc.

We are always open to technological cooperation with domestic companies. Sharing experience and knowledge helps us achieve our key mission of building a safe world. Partnership with Axiom JDK, in particular, optimizes the process of certification of Kaspersky Lab products in FSTEC Russia and will help to quickly confirm their quality and safety, "said Marina Usova, director of corporate sales at Kaspersky Lab.

The information security market is key to digital sovereignty. And we are excited to join forces with his representative to develop Secure Software Development (RBPO) and product integration practices. Our engineers have invested ten man-years in creating a certified Java development and execution environment and verified 3GB of code to accelerate the construction and certification of government and business critical systems. We are confident that our cooperation with Kaspersky Lab will ensure compliance with the requirements of the FSTEC of Russia and increase the level of security of systems using our integrated products, both at the stage of creation and in industrial operation, - said Roman Karpov, Director of Strategy and Technology Development at Axiom JDK, Head of the Information Security Committee of ARPP "Domestic Software."

RooX UIDM Compatibility

On June 19, 2023, RooX announced that it had made the domestic RooX UIDM authentication and authorization management system compatible with the Java Axiom JDK Pro development and execution environment. The compatibility of these solutions will allow RooX UIDM to be used in IT landscapes deployed on the Russian Java stack. Read more here.

Axiom JDK Pro 20

On March 30, 2023, Axiom JDK presented an updated release of the domestic Java Axiom JDK Pro 20 development and execution environment. It is released in sync with Oracle JDK 20 and contains offers optimizing JDK across seven areas. They focus on optimizing platform performance, stability and security, optimizing development, and improving the Java language.

Axiom JDK Pro 20

According to the company, Axiom JDK Pro 20 offers significant updates, including for banking, exchange and other systems critical to the high bandwidth of Java applications. The release includes language optimization from the OpenJDK Amber (Pattern matching for switch) project, optimization of the interaction of the Java virtual machine (JVM) and machine code from the OpenJDK Panama project (Foreign Function & Memory API and Vector API), as well as functions from the Loom project (Scoped Values, virtual threads and structural multithreading). The latter streamlines the process of writing, maintaining, and monitoring high-throughput multithreaded applications. Most updates are aimed at optimizing the functionality introduced in earlier versions of JDK.

Additionally, Axiom JDK Pro 20 includes a trusted Java library repository. It is expanded by the Libercat embedded component, designed to create and run applications in conjunction with Spring Native Image. A trusted repository helps avoid accidental malicious code by using trusted libraries that have been verified. Axiom JDK developers accept applications for inclusion in the repository of those libraries that are in demand by the domestic IT industry. Source code verification is carried out using the tools of static analysis of SVACE code from ISP RAS and secure development practices.

Axiom JDK Pro 20 has added a translation into Russian of messages from the Java API for XML Processing (JAXP) framework. Starting from the January version, the product includes ready-made configurations of Russian TLS certificates. Thanks to this, with secure TLS connections to sites using Russian certificates, Java applications on the Axiom JDK Pro platform are automatically connected.

Russian companies, faced with unprecedented sanctions pressure regarding the use of foreign technologies, are actively working in March 2023. They are upgrading information systems to meet regulatory requirements and technological sovereignty. They need to use resources wisely and efficiently, while ensuring the security, reliability and performance of critical information infrastructures, most of which are built using Java technologies. We are pleased to provide a trusted Java platform and engineering expertise to support the work of domestic companies and government services around the clock. Challenges require service stations and their teams to find tools that optimize development and enable easy migration to domestic software while maintaining business continuity and achieving IT security goals. The installation of Axiom JDK Pro 20 will allow you to test features, prepare an import substitution strategy and the subsequent transition to the LTS release of JDK with long-term support.

told Roman Karpov, Director of Strategy and Technology Development at Axiom JDK

In total, 2,442 fixes and 7 JEPs with optimized functions are included in the JDK 20. At the same time, Axiom JDK development engineers fixed 11 problems. The most significant updates include:

  • Language Updates and Changes:
    • JEP 432: Record Patterns (second Preview) makes the code more concise by optimizing the pattern matching mechanism with record patterns used to deconstruct structural values.
    • JEP 433: Pattern Matching for switch (fourth Preview) adds pattern matching to switch expressions and statements.

  • Features from the Loom project in Preview/Incubator status

    • JEP 429: Scoped Values (Incubator) provides the sharing of immutable data within a single thread and between downstream threads.
    • JEP 436: Virtual threads (the second Preview) optimize threading in Java due to the fact that virtual threads do not bind to the OS thread for the entire life cycle, allowing you to optimize the number of parallel tasks up to tens of thousands.
    • JEP 437: Structural multithreading (second Incubator) provides thread coordination and structuring by enclosing threads running within a single task in a single syntactic block.

  • Functions from the Panama project in Preview status

    • JEP 434: Foreign Function & Memory API (second Preview) replaces native Java interface (JNI) and allows more efficient use of code and memory outside of JVM.
    • JEP 438: Vector API (fifth Incubator) compiles vector calculations of an instruction during application execution, thereby optimizing the efficiency of certain mathematical operations.

The Java Axiom JDK Pro development and execution environment is entered into the register of Russian software and is created in accordance with the secure development life cycle concept (SDL), so systems based on it are protected from the moment of creation and throughout operation. The product is available for Windows, Linux, Mac and Solaris and is compatible with Russian OS, DBMS, applications and hardware. All assemblies go through the source code research process and rigorous quality control procedures. In conjunction with Axiom JDK Pro, the standardized Libercat application server provides a comprehensive certified solution for both Java SE and EE specifications .

The line includes FSTEC the Axiom JDK Certified product. It meets the requirements means of protection information for Level 4 trust and can be applied to all critical infrastructure facilities and complex systems with increased requirements for. information security

Support for TLS certificates of the Ministry of Digital Development of the Russian Federation in Axiom JDK Pro 8, 11, 17 and 19

On January 27, 2023, Axiom JDK announced that the Russian the execution environment development team Java had updated the Axiom JDK product line. The January 2023 version includes ready-made configurations of Russian TLS () SSL certificates in addition to updates safety and critical patches (). CPU Now, when establishing - protected TLS connections with digital services using, certificates Ministry of Digital Development of the Russian Federation Java connection applications will occur automatically if they run on Axiom JDK Pro. Integration domestic certificates in the Java runtime environment will simplify their installation to secure and billions of transactions, affecting tens of millions of users.

With the updated version of Axiom JDK Pro, web application developers, service users state mobile applications civil services and Russian companies have received an important feature. Domestic TLS certificates ensure the availability of resources in any browser user of all operating systems and independence from foreign (CA certification centers). The Ministry of Digital Development RUSSIAN FEDERATION released them in return for foreign ones, security certificates which stopped working with Russian sites. 

Support for certificates issued by Russian CA is included in Axiom JDK Pro 19.0.2, 17.0.6, 11.0.18 and 8u382. They implement a quarterly development cycle OpenJDK and are available synchronously with. Oracle Java SE Thus, Java applications running on Axiom JDK Pro 8, 11, 17 and 19 do not need to be configured to establish secure connections using the TLS protocol (, transport layer security transport layer protection protocol) and authentication, servers unlike applications running on Java Oracle and other JDKs.

The company is systematically expanding the functionality of the Russian Java execution environment in order to meet the requirements market and anticipate customer expectations. Most state information systems critical infrastructures work in Java and the release of domestic TLS certificates is an important event in the market. Engineers included them in the Axiom JDK Pro to provide out-of-the-box connectivity, saving resources for developers and users. Now, in all secure TLS connections installed in Java applications, the authenticity of the server or client can be automatically verified by Russian certificates. The company is pleased to provide a trusted Java platform and engineering expertise to support the work of domestic companies and government services around the clock and contribute to acceleration, import substitution
noted Roman Karpov, Director of Strategy and Technology Development at Axiom JDK .

All Axiom JDK Pro 8, 11, 17 and 19 clients signed up for technical support services received Russian TLS certificates out of the box. Customers can request an updated version from the download portal. Overall, the January version of the Axiom JDK Pro contains 778 fixes and backports. CPU releases 8u361, and contain known vulnerability fixes (CVEs) to maintain maximum security and performance of the development and execution environment. PSU releases 8u362, 11.0.18, 17.0.6 and 19.0.2 include non-critical fixes.


Axiom JDK Pro compatibility with Ankey IDM

Specialists of Gazinformservice, a large Russian system integrator and vendor in the field of information security, and engineers of the Axiom JDK team completed joint tests. The tests confirmed the compatibility and correctness of the Ankey IDM complex for access control in the Russian Java Axiom JDK Pro development and management environment from Axiom JDK {hide } BELLSOFT {/hide}. This was announced by Gazinformservice on December 21, 2022. Read more here.

Unidata Data Management Platform Compatibility

The company UniData"" announced on November 17, 2022 the end of the compatibility tests of the Unidata platform and the product based on it, in particular Unidata MDM"," Java Development Kit with - Axiom JDK (developed by { Axiom JDK hide} BellSoft{/hide}), servers applications (LiberCat developed by Axiom JDK ) operating system Astra Linux and CE 2.12.44 Eagle (). More. here

Axiom JDK Pro 19

On September 29, 2022, Axiom JDK {hide } BELLSOFT {/hide} announced the release of an updated release of Axiom JDK Pro 19, a domestic Java development and execution environment. It offers almost 2,500 changes and Russian functionality - a trusted repository of Java libraries.

Axiom JDK Pro 19

According to the company, the changes in this version affected 4 key areas: strengthening IT security, optimizing performance, creating concise, supported code, and increasing compatibility with other technologies.

The Russian Java platform is produced under the Axiom JDK brand and is updated 6 times a year synchronously with Oracle Java.

The updated release of Axiom JDK Pro 19 includes a trusted Java library repository. This functionality allows you to optimize the security of domestic Java applications and avoid accidental malicious code by using verified secure libraries. The trusted repository is assembled by a team of Axiom JDK engineers from the source codes of Java libraries using SVACE static code analysis tools from the Institute for System Programming of the Russian Academy of Sciences and secure development practices. Total volume of sources already verified amounted to about 4 GB: such work from one developer would take ten years.

An important event in the JDK19 release was the introduction of virtual threads and structural multithreading. They help optimize the performance of the Java runtime environment and are important for the bandwidth of applications, such as banking and exchange systems. Virtual threads allow you to use light threads, the number of which is can reach tens of thousands, but are easily profiled and monitored. Multithreading allows you to coordinate the operation of threads by enclosing them in one syntax block.

Strengthening IT security in the JDK 19 release opens up the ability to work with external data without threatening the virtual Java machine. The updated release optimized the Function & Memory API function implemented in the current LTS version 17, and also implemented a number of other features. The compatibility with RISC-V, expanded in the updated version, confirms the focus on supporting modern developments in the field of processor architectures.

A Linux/RISC-V port was added to JDK 19. In response to criticism of Java's cumbersome nature, the updated release of JDK 19 includes the Record Patterns function for working with samples, which will make the program code more concise. In total , 2,422 fixes are included in JDK 19 ( 2,220 in JDK and 222 in FX) and 7 JEP with additional or optimized functions. At the same time, Axiom JDK development engineers fixed 10 problems.

Axiom JDK Pro is included in the register of Russian software and is created in accordance with the concept of the life cycle of secure development (SDL), therefore, systems based on the Russian Java platform are protected both during creation and during operation. All assemblies go through the source code research process and rigorous quality control procedures.

Compatibility with Rosa Cobalt 7.9 and Rosa Chrome 12

Domestic developers Axiom JDK STC IT ROSA and completed joint testing of updated versions of products. The companies confirmed the correctness of the standardized servers applications Libercat and the trusted development and execution environment Java Axiom JDK Pro OS DEW COBALT with 7.9 and OS 12 ROSA "CHROMIUM". Compatibility guarantees will speed up projects, import substitution including when switching from products. This was Oracle announced by the company NTC ROSA IT on July 19, 2022. More. here

FSTEC Certificate for Axiom JDK Certified

Axiom JDK {hide } BellSoft {/hide} received FSTEC certification for Axiom JDK Certified, a Java development and execution environment, the company told TAdviser on May 24, 2022. Axiom JDK notes that the Java platform was certified by the FSTEC of Russia for the first time. This should speed up the certification of GIS, CII and the implementation of import substitution projects, the development company expects.

Java Axiom JDK Certified has been tested and meets the requirements for information protection tools for level 4 trust (SMT UD4). During the compliance check, the Axiom JDK Certified nondocumented capabilities and the required security functions were confirmed, the product architecture was monitored and its source code was fully analyzed, including fuzzing testing.

Axiom JDK expects that the certification of the FSTEC Java platform will speed up the certification of GIS, CII and the implementation of import substitution projects

Java Axiom JDK Certified can be used on all critical infrastructure facilities and in complex systems with increased information security requirements:

  • state information systems up to and including security class 1,
  • significant objects of the critical information infrastructure of the 1st category,
  • personal data information systems up to and including level 1 of security,
  • automated systems for control of production and technological processes of the 1st class of protection.

Axiom JDK Certified is a single cross-platform solution for cloud, server and desktop systems, as well as Docker containers, verified for compliance with the Java SE standard. The product is part of the Axiom JDK family, as a result of rebranding replacing the Liberica JDK family. The renaming will allow the developer to license products without restrictions and provide support in the context of digital sovereignty, sanctions and import substitution requirements.

The solution provides the tools, executables, and binaries you need to compile, debug, and execute a Java Development Kit. The certified product is available for all LTS versions - JDK 8, 11 and 17. Advanced security features of Axiom JDK Certified SMT include:

  • Ensure that virtual machine instances are independent
  • Verifying Class Files
  • Secure execution of interpreted code
  • Access control
  • Integrity control of executable code (closed software environment)
  • Log security events.
  • Memory cleanup.

Axiom JDK expects that the release of Axiom JDK Certified will allow thousands of customers, system integrators and developers to simplify the construction and certification of state information systems and speed up import substitution projects.

Speaking about the potential number of Axiom JDK Certified users, Axiom JDK .


{{quote 'author = added Ivan Panchenko, Deputy General Director of Postgres Professional. | We value partnerships with manufacturers of Russian software, systems and applications, since cooperation between technology companies makes it possible to better satisfy user requests. Therefore, within the framework of the Association of Software Developers "Domestic Software," we are conducting targeted work on the integration of domestic products, and the new joint solution for the Incomand portal is one of the results,}}

{{quote 'author = commented Alexey Kakunin, CEO of EMDEV. | The Incomand enterprise portal is just a small tip of the iceberg, visible to end users, that cannot exist without a huge "underwater" foundation. And it is very important that we were able to provide the entire foundation based on Russian components - starting with the hardware and ending with all the software necessary for the application (OS, database, application server, JVM runtime),}}


Liberica JDK 17 with long-term support until 2030

On September 24, 2021, BellSoft , one of the members of OpenJDK, announced the release of the LTS release of Liberica JDK 17, a progressive Java runtime. The long-term version offers enhanced security, performance and stability, as well as optimization of the Java platform and programming language. All products of the line have also been optimized, including Liberica JDK Pro 17 for Russian hardware platforms and Liberica JDK Certified 17 for FSTEC certification. The following releases of the Java runtime environment from BellSoft are available on the developer's website and are released simultaneously with Oracle JDK, which contributes to the prompt implementation of technologies for solving import substitution and digital sovereignty problems.

A stable LTS release (Long-Term Support) is of great importance for industrial development. With the Liberica JDK 17 distribution, 24-hour technical support will be provided until 2030 in the native language and features from BellSoft . Among them are support for a wider range of platforms, including the AArch64 and lightweight Alpine Linux for creating compact containers, compatibility with Russian software and hardware, and a universal compiler for speeding up the launch of Liberica Native Image Kit applications. In addition, Liberica JDK 17 will be used as a basic execution environment in the Spring Framework project, starting with version 11, as part of BellSoft's , including fixing 7 problems in OpenJDK 17. At the same time, the releases of JDK 17 and Java 17 are an LTS version that supports the Alpine Linux operating system, the port for which BellSoft was integrated in 2021 (JEP 386), which increased the efficiency of working with microservice architecture. In the Liberica JDK line, support for Alpine Linux is also available in LTS versions 8 and 11.

"We strive to ensure that our products not only meet, but also anticipate the needs of developers. And the LTS release of Liberica JDK 17 is a good reason to take advantage of this. We constantly contribute to quarterly versions and number releases of OpenJDK, which are released every six months. We accompany systems on all versions starting with JDK 6 and 7 and offer an additional year to support LTS releases 8, 11 and 17, continuing to provide customers with additional security, performance and fixes. We believe that the proposed timeline for the release of LTS versions - every two years - will stimulate organizations to update JDK more often and help the open platform remain relevant, safe and productive. Thus, users will be able to take advantage of more efficient applications, and developers will implement opportunities that did not exist before, "-

noted by Alexander Belokrylov, CEO of BellSoft .

The LTS release of Liberica JDK 17 is characterized by three key areas:

  • technical capabilities, including efficient operation on processors Apple M1 thanks to the on/ MacOS AArch64 port (JEP 391) and macOS rendering pipeline (JEP 382), optimized pseudo-random number generators (JEP 356). In addition, preparing Applet API for removal (JEP 398) was the next step towards a development environment without outdated functions;
  • increased security thanks to strict encapsulations of internal JDK components (JEP 403), implementation of contextual deserialization filters (JEP 415), recognition of Security Manager as outdated (JEP 411). The latter motivates developers to use more relevant security measures;
  • tools that will speed development and improve performance, including the 一 Vector API (JEP 414) and Vector API for switch (JEP 406), function & memory API (JEP 412) for external native (non-Java) libraries, closed classes and interfaces (JEP 409), and recovery of always rigorous floating point semantics (JEP 306) that will ensure code consistency without compromising performance.

Here is what the BellSoft developers say about the changes :

"The most significant changes in Java 17 are related to the JDK security system: it has reached the next level. These mechanisms relate to preparing to uninstall the Security Manager, introducing strict encapsulation of internal APIs, and adding the Foreign API, an interface for connecting external code and memory to JVM. Now it is impossible to break the isolation of internal classes in the API, so inaccessible modules are sufficiently protected, -

notes Sergey Chernyshev.

"Strict encapsulation of internal JDK components reduces the risk of potentially unsafe undocumented APIs without understanding how they work. And the appearance of the Mac Arch port for the Apple M1 processor suggests that Java developers are keeping their finger on the pulse, "-

says Petr Zheleznyakov.

"The developers will especially appreciate pattern matching for switch: it will become easier to write and modify code with them. Thanks to the Vector API, you can get performance gains when the task fits well into vector operatsii.​​. And the introduction to the Java Vector API is a prerequisite for development in future versions, "-

confirmed by Dmitry Strizhikozin.

The progressive Java Liberica JDK runtime is a single cross-platform solution for cloud, server and desktop systems, as well as Docker containers. Liberica JDK Pro is included in the register of Russian software and includes expanded support for Russian hardware platforms, and Liberica JDK Certified - enhanced security functions in accordance with FSTEC requirements. All assemblies are verified to comply with the Java SE standard, ensuring customers have a high level of security and performance.

FSTEC Decision on Confidence Level Certification 4

On August 27, 2021, BellSoft announced that it had received a decision by FSTEC to certify the information protection tools Liberica JDK Certified and LiberCat Certified for confidence level 4 (UD4). For the first time in Russia, certification of the Java platform is allowed due to the fact that the domestic developer has fulfilled the safety requirements approved by the Federal Service for Technical and Export Control. The release of certified products - the Java Liberica JDK Certified runtime and the LiberCat Certified application server - will greatly facilitate and speed up the certification of government information systems. In this regard, BellSoft opens a consulting line and accepts applications from companies that plan to certify solutions developed based on Java technologies.

Thanks to the engineering efforts of BellSoft , the Java application certification process, which also includes their development and launch environment, will be half-completed for users and system developers based on Liberica JDK Certified. They will be able to focus on the main tasks of the business IT and not engage in non-core activities related to the assembly of OpenJDK source codes, their static and dynamic analysis, verification of TSC, etc. A domestic developer who is a member of the FSTEC technical committee for standardization " information Protection" (TK 362) will help solve these issues, including embedding for specific systems and further regular updates. As a result, within the framework of projects import substitution , companies will be able to more easily and quickly certify:

We bring ideas to the Java platform that meet digital strategies and local requirements. Our professional products are included in the register of Russian software, allowed by the FSB for use with certified cryptographic means, tested for compatibility with Russian suppliers of OS, DBMS, applications and equipment. They form the core of end-to-end domestic solutions based on the Java stack, - said Alexander Belokrylov, CEO of BellSoft is formed from OpenJDK development engineers who are familiar with its micro-level structure and have 25 years of Java platform development experience. This makes it possible to guarantee the performance, security and efficiency of solutions based on BellSoft products in the context of any business tasks.

Compatibility with CompanyMedia

On August 3, 2021, BellSoft announced that, together with INTERTRUST, it had completed testing and transferring the CompanyMedia document and task management system to the Java execution environment developed by BellSoft . Tests conducted by INTERTRUST specialists confirmed the compatibility and correctness of CompanyMedia's work on BellSoft technologies. To develop technological cooperation within the framework of creating a reference architecture of IT solutions based on the Java stack, INTERTRUST and BellSoft entered into a partnership agreement . Read more here.

Baikal-M Processor Compatibility

On July 22, 2021, BellSoft announced the compatibility of Liberica JDK Pro and LiberCat Russian processor Baikal-M c. Tests allow you to recommend the sharing of a progressive Java execution environment and a standardized application server from BellSoft OS with domestic and equipment. The tests were carried out with operating Astra Linux Special Edition systems RED OS and architecture ARMv8 designed for use with the Baikal-M processor. End-to-end secure solutions "BellSoft" - Astra Linux - Baikal-M "and" BellSoft "- RED OS - Baikal-M" provide the transfer of state information systems (GIS), state automated systems (GAS) and other Java applications to the domestic software and hardware stack as soon as possible.

BellSoft Liberica JDK

According to the company, Java applications written for x86 or other architectures can be safely launched on Russian equipment without modifying the code thanks to the cross-platform of Java technologies from BellSoft . The basic principle of Java is "wrote once, execute everywhere." End-to-end solutions will be in demand in projects where the domestic origin of the products being implemented is especially important. Federal and regional authorities, companies with state participation, financial organizations will be able to fulfill the obligations assigned to them by the requirements of the Ministry of Industry and Trade, Java application developers will begin supplying their solutions under Baikal-M, and system integrators will be able to assemble a full Java stack and implement ready-made domestic systems and PACS to solve current customer problems.

The Liberica JDK Pro software product offers advanced support for Russian hardware platforms and all the capabilities of the progressive Java Liberica JDK runtime environment. It is a single solution for cloud, server and desktop systems, which is designed to be used in systems that require an appropriate level of security, complex IT landscapes of financial, government, telecom, retail and fuel and energy companies, to create and support a diverse architecture both monolithic and microservice.

In conjunction, Liberica JDK Pro and the standardized LiberCat application server provide a comprehensive certified solution for both Java SE and EE specifications, ensuring the development and execution of Java critical information infrastructure (CII) applications in accordance with the requirements of digital sovereignty. All Liberica JDK Pro builds are verified to comply with the Java SE standard under Oracle's Technology Compatibility Kit (TCK) license.

End-to-end solutions, the core of which are BellSoft technologies, allow you to use expertise on the Java platform on Russian equipment and create systems that meet the tasks of business and the state. As of July 2021, corporate portals based on Incomand, GIS based on RED Platform, ERP, CRM, ABS, EDO based on JMIX, developer workplace on Cuba Platform, EDMS based on Thesis and InterTrust, tool environment "CROC Java eXtendable FrameWork."

The domestic Baikal-M processor is a "system-on-a-chip" of proper computing power with 8 ARM Cortex-A57 cores, an 8-core GPU Mali-T628 and a large set of interfaces. Testing showed comparable Baikal-M performance for a Java platform with x86_64.

Testing end-to-end solutions, the centerpiece of which is the Liberica JDK Pro Java technology bundle with LiberCat, enables Java application migration to Baikal-M. Baikal-M shows proper performance for Java programs.

told Andrey Evdokimov, CEO of Baikal Electronics

Together with partners, we have taken an important step to build a reference architecture for IT solutions based on the Java stack. Now users of systems based on Baikal-M have the opportunity to work with the usual Java applications on Russian ARM64 processors - with proper performance and without the need for porting. We will continue to invest in interoperability and certification. The number of users of the progressive Java Liberica JDK runtime environment exceeded 2.5 million in 2020, and we are confident that Liberica JDK Pro with expanded support for Russian hardware platforms will have the same future.

noted Alexander Belokrylov, CEO of BellSoft

Liberica JDK entered the list of valid operating environments of the CryptoPro version of JCP 2.0 R4

On April 8, 2021, the Cryptomissile defense funds cryptographic information protection and funds provider and announced that Liberica JDK was included in the list of allowed operating environments of the updated version, CryptoPro JCP 2.0 R4 which received certificates for FSB OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION cryptographic information protection a class KS1 tool (certificate 1 and certificate 2). The updated version of CryptoPro for Liberica JDK 8, 10, 11 adds support for releases 12, 13, 14, as well as work in. OS Windows More. here

Get native support for the Apple M1 ARM processor

BellSoft has released the next release of Liberica JDK, a progressive Java execution environment the Russian with technical support. This became known on January 27, 2021. In addition to security updates and critical patches, users have received a number of important improvements, including native support ARM-processor Apple M1 and improving the efficiency of developing and running microservice applications in Dockercontainers-. Updating Liberica JDK, recommended, domestic software product promotes world-class innovation to address digital sovereignty challenges.

The updated versions of Liberica JDK 15.0.2, 11.0.10 and 8u282 implement the quarterly development cycle of OpenJDK and are available synchronously with the release. Oracle Java SE Now - Java applications running on Liberica JDK 8, 11 and 15 can work with Apple's first desktop processor for Mac ARM architecture in native mode. On average, another 5 MB decreased the amount of code for the Java development and execution environment - the size of the microcontainer with Liberica JDK images. This feature is available in early access and will increase the efficiency of creating containerized ON and save disk space. As a result, the deployment and creation of applications with a microservice architecture and in will be accelerated, and clouds support for the BellSoft developer will preserve investments in the existing Java infrastructure.

The use of microservice architecture has become the standard for organizations practicing flexible approaches in the construction and development of corporate systems. And we strive to ensure that updates to our products not only meet, but also anticipate the needs of developers. As the customer experience shows, Liberica JDK allows you to accelerate solution development and reduce costs by 15% or more. This is achieved largely thanks to our microcontainer, the size of which we are constantly reducing, - said Alexander Belokrylov, CEO of BellSoft . It is designed for high-density deployment of containerized applications and allows you to use the valuable resources of cloud services well [1] M1[2].


Increase in the number of users by 1.1 million

On February 9, 2021, BellSoft reported that by the end of 2020, the number of Liberica JDK users exceeded 2.5 million, an increase of 1.1 million, and the number of downloads of the progressive Java execution environment more than tripled. Compared to 2019, the volume of support contracts increased 7 times with an increase in the average transaction by 3 times. The results of 2020 show that BellSoft was elected to the executive committee of the Java Community Process (JCP), the highest council for the evolution and standards of Java in the world.

Companies in the financial, retail, telecom and IT sectors are moving their key systems to Liberica JDK open technology with 24/7/365 native language support. So in the National Payment Card System (NSPK), the operator of the Mir payment system, Liberica JDK serves as a platform for processing systems, clearing and loyalty programs. 1C, a Russian developer of business software, uses Liberica JDK as a standard tool for launching Java components of 1C: Enterprise system programs, which will strengthen the digital sovereignty of organizations that automate activities on the basis of 1C: Enterprise. As part of BellSoft's global partnership, provides Liberica JDK to customers of the VMware Tanzu platform and joins forces with VMware, one of the innovative leaders in enterprise software development, to bring the performance and convenience of the Java development and execution environment to a qualitatively different level while maintaining its security. The transition of Liberica JDK to the M.Video-Eldorado group allowed not only to accelerate the evolution of microservices, but also to improve the client experience. The microcontainer developed by BellSoft is easy to transfer to the cloud, quickly deploy and scale. Thanks to this, the Russian retail company has increased the speed of development, launch of services and the performance of the online platform.

The partner program, opened by BellSoft in 2020, has expanded the ecosystem of the progressive Java execution environment in Russia. IT companies have the opportunity to offer recommended domestic software as part of their products and services. A technological partnership that guarantees product compatibility connects BellSoft with OS and DBMS developers, with application developers and business relations, with system integrators and distributors. The program will be developed in all four areas in 2021 to bring BellSoft's professional products closer to customers who need support for critical infrastructure, increased IT efficiency and respect for digital sovereignty.

In 2021, BellSoft plans to maintain business growth and user base and innovate ahead of market trends. The developer will continue to reduce the size of the microcontainer (the amount of code in static and dynamics), expand support for new platforms, including Apple M1, Windows (AArch64 ), AWS, and the Russian certification program. The company will represent the community on the top board of JCP, which will increase its contribution to the evolution and formation of Java standards. The company plans to enter the Asian market and be an attractive employer for young talents thanks to the launch of an internship program.

Liberica JDK as a standard execution environment for Java components of programs of the 1C: Enterprise system

On October 20, 2020, it became known that the company 1C"" chose the domestic platform Liberica JDK of the company BellSoft as a standard tool for launching components of the system ""programs 1C: Enterprise written in the programming Java language. In addition, BellSoft will provide technical support to 1C. here More.

Customers can use the VMware Tanzu platform

On June 29, 2020, the Russian company BellSoft , one of the representatives of the OpenJDK project, announced a partnership to support the Java runtime environment with VMware, an enterprise software development company. BellSoft provides VMware with its main software product Liberica JDK for use by customers of the VMware Tanzu platform. Working closely with the OpenJDK community, BellSoft and VMware are joining forces to bring the performance and usability of the Java development and execution environment to a qualitatively different level while maintaining its security. Liberica JDK (Java Development Kit) is an OpenJDK-based Java application development and launch environment that has passed the Technology Compatibility Kit (TCK) tests for compliance with the Java SE standard.

Together with our partners, we want to bring completely innovative ideas to the industry to provide customers with fast and professional technical support, a high level of trust and tools to ensure the security of the Java platform. We, the Russian developer, are proud of our partnership with a global company offering the market a voluminous line of products, and are confident that thanks to joint plans and actions we have earned the recognition of experts from the modern IT market, "said Alexander Belokrylov, CEO of BellSoft announced the release of the Liberica JDK 14 (Java Development Kit) software product. This is the sixth release of the Russian Java runtime environment in the past two and a half years. It is released in sync with the release of Oracle Java SE. The domestic product will allow enterprises with state participation, ministries and departments to take advantage of the capabilities of JDK 14 to develop and launch their Java applications. Additionally, Liberica JDK 14 has expanded support for Russian operating systems.

The functionality of JDK 14 will help developers be even more productive. The changes cover four areas: Software Interface, Performance, Usability, and Platform Support. In addition, the current version adds Java language extensions for Switch expressions and for working with data classes using Records, there is an API for continuous monitoring of the virtual machine through the JDK Flight Recorder, and the low-latency garbage collector Z Garbage Collector is now supported on macOS and Windows.

Java Development Kit
The acceleration of the release of Java functionality and the transition to six-month releases positively affected the development of technology and ecosystem. And at BellSoft in Russia, we are pleased to be among the most active participants in the OpenJDK community on a par with world leaders. If earlier developers had to wait three years to get a stable version of the Java runtime, today we can call the development iterative and dynamic. JDK 14 is a good example of how updated language constructs first get into OpenJDK as a preview of functionality, undergo testing and refinement based on feedback from the developer community, and become permanent through several versions. And we are pleased to offer Russian enterprises with state participation, ministries and departments both the release of Liberica JDK 14 and comprehensive technical support for the Java execution environment in accordance with the requirements of digital sovereignty,

- emphasized Alexander Belokrylov, CEO of BellSoft .

In addition to adding functionality from release to release, the Java runtime gets rid of outdated parts. For example, JDK 14 stops supporting one of the Concurrent Mark Sweep (CMS) GC garbage collectors and some other features that are no longer in use.

Together with the release of Liberica JDK 14, the interaction with Russian operating systems has been expanded: in addition to support for Astra Linux, a simplified way to install Liberica JDK on Alt Linux has been added. BellSoft has developed a plug-in extension of the Sisyphus repository (Sisyphus), which is supported by Alt Linux, making it easier to install and update Liberica JDK for users of this operating system.

Liberica JDK 14 comes in three versions: Full, Standard and Lite, which allows you to use the optimal set of components and save computing resources. The Full version includes a complete set of components and additional packages, such as OpenJFX, MinimalVM, Device Input-Output API on some platforms. The Standard version is suitable for most OpenJDK applications on desktops and servers. The Lite version is the smallest, designed for high-density deployment of containerized applications and allows you to most efficiently use the valuable resources of cloud services. And optimization for working in the cloud expands the use of the Russian Java execution environment in modern cloud-native applications, the popularity of which is growing every day.

Liberica JDK, Java SE application development and launch environment, is included in the register of Russian software, allowed by the FSB for use with certified cryptographic tools and tested for compatibility with leading Russian operating systems suppliers.[3]

Liberica JDK PRO

As of March 2020, Liberica JDK PRO - a distribution kit, Java SE is a fully functional the Russian execution environment Java recommended by domestic development, performing similar functions and Oracle JDK unsupported assemblies OpenJDK with a focus on compatibility with Russian ones, operating systems such as,,, etc Astra Linux. Alt Linux Red OS


Compatibility with Red OS and Red Database

On December 25, 2019, the company RED SOFT announced that, together with { BellSoft hide} BellSoft {/hide}, they completed testing the Russian Java of the LibericaJDK runtime with and. operating system RED OS DBMS Ed. Database The results showed full compatibility and are reflected in bilateral certificates, which allows you to recommend sharing operating system databases RED SOFTWARE with ON the LibericaJDK binder.

{{quote 'author = comments Rustamov Rustam, Deputy General Director of RED SOFT' We are purposefully building a technological partnership with Russian software developers in order to offer the market comprehensive import-independent solutions. Together with colleagues from BellSoft, are ready to present to potential customers a secure and certified platform for working with Java applications that fully meets the requirements of import substitution, }}

We are pleased to expand our partnership with RED SOFTWARE. Our strategy is to support all popular platforms, both in the world and in Russia. We are systematically expanding the capabilities of Liberica JDK and investing in testing work for compatibility with Russian OS and DBMS manufacturers so that developers and users of Java applications in Russia can be sure that they will receive the necessary level of quality, competence and technical support that meets the requirements of digital sovereignty.

Liberica JDK is included in the register of Russian software

The software product Liberica JDK (Java Development Kit) is included in the register of Russian software. The application development and launch kit is based on OpenJDK open source. It is produced and supported by the Russian company BellSoft . This is the only product in the registry according to several criteria - the Java development and execution environment and the binding server software. According to experts, in the register of Russian software there are products that in their database have either components from Western software, or an entire code base, finalized on the territory of the Russian Federation, but it becomes more and more difficult for them to get there.

Users of enterprises with state participation, ministries and departments received the domestic software product Liberica JDK for the development and launch of their Java applications. The product is included in the register according to the order of the Ministry of Communications, Digital Development and Mass Media under number 5493.

Compatibility with Astra Linux Special Edition release "Smolensk" 1.6 and Common Edition release "Eagle" 2.12.14

On August 13, 2019, the Astra Linux group of companies, the developer of the Russian operating system market, announced that, together with BellSoft , they successfully completed test tests of their software products, during which they confirmed the compatibility of the Astra Linux Special Edition release "Smolensk" version 1.6 and Astra Linux Common Edition release "Eagle" version 2.12.14 with Liberica JDK.

In addition, during the tests, the correctness of the operation of Liberica JDK in the closed software environment mode (digital signature and control of Java components) was checked using the Astra Linux Special Edition dynamic integrity control tools.

Based on the results of testing, the companies signed a certificate of compatibility and a technological partnership agreement under the Ready For Astra Linux program.

CUBA Platform Compatibility

On July 18, 2019, BellSoft reported that Haulmont they had cross-tested their products with and and technically confirmed that the platform CUBA was fully compatible with Liberica JDK. This means that all products created on the CUBA platform are guaranteed to work on the import-substituting execution environment - Java Liberica JDK.

Liberica JDK

CUBA Platform is a platform aimed at effectively developing enterprise applications in Java and other JVM-compatible languages. The platform is being developed by the Russian company Haulmont and is distributed under an open license Apache 2.0, which means that there are virtually no licensing restrictions on its use, as well as software products based on this platform. Moreover, the entire development process is open, and the source codes are available to the global community on the GitHub resource. All components used in the platform also meet the necessary requirements. The technology is used by tens of thousands of developers around the world and is supported by large companies in the Russian and export markets: RosOboronExport, Russian Space Systems, Robert Bosch, IKEA and others.

Despite the fact that the Java ecosystem is open, everything is not so simple with it. OpenJDK has about 20,000 known defects, and in order to be sure that the assembly meets all Java SE specifications, you need to be verified using the Technology Compatibility Kit, and this is already an extremely non-trivial task. Oracle has significantly tightened the licensing policy of its commercial assembly (Oracle JDK), for which technical support is provided. Free builds (including from Oracle) have a very short life cycle, come without technical support and are intended more for enthusiasts than for industrial operation.

Recently, the unified register of Russian software has been replenished with Liberica JDK, a supported environment for developing and running Java programs that fully meets the principles of import substitution. The Russian company BellSoft , which provides this assembly, is one of the participants in the development of the Java platform and the only Russian company is one of the five third-party OpenJDK contributors, along with giants of the global software market, such as SAP, Google, IBM. This ensures the necessary level of quality, competence and technical support that meets the requirements of digital sovereignty.
