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Kass Module

Developers: Modulbank (Regional Credit Bank), Outpost (Kass Module)
Date of the premiere of the system: 2017/02/20
Last Release Date: 2024/03/06
Branches: Trade
Technology: Trade Automation Systems


Modul.Cash desk - software, robot cash bot for communication in. messenger Telegram


Lite r_keeper Integration Update

Modulbank has updated the integration of Modulkassa with a cloud program for warehouse and financial accounting in coffee shops, restaurants and food trucks r keeper Lite. Now entrepreneurs can speed up customer service and increase the average check. Modulbank announced this on September 23, 2024. Read more here.

Integration with U-ON.Travel

and Kass Module Modulbank integrated your payment decisions to the system. U-ON.Travel tourist Now firms will be able to work more efficiently with payments from customers and save on bank commissions. Modulbank announced this on June 13, 2024. More. here

Ability to accept electronic certificates for payment

Modulbank added to Modulkass the ability to accept electronic certificates for payment. The bank will help entrepreneurs connect their store to receiving certificates and set up Modulkassa for a new payment method. Modulbank announced this on March 6, 2024.

An electronic certificate is a way to obtain government benefits. Previously, beneficiaries received some goods from the state, for example, rehabilitation funds, or cash benefits. Now the state issues electronic certificates tied to the MIR card. The certificate works like a regular bank card, but it can only be paid for a certain type of goods or services, - explained Dmitry Aristov, Advisor to the Chairman of the Board of Modulbank, General Director of Modulkassa.

An electronic certificate saves time, you don't need to go to government agencies for it . Certificates give transparency and control over the use of benefits and ensure the security and confidentiality of data, since only the holder of the certificate can use it.

A list of goods and services that can be bought using certificates is available at the link. All individual entrepreneurs and LLCs that sell goods or provide services from this list can accept electronic certificates for payment, but for this they need to register in the relevant state systems.

Launch of a service for marking cosmetics and household chemicals

On January 16, 2024, Modulbank launched a marking maintenance service in the Honest Sign system - makeup, hair, oral and dental products, shaving, cosmetics, deodorants, soap, detergents.

As part of the service, Modulbank will help entrepreneurs connect to the Honest Sign system and electronic document management, start a product, release and print stamps on it, and, if necessary, send them directly to the product manufacturer. The bank will also help with training in working with the Honest Sign system and with the withdrawal of issued stamps from circulation.

During 2024, we will add the possibility of labeling new groups of goods in Modulkassa. The experiment has just started, but by 2025, labeling of cosmetics and related goods will become mandatory. We constantly monitor changes in laws and finalize our online cash desk so that it is not only convenient for customers, but also fully complies with regulatory requirements, "said Pavel Semenov, Chairman of the Board of Modulbank.

On January 15, 2024, an experiment on the labeling of cosmetics and household chemicals was launched in Russia. It will last until 2025, participation in the experiment for manufacturers is voluntary and free: marking codes and equipment for the duration of the experiment will be provided to them free of charge.

2022: OS update

Bank for Modulbank entrepreneurs On August 17, 2022, he released an updated version of Modulkassa, which combines an online cashier and a terminal in a compact device. trade acquiring

In this version, it received a more powerful processor and an updated operating system. Thanks to this, accounting programs began to work faster and more stable, the cash desk began to print checks and scan barcodes faster. The released version also includes support for high-speed mobile Internet and two slots for SIM cards for a more reliable connection when working on the road.

We are pleased to introduce the latest generation of Modulkass. Soon it is such devices that will become the standard on the market. The price has hardly changed, but our cash desk has become faster, more convenient, more efficient - like a good new smartphone, - said Dmitry Aristov, General Director of Modulkassa.

Kass Module supports all possible payment methods: by card, cash or through the SBP. It can work simultaneously with both an online store and a retail outlet. The set includes trading acquiring from Modulbank, which includes favorable commissions for accepting payment on cards, crediting revenue day in and day out and other options.

There is a separate service for courier services and online stores. They can use Modulkassa as a control center and connect an unlimited number of smartphones to it. In this case, each smartphone turns into a full-fledged mobile cashier, can accept payments and knock out cloud checks.


Integration with online accounting "Kontur.Elba"

On October 9, 2019, SKB Kontur announced the integration of online accounting for entrepreneurs Kontur.Elba with ModuleKassa. The integration is designed to simplify revenue accounting and tax calculation. Read more here.

Kits for entrepreneurs (cash desk + OFD service from

On July 3, 2019, the fiscal data operator, together with ModuleKassa, presented a kit that is designed to help entrepreneurs immediately purchase everything they need to comply with the 54-FZ and quickly start working - when buying cash registers from partners, ModuleKassa and, the client gets the opportunity to connect to the OFD for 15 months.

All cash desks presented on the ModuleCash Desk website - "Kass Module Desk," "Kass Module with Acquiring" and "Kass Module Stationary" participate in the action. CCTs are designed specifically for the needs of small businesses and individual entrepreneurs, which from July 1, 2019 should use online cash desks, and are suitable for use in any area - retail, catering, transport and courier services. Mobile online cash desks are equipped with a built-in scanner of two-dimensional barcodes (necessary for the sale of labeled products - for example, tobacco products) and support automatic generation of price tags. Small dimensions and powerful batteries make them convenient for employees working outside the outlet or office. The fixed cash desk is integrated with accounting systems and is great for retail and services. It has a built-in check printer, but it is also possible to connect additional equipment - a buyer's display, a barcode scanner or a monitor. All clients of the Cash Desk Module are provided with round-the-clock technical support - you can get advice by phone, online chat or by mail.

The box office comes with a scratch card FTS It is easy to activate the OFD service and register CCT online, saving time on a visit to the tax authority - this can be done in "one window mode" in (The Client's personal account LCC). LCC is convenient and fully ready to work with marked goods (for this, a separate section has been created in it), and also provides ample opportunities for analytics - in it you can see any statistics on sales and checks transferred to the Federal Tax Service, form any reports, control the work of cash registers and cashiers (opening time shift, turnover for each employee, hourly reporting). You can also create applications with the Federal Tax Service for registration/re-registration of cash registers, order from partners any services for servicing cash registers, connect services, switch to electronic document management system EDO.Potok and much more.

Start Remote Fiscalization Service

On June 17, 2019, Modulbank announced the launch of a remote fiscal service based on Modulkassa. The first version of the software already works on all devices, and in June the version for mobile devices on Android will be finalized, the application is available for download on Google Play.

The service looks like this. There is a main cash desk that stands in the office or at the point of issue of goods and there are mobile cash desks with which couriers leave to order. When selling goods, the courier chooses payment at his checkout, the check is sent to the main checkout, where it is fiscalized. After that, a copy of the check is sent to the courier's mobile cash desk and the fiscalized check is printed for the buyer. The whole process takes a few seconds, as with regular payment.

On June 07, 2019, a 129-FZ came into force amending the 54-FZ "On the Use of Cash Registers in Settlements in the Russian Federation." One of the main changes is that courier services and transport companies can now apply remote fiscalization. This will allow you to use one cash register with a fiscal drive, to which you can connect an unlimited number of portable devices - for example, smartphones, tablets or a smart cash desk without a fiscal drive.

We in Modulkass expected this amendment and in advance began to develop software for remote fiscalization of checks through our server - for couriers and transport. The option is already available for all our customers,

According to the bill, with remote fiscal clearance, the courier is obliged to give the client a copy of the fiscal check or show a QR code that the client can count and check that the check has been paid. The Kass Module will be able to show the client a QR code without printing a check in July 2019.

Integration with voice assistant Alice

On March 4, 2019, Modulbank announced the launch of the cash desk management function through Alice's voice assistant for the owners of the Cash Desk Module. Now the entrepreneur can find out what time the shift opened at each outlet, what revenue at the checkout, how much of the purchases were paid for in cash and other information, simply by asking his smartphone, smart speaker or car about it.

On March 4, the first version of integration using the capabilities of the Dialogs platform was implemented. The client needs to once "make friends" Alice with the personal account of the Kassa Module, and the station will begin to collect data. In the future, it is planned to increase functionality. For example, it will be possible to transmit messages to the cashier, learn more about the change, sales or the technical condition of the cash desk. You can specify which items are to be ordered if the customer has a warehouse connected. The Cash Desk Module team has already begun collecting feedback from users to plan which way to develop integration.

We already have Telegram-boat with such functionality. But this is not always convenient for users. We have integrated ModuleKassa with Alice's voice assistant to make business management even easier and more intuitive for the entrepreneur, "said Mark Baranov, CEO of ModuleKassa.



November 14, 2018 "Modulbank" presented the technology - managing the fleet of cash registers "Fleet-managment."

author '= Maxim Mitusov, creator of the project "Kass Module" Modulbank "
This is a manufacturer of fiscal equipment, a software developer, a payment infrastructure, a service and a support service in one bottle. The market does not stand still, but still has common problems of imperfection in fiscal and payment technology. This prompted us to develop a completely different approach to work. Kass Module transformed into a platform for managing a fleet of mobile fiscal equipment and offered the market several unique technological solutions.

Device - device. Separately provided mobile cash desks, mobile printers, acquiring equipment, accessories.

Technology - Technology. Several fundamentally different technological solutions:

  • SFD – Smart Fiscal Device. The acquiring Kass Module integrates as easily and easily as possible with any external software and acts for it as a 3 in 1 device: a payment terminal, a buyer's display and a fiscal registrar. By the end of 2018, the Kassa Module team plans to add 10 more of the most popular services, including integration with a number of 1C products.
  • MWC - Mobile Workplace Cashier. Concept of external and slave cash desk. The external cash desk is located at the stationary employee in the office, the slave cash desk is located at the mobile employee, and, as a result, which makes it possible to simplify remote work.
  • Infrastructure solutions such as integration, registration, monitoring, payment, etc.

Service and tracking - service. Remote monitoring center from Kassa Module, technical support, distributed warehouses, etc.

Finanse - Finance. Acquisition, lease, risk insurance system, etc.

Thus, as noted in ModuleKass, the creation of such a platform for managing a fleet of mobile fiscal equipment will solve long-standing problems in the market of cash register manufacturers and provide businesses with much more comfortable turnkey conditions.

Online cash desk with acquiring

On November 1, 2018, Modulbank presented an online cashier with acquiring. According to the company, you can pay for the purchase with a card without an additional terminal. The Cass knows everything that the previous one can: he counts purchases, prints checks, sends information about the sale to the tax office and accepts payment with cards.

Online cash desk with acquiring
Simultaneously with the cash register with acquiring, we announce the launch of the technology on the Smart Cash Desk market "Smart Fiscal Device Mode": The Kass Module integrates as easily and easily as possible with any external software and acts for it as a 3 in 1 device: payment terminal, buyer's display and fiscal registrar.

Andrey Vanichev, General Director of Kass Module

To pay for the purchase with a card, just attach it to the cash register cover or insert the card into one of the special connectors. The cash desk accepts International Visa, Mastercard and MIR chip and magnetic cards for payment. And if the buyer's phone has Eplpei or Googlepei, then it is enough to attach the smartphone to the cash register cover.

Joint solution with YClients

On October 15, 2018, Modulbank announced the development of a joint solution with the cloud platform for online recording and automation of the YClients service sector. It includes a CRM system for entrepreneurs, a convenient cash solution and a special banking offer for small and micro businesses.

Equipment and technologies The Cashier Module will complement the functionality of YClients and organize analysis and interaction with the client base of more than 10 thousand (data as of October 2018) beauty studios, barbershops, fitness clubs, spas, solariums, photo studios, car services, cosmetic and medical centers throughout Russia.

As noted in ModuleKass, earlier it was necessary to separately use the online business management service and keep reservations, customer records in it, and print checks on another device. In addition, the cashier and services of Yclients had to be bought in different places, wait for delivery and independently set up. Now everything is assembled in one box.

Cooperation of the Cash Desk Module with YClients will allow service customers to get additional opportunities to solve their tasks on the basis of "one window." It is enough to issue an application, and you will be brought an online cashier, already ready for work.

The YClients platform, combined with the Cash Desk Module equipment and technologies, will allow thousands of service enterprises to work with online recording, manage operations, accept payments and print fiscalized checks from one device without the need to use a computer. All processes can be controlled from the cash register screen using the YClients application.


Start Subscription Model

On November 28, 2017, Modulbank announced the start of providing the Cash Desk Module by subscription.

Modulbank offered small businesses a subscription to cash desks

The client pays a fixed amount of up to rubles 3,700 monthly - depending on the tariff chosen - and receives the cash register in ownership. The subscription price already includes an agreement with the OFD, assistance in registering the cash register FTS in and its delivery, an extended warranty for equipment and, ON which allows you to control the business online through your personal account or - Telegram bot, as well as: connecting to the cash desk - Internet store, integration with programs,,, 1C My Warehouse1C-Bitrix Yandex.Money loading data on goods from. Excel

An entrepreneur who has used our subscription can only buy a ribbon for checks and pay for Internet access. He can forget about everything else, there will be no more expenses. Every year, an employee of the Cash Desk Module will come to the client and change the fiscal drive. Entrepreneurs will no longer have to be nervous that the FN is not available, or buy it at exorbitant cost from intermediaries. We also extend the contract with the OFD without additional costs - all this covers the subscription tariff, - explained Maxim Mitusov, founder of the Kass Module project.

In the basic kit, the Kass Module comes with Yandex.OFD. This is another project of joint long-term cooperation with Yandex, noted in Modulbank.

Modulbank and Grotem joint offer

In November 2017, Modulbank and Grotem, as part of a partnership, presented their offer for online stores with their own couriers, as well as courier services and companies whose freight forwarders accept payment and print checks.

Online checkout from Modulbank and Grotem optimizes courier delivery

Grotem/Express enables the Checkout Module owner to download finished orders from 1C , the web interface, and Excel. In addition, the cash desk integrates with any CRM. An entrepreneur will be able to allow or restrict employee access to various functions. So, one can be allowed to add goods to a check or give discounts on the spot, and the other can only press the "print check" button. You can plan courier routes on the map, control their movements, collect data about buyers. There is also a camera at the checkout for courier photo reports.

We offer a solution that exceeds the usual cash register. For the same money, an online store or courier service gets a simple tool to work on the "last mile." We taught the cashier to extract useful information, help optimize routes and even quickly find out which of the couriers hacked the client. All this will improve the service and increase customer loyalty, - said Maxim Opilkin, Development Director of Grotem.

As conceived by partners, the product will develop towards automation. Algorithms are already being developed that can automatically build routes for all company couriers. Using these algorithms will allow companies to reduce the staff of coordinators. The product will also make it possible to predict the delivery time, warn in time that the courier is late. So far, all this is also done manually. Serious demand is expected from courier services, which, according to the law, must provide couriers with full-fledged online cash desks. Many services use cheaper check printers instead of cash desks, to which central cash desks in offices transmit data. This market is estimated at 100-120 thousand devices for couriers and freight forwarders. Modulbank and Grotem expect to cover more than 20% of the market.

Software Robot Release

On February 20, 2017, Modulbank announced the release of a software robot that will help store owners control sellers and know exactly what products are best sold at a particular moment.

Advertising bot Modul.Cashier, (2017)

The cash bot "Modul.Kassa" communicates with customers in the Telegram messenger. The owner of "Modul.Cashier" can ask the bot how trade is going at any of its points. The robot will give all information in real time from the moment the shift is opened:

  • start time,
  • the number of cheques struck,
  • the amount of revenue.

Bot will talk about the goods sold. After closing the trading shift, the bot generates a report and sends it to the store owner. You can get a monthly sales report or a report for the selected period.

According to the developers, the cash bot makes it easier to maintain sales statistics, respond to changes in demand, and help in replacing the range of stores.

Modulbank began selling online cash registers

When the buyer pays for the goods in the online store using a bank card or e-wallet, the full information about the sale - the name of the goods, price, tax rate - is received in the Cashier Module. It is transferred to the cashier, which can be located anywhere - at the seller's house, at the point of issue of orders, at the courier or in an offline store. As soon as the data gets to the cash register, they are automatically transferred to the fiscal accumulator, and a fiscalization operation takes place according to all the requirements of 54 FZ. The buyer receives a payment notification in the mail, which contains an electronic check. Immediately after payment, you can go to the OFD website and check that the check is registered, and the purchase is legal. It takes about 1 minute for the entire operation, the main thing is that the ticket office in the store is connected to the Internet.

The uniqueness of the Cashier Module is that it allows you to use the same cash register both for payment in cash to the courier and for non-cash payment on the Internet. The capabilities of the Cashier Module will be appreciated by small stores, for which the ability to save money on the installation of new equipment is very important - the cost of the solution is 6,000 rubles per quarter.

The Kass Module, unlike other similar solutions, is owned by the entrepreneur, and he can freely dispose of it. Additional configuration and installation of separate software ModuleCash is not required. The owner of the online store can only turn on the cashier and provide her with access to the network. By the end of the year, Modulbank plans to sell 10,000 cash desks of a new model for online stores.