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2024/09/03 16:50:54

Information technologies in the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation

The article is devoted to the creation, development and operation of information systems in the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.


Main article: Information technologies in the social sphere Main article: Unified digital platform in the social sphere

History of informatization in the FIU

2025:6 times fewer documents and 5 times fewer visits to the Social Fund. Registration of retirement automated

On February 25, 2025, the service "life situation" for retirement was launched on the State Public services portal. With its help, you can apply for a pension, learn about social support measures and other benefits for pensioners. Read more here.


The Social Fund of Russia signed a contract for servicing GIS at a price 5 times lower than the original

1C-Corporate Management Systems signed a contract with the Pension and Social Insurance Fund of Russia to maintain the Unified Information System for Automation of Administrative and Economic Activities for ₽42,5 million instead of the planned ₽200 million, this became known on December 16, 2024. Read more here.

Social Fund of Russia for ₽400 million signed a contract for the purchase of 4600 computers on Linux OS

On October 30, 2024, it became known that the Russian Social Fund signed a contract with Hi-Tech integration for the supply of 4653 automated workplaces with the Linux operating system for territorial bodies. The amount of the transaction, executed on September 27, 2024, amounted to more than ₽400 million. Read more here

The Russian Pension Fund has chosen a company to switch from PO IBM to PostgreSQL. It will take ₽140 million

On October 23, 2024, it became known that the Social Fund of Russia is beginning to transfer the personalized accounting system from the American database management system IBM DB2 to the domestic PostgreSQL. According to the results of the tender, which ended in October 2024, the Russian company Soft Company was chosen as the project contractor, which will receive ₽140 million for the work. Read more here.

The head of the Social Fund of the Russian Federation reported to Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin on the digitalization of the department

Pension and Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation (Social Fund) continues to actively develop and implement the digital platform. On its basis, in particular, banks data on preferential categories of citizens are formed. On September 3, 2024, the head of the department [[Chirkov Sergey Alexandrovi Sergei Chirkov]] reported to the Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Mikhail Mishustin.

According to Chirkov, one of the areas of digitalization of the Social Fund is the provision of services in a simple and convenient form based on modern technologies. By the beginning of September 2024, all 44 services and 119 services of the fund are available through the State Public services portal - citizens can receive them electronically. Special attention is paid to unsubstantiated services, that is, those that turn out to be based on a person's life situation without any preliminary statement. These are, for example, temporary disability benefits, certain pension services, etc. In addition, proactive informing of citizens about the benefits that they are entitled to in various life situations, including the birth of a child, is developing.

Mikhail Mishustin's meeting with Chairman of the Social Fund Sergei Chirkov

{{quote 'We have transferred all recalculations of pensions into an unapproved format, already without applications we assign a pension or disability benefit, on the loss of the breadwinner, to unemployed citizens. And for the mass pension itself - by age, or by old age, as it is legally called - they introduced such a format as automatic appointment on the State Public services portal, says Chirkov. }} The head of the Social Fund emphasizes that for the first time in Russia, banks of data on preferential categories of citizens are translated into digital format: these are registers of needy, Chernobyl beneficiaries and large families. This approach simplifies many operations. Thus, the register of large families is used to issue digital certificates of a large family, and from 2025 it will also be used to provide social support measures. In general, since the beginning of 2024, the Social Fund has provided over 120 million services, of which more than half were provided at the request of people in electronic format.[1]

The Social Fund of Russia buys 5 thousand computers for 436 million rubles. The winner of the tender is determined

At the end of July 2024, the Social Fund of Russia completed a tender for the supply of 4837 automated jobs with a total value of ₽436 million. The winner of the auction was the company "Migalka," despite attempts to challenge the results of the purchase in the Federal Antimonopoly Service (FAS). Read more here.


The Social Fund of Russia buys Kaspersky Lab and Dr.Web software for 157 million rubles

At the end of December 2023 Pension and Social Insurance Fund of Russia (EMF) , he launched a tender for the purchase of software Kaspersky Lab and. "Dr.Web" 157.9 million were allocated for these purposes. rubles More. here

The Pension and Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation buys thousands of Linux computers for 411.3 million rubles

On July 13, 2023, the Pension and Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation announced a tender in the format of an electronic auction for the purchase of automated jobs (AWS) for employees throughout the country. We are talking about the purchase of thousands of computers running an operating system with a Linux kernel. More than 400 million rubles will be spent on these purposes. Read more here.

The pension fund of the Russian Federation stopped the IT tender due to the requirements to use IBM, HP and Cisco equipment

On July 12, 2023, it became known that the Interregional Information Center of the Social Fund of Russia (MIC SFR) was unable to promptly select a contractor for the maintenance and repair of its computer equipment. We are talking about the breakdown of the contract with an initial value of approximately 415 million rubles.

According to CNews reports, the reason for the suspension of the tender is a complaint Federal Antimonopoly Service (FAS) against the actions of the state customer by the Moscow company Business System Trade (Bstreid). The fact is that the requirements of the MIC of the SFR for the performance of work indicated that the update of the built-in (software microcode) should be carried out on IBM equipment,,, NR Lenovo NetApp,,,, APC Eaton Avaya Chloride,,,,,. Extreme Networks In other Cisco Juniper Networks Huawei Technologies Delta Electronics owls, the fund established in its terms of reference the need to update the built-in ON hardware of IBM, HP, Cisco, "" (with the filling Damask steel from). Huawei

The pension fund of the Russian Federation stopped the IT tender due to the requirements to use IBM, HP and Cisco equipment

At the same time, the Bulat equipment, not included in the Register of Russian Radio Electronic Products (PP RF 878), is built on Huawei Technologies hardware and software platforms. But, as noted, many foreign manufacturers have suspended activities in Russia due to the current geopolitical situation.

According to Bstreid's statements, importing (receiving) updates to Russia embedded software of the above manufacturers "entails violation of the copyright and related rights of the copyright holders of this software and entails administrative (Article 7.12. Administrative Code of the Russian Federation), criminal (Article 146 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation) and civil liability. " It is said that "Bstreid" in its preliminary correspondence with MIC SFR asked the customer to eliminate violations of the current legislation and make changes to the provisions of the notification by excluding the type of work "Update of the built-in software (microcode)" for part of the technical assignment. However, these changes were not made and the request was rejected[2]

On July 13, 2023, representatives of the Social Fund of Russia (MIC SFR) shared clarifying information about the situation around this tender with TAdviser. According to them, Bstreid LLC did not submit an application for participation in this purchase.

During the procurement procedure, the customer (MIC SFR) received 2 impersonal requests from the procurement participants on the electronic platform. Responses to requests are timely posted by the customer in the UIS in accordance with the norms of Federal Law No. 44-FZ. On July 5, 2023, the customer (MIC SFR) made changes to the technical requirements, including on microcode issues, - said representatives of the MIC SFR.

As they clarified, the complaint, literally copying the second request, "Bstreid" sent to the FAS Russia on July 5 without waiting for the customer to respond to the second request (on the day the request for clarification was sent). On July 11, a meeting of the commission of the Moscow OFAS of Russia took place, during which the customer's objections were accepted and the microcode complaint was found unfounded.

MIC SFR drew attention to the fact that the work on updating the embedded software of equipment (microcode) was included in the technical requirements in order to ensure the compatibility of components used in replacement/repair with the customer's equipment.

The Technical Requirements (TT) originally laid down only the technical work on the part of the contractor to install microcodes on the customer's equipment. The contractor did not provide for independent acquisition of microcodes and their provision to the customer, the fund emphasized. - In order to prevent false interpretation of the TT standards by the procurement participants, the customer amended the notice, namely, it was established that for equipment that is not part of appendices 2.1 and 2.1A to the TT, the built-in software (microcode) is provided by the customer.

The MIC SFR also considers it important that during the period of acceptance of quotations requested in order to determine the initial amount of prices for units of goods, works, services (the request for commercial proposals was placed in the UIS, the period of acceptance of the CP was more than one month), there were no requests for clarification of the provisions of the TT in terms of updating microcodes to the customer.

Please note that the applicant himself (Bstreid LLC) at a meeting of the U Commission Moscow FAS Russia removed his questions to the customer in connection with the customer's amendments to the Procurement Notice, - concluded the representatives of the fund.


Ex-deputy chairman of the PFR Ivanov and ex-manager of Technoserv Kopeikin received 4 years of strict regime for corruption

In September 2021, the Lefortovo Court of Moscow issued sentences in a criminal case on corruption to the former deputy chairman of the board of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation Alexei Ivanov and ex-director of the department for work with state bodies "Technoserv" Alexei Kopeikin. The Lefortovo court told TAdviser that they were sentenced to imprisonment for a period of 4 years with serving in a maximum security correctional colony. Read more here.

Mishustin approved a proactive mechanism for paying pensions

At the end of June 2021, Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin signed a decree, which, among other things, approved a proactive (without filing applications) mechanism for paying pensions. You will not need to go to instances and fill out papers.

The proactive accrual of pensions was included in the plan approved by the Government of the Russian Federation for the implementation of the second stage of the Strategy for Action in the Interests of Older Citizens, calculated until 2025. The focus is on improving the quality of life and financial well-being of pensioners, promoting their employment, and improving the quality and accessibility of health care.

Mikhail Mishustin approved a proactive mechanism for paying pensions - you will not need to go to the authorities and fill out papers

The plan expands the list of measures that are aimed at introducing more modern types of social services, taking into account the experience already accumulated and practices tested in the regions, Mishustin said at a meeting with Deputy Prime Ministers on June 28, 2021.

Among the priority goals is the use of a proactive mechanism for the appointment and payment of pensions, as well as social supplements to them, so that older people do not worry and do not spend time walking around the authorities, filling out papers, filing applications, he added.

Earlier in 2021, the Minister of Labor and Social Protection of Russia Anton Kotyakov said that the service, which provides for the automatic appointment of pensions without applying, should be launched before the end of the year. According to him, any Russian citizen who has not even reached retirement age should be able to familiarize himself with the size of pension insurance payments that are due to him, and the FIU itself must make a service on which everything will be extremely clear and transparent.

In addition to the automatic accrual of pensions, in 2021 there was another remarkable change in this area - from July 1, pensions and social benefits will be transferred only to the Mir card or special accounts.[3]

Creation of a unified digital platform in the social sphere in Russia. It automates the work of the FIU

In early March 2021, Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin approved the concept of digital transformation of the social sphere, which, in particular, involves the creation of an appropriate single centralized digital platform. This platform is designed to automate the work of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation, the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, the Social Insurance Fund and federal institutions of medical and social expertise. All processes for the purpose and provision of social support measures will be transferred to it in stages. Read more here.

Deputy Chairman - Curator of Digitalization Vadim Akkuzin quit

On January 18, 2021, Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin signed an order to release Vadim Akkuzin from the post of Deputy Chairman of the Board of the Pension Fund. In this position, he oversaw the digitalization of the FIU.

The Pension Fund has a new head of the digital development department

From January 18, 2021, Ivan Sokolov was appointed head of the department for the provision of public services and digital development of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

In 2017-2019 This department was headed by Evgeny Turchak (since October 1, 2020, he has been in jail awaiting trial in a corruption case in the FIU). After Turchak, the department did not have a permanent head, only acting.


Ex-heads of IT divisions of the Pension Fund extended pre-trial detention center until April 2021

In December 2020, the Basmanny Court of Moscow extended the terms of detention by 3 months, until April 9, 2021, to six persons involved in a criminal case on corruption in the FIU:

Read more here.

Mistakes in the PFR IT system deprived 90 thousand pensioners of due payments

On August 25, 2020, the Accounts Chamber (JV) reported violations in the accrual of pensions. According to the report, due to shortcomings in the system of individual personal accounts of the insured person (ILSZL), about 90 thousand pensioners could receive less payments due to them.

This IT system contains data from 156 million people. Each of them has its own ILSZL. According to the joint venture, one person may have several ILSZLs with the same assigned insurance number of an individual personal account (SNILS). When assigning a pension due to incorrect data and an unfinished system for processing them, errors arise, citizens are charged a pension less than required by law.

Due to errors in the PFR IT system, 90 thousand pensioners lost their due payments

For 2017-2019, the FIU combined more than 572.5 thousand accounts, of which 89.8 thousand were accounts of pensioners, and separated - 2.4 thousand (about 178 accounts of pensioners). In total, about 650 thousand "doubles" remain, which is 0.4% of the total number of accounts, according to the report of the Accounts Chamber.

Of the 45 verified pension cases in respect of which the accounts were combined, 53.3% of the pensions were brought into line with the law only during the audit. Pensioners paid 2.2 million rubles.

The opening of the same ILSZL, as well as the assignment of the same SNILS to several people, most often occurs due to the fact that citizens are mistaken when filling out questionnaires. A change of surname can also lead to an unreasonable underestimation of the pension, most often this applies to women who have married. In this case, the mistake happens because the PFR questionnaires do not require the surname that was at birth, which is a violation of the law, the Accounts Chamber noted.

To minimize errors, the joint venture proposed to the Pension Fund to revise the approach to monitoring individual reporting forms that do not contain personalized information.[4]

SNILS for a newborn child began to be assigned automatically

In July 2020, the Pension Fund Russia RPF () began proactive registration of the insurance number of the individual personal account (SNILS) for children. The corresponding service is implemented on the portal. public services

Parents are no longer required to issue SNILS for children born on July 15, 2020. The Pension Fund will independently send the account number in the PFR system to my mother's personal account. SNILS is assigned to the child automatically after the fund receives data from the Federal Tax Service (FTS).

From July 15, 2020, SNILS children are issued automatically

This service is available to those parents who are registered with public services. To promptly receive a notification about the executed SNILS by e-mail or in, you SMS need to select the appropriate settings in your personal account, the PFR said in a statement.

It is noted that for families with adopted children, the previous applicant procedure for issuing SNILS remains, since only the adopters themselves can provide the necessary information.

The service was launched on July 15, 2020. In the first day since the launch of SNILS in a proactive mode, 5300 children were registered throughout Russia.

Tatyana Butskaya, coordinator of the ONF project "Time to give birth," says that Russians face problems in receiving payments for children, most often these are difficulties with paperwork. The most common problem, she said, is the problem with obtaining a birth certificate and SNILS.

The established deadlines for consideration of applications in fact increase several times, time passes, it turns out that "the system does not see your SNILS" or something else. People get the feeling that the decision-making on payments is artificially delayed. There are difficulties with the work of the MPSC - the work is being done by recording, - said Butskaya.[5]

Conflict with NCI

The Pension Fund of Russia and one of its largest suppliers of the "new wave" - the "National Center for Informatization" (NCI) - in February 2020 were on the verge of terminating four large contracts at once with a total value of almost 908 million rubles. TAdviser understood the reasons for the situation (more).

Deputy Prime Minister Tatyana Golikova announced the upcoming optimization of the Pension Fund's IT systems

In connection with the introduction of digital services, the staff of the Pension Fund of Russia may be reduced, said Deputy Prime Minister Tatyana Golikova, representing the fund employees of its new head Maxim Topilin on January 24, 2020, Interfax reports.

As a result of the digitalization of the work of the FIU, the current structure of the fund "can be viewed with different eyes," Golikova added.

According to the Deputy Prime Minister, the government recently began analyzing the fund's information systems in order to optimize them and so that it would be convenient for citizens to receive the services of the FIU. "Not everything works out, but we have to do it," she said.

Tatyana Golikova announced the need to analyze and optimize the IT systems of the FIU

According to TAdviser, the audit is planned to be carried out by the company's specialists. IBS A few weeks earlier , in an article on the CNews website , the founder and member of the IBS board of directors Sergey Matsotsky wrote:

For example, I absolutely do not understand why such a number of people are engaged in the appointment of pensions. This needs to be algorithmized, but for this you will have to change the process model itself, build a data storage system, and use other solutions based on data-centric technologies and microservices in their architecture. And then a huge number of "sables" will simply disappear. And at the same time, people will receive a much better and faster service


The war for the largest IT tenders of the Pension Fund began

After more than two months of calm in the IT procurement of the Pension Fund, associated with the arrest in July 2019 of the now former deputy chairman of the board of the Pension Fund Alexei Ivanov, violent events boiled over again in this direction.

This is not surprising - according to TAdviser analysts, the IT budget of the FIU in 2019 will again be one of the largest among government agencies, coming close to the mark of 15 billion rubles.

The current, but clearly not the last, version of the PFR informatization plan, published in September 2019, contains events totaling 13.5 billion rubles, and the total volume of announced and partially completed IT purchases is currently only (!) About 5.7 billion rubles.

In October 2019 alone, the PFR and its subordinate institution "Interregional Information Center" (MIC) announced IT purchases worth more than 3 billion rubles, of which the results have already been summed up (but for the circumstances discussed below, it is not always final) in the amount of about 1.97 billion rubles (see Table. 1).

Two aspects are particularly interesting in the above table:

  • There are practically no traditional IT suppliers of the FIU, which have always been in the Top 5 in terms of the volume of contracts concluded - Redsis, Magelan, Computer Systems Management. The only contract in October went to the long-standing and one of the largest suppliers of the FIU - Technoserv;

  • A number of new suppliers have appeared (for the FIU, but not for the Russian IT market) - OTR 2000, the National Center for Informatization (NCI), the Research Institute Voskhod, Bulat, and Soft Company. And these newcomers confidently (one might even say - aggressively) went to the "clearing," where for several years completely different companies were practically uncontested.

The second of the noted aspects is devoted to a new TAdviser study, which is being prepared for publication in the near future, and in this material we will talk about a little different.

Several purchases in Table 1 are highlighted with a color marker. These are those purchases (their total volume is more than 2.12 billion rubles, i.e. 70% of all purchases announced in October 2019), the procedures for which, as of November 12, were temporarily suspended or canceled by the FAS decision due to complaints received about incorrect requirements present in the tender documentation, or decisions made by the competition commissions.

Date †. Customer Purchase Register No. Subject of Procurement/Contract Contents NMCC Ledger amount Tender winner Bidders
03.10.2019 PFR 0273100000119000099Software Development of the Unified State Information System of Social Security in Terms of the Subsystem of Establishment and Payment of Social Protection Measures (Support) | | 319 985 628,00  | | 284 787 200,00Voskhod Research InstituteOTR 2000 LLC, Technoservs A/S JSC
03.10.2019 PFR 0273100000119000097Development of software that ensures quality control and installation of versions of AIS releases PFR-228 162 260.0027 739 826.40Soft Company LLCOne application was received for the competition from Soft Company LLC.
03.10.2019 PFR 0273100000119000096Development of the External Interaction subsystem component for SMEV 3.0 technology49 935 650.0048 437 581.00NCI LLCHigh Technologies LLC
04.10.2019 MIC0273100001619000024Delivery of a set of modernization of a system of data storage of the Data Storage for zEnterprise module of the Data storage component of a subsystem "Infrastructure providing" AIS RPF-2 on technological platform No. 2298,037,874.00298,037,874.00LLC BulatOn a competition arrived one application from LLC Bulat.
07.10.2019 MIC 0273100001619000025Equipment for the Computing Architecture x86 module of the Computing Equipment component of the Infrastructure Support subsystem AIS PFR-2 at Process Site No. 2144 967 702,96137 612 428,00Bulat LLCSmart Technologies LLC
10.10.2019 PFR 0273100000119000103Development of the DIA subsystem27 200 000.0027 200 000.00OTR 2000 LLCOne application from OTR 2000 LLC was received for the competition.
24.10.2019 PFR 0273100000119000115Development of the departmental segment of state automated system "Management"18 655 000.0018 655 000.00LLC "NCI"One application was received for the competition from LLC "NCI."
24.10.2019 FIU 0273100000119000114Implementation of Transfer of FIU Electronic Services to SMEV 3.0 Technology23 265 248.7422 916 269.99NCI LLCRed Soft LLC
25.10.2019 PFR 0273100000119000120Support of PTK "Control of investment processes"1 762 848.171 762 848.17Amtel-Soft LLCOne application from Amtel-Soft LLC was received for the competition.
25.10.2019 PFR 0273100000119000119Support of the Federal State Information System "Federal Register of Disabled Persons"1 220 766.361 220 766.36Amtel-Soft LLCOne application from Amtel-Soft LLC was received for the competition.
25.10.2019 PFR 0273100000119000116Development of the component "Accounting for information on protected persons"9 594 370.009 594 370.00Atompribor-Ecotechnics Corporation LLCOne application was received for the competition from APET Corporation LLC.
25.10.2019 PFR 0273100000119000118 AIS PFR-221,268,500,0021,268,500,00Amtel-Soft LLCOne application from APET Corporation entered the competition.
25.10.2019 MIC 0273100001619000035 Provision of services to support the operation of the federal segment of the Automated Information System of the New Generation Pension Fund of the Russian Federation (AIS PFR-2)15,881,752,0415,881,752,04NCI LLCOne application was received for the competition from NCI LLC.
25.10.2019 MIC 0273100001619000034Execution of work to ensure the operation of the Federal State Information System "Federal Register of Disabled People" (FGIS FRI)3 138 347.96Technoservy A/SAmtel-Soft LLC, Bulat LLC, NCI LLC
25.10.2019 MIC0273100001619000033Delivery of a set of modernization of a system of data storage of the'Data Storage for h86 and Power' module of the Data storage component of a subsystem "Infrastructure providing" and the equipment of the SAN network module of the'Corporate Data Transmission Network' component of a subsystem "Infrastructure providing" AIS RPF-2 on technological platform No. 2130,047,184.22122,894,588.99LLC BulatLLC Galard
28.10.2019 RPF0273100000119000125Delivery and installation of a hardware and software system of a subsystem "Disaster tolerance and fault tolerance" of AIS RPF-2 for providing the disaster-proof mode860,052,075.14Purchase is cancelled by FAS according to several complaints. A new version of the procurement notice and amended tender documentation have been published. New auction date - 26.11.2019
28.10.2019 PFR 0273100000119000124Delivery of automated workplaces for PFR territorial bodies in the Central and North-Western Federal Districts258 388 862,30246 761 400,00NCI LLCOne application from NCI LLC was received for the competition. Procurement suspended 06.11.2019 - complaint to FAS from LLC "ElCcCom"
28.10.2019 PFR 0273100000119000122Delivery of automated workplaces for the territorial bodies of the PFR in the Volga and Ural Federal Districts295 435 569,81285 345 300,00NCI LLCOne application from NCI LLC was received for the competition. Procurement suspended 06.11.2019 - complaint to FAS from LLC "ElCcCom"
28.10.2019 PFR 0273100000119000121Delivery of automated workplaces for the territorial bodies of the PFR in the Siberian and Far Eastern Federal Districts205 554 609,67200 515 750,00NCI LLCOne application from NCI LLC was received for the competition. Procurement suspended 06.11.2019 - complaint to FAS from LLC "ElCcCom"
28.10.2019 PFR 0273100000119000123Delivery of automated workplaces for the territorial bodies of the PFR in the Southern and North Caucasus Federal Districts181 369 167,51175 271 246,00NCI LLCOne application from NCI LLC was received for the competition. Procurement suspended 06.11.2019 - complaint to FAS from LLC "ElCcCom"
30.10.2019 PFR 0273100000119000133 Development and support of the analytical subsystem of interdepartmental interaction27,630,643,8027,630,643,80Pro Ai-Ti Resource LLCOne application from Pro Ai-Ti Resource LLC was received for the competition.
31.10.2019 FIU 0273100000119000143Technical support of the Federal Authentication Center module, the Regional Authentication Center module, the Unified Authorization and End-to-End Authentication Center module of the Identification and Authentication component of the Information Security Assurance subsystem (ISIB) AIS PFR-26 695 456.57Competition not completed
31.10.2019 FIU 0273100000119000139Development and Maintenance of the Electronic Signature and Encryption Module39 001 927.33Not a single manager has been submitted for 08.11.2019
31.10.2019 PFR 0273100000119000138Development of technical and working documentation for the creation of the subsystem "Disaster tolerance and fault tolerance" AIS PFR-2 in the scope of fault tolerance solutions16 958 689.32Competition not completed
31.10.2019 PFR 0273100000119000137Delivery and configuration of equipment for the FGIS FREE infrastructure39 646 423.76Competition not completed

Let's take a closer look at them.

"David and Goliath"

Immediately 4 purchases for the supply of AWS for the territorial bodies of the PFR in all federal districts with a total initial price of 940.7 million rubles, for participation in which only the NCI, which is part of the Rostec structure, was declared, were suspended on four identical complaints received from the company "ElSiCom."

The reason is the presence in the technical documentation for the purchase of requirements for the supplied equipment and software, which... "significantly limit the number of possible options for the supply of goods, which, in turn, significantly limits competition." Examples of unacceptable, in the opinion of LCC, wording in the procurement documentation:

Automated workstations are provided for. operating system Windows However, the Technical requirements for operating systems installed on the AWS Type 1 and AWS Type 2 system units, operating systems of the Windows family do not meet, in particular, there is no version of Windows certified in the System of certification of means for information protection FSTEC Russia compliance with the requirements of the documents "Information security requirements for operating systems" (FSTEC of Russia, 2016) and "Protection profile of operating systems of type" A "of the fourth protection class. IT.OS.A4.PZ "(FSTEC of Russia, 2017).

Thus, the Customer has established requirements for operating systems that contradict the regulatory documents referred to by the Customer. The establishment of such requirements leads to the fact that it is impossible to offer Goods that fully meet the requirements for delivery, which leads to a limitation of the number of auction participants.

The System Unit (Type 1) and System Unit (Type 2) requirements for External Disk Bays indicate a 5.25 "Thin Optical Drive Bay. Such a requirement limits competition, since the most common on the market are optical drives of standard (Half Height), and not thin (Slim) size.

The System Unit (Type 1) and System Unit (Type 2) requirements specify a combined audio connector. The establishment of such a requirement also significantly limits the number of possible options for the supply of goods, which, in turn, significantly limits competition. The most common product option on the market is a separate headphone/speaker and microphone jack. Ultimately, separate or combined connectors do not affect the ability to connect third-party devices in any way, however, establishing the requirement for the delivery of goods with a combined connector, and not any possible one that provides the connection of audio devices and a microphone, significantly narrows the number of goods possible for delivery.

It is interesting to note that the company that filed the complaint, although it is a regular participant in public procurement (according to RusProfile.Ru, the company has 82 contracts totaling more than 191.6 million rubles sold for 31 state customers, including for regional structures of the FIU), but its maximum revenue for all years of presence in the market (2013-2019) amounted to 155 million rubles in 2018, which is inferior to the volume of the smallest of the blocked purchases - 181.4 million rubles (the proposal of the NCI for this purchase is 175.3 million rubles).

The FAS orders on these complaints have not yet been issued, but we can expect that as a result, the customer will be indicated to the need to amend the tender documentation and re-conduct the tender.

"The Two Yakozun Scramble"

For the competition with an initial price of almost 320 million rubles, which provided for a large project for the development of software of one of the key information systems of the FIU - the Unified State Information System of Social Security (EGISSO) - three 'heavyweights' - 'Technoservs A/S', 'OTR 2000' and Research Institute 'Sunrise'.

Moreover, Technoservs has repeatedly carried out work on the development and maintenance of EGISSO in previous years, and already has a contract worth 170 million on the same topic, concluded in early July 2019 (even before the arrest of A. Ivanov).

And 'OTR 2000' and 'Sunrise', although not newcomers to state IT, but until 2019 they never worked with the FIU, having stable ties with completely different government agencies. But it is' OTR 2000'and' Voskhod 'that since the beginning of 2019 have been actively attacking the "patrimony" of Redsis and Technoserv in the FIU.

As a result of summing up the results of the competition under consideration, 'Technoserv' was' overboard ', and the victory (collectively - at a price and non-price criteria) was given to the Research Institute' Sunrise '. The final protocol on this purchase, indicating the price proposed by the winner - 284.8 million rubles, has even been published on the EIS portal of public procurement of 05.11.2019.

But just 2 days after the publication of the results, 07.11.2019, the FAS Russia received a complaint from the company "OTR 2000" about the actions of the FIU procurement commission. The essence of the complaint boiled down to the fact that the commission incorrectly assessed the materials from the competitive applications of the participants related to confirming the qualifications of the participants.

In accordance with one of the non-price evaluation criteria, the participants were required to submit a number of previously executed contracts that would be comparable in terms of the subject matter, cost and categories of the system and customer with those that were to be performed in relation to EGISSO.

It is clear that all three bidders have more than enough such contracts. However, according to OTR 2000, the procurement commission of the FIU incorrectly assessed the materials submitted by OTR 2000 itself and the Voskhod Research Institute, which was awarded the victory.

One of the sub-criteria of non-price valuation is formulated as follows:

Bidder has experience in successful development work (creation, modernization) and/or provision of services for the maintenance of application software of regional state information systems (subsystems), for the previous 36 months from the date of conclusion of the state contract to the date of completion of the submission of applications for this purchase for the needs of state customers, within the framework of executed contracts, each with a value of at least 15% of the initial (maximum) price of the contract of this purchase.

Information systems (subsystems) should refer to:

- to regional-scale information systems in accordance with Order FSTEC No. 17 of February 11, 2013 "On Approval of Requirements for Information Protection." not constituting a state secret contained in state information systems ";

- to information systems of specialized information support of public administration, social protection and provision of labor standards, finance and the banking sector, in accordance with section 4 "Application software" of the class "Information systems for solving specific industry tasks" of the classifier of programs for electronic computers and databases, approved by the order of the Ministry of Communications of Russia dated December 31, 2015. № 621.

OTR 2000 considered that the qualification of Voskhod for this subcriteria does not meet the requirements of the tender documentation. Quotes from regulatory legal acts and tender documentation cited by the authors of the complaint in support of their conclusions are very lengthy, so we will quote only the final thesis:

State customers within the framework of concluded state contracts of the Federal State Budgetary Institution of Research Institute "Voskhod" on federal state information systems are federal executive bodies of the Russian Federation, federal state institutions.

Thus, according to the Unified Information System (, the Federal State Budgetary Institution of Research Institute "Voskhod" does not have a single state contract that meets the requirements:

"The procurement participant has experience of successful performance of works on development (creation, modernization) and/or provision of services for maintenance of application software of regional state information systems (subsystems) for the previous 36 months from the date of conclusion of the state contract to the date of completion of applications for this procurement for the needs of state customers."

The purchase in question was announced in the EIS by the suspended FAS only 11.11.2019, and there is no decision on it yet. It is not yet clear what this decision will be. There are no complaints about the tender procedure itself, there are complaints about the decision of the Procurement Commission. If the arguments of OTR 2000 are found to be justified, it is possible that the FAS will issue an order to cancel the results and re-evaluate the applications of the participants.

In the meantime, the previously published price, which was offered by the now former winner of the competition - 'Sunrise', has disappeared in the EIS of public procurement. Although, the status of "Rise" as the winner is still indicated in the purchase card.

'Drone attack'

On October 28, 2019, the FIU published in the EIS public procurement documentation on procurement with register number 0273100000119000125. The subject of the purchase is' Delivery and installation of the software and hardware complex of the subsystem "Disaster tolerance and fault tolerance" AIS PFR-2 to ensure a disaster tolerance mode ', the initial maximum contract price is 860 million rubles, the form of bidding is an electronic auction.

Applications for participation in the tender were to be accepted before the 13.11.2019, the auction itself for the admitted participants was to be held 14.11.2019.

For two days, 07-08.11.2019, the FAS received 4 complaints about this purchase at once.

The main complaints of the complainants (different complaints contained different, but overlapping claims to the tender documentation):

  • The technical specifications of the equipment in the tender documentation are "sharpened" for specific models of a particular supplier, namely, for the HPE StoreOnce 5200 backup storage system (and above) and HPE Superdome Flex servers;
  • The customer has formulated the requirements for the supply of a package of software of a specific manufacturer (IBM) "in connection with the need to ensure compatibility with solutions already used in the FIU." But such a delivery can only be made with IBM partner status, which limits the ability to participate in the purchase;
  • The Customer, in violation of the requirements of the 44-FZ Law, combined in one purchase the supply of equipment and the supply of software that does not have alternatives, which is not required to ensure the operability of the purchased equipment.

Due to the above shortcomings of the tender documentation, all complainants demanded a standard reaction from the FAS:

  1. Consider this complaint on the merits.
  2. Suspend the purchase until the complaint is considered on the merits.
  3. Recognize the complaint as justified.
  4. Appoint an unscheduled inspection in accordance with paragraph 1 of part 15 of article 99 of the Law on the Contract System.
  5. Establish in the actions of the Customer the presence of violations of the federal legislation of Russia, expressed in violation of the above articles.
  6. Issue an order to eliminate the identified violations of the law with the requirement to take actions aimed at eliminating violations of the law, namely:
  • Amend the Documentation taking into account the explanations given in this complaint;
  • Perform other actions stipulated by the law and aimed at eliminating violations committed by the Customer during the procurement, up to the cancellation of the Procurement.

As of November 12, the EIS of public procurement already indicates the status of the initially announced purchase as canceled. A new version of the procurement notice has been published (it has changed the timing of the procurement - now applications are accepted before 25.11.2019, and the electronic auction should take place 26.11.2019), as well as changed tender documentation.

It is interesting to look at the composition of the complainants who achieved the cancellation of the purchase:

1. Olimp LLC (TIN 7842460442). According to RusProfile.Ru, the company has existed since 2011, the average number at the end of 2018 is 2 people. The company has 15 state contracts with a total value of 30.2 million rubles, executed (or executed) for two customers - Russian Railways and RFBR. Until 2016, there are no data on revenue, the company's revenue for 2018 is 8.6 million rubles. The largest of the contracts (2017, the amount of 11 million rubles, the customer - Russian Railways) had the subject of the supply of materials for the repair of buildings and structures. At least 7 contracts concluded with RFBR have something to do with IT. The subjects of these contracts are the supply of batteries, power cables, uninterruptible power supplies, consumables for copying and multiplying equipment. True, there is experience in the supply of components for HP servers - by 244 thousand rubles.

2. Letra LLC (TIN 7727845469). The company was registered in 2014, the average number is 1 person (CEO, also acting chief accountant). Revenue data are available only for 2018 - 87 million rubles. The company has 104 government contracts (87 customers) totaling 233.7 million rubles. The largest customer is Russian Railways (2 contracts for 41.3 million rubles). The largest contract (36.8 million rubles) is the supply of projection equipment for Russian Railways. The vast majority of other contracts also have projection equipment subject to supply. No trace of work with HPE equipment was found among the contracts.

3. NewComp LLC (TIN 7730710704). The company was registered in 2014, the average number in 2018 is 17 people. Revenue in 2017 is 250 million rubles, in 2018 - 147 million rubles. The company has 127 government contracts (52 customers) totaling 192.4 million rubles. The largest customer is FBU NCPI under the Ministry of Justice of Russia (2 contracts for 31.4 million rubles). The largest contract is the supply of computer equipment for the Moscow State Budgetary Institution "Automobile Roads" - 30.6 million rubles. According to the contract specification available in the EIS, the subject of supply was desktop computers, laptops, MFPs and consumables (cartridges). No traces of work with HPE server equipment were found among the contracts.

4. Gardarika LLC (TIN 9715355061). The company is registered 29.07.2019. Any business activity of the company (not to mention participation in public procurement) is not recorded. The company's complaint about the purchase of the FIU was prepared on two pages, the text is typed in two different types of fonts (this happens when inserts are made into one document from another without proper formatting).

It is quite obvious that all 4 complaints were filed not in connection with restrictions that could harm the business of the complainants themselves, but at the tip of a large market participant who is directly interested in influencing the process and the result of the purchase, but does not want to "glow" ahead of time. That is, the complainants acted like 'drones' aimed at a target from a remote control center.

The TAdviser source, who planned to participate in the purchase, believes that she was preparing with the expectation of winning the tender of a specific supplier that has long been on the market. According to him, this supplier has even imported the necessary equipment to Russia in order to comply with the strict deadlines provided for by the draft contract - the supply of equipment must be carried out within 20 days from the date of conclusion of the contract.

TAdviser continues to monitor developments.

Vadim Akkuzin appointed the new curator of IT in the FIU

On October 26, 2019, Vadim Akkuzin, a native of the Accounts Chamber, was appointed deputy chairman of the PFR board. The order was signed by Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev (more).

Medvedev fired PFR Deputy Head Alexei Ivanov due to loss of confidence

On August 19, 2019, Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev signed an order to dismiss due to the loss of confidence of the Deputy Head of the Pension Fund Alexei Ivanov, who oversaw IT in the fund. He was previously arrested as part of a criminal bribe case. Read more here.

How Big Data is changing the services of the Pension Fund. The main thing from the report of Evgeny Turchak on TAdviser SummIT

The guardian of one of the largest datasets in Russia is the Pension Fund (PFR). big data The head of the department for organizing the provision of public services of the FIU, Evgeny Turchak speaking at the TAdviser SummIT conference on May 29, 2019, spoke about how they are used to improve the effectiveness of the fund and interaction with citizens.

Evgeny Turchak on TAdviser SummIT May 29

Turchak began by asking where the data came from in the FIU. Their sources are federal executive authorities (FOIV), citizens, as well as employers. The fund's information systems take into account data received at different stages of a citizen's life - from the moment SNILS was established to the pension. Personified accounting of the FIU contains 155 million current SNILS.

Slide from the presentation of Evgeny Turchak

The citizens database is used to interact with both themselves and the authorities. On the day, the FIU processes about 200 thousand appeals from citizens, and in terms of interaction with government agencies in 2018, the FIU received more than 350 million appeals on the SMEV, Evgeny Turchak cited the data. Their number is growing annually: for 2019, the FIU predicts about 450 million applications for SMEV.

Evgeny Turchak on TAdviser SummIT May 29
This suggests that the federal executive bodies are beginning to communicate more and more with each other using the "figure," - said the head of the department for organizing the provision of public services to the FIU.

Slide from the presentation of Evgeny Turchak

As one of the simplest examples of using big data in the FIU, Turchak cited pension calculations based on an analysis of information from an individual personal account, which can be carried out even without a citizen appearing at the pension fund branch and without providing documents.

Slide from the presentation of Evgeny Turchak

In 2019, the FZ-350 entered into force, which introduced the concept of pre-retirement age. The PFR system automatically calculates the status of a citizen according to various criteria, determines that he is a pre-pensioner and uploads this data to another PFR system - EGISSO. The main task is to inform other FNIVs that the citizen has tax benefits.

In the future, big data will make it possible to proactively inform citizens about the right to receive social support based on information about income, citizens of pre-retirement age - about their rights and much more.

Slide from the presentation of Evgeny Turchak

At the same time, the FIU seeks to use as many new data sources as possible and wants to receive targeted information, said a representative of the fund. For example, he is interested in information from a single portal of public services in various sections, where about 80 million citizens are registered: in particular, such information about users as their gender, whether they work, etc. This will create the most complete digital profile of a citizen and address him with proactive services, explained Evgeny Turchak.

Slide from the presentation of Evgeny Turchak

Big data analytics contributes to the development of social maps and the migration of personal data to mobile devices, said a representative of the FIU with reference to international experience. Going along this path, the fund plans to introduce a digital social card, which citizens with the right to receive social support will be able to use from a smartphone.

Slide from the presentation of Evgeny Turchak

О TAdviser SummIT

TAdviser SummIT took place in Moscow on May 29, 2019 and attracted about 610 participants - heads and experts of IT divisions of major companies and government departments of Russia, representatives of IT developers and contractors. During the event, the prospects for digital transformation of business and government agencies, the development of technologies, products and services were discussed. More than 70 reports were made in the plenary part and five thematic sections. The event was held in 5 halls of the Sokolniki Holiday Inn.

Creation of the Information Security Management Center (CSIB)

On April 26, 2019, Technoserv, a Russian system integrator, announced the completion of a project to create an Information Security Management Center (TSUIB) for the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

Main article: CSIB

SNILS became only electronic

In early April 2019, the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation announced the termination of the issuance and exchange of paper insurance certificates of compulsory pension insurance indicating the number of the individual personal account (SNILS). Now this information will be stored only in electronic form.

For newly registered or insured persons, SNILS will simply open without issuing an appropriate certificate in paper form. Using the electronic version of this document, it will also be possible to receive the necessary state and municipal services. Data is always available in your personal account on the Pension Fund website and through applications for mobile devices.

In April 2019, paper SNILS were canceled. They were replaced with electronic documents
Ordinary certificates with the necessary information will be issued in the client service or management of the FIU, - the department told RIA Novosti, adding that the innovation will not affect pension provision in any way.

The Ministry of Labor clarified that the previously issued printed document is valid, it is not necessary to exchange it.[6]

The issuance of paper SNILS was canceled after the corresponding amendments, which were signed by the president. Russia Vladimir Putin As emphasized in the Pension Fund, the changes will affect only the form, this will not affect the pension provision itself.

 Earlier, the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications developed a bill on the creation of digital profiles of Russians, which will contain information about their passport data, SNILS and TIN numbers, as well as the results of the provision of state and municipal services. The digital profile infrastructure will be built on the basis of information systems in the Unified Identification and Authentication System. This will allow individuals, organizations and government agencies to exchange information electronically, simplify shopping, obtaining credit and government services online.

New staff reductions due to digitalization

In 2019, the FIU will reduce several thousand employees, including in connection with the development of electronic services. This was announced in January 2019 in an interview with RBC Chairman of the FIU Anton Drozdov[7]. The reduction should occur within the framework of the FIU course to continue optimizing the number of employees.

We plan to further optimize the size of the fund. It is associated with structural restructuring within the fund, with the centralization of processes, including through the development of information technologies, - RBC quotes Drozdov. - We have certain plans, as a rule, these are several thousand people.

The representative of the FIU noted that the exact number of employees who will be reduced has not yet been determined.

FIU will continue to reduce staff "(photo -"

According to Anton Drozdov, as of January, the FIU is completing work on a "roadmap" for optimization, which will be approved within the next month.

A plan has already been approved, according to which the FIU is exploring the possibility of using the infrastructure of the Social Insurance Fund so that a citizen in the branch of the Social Insurance Fund can receive the FIU service, and vice versa, says Drozdov.

The FIU expects that this will give citizens the opportunity to get the services of the fund within walking distance, and the fund, by centralizing information processing, will reduce the number of personnel at the district level and, thus, strengthen personnel at the level of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation and improve the quality of information processing.

In addition, the FIU plans to actively use the MPSC and expand the capabilities of its personal account on the public services portal, which will allow the fund to "serve citizens remotely, mainly at the expense of back offices. For example, there is a project of a single PFR contact center, in the future which can be combined with contact centers and other funds within the framework of the Ministry of Labor, Drozdov said.


Deputy Head of the FIU Alexei Ivanov at TAdviser SummIT - about the attributes of a happy digital future

On November 29, 2018, Alexey Ivanov, Deputy Chairman of the Board of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, at the TAdviser SummIT conference spoke about digital transformation. He noted that all innovations in the FIU should primarily concern what is associated with working with people. Therefore, in the field of proactive service delivery, the front office should use the most innovative means. Regarding the back office and what is associated with information processing, information security, here the fund tries to adhere to "reasonable conservatism" in choosing solutions.

Alexey Ivanov spoke about the digital transformation of the FIU and the latest technologies in the social sphere

Inside the FIU was a discussion about what digital transformation is and what it is for.

Our opinion is as follows: the goal of digital transformation is primarily a qualitative change in business processes. That is, a change in the regulatory component that exists taking into account the digital transformations that we observe in our activities, "Ivanov explained.

It is planned to do this primarily with the help of a single digital platform, and the results should be the personalization of services for citizens, an increase in the efficiency of the organization of services, the speed and flexibility of adapting business processes.

Alexey Ivanov recalled that the foundation's basic IT system is AIS PFR-2. The main business processes in it are personalized accounting, the purpose of paying pensions, maternity and family capital, and the management of pension savings. In 2012, cloud technologies, robotization of technological processes, Big Data technologies were introduced.

Slide from Alexey Ivanov's presentation

The process of creating a new generation AIS of the FIU has been launched. Among its differences from the previous generation system is the active use of artificial intelligence technologies, an automated knowledge base. Also, the FIU begins to actively use the distributed registry technology in its technical processes.

Slide from Alexey Ivanov's presentation

The fund also very much counts on help, primarily from the Ministry of Digital Development, so that remote identification becomes possible to provide services to citizens through a virtual client service.

You can fantasize about anything, but if we cannot identify a person at a distance, then many of our ideas may be unrealized, - said Alexey Ivanov.

Most of the business processes have already been collected at the federal level, and the work of client services has remained at the regional level. This made it possible to achieve that the FIU can fully provide services to citizens through the personal account of the insured person and through the EPGU. A large number of services turn out to be within the framework of e-government through SMEV, and the electronic document management system is used to the maximum. Thus, AIS PFR today is a technological platform for creating new information systems, summed up the Deputy Chairman of the Board of the Pension Fund.

Slide from Alexey Ivanov's presentation

Due to the developments made in the FIU, the Federal Register of Disabled People and EGISSO were launched. A lot of work was also carried out, primarily organizational, in the regions, if necessary, to establish a unified data system. Now it accumulates a large amount of data - 50 million citizens each who receive social protection measures, and there are more than 500 measures themselves. Now this accumulated resource must be competently brought to the recipients.

An aggregator of social support measures with proactive informing of citizens about their rights to certain measures could be created on the basis of EGISSO in the future, says Alexei Ivanov. Theoretically, if there is a regulatory framework, third-party organizations could also connect to the system. For example, pharmacies that could also inform recipients of measures about the receipt of preferential drugs.

Slide from Alexey Ivanov's presentation

The FIU is at a "serious stage of digital transformation," said the deputy chairman of the fund's board. According to him, a draft electronic work book is in a high stage of readiness, which will affect almost the entire able-bodied population of the country. Another of the tasks is the central administrator of pension accounts, within which the FIU will administer the work of 38 non-state pension funds. The FIU is also ready for this technologically, and if there is a regulatory framework, the project will be launched, Ivanov noted.

Thus, we can say that the platform for creating a national information processing center for the social block is actually ready, - concluded Alexey Ivanov.

Slide from Alexey Ivanov's presentation

"How will a citizen get into a happy digital future?," Ivanov asked. One of its elements may be a digital social map. The FIU says that they have developed this project and are actively trying to implement it. Such a card, for example, will confirm the right to benefits in stores, on transport, etc. The pilot project was launched with the X5 Group, which implies that as part of the pilot, the store takes into account information from the digital social card by right to benefits.

A pilot project with Russian Railways on the use of distributed registry technology for online accounting of all obligations that the Ministry of Labor has to Russian Railways through the PFR data is also being considered.

О TAdviser SummIT

TAdviser SummIT on November 29, 2018 became a record for attendance

TAdviser SummIT was held in Moscow on November 29, 2018 and attracted more than 700 participants - heads and experts of IT divisions of the largest companies and government departments of Russia, representatives of IT developers and contractors. During the event, the prospects for digital transformation of business and government agencies, the development of technologies, products and services were discussed. More than 70 reports were made in the plenary part and five thematic sections. The event was held in 5 halls of Digital October.

Plans to implement blockchain

At the end of August 2018, it became known that the Pension Fund of Russia (PFR) is going to track the employment contracts of Russians through blockchain technology. Proposals for combining all information systems of the fund into a single digital platform will be prepared by the end of 2018, Izvestia writes with reference to the PFR press service.

It is assumed that the technology of a distributed data registry will reduce the cost of storing information and help avoid "retroactive" fixes. Smart contracts created in digital form and certified by digital signatures of the parties should gradually replace traditional agreements in line with the digitalization of the Russian economy.

Pension Fund decided to introduce blockchain
The introduction of smart contracts in labor relations will allow in the future to abandon the mandatory conclusion of them in paper form, but to have information about them at any time, as is happening today with the right to real estate, "the PFR press service told the publication.

In addition, the fund plans to use blockchain technology in its work, which "will allow distributing information about employment contracts between employers and certification centers."

By the end of August 2018, the FIU collects data on tax deductions and insurance premiums of employers on its servers. Subsequently, this information will be stored using distributed databases. The introduction of blockchain will not only make relations between individuals and legal entities more transparent, but will also help free up many people whose activities are related to the conclusion of agreements and contracts.

According to Alexander Shcherbakov, professor at the Department of Labor and Social Policy of the Institute of Public Administration and Management of the RANEPA, violations in the field of labor legislation at the level of small and medium-sized enterprises are widespread in Russia. And the introduction of modern technologies will allow you to track such situations.[8]

Evgeny Turchak, PFR - on the digital transformation of the fund and the proactive provision of services

Speaking at the TAdviser SummIT conference on May 30, 2018, Evgeny Turchak, head of the department for organizing the provision of public services to the FIU, spoke about the goals and objectives of the digital transformation of the fund, as well as the positioning of the FIU information system in the system for providing public services to the population.

Evgeny Turchak told TAdviser SummIT that the FIU is aimed at moving to a proactive model of providing services to the population

The goal of the FIU's digital transformation is to make the service available to the citizen as quickly as possible - as soon as he has a need for it, he said. One of the urgent tasks is to exclude double payments when a citizen moves from one region to another. Such a problem exists, since in different regions at the level of municipal, city authorities there are various information systems, and it is simply impossible to carry out high-quality end-to-end analytics, having "failed" to the level of each specific citizen.

Slide from the presentation of Evgeny Turchak on TAdviser SummIT

The target model of the work of the FIU and other social security bodies is the transition from a declarative form of providing services to the population to a proactive one, and this, according to Turchak, is not a fantasy, but a matter of a close future.

Slide from the presentation of Evgeny Turchak on TAdviser SummIT

The technology for solving problems, according to Turchak, should be to revise digital legislation in accordance with new algorithmic approaches, the use of artificial intelligence, in particular, to provide advice to the population.

Slide from the presentation of Evgeny Turchak on TAdviser SummIT

Evgeny Turchak also cited data on the load on the PFR information system. So, in 2017, the fund received about 232 million requests from various federal executive bodies and municipalities and provided information on them. The fund itself made almost an order of magnitude fewer requests - 27 million. The personal information contained in the individual personal accounts of citizens in the FIU explained the situation Speaker, only 3-5% refers to the pension topic itself. This once again emphasizes the important role of the FIU information system in the state management system, he noted.

Turchak noted an increase in the share of receiving services provided via electronic channels, such as a personal account and a mobile application - about 70.3% of citizens' requests were processed electronically.

Slide from the presentation of Evgeny Turchak on TAdviser SummIT

But the system also has natural restrictions related to external factors, the representative of the FIU stated: only 69 million citizens of the Russian Federation are registered in the unified identification and authentication system (ESIA), that is, about 50% of the population, there is no digital legislation in the legal field, there is no 100% interaction of various authorities.

The imperfection of lawmaking also interferes, the representative of the FIU noted, - often the new law does not cancel the old one, but only "layers" on it.

The speaker recalled that today the FIU, in addition to its own information system, is the operator of two more systems - FGIS FREE and EGISSO. And the task of EGISSO is precisely the consolidation of state and municipal services in the field of social security, personal accounting, budgeting and cost control.

Current status of PFR systems

Data of the presentation "Projects on import substitution in the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation" Gotsutsov Sergey Yuryevich, Candidate of Technical Sciences, First Deputy Director of the Interregional Information Center of the FIU, 14.02.2018 Import Substitution 2018: real experience

Downsizing thanks to IT

On February 21, 2018, the head of the Pension Fund of Russia (PFR) Anton Drozdov announced plans to optimize the number of employees by 20%. This was reported with reference to RNS Газета.ру.

The head of the FIU Anton Drozdov announced a reduction in the number of fund employees thanks to the introduction of IT (Photo -
According to our program, it is planned to further optimize our number by about 20%, this is due to the introduction of information technologies. So far, over the past few years, we have reduced the number by about 17%, - the publication quotes the words Drozdova.

It follows from media reports that since January 1, 2017, when the administration of non-tax payments was transferred to the Federal Tax Service, the number of PFR employees has decreased by 10%.

Import substitution in the FIU: testing KasperskyOS and switching to servers from Elbrus

First Deputy Director of the Interregional Information Center of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation (MIC PFR) Sergei Gotsutsov at the TAdviser conference "Import Substitution 2018: Real Experience," held on February 14, spoke about a number of interesting projects using domestic software and hardware solutions in the fund's IT systems.

Sergey Gotsutsov at the TAdviser conference "Import substitution 2018: a real experience"

One of them is a pilot project related to the use of secure terminals VDI (Virtual Desktop Infrastructure) based on the secure operating system KasperskyOS and hypervisor Kaspersky Secure Hypervisor based on this OS. As part of the project, the solution is tested at several terminals in the FIU.

Kaspersky Secure Hypervisor implements several containers on either a thin client or a standard AWS, which are divided among themselves, and controls the exchange of data between all containers and between the container and the outside world.

In the FIU pilot project, a trusted guest OS is deployed in one container, and in another, an untrusted one, with which the end user works. All the tools on which the security of the end workplace depends are located in a trusted OS, including antivirus. The second OS does not contain any. In the case of the FIU, the untrusted guest OS in the pilot is Windows 7.

By February, the FIU tested the work of this design with the main types of peripheral devices, the line of which is very extensive in the fund. One of the problems that needed to be solved within the framework of the project was to ensure the high-quality work of a thin client based on KasperskyOS in the desktop with all the necessary peripherals. The main set of peripherals after some improvements began to work stably.

Slide from presentation. Author - Sergey Gotsutsov, 2018

Further steps are related to filling the guest OS with Russian-developed protection tools: all these technologies must be packed with the OS and made to work stably coupled with VDI technology. At the level of cloud infrastructure and virtual desktops, the pilot project uses technologies virtualizations Huawei - the Huawei FusionSphere 6.1 hypervisor ON and Huawei FusionAccess 6.1.

According to the results of the pilot project, the FIU will consider the possibility of applying solutions on the KasperskyOS platform in industrial operation.

Earlier, in January, Technoserv announced the completion of the first stage of the project to implement a system of virtual user desktops using VDI (Virtual Desktop Infrastructure) technology for the FIU, within the framework of which 5 thousand virtual machines were created using VMware virtualization technologies.

Sergey Gotsutsov believes that domestic virtualization tools, in particular hypervisors, are one of the most popular promising areas for the development of domestic IT solutions. He noted that there are already domestic tools for virtualization of workplaces, but there is not enough full-fledged analogue of VMware or KVM.

Another project in the FIU related to import substitution is associated with the transition to a server platform based on domestic Elbrus processors. It began at the end of 2015, when the fund acquired the first two servers, on which in 2016 it simulated the operation of some of its services.

Slide from presentation. Author - Sergey Gotsutsov, 2018
Elbrus Test Bench Diagram

Sergei Gotsutsov said that at the next stage, the operational database of the Departmental Information Resources component of AIS PFR-2 was transferred to the Elbrus platform and the PostgreSQL DBMS in trial operation mode. Its launch into commercial operation at Elbrus and PostgreSQL is scheduled for the 3rd quarter of 2018.

One of the key functions of the FIU is state services in electronic form, Gotsutsov emphasized. And it is necessary to check the new structure from all sides before putting into permanent operation.

The representative of the FIU stressed that this project is about the use of servers on 4-core processors. Servers on the 8-nuclear Elbrus, according to him, have not yet received the FIU for testing from the developers, although it is "looking forward."

As an example of the successful use of domestic software in the IT systems of the PFR, Gotsutsov cited the Polymatica decision as part of the Federal Register of Disabled People (FRS) and the Unified State Information System of Social Security (EGISSO).

In the first case, the functionality of the solution includes tracking and analyzing the dynamics of changes in status for each group of disabled people and each individual citizen included in the register, processing and tracking the number of disabled people with detail by regional, age and other indicators. Also, Polymatica software provides the FGIS FREE with analytics of all documents accompanying each citizen. EGISSO implements the user's personal account on the Polymatica platform.


The Pension Fund of the Russian Federation announced the need to fully re-engineer existing IT systems

The head of the department for organizing the provision of public services Pension Fund Russia (PFR), Evgeny Turchak speaking at the TAdviser SummIT conference on November 29, 2017, spoke about the creation of a digital platform for the social sphere based on the fund's IT systems.

The FIU is the operator of the largest information systems that are implemented in the field of social security, Turchak noted, and a new digital platform should be created on the basis of them and other existing ones in the fund.

Evgeny Turchak on TAdviser SummIT

One of the largest systems in the management of the fund is the automated information system of the FIU. The number of its users within the fund reaches about 120 thousand, and the amount of data in it - about 500 TB. The second major system is the unified state social security information system (EGISSO). It accumulates all social benefits and payments that are planned to be provided to citizens at the federal, regional and municipal levels.

Another large federal system is the system of the federal register of disabled people, which stores all personalized information about them and how they can be rehabilitated.

Also in development are 2 promising systems: an electronic work book and a mirror of non-state pension funds. Citizens are transferred through the FIU from one non-state pension fund to another, so the task is to monitor what is happening in this area, Evgeny Turchak explained.

Slide from the presentation of Evgeny Turchak

According to him, the biggest task is to ensure that the created and functioning systems of the FIU are transformed into a well-structured digital platform in the social sphere, built into the country's digital economy. Under these conditions, the FIU, which is already the operator of three large systems, could act as the operator of the entire digital platform, Turchak said.

To implement this, the FIU outlined a number of steps. The main task is related to the architecture of application software: it is necessary to fully re-engineer existing systems and build a single digital technological process. Now there is a duplication of a large amount of program code in various systems, which slows down dynamic development. The FIU sees a way out of the situation in the transition to a microservice architecture: one-time creation and debugging of a software service and its further replication.

It is also present here, Agile since standard methods become obsolete and allow the withdrawal of new electronic services for citizens quite slowly, says Evgeny Turchak. Practices such as Agile will be the highest priority for the Pension Fund, he noted.

Slide from the presentation of Evgeny Turchak

To implement each existing subsystem, separate software components and modules were historically created, and as a result, it turned out "lego scattered around the room," from which you need to assemble something. Instead, the goal is to build a single technological process, and microservice architecture is the best fit for this, the fund believes.

For such large-scale projects, IT infrastructure modernization is also needed. Here, the FIU aims to gradually abandon data centers that are scattered throughout the country, and transfer most servers and DSS to a leased data center, and then - a possible transition to the cloud.

Slide from the presentation of Evgeny Turchak

Within the framework of the digital platform, modern technologies can be used, such as blockchain, machine learning, robotization of routine processes, follows from Turchak's speech.

The FIU expects that the transformation of IT systems into a digital platform will increase the reliability and quality of services for citizens and ensure the possibility of their provision in real time. It should also contribute to the prompt development and implementation of new services and reliable protection of data.

The TAdviser SummIT conference was held in Moscow on November 29, 2017 and attracted more than 400 participants. The main topics of the event are the IT plans of the largest companies and government departments of Russia for 2018, the prospects for the development of the digital economy, IT products and services. Within the framework of the plenary part and five thematic sections, more than 60 reports and public discussions were heard. The event was held in 5 halls of Digital October.

Current status of PFR systems

  • 2931 information systems of authorities and other institutions are connected to the electronic services of the FIU.
  • Information is provided for 800 services of other authorities (Ministry of Health, MHIF, Rosreestr, etc.) [1]

Current status of FIU systems, 2017
FIU IT Infrastructure, 2017
Interregional Information Center of the FIU (MIC FIU), 2017
CSE shift on duty, 2017
NMO operation. Basic Documents, 2017
NMO operation. Documents for the System, 2017
Subsystem "IT Infrastructure Management" MIC PFR, 2017
FIU MYTH Application Processing Statistics, 2017

Dmitry Kuznetsov: How the Pension Fund steps into the digital economy

In October 2017, at a conference TAdviser IT Government Day , the head of the department (information technology Pension Fund Russia FIU) Dmitry Kuznetsov spoke about the tasks and projects that the fund implements as part of the transition to, digital economy as well as the problems that stand on this path.

Everything goes to the fact that the majority of FIU clients will work with the fund remotely, and to the transition from typed client rooms to a certain virtual client service, Kuznetsov noted. The latter means that customers should be created the most comfortable conditions for remote service. First of all, this is telephone service and the provision of services using voice identification technology, communication with representatives of the FIU via the Internet, a mobile application.

Dmitry Kuznetsov on TAdviser IT Government Day

One of the largest projects is the unified state social security information system (EGISSO), which should become an aggregator of digital social services. In 2017, it is undergoing pilot operation, and in 2018 it should enter permanent operation. This system should, on the one hand, provide targeted interaction with citizens and receive social services as comfortable as possible for them, and on the other hand, reduce the burden on government agencies, Kuznetsov noted.

Another major project in which the FIU is involved is an electronic work book. The project is being implemented on behalf of while Ministry of Labour and Social Protection it is in pilot status. It is carried out jointly with Sberbank. Using the example of Sberbank as an employer, it is planned to test interaction with the FIU by the end of 2017. The latter acts as the holder of the system of personalized accounting of pension rights and labor rights of the employee.

As a result of the pilot, it is planned to obtain technical assessments of such technical interaction, look at the risks of access to this information, and find target audiences for providing this information in the future. It is also necessary to outline implementation plans, Kuznetsov said.

At the same time, the head of the IT department of the PFR noted, it cannot be said that immediately after the pilot project, everyone will switch to maintaining an electronic work book. It will be a progressive and most likely voluntary process, he says.

There is a lot of talk at the government level about the need to abandon paper workbooks in the last couple of years. At the same time, the issue of public readiness for this remains open, the representative of the FIU added.

Slide from the presentation of Dmitry Kuznetsov

As part of the transition to the digital economy, one of the most important tasks of the FIU for 2018 is to create proactive mechanisms when the client, depending on his status and the history of interaction with the fund, will receive personalized offers. For example, various ways to recalculate the social benefits that he already has, or to inform him that he is entitled to some other social benefits.

A separate topic is regulatory regulation in the digital economy. The introduction of many digital technologies is impossible without legislative reinforcement. Dmitry Kuznetsov noted that it is very difficult to advance in terms of legislative support for technology, which even seem to have already been implemented and used. A number of laws restrict digital development, in particular, by prescribing paper storage of information. For example, the requirement of long-term storage of information about a citizen in paper form.

Recognition of the importance of an electronic document, including for a long period, should become one of the most important tasks in the regulatory regulation of the digital economy, Kuznetsov said.

It is also necessary to pay attention to the regulation in the field of customer identification during digital interaction and the possibility of making decisions by the information system. The issue of regulating cross-border information exchange is also acute: when switching to digital format, many difficulties arise here.

Against the background of digitalization, it is necessary to strengthen measures to protect information, Kuznetsov added. In this regard, the FIU in the near future plans to develop information security systems and connect to the state system for monitoring cyber threats. The issue of reducing dependence on imported technologies is also relevant here. This question is not easy, and you need to start small - from workstations. The last step is to approach the fundamental, "stem" IT systems.

Unfortunately, we have not yet seen a ready-made solution for replacing all "stem" products. We are gradually introducing open technologies and domestic products into our support systems and some functional systems, these are the first steps so far, "said Dmitry Kuznetsov.

Speaking about the current digital achievements of the FIU, Kuznetsov allocated primarily the provision of services in electronic form. In 2016, 52% of the services were provided electronically. In 2017, the FIU aims to bring this figure to 70%. This year, about 1 million citizens received a state pension assignment service in electronic form, without personal appearance in the PFR bodies.

At the beginning of 2017, the PFR mobile application was launched, by mid-autumn it had more than 150 thousand downloads on the main mobile platforms, said Dmitry Kuznetsov.

Deputy Chairman of the Board of the FIU spoke at TAdviser SummIT about approaches to experiments with new technologies

At a panel discussion within the framework of TAdviser SummITAlexey Ivanov, Deputy Chairman of the Board of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation (PFR), spoke about the organization's approaches to experiments with new technologies.

The Pension Fund has the opportunity to test new technological approaches and solutions within the framework of research.

We consider the use of Blockchain technology in the interests of the tasks facing the Pension Fund. But I have big doubts about the quality of potential performers of this NIR that they will give us exactly the product that we could be guided by, - said Alexey Ivanov.

The Pension Fund is not ready to experiment with technologies related to data storage and security. But there is an area in which the FIU allows innovation - these are client services. The Pension Fund has a large set of services and services that are provided in the form of various kinds of mobile and web applications. As an example, Alexei Ivanov cited the "Personal account of the insured person."

We pay special attention to the young interested generation, who on their smartphones will brag to each other about the number of points earned. For example, what is the price of a point this year and potentially in 30 years who will have what kind of pension, - said Alexey Ivanov.

Another area in which the Pension Fund is actively introducing innovations is the creation and support of social systems in which the FIU is an operator. For example, the federal register of disabled people, the unified state information system of social security (EGISSO).

There we are actively experimenting and promoting modern tools, channels for promoting services. These are mobile applications, this is a wide range of chat bots, - said Alexey Ivanov.

In this direction, the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation is open for cooperation and is ready to actively support any company that is ready to really offer something in the field of promoting services and services, summed up Alexey Ivanov.

In total, 400 IT managers of large commercial and government organizations, top managers and experts of IT companies took part in the TAdviser SummIT 2017 conference on May 31. This year, the conference was held for the first time with the official support of the Ministry of Communications of Russia. The event featured reports on global technological trends, changed political and economic realities, their impact on the IT industry. IT sessions were also organized in certain industries. In panel discussions, the summit participants exchanged views and forecasts on the prospects for the development of technologies and information systems.

Шаблон:TAdviser Gallery 2017

New IT Curator - Alexey Ivanov

In April 2017, Alexey Ivanov took office as Deputy Chairman of the Board of the Pension Fund. In this post, he oversees the issues of information technology, telecommunications, personalized accounting, information security, and the provision of services in electronic form.

In his new position, Alexei Ivanov replaced Nikolai Elistratov, who had worked at the FIU since 2010.

More details - in the profile of Alexei Ivanov.

2016: Examples of import substitution in the IT of the FIU


Accounts Chamber claims to IT spending

In February 2015 , the Accounts Chamber reported on the results of the audit of the use of funds allocated to the Pension Fund for ICT in 2013-2014. The fund's expenses in this area for the specified period amounted to 14.7 billion rubles. According to auditors, the FIU unevenly spent these funds: for example, in 2013 the fund carried out 55.8% of all annual expenses in the 4th quarter, and for 9 months of 2014 it spent only 39.2%.

The amount of accounts receivable of the FIU in the ICT sector as of October 1, 2014 amounted to 362.6 million rubles, of which the unrealistic debt for collection amounted to 21 million rubles. In turn, the amount of payables of the fund for ICT expenses as of October 1, 2014 amounted to 416.2 million rubles, of which 19.5 thousand rubles amounted to overdue debt.

The auditors also established the fact that the fund paid for communication services in 2013 in the amount of 321 million rubles. even before signing the certificates of acceptance of services. In addition, in 2013-2014. the executive directorate of the FIU from off-balance sheet accounting wrote off material values ​ ​ in the amount of 1.7 billion rubles. without receiving from the branches of the fund the necessary confirmation of their adoption.

In 2013-2014 in relation to the FIU, 52 complaints were received by the FAS regarding the purchases carried out by the fund. Of these, 5 were recognized as justified and another 5 were partially justified. At the same time, the management of the PFR Contract Service, in violation of the requirements of the Ministry of Economic Development, did not fully determine the job responsibilities and personal responsibility of its employees, the Accounts Chamber found out.

On the facts of non-compliance with financial discipline in the execution of state contracts, the Accounts Chamber recommended that the FIU conduct an internal investigation and consider the issue of bringing officials to justice.

The auditors also reported that the FIU did not provide for the adaptation of the current "Comprehensive Solution for Managing Capital Construction, Logistics and Real Estate" into the created automated information system (AIS FIU-2). The comprehensive decision taken by the FIU into operation in 2011, as of the beginning of 2015, has not yet been fully implemented in practice.

"Thus, the funds in the amount of 67.8 million rubles spent by the FIU on the development and implementation of a comprehensive solution were used inefficiently by the fund," the Accounts Chamber states.

The auditor's report notes that this comprehensive solution has a system error that does not allow obtaining the average rental price by region on request. In addition, the comprehensive solution does not provide for the signing of documents entered in it by electronic signature. This goes against the TA to create the system.

The Accounts Chamber notes that at the time of the end of the audit, the goals of introducing a comprehensive solution were never achieved. The solution is subject to system failures due to the fact that 90% of the information necessary for its operation is entered manually. The system also contains inaccurate data on the real estate of the FIU and the number of fund employees, the auditors revealed.

The comments of the Accounts Chamber also caused the fact that the Information Center for Personalized Accounting processes information on individual accounting of citizens' rights in the state pension insurance system, which is a violation of current legislation, since these duties are assigned directly to the FIU. Moreover, since the creation of the Information Center for Personalized Accounting, the FIU has not taken measures to bring the organizational and legal form of the center and the procedure for its financing in line with changes in legislation. As a result, the organizational and legal form of the Information Center and the procedure for its financing at the time of completion of the audit do not comply with the current law.

Largest IT Providers

Annually, the Pension Fund spends 10-11 billion rubles on informatization, occupying leading positions among federal government agencies in this indicator.

In September 2015, TAdviser reviewed Pension Fund purchases to identify its largest suppliers of IT products and services. The tenders of 2011-2015 were taken into account (all available on the public procurement website), the amount of which exceeds 50 million rubles.

Top 5 suppliers of IT products and services for the Pension Fund of Russia
No Company Amount of contracts in RUB Number of tenders won Years of winning tenders Types of works
R-Style and (Redsys the shareholder of both companies is)|Vasily Vasin|
|Development services,
equipment supply and ON
| 12
& Software
NCC (Aquarius, Systematics, TopS BI)|
| 2.09
of equipment and software
| 5
| 3

Data: TAdviser Report think tank, September 2015

The main IT contractors of the Pension Fund - R-Style and Redsys, in addition to supplying finished equipment and software, are developing the main information system of AIS PFR-2.

Lanit and the NCC companies supplied their servers software IBM own computers to the FIU and Kraftway. In 2014-2015, Technoserv won two major tenders for servicing the equipment of the Pension Fund, and in the third also sold it equipment. IBM

2013: The beginning of the creation of the AIS PFR-2

In accordance with the concept of the development of the automated information system of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation for 2012-2016, a new generation information system is being created in the fund - AIS PFR-2. Learn more about the system.

2011: Appointment of Nikolai Elistratov as Deputy Head - IT Curator

In 2011, Nikolai Elistratov was appointed deputy head of the PFR, responsible for informatization.

2006-2008: Controversial IBM hardware deals

On December 6, 2006, the investigation team of the Ministry of Internal Affairs conducted a number of inspections in the Pension Fund, as well as in a number of IT companies and at the place of residence of their management. The Ministry of Internal Affairs announced that it was investigating the embezzlement of 1 billion rubles.

In 2006, according to law enforcement agencies, when supplying equipment to the Pension Fund, the company IBM participated in the creation of a chain of dummy one-day firms that allowed it to receive additional income illegally. According to law enforcement agencies, the contests held to select an IT supplier for the FIU were fictitious. Companies, and R-Style LANIT IBM were initially determined by the winners. The cost of the equipment supplied by them exceeded the market by several times. The difference in prices was shared by the agreed parties.

The companies LANIT in R-Style whose offices were searched were at the top of the list of the largest IT suppliers of the Pension Fund at that time. In Russia 2005, both companies delivered 423 IBM iSeries 400 servers to the FIU for a total of 643.3 million rubles.

Ilya Massukh, later appointed to the post of Deputy Minister of Communications of the Russian Federation, oversaw work with the Pension Fund at IBM. At the end of 2007, by order of Prime Minister Viktor Zubkov, the chairman of the PFR board, Gennady Batanov, was dismissed.

In January 2008, the Ministry of Internal Affairs stated that the total damage caused to the state during the supply of equipment to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation in this case is estimated at 200 million rubles.

In May 2008, the Investigative Committee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs completed a preliminary investigation. The only accused was Zoya Kiryukhina, an employee of the fund, who turned a blind eye to the delay in the supply of equipment and did not take a penalty of 3.76 million rubles from the companies.

Kiryukhin, who held the post of head of the logistics department of the Main Directorate of subordinate organizations and logistics of the Pension Fund, was supposed to organize the reception and subsequent dispatch of purchased equipment to the regional departments of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

However, using her official powers, out of personal interest, she adopted the specified technique without a thorough recalculation of models and modifications, checking its configuration and quality, having drawn up documents for the acceptance of the PFR goods and transferring it for storage to the executors of state contracts, the IC Ministry of Internal Affairs reported.

Kiryukhina's personal interest, according to the investigation, was expressed, firstly, in reducing the amount of his work on collecting members of the commission and organizing their departure to warehouses, and secondly, in facilitating the procedure for accepting a large volume of goods as soon as possible. Thus, the employee demonstrated high results of her activities, according to the IC of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

The investigation found out that Kiryukhina knew about the absence of part of the goods in warehouses and the delay in its deliveries for four days, but at the same time signed consignment notes containing deliberately false information about the date of receipt and transfer of the goods. By her actions, she deprived the FIU of the legal right to receive a penalty for non-compliance with the terms of delivery of goods.

According to CNews, the project for the supply of equipment to the FIU was indeed accompanied by a lot of difficulties. For example, IBM computers required understaffing and installing software, the number of delivery points exceeded several hundred, many of them were in extremely inconvenient places for delivery, and some regional branches of the FIU simply did not exist yet.

IT projects in the Pension Fund of Russia

{{# ITProj: Pension Fund of Russia (PFR)}}


  1. From the presentation "Centralized Service for the Operation of AIS PFR" Gotsutsov Sergey Yuryevich, Ph.D., First Deputy Director of MIC PFR September 28, 2017 at the CNews conference.