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Main article: Subjects of the Russian Federation
Kemerovo Region - Kuzbass - a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, is part of the Siberian Federal District, the area is 95.7 thousand km ².
Federal authorities
Territorial branches of federal authorities:
- Prosecutor's Office of the Kemerovo Region
- Kemerovo Regional Notary Chamber
- Kemerovo Customs (Siberian Customs Administration)
- Main Directorate of EMERCOM of Russia for Kemerovo Region - Kuzbass
- Military Commissariat of the Kemerovo Region
- Main Directorate of the Federal Penitentiary Service for the Kemerovo Region - Kuzbass
- Department of the Federal Tax Service for the Kemerovo Region - Kuzbass
- Office of the Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography in the Kemerovo Region - Kuzbass
- Department of the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technologies and Mass Media in the Kemerovo Region - Kuzbass
- Main Bureau of Medical and Social Expertise in the Kemerovo Region
- Siberian Department of the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision
- South Siberian Interregional Department of State Road Supervision
- Territorial fund of compulsory health insurance of the Kemerovo region - Kuzbass
- PFR branch in the Kemerovo region
Main article: Government of the Kemerovo region - Kuzbass
2022: Kuzbass budget for 2023 approved with a deficit of 21%
On December 14, 2022, the Legislative Assembly of Kuzbass adopted in final reading the regional budget for 2023, as well as the planning period 2024-2025.
The budget of the Kemerovo region for 2023 was adopted with revenues of 213.381 billion rubles, expenses of 269.834 billion rubles. Thus, the deficit will amount to 56.453 billion rubles, or 20.9% of expenses.
The budget for 2024 was adopted with revenues of 218 billion rubles, expenses of 240.2 billion rubles (deficit of 22.2 billion rubles, or 9.2% of expenses), for 2025 - with revenues of 193.8 billion rubles, expenses of 213.1 billion rubles (19.3 billion rubles, 9%).
Speaking with a budget message at the end of November 2022, the Governor of Kuzbass Sergei Tsivilev said that the regional budget next year will be executed with the largest deficit in the history of the Kemerovo region. At the same time, due to the surplus execution of the budget over the past two years, the necessary reserves have been formed in Kuzbass to cover such a significant deficit.
As noted by TASS, the economy of the Kemerovo region is mono-dependent on the coal industry. Over 150 industry enterprises for coal mining and processing operate on the territory of Kuzbass, which provide a key part of the regional budget revenues. Against the background of the introduction of the EU embargo on coal supplies from Russia from August 10, 2022 and difficulties with exporting coal through the Eastern landfill of Russian Railways due to infrastructure restrictions on railways, coal production and shipment in Kuzbass began to decline, coal companies temporarily suspended the implementation of large investment projects, which also, according to forecasts of regional authorities, it will affect the tax deductions of coal miners in 2023.
According to the Ministry of Finance of Kuzbass (published in mid-December 2022), the 2022 budget is executed with a surplus of about 27 billion rubles with income - 300.7 billion rubles and expenses - 273.5 billion rubles.[1]
- Administration of the city of Kemerovo
- Administration of the city of Novokuznetsk
- Education and Science Committee of Novokuznetsk City Administration
- Department of Road and Communal Services and Improvement of Novokuznetsk City Administration
- Administration of Anzhero-Sudzhensky urban district
- Administration of Guryev Municipal District
- Administration of Kemerovo Municipal District
- Administration of Mezhdurechensk urban district
- Mezhdurechensky Vodokanal Municipal Unitary Enterprise
- Administration of Novokuznetsk Municipal District
- Administration of Topka Municipal District
- Administration of Tyazhinsky Municipal District
Motor transport
Ministry of Digital Development and Communications of Kuzbass
- IT companies in Kemerovo
- IT companies in Mezhdurechensk
- IT companies in Novokuznetsk
- IT companies in Prokopyevsk
The largest IT companies of Kuzbass are named
As of the end of 2023, about 2.5 thousand are operating in Kuzbass (Kemerovo region). IT companies. The ranking of ten leading enterprises in the industry includes software and technology equipment developers, telecom providers and even an explosion-proof smartphone supplier. This is stated in the materials of "SoftTech," published on August 9, 2024.
The largest player in the regional market is E-Light-Telecom LLC, a provider that provides a basic set of services: communication, Internet, television and video surveillance. In 2023, the organization received approximately 2.2 billion rubles in revenue. In second place is Robofinance LLC with a turnover of 2.1 billion rubles: this is the Kemerovo branch of the software developer for fintech companies. Closes the top three LLC Transmash with revenue of 703 million rubles. The company develops a variety of equipment and software of technological orientation, mainly for the mining industry. The ten largest IT companies in Kuzbass in 2023 also included:
- Remprots LLC - the company is engaged in the development and production of measuring means and devices for automation and control of technological processes. Revenue - 510 million rubles;
- LLC "TsVS" Kuzbasstekhnosport "- provides communication services, supplies telecom equipment and performs various works in the field of telecommunications. Turnover - 435 million rubles;
- STR LLC develops solutions and equipment for technological companies, including dispatching systems, equipment management software and other solutions for mines and mines. Revenue - 368 million rubles;
- Dzhemtech LLC - provides solutions for the fintech industry - 331 million rubles;
- Indas Holding LLC - introduces systems for managing technological and production processes, and also supplies technological equipment - 316 million rubles;
- JSC Gazpromneft "- Mobile Card" - developer of software for automation of gas stations; 259 million rubles;
- NPO Arma LLC - offers explosion-proof mobile devices for engineering and technical tasks in extreme conditions - 236 million rubles.[2]
How is the digital transformation of Kuzbass going. Results of the year
In 2023, 28 rural settlements of Kuzbass with a population of 100 to 500 people were connected to 4G/LTE networks. As a result, more than 5.5 thousand residents of the region gained access to cellular and mobile Internet services. In general, from 2021 to the end of 2023, within the framework of the federal project "Elimination of digital inequality 2.0," 63 rural settlements of Kuzbass are covered by communication services, in which more than 12.5 thousand people live. Such data on March 14, 2024 was published by the Ministry of Digital Development and Communications of Kuzbass.
The level of digitalization of state and municipal services continues to increase in the region. During 2023, with the help of the EPGU and the regional portal, Kuzbass residents submitted more than 360 thousand applications in electronic form, which amounted to 44.7% of their total. At the same time, more than 827 thousand services were provided to citizens. As of the beginning of 2024, 86 mass socially significant services are provided in the region. Among them are services in the field of education and sports, land and property relations, architecture and urban planning, housing and communal services, social sphere and transport.
The number of information security incidents in 2023 remained on average at the level of 2022, but the attacks themselves have become much more complicated. The number of incidents aimed at violating the activities of organizations, as well as cases of theft of confidential information, has significantly increased. In order to counter cybercriminals, a "Center for Information Security Control" has been deployed on the basis of the regional data center, which is designed to protect various IT systems. In addition, the first cyber police in Kuzbass was launched - a software package for training in methods of detecting, analyzing and eliminating the consequences of computer attacks, which is aimed at information security specialists.
In 2023, more than 600 agreements were concluded with executive bodies, local governments of Kuzbass and their subordinate institutions for the transfer of purchased licenses for domestic software products - the Astra Linux Special Edition operating system and the MyOffice Standard package. At the end of 2023, 43 thousand licenses were transferred. In addition, services based on artificial intelligence are being developed.
In the direction of the MPSC in Kuzbass there are 700 service windows, 40 offices "My Documents." More than 300 state, municipal and related services can be obtained in them, as well as issues related to life situations can be resolved. More than 2 million applications were accepted from citizens by specialists of the "My Documents" departments of the GAU "UMFC Kuzbass" in 2023.[3]
2022: How the digital transformation of Kuzbass is going
In June 2023, the Minister of Digital Development and Communications of the Kemerovo Region, Maxim Sadikov, spoke about some of the results of the digitalization of the region for 2022. In particular, he noted that one of the most important tasks was to create platforms and services for business and the population, where "everyone will be able to get understandable value for themselves - to solve the problem, get a service, information, saving time, get knowledge, help."
According to Sadikov, in 2022, within the framework of the federal project "Elimination of digital inequality 2.0," 19 small settlements of Kuzbass with a population of 100 to 500 people were connected to the LTE mobile network. As a result, more than 3 thousand residents of Kuzbass have become available mobile communications and mobile Internet services.
In 2022, the Regional Data Processing Center, an engineering complex for managing all information and digital processes in Kuzbass, was commissioned.
The creation of the data center allowed us not only to increase the efficiency of public administration and combine all available databases, but also had a positive economic effect from reducing operating costs for the maintenance of the digital infrastructure of Kuzbass, since most of the necessary information capacities were previously leased. - noted the head of the regional Ministry of Ministry of Digital Development. |
He also said that all the main information systems of the region are connected through the protected channels of the Ministry of Digital Development of Kuzbass to the state system for detecting, preventing and eliminating the consequences of computer attacks on the information resources of the Russian Federation "State system of detection, prevention and elimination of consequences of computer attacks." Work was also carried out to install and configure the intrusion detection system, 14 authorities located on the local computer network of the Kuzbass government were connected to the system.[4]
- PJSC Kuzbassenergosbyt
- Kemerovo City Electric Network JSC
- OJSC "North-Kuzbass Energy Company"
- Yuzhno-Kuzbass Energy Company LLC
- Energy Sales Company of Kuzbass LLC
- Leninsk-Kuznetsk Electric Grid LLC
- Kuzbass Power Grid Company LLC
Coal mining
- JSC SUEK-Kuzbass
- Section "Zarechny"
- Kamyshansky section
- Komsomolets mine
- Polysaevskaya Mine (Polysaevskaya Mine Enrichment Plant)
- Taldinskaya-Zapadnaya 1 mine
- Taldinskaya-Zapadnaya 2 mine
- A.D. Ruban Mine
- Mine "Named S.M. Kirov"
- Chernigovets JSC
- Yuzhnaya mine (branch of Chernigovets JSC)
- Listvyazhnaya Mine LLC (Listvyazhnaya Enrichment Plant)
- Mine Management Maiskoye LLC (Pervomaisky open pit)
- Salek JSC (Vostochny Section)
- Razrez Kiselevsky LLC
- Prokopyevsky Coal Mine JSC (LLC "Enrichment Plant" Prokopyevskugol")
- Sibenergougol LLC
- JSC "Cut" Stepanovsky "
- Severny Kuzbass Coal Company JSC
- PMH-Ugol - a branch of PMH Management Company LLC
- TopProm JSC
- Yubileinaya Mine LLC
- PJSC Raspadskaya
- PJSC "South Kuzbass"
- Coal Company Yuzhnaya JSC
- Coal Company Kuzbassrazrezugol JSC
- Kuzbass Fuel Company JSC
- Stroyservice JSC
- LLC "Razrez" Zadubrovsky Novy "
- LLC "Razrez Istoksky"
- LLC "Taylepsky Section"
- LLC "Resource"
Education and Science
Ministry of Education of Kuzbass
Ministry of Science and Higher Education of Kuzbass
UNIVERSITIES of the Kemerovo region
- Kemerovo State University
- Kemerovo State Medical University
- Kemerovo State Institute of Culture
- Kuzbass State Technical University named after T.F. Gorbachev
- Siberian State Industrial University
Colleges and organizations of DPO
- SBPEI "Kuzbass Medical College"
- GPOU "Yurginsky Technological College named after G.A. Pavlyuchkov"
- FGKU DPO "National Airmobile Rescue Training Center for the Training of Mine Rescuers and Miners"
Health care
2023: 1st place in the spread of HIV in Russia
On December 5, 2023, it became known in which regions of the Russian Federation HIV is most common. The rating of the regions was compiled by the organization "To be precise." Read more here.
Medical organizations
- GAUZ "Kuzbass Regional Medical Information and Analytical Center named after R.M. Zelkovich"
- GBUZ KO "Novokuznetsk Medical Information and Analytical Center"
- FSBNU "Research Institute of Complex Problems of Cardiovascular Diseases" (Kemerovo Scientific Center of SB RAS)
- FBUZ "Center for Hygiene and Epidemiologists in the Kemerovo Region"
- Mezhdurechensk City Hospital
- GBUZ "Kuzbass Clinical Cardiological Dispensary named after Academician L.S. Barbarash"
- GBUZ "Novokuznetsk City Clinical Infectious Diseases Hospital named after V.V. Bessonenko"
- GAUZ "I.A. Kolpinsky Clinical Consultative and Diagnostic Center"
- Medica Medical Clinical Center (Grand Medica LLC)
- Medical Center for Oncology Diagnostics LLC
- Medical Center Family Doctor LLC
- JSC Clinical Health Unit Energetik
- Kuzbass Regional Clinical Hospital named after S.V. Belyaeva
- Novokuznetsk Clinical Emergency Medical Station named after Yu.M. Yankin
Main article: History of Russia
2018: Fire in the shopping center "Winter Cherry"
On March 25, 2018, a fire broke out in Kemerovo in the Winter Cherry shopping center, in which many people died.
Organizations of the Kemerovo region