How Obesity Happens
What you need to know about fats
Main article: Fats
What fats are and how to properly manage them in your diet.
How to determine the degree of obesity
Side effects and risks
Overweight causes:
- diabetes mellitus,
- reproductive disorders,
- osteoarthritis,
- obstructive sleep apnea,
- stress urinary incontinence,
- hypertension,
- asthma and other diseases.
As of 2022, the risk of developing serious complications in overweight people is several times greater than in people with normal body weight, and their life expectancy is reduced by more than 10 years.
Obesity and snoring often go hand in hand - with obesity, the content of adipose tissue in the area of the back wall of the pharynx is increased, which leads to additional narrowing of the respiratory tract. Read more here.
Risk of early stroke in obesity in adolescence
Scientists from the Hebrew University (Jerusalem), doctors at Ikhilov Hospital, together with their American colleagues, discovered an alarming pattern. According to their observations, obesity in young people 16-20 years old increases the risk of stroke under the age of 50 years. According to scientists, this explains the increase in the number of strokes in young people, which has occurred in recent years, as in Israel and the United States, as well as around the world. The results of the study were published in 2021 in the well-known medical journal Stroke. Read more here.
Weight Loss Complications: Risk Factors and Prevention Measures
Main article: Complications of weight loss: risk factors and prevention measures
Bariatric surgery
Main article: Surgery
Bariatric surgery, bariatry is a branch of surgery that treats obesity. The term "bariatrics" in general can be used in relation to any method of reducing excess weight (for example, by following a diet or drug treatment), however, historically, when talking about bariatric methods, they primarily mean overweight surgery.
In 2021, more than six thousand bariatric operations were performed in Russia.
Main article: Abdominoplasty
2025: Obesity begins in the brain
On February 27, 2025, scientists from Germany published the results of a study saying that obesity begins in the brain. In the future, this discovery could lead to the development of new ways to combat the disease.
Specialists from the German Center for Diabetes Research and the University Hospital Tübingen took part in the work. Scientists note that insulin plays a key role in the development of obesity. This hormone has previously been found to cause a variety of neurodegenerative and metabolic disorders, especially in the brain. A new study suggests that the brain's response to insulin adapts to short-term changes in the diet even before weight gain occurs: it contributes to obesity and other secondary diseases.
Specialists chose 29 male volunteers of medium weight, which were divided into two groups. For five days in a row, the first group complemented their usual 1,500 kcal rations in processed and high-calorie snacks such as chips and chocolate bars. The second group adhered to the usual diet. Subsequent magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans showed that participants in the first group had significantly increased liver fat. In addition, even one week after returning to a normal diet, these men maintained lower insulin sensitivity in the brain compared to controls. Previously, this effect was observed only in obese people.
Our results demonstrate for the first time that even short-term consumption of processed unhealthy foods causes significant changes in the brains of healthy people, which may be the initial cause of obesity and type 2 diabetes, says Professor Stephanie Kullmann, study leader.[1] |
Swallowed smart cylinder for weight loss released
At the end of October 2024, the American company Allurion Technologies introduced a smart cylinder for weight reduction, controlled using a smartphone. The manufacturer hopes to get regulatory approval to sell the new device based on clinical data from the study. Read more here.
The number of obese children in the world has doubled since 1990
In mid-October 2024, the results of a study were published, showing that since 1990, the frequency of childhood obesity has almost doubled. The highest prevalence is observed in the United States, but other countries are not far behind. This obesity epidemic is leading to an increase in other problems, including childhood hypertension and type 2 diabetes mellitus.
In Southern European countries, such as Greece, Italy and Spain, 10-15% of children suffer from obesity, and although this figure is slightly lower in Eastern European countries, there is also a rapid increase in the incidence. In Latin America, almost 20% of children are overweight.
The solution could be an increase in daily physical activity, in particular, non-competitive, capable of significantly accelerating metabolism, reducing BMI and reducing the risk of developing coronary heart disease and diabetes at an early age. However, scientists warn that increasing physical activity is not enough to reduce the prevalence of overweight and obesity among children. Another important factor is the increased consumption of foods containing large amounts of sugar, as well as deep processing products.
Almost 70 percent of the diet of the average child in the United States consists of ultra-processed foods, the researchers note. - Moreover, consumption of ultra-processed foods among children under 24 months of age is increasing worldwide, which threatens not only obesity, but also a decrease in immunological protection. |
Improving school nutritional standards can help reduce obesity, especially among children from low-income families. In addition, there should be measures against junk food advertising that affect children's food choices and behaviors.[2]
Promomed brings Velgia to market for treatment of overweight and obesity
On October 4, 2024, Promomed PJSC announced the completion of the registration procedure for Velgia for the treatment of overweight and obesity of any severity. Read more here.
Ministry of Health: 40 million people are obese in Russia
In Russia, about 40 million people are obese, which leads to the development of various diseases. Such data in mid-September 2024 was disclosed by the Minister of Health of the Russian Federation Mikhail Murashko.
Obesity is a complex chronic disease in which excess accumulation of adipose tissue can adversely affect the state of health. Obesity can increase the risk of type 2 diabetes mellitus and cardiovascular diseases, have negative consequences for the condition of the musculoskeletal system and reproductive function, and increase the risk of developing certain types of cancer. Obesity affects quality of life, particularly sleep and mobility. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), one in eight people in the world suffered from obesity in 2022.
InAccording to Rosstat estimates, as of January 1, 2024, the population of Russia is more than 146 million inhabitants. Thus, according to the data disclosed by Murashko, the number of obese people exceeds a quarter of the total population of the country. Research suggests that despite reducing malnutrition, obesity is still a major problem among many populations.
In our country, about 40 million people are obese. This is a disease that, unfortunately, triggers a whole cascade of other health problems - type 2 diabetes mellitus, arterial hypertension and many other problems. Prevention is the key, it is the most accessible in principle that is. Doctors should pay attention to this, says Murashko. |
WHO reports that the development of obesity is further facilitated by the lack of effective health system measures to identify cases of overweight and fat tissue accumulation in the early stages.[3]
The number of obese Russians decreased by 15% to 3.7 million people
For the period from 2018 to 2023, the number of obese Russians decreased by 14.8%, which is 3.7 million people. This became known on December 19, 2024 from a published study by the analytical service FinExpertiza.
The total number of overweight residents of Russia remained unchanged - 71.7 million people, which is 62.5% of the adult population. At the same time, the category of people in a state of anticipation increased by 3.7 million people or 8%.
According to the study, among men, the proportion of overweight people is 68.4%, which is significantly higher than the same indicator in women - 57.9%. The most noticeable difference is observed among 19-year-old Russians, where every third young man and only every eighth girl is overweight.
According to the agency, in the age group under 39 years old, more than 53% of men and 31.7% of women are overweight. In the category from 40 to 59 years old, the gender gap is narrowing: among men, the figure reaches 75.6%, among women - 62.4%. After 60 years, the difference almost disappears: 76% of men and 78% of women are overweight.
The Federal Research Center for Nutrition and Biotechnology in the report "Russian Epidemiological Monitoring of Adult Nutrition" notes that in 2023, about 44% of adults and 20% of children in Russia are overweight. Obesity affects 20% of the country's adult population and 9% of children.
According to Rosstat Russia, the largest increase in the number of overweight citizens in 2023 compared to 2018 was recorded in - Sevastopol 36.3%, - Kaliningrad region 32.1%, - Chukotka Autonomous Okrug 26.1%. The largest reduction was noted in - Sakhalin Oblast 29.2%, - Arkhangelsk region 21.9% and - 21.2 Astrakhan region %. The number of[4]
The share of overweight Russians reached 62.5%
In July 2024, Rosstat published the results of selective monitoring of the diet of citizens. The study, conducted every five years, covered 45 thousand households in various settlements of the country and revealed an increase in the number of overweight adults over the past five years.
In 2023, body weight corresponding to the stages of obesity and obesity was observed in 62.5% of Russian residents aged 19 and over. This is 0.8 percentage points more than in 2018, when the same figure was 61.7%.
Statistics demonstrate a reduction in the share of Russians with normal weight from 36.3% to 35.7% over a five-year period. At the same time, there is an increase in the number of overweight citizens at the level of obesity - from 40.1% to 43.9%.
The results of the study show that in 2023, obesity of the third degree was observed in 1.1% of respondents, the second degree - in 3.6%, and the first - in 14% of respondents. The proportion of people with obesity was 43.9%, with normal body weight - 35.7%, and with mass deficiency - 1.4%.
Over the past five years, the ratio of overweight men and women has changed. Among men, the proportion with normal weight decreased from 34% to 30.9%, and the proportion with excess kilograms increased from 46.9% to 52.4%. In women, by contrast, the proportion with normal weight increased from 38.1% to 39.4%, and with overweight - from 34.7% to 37.1%.
The World Health Organization characterizes obesity as a complex chronic disease in which excess fat tissue accumulation negatively affects health. This condition can increase the risk of developing type 2 diabetes mellitus and cardiovascular disease.
According to the WHO for 2022, 43% of the adult population of the planet had overweight, which is about 2.5 billion people. These figures highlight the global nature of the obesity problem and the need for action to address it.[5]
The Russian market for weight reduction and correction services grew by 12.7% to 7.3 billion rubles
In 2023, the volume of the Russian market for weight reduction and correction services amounted to 7.3 billion rubles. This is 12.7% more compared to 2022, when the costs were estimated at 6.5 billion rubles. Such data are given in the review of the analytical agency "GuideMarket," published at the end of July 2024.
The study says that in 2018 the volume of the industry under consideration amounted to 4.3 billion rubles. In 2019, an increase of 9.5% followed with a final result of 4.7 billion rubles. A year later, a slight reduction was recorded (by 0.8%), while in 2021 there was a sharp jump: costs rose by 31.1%, reaching 6.1 billion rubles. At the end of 2022, an increase of another 6.2% was shown.
According to the estimates of the GuideMarket agency, made on the basis of data from Rosstat and market operators, the growth of the industry in 2023 minus inflation amounted to 5.2% compared to the previous year. This indicates a real increase in demand for weight loss and correction services. During the entire analyzed period, the market volume in monetary terms has grown steadily at current prices - with the exception of 2020, when the sector experienced stagnation. For the period from 2019, the growth in market volume is estimated at 55.8% at current prices and 24.9% at comparable prices.
These data indicate stable consumer interest in weight loss and correction services, despite economic challenges and inflationary processes, the review notes. |
In the current situation, several negative factors may influence the activities of industry participants: this is a forced increase in the cost of services, a shortage of equipment and consumables, an outflow of qualified personnel, a reduction in investments, a devaluation of the ruble, etc. Growth points in the future - focus on weight reduction and correction programs, which are accompanied by a set of additional services, such as diagnosing the body, performing cleansing and rejuvenation procedures.[6]
Sales of obesity drugs in the world reached $24 billion
In 2023, global spending on obesity drugs reached $24 billion. Demand for such funds is growing rapidly around the world, as stated in the IQVIA study, the results of which were published at the end of May 2024.
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), as of 2022, obesity affects more than 1 billion people around the world, or about one in eight people on the planet. This severe chronic disease can provoke the development of various non-communicable ailments, for example, diseases of the cardiovascular system, diabetes and some types of cancer. From 1990 to 2022, global obesity rates among adults more than doubled, and among children and adolescents (aged 5 to 19 years) - quadrupled.
IQVIA says global spending on obesity drugs could reach $131 billion by 2028. This will correspond to an annual growth of 27%, while previously an estimate of 13% was given. The rate of increase in costs depends on a number of factors, in particular how long patients take weight loss products, and whether they can be used to treat other diseases.
The authors of the study emphasize that the shortage of drugs for obesity, observed in 2023, is decreasing by mid-2024. However, the supply of funds such as Novo Nordisk's Wegovy and Eli Lilly's Zepbound is limited to production facilities. BMO Capital Markets estimates that sales of weight-loss drugs will reach $150 billion by 2033. The expansion of the range can also contribute to the growth of demand: according to IQVIA, more than 80 new drugs for obesity are ready for human trials by mid-2024.[7]
Ministry of Health: Every third Russian is obese
According to the Russian Ministry of Health, about a third of the country's population is obese. This was announced on June 5, 2024 by the Deputy Minister of Health of the Russian Federation Yevgeny Kamkin.
According to official statistics for 2023, the number of people diagnosed with obesity is almost 2.5 million, which corresponds to 2% of the country's total population. However, the results of epidemiological studies show that the real number of Russians suffering from overweight can reach a third of the population.
Kamkin noted the significant impact of the coronavirus pandemic and related restrictions, in particular self-isolation, on the development of the obesity situation. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), overweight accounts for 2.8 million deaths or 4.8% of the total number of deaths.
Natalya Mokrysheva, who heads the National Medical Research Center for Endocrinology of the Russian Ministry of Health, said that, according to research results, every third Russian - about 45 million people - has obesity or a pre-impossible weight. This category includes citizens with severe obesity (body mass index 30 and higher). She also described the situation among children as "catastrophic."
The largest increase in the incidence of obesity, according to Rosstat, is noted in the age group of 15-17 years, where in 2023 there were 3,683 cases per 100 thousand population.
The Deputy Minister of Health stressed that active work is underway to combat obesity. As part of the formation of national projects, it is planned to develop a program to support and promote a healthy lifestyle, including economic measures. If the necessary measures are not taken, the economic damage from obesity by 2050 could amount to 4% of the country's GDP.[8]
The number of surgeries for the treatment of obesity in Russia has almost tripled in 3 years
At the end of 2023, 8955 bariatric operations aimed at treating obesity were carried out in Russia. For comparison, in 2020, 3292 such interventions were performed, in 2021 - 5833 procedures, and in 2022 - 8129. Thus, in the period from 2020 to 2023, growth amounted to more than 170%. The corresponding indicators at the end of January 2024 were published by the All-Russian Bariatric Register.
The recorded growth is partly due to an increase in the number of surgeons and medical centers specializing in bariatric surgery. According to the Kommersant newspaper, referring to the registry data, in Russia the most popular bariatric operation is longitudinal resection of the stomach, which is used in about half of all patients who decide to treat obesity by surgery. In second place is gastro-bypass (reduction of the stomach and small intestine). In addition, procedures such as duodenoyleoschunt (SADI; includes removal of a significant part of the stomach and bypass grafting of a significant area of the small intestine), gastric banding, installation of an intragastric balloon, etc.
It is noted that the bulk of patients are women. Only 30% of obese people have no other pathologies. One in four have three to five comorbidities. And among superfat patients, one in two have five or more diseases.
Maxim Burikov, head of the Center for Bariatric Medicine at the FMBA in Rostov-on-Don, notes that body mass index is primarily taken into account when prescribing surgical interventions. If it is above 40, then surgery is permissible, even if the patient does not have obesity-related diseases. Bariatric surgery is also recognized as effective in the treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus.[9]
The number of obese people in Russia increased by 10%
In 2023 Russia , 419 thousand new cases of obesity were detected, which is 10% more than a year earlier. This is evidenced by the data that Rosstat became known on January 22, 2024.
As RBC writes with reference to the materials of the department, in 2021, doctors in the Russian Federation made 383 thousand diagnoses of "obesity," in 2020 - 372 thousand. Among children under 14, obesity was detected in 108 thousand minors, adolescents aged 15 to 18 were diagnosed more than 40 thousand times, which is almost half as much as in 2010 (then 21 thousand teenagers had such a diagnosis).
Rosstat data show that in 2022, diseases of the endocrine system, eating disorders, metabolic disorders were recorded in more than 13 million Russians. Two years before that - in 2020 - there were almost 1 million fewer of them.
According to forecasts from the Higher School of Economics, by 2025, one in five adults on the planet will be overweight. According to the World Obesity Federation, health systems around the world spend about $990 billion annually to combat this problem.
At a meeting of the Council on Physical Culture and Sports in October 2023, Minister of Health Mikhail Murashko said that 11% of Russians suffer from obesity. And the chief freelance nutritionist of the Ministry of Health Viktor Tutelyan in June 2023 said that every second adult Russian is overweight or obese, among children it is 20-25%.
In December 2023, Deputy Prime Minister Tatyana Golikova, following a meeting of the Council under the Government of the Russian Federation on guardianship in the social sphere, instructed the Ministry of Health to think about the advisability of including obesity in the list of socially significant diseases, as well as provide a roadmap for combating this disease in children and adolescents.[10]
Vibrocapsules have been created that cause a feeling of fullness. They reduce food intake by 40%
On December 22, 2023, American researchers from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) reported the development of special ingested capsules that can help people get rid of excess weight. In addition, the articles can be used in the treatment of obesity. Read more here.
Cryostimulation proved to be an effective way to treat obesity
On May 17, 2023, the European Association for the Study of Obesity (EASO) released the results of a work that assessed the impact of cryostimulation on the condition of people suffering. overweight More. here
How to protect liver cells from death in obesity. Discovery of Russian scientists
Specialists of the Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University (BFU) have found a way to protect liver cells from death in obesity. This was reported in April 2023 in the press service of the Social Center of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.
BFU scientists have determined that blocking the gp130 receptor on the surface of liver cells helps protect this organ from destruction in obesity. The fact is that fatty acids formed in a surplus of fats damage mitochondria - the energy "stations" of cells - while gp130 attracts special molecules that support the normal division and fusion of these cellular structures. The open mechanism can be used in the development of drugs to help the liver work in people suffering from obesity. The results of the study are published in the journal Biomedicines.
Scientists from the Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University artificially recreated the conditions of obesity in the culture of liver cells by adding a solution of fatty acids to them. It turned out that after a day, hepatocytes began to die: the researchers identified 4% of dead cells in the culture, while in control samples that were not treated, almost all cells remained alive.
In the case where the researchers simultaneously treated the cells with fatty acids and interleukin-6, the detrimental effect of "obesity" decreased and the proportion of dead cells decreased. This effect of interleukin-6 became even more noticeable when scientists additionally treated the cells with a solution that blocks gp130 molecules - in this case, the proportion of living cells in the culture approached 100%.
In addition, the authors determined that under the conditions of "obesity," genes associated with apoptosis - programmed cell death - begin to work more actively in hepatocytes, which explains the above observations of cells. At the same time, the activity of about a dozen genes that support the correct functioning of mitochondria decreased. When the cells were treated with fatty acid, interleukin-6 and gp130, the situation changed to the opposite. This confirms that these molecules support mitochondrial fission and fusion processes and thereby help hepatocytes survive under conditions of excess fatty acids.
In experiments with cell cultures, we showed that gp130 receptors help liver cells maintain the optimal amount and condition of mitochondria for vital activity. Knowing about this can help in the development of drugs that will improve the liver in obese people, "says Daria Skuratovskaya, senior researcher at the Center for Immunology and Cellular Biotechnology at BFU named after I. Kanta.[11] |
Brains of men and women trigger the development of obesity in different ways
On April 6, 2023, American scientists from the University of California at Los Angeles released the results of a study suggesting that different factors lead to obesity in men and women. And this means that the approach to the treatment of this disease must take into account the sex of the person.
Experts have discovered various signatures in the brains of men and women that contribute to the accumulation of overweight. They are associated with problems at an early age, mental health status, and sensory stimulation perception traits. The researchers' findings are based on brain MRI analysis and the study of patients' personal medical histories.
Women are said to have emotional experiences and compulsive overeating, an eating disorder that sees bouts of overeating, as key contributors to obesity. At the same time, in men, eating behavior depends primarily on sensations in the intestines and visceral reactions associated with discomfort in the gastrointestinal tract. This is noted to be consistent with previous observations that obese women compared to men may exhibit higher levels of anxiety.
Although the causal relationship is unknown, clinical markers such as anxiety, depression, obesity, and neural signatures suggest the importance of bidirectional gut-brain axis mechanistic connectivity, the study authors say. |
Scientists also found that representatives of the beautiful half of humanity are more susceptible to the appearance, smell and taste of ultra-processed products. Experts emphasize that the study revealed associations, not cause and effect. Future studies will be needed to determine whether changes in the brain are a factor in the development of obesity or a result of the condition.[12]
Obesity is transmitted through the maternal line
On March 21, 2023, the results of a study on hereditary obesity were released. Scientists have found that the risk of excess body weight can be transmitted to girls on the maternal side.
According to the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, obesity is a very common and serious ailment. In the United States alone, excess body weight affects almost half of adults and approximately 20% of children. Obese people are susceptible to many dangerous diseases, including diabetes, cardiovascular disorders, etc. At the same time, the cost of medical care in the relevant area amounts to hundreds of billions of dollars.
As part of the new study, British specialists from the University of Southampton measured fat deposits and muscle mass in 240 children aged 9 years and younger, as well as in their parents. Then scientists used the data to determine whether the child's body mass index (BMI) is related to his father and mother.
It turned out that in girls, BMI and fat mass coincided with the corresponding values of mothers. However, experts did not find such a connection between boys and their mothers, as well as between girls or boys and their fathers. In other words, obesity is transmitted through the maternal side to daughters. That is, girls born to mothers who are obese or overweight are also at high risk of overweight.
Further research is needed to understand why this is happening, but our results suggest that approaches to dealing with overweight should be rooted in the earliest age, especially in girls born to obese mothers, notes Rebecca J. Moon, one of the authors of the work.[13] |
WHO: One in eight inhabitants of the Earth is obese, this number has doubled since 1990
As of 2022, more than 1 billion people, or one in eight people on the planet, were obese worldwide. Since 1990, the rate of obesity among adults has more than doubled, and among children and adolescents (aged 5 to 19 years) - four times. Such data were released on February 29, 2024 by the World Health Organization (WHO).
It is noted that overweight and obesity are the fourth most important factor in mortality - after hypertension, malnutrition and tobacco use. Obesity is a complex disease caused by numerous factors that poses a threat to health. Obesity can provoke a variety of non-communicable diseases, including cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, and certain types of malignancies.
The report said roughly 43% of adults in the world were overweight by the end of 2022. Obesity and overweight annually cause more than 1.3 million deaths on a global scale. Obese patients are more likely to face complications from and die from COVID-19, with many of these people noting problems accessing obesity care. It is said that in the European region, the prevalence of overweight and obesity has reached epidemic proportions. In 2022, the figure among men reached 63%, among women - 54%.
However, there is a problem of malnutrition: according to WHO estimates, it is responsible for half of all deaths of children under the age of 5 years. Despite the reduction in the scale of this disaster, it remains a serious problem among many populations, especially in Southeast Asia and sub-Saharan Africa.[14]
59% of Israel's adult population is obese
On November 22, 2022, the results of a study under the Israeli National Quality Indicators Program were published: according to the report, 59% of the Israeli population aged 20 to 64 years are overweight or suffer from obesity.
It is said that in this country in the Middle East there is actually an "epidemic" of obesity. This trend is associated, among other things, with the self-isolation of citizens and the development of remote work platforms in a pandemic, as well as with an increased level of anxiety. Among Israelis over 65, it is estimated that 40% of men and 30% of women are overweight. In 2021, an increase in obesity was recorded among children under the age of 7: the figure reached 7.7%, which is about 1% more than the result in previous years.
Obesity is a chronic multisystem disease that requires professional treatment, since it provokes many ailments, such as disorders of the cardiovascular system, mental and emotional problems, experts say. |
It is said that overweight is more susceptible to people with low socio-economic status. This is explained by the consumption of food of low quality with a high content of carbohydrates. The country's Ministry of Health has previously raised the issue of the inaccessibility of healthy food for the poor. Another reason is that citizens of the named social group pay insufficient attention to sports and fitness.
The study revealed other negative trends. So, in Israel, the consumption of antibiotics is growing: up to 660 prescriptions for the use of such drugs are issued per 1000 inhabitants. Moreover, antibiotics are more often used by women. It is also said that 10% of Israel's inhabitants have diabetes.[15][16][17][18]
For the first time, an implant was implanted into the human brain to treat overeating
In late August 2022, in a first-of-its-kind experimental study, scientists surgically implanted the device into the brains of two people suffering from obesity and binge eating disorder. The device was designed to detect and disrupt brain signals associated with eating cravings when overeating, and the promising results set the stage for a future in which implants can control different types of impulsive behaviors. Read more here.
Sugar triggers obesity process through disruption of gut microbiota
On August 29, 2022, a study conducted in mice showed that dietary sugar alters the gut microbiome, triggering a chain of events that lead to metabolic disease, prediabetes and weight gain.
According to the study, diet matters, but the optimal microbiome is no less important for the prevention of metabolic syndrome, diabetes and obesity. A Western diet high in fat and sugar can lead to obesity, metabolic syndrome and diabetes, but how the diet triggers unhealthy changes in the body is unknown for August 2022.
The gut microbiome is indispensable for animal nutrition, so Ivailo Ivanov, assistant professor of microbiology and immunology at Columbia University Vagelos College of Physicians and Surgeons, and colleagues investigated the initial effects of the Western-type diet on the mouse microbiome. After four weeks of diet, the animals showed signs of metabolic syndrome, such as weight gain, insulin resistance and glucose intolerance. Their microbiome has changed dramatically, with the number of segmented filamentous bacteria common in the gut microbiota of rodents, fish and chickens plummeting and the number of other bacteria increasing.
Reducing the number of filamentous bacteria, according to the researchers, was crucial for animal health due to the effects on Th17 immune cells, important for protecting the host against extracellular bacteria, they play a key role in the activation of neutrophils. Reducing the number of filamentous bacteria reduced the number of cells in the gut, and further experiments showed that it was the cells that were needed to prevent metabolic diseases, diabetes and weight gain.
Immune cells produce molecules that slow the absorption of bad lipids from the gut and reduce intestinal inflammation, the researchers said. In other words, they maintain intestinal health and protect the body from the absorption of pathogenic lipids, and sugar itself destroys filamentous bacteria, as a result of which protective Th17 cells disappear.[19]
WHO announces obesity epidemic in Europe amid COVID-19 pandemic
In early May 2022, the World Health Organization (WHO) announced an obesity epidemic in Europe amid the coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19). Chronic overweight and obesity are among the leading causes of mortality and disability in the European Union.
Almost two-thirds of adults, 59%, and almost one in three children, namely 29% of boys and 27% of girls, are overweight or obese in Europe, a study by the World Health Organization (WHO) found. According to experts, they cause more than 1.2 million deaths per year, which corresponds to more than 13% of the total mortality in the European Union (EU).
Obesity also raises the risk of developing non-communicable diseases (NCD), including 13 different species, cancer cardiovascular disease and diabetes type 2. Obesity is likely the direct cause of at least 200,000 new cancers annually in, a EU figure that will rise in the coming years, the researchers add. The organisation says none of the 53 countries in its European region are in a position to meet the agency's target of tackling NCDs - stopping the rise in obesity by 2025.
In addition, the coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19) has disproportionately affected overweight people and those living with obesity. WHO said obese patients are more likely to face complications and death from the virus. Many have also faced disruption to access to obesity services due to the crisis. Meanwhile, adverse shifts in the pattern of food consumption and physical activity during a pandemic will affect health until 2024 and will require significant efforts to reverse them.
{{quote 'By creating a more enabling environment, encouraging investment and innovation in healthcare and developing strong and sustainable health systems, we can change the trajectory of obesity in the EU. While European countries are diverse, each faces a challenge to varying degrees. The causes of obesity are much more complex than a simple combination of unhealthy diet and physical inactivity. Efforts to prevent obesity should take into account the broader determinants of this disease, and policy options should move away from individual-focused approaches and address structural drivers of obesity, said WHO Regional Director Hans Kluge. }} The latest data presented in the WHO report highlights that exposure to unhealthy body weight at an early age can affect a person's tendency to develop obesity. Environmental factors are also contributing to the rise of obesity in Europe, including the digital marketing of junk food to children and the spread of online sedentary gaming, the report said, which also looked at the potential for digital platforms to promote health and wellbeing. Because obesity is complex, no single event will be able to stop the epidemic from growing, and any national policy must have high-level political commitment, the researchers said. The report sets out a range of interventions and policy options for governments to tackle obesity.[20]
The Ministry of Health reported an increase in the level of obesity in 30 regions of Russia
In June 2023, Oksana Drapkina, the chief freelance specialist of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation for therapy, reported that in 30 regions of Russia there was a trend towards an increase in the level of obesity among citizens. She cited statistics that in 1993, the prevalence rate of obesity in the country among was 8.3% among men and 23.2% among women. In 2013, it was already 26.9% for men, 30.8% for women. In 2017, the ratio was 28.1% and 32.1%. In 2021 - 30.1% and 36.7%, respectively.
According to Drapkina, the low presence of plant products, including vegetables, fruits and cereals, as well as an extremely low level of consumption of legumes, is recorded in the diet of Russians. At the same time, there is a high consumption of sweets, red meat and processed meat products.
In May 2021, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Viktor Maleev reported that up to half of Russians are overweight. According to the data presented by him, in Russia, up to 50% of the population has overweight and obesity, in the United States - up to 60%. In Europe, this figure is slightly lower - about 44%. At the same time, by 2025, as expected, 50% of women and 40% of men will suffer from obesity in the world.
In July 2021, the scientific director of the Federal Research Center for Nutrition, Biotechnology and Food Safety, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Viktor Tutelyan reported that 60% of the population of the Russian Federation have overweight
In June 2023, Deputy Prime Minister Tatyana Golikova criticized the Russian Ministry of Health at the meeting. The agency, according to her, did not develop a roadmap to combat obesity in children and adolescents, although the order was given back in 2021. Golikova said that the map should be developed by July 1, 2023. According to the Deputy Prime Minister, different statistics show that obesity in Russia affects from 35 to 45 million people.[21]
The United States and Mexico lead in obesity, Russia - in fifth place
According to data for 2021, Russia is in fifth place in the world in terms of the prevalence of obesity and overweight, behind the United States, Mexico, Hungary and Scotland. At this time, this figure is 26.5% of Russian residents, that is, 38 million people. At the same time, among the working-age population of the country, the number of people suffering from overweight or obesity exceeds 30%.
At the same time, according to official data from Rosstat from 2021, the number of obese patients registered in Russia is only 2 million people, diabetes mellitus - 5.1 million people (more than 4.7 million of them live with type 2 diabetes).
Sales of weight loss products in Russia for the year increased by 5%
In 2021, sales of weight loss products in Russian pharmacies exceeded 6 billion rubles, which is 5% more than a year ago. Such data in April 2022 were released by AlphaRM analysts. Read more here.
Rospotrebnadzor: 28% of women in Russia are obese
As reported Rospotrebnadzor on October 16, 2020, almost 28% of women Russia are obese. 19% of men have similar problems.
The share of the male population in the Russian Federation with overweight is estimated at 47.6%, and among women this figure is 35.6%, said the head of Rospotrebnadzor Anna Popova in an interview published on the Healthy Eating website.
According to her, excess weight is fraught with an increase in the number of chronic diseases, problems with the cardiovascular system, hypertension and diabetes. In addition, overweight people are at risk of severe complications when infected with the COVID-19 coronavirus, Popova emphasized.
As for the regions where obesity is most common, the top ten were:
- Oryol Oblast;
- Kurganskaya;
- Voronezh;
- Kemerovo;
- Kurskaya;
- Bryansk;
- Tula;
- Jewish Autonomous Oblast;
- Altai Republic;
- Altai Territory.
The head of Rospotrebnadzor added that the average Russian consumes more calories than he spends, abuses table salt, exceeds the norm of sugar and fat consumption.
Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Yevgeny Shlyakhto claims that obesity more than nine times increases the likelihood of death from coronavirus and more than seven times the severe course of the disease.
In addition to adults, overweight is increasingly common in children. According to Anna Popova, among boys of school age, overweight in 20%, obesity in one in ten, among girls - 14% and 5.6%, respectively. The basis of the menu of schoolchildren is dishes made of cereals, potatoes, pasta and flour. The children's diet lacks vegetables, fruits, liquid dairy products. At the same time, most children regularly eat sweets and drink drinks with a high sugar content, as well as abuse sausages containing fat and salt, sausages and fast food.[22]
Obesity rates in Europe
Top 20 countries with the highest and lowest obesity rates
The problem of obesity has become the main factor in the hospitalization of patients with COVID-19 in New York
In mid-April 2020, researchers found that obesity, along with age, was the main factor in hospitalization of patients with COVID-19. This may indicate the role of excess inflammatory reactions that are activated in the body in this disease. Read more here.
2019: What proportion of Russians are obese
2016: Rise of obesity in children in India
2012: The share of obese people is growing, Moscow is among the leaders
Research data The Russian Synovate Comcon Target Group Index (April 2012) shows that the increased public attention to healthy living, which has recently been noted, has not yet been able to stop the slowly growing trend of an increase in the number of obese people - the share of obese people increased from 13% in 2005 to 16% in 2011.
In Moscow, this figure is a quarter higher than in the country as a whole - 20% according to 2011 data.
The assessment was based on the Body Mass Index, calculated from answers to questions about the height and weight of the respondent.
Among the women surveyed, 19% are obese - a third lower than in men (12%), who are more overweight (36% compared to 27% in women). Obesity is also more common in people with low incomes - among respondents who do not experience material difficulties, 12% of respondents suffer from obesity, in the group of those who have difficulty enough funds for food or clothes, the proportion of people with problematic weight grows to 18%. Russians with higher education are also less susceptible to obesity (13%) compared to those with secondary and secondary special education (17%).
The presence of overweight or obesity is directly related to age - a third of the Russian population over 25 years old and half over 35 years old have one of these problems. By the age of 55, only every third resident of the country has a normal weight.
The most common means of combating obesity are diets - 12% of respondents used them. Medications for weight correction (2%) and dietary supplements (2%) are not very popular.. Among obese women, 26% consider it a medical condition. Of men, obesity is considered to be a category of diseases only 14%. Among people considering obesity as a disease, only 8% of respondents turned to the doctor, and the proportion of those seeking medical care is significantly higher among a young audience of 16-24 years old (15%).
- ↑ Tübingen Study: The Brain Plays a Central Role in the Development of Obesity
- ↑ Childhood obesity rates are surging worldwide
- ↑ Murashko said that more than a quarter of Russians are obese
- ↑ obese Russians decreased by 15%
- ↑ Rosstat: the share of overweight Russians reached 62.5%
- ↑ Weight Loss and Correction Services Market Shows Steady Growth
- ↑ Weight-loss drug sales could skyrocket to $150 billion. Here’s how
- ↑ The Ministry of Health said that a third of the Russian population may be obese
- ↑ Too obese years
- ↑ Rosstat named the number of Russians diagnosed with obesity
- ↑ BFU found a way to protect liver cells from death in obesity
- ↑ Men and women have different obesity drivers, pointing to the need for tailored interventions
- ↑ Obesity risk may pass from mothers to daughters
- ↑ ~: text=According to% 20 new% 20 study% 2C% 20 published% 20b, or% 20 each% 20 eighty% 20 inhabitants of% 20 planets. WHO: More than a billion people are obese
- ↑ Report shows Israelis are gaining weight and smoking
- ↑ [ more Statistics: Israelis began to smoke
- ↑ more
- ↑ and suffer from overweight]
- ↑ Sugar Disrupts Microbiome, Eliminates Protection Against Obesity and Diabetes
- ↑ WHO warns of worsening obesity ‘epidemic’ in Europe
- ↑ Doctors note an increase in obesity in 30 regions of Russia
- ↑ Interview with A. Popova, head of Rospotrebnadzor